If you want to help us maintain and expand Midlibrary, produce more regular educational content of higher quality, and keep it free for everyone, please condsider joining our Patreon community.
如果您想帮助我们维护和扩展 Midlibrary,制作更多高质量的定期教育内容,并保持其对所有人免费,请考虑加入我们的 Patreon 社区。
Unless noted otherwise, all images on this website are created by the Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI and are not representative of real artists' works or real-world prototypes of the Midjourney styles used. Please respect the copyright—kindly ask us before re-using any materials published on Midlibrary.io.
除非另有说明,本网站上的所有图像均由 Midlibrary 团队使用 Midjourney AI 创建,并不代表真实艺术家的作品或所使用的 Midjourney 风格的真实原型。请尊重版权——在重新使用 Midlibrary.io 上发布的任何材料之前,请先与我们联系。
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We regularly publish new Midjourney Guides, compile new Style Tops, update the website, and have fun! Want to be the first to get Midlibrary news? Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss a thing!
我们定期发布新的 Midjourney 指南,整理新的风格推荐,更新网站,并享受乐趣!想要第一时间获取 Midlibrary 的消息吗?订阅我们的新闻通讯,绝不错过任何信息!
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We do our best to keep this website running as smoothly as possible. However, stuff happens, and we thank you for letting us know!
Midlibrary Groundskeeper has been notified. We will do our best to fix the issue ASAP, and notify you (if needed).
If you want to contact the Midlibrary Team with questions, partnership propositions, collaboration ideas, or simply want to send us a note, here is the quickest way to reach out:
如果您想联系 Midlibrary 团队,询问问题、提出合作建议、分享合作想法,或者只是想给我们发送一条消息,以下是与我们联系的最快方式:
Your message has been received. We will do our best to respond as soon as possible.
Personal Libraries are available to our Patreon Community
Learn more about the benefits of supporting us by becoming Midlibrary Patron—and start your Personal Library ↗︎
You have just become a Patron, and cannot log in?
Please, allow our team some time (usually not more than 24 hours) to set up your Personal Library.
You may be using different emails for your Patreon and Discord accounts. If that is the case, please, send your Discord email to community@midlibrary.io.
If the issue perists, or you didn't get a response to your email, please, inform us via Bug Report form
We are currently updating the Personal Libraires' infrastructure
In the nearest future, it will allow you to access your Collections much quicker, add covers to them, tag the styles you save to quickly find them, and—most importantly—save your --sref (numerical) styles!
However, at the moment, logging in to your Library is unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are a Midlibrary Patron, please, check this Patreon post ↗︎ for Personal Libraries status updates.
To start creating Collections and save favorite styles:
Log in with Discord →Learn more about Personal Style Libraries, saving favorite styles, and organizing them into Collections.
Learn more about supporting Midlibrary and the benefits of joining our Patreon community →