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Adult Education and International Cooperation in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: A Case Study of DVV International Activities and Network
后苏联乌兹别克斯坦的成人教育与国际合作:DVV 国际活动和网络的案例研究

Asuka Kawano*  川野明日香*

Introduction  介绍

In the world where continue to change every day such as the end of the Cold War and development of globalization,the importance and urgency of not only the diffusion and expansion of basic education, but also of lifelong education and lifelong learning for individuals throughout life is increasing further. The 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} International Conference on Adult Education (hereinafter referred as CONFINTEA)was held in Elsinore,Denmark in 1949 and"lifelong education" was suggested by P.Lengrand at the Conference on Adult Education in 1965.Ever since then,effort of aiming toward the development of adult education is promoted in the governmental level and private level in every part of the world.
在冷战结束和全球化发展等日新月异的世界里,不仅普及和扩大基础教育,而且普及和扩大个人终身教育和终身学习的重要性和紧迫性也进一步增加。 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 1949 年,国际成人教育会议(以下简称 CONFINTEA)在丹麦埃尔西诺举行,P.Lengrand 在1965 年成人教育会议从那时起,世界各地都在政府和私人层面推动旨在发展成人教育的努力。
As it shows,while the construction or development of unique adult education is a goal for each country,nations are connecting to examine the current situation and challenges of adult education worldwide,and the development in the world scale is continued to be aimed at.For example,activities such as CONFINTEA,which has been held 6 times, and International Council of Adult Education(ICAE) are prominent.The adult education in the world has the particular feature of having two aspects, the promotion based on the tradition,history, religions,and culture of each country as well as raising the standard of adult education based on the international standard.
由此可见,虽然构建或发展独特的成人教育是每个国家的目标,但各国正在联合起来研究世界成人教育的现状和挑战,并继续以世界规模的发展为目标。例如,已经举办了 6 届的 CONFINTEA 和国际成人教育理事会 (ICAE) 等活动很突出。世界成人教育具有两个方面的特殊性,即根据每个国家的传统、历史、宗教和文化进行推广,并在国际标准的基础上提高成人教育水平。
In this paper,I will examine how the adult education was created and developed not only by the government institutions of each country, but also by international institutions and non- governmental organizations and how the adult education and lifelong learning has changed and became how it is now by organizing and clarifying

the flow of CONFINTEA and examine how they continue to develop now.Next,I will examine how the development of worldwide international adult education and creation of international network effect the adult education in the developing nation. Based on the relationship between The Republic of Uzbekistan(hereinafter referred as Uzbekistan),a former Soviet Union nation located in Central Asia, and CONFINTEA,I will examine the example of DVV International(German Adult Education Association, hereinafter referred as DVV)activities in Uzbekistan and examine what kind of adult education activities are created in that project,how the network of adult education is formed,and their challenges.
接下来,我将研究全球国际成人教育的发展和国际网络的创建如何影响发展中国家的成人教育。根据位于中亚的前苏联国家乌兹别克斯坦共和国(以下简称乌兹别克斯坦)与 CONFINTEA 之间的关系,我将研究 DVV International(德国成人教育协会、 以下简称 DVV)活动,并研究该项目中创建了什么样的成人教育活动,成人教育网络是如何形成的,以及它们面临的挑战。

1.International Network and International Support of Adult Education
(1)International Solidarity for Adult Education Seen in CONFINTEA
的国际网络和国际支持 (1)国际成人教育团结

CONFINTEA is an intergovernmental conference held among nations to grasp the current situation of adult education in every country of the world and discuss the strategy to overcome the problems that current adult education in the world faces.It is not held very often.It is only held every 12 years hosted by UNESCO.Although it is held in a long span of 12 years,conferences and regional conferences such as in Asia and Africa are held during the 12 years and periodical monitoring and its results are reported.
CONFINTEA 是各国之间举行的政府间会议,旨在了解世界各国成人教育的现状,并讨论克服目前世界成人教育 faces.It 举办时间不多 often.It 仅每 12 年举办一次的问题的战略,由联合国教科文组织主办。在 12 年期间举行,并定期监测其结果报告。

The conference is a place where governments of the member nations report the current situation of adult education and discuss their results and problems. Recently,it has been an open conference where not only the government representatives,but also various civil society organizations such as private organizations,research institutions,and NGO who

research and support adult education activities participate as observers. UNESCO recommends the representatives of each nation to include civil society organizations as members. They recommended to include civil society organization members in the representatives of each nation at the CONFINTEA VI held in Belem, a town located in the Amazon basin in Brazil in December 2009. The fact that there are nations that respond to the policy of UNESCO shows that international institution, government representatives, and civil social organization as a whole is aiming to have conference that has no barrier between governments and private sector
研究和支持成人教育活动以观察员身份参与。联合国教科文组织建议每个国家的代表将民间社会组织纳入成员。他们建议在 2009 年 12 月在巴西亚马逊盆地小镇贝伦举行的第六届国际成人教育大会上,让民间社会组织成员参与到每个国家的代表中。事实上,有一些国家对联合国教科文组织的政策做出了回应,这表明国际机构、政府代表和整个公民社会组织的目标是在政府和私营部门之间举办没有障碍的会议
The history of UNESCO International Conference on Adult Education stared right after the end of the World War II in 1949. The first conference was held in Elsinore, Denmark and government representative from 27 nations and representative of 21 NGOs, a total of 106 people participated. The necessity for the tolerant spirit in human society was discussed in the conference in Elsinore and how much the reconciliation between the east and west is necessary in the Cold War. Also, the fact that NGO participated from the first conference shows the attitude of UNESCO that they would discuss the matter from various perspectives, not just by governments.
联合国教科文组织国际成人教育会议的历史始于 1949 年第二次世界大战结束后。第一次会议在丹麦埃尔西诺举行,来自 27 个国家的政府代表和 21 个非政府组织的代表,共有 106 人参加。在埃尔西诺的会议上讨论了人类社会宽容精神的必要性,以及在冷战中东西方之间的和解有多必要。此外,非政府组织从第一次会议开始就参与其中,这表明了联合国教科文组织的态度,即他们将从各种角度讨论这个问题,而不仅仅是政府。
Furthermore, the role of adult education to promote international understanding was emphasized. Especially, it was proposed that adult education has a role to promote interaction and communication among people such as “communication should be widely liberalized internationally and constant method of contacts and interactions among people in adult education and others in the field of adult education should be established through conferences, dispatch of representatives, observation, and summer school.” 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}
此外,还强调了成人教育在促进国际理解方面的作用。特别是,提出了成人教育具有促进人与人之间互动和交流的作用,例如“在国际上广泛自由化,通过会议、派遣代表、观察和暑期学校,建立成人教育人员与成人教育领域的其他人之间的经常接触和互动方法”。 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}
The second conference was held in Montreal, Canada in 1960. Similar to the conference in Elsinore, international understanding and international cooperation was continued to be a great concern in this conference. In the practical aspect rather than the theory, the sub school project where they composed and distributed the material that was planned to teach international understanding
第二次会议于 1960 年在加拿大蒙特利尔举行。与埃尔西诺会议类似,国际理解和国际合作仍然是本次会议的一大关注点。在实践方面而不是理论方面,他们编写和分发计划教授国际理解的材料

to people was evaluated highly. Also, international literacy fund to eliminate illiteracy was proposed. As it was advised in the result document in CONFINTEA VI, it is a problem that still exists now. Although it is not considered as a large problem in many of the advanced nations, 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} but it is still a serious problem for the developing nations. The reason it is often mentioned in the result document is that it reflects the voices of these developing nations.
对人评价很高。此外,还提出了消除文盲的国际扫盲基金。正如 CONFINTEA VI 国际成人教育大会的结果文件所建议的那样,这是一个现在仍然存在的问题。虽然在许多发达国家并不认为这是一个大问题, 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 但对于发展中国家来说仍然是一个严重的问题。结果文件中经常提到它的原因是它反映了这些发展中国家的声音。
As it was mentioned, CONFINTEA is the largest international conference to discuss about adult education internationally but it has been held in Japan already. The third conference held in Tokyo in 1972. Participation of NGOs was continuing after the first conference, but the number of NGO participant grew drastically in the third conference. In the third conference, “the role of adult education in lifelong learning” was the main topic and especially the issue of North and South Opposition and disparity in social class was discussed.
如前所述,CONFINTEA 是国际上讨论成人教育的最大国际会议,但它已经在日本举行了。第三届会议于 1972 年在东京举行。第一次会议后,非政府组织的参与仍在继续,但在第三次会议中,非政府组织的参与人数急剧增加。在第三次会议上,“成人教育在终身学习中的作用”是主要议题,特别是讨论了南北对立和社会阶层差异的问题。
The North and South Opposition and the NorthSouth Problem influenced the change in viewpoint in the adult education in the world. What was considered traditional and typical adult education was the adult education in the advanced nations in the west such as expansion of university for workers in the UK. The standard view of adult education in the world was in a narrow sense of adult education centering on refinement. However, as they have more CONFINTEA conferences and more representatives from various countries such as Asia, Africa, and South America participate in the discussion not just from the western nations, many of them share the recognition of the adult education that the narrow sense of adult education cannot correspond to the adult education in the world nor expect the development of adult education in the world.
南北对立和南北问题影响了世界成人教育观点的变化。被认为是传统和典型的成人教育是西方发达国家的成人教育,例如英国工人大学的扩建。世界上成人教育的标准观点是狭义的以精致为中心的成人教育。然而,由于他们有更多的 CONFINTEA 会议,并且来自亚洲、非洲和南美洲等多个国家的更多代表参与讨论,而不仅仅是来自西方国家,他们中的许多人都认同成人教育的狭隘意义无法与世界成人教育相对应,也无法期待世界成人教育的发展。
The change in the view of adult education formed a view of adult education that includes the whole world not the view of adult education that targets a certain region. This movement in the world greatly influenced the social education in Japan. For the movement inside and outside of Japan, Kazufusa Morooka mentioned in his book “Social Education, East and West” the idea that made a large shift from

the paradigm of “East and West” which has been the main idea in the area of international cooperation for adult education as well as education to the idea of “from east and west to south and north”. This change from the east (Japan) following the development of adult education of western society to the concept of discussion and development of adult education for the whole world without the limitation of eastern or western society including south and north. This exactly shows that change in the view of adult education that occurred along with the development of CONFINTEA is happening in Japan.
“东西方”的范式一直是成人教育国际合作领域的主要思想,也是“从东到西到南北”的教育理念。这种变化从东方(日本)跟随西方社会成人教育的发展,转变为面向全世界的成人教育的讨论和发展的概念,不受包括南方和北方在内的东西方社会的限制。这恰恰表明,随着 CONFINTEA 的发展,成人教育观的变化正在日本发生。
This outlook for the adult education leads to the cooperation and solidarity of international adult education that is developed by UNESCO presently. As they have more CONFINTEA conferences, the initiative to adopt presence and agenda from the developing nations such as Asia, Africa, and South America is higher. In 2009, CONFINTEA was held for the first time in the southern hemisphere in Brazil so the viewpoint of “from east and west to south and north” is emphasized more.
这种成人教育前景导致了联合国教科文组织目前发展的国际成人教育的合作和团结。随着他们举办更多的 CONFINTEA 会议,采用亚洲、非洲和南美洲等发展中国家的存在和议程的主动性更高。2009 年,CONFINTEA 首次在巴西南半球举办,因此更加强调“从东到西到南北”的视点。
In the 4th conference held in Paris, France in 1985, UNESCO “Recognition of the Right to Learn”, which gave an extremely and great impact, was adopted. The right to learn is one of the fundamental human rights and defined as “the right to read and write, the right of question and analyze, the right to imagine and create, the right to read one’s own world and to write history, the right to have access to educational resources, the right to develop individual and collective skills.” After the conference in Paris, this right to learn is cited in many situations. It is an important ground for warrantying the right to learn for people such are adults who are older than school age for school education and people who could not sufficient education when they were in school age, and it is a great support for people’s learning.
1985 年在法国巴黎举行的第 4 届会议上,联合国教科文组织通过了“承认学习权”,产生了极其重大的影响。学习权是基本人权之一,定义为“阅读和写作的权利、提问和分析的权利、想象和创造的权利、阅读自己的世界和书写历史的权利、获得教育资源的权利、发展个人和集体技能的权利。在巴黎会议之后,这种学习权在许多情况下被引用。对于超过学龄的成年人和在学龄时无法接受教育的人,它是保障学习权的重要依据,是对人们学习的巨大支持。
The following fifth conference is held in Hamburg, Germany in 1997. On the last day of conference, “The Hamburg Declaration on Adult Education” and “Agenda for the Future of Adult Education” were adopted. The biggest characteristics for the fifth conference was that regional conferences were held in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America
接下来的第五次会议于 1997 年在德国汉堡举行。在会议的最后一天,通过了“关于成人教育的汉堡宣言”和“成人教育的未来议程”。第五届会议的最大特点是区域性会议在亚太地区、非洲、拉丁美洲举行

and Caribbean, Arab countries, and European countries prior to the main conference in Hamburg. In the regional conference, the “regional” trend and results of adult education and common challenges were discussed as a preliminary step before the worldwide discussion. For example, in the regional conference for Asia and the Pacific, issues that are unique in Asia and the Pacific and cooperation and coordination within the same region were discussed. Based on the issues and results of adult education in the Asia and the Pacific region discussed in the regional conference, the main conference was held based on the regional characteristics. As it shows, discussing the regional issues in each region prior to the main conference will clarify the current situation of each region in the world. This also allows them to recognize their own nation among the world as well as their nation in their region.
After having 5 conferences, the 6 th 6 th  6^("th ")6^{\text {th }} conference (CONFINTEA VI) was held in Belem, Brazil in December 2009. There were 1600 participate for the conference so it was a great conference. Similar to the conference in Hamburg, regional conference was held in each region. The regional conference for Asia and the Pacific was held in Seoul, Korea in 2008. In the conference in Seoul, they had panel discussion that had unique themes from each region and reexamination of the national report from each nation. The regional conference had discussion for each subcommittee and the results are summarized in “the current situation and development of adult learning and education in Asia and the Pacific”. 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3}
在举办了 5 次会议后, 6 th 6 th  6^("th ")6^{\text {th }} 会议 (CONFINTEA VI) 于 2009 年 12 月在巴西贝伦举行。有 1600 人参加了会议,所以这是一次很棒的会议。与汉堡会议类似,每个地区都举行了区域会议。2008 年,亚太地区会议在韩国首尔举行。在首尔举行的会议上,他们举行了小组讨论,每个地区都有独特的主题,并重新审查了每个国家的国家报告。区域会议对每个小组委员会进行了讨论,结果总结在“亚太地区成人学习与教育的现状和发展”中。 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3}

In the main conference in Belem, they had enthusiastic discussion on adult education in the world for 4 days, and on the last day, “The Belem Framework for Action” was adopted as the result document. The “Framework” was large and was divided into “preamble”, “toward lifelong learning”, “recommendation”, “literacy in adults”, “government policy”, “governance”, “finance”, “participation, inclusion, and equality”, “quality”, and "monitoring for the implementation of “The Belem Framework for Action”’ and the practical emphasis is on literacy in adults. 4 4 ^(4){ }^{4} This means that many developing nations such as from Africa and South America participated
在贝伦的主会议上,他们就世界成人教育进行了为期 4 天的热情讨论,最后一天,《贝伦行动框架》作为成果文件获得通过。“框架”很大,分为“序言”、“面向终身学习”、“建议”、“成人识字”、“政府政策”、“治理”、“金融”、“参与、包容和平等”、“质量”和“监测《贝伦行动框架》实施情况”,实际重点是成人识字。 4 4 ^(4){ }^{4} 这意味着许多发展中国家,如来自非洲和南美洲的国家都参与了