A Study on Glocalized Product Strategy of LEGO Group
High-quality bricks and services require careful promotion strategies. Strict brand management also drives uniform pricing mid localized places.
Finally, by analyzing the successful experience of LEGO, it is concluded that domestic toy enterprises need to operate from a glocalized perspective and learn from the successful company if they want to gain competitive advantages in the international market. lii response to the problems of insufficient technology, OEM processing, inadequate quality, insufficient refinement of service process and weak brand characteristics, the author gives some feasible suggestions for the domestic toy industry. We should focus on improving product quality, building brand awareness, increasing the technological content of products, improving the product service process and integrating into the local market culture. The company needs to form a dual-track business model of globalization and localization, adjust product operation strategies appropriately at the right time and deal with the relationships between two different cultures.
最后,通过分析乐高的成功经验,得出国内玩具企业要想在国际市场上获得竞争优势,需要从全球本土化的角度进行运作,并向成功的公司学习。 针对技术不足、贴牌加工、质量不过关、服务流程不够精细、品牌特色不强等问题,作者为国内玩具行业提出了一些可行性建议。 要着力提高产品质量,树立品牌意识,增加产品科技含量,完善产品服务流程,融入当地市场文化。公司需要形成全球化和本土化的双轨经营模式,适时适当调整产品运营策略,处理好两种不同文化之间的关系。
6.2 Limitations and Prospects of the Study
Since the author's analysis of LEGO's current glocalization product strategy mainly comes from collating public information and more undisclosed information yet to be explored, the snidy inevitably has many shortcomings. Firstly, the data in this article is not comprehensive enough due to the confidentiality of such information, and there are some emotional factors in the process. Secondly, the analysis of the glocalized product strategies of the company is a new field, especially for the toy industry. References in China and abroad are relatively limited, so the author's analysis is based on limited research theories. Because the author has not engaged in marketing-related work, knowledge structure and experience are somewhat limited. The article has certain shortcomings in many aspects.
由于笔者对乐高目前全球本土化产品策略的分析主要来自于对公开信息的整理,以及更多尚未公开的信息尚待挖掘,因此snidy不可避免地存在诸多不足。首先,由于此类信息的保密性,本文中的数据不够全面,并且在此过程中存在一些情感因素。其次,分析公司的全球本土化产品策略是一个新的领域,尤其是对于玩具行业。 由于国内外的参考文献相对有限,笔者的分析基于有限的研究理论。由于笔者没有从事过营销相关的工作,知识结构和经验都有些局限。文章在很多方面存在一定的不足。
The paper presents the inspiration of LEGO for China's toy industry from its