Part 1 International conference(30\%) Part 1 国际会议(30%)
Section A A 部分
Directions:In this section,there are four choices for each item,select one to complete the blank or answer the question.(10\%) 说明:在本节中,每个项目有四个选项,选择一个完成空白或回答问题。
1.Which of the following is the most formal welcome remark in an opening session? 1.以下哪一项是开幕式上最正式的欢迎词?
A.A.d like to welcome you all to the conference A.A.d 欢迎大家参加会议
B.May I take the opportunity to welcome you to this conference? B.请借此机会欢迎您参加本次会议?
C.A very warm welcome to this seminar.Thank you for showing up. C.热烈欢迎参加本次研讨会,感谢您的光临。
D.I'd just say a warm welcome. D.我只想说热烈欢迎。
2.Which of the following is NOT correct concerning a closing speech at a conference? 2.以下关于会议闭幕词的哪项不正确?
A.It is the closing speaker's job to remind audience of the all-important takeaways from the conference. 闭幕 A.It 演讲者的工作是提醒听众会议中最重要的收获。
B.The closing speech is the last thing the participants will hear. B.闭幕词是参与者最后听到的内容。
C.After you summarize key ideas you need to give a verbal clue that your speech is coming to an end. C.在你总结了关键思想之后,你需要给出一个口头线索,表明你的演讲即将结束。
D.A closing speech doesn't need to haye an introduction,a body and a conclusion. D.闭幕词不需要 haye 一个引言、一个正文和一个结论。
3.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the effective academic 3.以下关于有效学术的陈述中哪一项是不正确的
期 presentation skills? 期 演讲技巧?
A.During the presentation,you may stay relaxed by reading the messages from the slides. A.在演示过程中,您可以通过阅读幻灯片中的消息来保持放松。
B.During the presentation,you may use nonverbal aids to attract the attention of the audience. B.在演示过程中,您可以使用非语言辅助工具来吸引听众的注意力。
C.During the presentation,you can speak loudly,clearly,confidently and positively. C.在演讲过程中,您可以大声、清晰、自信和积极地发言。
D.During the presentation,you can use gestures,including walking patterns. D.在演示过程中,您可以使用手势,包括行走模式。
4.Which of the following signals the end of a presentation? 4.以下哪项表示演示文稿结束?
A.First,we will begin with a brief history of XYZ Project. A.首先,我们将从 XYZ 项目的简单历史开始。
B.I would like to conclude by discussing the future of XYZ Project. B.最后,我想谈谈 XYZ 项目的未来。
C.Let's move on to the current situation of XYZ Project. C.让我们继续讨论 XYZ 项目的现状。
D.Could you expand on the issue of cyberspace safety? D.您能否详细谈谈网络空间安全问题?
5.Which of the following is cor 5.以下哪一项是 cor
A.Title of the presentation. A.演示文稿的标题。
B.Graphics in the presentation. B.演示文稿中的图形。
C.Pace and pause you can use in your speech to your advantage. C.您可以在演讲中使用速度和停顿来发挥自己的优势。
D.Words or phrases signaling different parts of the presentation. D.表示演示文稿不同部分的单词或短语。
Section B B 部分
Directions:In this section,there are ten statements about how to give an effective 6.Intonation can show the sper is true(T)or false(F)for each statement.(10\%) 说明:在本节中,有十个关于如何给出有效 6 的语句,语调可以显示每个语句的 sper 是 true(T) 或 false(F)。(10\%)
6.Intonation can show the speaker's meaning. 6.语调可以显示说话者的意思。
7.If keynote speakers are very well known to the audience,there is no need to introduce them before they give the speech at a conference. 7.如果主旨演讲者为听众所熟知,则无需在他们发表演讲前进行介绍。
8.You should keep eye contact with only one of the audience during the presentation 8.在演示过程中,您应该只与一名观众保持眼神交流
9.The introduction of the keynote speaker should be thorough in details at the conference. 9.主旨演讲人的介绍应在会上详细阐述。
10.Keynote speakers should research the purpose and theme of an academic conference. 10.主旨演讲者应研究学术会议的目的和主题。
11.Keynote speakers don't have to know the audience ahead of time. 11.主旨演讲者不必提前了解听众。
12.Give a strong ending by summarizing your best points and adding new information. 12.通过总结您的最佳观点并添加新信息来给出一个强有力的结局。
13.Making a presentation is,in a sense,acting and making entertainment so the speaker should do something that's not within his character to amuse the audience. 13. 从某种意义上说,做演讲就是表演和娱乐,所以演讲者应该做一些不符合他性格的事情来逗乐观众。
14.Use more complex words and sentences in the slides to make yourself more professional and academic. 14.在幻灯片中使用更复杂的单词和句子,使自己更加专业和学术。
15.You can repeat where necessary to highlight your strong points. 15.您可以在必要时重复以突出您的长处。
Section C C 部分
16.Directions:The following paragraphs are from a sample of an opening speech. Rearrange them into the correct order.(5\%) 16.说明:以下段落来自开场白样本。将它们重新排列成正确的顺序。
a.Your strong support and active participation have made our conference this year a record-breaking event.We have exceeded the total number of papers ever presented and the total number of people ever registered.Several new Symposiums are added this year,such as AMT,FST,GE,and MST,all make the technical programming strong and attractive. a.您的大力支持和积极参与使我们今年的会议成为创纪录的活动,我们超过了有史以来提交的论文总数和注册总人数。今年增加了几个新的研讨会,如AMT、FST、GE和MST,都使技术议程强大而有吸引力。
b.The purpose of this Conference is to give vision and political impetus to this issue and to help define directions and options which should be proposed for decision at the highest academic level.Therefore,in conclusion,I would ask you to find answers to the following questions... b.本次会议的目的是为这个问题提供愿景和政治动力,并帮助确定应该在最高学术水平上提出决策的方向和选项。因此,总而言之,我想请您找到以下问题的答案......
c.Ladies and gentlemen,I am confident that you will make a crucial contribution to the process of reforming the European School System and in doing so you will serve the best interests of the children and of the European Institutions. c.女士们,先生们,我相信你们将为欧洲学校制度的改革进程做出重要贡献,并在此过程中为儿童和欧洲机构的最大利益服务。
I wish you a very successful Conference. 我预祝您的会议取得圆满成功。
d.The Organizing Committee members worked extremely hard in the last year to prepare an outstanding conference.We attempted to replicate the spirit of the original "Symposium"written by Plato.As a result,we prepared many"symposiums"\&"forums" to discuss the truth and beauty of science,technology and education,while celebrating our global friendships. d.组委会成员在去年非常努力地准备了一次出色的会议,我们试图复制 Plato.As 撰写的原始“研讨会”的精神,因此,我们准备了许多“研讨会”和“论坛”来讨论科学、技术和教育的真理和美丽,同时庆祝我们的全球友谊。
e. Dear Chairman, e.尊敬的主席:
Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们先生们
Good Morning! I am very pleased to be 早上好!我很高兴成为
on the European Schools in Denmark. 关于丹麦的欧洲学校。 qquad\qquad 2) qquad\qquad 3) qquad\qquad 4) qquad\qquad 5) qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 2) qquad\qquad 3) qquad\qquad 4) qquad\qquad 5) qquad\qquad
Section D D 部分
Din Dintroduction of a keynote speaker with the D介绍带有
17. Directions: Match the left sentences of all not be used. (5%) 17. 方向:匹配所有未使用的左句子。(5%)
. Good afternoon students. .同学们,下午好。
2. Today’s class is a new format with a gues speaker. We all need to know how to drive safely, because statistically 10 out of the 40 of us here today will be involved in a serious accident sometime during our life If we reduce accidents we save lives and lower the cost of insurance premiums-two things we are all interested in 2. 今天的课程是一种新形式,有 gues 扬声器。我们都需要知道如何安全驾驶,因为据统计,我们今天在座的 40 个人中有 10 人会在我们一生中的某个时候卷入严重事故。如果我们减少事故,我们就可以挽救生命并降低保险费成本——我们都感兴趣的两件事
3. Larry Smith is the assistant director of the State Transportation Safety Agency. 3. Larry Smith 是州运输安全局的助理局长。
4. He helped draft the first State legislation regarding mandatory seat belts and air bags. He has worked as Claims Manager for AAA Insurance Company. 4. 他帮助起草了第一部关于强制性安全带和安全气囊的州立法。他曾在 AAA 保险公司担任理赔经理。
5. Larry has been a licensed driver since 16 and has only been involved in one fender bender. He credits his good driving record to having taken this class. His topic is “Arrive Alive.” Please help me welcome Larry Smith. 5. Larry 从 16 岁起就是一名持证司机,只参与过一次挡泥板弯曲。他将自己的良好驾驶记录归功于他参加了这门课。他的主题是“活着到达”。请帮助我欢迎 Larry Smith。
A. Work achievements A. 工作成果
B. Introduction of the presentation title B. 演示文稿标题简介
C. Subject introduction C. 主题介绍
D. Job title D. 职称
E. Greetings E. 问候
F. Education background F. 教育背景
G. Fame and popularity of the speaker G. 演讲者的名气和受欢迎程度
Part 2 Technical communication (70%) 第 2 部分:技术交流 (70%)
Section A Basics Directions: In this section, , answer the question.(30%) one to complete the blank or and into five main segments to organize information and to 18. Standard memos are divided inse. They are qquad\qquad -. A 部分 基础知识 说明: 在本节中,回答问题。(30%) 一人完成空白或分成五个主要部分来组织信息和到 18.标准备忘录被划分为 inse。他们是 qquad\qquad -。
help achieve the writer’s purpose. discussion and closing 帮助实现作者的目的。讨论和结束
A. heading, salutation, ope ission, closing and signature A. 标题、称呼、选项、结束和签名
B. heading, opening, discussion, cliss, and closing B. 标题、开头、讨论、cliss和结束
C. title, heading, opening, discussion and cos distribtion C. 标题、标题、开头、讨论和 cos 分发
D. heading, opening, discussion, closing a D. 标题、开场白、讨论、结束
19. If a memo ends with the statement “I would like to resolve the issue only after hearing from you. Hence, kindly inform me before 25 December 2019.” it ends with qquad\qquad 19. 如果备忘录以“我想在收到您的来信后才能解决问题。因此,请在 2019 年 12 月 25 日之前通知我。它以 qquad\qquad {:[" A. a mandatory close "," B. a complimentary close "]:}\begin{array}{ll}\text { A. a mandatory close } & \text { B. a complimentary close }\end{array}
C. a directive close D. a recommendatory close C. 指令关闭 D. 建议关闭
20. Which of the following is NOT the feature of a resume? 20. 以下哪项不是简历的特点?
A. Written in points A. 以点数表示
B. Objective and formal in approach B. 方法客观和正式
C. Conveying short routine messages quickly C. 快速传达简短的例行消息
D. Written in third person D. 以第三人称书写
21. The ideal length for resume is around qquad\qquad page(s) 21. 简历的理想长度是页数左右 qquad\qquad
A. one A. 一个
B. two B. 二
C. three résumé emphasizes education and work experience C. 三份简历强调教育和工作经验
22. The qquad\qquad B. functional 22. qquad\qquad B. 功能
C. skills C. 技能
D. video D. 视频
23. We should use a qquad\qquad when drafting the title for instructions. 23. 我们在起草标题时应该使用 a qquad\qquad 作为说明。
23. We should use a _ B. gerund 23. 我们应该使用 a _ B. 动名词
A. verb phrase A. 动词短语
B. gerund B. 动名词
C. noun string C. 名词字符串
D. sentence D. 句子
A. verb phrase B. gerund
C. noun string D. sentence| A. verb phrase | B. gerund |
| :--- | :--- |
| C. noun string | D. sentence |
C. noun string a set of instructions, you need not to consider C. 名词字符串一组说明,无需考虑
24. When you design a set of instructions, you need not to consed 24. 当您设计一套指令时,您无需考虑
24. When you design a set of instructions, you need not to consed| 24. When you design a set of instructions, you need not to consed |
| :--- |
A. reader's expectation A. 读者的期望
B. language used B. 使用的语言
C. specific environment C. 特定环境
D. intimidating information D. 恐吓信息
A. reader's expectation B. language used
C. specific environment D. intimidating information| A. reader's expectation | B. language used |
| :--- | :--- |
| C. specific environment | D. intimidating information |
Which of the following statements about definitions is NOT correct? 以下关于定义的陈述中哪一项是不正确的?
A. Writers should include as many technical details as possible in one definition. 答:编写者应在一个定义中包含尽可能多的技术细节。
B. Writers should use recognizable terms to communicate with less knowledgeable B. 作者应该使用可识别的术语与知识较少的人交流
readers. 读者。
C. Graphics may help readers understand a term of concept. C. 图形可以帮助读者理解概念术语。
D. A sentence definition is usually more formal than D. 句子定义通常比
Which of the followings is a parenthetical definition? (a destructive program that 以下哪一项是括号定义?(一个破坏性的程序,它
A. The computers were infected by a Trojan horse (a destructive progra 一个。计算机被特洛伊木马程序(一种破坏性的程序
appears to be benign). 似乎是良性的)。
B. Hypnoanalysis is a psychoanalytical technique in which hypnosis is used to elicit B. 催眠分析是一种精神分析技术,其中催眠用于引出
information from a patient’s unconscious mind. 来自患者潜意识的信息。
information from a patients (GPS), originally NAVSTAR GPS, is a 来自患者的信息 (GPS),最初是 NAVSTAR GPS,是一个
C. The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally NAVSTAR GPS, is a satellite-based radio navigation system own C. 全球定位系统 (GPS),最初是 NAVSTAR GPS,是一种基于卫星的无线电导航系统
and operated by the United States Air Force. 并由美国空军运营。
D. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an aircrait without of an unmanned aircraft and a type of un system (UAS). D. 无人机 (UAV) 是没有无人机和一种联合国系统 (UAS) 的飞机。
Which of the following statements about descriptured chronologically. 以下哪项陈述按时间顺序描述。
A. A step-by-step description should be structuresciptions. 一个。一步一步的描述应该是 structuresciptions。
B. Past tense is preferred while developing steps should be addressed in process descriptions. B. 首选过去时,而开发步骤应在流程描述中说明。
C. Causal relationships among steps should be addressed the physical, operational C. 步骤之间的因果关系应解决物理、操作
D. Descriptions are verbal and visual represeces. features of objects, mechanisms, and D. 描述是口头和视觉上的代表。对象、机构和
A. the accuracy of the messages A. 消息的准确性
29. The emplility of the messages organiza who has vio organization will likely receive qquad\qquad B. the writer’s reliability A. a disciplinary 29. 具有 vio 组织的信息组织者可能会得到 qquad\qquad B. 作者的可靠性 A. a 纪律处分
C. a documentary memo C. 文件备忘录
B. a congratulatory memo B. 祝贺备忘录
30. As far as the stry memo 30. 就 stry 备忘录而言
D. a complimentary D. 免费
A. header, subject and messamail is concerned, there are three parts including A. 标题、主题和邮件主要分为三个部分,包括
C. head, subject and message C. 标题、主题和信息
B. receiver, subject and signature B. 接收者、主题和签名
. D. receiver, subject and message .D. 接收者、主题和消息
A. Use proper thowing is NOT an email etiquette rule? A. 使用正确的 Thowing 不是电子邮件礼仪规则吗?
A. Use proper structure and layout A. 使用适当的结构和布局
B. Use URGENT and IMPORTANT in subject line B. 在主题行中使用 URGENT 和 IMPORTANT
C. Use templates for frequently used responses. C. 对常用的回答使用模板。
D. Use active instead of passive voice. D. 使用主动语态而不是被动语态。
32. Suppose you write 32. 假设你写
attend the class are not able to your team, but the monitor isn’t send a copy to the monitor and the other members in field will you write the monitor seen in the other recipients’ received email, In which respectively? 参加课程的团队无法,但监督员没有向监督员和其他成员发送副本,您会写下监督员在其他收件人收到的电子邮件中看到的,分别在哪些?
A. TO: The monitor A. 收件人:显示器
CC: The team leader CC:团队负责人
BC: The other team members BC:其他团队成员
C. TO: The team leader C. TO:团队负责人
CC: The other team members CC:其他团队成员
BC: The monitor BC:监视器
B. TO: The other team members B. 收件人:其他团队成员
CC: The monitor CC:监视器
BC: The team leade BC:团队负责人
D. TO: The team leader D. 收件人:团队负责人
CC: The monitor CC:监视器
BC: The other team members BC:其他团队成员
Section B True or false B 部分 对或错
Directions: In this section, there are ten statements about technical communication Decide whether it is true (T) or false (F) for each statement. (10%) 说明:在本节中,有十个关于技术交流的陈述 确定每个陈述是真 (T) 还是假 (F)。(10%)
33. We should use the passive voice, and avoid the imperative mood when drafting steps 33. 我们应该使用被动语态,在起草步骤时避免使用命令式语气
in instructions. in instructions. 在说明中。在说明中。
34. Articles should be omitted in drafting the instruction steps in order to save space. 34. 在草拟说明步骤时,应省略条款,以节省空间。
35. A glossary is necessary for long documents. 35. 长文件需要词汇表。
36. A manual is usually a short version of an instruction. 36. 手册通常是指令的简短版本。
37. When sending an email to a company requesting information about a product, it is better to say “Product information” than to mention the actual name of the product in 37. 向公司发送电子邮件请求有关产品的信息时,最好说“产品信息”,而不是在
the subject. 主题。
38. Since the terms résumé and curriculum vitae (CV) are synonyms, they are the same 38. 由于术语 résumé 和 curriculum vitae (CV) 是同义词,因此它们是相同的
39. In a résumé the li 39. 在简历中
between items. 项之间。
40. Within the categories of a chronological resum 40. 在按时间顺序排列的简历的类别中
Experience, entries should be listed incal résumé, such as Education and Work 41. Instructions are process 经验,条目应列出 incal résumé,如 Education 和 Work 41。指令是过程
42. Most sets of instructions instructions and an explanation. 42. 大多数说明、说明和解释。
Section C Matching
\section*{4. D} C 部分匹配
communication. Please match the terms of commonly used graphics in technical 通信。请匹配技术中常用图形的术语
Column A A 列