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联合 1

How Well Is English Spoken Worldwide?(textA)
全世界的英语说得怎么样?(文本 A)

Phil Dierking

Adults in the Netherlands are the best non-native English speakers,a new report released Tuesday says. The report also says that Lraq has fallen to last place. The private education company Education First (EF)' released the 2016 English Proficiency Index report. The English Proficiency Index is based on the online test scores of 950000 adults from 72 countries,
周二发布的一份新报告称,荷兰的成年人是最好的非英语母语者。该报告还称,Lraq 已跌至最后一位。私立教育公司 Education First (EF) 发布了 2016 年英语熟练度指数报告。英语熟练度指数基于来自 72 个国家/地区的 950000 名成年人的在线考试成绩,

The results do not show the English ability of a country's entire population.They are based on people who took an online test, the EF Standard English Test(EFSET),during 2015. You can take the test online for free.
结果并未显示一个国家全部人口的英语能力。它们基于 2015 年参加在线测试,即 EF 标准英语测试 (EFSET) 的人。您可以免费在线参加测试。

The study is the sixth produced by EF. It is a yearly report that examines the English knowledge level of adults from 72 countries. It has found most areas in the world are continuing to improve their English language ability. The report also says that the English language remains an important part of a country's economic power.
该研究是 EF 制作的第六项研究。这是一份年度报告,考察了来自 72 个国家/地区的成年人的英语知识水平。它发现世界上大多数地区都在不断提高他们的英语语言能力。该报告还指出,英语仍然是一个国家经济实力的重要组成部分。

According to EF Director of Research Min Tran, one quality the highest-ranking countries share is a strong education system. However,he says that may not be enough.“However, another very important factor is whether your country has an English-speaking environment. If you go to Singapore today,you hear English on the streets. You hear Singaporean youngsters mixing Chinese,Malay,and English. Singaporeans are watching TV,watching films,listening to music in English..."
英孚研究主任 Min Tran 表示,排名最高的国家共有的一个品质是强大的教育体系。然而,他说这可能还不够。但是,另一个非常重要的因素是您所在的国家/地区是否有讲英语的环境。如果你今天去新加坡,你会在街上听到英语。你会听到新加坡年轻人混合中文、马来语和英语。新加坡人正在看电视、看电影、听英语音乐......”

Tran also said the report has found a gender difference in English ability."You look at the genders, women are better than men. And we've seen that in nearly every country, every age group, every industry even when you look at business English. Women are just consistently outperforming men."
Tran 还表示,该报告发现英语能力存在性别差异。你看看性别,女人比男人好。我们已经在几乎每个国家、每个年龄组、每个行业都看到了这一点,甚至在你看商务英语时也是如此。女性的表现一直优于男性。


Similar to the previous six years, Europe leads the rankings with its overall strength in English. The Netherlands, Denmark,Sweden, Norway,and Finland were the top five countries in Europe and in the world. These countries have been in the top five almost every year the report has been released. The only difference is that the Netherlands has moved from second place to first this The report says there are several reasons these countries perform well.They have strong education systems , and primary and secondary schools in those countries require English language studies. There are also many chances for people to use English in their day-to-day lives. The report says one very helpful quality is that English is used often in the media of these Northern European countries.

One important change took place in France. It moved from the "Low Proficiency" category last year to "Moderate Proficiency"for 2016. France placed 24 out of 28 European countries included in the report.
法国发生了一个重要的变化。它从去年的“低熟练度”类别上升到 2016 年的“中等熟练度”。在报告中包含的 28 个欧洲国家中,法国排名第 24 位。

"English is a sensitive issue in France because the country is very proud of French and the position of French, the French language in the world. Universities do not teach in English, whereas other universities in Europe do have programs,even entirely in English. So, we've seen France go down in the past five years,and this year was the first year that they came back up...)

The lowest performing countries in what the report considers Europe were Azerbaijan and Turkey. Those countries made small improvements from last year, but their scores were lower than the rest of Europe. The report says these countries tend to have weaker teaching methods that depend on rote memorization rather than communication.


In Asia, Singapore was the highest ranked country, moving to the sixth place in the index. Singapore was considered to have a "Very High Proficiency"level for the first time. Tran says this improvement is because Singapore has a very strong education system.
在亚洲,新加坡是排名最高的国家,在该指数中升至第六位。新加坡首次被认为具有“非常高熟练度”水平。Tran 说,这种进步是因为新加坡拥有非常强大的教育体系。

“Well, Singapore's education system is often seen as one of the best in the world. If you look at other English tests like IELTS and TOEFL,Singapore is consistently at the top - not just in Asia,but throughout the world. It just has a very, very strong education system that focuses on quality of instruction and has extremely high standards for their students...”
“嗯,新加坡的教育体系通常被视为世界上最好的教育体系之一。如果您查看雅思和托福等其他英语考试,新加坡始终名列前茅 - 不仅在亚洲,而且在全世界。它拥有非常非常强大的教育体系,注重教学质量,对学生有极高的标准......”

Along with Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines were the next highest-ranked countries. The report says countries with a historical link to the British Empire usually have stronger English levels than other countries in the area.

However,the report says Thailand and Cambodia still have low levels of English proficiency,although they have a growing tourism industry.

China also increased its rank by moving from the 47th to the 39th place.However,it is behind many other countries in Asia. Tran says this might be the result of its large population.
中国的排名也从第 47 位上升到第 39 位。然而,它落后于亚洲许多其他国家。Tran 说这可能是其人口众多的结果。

Latin America

Adult English proficiency in Latin America remains less strong, the study says. Most countries had a lower rank this year than last year. Argentina is the only country to rank as "High Proficiency". The Dominican Republic follows closely behind.

One reason for Argentina's high ranking,according to the report, is that English teachers there are "highly qualified". They have to complete a five-year training program to teach English in public schools.
根据该报告,阿根廷排名靠前的一个原因是那里的英语教师是 “高素质的”。他们必须完成为期五年的培训计划,才能在公立学校教授英语。

Latin America's largest countries, Brazil and Mexico, have lower rankings this year. This is the case although there are efforts to send students to English speaking countries for university studies.

Tran says one reason these countries do not have higher rankings is the large size of their populations. In large countries,it takes more time for enough citizens to learn English to raise the average English level.
Tran 说,这些国家没有更高排名的一个原因是它们的人口规模很大。在大国,需要更多的时间来让足够的公民学习英语来提高平均英语水平。

The Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North African areas had the greatest changes in scores from last year. Morocco and Qatar made the most improvements of allcountries in the area, but Iraq's and Oman's scores dropped the most.

level. All other countries fell into the "Very Low Proficiency" level.

Only Morocco and the United Arab Emirates are at the "Low Proficiency"Tran says some issues causing low performance in the Middle East and North Africa,or MENA,are outside of the classroom.
只有摩洛哥和阿拉伯联合酋长国处于“低熟练度”Tran 表示,导致中东和北非 (MENA) 表现不佳的一些问题是课堂之外的问题。

"They are countries that have experienced quite a lot of turmoil. When you have such turmoil in your country for such a long time, then it's difficult for the education system to really make a difference."

The report says that factors affecting these countries are poor education systems and not enough jobs for students after they finish school. This can cause students not to try as hard to succeed in their studies,

The survey did not include sub-Saharan African countries.

Steps to Success

Tran suggests three things for countries trying to improve their English level.
Tran 为试图提高英语水平的国家建议三件事。

First is to make quality English teaching available to all citizens. Next,a country should invest in teacher training,and then invest in its English-speaking environment.

“I think the number one priority would be to make sure that everybody has access to quality English instruction,and to do that I think is to leverage teacher training,right? And making sure that you have a teacher supply that is ready to deliver the quality instruction that you need in your entire school system."

"Then it's about creating an English environment in your country. It's having bilingual signs, bilingual venues, having programs in English that are not dubbed,and creating excuses for your students to speak in English,right?"

The report shows that it is not easy to improve English-speaking ability country-wide,and it is also costly. But it is clear that the economic and social benefits make it worth the investment.

文本 B

Four Ways to Improve Your Foreign Language Skills

Alisa Tanaka

Although I have mixed feelings about learning a second language, I don't deny that the way I learned my second language was unusual. I learned Japanese pretty much entirely without formal classroom instruction.

Even without classrooms and textbooks, I found other ways to improve my Japanese and make it stick (and all without programs like Rosetta Stone' and Duolingo“). Here's how I did it:
即使没有教室和教科书,我也找到了其他方法来提高我的日语并使其坚持下去(而且都没有像 Rosetta Stone' 和 Duolingo 这样的程序)。我是这样做的:

1. Listen to music from artists who speak the language (or podcasts).
1. 听讲该语言的艺术家(或播客)的音乐。

I was lucky enough to meet the daughters of a Japanese family friend when I was 11. They introduced me to the world of Japanese pop, more specifically,Japanese boy bands. I won't lie: I had a good laugh or two at these bands' expense because of the random English words that popped up in their lyrics.
我有幸在 11 岁时遇到了一位日本家庭朋友的女儿。他们向我介绍了日本流行音乐的世界,更具体地说,是日本男子乐队。我不会撒谎:我为这些乐队的牺牲而开怀大笑因为他们的歌词中随机弹出了英文单词。

All laughs aside,I was lucky enough that the lyrics were basic enough (and repetitive enough) for me to understand bits and pieces of the songs. I started by writing down the words I knew,along with their corresponding characters. I would scan the lyrics I found in the CD sleeves repeatedly looking for character combinations I didn't know. If I came across a word I didn't know,I would look it up in a dictionary and write it down once I figured out what the word meant.
撇开所有的笑声不谈,我很幸运,歌词足够基本(也足够重复),让我能够理解歌曲的点点滴滴。我首先写下我知道的单词,以及它们对应的字符。我会反复浏览我在 CD 封套中找到的歌词,寻找我不知道的字符组合。如果我遇到一个我不认识的单词,我会在字典中查找它,并在弄清楚这个词的含义后将其写下来。

As I discovered, listening to songs in a foreign language can help you build up a basic vocabulary. Studying the original lyrics of songs can also help you build up your reading comprehension. I would recommend starting with Disney songs (in your target language of course) and pop songs from that particular country, but everyone has different preferences and language comprehension levels,and you should cater those choices to the things that fit best for you.

You'll enjoy studying English through music a lot more if you enjoy the artist you're listening to. I once tutored a young woman from Japan who loved Taylor Swift's songs. In the majority of the English lessons I gave her, we built her vocabulary up gradually through Taylor Swift's discography.
如果您喜欢您正在听的艺术家,您会更加喜欢通过音乐学习英语。我曾经辅导过一位来自日本的年轻女士,她喜欢泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 的歌曲。在我给她上的大部分英语课中,我们都是通过 Taylor Swift 的唱片逐渐积累她的词汇量。

Not only did the student enjoy the lessons, she built her conversational vocabulary with the help of something she genuinely enjoyed. Regardless of who your favorite artist is, music is a great tool that can help you learn your language of choice.

2. Watch films and TV shows from the country (with subtitles).
2. 观看该国的电影和电视节目(带字幕)。

Television was also a great learning tool for me. Watching television shows from Japan allowed me to not only build upon my existing vocabulary, but it also helped me pick up on idioms and other expressions in conversational Japanese.Japanese might not be your target language, but watching television in another language is a great way to build up your vocabulary and help you develop your conversational fluency. Having English subtitles there helps you understand the context of dialogue that you otherwise wouldn't have. As you strengthen your vocabulary, you can always challenge yourself by looking for shows and other foreign media without English subtitles.

Watching television from another country is not only a great way to build your language skills, but it also provides wonderful insight into the culture's humor and various other facets of that society.

For me, watching Japanese soap operas, as silly and fantastical as they sometimes were, gave me great fodder for conversation with native Japanese speakers I encountered. These people were often surprised that I knew so much about current Japanese television and popular actors, and often engaged in long conversations with me, which helped me improve my language skills more rapidly.

3. Befriend people from that country (and talk to them).
3. 与那个国家的人交朋友(并与他们交谈)。

I'm aware that I was lucky enough to have family who spoke my second language around me frequently enough to practice with; I'm also aware that not everyone has that luxury. However, even if you don't have family from the country where your target language is spoken, you can still find ways to befriend people from abroad and practice your language skills with them.

Look into the international student programs at your university and see if there are any students studying at your school who are native speakers of the language you'd like to learn and befriend them. From my experience, international students love to have friends who are native speakers, and they are often more than willing to teach you their native tongue in exchange for your heip with their English.

As a native English speaker, you're definitely qualified for that. Not to mention that you'll also get the chance to learn more about new cultures and develop new friendships in the process. In my eyes, that's a win-win situation!

Conversing with the Japanese exchange students who attended my almamater definitely helped me retain my language skills. Speaking to these students allowed them to open up to me and develop relationships with them. I found that I enjoyed serving as a cultural ambassador of sorts as I helped the students acclimate to life on an American university campus.

By the end of the academic year, I discovered that conversing with these students has given me a wide network of friends and contacts,many of whom 1 still keep in touch with today. Conversing with native speakers is definitely challenging,but by the same token, it also has great rewards as well.

4. Read books in that language.
4. 阅读该语言的书籍。

Reading books in your target language is also a great way to strengthen your foreign language skills. It gives you a sense of the grammar and sentence structure while improving your vocabulary simultaneously.

Start with something that corresponds to your proficiency level and build up your vocabulary gradually. I've recently decided to attempt to read books in Japanese, and although it's definitely a challenge, I've been finding that my vocabulary and reading comprehension have improved a lot.

Learning a new language is definitely a challenging process, but it's also rewarding. Classes can be expensive, but improving your language skills doesn't have to be.

第 2 单元


The Value of a College or University Degree

Becton Loveless

Many people are reconsidering the merits of a college degree since costs seem to always be on the rise. Potential college students frequently consider whether expensive tuition, large quantities of student loan debt, and attending school rather than working is a decision that will be beneficial in the future.Attending college can be a very difficult decision for students who come from families struggling financially.

It's best to consider whether obtaining a college degree is worth the time and money and conduct some research about the usefulness and value of degrees you're considering before deciding whether to enroll in college.

The Economic Value of Higher Education

The many benefits resulting from college education usually justify the money spent obtaining a degree. Although wages between high school and college graduates often do not vary significantly until after years of work experience is acquired, college graduates usually earn more money during their working lives than people with only high school diplomas. The US Census Bureau has reported that those with bachelor's degrees earn nearly 2 million dollars, associate's degrees nearly 1. 5 million dollars, and high school diplomas nearly 1. 2 million dollars during their careers.
大学教育带来的许多好处通常证明花钱获得学位是合理的。尽管高中毕业生和大学毕业生之间的工资在获得多年的工作经验之前通常不会有很大差异,但大学毕业生在工作生活中通常比只有高中文凭的人赚更多的钱。美国人口普查局报告称,拥有学士学位的人收入近 200 万美元,副学士学位接近 1。500 万美元,高中文凭近 1.200 万美元。

The increased earnings throughout one's working life is just one good reason to acquire a college degree. Most students currently enrolled in college and universities attend public institutions. These schools do not cost as much to attend as private schools. Students attending public colleges and universities usually pay just over 8000 dollars per year, which includes tuition, books, and living expenses. Students attending community colleges usually end up paying nearly 1300 dollars for tuition annually.
在整个工作生涯中增加的收入只是获得大学学位的一个很好的理由。目前就读于学院和大学的大多数学生都就读于公共机构。这些学校的就读费用不如私立学校高。就读公立学院和大学的学生通常每年支付 8000 多美元,其中包括学费、书本费和生活费。就读社区学院的学生通常每年要支付近 1300 美元的学费。

Obtaining a college degree can be expensive, but college graduates usually earn more money during their lives than those who do not finish college. The high costs of attending college should be viewed as an investment that pays off later in life.

Earning Increase with Education Level

Individuals between the ages of 25 through 64 employed during any period when this study was conducted averaged $ 34700 annually. Those never completing high school averaged $ 18900,while those with high school diplomas or equivalents averaged $ 25900 annually. Those graduating with bachelor's degrees averaged nearly $ 45400, while those successfully completing graduate programs averaged $ 99300 annually. Therefore,there is a correlation between increased earnings and higher education levels.
在进行这项研究的任何时期,年龄在 25 至 64 岁之间的个人平均每年为 34700 美元。那些从未完成高中学业的人平均每年 18900 美元,而那些拥有高中文凭或同等学历的人平均每年 25900 美元。获得学士学位的人平均每年近 45400 美元,而成功完成研究生课程的人平均每年为 99300 美元。因此,收入增加与高等教育水平之间存在相关性。

Another factor affecting wages is work experience. Full-time workers employed year-round usually earn higher wages than part-time and seasonal workers. When this survey was conducted, over 70 percent of workers were employed full-time. Full-time employment rates vary among different groups.For example, people with college degrees are more likely to be employed fulltime than those without high school diplomas. More men are employed than women since many women stay home and raise children. No matter a worker's experience,individuals with more education usually earn higher annual salaries.
影响工资的另一个因素是工作经验。全年雇用的全职工人通常比兼职和季节性工人的工资更高。在进行这项调查时,超过 70% 的工人是全职员工。不同群体的全职就业率各不相同。例如,拥有大学学位的人比没有高中文凭的人更有可能全职工作。男性就业人数多于女性,因为许多女性留在家里抚养孩子。无论工人的经验如何,受教育程度较高的人通常年薪更高。

To gain a more accurate understanding of the labor market without demographic biases, it's best to evaluate the earnings projections derived from the year-round full-time workers statistics. Average college graduates earned 56%more than high school graduates in 2015. High school graduates earned 40%more than those with less than a high school diploma.
为了在没有人口偏见的情况下更准确地了解劳动力市场,最好评估从全年全职工人统计数据得出的收入预测。56 年,大学毕业生的平均收入比高中毕业生高出 2015%。高中毕业生的收入比高中文凭以下的人高出 40%。

This trend of higher wages correlating with higher education is best understood by examining the increasing demand for skilled workers in the workforce.During the 1970s, wages for college graduates stagnated because of the over supply of educated workers in the workforce. However, technological improvements during recent years have created a huge demand for workers with specialized training and skills. This has increased wages fot educated workers. The trend has been the opposite for less educated workers. Since labor anions are not as influential as they were in the past, wages for individuals without high school and college education have decreased,
这种与高等教育相关的高工资趋势最好地通过研究劳动力中对技术工人日益增长的需求来理解。在 1970 年代,由于劳动力中受过教育的工人供过于求,大学毕业生的工资停滞不前。然而,近年来的技术进步对具有专业培训和技能的工人产生了巨大的需求。这增加了受过教育的工人的工资。对于受教育程度较低的工人来说,趋势正好相反。由于劳动负离子的影响力不如过去,因此没有高中和大学教育的个人的工资下降了。

Earnings Differences by Educational Attainment Compound over One's Lifetime

Estimated lifetime earnings between workers with varying levels of education provide a clear indication of the wage discrepancies between workers with college educations and those without them.

According to lifetime earnings projections, full-time workers with only a high school degree are projected to earn nearly $ 1. 2 million dollars through the course of a 40-year career. The same projections for those without high school degrees neared $ 1 million dollars. Workers who earned some college credit but did not graduate are projected to earn $1. 5 million dollars through the course of a 40-year career, while graduates from associate's programs will earn about$ 1. 6 million dollars. Those who completed four-year or graduate programs are projected to earn the most during a 40-year career. Graduates of bachelor's programs are projected to earn near $2. 1 million dollars, while those with master's degrees are estimated to make just over $2.5 million dollars. It's projected that individuals with PhDs will earn about $ 3. 4 million dollars during their careers,and professionals, lawyers or doctors,for example,are projected to make about $4. 4 million.
根据终身收入预测,只有高中学历的全职工人预计可赚取近 1 美元。在 40 年的职业生涯中获得了 200 万美元。对那些没有高中学位的人,同样的预测接近 100 万美元。获得一些大学学分但未毕业的工人预计可赚取 1 美元。在 40 年的职业生涯中,收入为 500 万美元,而副学士课程的毕业生将获得约 1 美元。600 万美元。那些完成四年制或研究生课程的人预计将在 40 年的职业生涯中获得最高收入。学士学位课程的毕业生预计可赚取近 2 美元。100 万美元,而拥有硕士学位的人估计收入略高于 250 万美元。预计拥有博士学位的人将赚取约 3 美元。400 万美元,而专业人士、律师或医生等预计收入约为 4 美元。400 万。

What this research has shown is that workers with higher levels of education usually earn more during their working lives than workers with less education.Therefore, investing in education usually pays off later in life in the form of higher wages.

Other Benefits of Higher Education

Besides higher wages, there are numerous other benefits associated with graduating from college. Many college graduates enjoy the opportunity to work where they want to live, have more time for recreation, and have a high standard of living. Some of the greatest benefits of a college education are experienced during school. Students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and interesting subjects. They are also introduced to theories and unfamiliar ideas they might not learn about without attending college.

Some research indicates that many college graduates have healthy lifestyles. As a result,children of college graduates often receive instruction about the importance of good nutrition and exercise. This in turn improves the quality of life and life expectancy rates for college graduates and their families,

The Social Value of Higher Education

Some research has documented a link between increased morality and college education. For example, researchers have demonstrated that college educated mothers devote a considerable amount of time teaching their children values and educating them.

Society benefits overall from higher education. Some of the benefits include higher tax receipts, increased public awareness about important issues, and lower unemployment rates.

College Attendance vs. College Completion

According to a recent study, nearly 600000 students drop out of college every year. Those not finishing college usually have lower wages than college graduates of both four-year institutions and community colleges'. Students at community colleges also improve or develop cognitive abilities at nearly the same rate as students at traditional colleges and universities. Tuition expenses,however,usually differ at 4-year schools and community colleges, with students attending 4-year institutions usually paying more. Since cognitive skills development improve at nearly the same rate and community college is less expensive, individuals not completely committed to graduating should attend community college. Those who enter four-year colleges or universities should commit to obtaining a degree because of the time and financial commitment made any year during college.
根据最近的一项研究,每年有近 600000 名学生从大学辍学。那些没有完成大学学业的人的工资通常低于四年制大学和社区学院的大学毕业生。社区学院的学生提高或发展认知能力的速度也与传统学院和大学的学生几乎相同。然而,4 年制学校和社区学院的学费通常不同,就读 4 年制大学的学生通常会支付更多。由于认知技能发展以几乎相同的速度提高,并且社区大学更便宜,因此不完全致力于毕业的人应该参加社区大学。那些进入四年制学院或大学的人应该承诺获得学位,因为在大学期间任何一年都要投入时间和财力。


Ten Habits of Highly Effective Students

Becton Loveless

The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter.not harder. This becomes more and more true as you advance in your education.An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades, but when college arrives, there aren't enough hours in the day to get all your studying in if you don't know how to study smarter.

While some students are able to breeze through school with minimal effort,this is the exception. The vast majority of successful students achieve theit success by developing and applying effective study habits. The following are the top 10 study habits employed by highly successful students. So,if you want to become a successful student, don't get discouraged, don't give up,just work to develop each of the study habits below and you'll see your grades go up, your knowledge increase, and your ability to learn and assimilate information improve.
虽然有些学生能够以最小的努力轻松完成学业,但这是例外。绝大多数成功的学生通过培养和应用有效的学习习惯来取得成功。以下是非常成功的学生采用的 10 大学习习惯。所以,如果你想成为一名成功的学生,不要气馁,不要放弃,只要努力培养下面的每一个学习习惯,你会看到你的成绩提高,你的知识增加,你学习和吸收信息的能力提高。

1. Don't attempt to cram all your studying into one session.
1. 不要试图把所有的学习都塞进一节课中。

Ever find yourself up late at night expending more energy trying to keep your eyelids open than you are studying? If so,it's time for a change. Successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods of time and rarely try to cram all of their studying into just one or two sessions. If you want to become a successful student, then you need to learn to be consistent in your studies and to have regular, yet shorter, study periods.

2. Plan when you're going to study.
2. 计划你什么时候去学习。

Successful students schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to study and then they stick with their schedule. Students who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as students who have a set study schedule. Even if you're all caught up with your studies, creating a weekly routine, where you set aside a period of time a few days a week, to review your courses will ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education long term.

3. Study at the same time.
3. 同时学习。

Not only is it important that you plan when you're going to study, it's important you create a consistent, daily study routine. When you study at the same time each day and each week, your studying will become a regular part of your life. You'll be mentally and emotionally more prepared for each study session and each study session will become more productive. If you have to change your schedule from time to time due to unexpected events, that's okay,

but get back on your routine as soon as the event has passed,

4. Each study time should have a specific goal.
4. 每个学习时间都应该有一个特定的目标。

Simply studying without direction is not effective. You need to know exactly what you need to accomplish during each study session. Before you start studying,set a study session goal that supports your overall academic goal (i. e. memorize 30 vocabulary words in order to acel the vocabulary section on an upcoming Spanish test.)
简单地没有指导的学习是无效的。您需要确切地知道在每次学习期间需要完成什么。在你开始学习之前,设定一个支持你整体学术目标的学习课程目标(即记住 30 个词汇,以便在即将到来的西班牙语考试中掌握词汇部分)。

5. Never procrastinate in your planned study session.
5. 永远不要拖延你计划的学习课程。

It's very easy, and common, to put off your study session because of lack of interest in the subject, because you have other things you need to get done, or just because the assignment is hard. Successful students DO NOT procrastinate in studying. If you procrastinate in your study session, your studying will become much less effective and you may not get everything accomplished that you need to. Procrastination also leads to rushing, and rushing is the number one cause of errors.

6. Start with the most difficult subject first.
6. 先从最难的科目开始。

As your most difficult assignment or subject will require the most effort and mental energy, you should start with it first. Once you've completed the most difficult work, it will be much easier to complete the rest of your work.Believe it or not, starting with the most difficult subject will greatly improve the effectiveness of your study sessions,and your academic performance.

7. Always review your notes before starting an assignment.
7. 在开始作业之前,请务必查看您的笔记。

Obviously, before you can review your notes, you must first have notes to review. Always make sure to take good notes in class. Before you start each study session, and before you start a particular assignment, review your notes thoroughly to make sure you know how to complete the assignment correctly. Reviewing your notes before each study session will help you remember important subject matter learned during the day,and make sure your studying is targeted and effective.

8. Make sure you're not distracted while you're studying.
8. 确保你在学习时不会分心。

Everyone gets distracted by something. Maybe it's the TV. Or maybe it's your family. Or maybe it's just too quiet. Some people actually study better with a little background noise. When you're distracted while studying, you (1)lose your train of thought and (2)are unable to focus-both of which will lead to very ineffective studying. Before you start studying, find a place where you won't be disturbed or distracted. For some people, this is a quiet cubicle in the recesses of the library. For others, it is in a common area where there is little background noise.
每个人都会被某事分散注意力。也许是电视。或者也许是你的家人。或者,也许它太安静了。有些人实际上在一点背景噪音的情况下学习得更好。当你在学习时分心时,你 (1) 失去了思路,(2) 无法集中注意力——这两者都会导致学习效率非常低下。在你开始学习之前,找一个你不会被打扰或分心的地方。对一些人来说,这是图书馆凹处的一个安静的小隔间。对于其他人来说,它位于背景噪音很小的公共区域。

9. Use study groups effectively.
9. 有效利用学习小组。

Ever heard the phrase "two heads are better than one"? Well, this can be especially true when it comes to studying. Working in groups enables you to (1)get help from others when you're struggling to understand a concept, (2) complete assignments more quickly,and (3)teach others, whereby helping both the other students and yourself to internalize the subject matter. However, study groups can be very ineffective if they're not structured and if group members come unprepared. Effective students use study groups effectively.
听说过“两个头比一个好”这句话吗?嗯,在学习方面尤其如此。在小组中工作使您能够 (1) 在难以理解一个概念时从他人那里获得帮助,(2) 更快地完成作业,以及 (3) 教他人,从而帮助其他学生和您自己内化主题。但是,如果学习小组没有结构化并且小组成员没有做好准备,则学习小组可能会非常无效。高效的学生可以有效地使用学习小组。

10. Review your notes, schoolwork and other class materials over the weekend.Successful students review what they've learned during the week over the weekend. This way they're well prepared to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous coursework and knowledge acquired in the previous week.
10. 在周末复习你的笔记、功课和其他课堂材料。成功的学生会在周末复习他们在一周内学到的知识。通过这种方式,他们为继续学习新概念做好了充分的准备,这些概念建立在以前的课程作业和上周获得的知识的基础上。

We're confident that if you develop the habits outlined above, then you'll see a major improvement in your academic success.


文本 1

The Politics of the Spice Rack: Habanero Pepper

Stephen Bush

Cuisine, which means the style of cooking, has a way of finding itself again.That's the story of habanero peppers,but also of their close cousins, the Scotch bonnet".

The habanero pepper is integral to many of the cuisines of Mexico—-the Scotch bonnet to many of the cuisines of the Caribbean.

Both have the same origin: the Mesoamerican region that is one of the so called “cradles of civilization": the five or six places where early humans stopped living as nomadic hunter-gatherers and became settlers and farmers.(We aren't sure whether the farming settlements of ancient China and the nearby islands developed separately or as one, which is why we say "five or six".)

Those early farmers would, as we do today, have enjoyed the flavour and sensation that came from eating chilis,and their farming practices, coupled with the chili's natural adaptation to its environment, spread chilis far and wide. As the ancient settlers of the Mesoamerica spread out, they, and their animals,spread chilis-and their distant ancestors have spread to almost every cuisine in the world.

The biggest modern-day spreaders of chilis were the Spanish, Portuguese and British empires. A Spanish-sponsored expedition to find a fresh source of pepper led to the expansion of Europe's empires to the Americas, but it was the Portuguese, the most successful of the 16th century empires, who spread chilis across much of the world. Chilis did a better job of conquering the Indian subcontinent than the Portuguese themselves, with the plants doing so well and spreading so wildly that they grew far beyond where any Portuguese soldiers or traders ever ventured-it is only relatively recently that botanists realised that almost all chilis have a common ancestor.
现代辣椒的最大传播者是西班牙、葡萄牙和大英帝国。西班牙赞助的寻找新鲜胡椒来源的探险导致欧洲帝国向美洲扩张,但葡萄牙人是 16 世纪帝国中最成功的帝国,他们将辣椒传播到世界大部分地区。智利在征服印度次大陆方面做得比葡萄牙人自己做得更好,植物长得如此之好,传播如此之广,以至于它们生长得远远超出了任何葡萄牙士兵或商人涉足的地方——直到最近,植物学家才意识到几乎所有的辣椒都有一个共同的祖先。

The spread of chilis made them a vital part of the cuisines of North Africa.This may well be why, when the British empire-who discovered and fell in love with chilis when they invaded and conquered India-captured, traded and sold Africans, ttansporting them to lives of indentured slavery in the Caribbean, the new cuisines of the Caribbean incorporated local chilis, of which the Scotch bonnet is the jewel in the crown. The ancient cuisines of North Africa found and adapted themselves to the distant ancestor of the chilis they cooked with.
这很可能就是为什么当大英帝国在入侵和征服印度时发现并爱上了辣椒——俘虏、交易和出售非洲人,让他们在加勒比地区过着契约奴隶的生活,加勒比地区的新美食融入了当地 辣椒,其中苏格兰帽是皇冠上的明珠。北非的古老美食发现并适应了他们用来烹饪的辣椒的遥远祖先。

The habanero pepper is itself the product of a similar history. Thanks to the spread of chilis-early kimchi was not a spicy dish, because it was only in the 17th century that chilis were added to the recipe—into South-East Asia, 18th century botanists initially believed that the habanero pepper was a Chinese homegrown plant. The name it has commonly come to be known by habanerocomes from the city of Havana,another place where it grew plentifully.
哈瓦那辣椒本身就是类似历史的产物。由于辣椒的传播 - 早期辛奇并不是一道辛辣的菜肴,因为直到 17 世纪才被添加到食谱中 - 进入东南亚,18 世纪的植物学家最初认为哈瓦那辣椒是一种中国本土植物。哈瓦那人通常知道它的名字来自哈瓦那市,这是另一个它生长丰富的地方。

Both the Scotch bonnet and habanero pepper pack a similar, and hefty punch-even the mildest of Scotch bonnets and habaneros register at 100000 on the Scoville scale, with some hitting the height of 350000. They have a similar flavour, but the Scotch bonnet has a sweeter, fruiter taste, which is what gives jerk chicken its slightly sweet tang.
苏格兰帽和哈瓦那辣椒都具有相似且浓郁的冲击力——即使是最温和的苏格兰帽和哈瓦那辣椒在斯科维尔量表上也达到了 100000,有些达到了 350000 的高度。它们的味道相似,但苏格兰帽的味道更甜,带有水果味,这就是混蛋鸡略带甜味的原因。

Because both space and time are finite commodities, at least in my kitchen,T've found that I don't have space to have both Scotch bonnet and habanero in my kitchen--as I am cooking for only two people,I just don't get through them quickly enough not to end up throwing away rotten leftovers.

Why? The short answer is that I cook a lot more Mexican food at home than I do Jamaican food, partly because I'm blessed to have People's Choice,Peppers and Spice and the Latin Village indoor market all within walking distance from my flat,and while in lockdown, I've come to adore the Cool Chile Company who delivers Mexican spices and ingredients by post throughout the UK, but most importantly because I simply cannot be bothered to clean a grill pan regularly,and jerk chicken just isn't as good if you don't grill it.
为什么?简短的回答是,我在家里做的墨西哥菜比我做的牙买加菜多得多,部分原因是我很幸运地拥有 People's Choice、Peppers and Spice 和 Latin Village 室内市场,都在离我的公寓步行距离之内,在封锁期间,我开始崇拜 Cool Chile Company,它通过邮寄将墨西哥香料和配料运送到英国各地, 但最重要的是,因为我根本懒得定期清洁烤盘,如果你不烤它,混蛋鸡就不那么好吃了。

And in a strange way, that is the story of both chilis: of people throughout the world,at different times, experimenting with the two, in order to make the most of limited resources and ingredients. And the joy of experimentation is surely a big part of the joy of cooking.

That's one of the things I think people get wrong when they talk about cultural appropriation in food-the history of cuisine is of constant exchange and evolution. If you like the flavour of kimchi but don't like spicy food-and simply remove the chili peppers and garlic from your recipe, you are making a more authentic and ancient version of the recipe. You'te also making a worse recipe in my view. (When I discovered that kimchi as we know was invented in the 17th century,I made it without chili: I wouldn't recommend it)
我认为,当人们谈论食物中的文化挪用时,他们会犯错的一点——美食的历史是不断交流和演变的。如果您喜欢辛奇的味道,但不喜欢辛辣的食物——只需从食谱中去除辣椒和大蒜,那么您就是在制作更正宗和古老的食谱版本。在我看来,你也做了一个更糟糕的食谱。(当我发现我们所知道的辛奇是在 17 世纪发明的时,我做的是没有辣椒的:我不会推荐它)

What matters in cooking is respect, and often in a very literal sense payment. If you picked up a technique because of the spices in your local deli-credit them. If you wanted to emulate the recipe from a friend's wedding or lovely holiday-credit that. But don't feel guilty about adapting or changing recipes to suit your own tastes-a world in which people didn't do so would be considerably poorer.
在烹饪中重要的是尊重,而且通常是非常字面意义上的报酬。如果您因为当地熟食店中的香料而学习了某种技术,请归功于他们。如果您想模仿朋友婚礼或可爱假期的食谱 - 信用。但是不要因为调整或更改食谱以适应自己的口味而感到内疚——一个人们不这样做的世界会更加贫穷。

This week I enjoyed...

Chicken tempered in garlic and cumin from Diana Kennedy's peerless The Essential Cuisines of Mexico ,a book that could only be bettered if someone had thought to include a decent index. While not identical, Pati Jinich's excellent recipe is similarly delicious.
戴安娜·肯尼迪 (Diana Kennedy) 的绝世之作《墨西哥的基本美食》(The Essential Cuisines of Mexico) 中的大蒜和孜然鸡肉,这本书只有在有人考虑包括一个像样的索引时才会变得更好。虽然不完全相同,但 Pati Jinich 的出色食谱同样美味。

This week I messed up...

I've started to enjoy making my own salsa in lockdown. (It's very easy you can make this recipe without tomatillos if you can't get hold of any.)

This week I forgot to drain my salsa before putting it in the blender.Somehow,I and the blender escaped unharmed,and the salsa was, eventually,delicious,but it's not an experiment I'd repeat.

文本 2

Lessons from the 1918 Pandemic: Denver's Past May Hold Clues
1918 年大流行的教训:丹佛的过去可能提供线索

Striking similarities exist between how we reacted to the pandemic in 1918 and how we're responding now with COVID-19,
我们在 1918 年对大流行病的反应与我们现在对 COVID-19 的反应之间存在惊人的相似之处。

Alexander Navarro'

Coronavirus infection rates continue to rise, with the number of new cases climbing in dozens of states and the US reporting record numbers of cases on individual days. Hospitalization across the US has dramatically jumped; some cities are seeing surges that threaten to overwhelm their health care systems.

Meanwhile, the demonstrations over the police killing of George Floyd?brought tens of thousands into the streets, congregating shoulder-to-shoulder.Many are the victims of tear gassing by police,potentially increasing the risk of transmission and infection. The latest models indicate COVID-19's US death toll could reach 170000 be October. A second wave this fall--or the continuation of an unabated fire wave-could make that number even higher.
与此同时,针对警察杀害乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 的示威活动吸引了数以万计的人走上街头,肩并肩地聚集。许多人是警察催泪瓦斯的受害者,这可能会增加患催泪瓦斯和感染的风险 。最新模型表明,COVID-19 的美国死亡人数可能为170000 欧元。今年秋天的第二波——或者持续减弱的火浪——可能会使这个数字更高。

But These Are Not Unprecedented Times

As a historian of medicine at the University of Michigan,I am a student of the 1918 influenza pandemic. It remains the deadliest public health event in recorded history. There are lessons to be learned from what happened a century ago. True, there are differences between then and now. Then we were a nation at war, with an economy led by manufacturing and a male-dominated workforce. We had far less medical and scientific knowledge. And it was an entirely different virus. But striking similarities exist between how we reacted to the pandemic in 1918 and how we're responding now.
作为密歇根大学的医学历史学家,我是 1918 年流感大流行的学生。它仍然是有记录的历史上最致命的公共卫生事件。我们可以从一个世纪前发生的事情中吸取教训。诚然,过去和现在是有区别的。那时,我们是一个处于战争中的国家,经济由制造业主导,劳动力以男性为主。我们的医学和科学知识要少得多。这是一种完全不同的病毒。但是,我们在 1918 年对大流行病的反应与我们现在的应对方式之间存在惊人的相似之处。

Biologist doctor Caroline Gutsmuth gives a phone call in a medical biology laboratory who opened a coronavirus drive-thrut testing site, in Neuilly-sur Seine,near Paris, Monday, March 23,2020. French President Emmanuel Macron urged employees to keep working in supermarkets, production sites and other businesses that need to keep running amid stringent restrictions of movement due to the rapid spreading of the new coronavirus in the country. For most people,the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms. For some, it can cause more severe illness, especially in older adults and people with existing health problems.
2020 年 3 月 23 日星期一,生物学家医生 Caroline Gutsmuth 在巴黎附近的塞纳河畔讷伊开设了一个冠状病毒得来速检测点。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙 (Emmanuel Macron) 敦促员工继续在超市、生产基地和其他企业工作,这些企业由于新型冠状病毒在该国的迅速传播而需要在严格的行动限制下继续运营。对于大多数人来说,新型冠状病毒只引起轻度或中度症状。对于一些人来说,它会导致更严重的疾病,尤其是老年人和有健康问题的人。

Lessons from the Last Century

The city of Denver',Colorado,is perhaps the most relevant case study. As the epidemic skyrocketed°, officials ordered the immediate closure of schools,churches, and places of public amusement. Indoor public gatherings were banned. Such action,it was argued, would save lives and money.

The business community agreed. One theater owner put it this way:"I shall gladly sacrifice all that I have and hope to have,if by so doing I can be the Many are the victims of tear gassing by police, potentially increasing the risk of transmission and infection. The latest models indicate COVID-19's US death toll could reach 170000 by October. A second wave this fall--or the continuation of an unabated first wave--could make that number even higher.
商界对此表示赞同。一位剧院老板这样说:“我很乐意牺牲我所拥有和希望拥有的一切,如果这样做我可以成为许多人成为警察催泪瓦斯的受害者,这可能会增加传播和感染的风险。最新模型表明,到 10 月,COVID-19 的美国死亡人数可能达到 170000 人。今年秋天的第二波疫情——或者第一波疫情的持续——可能会使这个数字更高。

But These Are Not Unprecedented Times

As a historian of medicine at the University of Michigan, I am a student of the 1918 influenza pandemic. It remains the deadliest public health event in recorded history. There are lessons to be learned from what happened a century ago. True, there are differences between then and now. Then we were a nation at war, with an economy led by manufacturing and a male-dominated workforce. We had far less medical and scientific knowledge. And it was an entirely different virus. But striking similarities exist between how we reacted to the pandemic in 1918 and how we're responding now.
作为密歇根大学的医学历史学家,我是 1918 年流感大流行的学生。它仍然是有记录的历史上最致命的公共卫生事件。我们可以从一个世纪前发生的事情中吸取教训。诚然,过去和现在是有区别的。那时,我们是一个处于战争中的国家,经济由制造业主导,劳动力以男性为主。我们的医学和科学知识要少得多。这是一种完全不同的病毒。但是,我们在 1918 年对大流行病的反应与我们现在的应对方式之间存在惊人的相似之处。

Biologist doctor Caroline Gutsmuth gives a phone call in a medical biology laboratory who opened a coronavirus drive-thru' testing site, in Neuilly-sur Seine, near Paris, Monday, March 23,2020. French President Emmanuel Macron urged employees 1o keep working in supermarkets, production sites and other businesses that need to keep running amid stringent restrictions of movement due to the rapid spreading of the new coronavirus in the country. For most people,the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms. For some, it can cause more severe illness, especially in older adults and people with existing health problems.
2020 年 3 月 23 日星期一,生物学家医生卡罗琳·古茨穆斯 (Caroline Gutsmuth) 在一家医学生物学实验室打来电话,她在巴黎附近的塞纳河畔讷伊开设了一家冠状病毒得来速检测点。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙 (Emmanuel Macron) 敦促员工 1o 继续在超市、生产基地和其他企业工作,由于新型冠状病毒在该国的迅速传播,这些企业需要在严格的行动限制下继续运营。对于大多数人来说,新型冠状病毒只引起轻度或中度症状。对于一些人来说,它会导致更严重的疾病,尤其是老年人和有健康问题的人。

Lessons from the Last Century

The city of Denver',Colorado,is perhaps the most relevant case study. As the epidemic skyrocketed', officials ordered the immediate closure of schools,churches, and places of public amusement. Indoor public gatherings were banned. Such action, it was argued, would save lives and money.

The business community agreed. One theater owner put it this way:"I shall gladly sacrifice all that I have and hope to have,if by so doing I can be the means of saving one life."

Unit Three Culture
Unit Three 文化

That noble sense of civic duty quickly faded as townspeople took to congregating outdoors. They met in the busy downtown shopping district and at outdoor church services and lodge meetings. Business owners and those thrown out of work by the closure orders decried these gatherings; they were bearing the loss of the closures, they said, while the public shirked its duty. Denver's health officer, calling out the"criminal neglect" of those at the open-air assemblies,added outdoor gatherings to the prohibitions.

Within just two weeks of the closures,residents grew restless. As records of new cases leveled off, many demanded an end to both the closure order and gathering ban. Giving in to the pressure, the mayor and health officer announced the measures would be lifted on Nov. 11,1918. That day-in a horrible twist of fate-turned out to be Armistice Day. Thousands thronged the streets, hotels,theaters,and auditoriums of Denver to celebrate both the end of World War I and the pandemic. But only one of them was truly over.
在关闭后的短短两周内,居民们变得焦躁不安。随着新病例记录趋于平稳,许多人要求结束关闭令和集会禁令。屈服于压力,市长和卫生官员宣布将于 1918 年 11 月 11 日取消这些措施。那一天——命运的可怕转折——竟然是停战日。成千上万的人涌向丹佛的街道、酒店、剧院和礼堂,庆祝第一次世界大战的结束和大流行。但只有一个真正结束了。

Health authorities realized a new surge of influenza deaths were likely but acknowledged there was little they could do. "There is no use trying to lay down any rules regarding the peace celebration," said one official,"as the lid is off entirely."

The Next Wave Hits

The surge came hard and fast. Within a week, physicians reported hundreds of new cases and dozens of deaths per day. Officials responded with another set of closure orders and gathering bans. Theaters, bowling alleys, pool halls, and other places of public amusement were shut down. Affected business owners,complaining they were singled-out, formed an "amusement council",and demanded the city close all places of congregation or issue a mask order. City officials acceded.They put a mask order in place.

Enforcement was an issue. Residents routinely refused to wear masks even when threatened with arrest and hefty fines. The mayor soon realized the futility of the order. "Why, it would take half the population to make the other half wear masks," he said."You can't arrest all the people, can you?" Officials the

backed off again; they would recommend mask use , not require it.

Except for streetcat conductors, who still had to wear them, said the city,Bristled at being singled out, the conductors threatened to strike. A walkout way averted when city officials again watered down the order. Conductors only had to wear them during rush hour commutes. The new provisions were all but useless,and a few days later the mask rule was abolished.

Denver's epidemic continued for several months. It was unchecked by any public health orders, save for isolation and quarantine for those with the illness,The result: a second spike of deaths higher than the first, and one of the nation's largest per-capita death tolls.

History Could Repeat Itself

Surely at least some of this sounds familiar. If Denver's story tells us anything,it is that we must do better than in 1918. All of us must continue to combat COVID-19 with face masks and social distance in public. Recent studies show face masks,along with hand sanitation and social distancing by a majority of the population, can quickly bring this pandemic under control.
当然,至少其中一些听起来很熟悉。如果丹佛的故事告诉我们什么,那就是我们必须比 1918 年做得更好。我们所有人都必须继续在公共场合戴口罩和保持社交距离来对抗 COVID-19。最近的研究表明,口罩以及大多数人的手部卫生和社交距离可以迅速控制住这种大流行。

Those levels of compliance,however, might become increasingly difficult. In 2020,we are bristling much the same way they did in 1918. A century ago,masks were widely despised; many today feel the same way. Yet if we don't take these measures seriously, we will likely face a revival of the virus.
然而,这些级别的合规性可能会变得越来越困难。2020 年,我们的愤怒与 1918 年大致相同。一个世纪前,口罩被广泛鄙视;今天许多人也有同样的感觉。然而,如果我们不认真对待这些措施,我们可能会面临病毒的卷土重来。

If the past offers us any perspective into the future,it is this: returning to the sweeping closures and stay-at-home orders that we're emerging from may be difficult. It proved all but impossible to do so a century ago. It may prove very well impossible today.


文本 1

XueLearning to Be Human

Liu Xiaogan

One distinctive feature of the Confucian way of dealing with learning,thinking,and knowledge is that they all contain the heart part of xin, heart-mind. The heart is engaged in the process of reaching a deeper understanding of critical evaluation and of appropriating what is learned so that one is able to apply it creatively and artistically. Responding to a disciple's question about shortening the period of mourning for his parents, Confucius asks “Would you feel at ease".This question forces the disciple to bring whatever feelings and ideas he has on the matter in front of his moral subjectivity and examine whether or not he can accept them at ease.
儒家处理学习、思考和知识的方式的一个显着特点是,它们都包含了 xin 的心脏部分,即心-心。心灵参与到对批判性评价的更深入理解和挪用所学到的东西的过程,以便一个人能够创造性地和艺术性地应用它。在回答弟子关于缩短父母丧悼期的问题时,孔子问道:“你放心吗”。这个问题迫使弟子把他对这个问题的任何感受和想法带到他的道德主观性面前,并检查他是否能轻松地接受它们。

When another disciple asked Confucius about the exemplary person, the Master said,"The exemplary person is free from worry and apprehension ... If there is nothing to be ashamed of upon self-reflection, what can the person be worried about and afraid of? It is no coincidence that the Chinese language contains lexicons that can be illustrative of the bodily characteristics of the Confucian way of thinking and knowing,such as "ti yan bodily experience","ti hui bodily understanding","ti cha bodily examination","ti zhi bodily knowing",and"ti ren bodily recognition". We do not passively receive impressions, nor do we merely reason intellectually. We experience with the body engaged, understand with our heart in empathy, examine with the sensitivity of the body and know with the body disposed to act upon what is known.

Since the process of learning and reflection involves dispositioning the body and transformation of the entire person,it requires practice to perfect. Biologically,human beings are similar in nature. It is by xi (practice) that they diverge. The outcome is not nearly as much an accumulated stock of propositional knowledge as a set of abilities, which in the Song and Ming Dynasty Confucians call "gong fu"(Kungfu),obtained through receiving training from masters and through one's own diligent practice. The Analects shows that when asked about ren by the disciples,Confucius never tried to describe ren per se. He talked about what a ren person twould be like, how they would act ,and he gave instructions according to each disciple's particular condition, letting them know on what level and in which respect they should start or continue their practice. The teaching method is indeed more typical of gong fu masters than of philosophy teachers in the ordi,nary sense of the term.
由于学习和反思的过程涉及到整个人的体质和转变,因此需要实践来完善。从生物学上讲,人类在本质上是相似的。正是由于 习(实践)他们才分道扬镳。其结果与其说是命题知识的积累,不如说是一套能力,在宋明儒家中,儒家称之为“功夫”,通过接受大师的训练和自己的勤奋修炼而获得。《论语》表明,当弟子们问及 任 时,孔子从未试图描述 任 本身。他谈到一个任的人会是什么样子,他们会如何行动,并根据每个弟子的具体情况给出指示,让他们知道应该在什么层次和哪个方面开始或继续修行。这种教学方法确实是功夫大师的典型,而不是普通意义上的哲学教师。

The Confucian gongfu culminates at zhongyong. zhong means "centrality""not to be one-sided", yong means "ordinary" or "commonality","practicality",and"constancy". When zhong and yong are used together as one term, it can be translated as "centering the commonality". There is a considerable overlap between this view and the Aristotelian Gold Mean. Both mean virtue (not necessarily moral virtue), or excellence,of avoiding two extreme vices--deficiency and excess, and not a state of being mediocre. By associating zhong with yong,Confucius advises people to constantly practice zhong in the ordinary or everyday life that makes our heart-mind always at ease. Since everyday life situations are dynamic and hence there is no rigid rule to follow, the person has to embody the gongfu to respond to differing situations in a consistent way and be creative as a co-creator of the universe.
儒家功夫在中永达到高潮。zhong 的意思是“中心性”“不是单方面的”,yong 的意思是“普通”或“共性”,“实用性”和“恒定性”。当 zhong 和 yong 一起作为一个术语使用时,可以翻译为“以共性为中心”。这种观点与亚里士多德的黄金平均值之间存在相当大的重叠。两者都意味着美德(不一定是道德美德)或卓越,避免两种极端的恶习——不足和过度,而不是平庸的状态。通过将 zhong 与 yong 联系起来,孔子建议人们在平凡或日常生活中不断练习 zhong,使我们的心始终轻松。由于日常生活情况是动态的,因此没有严格的规则可循,因此人必须体现功夫,以一致的方式应对不同的情况,并作为宇宙的共同创造者具有创造力。

After all, the unity between heaven and human is not a combination of two entities or a human's ascendance to another world; it is rather one's becoming truly human in serving parents, taking care of children, respecting teachers,helping friends,and finding enjoyment in these activities.

The kind of knowledge obtained through the Confucian sense of learning is closer to what is now commonly referred to as "knowing how [to do something]",as opposed to "knowing what [is the case]". The former is dispositional, and the latter is propositional. The teachings of Confucius are like road signs, or directives, that guide people's lives and their actions, leading them to their own new discovery and their own unique life. An obvious omission in the Confucian learning program is natural sciences. Confucius felt close to nature,but he never displayed any interests in the dispassionate, objective analysis of nature, as scientists do. His remarks about nature are without exception the objectification of his moral and aesthetic sentiments and virtues. As Xu Fuguan points out,the names of plants and animals in the 300 Odes are sentiments and virtues of the poets, not botany or zoology. Western science interprets humans as part of nature; Confucius interprets nature in terms of humans.
通过儒家的学习意识获得的知识更接近于现在通常所说的“知道如何做某事”,而不是“知道 [情况]是什么”。前者是处置性的,后者是命题性的。孔子的教义就像路标或指示,指导人们的生活和行动,引导他们走向自己的新发现和自己独特的生活。儒家学习计划中一个明显的遗漏是自然科学。孔子觉得自己很接近自然,但他从来没有像科学家那样对自然的冷静、客观的分析表现出任何兴趣。他对自然的评论无一例外地是他的道德和审美情操和美德的客观化。正如徐福冠所指出的,《三百颂》中的动植物名称是诗人的情感和美德,而不是植物学或动物学。西方科学将人类解释为自然的一部分;孔子从人类的角度来解释自然。

But certain caution is needed in taking the Confucian learning as "knowing how". First of all, while it is true that Confucius never really delved into natural sciences, the holistic and correlative way of thinking that was prevalent in Chinese philosophy, including Confucius' teachings, has led to remarkable achievements and insights about how the universe (including our own bodies)functions. It is best exemplified in traditional Chinese medicine. Confucius' own observation about the connection between human-heartedness and longevity and his followers' contribution to Chinese medicine and the Chinese theories of health are indications that Confucianism may have more profound understanding of how the natural world functions than modern medical science does, though the latter is indisputably much more advanced in detailed local areas (that is,if we put aside the fact that the two systems may be incommensurable scientific"paradigms"). The most remarkable feature of the Confucian outlook on the natural world is that it helps us to understand the inseparableness between the body and the mind, between moral cultivation and the overall wellness of a person and between the state of an individual and her interpersonal relationships,and that the universe is a continuum, which must be viewed holistically.

Secondly,it is important to stress that the Confucian learning is not merely a matter of acquiring motor skills,as "knowing how" is commonly understood. It is more a transformation of the person. I may know how to overcome procrastination, but not disposed to do it nor have the ability to do it. On the other hand,I may be able to do it, but not know specifically how. The aim of the Confucian learning is to achieve the full capacity, including the strong inclination, to achieve excellence.

An interesting observation here is that, in this philosophy that aims primarily at prescribing a good way of life and offering instructions for people to grow mature and live well, the notion of time may also be different. "The Master was standing on the riverbank,and observed,'Isn't life's passing just like this,never ceasing day or night!'" On the surface,this appears to be just a lament on how fast time goes, but the Master always draws moral lessons from observations of


The other passages succeeding this quote indicate that he is more likely reminding people that one should be like the river, making constant efforts to improve oneself. Time for a learner is not a passage that always passes evenly."As in piling up earth to erect a mountain, if I stop only one basketful short of completion, I have stopped. As in filling a ditch to level the ground, if, having dumped in only one basketful, I continue, I am progressing.""If there was anyone who was never tired of practicing what he was taught, it was surely Yan Hui 1,for he is such a person that I only saw his progress; I never saw him stop"."There are indeed seedlings that do not flower, and there are flowers that do not fruit. Though no one can be perfect, one should aim at constantly perfecting oneself.”
这句话之后的其他段落表明,他更有可能提醒人们,一个人应该像河流一样,不断努力提高自己。对于学习者来说,时间并不是一条总是平缓流逝的通道。就像堆积泥土来建造一座山一样,如果我只停了一篮子,就等于停了。就像填满沟渠以平整地面一样,如果只倒入一篮子里,我继续前进,我就在进步。如果说有谁从不厌倦地实践他所教的,那肯定是燕辉 1,因为他是这样的人,我只看到了他的进步;我从来没有看到他停下来”。确实有不开花的幼苗,也有不结果的花。虽然没有人可以完美,但一个人应该以不断完善自己为目标。

文本 2

The Effects of Sympathy in the Distresses of Others

Edmund Burke

To examine this point concerning the effect of tragedy in a proper manner,we must first consider how we are affected by the feelings of our fellow.creatures in circumstances of real distress. I am convinced we have a degree of delight, and that is no small one, in the real misfortunes and pains of others; to let the affection be what it will in appearance, if it does not make us shun such objects, if on the contrary it induces us to approach them, if it makes us dwell upon them,in this case I conceive we must have a delight or pleasure of some species or other in considering objects of this kind.

Do we not read the true histories of scenes of this nature with as much pleasure as romances or poems, where the incidents are invented? The prosperity of no empire, nor the grandeur of no king, can so agreeably affect in the reading,as the ruin of the state of Macedon, and the distress of its unhappy prince. Such a disaster touches us in history as much as the destruction of Troy does in fable.Our delight, in cases of this kind, is very greatly heightened, if the sufferer is some excellent person who sinks under an unworthy fortune. Scipio and Cato are both virtuous characters; but we are more deeply affected by the violent death of the one, and the ruin of the great cause he adhered to, than with the deserved triumphs and uninterrupted prosperity of the other; for terror is a passion which always produces delight when it does not press too closely; and pity is a passion accompanied with pleasure, because it arises from love and social affection.

Whenever we are formed by nature to any active purpose, the passion which animates us to it is attended with delight,or a pleasure of some kind,let the subject-matter be what it will; and as our Creator has designed that we should be united by the bond of sympathy,he has strengthened that bond by a proportionate delight; and there most where our sympathy is most wanted, in the distresses of others. If this passion was simply painful, we would shun with the greatest care all persons and places that could excite such a passion; and some, who are so far gone in indolence as not to endure any strong impression, actually do. But the case is widely different with the greater part of mankind; there is no spectacle we so eagerly pursue,as that of some uncommon and grievous disaster; so that whether the misfortune is before our eyes,or whether they are turned back to it in history, it always touches with delight. This is not an unmixed delight but blended with no small uneasiness. The delight we have in such things hinders us from shunning scenes of misery; and the pain we feel prompts us to relieve ourselves in relieving those who suffer; and all this is antecedent to any reasoning,by an instinct that works us to its own purposes without our concurrence.

Of the Effects of Tragedy

Edmund Burke It is thus in real disasters. In imitated distresses, the only difference is the pleasure resulting from the effects of imitation; for it is never so perfect, but we can perceive it in imitation, and on that principle are somewhat pleased with it.And indeed, in some cases we derive as much or more pleasure from that source than from the thing itself. But then I imagine we shall be much mistaken, if we attribute any considerable part of our satisfaction in tragedy to the consideration that tragedy is a deceit, and its representations have no realities. The nearer it approaches reality and the farther it removes us from all ideas of fiction, the more perfect is its power. But be its power of what kind it will, it never approaches what it represents.
埃德蒙·伯克 因此,这是在真实的灾难中。在被模仿的痛苦中,唯一的区别是模仿效果所带来的快乐;因为它从来没有那么完美,但我们可以在模仿中感知它,并且根据这个原则对它感到有些满意。事实上,在某些情况下,我们从那个源头获得的快乐与从事物本身获得的快乐一样多或更多。但是,我想,如果我们把我们对悲剧的满足感的很大一部分归因于这样一种观念,即悲剧是一种欺骗,而它的表现是没有现实的,那我们就大错特错了。它越接近现实,越远离所有虚构的想法,它的力量就越完美。但是,无论它的力量如何,它永远不会接近它所代表的。

Choose a day on which to represent the most extreme and affecting tragedy we have; appoint the most favourite actors; spare no cost upon the scenes and decorations, unite the greatest efforts of poetry, painting, and music; and when you have collected your audience,just at the moment when their minds are erect with expectation,let it be reported that a state criminal of high rank is on the point of being executed in the adjoining square; in a moment the emptiness of the theatre would demonstrate the comparative weakness of the imitative arts,and proclaim the triumph of the real sympathy. I believe that this notion of our having a simple pain in the reality, yet a delight in the representation, arises from hence, that we do not sufficiently distinguish what we would by no means choose to do, from what we should be eager enough to see if it was once done. The delight in seeing things, which,so far from doing,our heartiest wishes would be

to see redressed.
看到 redressed。

This noble capital, the pride of England and of Europe, I believe no man is so strangely wicked as to desire to see destroyed by a conflagration or an earthquake,though he should be removed himself to the greatest distance from the danger. But suppose such a fatal accident to have happened, what numbers from all parts would crowd to behold the ruins, and amongst many who would have been content never to have seen London in its glory! Nor is it, either in real or fictitious distresses, our immunity from them which produces our delight; in my own mind I can discover nothing like it. I apprehend that this mistake is owing to a sort of sophism, by which we are frequently imposed upon; it arises from our not distinguishing between what is indeed a necessary condition to our doing or suffering anything in general,and what is the cause of some particular act.

If a man kills me with a sword, it is a necessary condition to this that we should have been both of us alive before the fact; and yet it would be absurd to say,that our being both living creatures was the cause of his crime and of my death. So it is certain that it is absolutely necessary my life should be out of any imminent hazard, before I can take a delight in the sufferings of others, real or imaginary,or indeed in anything else from any cause whatsoever. But then it is a sophism to argue from thence, that this immunity is the cause of my delight either on these or on any occasions. No one can distinguish such a cause of satisfaction in his own mind, I believe; nay, when we do not suffer any very acute pain, nor are exposed to any imminent danger of our lives, we can feel for others, whilst we suffer ourselves; and often then most when we are softened by affliction; we see with pity even distresses which we would accept in the place of our own.

联合 5

文本 1

The Rules of Drinking

The long history of drinking games

-and how to win them.
- 以及如何赢得他们。

Michael Fontaine'In England and parts of Germany, extreme drinking at universities often looks much the same as in the US. But in countries where wine is more popular than beer,such as Italy,France,Spain and Greece,bingeing and drinking games are rarer and generally frowned on.
Michael Fontaine“在英格兰和德国部分地区,大学里的极端饮酒情况通常看起来与美国差不多。但在葡萄酒比啤酒更受欢迎的国家,如意大利、法国、西班牙和希腊,狂欢和饮酒游戏更为罕见,而且通常不受欢迎。

Yet it cannot be just a question of wine being harder to stomach in greater quantities than beer, since the case of Greece shows us that drinking games have a long history. A favourite game played in ancient Greece was kottabos, where the goal was to fling the lees or residue from the bottom of your terracotta wine glass and hit a disk balancing on a little pole. Another popular drinking "game"consisted of competitive improvised speechmaking on a theme. We see this played in Plato's Symposium, where the participants are each required while drinking wine to offer a speech in praise of love. Dionysus, the god of wine, is allegedly the judge.
然而,这不仅仅是葡萄酒比啤酒更难接受的问题,因为希腊的案例告诉我们,饮酒游戏有着悠久的历史。古希腊最受欢迎的游戏是 kottabos,目标是将陶土酒杯底部的酒糟或残留物扔掉,然后敲击小杆上的圆盘平衡。另一个流行的饮酒“游戏”包括关于某个主题的竞争性即兴演讲。我们在柏拉图的研讨会上看到了这一点,参与者每个人都被要求在喝酒时发表赞美爱情的演讲。据称,酒神狄俄尼索斯是法官。

Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine,later considered a patron of the arts. He created wine and spread the art of viticulture. He had a dual nature; on one hand, he brought joy and divine ecstasy; or he would bring brutal and blinding rage, thus reflecting the dual nature of wine. Dionysus and his followers could not be bound by fetters.
狄俄尼索斯 (Dionysus) 是生育和葡萄酒之神,后来被认为是艺术的赞助人。他创造了葡萄酒并传播了葡萄栽培艺术。他有双重本性;一方面,他带来了欢乐和神圣的狂喜;或者他会带来残酷而盲目的愤怒,从而反映出葡萄酒的双重性质。狄俄尼索斯和他的追随者不能被枷锁束缚。

Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele,and he was the only god with a mortal parent. He became one of the most important gods in everyday life and was associated with several key concepts.

The festival for Dionysus was held in the spring when vines would start bearing leaves. It became one of the most important events of the year and its primary focal point was the theater. Most of the great Greek plays were initially written to be performed at the feast of Dionysus. All participants, writers, actors, spectators, were regarded as sacred servants of Dionysus during the festival,

Now, it comes to the game. There is a crucial difference with today's games. Those are "competitive" drinking games, but they are not "competitive drinking" games as are played in and around universities today—in which the winner,loser,or both can get exceptionally drunk.
现在,它来到了游戏。今天的游戏有一个关键的区别。这些是 “竞争性 ”饮酒游戏,但它们不是今天大学里和周围玩的 “竞争性饮酒 ”游戏--赢家、输家或两者兼而有之,都会喝得特别醉。

These,evidence suggests, emerged in southern Germany around the time of the Reformation, in the early 1530s, when the medieval way of life began to falter, but young men were still training to become knights. The Crusades were long over and, with military tactics changing, so was the economy. With no obvious job prospects or particular purpose to their lives, there was no clear outlet for their energies. It seems they turned to wine to fill the void. And with Germany's vineyards four times larger then than they are today-and per-capita consumption six times higher-the pressure to indulge was ample.
有证据表明,这些出现在宗教改革时期的德国南部,即 1530 年代初期,当时中世纪的生活方式开始动摇,但年轻人仍在接受成为骑士的训练。十字军东征早已结束,随着军事战术的变化,经济也发生了变化。由于没有明显的工作前景或特定的生活目标,他们的精力没有明确的出口。他们似乎转向葡萄酒来填补空白。由于德国的葡萄园比现在大四倍,人均消费量高出六倍,放纵世界的压力是很大的。

Of course, excess drinking is not new. Medieval poetry, such as the Carmina Burana ,is full of student drinking songs about the pleasures of overimbibing.The most famous example, In the Tavern When We're Drinking ,suggests it is a universal pastime. Another of the work's poems is a sparkling gem shot through with delightful wordplay:
当然,过量饮酒并不是什么新鲜事。中世纪的诗歌,如《布兰诗歌》(Carmina Burana),充满了学生饮酒的歌曲,讲述了过度饮酒的乐趣。最著名的例子,In the Tavern When We're Drinking ,表明这是一种普遍的消遣方式。这部作品的另一首诗是一颗闪闪发光的宝石,充满了令人愉悦的文字游戏:

O sophisticated drinkers

you unthirsty thyrsus-linkers
你们这些不渴的 thyrsus-linkers

down your rounds,ignore the blinkers,bent on being wineglass-clinkers!If you can't brook a libation,get out of our celebration!Out! Begone! Why in tarnation Stay? We don't host moderation.
在你的回合中,无视眼罩,一心想成为酒杯的熟料!如果你不能忍受喝酒,就离开我们的庆祝活动吧!外!走开!为什么在 tarnation Stay 中?我们不主持审核。

The best evidence of a change in culture, though, is a Latin poem published in 1536, which claims that excess drinking is taking over professional life. The author, Vincent Obsopoeus, the rector of an elite school in Ansbach, wrote the first two books of his three-part poem, The Art of Drinking , ostensibly in an effort to halt this poisonous new culture. In Part Three,however, the mask slips and Obsopoeus instead tells us how to win drinking games,citing extensive personal experience-—and the games he describes in it are the first to look recognisably familiar. Games in which, for example, the objective was to take drinks in alternation until the other person passes out. The last one standing is the winner.
不过,文化变化的最好证据是 1536 年发表的一首拉丁诗,它声称过量饮酒正在接管职业生活。作者文森特·奥布索波乌斯 (Vincent Obsopoeus) 是安斯巴赫一所精英学校的校长,他写了他的三部分诗《饮酒的艺术》的前两本书,表面上是为了阻止这种有毒的新文化。然而,在第三部分中,面具滑落,Obsopoeus 反而告诉我们如何赢得饮酒游戏,并引用了广泛的个人经验——他在其中描述的游戏是第一个看起来熟悉的游戏。例如,目标是交替喝酒直到对方昏倒。最后站着的人就是赢家。

The remainder of Book Three details strategies to win. When in a competition,

Obsopoeus says,and the following signs appear,use full bottles to put the pressure on:
Obsopoeus 说,并出现以下迹象,用满瓶来施加压力:

When your opponent is: already getting sick of it; saying the wine's making his stomach turn and an intense flush is breaking out on his face; shouting abuse at the waiters nearby for giving him bigger drinks than others; slurring his speech and leaving words unfinished;sick and repeatedly asking the barmaids for help; constantly slurping his drink; spitting the wine out; dribbling alcohol from his wet mouth,and cleverly dumping his wine out (secretly or openly): those are the signs of a drinker on the ropes. The flame is out; his earlier gung-ho attitude has lost its steam. Give him alcohol, pressure him!
当你的对手是:已经厌倦了它;说酒让他的胃翻滚,脸上泛起强烈的红晕;对附近的服务员大喊大叫,因为他给的饮料比别人多;口齿不清,没有说完;生病并反复向酒吧女服务员寻求帮助;不断地啜饮他的饮料;把酒吐出来;从他湿漉漉的嘴里滴下酒,并巧妙地(偷偷或公开)倒出他的酒:这些都是酒鬼在绳索上的标志。火焰熄灭了;他早先的 gung-ho 态度已经失去了动力。给他喝酒,给他压力!

The secret to winning these games is simple. There is no magic that will

increase your tolerance or stretch your stomach. Rather,says Obsopoeus:

The trick to the art of drinking, its supreme virtue, is this: making

sure your opponent matches you drink-for-drink each and every time.

Obsopoeus was the first person to write a guide to drinking. As he wrote in
Obsopoeus 是第一个写饮酒指南的人。正如他在

his preface:

If an Art of Drinking was ever taught by anyone at any point, I haven't found it ... Because I realised this, and because I pitied the human race for being left helpless in this one exclusive domain, I quietly made notes of certain observations I'd stumbled upon through frequent experimentation.

His candour is disarming and refreshing. In his book on drinking games, he cites his extensive personal experience ,including the times he staggered away,

passed out and spent the night sleeping in a pigsty.

Predictably enough, Obsopoeus got into trouble writing this book. A few years later he translated an ancient Greek epigram about drinking games,adding a little note in the commentary to his translation:
不出所料,Obsopoeus 在写这本书时遇到了麻烦。几年后,他翻译了一句关于饮酒游戏的古希腊警句,并在翻译的评论中添加了一个小注释:

I wrote a lot about that topic in "The Art of Drinking" ,and I hear a lot of people are trashing me behind my back for publishing it. They say I went too far. Whatever. Obsopoeus doesn't care. They can go on hating and criticising me until they explode.
我在《The Art of Drinking》中写了很多关于这个话题的文章,我听说很多人因为我发表了它而背地里骂我。他们说我走得太远了。无论什么。奥布索波乌斯不在乎。他们可以继续憎恨和批评我,直到他们爆发。

It is a sobering reminder of the hazards facing anyone who ventures to write

about drinking games.

文本 2

How Long Has Everyone Screamed for Ice Cream

Alfonso Lopez

Whether called sorbet, sherbet, gelato, or just plain ice cream, these cold,sweet treats have been cooling people off for centuries. Modern refrigeration might seem absolutely required for creating and enjoying frozen desserts, but indulging in cold treats goes back thousands of years. These prized indulgences were enjoyed by people living all over the ancient world-from China to Mesopotamia,As early as 4000 years ago,Chinese people enjoyed a kind of frozen syrup.Centuries later, around 400 B. C. ,sharbat was a popular treat in the Persian Empire. This cold drink featured syrup made from cherries, quinces, and pomegranates that were then cooled with snow. The modern words " sherbet",“sorbet",and"syrup" can trace their linguistic recipe origins back to sharbat.Historic accounts tell of Alexander the Great, who conquered the Persian Empire in 330 B. C. ,enjoying flavored ices sweetened with honey. The Greeks,and later the Romans, adopted the custom of cooling their drinks. In the early years of the Roman Empire, Emperor Nero was known to indulge in fruit juices mixed with honey and snow at his banquets. Centuries later, in the 1290s, Marco Polo returned from China with recipes for flavored ices, some of which included milk.
无论是被称为冰糕、果子露、冰淇淋,还是普通的冰淇淋,这些冷甜的零食几个世纪以来一直在为人们降温。制作和享用冷冻甜点似乎绝对需要现代制冷,但沉迷于冷食可以追溯到数千年前。这些珍贵的放纵被生活在古代世界各地的人们所享受——从中国到美索不达米亚,早在 4000 年前,中国人就享用了一种冷冻糖浆。几个世纪后,大约在公元前 400 年,sharbat 在波斯帝国是一种流行的美食。这种冷饮的特色是用樱桃、榅桲和石榴制成的糖浆,然后用雪冷却。现代单词 “sherbet”、“sorbet” 和 “syrup” 可以追溯到它们的语言食谱起源于 sharbat。历史记载讲述了亚历山大大帝,他在公元前 330 年征服了波斯帝国,享受着用蜂蜜加糖的调味冰。希腊人,以及后来的罗马人,采用了冷却饮料的习俗。在罗马帝国的早期,众所周知,尼禄皇帝在他的宴会上沉迷于混合了蜂蜜和雪的果汁。几个世纪后的 1290 年代,马可波罗从中国带回了风味冰的食谱,其中一些包括牛奶。

Important Ingredients

These precursors of modern ice cream were only made possible by procuring and preserving snow and ice from cold, mountainous areas or frozen lakes and rivers.After gathering the cold stuff, handlers would pack it with straw and branches to reduce melting and then transport it down the mountain to urban areas.There, ice and snow would be stored in icehouses. Different civilizations created them with variations on the same themes chambets free of heat and light. Deep pits were often used,and the ice would be packed in insulation,often straw or sawdust,to keep out the heat.
这些现代冰淇淋的前身只有通过从寒冷的山区或冰冻的湖泊和河流中采购和保存冰雪才能实现。收集完冷的东西后,处理人员会用稻草和树枝包装以减少融化,然后将其运下山到市区。在那里,冰和雪将储存在冰库中。不同的文明创造了它们,具有相同的主题 chambets 无热无光。通常使用深坑,冰会用绝缘材料(通常是稻草或锯末)填充,以阻挡热量。

Procuring ice was labor-intensive and complex, which made it a highly valuable commodity in antiquity. In the Middle Ages, snow was still brought from the mountains to icehouses throughout Europe. By the 17th century,many estates had private icehouses,and by the end of the 18th century large icehouses were being built in towns and cities, and traveling salespeople sold large blocks of ice door to door.
采购冰块是劳动密集型和复杂的,这使其成为古代非常有价值的商品。在中世纪,雪仍然从山区带到整个欧洲的冰屋。到 17 世纪,许多庄园都有私人冰屋,到 18 世纪末,城镇和城市开始建造大型冰屋,旅行推销员挨家挨户出售大块冰块。

In some cities, the ice trade was regulated by the authorities, who set prices and penalties for illegal sale. In Naples, there were 43 "ice sellers" in 1807. Rules obliged sellers to supply ice only during the summer.
在一些城市,冰贸易由当局监管,当局为非法销售设定价格和处罚。在那不勒斯,1807 年有 43 个“冰商”。规则要求卖家只能在夏季供应冰块。

Sobertto in Streets

Sorbetiera were street vendors who sold sorbetto in Naples. The well-to-do could find their sorbet in cafes, but the lower classes flocked to the popular street vendors in the 18th and 19th centuries. Travelers to Naples often remarked on sorbetto in their scenes of the city's street life. In 1839 Irish author and biographer of Lord Byron, Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington,wrote:"The gaiety of the streets of Naples at night is unparalleled... The iceshops are crowded by the beau monde, and the humbler portable shops,.. which are established in the streets,are surrounded by eager applicants for the sorbetto and lemonade."
Sorbetiera 是在那不勒斯出售冰雪糕的街头小贩。富裕的人可以在咖啡馆找到他们的冰糕,但在 18 世纪和 19 世纪,下层阶级则涌向流行的街头小贩。去那不勒斯的旅行者经常在他们描述这座城市的街头生活时提到冰糕。1839 年,爱尔兰作家和拜伦勋爵的传记作者布莱辛顿伯爵夫人玛格丽特·加德纳 (Marguerite Gardiner) 写道:“那不勒斯夜晚街道的欢乐无与伦比......冰店里挤满了 beau monde 和更简陋的便携式商店,..这些商店都建在街上,周围都是渴望购买冰糕和柠檬水的人。

The Scientific Scoop

The exact timing of incorporating dairy products into frozen desserts has been difficult to pin down. Some food historians believe it first evolved in Asia and was introduced to Europe by Marco Polo, while others vigorously call that a myth. To fully incorporate milk and cream into a smooth frozen treat, cooks used an endothermic process. They would place ice-cream ingredients in a metal vessel, which would then be placed inside a bucket filled with ice and salt (saltpeter was also used). Salt lowers the freezing point of ice, which then absorbs energy in order to melt. The ice will "pull" heat from the creamy mixture,which will then solidify.

The first evidence of using this technique in Europe comes from a treatise published in 1550 by Blas de Villafranca,a Spanish doctor residing in Rome. The technique spread throughout Italy,and in 1558 the Neapolitan Giambattista della Porta described it in his work Magia Naturalis (Natural Magic):"Since the first thing people want to do at parties is to drink wine as cold as ice,especially in the summer, I will teach you how it can not only be cooled but frozen, so it can only be drunk by sipping it. Pour some wine into a jar and add a little water so it freezes more quickly; then add snow in a wooden pot and sprinkle powdered saltpeter over it. Stir the jar in the snow and it will gradually freeze." With his recipe for frozen wine, the method for making sorbetto was introduced.
在欧洲使用这种技术的第一个证据来自居住在罗马的西班牙医生 Blas de Villafranca 于 1550 年发表的一篇论文。这项技术传遍了意大利,1558 年,那不勒斯人 Giambattista della Porta 在他的著作 Magia Naturalis(自然魔法)中描述了它:“既然人们在聚会上想做的第一件事就是喝像冰一样冷的葡萄酒,尤其是在夏天,我将教你如何不仅可以冷却,而且可以冷冻。 所以只能啜饮才能喝。将一些葡萄酒倒入罐子中,加入少许水,使其更快地结冰;然后在木罐中加入雪,并在上面撒上硝石粉。在雪中搅拌罐子,它会逐渐结冰。通过他的冷冻葡萄酒配方,引入了制作冰雪糕的方法。

The first European ice creams are believed to have originated in Italy around this same time. Recipes spread to France in the 17th century,and then to England where they really caught on. The first appearance of the term "ice cream" in English occurred in the 1670s. One instance detailed it among a number of elaborate dishes served at the Feast of St. George at Windsor in May 1671.
据信,第一批欧洲冰淇淋大约在同一时间起源于意大利。食谱在 17 世纪传播到法国,然后传播到英国,在那里它们真正流行起来。“冰淇淋”一词在英语中首次出现于 1670 年代。一个例子在 1671 年 5 月温莎的圣乔治盛宴上供应的众多精美菜肴中详细介绍了它。

Ice Cream Crazes

Making ice cream, unlike sorbet, was highly labor-intensive. Ice had to be chipped by hand and packed with rock salt to fill a large tub, into which another pot of cream,milk, sugar and flavoring was placed. The contents were then stirred by hand for several hours until ice cream formed. Often the ice cream was then scooped out and placed into fanciful molds shaped like fruits and flowers. Because of the expense of making and serving ice cream, the dessert remained unaffordable for most Europeans and was largely enjoyed by royalty.

The earliest recipe book devoted entirely to making ice cream was L'Art de bien faire les glaces d'of fice, published in France in 1768, whose translated subtitle reads: True Principles for Freezing Refreshments. Although the ice-cream craze soon spread to the North American colonies, it was still an expensive luxury in the 18th century,even after the American Revolution. Records kept by a New York mer chant show that President George Washington spent approximately $ 200 for ice cream during the summer of 1790-thousands of dollars today.
最早的专门制作冰淇淋的食谱书是 1768 年在法国出版的 L'Art de bien faire les glaces d'of fice,其翻译的副标题为:冷冻茶点的真正原则。尽管冰淇淋热潮很快蔓延到北美殖民地,但在 18 世纪,即使在美国独立战争之后,它仍然是一种昂贵的奢侈品。纽约 mer chant 保存的记录显示,乔治华盛顿总统在 1790 年夏天花了大约 200 美元买冰淇淋——今天是数千美元。

The United States would be the place where ice cream would finally become affordable to the masses. In 1843, New Yorker Nancy M. Johnson invented an ice cream maker that drastically reduced production time. American firms improved on her design and built new machines that simplified and lowered the costs of ice-cream production.
美国将是大众最终能够负担得起冰淇淋的地方。1843 年,纽约人 Nancy M. Johnson 发明了一种冰淇淋机,大大缩短了生产时间。美国公司改进了她的设计,制造了新的机器,简化了冰淇淋生产并降低了生产成本。

In 1851, a milkman from Baltimore, Maryland, named Jacob Fussell built the first ice-cream factories and expanded the availability of the product. After the Civil War,ice cream's popularity exploded across the United States. Ice-cream shops and soda fountains arose across the nation as places for people to enjoy this frozen treatthat was once reserved for king and queens.
1851 年,来自马里兰州巴尔的摩的一位名叫雅各布·福塞尔 (Jacob Fussell) 的挤奶工建立了第一家冰淇淋工厂并扩大了该产品的供应。南北战争后,冰淇淋在美国的受欢迎程度呈爆炸式增长。冰淇淋店和苏打水喷泉在全国各地兴起,成为人们享用这种曾经为国王和王后保留的冰冻食品的地方。

联合 6

文本 1

Kawah Ljen Volcano
Kawah Ljen 火山

Hobart M. King
霍巴特 M. 金

Kawah ljen Volcano, on the island of Java, Indonesia,has two of the most unusual occurrences on Earth. The first is an active solfatara that emits hot,flammable sulfurous gases. These ignite as they enter Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere and burn with an electric blue flame. Some of the gas condenses in the atmosphere to produce flows of molten sulfur, that also burn with an electric blue flame. The flames are difficult to see during the day but illuminate the landscape at night.
Kawah ljen 火山位于印度尼西亚爪哇岛上,拥有地球上最不寻常的两个事件。第一种是活跃的 solfatara,它会释放出热的、易燃的含硫气体。这些物质在进入地球富含氧气的大气层时被点燃,并燃烧出电蓝色的火焰。一些气体在大气中凝结,产生熔融硫磺流,这些硫磺也燃烧着电蓝色的火焰。火焰在白天很难看到,但在晚上照亮了风景。

The second occurrence is a one-kilometer-wide caldera lake filled with turquoise-blue water. The color of the water is a result of its extreme acidity and a high concentration of dissolved metals. It is the world's largest highly acidic lake with a measured pH as low as 0. 5. The cause of its acidity is an inflow of hydrothermal waters charged with gases from a hot magma chamber below.
第二个出现是一个一公里宽的破火山口湖,湖里充满了绿松石蓝色的水。水的颜色是其极度酸性和高浓度溶解金属的结果。它是世界上最大的高酸性湖泊,测得的 pH 值低至 0。5. 其酸性的原因是热液水流入,其中充满了气体,来自下面的热岩浆室。

Sulfur Deposits

A continuous stream of sulfur-laden gases blasts from fumaroles at the lake-side solfatara. These hot gases travel underground in the absence of oxygen. If they are hot enough when they emerge from a vent, the sulfur ignites upon contact with oxygen in the atmosphere. Often the temperature is low enough that the sulfur condenses, falls to the ground as a liquid,flows a short distance, and solidifies. This produces a renewable deposit of mineral sulfur that local people mine and carry to a local sugar refinery that buys it.

Sulfur Mining

Miners walk up the flank of the mountain and then descend dangerous rocky paths down the steep walls of the caldera. Then, using steel bars, they break sulfur from an outcrop, load their baskets, and make the return trip to the refinery. Miners make one or two trips per day carrying up to 200 pounds of sulfur. The refinery pays them based upon the weight of sulfur that they deliver,The rate of pay amounts to a few dollars per trip. Ambitious and physically fit miners can make two trips per day.
矿工们沿着山的侧面走,然后沿着火山口陡峭的岩壁走下危险的岩石小路。然后,他们使用钢筋从露头上分离出硫磺,装入篮子,然后返回炼油厂。矿工每天携带多达 200 磅的硫磺进行一到两次旅行。炼油厂根据他们交付的硫磺重量向他们付款,工资率相当于每次旅行几美元。雄心勃勃且身体健康的矿工每天可以进行两次旅行。

Miners have carried hundreds of sections of pipes up the mountain. These have been used to capture the gases produced by numerous vents and route them to a single area where their sulfur spills onto a level work area. This makes collection more efficient and safer for the miners.

Sulfur mining at Kawah ljen has its hazards. The steep paths are dangerous,the sulfur gases are poisonous,and occasional gas releases or phreatic eruptions have killed many miners.
Kawah ljen 的硫磺开采有其危险。陡峭的小路很危险,硫磺气体有毒,偶尔的气体释放或火山喷发已经杀死了许多矿工。

Kawah ljen Volcano is one of the few locations on Earth where sulfur is still produced by artisanal miners. Today, most of the world's sulfur is produced as a byproduct of oil refining and natural gas processing. Nearly 70 thousand metric tonnes of sulfur are produced by these methods. A coincidence of low wages and a small local demand for native sulfur supports artisanal mining at Kawah Ijen.
Kawah ljen 火山是地球上为数不多的几个仍然由手工矿工生产硫磺的地方之一。今天,世界上大部分硫磺是炼油和天然气加工的副产品。这些方法生产了近 70,000 公吨硫磺。低工资和当地对原生硫的需求量小,这为Kawah Ijen的手工采矿提供了支持。

Volcanic History

About 300000 years ago, volcanic activity in this area began building a large stratovolcano that is called "Old ljen" today. Over thousands of years and repeated eruptions, it grew to an elevation of about 10000 feet. Lava flows and pyroclastic deposits from Old Ijen disconformably spread over the Miocene limestone.
大约 300000 年前,该地区的火山活动开始形成一座大型成层火山,今天被称为“Old ljen”。经过数千年和反复喷发,它增长到大约 10000 英尺的高度。来自 Old Ijen 的熔岩流和火山碎屑沉积物不整合地分布在中新世石灰岩上。

Then, about 50000 years ago, a series of enormous explosive eruptions produced a caldera about ten miles in diameter. About twenty cubic miles of material was ejected and covered the surrounding landscape up to 300 to 500 feet deep in ejecta and volcanic ash.
然后,大约 50000 年前,一系列巨大的爆炸性喷发产生了一个直径约 10 英里的破火山口。大约 20 立方英里的物质被喷出,并在喷出物和火山灰中覆盖了深达 300 至 500 英尺的周围景观。

In the past 50000 years,many small stratovolcanoes have formed within Old ljen's caldera and covered its southern and eastern margins. Kawah ljen covers part of the eastern margin. Thousands of years of weathering have converted the pyroclastic deposits into rich,fertile soils which now support coffee plantations.
在过去的 50000 年里,许多小型成层火山在老 ljen 的破火山口内形成,并覆盖了其南部和东部边缘。Kawah ljen 覆盖了东部边缘的一部分。数千年的风化作用已将火山碎屑沉积物转化为肥沃肥沃的土壤,现在支持着咖啡种植园。

The volcano remains active. The last magmatic eruption occurred in 1817.Phreatic eruptions occurred in 1796,1917,1936,1950,1952,1993,1994,1999,2000,2001,and 2002. These have caused very little damage but present a danger to anyone mining sulfur or visiting the caldera.
火山仍然活跃。最后一次岩浆喷发发生在 1817 年,火山喷发发生在 1796 年、1917 年、1936 年、1950 年、1952 年、1993 年、1994 年、1999 年、2000 年、2001 年和 2002 年。这些造成的破坏很小,但对任何开采硫磺或参观火山口的人都构成了危险。

Acidic Streams Below the Caldera

Water enters the caldera lake as rain and as runoff from a limited drainage area. Water and gases also enter through hydrothermal vents on the bottom of the lake. Rarely,overflow water goes over a spillway on the west side of the lake and into the Banyupahit River drainage basin."Banyupahit" is a local word that means "bitter water".
水以雨水和有限排水区的径流形式进入破火山口湖。水和气体也通过湖底的热液喷口进入。极少数情况下,溢流的水会通过湖西侧的溢洪道进入 Banyupahit 河流域。Banyupahit“是一个当地词,意思是”苦水”。

Water also leaves the lake through underground seepage and enters tributaries of the Banyupahit River. As this water enters the drainage basin, it has a pH and dissolved metals content similar to the caldera lake. As it flows downstream,it is diluted by runoff and springs from sources that are not influenced by hydrothermal activity. These waters raise the pH of the river,add oxygen, and cause dissolved metals to precipitate out into the stream channel. This is a source of natural pollution that degrades the drainage basin, the sediments,and lowers the quality of water that can be withdrawn for irrigation use.
水也通过地下渗漏离开湖泊,进入 Banyupahit 河的支流。当这些水进入流域盆地时,它的 pH 值和溶解金属含量与破火山口湖相似。当它向下游流动时,它被径流和来自不受热液活动影响的来源的泉水稀释。这些水提高了河流的 pH 值,增加了氧气,并导致溶解的金属沉淀到河道中。这是一个自然污染源,会使流域、沉积物退化,并降低可取用于灌溉的水质。

文本 2

Averting the Climate Crisis

Al Gore

Last year I showed these two slides that demonstrate that the arctic ice cap, which for most of the last three million years has been the size of the lower 48 states,has shrunk by 40 percent. But this understates the seriousness of this particular problem because it doesn't show the thickness of the ice. The arctic ice cap is, in a sense, the beating heart of the global climate system. It expands in winter and contracts in summer.
去年,我展示了这两张幻灯片,它们表明北极冰盖在过去 300 万年的大部分时间里一直与美国本土 48 个州的面积相当,现在已经缩小了 40%。 但这低估了这个特定问题的严重性,因为它没有显示冰的厚度。从某种意义上说,北极冰盖是全球气候系统跳动的心脏。它在冬天膨胀,在夏天收缩。

The next slide I show you will be a rapid fast-forward of what's happened over the last 25 years. The permanent ice is marked in red. As you see, it expands to the dark blue-that's the annual ice in winter, and it contracts in summer. The so-called permanent ice, five years old or older, you can see is almost like blood, spilling out of the body here. In 25 years,it's gone from this,to this. This is a problem because the warming heats up the frozen ground around the Arctic Ocean, where there is a massive amount of frozen carbon which, when it thaws,is turned into methane by microbes.
我向您展示的下一张幻灯片将快速快进过去 25 年发生的事情。永久冰块标记为红色。正如你所看到的,它扩展到深蓝色——这是冬天的年度冰,夏天收缩。所谓永久冰,五年以上,你可以看到,几乎就像血液一样,从这里从体内溢出。25 年,它从这个变成了这个。这是一个问题,因为变暖会加热北冰洋周围的冻土,那里有大量的冰冻碳,当它解冻时,微生物会将其转化为甲烷。

Compared to the total amount of global warming pollution in the atmosphere, that amount could double if we cross this tipping point. Already in some shallow lakes in Alaska,methane is actively bubbling up out of the water

Professor Katey Walter from the University of Alaska went out with another team to another shallow lake last winter. And one reason is, this enormous heat sink heats up Greenland from the north. This is an annual melting river. But the volumes are much larger than ever. This is the Kanger lussuaq River in southwest Greenland.
去年冬天,阿拉斯加大学的 Katey Walter 教授与另一个团队一起去了另一个浅湖。原因之一是,这个巨大的散热器从北方加热了格陵兰岛。这是一条每年融化的河流。但数量比以往任何时候都大得多。这是格陵兰岛西南部的 Kanger lussuaq 河。

If you want to know how sea level rises from land-base ice melting, this is where it reaches the sea. These flows are increasing very rapidly. At the other end of the planet, Antarctica is the largest mass of ice on the planet. Last month scientists reported the entire continent is now in negative ice balance. And west Antarctica,cropped up on top of some under-sea islands, is particularly rapid in its melting. That's equal to 20 feet of sea level, as is Greenland.
如果您想知道海平面是如何因陆基冰融化而上升的,这就是它到达大海的地方。这些流量正在迅速增加。在地球的另一端,南极洲是地球上最大的冰块。上个月,科学家们报告说,整个大陆现在都处于负冰平衡状态。而南极洲西部,出现在一些海底岛屿的顶部,融化的速度特别快。这相当于 20 英尺的海平面,格陵兰岛也是如此。

In the Himalayas, the third largest mass of ice: at the top you see new lakes,which a few years ago were glaciers. 40 percent of all the people in the world get half of their drinking water from that melting flow. In the Andes, this glacier is the source of drinking water for this city. The flows have increased.But when they go away, so does much of the drinking water. In California there has been a 40 percent decline in the Sierra snowpack. This is hitting the reservoirs. And the predictions, as you've read, are serious. This drying around the world has led to a dramatic increase in fires. And the disasters around the world have been increasing at an absolutely extraordinary and unprecedented rate. Four times as many in the last 30 years as in the previous 75. This is a completely unsustainable pattern. If you look at it in the context of history, you can see what this is doing. In the last five years we've added 70 million tons of CO, every 24 hours—25 million tons every day to the oceans. Look carefully at the area of the eastern Pacific,from the Americas,extending westward,and on either side of the Indian subcontinent, where there is a radical depletion of oxygen in the oceans.
在喜马拉雅山,第三大冰块:在顶部,您可以看到新的湖泊,几年前还是冰川。世界上 40% 的人口从融化的流体中获得一半的饮用水。在安第斯山脉,这座冰川是这座城市的饮用水来源。流量增加了。但是,当它们消失时,大部分饮用水也会消失。在加利福尼亚州,Sierra 积雪减少了 40%。这是在打击水库。正如你所读到的,这些预测是严肃的。世界各地的这种干燥导致火灾急剧增加。世界各地的灾难正在以绝对非同寻常和前所未有的速度增加。过去 30 年的 4 倍,是过去 75 年的四倍。这是一个完全不可持续的模式。如果你在历史的背景下看它,你就会明白这是在做什么。在过去五年中,我们每 24 小时增加 7000 万吨 CO,每天向海洋中增加 2500 万吨。仔细观察东太平洋地区,从美洲向西延伸,在印度次大陆的两侧,那里的海洋氧气急剧枯竭。

The biggest single cause of global warming,along with deforestation, which is 20 percent of it,is the burning of fossil fuels. Oil is a problem,and coal is the most serious problem. The United States is one of the two largest emitters, along with China. And the proposal has been to build a lot more coal plants. But we're beginning to see a sea change. Here are the ones that have been canceled in the last few years with some green alternatives proposed. However, there is a politi cal battle in our country.
全球变暖的最大单一原因,以及占 20% 的森林砍伐,是化石燃料的燃烧。石油是一个问题,而煤炭是最严重的问题。美国与中国是最大的两个排放国之一。他们的提议是建造更多的燃煤电厂。但我们开始看到翻天覆地的变化。以下是过去几年被取消的那些,并提出了一些绿色替代方案。然而,我们国家有一场政治斗争。

And the coal industries and the oil industries spent a quarter of a billion dollars in the last calendar year promoting clean coal, which is an oxymoron.That image reminded me of something. Around Christmas, in my home in Tennessee,a billion gallons of coal sludge was spilled. You probably saw it on the news. This, all over the country, is the second largest waste stream in America. This happened around Christmas. One of the coal industry's ads around Christmas was this one: Frosty the coal man is a jolly, happy soul. He's abundant here in America, and he helps our economy grow. Frosty the coal man is getting cleaner every day. He's affordable and adorable, and workers keep their pay. This is the source of much of the coal in West Virginia. The largest mountaintop miner is the head of Massey Coal.
煤炭工业和石油工业在上个日历年花费了 25 亿美元来推广清洁煤炭,这是一个矛盾的说法。那个画面让我想起了什么。圣诞节前后,我在田纳西州的家中洒下了 10 亿加仑的煤泥。你可能在新闻上看到过。这在全国范围内是美国第二大废物流。这发生在圣诞节前后。煤炭行业在圣诞节前后的广告之一是这样的:煤炭人 Frosty 是一个快乐、快乐的灵魂。他在美国有很多人,他帮助我们的经济增长。Frosty the coal man 每天都在变得更干净。他价格实惠,很可爱,工人们保留他们的工资。这是西弗吉尼亚州大部分煤炭的来源。最大的山顶矿工是 Massey Coal 的负责人。

Let me be clear about it. Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, they don't know what they're talking about. So, the Alliance for Climate Protection has launched two campaigns. This is one of them, part of one of them. At COAL ergy we view climate change as a very serious threat to our business. That's why we've made it our primary goal to spend a large sum of money on an advertising effort to help bring out and complicate the truth about coal. The fact is that coal isn't dirty. We think it's clean-smells good, too. So, don't worry about climate change. Leave that up to us. Clean coal—you've heard a lot about it. So, let's take a tour of this state-of-the-art clean coal facility. Amazing! The machinery is kind of loud. But that's the sound of clean coal technology. And while burning coal is one of the leading causes of global warming, the remarkable clean coal technology you see here changes everything. Take a good long look: this is today's clean coal technology.
让我澄清一下。阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)、南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)、哈里·里德(Harry Reid),他们不知道自己在说什么。因此,气候保护联盟发起了两项活动。这是他们中的一员,他们的一部分。在 COAL ergy,我们认为气候变化对我们的业务构成了非常严重的威胁。这就是为什么我们将花费大量资金进行广告宣传作为我们的主要目标,以帮助揭露煤炭的真相并使其复杂化。事实是,煤炭并不脏。我们认为它闻起来也很干净。所以,不用担心气候变化。这就交给我们吧。清洁煤 — 您听说过很多关于它的信息。那么,让我们来参观一下这个最先进的清洁煤设施。了不起!机器的声音有点大。但这就是清洁煤技术的声音。虽然燃烧煤炭是导致全球变暖的主要原因之一,但您在这里看到的非凡的清洁煤技术改变了一切。仔细观察一下:这就是今天的清洁煤技术。

Finally, the positive alternative meshes with our economic challenge and our national security challenge. America is in crisis-the economy,national security,the climate crisis. The thread that links them all: our addiction to carbon-based fuels, like dirty coal and foreign oil. But now there is a bold new solution to get us out of this mess. Re-power America with 100 percent clean electricity within 10 years. A plan to put America back to work, make us more secure, and help stop global warming. Finally, a solution that's big enough to solve our problems-Re-power America. This is the last one. It's about re-powering America.One of the fastest ways to cut our dependence on old dirty fuels that are killing our planet. Future's over here. Wind, sun, a new energy grid. New investments to create high-paying jobs. Re-power America. It's time to get real. There is an old African proverb that says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. " We need to go far, quickly. Thank you very much.
最后,积极的替代方案与我们的经济挑战和国家安全挑战相吻合。美国正处于危机中——经济、国家安全、气候危机。将它们联系在一起的线索是:我们对碳基燃料的依赖,比如肮脏的煤炭和外国石油。但现在有一个大胆的新解决方案可以让我们摆脱这个烂摊子。在 10 年内用 100% 的清洁电力为美国重新供电。一项让美国重返工作岗位、使我们更加安全并帮助阻止全球变暖的计划。最后,一个足够大的解决方案来解决我们的问题——Re-power America。这是最后一个。这是减少我们对正在杀死我们星球的旧、肮脏燃料的依赖的最快方法之一。未来就在眼前。风能、太阳能、新能源网。新的投资创造高薪工作。重新为美国供电。是时候变得真实了。有一句古老的非洲谚语说:“如果你想快走,就一个人走。如果你想走得远,就一起走。“我们需要走得更远、更迅速。谢谢。