Kevin Lu 盧凱文
Dynamic and results-oriented professional with a Master’s degree in User Experience from Arizona State University (ASU) and hands-on experience in operations and database management within high-tech manufacturing and consumer goods environments. Proven ability to oversee processes including purchase order management, warehousing, and inventory systems. Currently advancing Mandarin Chinese proficiency to strengthen global team collaboration. Seeking a Director of Operations & Compliance position at AIDC.
充滿活力且以結果為導向的專業人士,擁有亞利桑那州立大學 (ASU) 的使用者體驗碩士學位,並在高科技製造和消費品環境中的運營和資料庫管理方面擁有實踐經驗。具有監督流程(包括採購訂單管理、倉儲和庫存系統)的成熟能力。目前正在提高普通話熟練度,以加強全球團隊協作。正在尋找AIDC的運營與合規總監職位。
Education 教育
Master of Science in User Experiece @ Arizona State University
用戶體驗理學碩士 @ 亞利桑那州立大學
JUN 2024 - AUG 2024
- Cutting-edge program focused on developing skills in human systems engineering, graphic information technology, and technical writing and communication.
- Graduated “With Distinction”.
Bachelor of Fine Art in Studio Art: Illustration and Design Emphasis @ University of Arizona NOV 2021 - JUN 2022
工作室藝術美術學士:插圖和設計重點 @ 亞利桑那大學 2021 年 11 月 - 2022 年 6 月
- Comprehensive design program covering essential design principles for both print and digital media. Participated in multiple collaborative projects and gained valuable experience working with clients in a professional setting.
- Graduated “Summa Cum Laude”.
Work Experience 工作經歷
Intelligence Manufacturing Engineer Intern @ TSMC
智慧製造工程師實習生 @ TSMC
JUN 2024 - AUG 2024
- Successfully completed a comprehensive internship, culminating in an individual project focusing on utilizing SQL and database management for information retrieval in order to identify potential improvements to user experience and efficiency for in-house software responsible for managing alarms and notifications for the FAB
成功完成了全面的實習,最終完成了一個單獨的專案,該專案專注於利用SQL和資料庫管理進行資訊檢索,以確定負責管理 FAB 警報和通知的內部軟體的用戶體驗和效率的潛在改進
- Collaborated closely with fellow interns and mentor to develop teamwork and communication skills, enriching our learning experience and fostering both personal and professional growth
- Attended several seminars on TSMC’s global expansion allowing for engagement with senior level members from these locations to gain valuable insights into the significance of global communication and relationships
- Received a certificate of completion signed by the President of TSMC AZ, acknowledging successful internship performance and contributions to TSMC
獲得台積電 AZ 總經理簽署的結業證書,以表彰成功的實習表現和對台積電的貢獻
Kevin Lu 盧凱文
Work Experience 工作經歷
UX Hybrid Designer @ Megethos
UX 混合設計師 @ Megethos
NOV 2021 - JUN 2022
- Utilized job-specific software to develop a variety of media types, ensuring optimal outcomes for delivered products while maintaining effective organization
- Acquired valuable experience engaging with clients in a professional environment, honing skills that will contribute to strengthening future workplace relationships
Keyholder @ Hot Topic 主要負責人@熱門話題
JUN 2015 - MAY 2016
- Supervised store operations during opening and closing, ensuring adherence to security protocols and staff preparedness for daily tasks
- Fostered a collaborative team environment while upholding a strong commitment to customer service excellence
- Managed inventory control and conducted stock audits, reducing discrepancies and ensuring precise reporting
Warehouse Operations Associate @ The Learning Journey
倉庫運營助理 @ 學習之旅
JUN 2012 - DEC 2015
- Efficiently packed and processed purchase orders for shipment, ensuring accuracy and timely delivery. Coordinated with procurement to maintain adequate stock for orders
- Conducted quality checks on products before shipping to ensure accuracy and compliance with established quality standards
Skills 技能
- Operations Management, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, Supply Chain Management, Process Improvement, Cross-Functional Collaboration, User Experience, Data Analytics, Customer Relationship Management, Software Flexibility, Continuous Learning, Fluent in English; currently in pursuit of proficiency in Mandarin Chinese
- Availability for a part-time internship starting April 2024, with the intention of transitioning to a full-time role based on performance metrics. Willing to discuss hourly compensation for the internship position in order to gain valuable experience and contribute to the team.
從 2024 年 4 月開始提供兼職實習機會,目的是根據績效指標過渡到全職角色。願意討論實習職位的小時薪酬,以獲得寶貴的經驗併為團隊做出貢獻。