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The Things I Should Do

Chapter 8 第八章

Summary: 概要:

Can we get an official therapist in blue lock bro

Notes: 注释:

Hey.. haha.. so sorry about the delay on this. I was very sick and ended up being hospitalized and needed emergency surgery And an additional procedure after that. Couldn’t rlly focus on writing mb LOL anyways I’m minus one organ but I’m feeling tons better.

If you noticed I put an end chapter number 😬😬😬😬 I finished the outline and I’m happy where it’ll end. I hope you all like it too!

Anyways here’s the chapter sorry LOL

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文

Kaiser’s fingers plucked at the turf beneath him as he stared at the ball in his hand. Sweat dripped down his face and left his hair sticking uncomfortably to his skin. He had been cooking himself under the fluorescent lighting of the gym hours before Ness’ arrival. This extra exertion is the bare minimum needed for him to get his new weapon to work. 
Kaiser的手指在身下的草皮上拨弄着,他盯着手中握着的球。汗水顺着脸颊滴落,头发黏糊糊地贴在皮肤上,让他感到不适。早在 Ness 到来之前,他已经在体育馆的荧光灯下自我训练了数小时。这种额外的努力是他让新武器发挥作用所需的最低限度。


“..Magnus ?” “..Magnus?”


Ness’ voice spoke from his side. He’s been doing his best to follow along to Kaiser’s explanations of this technique, but he was struggling to comprehend it. Kaiser couldn’t blame him, truly. The concept isn’t something that the average sane person would even think was possible to pull off. Not that Alexis Ness is average or sane, but the point stands.
Ness 的声音从他身旁传来。他尽力跟随Kaiser对这项技术的解释,但理解起来颇为吃力。Kaiser并不怪他,真的。这个概念不是普通人甚至会认为有可能实现的东西。虽然 Alexis Ness 既不普通也不正常,但这一点依然成立。


The ball remains perfectly still before him so he can match the rotation of the kick to the flow of air to create a perfect spin; it sounds impossible. But he is Michael Kaiser. He reinvents the impossible. He will take this concept of dreams and force it to be his new reality. He will bring all the attention back onto himself. He will not be overlooked. He will not be forgotten and replaced by extras who were happy about being given a single line of dialogue. 
在他面前,球静止不动,以便他能将踢球的旋转与气流完美匹配,创造出完美的旋转;这听起来不可能。但他就是Michael Kaiser。他重塑了不可能。他将把梦想的概念强加为自己的新现实。他将把所有的注意力重新吸引到自己身上。他不会被忽视。他不会被遗忘,也不会被那些因得到一句台词而沾沾自喜的配角所取代。


“Normally, a kicked ball is naturally influenced by the flow of air around it. The reason a rotating ball moves up or to the side is because of a difference of air resistance around it.”


“Oh..I see!” “哦……我明白了!”


There was no need for Kaiser to turn his head to know the expression on his partner’s face. Admiration in its purest form at his idea; anything else would be out of character. 


Kaiser rose to his feet and placed the ball in his hand on the ground. 


“Up until now, my shots have relied on speed and force with straight trajectories and no spin. But this new technique will be an experiment to add rotation to my Kaiser impact.”


His eyes stayed locked on the checkered pattern as he adjusted his positioning. Three fake players stood slightly scattered before him. A direct shot without hitting any of them would be impossible, even for him. 


“And for that, I need to know where to kick the ball and hone that precision to its limit. The mark for where I kick will be the center of the air stream…”


The perfect point of impact showed itself to him like a target. He kicked out with the angle that he has been drilling into his body since the moment he woke up this morning. The ball shot out in a large curve; completely avoiding the dummies and seemingly the goal. 


“Huh ? It missed..”


Kaiser’s mouth twitched upwards as the ball's positioning changed course. Something that should have gone completely out of field now flew directly into the middle of the goal. The twitch vanished as quickly as it appeared. It may have worked now in this instance, but that’s all this was. An instance in practice. A shot perfectly created because Kaiser wanted to practice this technique. He could do a million of these shots one after the other but that wouldn’t make his new weapon a success. 


All it takes is one clear miss on the field in front of the audience for his crown to be replaced with a jester’s hat. 


“H-Holy shit!! With this, you can shoot even if a direct line to the goal is blocked off!!”


“Yeah..but this was just a ball that was set up for me to aim perfectly, get it?”


“Oh.. that’s true. Using this in a game with a moving ball..”
“哦.. 确实。在比赛中用这个踢移动的球..”


“Will be insanely difficult. Yes.” Kaiser pushed his wet hair out of his eyes before making eye contact with his partner, “And I’m relying on you to make this a possibility. You can do it, can’t you?”
““会非常困难。是的。” Kaiser 将湿漉漉的头发从眼前拨开,与搭档对视,“而我正指望你能让这成为可能。你能做到的,对吧?””


He already knew the answer. Kaiser could practically see Ness’ phantom dog tail wagging back and forth at such a speed he might fly off. 
“他早已知道答案。Kaiser 几乎能看见 Ness 的幻影狗尾巴以如此快的速度摇摆,他可能会飞起来。”


“Y-yes!! Of course!” ““是-是的!!当然!””


His tattooed hand rubbed the top of Ness’ head. The hair was soft and warm under his fingers. He has been doing this habit for the entirety of their..friendship? Partnership? Pet and owner dynamic? Kaiser still wasn’t sure exactly what to call it. 
他那纹身的手掌摩挲着 Ness 的头顶。发丝柔软温暖,指尖触感舒适。这个习惯他已经保持了他们整个……友谊?合作关系?主仆动态?Kaiser仍然不确定该如何准确称呼这种关系。


Ness was talented, but pathetic and isolated in a way that allowed Kaiser to get him to do whatever he wanted for the most part. A partner that he could destroy and rebuild as many times as it took in order to create the perfect chess piece to accompany him on the board. He had nurtured this pawn into a formidable knight with his own malice. 
Ness 才华横溢,但在某种程度上又可怜且孤立,这让Kaiser能很大程度上随心所欲地驱使他。一个可以反复摧毁再重建的伙伴,只为打造出棋盘上最完美的棋子陪伴自己。他用自己的恶意将这枚小卒培养成了强大的骑士。


His hand tightened on the lock of hair in his fist, earning a whine from the other. 


“Let’s do this, Alexis.”


“Right!” “好嘞!”


The two continued to practice possible passing scenarios to get the ball to stop right before the impact. Out of the countless attempts, barely a handful were actually successful. The difficulty level would only increase once they were placed in the middle of a live game. The final piece to making this work would be luck, unfortunately.


Kaiser had everything else. Speed, precision, technique, natural talent; there was nothing he lacked when it came to soccer. He was a perfect prodigy. A perfect prodigy who would now need to bend the fabrics of reality to get lady luck to look favorably down on him. He refused to acknowledge that he had never once felt her gaze. 
Kaiser 拥有一切。速度、精准、技巧、天赋;在足球方面,他无所不缺。他是一个完美的天才。一个完美的天才,现在需要扭曲现实的面纱,以期幸运女神对他垂青。他拒绝承认自己从未感受过她的注视。


It’s fine. Everything will be fine. 


It was impossible to know what time it was when he finally let the two of them leave the field. He left his phone in the dorm, knowing it would only serve as a distraction. He would have been reaching for it at any free moment. That stupid app would open and he would be staring at a new photo or onslaught of posts about a certain pairing. The device would have been broken before night settled.
当他们终于被允许离开球场时,已经无法知晓具体时间了。他把手机留在了宿舍,深知那只会成为干扰。他本会在任何空闲时刻伸手去拿它。那个愚蠢的应用程序会自动打开,他便会盯着某对 CP 的新照片或铺天盖地的帖子发呆。手机恐怕撑不到夜幕降临就会报废。


Not that he actually cared for the two players, of course. It was just annoying to see everyone so invested in something that didn’t involve himself.


His muscles ached as he dragged himself out of the training room and down the hall towards the baths. Ness continued to sing praises and spout nonsensical ideas to this right, but it echoed as empty background noise in Kaiser’s head. This excitement from his partner was a good sign though, so he let small nods and ‘mhms’ reply for him. 
他拖着疲惫的身体走出训练室,沿着走廊向浴室走去,肌肉酸痛不已。Ness 继续对他的右臂大加赞赏,并不断提出一些荒谬的想法,但这些声音在Kaiser的脑海中只是空洞的背景噪音。不过,搭档的这种兴奋是个好迹象,所以他只是微微点头,并用‘嗯嗯’来回应。


It was only when the buzzing of Ness’ voice disappeared did he finally begin to pay attention to his surroundings. They had made it to the entryway of the baths, but a group stood to the side of the changing room. The realization of who made up the group made Kaiser’s face sour.


Yoichi and the three main members of his supporting cast were sending glares in his direction. Did Yoichi tell them about what happened? It wasn’t an impossible thought, but Kaiser didn’t consider the other to be so…open… about things like that. Especially considering he of all people was the first to find out that Yoichi had never kissed anyone before.
Yoichi 和他的三位主要配角正朝他投来怒视。Yoichi 告诉他们发生了什么吗?这并非不可能,但 Kaiser 不认为对方会如此……坦率……地谈论这种事。尤其是考虑到他本人是第一个得知 Yoichi 从未亲吻过任何人的人。


The fact that the harshest glare was being sent by that pink shark answered his question for him. His teeth poked above his bottom lip in a snarl that would have been threatening if the guy didn’t look like a wounded puppy. 


Kaiser couldn’t stop the scoff that left his throat at that failed display of aggression. 
Kaiser 对那次失败的挑衅展示忍不住嗤之以鼻。


“Yoichi, you need a better taste in guard dogs. They’re supposed to be scary, not look so pathetic that I feel bad for them. Show them, Ness!”


“H-huh?” ““啊?””


Kaiser sighed and shook his head. Walking the rest of the way into the changing room, he turned his back on the group and opened a random locker. He removed his shoes and began to pull on the skin suit before stopping. His eyes glanced over his shoulder to meet the ones still sending daggers into his back.


“I’m not exactly shy, but is there a reason I have an audience to me stripping? Are you expecting a performance? I don’t work for free.”


Yoichi’s eyes stayed locked onto his own. They bore a similar appearance to the other night. Darkened irises, narrowed lids, slightly glossy.


Full of rage. 充满愤怒。


A series of different insults and rebuttals seemed to string behind his teeth. As his bottom lip lowered to speak, Kaiser took note of the hand that pulled on the corner of Yoichi’s t-shirt. The anger in his eyes left immediately. His face softened. His posture relaxed. His hand rested over the one on the fabric. 
一连串不同的侮辱和反驳似乎在他齿间酝酿。正当他下唇微启欲言时,Kaiser注意到那只拉扯着YoichiT 恤一角的手。他眼中的怒火瞬间消散,面容柔和下来,姿态也放松了,手掌轻轻覆在那只拉住衣角的手上。


Kaiser felt his nails dig into his side through the suit. Yoichi was turning away. He wasn’t even replying. He was casting a glare and just leaving him. Glaring just to completely ignore his words. Ignore him. Turn his attention away to focus on that fucking runt again. 
Kaiser 感到指甲透过西装刺入侧腰。Yoichi 正转身离开。他甚至没有回应。他只是投来一瞥,然后就径自离去。用眼神彻底无视他的话语。无视他。将注意力再次转向那个该死的小鬼。


Why? Why is it always him? Why is there always that common factor? What makes that child so much better? He’s nothing. Kaiser is everything. Everything and more! He’s perfect! Why is he constantly being overlooked?!


“Apologies, am I making you late to a date? A word of advice, Ranze. Remember not to use your teeth, if that’s at all possible for you.”


Kaiser turned back to his locker and attempted to remove his top. Hands gripping his shoulders and turning him around didn’t allow him to do so. He was met with a fury in Yoichi’s eyes that unrivaled anything he’d seen on him before. He felt the corner of his mouth twitch at the display, but a fist colliding with his jaw knocked it away. 


He stood, jaw throbbing, with his eyes blinking wide at the tile floor. 


“Kaiser! Yoichi, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“Kaiser! Yoichi, 你他妈在搞什么鬼?!”

Ness’ screams were responded to with silence. The air continued to close around the two boys in the middle of the room. The space was tensely silent, all the extras watching the protagonist and antagonist exchange angry breaths and deadly glares. It was as though the two stood on broken ice; the border between themselves and the rest already had been broken and melted away. 


They were isolated yet placed under a burning spotlight in a public room. 


Hands pushed into Kaiser’s chest, forcing him against the metal lockers behind him. He could feel a handle digging into his spine, but he didn’t attempt to move. He could easily knock Yoichi off of him. He could throw him to the ground and return the punch that had just landed on his face. Kaiser could easily break the face the public loved so much in front of his little entourage. 


Instead, he let himself be manhandled. He should have been angry at the assault; but that would require him being able to experience anything besides numbness at the current moment. His head rolled back to rest against the metal, his gaze casted down at Yoichi. The eye contact only made the taste of copper in his mouth more bitter.   


“I don’t know what the fuck your deal is, but direct your issues at me. Your problem is with me, not Kurona. I don’t give a shit what the hell is going on with you, but stop taking it out on my friend. Act like a fucking adult for once in your life.”
“我不知道你他妈的到底有什么毛病,但把你的问题冲我来。你的麻烦是跟我,不是跟 Kurona。我他妈才不在乎你到底怎么了,但别再拿我朋友撒气。这辈子好歹也像个成年人一样行事一次吧。”


As quick as the hands were on him, they were gone. He watched through hazy vision as Yoichi left the baths with his group following close behind. The feeling of Ness was heavy at his side, but he couldn’t hear him. Kaiser could barely see anything besides the lingering shadow of Yoichi’s back in the doorway. 
手刚触碰到他,便迅速离去。他透过朦胧的视线,看着Yoichi带着一群人离开浴室。Ness 的气息沉重地萦绕在他身旁,但他却听不见他的声音。Kaiser除了门口Yoichi背影的模糊轮廓外,几乎什么也看不见。


The pain of the handle in his back bounced between the heat of the ghost of Yoichi’s hands on his chest. It felt as though his entire bloodstream was being stirred in the humid changing room. 


He should be happy. He pushed Yoichi to the point of violence with just his words. Why isn’t he happy? Why is his throat tightening? Why is his stomach churning? Kaiser closed his eyes in an attempt to stabilize his existence, but when all that greeted him was the hatred of Yoichi’s irises he felt bile rise up his neck. 


Yoichi will never look at him the way he looks at that runt. There will never be light in his eyes or a softness on his face. It’s a world Kaiser will never be able to be a part of. He knew this. He wanted this. He forced this divide so this would be his reality. 


..Was this regret? Was he of all people regretting a decision that he made? Him? But why-


“Why didn’t you hit him back?”


It was the first sentence from his partner that registered in his shaken head. He was faced again with the question of why. 


“..I didn’t want to risk a scandal.”


The answer fell out of him without much thought. Was that really all there was to it? Just to avoid a scandal? 


“That’s bullshit and you know it. You’ve been fighting people for years regardless of the consequences. If it was anyone other than Yoichi they would have been walking out of here with a broken nose at the very least.”


Kaiser felt his heart still in his chest at his partner’s words. 
Kaiser 听到搭档的话,心头一紧。


“If it was anyone other than Yoichi” 


His knees buckled beneath him as he slowly slid onto the floor. He pushed his palms into his eyes in hopes the numbing shapes that appeared could make the realization go away. As the shapes bent and morphed into sprouts and familiar silhouettes, he knew there was no chance of that happening. 


A deep sigh left his throat, “I need a drink.”





Isagi’s fist throbbed at his side as he walked back to the dorms; his brain still swirling from the adrenaline. He just punched someone for the first time in his life. Movies and anime never really showed how much that shit actually hurts. Was the guy’s jaw made of metal or something?!
Isagi 的拳头在他走回宿舍时在身侧隐隐作痛;肾上腺素仍在他的脑海中翻腾。他这辈子第一次打了人。电影和动漫从未真正展示过那玩意儿到底有多疼。那家伙的下巴是金属做的还是怎么的?!


His free hand rubbed over his knuckles in an attempt to soothe the pain. He had acted without thinking of the consequences. It was out of character and left a sickening feeling in his chest but that was nothing compared to the satisfaction of a dazed and bruising Michael Kaiser. That guy has probably never been told to shut up in his life, let alone be hit for his arrogance. Despite the slight shame he felt from resorting to violence, he was also proud of being a turning point in Kaiser’s egotistical life. 
他空着的手揉搓着指节,试图缓解疼痛。他未曾深思后果便采取了行动。这与他平日的性格不符,胸中涌起一阵令人作呕的感觉,但与让Michael Kaiser晕头转向、鼻青脸肿的满足感相比,这点不适微不足道。那家伙可能这辈子都没被人叫过闭嘴,更别提因傲慢挨打了。尽管他因诉诸暴力而感到些许羞愧,但同时也为自己成为Kaiser自负人生中的转折点而自豪。


…Maybe he should see a therapist. 


“Are ya okay, Isagi? Didn’t break ya hand did ya?”


Isagi let out a soft laugh as he raised up his hand. Under the bright lights of the hallway, the red around his knuckles seemed even more apparent. His three friends let out quiet whistles as the appearance. 
Isagi 轻声笑了出来,举起手。在走廊明亮的灯光下,他手背上的红色显得更加明显。他的三个朋友见状,轻轻吹起了口哨。


“You’re lucky there’s no cameras in there. Ego probably would have locked you up like he did to Shidou.”
“你运气好,那里没摄像头。不然 Ego 可能也会像对待 Shidou 那样把你关起来。”


A shiver ran down Isagi’s spin as he quickly stuffed his hand back into his pocket, earning a laugh from the group. Everyone except Kurona, that is. Isagi took note of his friend’s demeanor from the corner of his eye. His head was lowered; his eyes locked on the passing of tiles under his feet. His mouth was pulled into a tight line, a slight quiver on his bottom lip that he clearly was doing his best to keep hidden. 
Isagi 打了个寒颤,迅速把手塞回口袋,引得众人一阵笑声。除了 Kurona。Isagi 从眼角注意到朋友的神情。他的头低垂着,目光紧盯着脚下瓷砖的移动。他的嘴角紧抿成一条线,下唇微微颤抖,显然他正尽力掩饰。


Isagi felt the rage from before bubble inside his chest again. It doesn’t matter if everyone knows that Kaiser is an asshole and that they shouldn’t take his words to heart. It doesn’t change the fact that the German made a harsh dig at a clear insecurity for no fucking reason. 
Isagi 再次感受到胸中涌动的怒火。无论所有人是否都知道 Kaiser 是个混蛋,不该把他的话当真,这都无法改变德国人毫无理由地对一个明显的弱点进行尖锐嘲讽的事实。


Kurona has never been one to be very open about his emotions. Despite how close the two have become since becoming partners, Isagi still knew little about him. With all of the tensions and aggression that comes with surviving in blue lock, it’s easy to forget how young some of his friends are. Kurona is just a sixteen year old boy. He has self esteem issues, anxiety, and fears just like everyone else.
黑罗娜从未是一个情感外露的人。尽管两人自成为搭档以来关系日益亲密,Isagi 对他的了解依然有限。在蓝锁中生存所伴随的紧张与攻击性中,很容易忘记他的朋友们有多么年轻。黑罗娜只是一个十六岁的少年。他和所有人一样,有着自尊问题、焦虑和恐惧。


The rest of the group was no different. A part of Isagi winced at the dig he sent to Yukimiya before they became close. He should probably apologize for that at some point. 
其他人也没什么两样。Isagi 想起自己之前对雪见说的那些话,不禁有些懊悔,他们关系变好之前的那番挖苦,或许他该找个机会道歉。


Tomorrow was a break day, meaning no official practice would be held. The group wouldn’t need to be out of their rooms by 8am if they didn’t want to be. A light bulb popped above the sprout on Isagi’s head as he stopped in his tracks. As the rest turned to question his actions, he rushed forward and slung an arm around Kurona’s shoulder. 
明天是休息日,意味着没有正式训练安排。如果不想早起,他们不必在早上 8 点前离开房间。Isagi突然停下脚步,头顶仿佛亮起了一个灯泡。其他人疑惑地转头看他时,他猛地冲上前,一把搂住了 Kurona 的肩膀。


“Wh-what’s up, up?” “什-什么情况,情况?”


“Kurona. What’s your favorite movie?”




The large screening room was packed with scattered pillows and blankets. A side table had its fair share of allowed ‘healthy’ snacks and drinks from Ego. The mention of a movie night spread quickly throughout the stratum. The majority of the blue lock members were quick to flock to the designated room with their demands of movies to play. In the end, the only one of the blue lock boys that refused to join was Kunigami. 
宽敞的放映室里散落着枕头和毯子。一旁的桌子上摆满了 Ego 允许的“健康”零食和饮料。电影之夜的消息迅速传遍了整个楼层。大多数蓝色监狱的成员们纷纷涌向指定房间,提出他们想看的电影。最终,唯一拒绝加入的蓝色监狱男孩是国神。


Isagi even went personally to ask him, but he was immediately brushed off and scowled as the guy went back to the training room. It was difficult to ignore the disappointment. If anyone needed a calm movie night it's that cyborg. Regardless, he wasn’t going to let this night go to waste. 


He took out his phone and did his best to get a shot with the entire group in it. All of them being teenage boys who can barely sit still made that borderline impossible. Finally, he managed to get a shot where only Igarashi’s face was being hidden behind Hiori’s peace sign. It would do. 


Laughing, he uploaded the photo to his twitter with a simple ‘movie night!!’ caption and hit send. Replies soon began to flood in with suggestions of films and questions of what they would all be watching. Seeing these, Isagi realized they never actually decided on the content. Interrupting the current chatting atmosphere, he asked everyone for a list. 


It went about as well as he expected.


Everyone’s movie tastes were all over the place. Hiori and Raichi were insistent on a recent horror film that was heavily opposed by Igarashi. Yukimiya pushed for a marathon of the Evagelion movies that Kiyora rolled his eyes at. In the end, they just decided to have everyone write down a film and toss it into a bucket. One would be pulled at random and they would just repeat the process until everyone decided to call it a night. 


Isagi patted himself on the back mentally for the idea. Luckily, the first movie pulled was the reason why the gathering was happening in the first place. 
Isagi 在心里暗自为自己的主意点赞。幸运的是,抽到的第一部电影正是这次聚会的原因所在。


“Lilo and Stitch?! Seriously?”


“Hey! That film is a classic! Do you hate happiness? Do you hate being whimsical and having fun?”


“It’s a children’s movie!”


“Igarashi I literally saw ya write down Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. Shut the fuck up.”
“五十岚,我亲眼看见你写下《鼠来宝 3》。闭嘴吧。”


“BRO?!” “兄弟?!”


“You all agreed to the terms. We’re watching it!”


Raichi groaned dramatically as he fell back onto his nest of pillows. After selecting the movie on the computer, Isagi grabbed a handful of snacks at random and jumped into the spot between Hiori and Kurona. Their sides bumped uncomfortably next to each other, earning protests from all three. 


The blue symbol of the Disney castle took over the giant screen. Isagi found himself following Tinkerbelle's light as it jumped across. Despite the previous objections, laughter was quick to fill the space from the opening sequence.


Isagi’s eyes glanced to the side once Stitch gave his version of a cursing insult. Kurona’s smile had returned back to his face. His teeth poked over top of his bottom lip as his hands continuously redid his braid. Isagi’s left hand moved to ruffle his friend’s hair. The action made Kurona cover his mouth with his hand free of snacks. 


Isagi turned his eyes back to the screen, but left his hand on his friend’s head. He spoke softly, only Kurona and Hiori able to hear him over the shooting of laser guns on the screen. 
Isagi 将目光转回屏幕,但手依旧轻放在朋友头上。他低声细语,只有 Kurona 和 Hiori 能在屏幕上激光枪的射击声中听见他的话。


“Don’t hide them. They’re a part of you and add to your charm. They’re cute.”


Isagi felt an arm snake around his back and Hiori poked Kurona on the side. 
Isagi 感到一只手臂蛇一般缠上了他的背,而 Hiori 则戳了戳 Kurona 的侧边。


“Yer got that right. They make ya unique and cool.”


“” “酷..酷..”


“Very cool. Like my sprout!”


Isagi felt a tug on the top of his head, “Way cooler than this.”
Isagi 感觉头顶被轻轻一拉,“比这酷多了。”


A soft laughter left Kurona’s throat from the banter. A pressure was added to Isagi’s shoulder as his head rested against it. 
一阵轻笑从 Kurona 的喉间逸出,回应着调侃。Isagi的肩膀上感受到一丝压力,因为他的头轻轻靠在了上面。


“Thank you guys, guys.”


Isagi’s hand ruffled into his hair again as they all focused back onto the movie. As the film continued to play, the pressure on the side of his body got heavier. By the time the credits began to roll and a new paper had to be picked, Kurona was already fast asleep. 
Isagi的手再次揉乱了他的头发,大家重新将注意力集中到电影上。随着影片继续播放,他身侧的压力逐渐加重。当片尾字幕开始滚动,需要挑选新的一张纸时,Kurona 已经沉沉睡去。


Careful not to disturb his friend, Isagi slowly laid him back on a nearby pillow before rising to his feet. The rest of the group was still wide awake but were being forced to keep low volume by Hiori for the resting teammate. 
小心翼翼地不惊扰到朋友,Isagi 轻轻地将他放回附近的枕头上,然后站起身来。其余的队员们虽然还醒着,但为了不打扰休息的队友,被 Hiori 要求保持低音量。


Picking up the bucket, Isagi swirled the papers with one hand as the other reached for his forgotten phone. He had turned off notifications from everyone besides those he follows in order to not just save his battery life but also his peace of mind. He did, however, still receive message requests. 
拿起水桶,Isagi 用一只手搅动着纸张,另一只手伸向被遗忘的手机。为了节省电量和保持内心的平静,他关闭了所有人的通知,只保留了关注者的消息。然而,他仍然收到了消息请求。


His hand stilled as the words ‘mkaiser10 wants to send you a message’ in a notification from 15 minutes ago. 
他的手停了下来,目光停留在 15 分钟前的一条通知上,上面写着“mkaiser10 想给你发消息”。


Kaiser? Why the fuck is he trying to text him? It can’t be to apologize. It would have to be a cold day in hell in order for Kaiser to ever admit he was in the wrong. It was probably just him making fun of the movie night if he saw it. Or getting annoyed that he wasn’t invited. There’s no need for Isagi to even open the request, let alone reply. 
Kaiser? 他他妈的为什么要给他发短信?不可能是为了道歉。除非地狱结冰,否则Kaiser绝不会承认自己有错。可能只是他看了电影之夜后在开玩笑,或者因为没有被邀请而感到不爽。Isagi根本没必要打开这条请求,更别说回复了。


His nail thumped against the bottom of the bucket as his other hand opened his dms. 


The message was sent in English, surprisingly. Just five simple words that even he was able to understand without a translator. 


mkaiser10: Come to screening room 5
mkaiser10: 来放映室 5


This was the same room as the other night. That suffocating, freezing room that was stained with Isagi’s blood from the open cavern in his chest. 


..When did he get so dramatic? Maybe he seriously should consider therapy.


He should just leave him on read. After the shit Kaiser pulled today, there wasn’t a single part of Isagi that wanted to talk to him alone. 


Isagiyoi11: why Isagiyoi11: 为什么


Being nosy is probably his worst trait. His life would be so much more peaceful if he just allowed himself to stay curious. He would still have his first kiss saved for an actually decent person and his fist wouldn’t be bruised. Maybe there was a version of him in another universe that was like that. He hoped they were having a good day. 


The replying speech bubble popped up almost immediately. 


mkaiser10: Come mkaiser10: 来


Isagiyoi11: ? Isagiyoi11: ?


mkaiser10: Come mkaiser10: 来


Isagiyoi11: ok Isagiyoi11: 好的


What was he doing? What is the benefit of going to meet with Kaiser just because he told him to? Even though he knows this is 97% a horrible idea, it would be impossible for him to focus on any movie or even sleep tonight if he didn’t find out what the guy wanted. He just hoped this would be over quick. 
他在做什么?仅仅因为Kaiser叫他去见面,有什么好处呢?尽管他知道这 97%是个糟糕的主意,但如果不去弄清楚那家伙想要什么,他今晚根本无法专心看电影,甚至无法入睡。他只希望这一切能快点结束。


“Isagi! What’s the next movie?”
“Isagi! 下一部电影是什么?”


The sudden call from behind him almost made him drop the bucket and poorly folded papers all over the floor. 


“Uhh..let’s see..” “呃……让我看看……”


Swirling his hand around, he picked up a sheet and flipped it open.


“..The Conjuring?” “..招魂?”


“NO!” “不!”


“LETS GO!” “走吧!”


“Guys! Kurona!” “大家!库罗娜!”


“Sorry!” “对不起!”


“I need to run to the bathroom. Raichi, come set it up.”


“Oh how convenient that you need to use the bathroom before the horror film.”


“Sorry I don’t have a desire to piss myself. I’ll be right back.”


Placing down the bucket, Isagi shoved his phone into his pocket and left the screening room. The one Kaiser wanted him to meet was the last room in a basically forgotten hall. The only other things down that wing were a bathroom and empty dorms. Isagi could still hear the eerie beginning music from the horror film as he walked through the darkened space. 
放下水桶,Isagi 把手机塞进口袋,离开了放映室。Kaiser 要他见的那个人在最末端的房间,那是一条几乎被遗忘的走廊。那边的其他地方只有一个卫生间和空荡荡的宿舍。Isagi 走在昏暗的空间里,仍能听到恐怖片开头那诡异的音乐。


He ignored the shiver that ran up his spine. 


Yeah let’s go meet the foreign asshole by yourself that you just punched in the creepy tiny screening room with no witnesses. This won’t end terribly. Great idea Yoichi. 


The voice in his head mocked him as he continued his journey. Was the air seriously getting colder?! He crossed his arms and rubbed his hands over his biceps as he walked. The further he drifted from the room and accompanied music, the more aware he became of the increased intensity of his heart beat. 


The hallway was silent besides his pulse, breathing, and hollow footsteps. Goosebumps rose on his skin when a light at the end of the hallway flickered. 


As he finally began to approach the screening room, distant groans were able to be heard. At first he thought it was just in his head. The beginning stages of that horror film and the anxiety of meeting with Kaiser merged together to create a creepy hallucination. 


That therapist just seems to be more and more appealing. 


Standing outside the door, it was impossible to deny that the groaning was in fact Real and Not in his head. Only one reason was clear to him.


Kaiser was possessed and was going to jump him the second he entered the room. He lived a nice life. Maybe in his next he’ll be able to go on at least a single date before kicking the bucket. 
Kaiser 被附身了,他一进房间就要扑上去。他这辈子过得挺好。也许下辈子他能在蹬腿前至少约一次会。


Despite this fear (delusion), Isagi’s hand still slid open the door. It would have been better if he was greeted with a poltergeist.


Kaiser sat slumped in a rolling chair; his broken glasses forgotten on the desk with a tilted martini glass and shaker. His hair was even more scattered and choppy than usual and stuck up in every possible direction. He still wore that obnoxious blue robe; chest bare and breathing heavily underneath. 
Kaiser 瘫坐在转椅上,破碎的眼镜被遗忘在倾斜的马提尼酒杯和摇壶旁的书桌上。他的头发比平时更加凌乱,每一根都朝着可能的方向竖起。他依旧穿着那件惹眼的蓝色浴袍,胸膛裸露,呼吸沉重。


When his head raised to meet the visitor, it was impossible to miss the shine that glossed over them. Even in the poorly lit room there was no denying the flush across Kaiser’s cheeks. He was clearly intoxicated if not completely drunk. Isagi can’t even eat a fucking cookie and this asshole can get enough alcohol to get sloshed. A vein threatened to pop on his forehead.


“You have to be fucking kidding me.”






Notes: 注释:

Cliff hanger oh noooooooo dw tho the next chapter will be hehe..haha even. It’ll probably be a bit longer than usual too if I get insane about it. We’ll see!

Sorry if this chapter seemed like a filler after a two week break 😭 I hope you liked it anyways! It was gonna be more angsty but kurona being sad makes me suicidal so I had to fix that. Mb. I love that guy
抱歉,如果这章在两周休息后显得像是个填充章节😭 无论如何,希望你喜欢!原本会更虐心的,但看到 kurona 难过让我想自杀,所以不得不调整。抱歉。我超爱那家伙。

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