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 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 2 ( 31 ) 2 ( 31 ) 2(31)2(31)
STANDARD Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 2(31)| STANDARD | | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $2(31)$ |


整個標準已經重新編寫。由於有許多變更,這些變更未以陰影或其他方式標示,希望供應商閱讀整個 STD。

本標準目前適用於開發階段(客戶訂單生產開始前,SOCOP)和運行中生產(SOCOP 後)的產品。

已新增第 2 章「名詞與定義」。

本標準已刪除對塗料批次交貨的要求,這些要求可在 PD2131015(純色)和 PD2131014(金屬色)中找到。

零件分類移至 STD4111。

第 4 章的 「偏差清單 」中新增了每種偏差的圖片和定義。

檢查線和控制線已被移除,檢查方法 A A AA B B BB 已被第 5.4 節中「目視檢查的一般準則」中所述的方法所取代)。

在第 6 章的 「驗收等級 」中,檢查的距離表被定級標尺取代,以定義驗收標準。

表 6 更新了不同偏差和表面處理分類的驗收等級,表 7 更新了面漆表面和底漆表面的驗收等級。

更新了 7 , 9 , 11 7 , 9 , 11 7,9,117,9,11 章中有關分光光度計和 DOI/gloss 計類型和品牌的要求。

第 7.2 節中金屬顏色的計算方法已更改成 Audi 2000。

表 8 和表 9 中的顏色公差值已變更。

顏色公差已從表 8 中移除,並可在 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 中找到下列實色:亞灰色半啞光 (CS 1511029)、亞灰色啞光 (CS 1545182)、石墨灰 (CS 1346693)、鋁色 (CS 1366388) 及銀色 (CS 1386297)。

表 12 中的橘皮長波(LW)和影像清晰度(DOI)值已修改。

附件 A 中新增了 Scania 標準之間關於表面處理的可視化連接。


本標準是 Scania 處理表面要求的一系列標準之一。

STD4111 中描述了 Scania 對表面處理的一般要求,其中也包含一些有關表面處理的準則。此標準主要著重於從客戶的角度來看,與視覺外觀相關的層面。

有關 Scania 表面要求的標準概覽,請參閱附件 A。

評估和測量塗漆零件的方法在 7 , 9 , 11 7 , 9 , 11 7,9,117,9,11 章中說明。

 1 範圍

本標準適用於根據第 2 章圖 1 在表面處理代碼中說明的有機表面處理製程 PP、PF 或 PS 的所有內外塗裝部件。

此標準適用於所有斯堪尼亞零件與組件,包括卡車、巴士與動力解決方案,無論是在開發階段 (客戶訂單生產開始之前,SOCOP) 或是在運轉中的生產 (SOCOP 之後)。


有關運行生產階段整車塗裝檢驗的規則和指南(前稱 「生產中的塗裝檢驗」),請參閱 STD4551。適用於未上漆彩色塑膠零件的要求,請參閱 STD4314。有關裝飾性鍍鉻件的外觀要求,請參閱 STD4378。

在 STD4111 和 STD4246 中描述了在開發階段對新產品和變更產品提出要求並獲得批准的程序。

 2 名詞和定義

Acceptance level| Acceptance | | :--- | | level |

Appearance master| Appearance | | :--- | | master |

零件顏色、光澤和/或質感的實物參考。STD4102 中描述了外觀母版的開發、生產、採購、訂購和維護規則。
A physical reference for the colour, gloss and/or texture of a part. Rules for development, production, purchasing, ordering and maintenance of appearance masters are described in STD4102.| A physical reference for the colour, gloss and/or texture of a part. Rules for development, | | :--- | | production, purchasing, ordering and maintenance of appearance masters are described | | in STD4102. |
 奧迪 2000

由 Audi 開發的色差公式,專門用於計算 Gonio-apparent 和 flop 效果材料 (例如金屬色) 的公差。
Colour-difference formula developed by Audi specifically designed for tolerance calculation of Gonio-apparent and flop effects material, such as metallic colours.| Colour-difference formula developed by Audi specifically designed for tolerance | | :--- | | calculation of Gonio-apparent and flop effects material, such as metallic colours. |
顏色標準 - 顏色和光澤度(塗裝)的外觀主體

定義特定色調的色彩強度。簡稱 C*。 Chroma 中的公差定義為 Δ C Δ C DeltaC^(**)\Delta \mathrm{C}^{*}<< 在 CIE LCh 色彩空間中。
Defines the colour intensity of a specific hue. Abbreviated C*. Tolerance in Chroma is defined as DeltaC^(**) in the CIE LCh colour space.| Defines the colour intensity of a specific hue. Abbreviated C*. | | :--- | | Tolerance in Chroma is defined as $\Delta \mathrm{C}^{*}$ in the CIE L*C*h colour space. |
Chromatic colour| Chromatic | | :--- | | colour |

顏色強度高的感知顏色,給人鮮豔的感覺。 與白色、灰色或黑色等非色彩顏色相反。
A perceived colour with a high colour intensity, giving the appearance of a vivid colour. Opposite to non-chromatic colours, such as white, grey or black.| A perceived colour with a high colour intensity, giving the appearance of a vivid colour. | | :--- | | Opposite to non-chromatic colours, such as white, grey or black. |

國際照明委員會 (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage)。 根據 ISO/CIE 11664-4 制定 CIE 1976 色彩空間。
The International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage). Developer of the CIE 1976 colour space according to ISO/CIE 11664-4.| The International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage). | | :--- | | Developer of the CIE 1976 colour space according to ISO/CIE 11664-4. |

在虛擬色彩空間中,使用直角坐標來定義顏色的方法、 包括亮度( L L L^(**)mathrm{L}^{*} )、綠-紅位置 (a*) 和藍-黃位置 (b*)。也稱為 CIE Lab* 色彩空間。
A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cartesian coordinates, including brightness ( L^(**) ), green-red position (a*) and blue-yellow position (b*). Also referred to as the CIE Lab* colour space.| A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cartesian coordinates, | | :--- | | including brightness ( $\mathrm{L}^{*}$ ), green-red position (a*) and blue-yellow position (b*). Also | | referred to as the CIE L*a*b* colour space. |

使用圓柱座標在虛擬色彩空間中定義顏色的方法、 包括亮度( L L L^(**)mathrm{L}^{*} )、色度 ( ). C C C^(**)mathrm{C}^{*}<< ) 和色相 ( ) 。也稱為 CIE L C data-dl-uid="100">h L C h L^(**)C^(**)h^(**)\mathrm{L}^{*}\mathrm{C}^{*}\mathrm{~h}^{*} 色彩空間。
A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cylindrical coordinates, including brightness ( L^(**) ), chroma ( C^(**) ) and hue ( h^(**) ). Also referred to as the CIE L^(**)C^(**)h^(**) colour space.| A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cylindrical coordinates, | | :--- | | including brightness ( $\mathrm{L}^{*}$ ), chroma ( $\mathrm{C}^{*}$ ) and hue ( $\mathrm{h}^{*}$ ). Also referred to as the CIE $\mathrm{L}^{*} \mathrm{C}^{*} \mathrm{~h}^{*}$ | | colour space. |

影像的清晰度-DOI 是量測反射影像的銳利度和清晰度。
Distinctness of image-DOI is the measurement of the sharpness and distinctness of the reflected image.| Distinctness of image-DOI is the measurement of the sharpness and distinctness of the | | :--- | | reflected image. |
Finish classification| Finish | | :--- | | classification |

表面處理代碼的一個區段。根據零件在車輛上的可見度和位置,定義零件所需的表面處理。 用於個別零件,或個別零件的不同區域,並應在圖面上定義。以字母 A、B、C 或 D 表示。
A segment of the surface treatment code. Define the required surface finish of parts, depending on its visibility and position on the vehicle. Used for individual parts, or for different areas of individual parts, and shall be defined on drawing. Represented by the letter A, B, C or D.| A segment of the surface treatment code. Define the required surface finish of parts, | | :--- | | depending on its visibility and position on the vehicle. | | Used for individual parts, or for different areas of individual parts, and shall be defined on | | drawing. Represented by the letter A, B, C or D. |

表面的光學特性,以其反射光的能力為特徵,以 Gloss Units 表示,從 0 到 100 不等(反射光的百分比)。
The optical property of a surface characterised by its ability to reflect light, expressed in Gloss Units, varying from 0 to 100 (percentage of light reflected).| The optical property of a surface characterised by its ability to reflect light, expressed in | | :--- | | Gloss Units, varying from 0 to 100 (percentage of light reflected). |

定義色彩的細微變化,與亮度和色彩強度無關。 表示為 h h h^(**)h^{*}.色相的公差定義為 Δ h Δ h Deltah^(**)\Delta h^{*}<< 在 CIE LCh 色彩空間中。
Defines the nuance of a colour, independently of brightness and colour intensity. Denominated as h^(**). Tolerance in hue is defined as Deltah^(**) in the CIE LCh colour space.| Defines the nuance of a colour, independently of brightness and colour intensity. | | :--- | | Denominated as $h^{*}$. Tolerance in hue is defined as $\Delta h^{*}$ in the CIE L*C*h colour space. |

Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour when viewed under one light source but fail to match under a different light source.| Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour when viewed under one light | | :--- | | source but fail to match under a different light source. |
"Acceptance level" The maximum acceptable level of a deviation evaluated visually. "Appearance master" "A physical reference for the colour, gloss and/or texture of a part. Rules for development, production, purchasing, ordering and maintenance of appearance masters are described in STD4102." Audi2000 "Colour-difference formula developed by Audi specifically designed for tolerance calculation of Gonio-apparent and flop effects material, such as metallic colours." CS Colour Standard - Appearance master for colour and gloss (painted) Chroma "Defines the colour intensity of a specific hue. Abbreviated C*. Tolerance in Chroma is defined as DeltaC^(**) in the CIE LCh colour space." "Chromatic colour" "A perceived colour with a high colour intensity, giving the appearance of a vivid colour. Opposite to non-chromatic colours, such as white, grey or black." CIE "The International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage). Developer of the CIE 1976 colour space according to ISO/CIE 11664-4." CIELAB "A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cartesian coordinates, including brightness ( L^(**) ), green-red position (a*) and blue-yellow position (b*). Also referred to as the CIE Lab* colour space." CIELCh "A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cylindrical coordinates, including brightness ( L^(**) ), chroma ( C^(**) ) and hue ( h^(**) ). Also referred to as the CIE L^(**)C^(**)h^(**) colour space." DOI "Distinctness of image-DOI is the measurement of the sharpness and distinctness of the reflected image." "Finish classification" "A segment of the surface treatment code. Define the required surface finish of parts, depending on its visibility and position on the vehicle. Used for individual parts, or for different areas of individual parts, and shall be defined on drawing. Represented by the letter A, B, C or D." Gloss "The optical property of a surface characterised by its ability to reflect light, expressed in Gloss Units, varying from 0 to 100 (percentage of light reflected)." Hue "Defines the nuance of a colour, independently of brightness and colour intensity. Denominated as h^(**). Tolerance in hue is defined as Deltah^(**) in the CIE LCh colour space." Inspector Trained operator who is performing the visual evaluations. Metamerism "Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour when viewed under one light source but fail to match under a different light source." Orange Peel Wavy structure of the texture on a painted surface, similar to the skin of an orange. Panel surface The visible surface of a part as when mounted on the vehicle.| Acceptance <br> level | The maximum acceptable level of a deviation evaluated visually. | | :---: | :---: | | Appearance <br> master | A physical reference for the colour, gloss and/or texture of a part. Rules for development, <br> production, purchasing, ordering and maintenance of appearance masters are described <br> in STD4102. | | Audi2000 | Colour-difference formula developed by Audi specifically designed for tolerance <br> calculation of Gonio-apparent and flop effects material, such as metallic colours. | | CS | Colour Standard - Appearance master for colour and gloss (painted) | | Chroma | Defines the colour intensity of a specific hue. Abbreviated C*. <br> Tolerance in Chroma is defined as $\Delta \mathrm{C}^{*}$ in the CIE L*C*h colour space. | | Chromatic <br> colour | A perceived colour with a high colour intensity, giving the appearance of a vivid colour. <br> Opposite to non-chromatic colours, such as white, grey or black. | | CIE | The International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage). <br> Developer of the CIE 1976 colour space according to ISO/CIE 11664-4. | | CIELAB | A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cartesian coordinates, <br> including brightness ( $\mathrm{L}^{*}$ ), green-red position (a*) and blue-yellow position (b*). Also <br> referred to as the CIE L*a*b* colour space. | | CIELCh | A method for defining a colour in a virtual colour space, using cylindrical coordinates, <br> including brightness ( $\mathrm{L}^{*}$ ), chroma ( $\mathrm{C}^{*}$ ) and hue ( $\mathrm{h}^{*}$ ). Also referred to as the CIE $\mathrm{L}^{*} \mathrm{C}^{*} \mathrm{~h}^{*}$ <br> colour space. | | DOI | Distinctness of image-DOI is the measurement of the sharpness and distinctness of the <br> reflected image. | | Finish <br> classification | A segment of the surface treatment code. Define the required surface finish of parts, <br> depending on its visibility and position on the vehicle. <br> Used for individual parts, or for different areas of individual parts, and shall be defined on <br> drawing. Represented by the letter A, B, C or D. | | Gloss | The optical property of a surface characterised by its ability to reflect light, expressed in <br> Gloss Units, varying from 0 to 100 (percentage of light reflected). | | Hue | Defines the nuance of a colour, independently of brightness and colour intensity. <br> Denominated as $h^{*}$. Tolerance in hue is defined as $\Delta h^{*}$ in the CIE L*C*h colour space. | | Inspector | Trained operator who is performing the visual evaluations. | | Metamerism | Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour when viewed under one light <br> source but fail to match under a different light source. | | Orange Peel | Wavy structure of the texture on a painted surface, similar to the skin of an orange. | | Panel surface | The visible surface of a part as when mounted on the vehicle. |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 4 ( 31 ) 4 ( 31 ) 4(31)4(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 4(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $4(31)$ |

A powder or liquid based polymeric substance containing pigments, which after curing results in a smooth solid layer. The term can refer to primers, topcoats and combinations of base coat and clear coat in this standard.| A powder or liquid based polymeric substance containing pigments, which after curing | | :--- | | results in a smooth solid layer. The term can refer to primers, topcoats and combinations | | of base coat and clear coat in this standard. |

The part has been painted with its final layer and no additional surface processing will be done.| The part has been painted with its final layer and no additional surface processing will be | | :--- | | done. |

A paint material in the form of powder which, after application and curing, forms a solid paint layer.| A paint material in the form of powder which, after application and curing, forms a solid | | :--- | | paint layer. |

A powder or a wet paint intended to improve adhesion to the substrate and/or appearance of the finish painted product. A primer can also improve corrosion protection, stone chip resistance and/or help to achieve correct colour and structure of a finish painted product.| A powder or a wet paint intended to improve adhesion to the substrate and/or | | :--- | | appearance of the finish painted product. A primer can also improve corrosion protection, | | stone chip resistance and/or help to achieve correct colour and structure of a finish | | painted product. |

Abbreviation for an organic surface treatment according to specified method that is stated by a note in the technical documentation.| Abbreviation for an organic surface treatment according to specified method that is | | :--- | | stated by a note in the technical documentation. |

The outer layer of paint, which is applied with the aim to provide the final surface properties of the part, e.g. appearance, colour, gloss and chemical resistance. Can be powder paint or wet paint.| The outer layer of paint, which is applied with the aim to provide the final surface | | :--- | | properties of the part, e.g. appearance, colour, gloss and chemical resistance. Can be | | powder paint or wet paint. |

A liquid-based polymeric substance which, after application and curing, forms a solid paint layer.| A liquid-based polymeric substance which, after application and curing, forms a solid | | :--- | | paint layer. |

Technical design quality| Technical | | :--- | | design quality |

根據 PD2260027 和 PD7060634 的車輛特性,處理顧客透過視覺、聽覺、觸覺和嗅覺所體驗到的產品優良程度。
Vehicle property according to PD2260027 and PD7060634, handling the degree of excellence of a product as experienced by a customer, derived through sight, sound, touch and scent.| Vehicle property according to PD2260027 and PD7060634, handling the degree of | | :--- | | excellence of a product as experienced by a customer, derived through sight, sound, | | touch and scent. |
Colour tolerance| Colour | | :--- | | tolerance |

顏色與顏色標準 (CS) 相比的公差。 以合併顏色公差表示, Δ E CMC(1:1) Δ E CMC (1:1)DeltaE_("CMC ")(1:1)\Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {CMC }}(1:、或根據 CIELAB 或 CIELCh 作為坐標的特定公差。
Tolerance of a colour compared to the colour standard (CS). Expressed as a combined colour tolerance, DeltaE_("CMC ")(1:1), or as specific tolerances for the coordinates according to CIELAB or CIELCh.| Tolerance of a colour compared to the colour standard (CS). | | :--- | | Expressed as a combined colour tolerance, $\Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {CMC }}(1: 1)$, or as specific tolerances for the | | coordinates according to CIELAB or CIELCh. |

與顏色標準 (CS) 相比的光澤度公差。 以光澤單位 (G.U) 的正公差和/或負公差表示。
Tolerance of a gloss compared to the colour standard (CS). Expressed as positive and/or negative tolerances for gloss units (G.U).| Tolerance of a gloss compared to the colour standard (CS). | | :--- | | Expressed as positive and/or negative tolerances for gloss units (G.U). |
Surface treatment code| Surface | | :--- | | treatment code |

定義零件的表面要求,並透過 STD4111 參考不同的標準。有關表面處理代碼的不同區段,以及表面處理分類的位置資訊,請參閱圖 1。 STD4111-YX-XX-1234567 圖 1 - 表面處理代碼的分段 有關表面處理代碼的詳細說明,請參閱 STD4111。
Define the surface requirements for a part, and refers to different standards through STD4111. See Figure 1 for information of the different segments of the surface treatment code, and where the finish classification is located. STD4111-YX-XX-1234567 Figure 1 - Breakdown of the surface treatment code For a detailed description of the surface treatment code, see STD4111.| Define the surface requirements for a part, and refers to different standards through | | :--- | | STD4111. See Figure 1 for information of the different segments of the surface treatment | | code, and where the finish classification is located. | | STD4111-YX-XX-1234567 | | Figure 1 - Breakdown of the surface treatment code | | For a detailed description of the surface treatment code, see STD4111. |
Paint "A powder or liquid based polymeric substance containing pigments, which after curing results in a smooth solid layer. The term can refer to primers, topcoats and combinations of base coat and clear coat in this standard." Finish painted "The part has been painted with its final layer and no additional surface processing will be done." Metallic colour Colour that contains metallic flakes in addition to the other pigments. PF Organic surface treatment with powder paint or wet paint. (free of choice) PP Organic surface treatment with powder paint, can be topcoat or primer. Powder paint "A paint material in the form of powder which, after application and curing, forms a solid paint layer." Primer "A powder or a wet paint intended to improve adhesion to the substrate and/or appearance of the finish painted product. A primer can also improve corrosion protection, stone chip resistance and/or help to achieve correct colour and structure of a finish painted product." Primer painted Only primer is applied to the surface, and it will be finish painted at a later stage. PS "Abbreviation for an organic surface treatment according to specified method that is stated by a note in the technical documentation." Solid colour Colour that does not contain any sparkling effect pigment. Also called uni-colour. Top coat "The outer layer of paint, which is applied with the aim to provide the final surface properties of the part, e.g. appearance, colour, gloss and chemical resistance. Can be powder paint or wet paint." Wet paint "A liquid-based polymeric substance which, after application and curing, forms a solid paint layer." "Technical design quality" "Vehicle property according to PD2260027 and PD7060634, handling the degree of excellence of a product as experienced by a customer, derived through sight, sound, touch and scent." Tolerance Maximum acceptable difference in a measured property compared to a reference. "Colour tolerance" "Tolerance of a colour compared to the colour standard (CS). Expressed as a combined colour tolerance, DeltaE_("CMC ")(1:1), or as specific tolerances for the coordinates according to CIELAB or CIELCh." Gloss tolerance "Tolerance of a gloss compared to the colour standard (CS). Expressed as positive and/or negative tolerances for gloss units (G.U)." "Surface treatment code" "Define the surface requirements for a part, and refers to different standards through STD4111. See Figure 1 for information of the different segments of the surface treatment code, and where the finish classification is located. STD4111-YX-XX-1234567 Figure 1 - Breakdown of the surface treatment code For a detailed description of the surface treatment code, see STD4111."| Paint | A powder or liquid based polymeric substance containing pigments, which after curing <br> results in a smooth solid layer. The term can refer to primers, topcoats and combinations <br> of base coat and clear coat in this standard. | | :---: | :---: | | Finish painted | The part has been painted with its final layer and no additional surface processing will be <br> done. | | Metallic colour | Colour that contains metallic flakes in addition to the other pigments. | | PF | Organic surface treatment with powder paint or wet paint. (free of choice) | | PP | Organic surface treatment with powder paint, can be topcoat or primer. | | Powder paint | A paint material in the form of powder which, after application and curing, forms a solid <br> paint layer. | | Primer | A powder or a wet paint intended to improve adhesion to the substrate and/or <br> appearance of the finish painted product. A primer can also improve corrosion protection, <br> stone chip resistance and/or help to achieve correct colour and structure of a finish <br> painted product. | | Primer painted | Only primer is applied to the surface, and it will be finish painted at a later stage. | | PS | Abbreviation for an organic surface treatment according to specified method that is <br> stated by a note in the technical documentation. | | Solid colour | Colour that does not contain any sparkling effect pigment. Also called uni-colour. | | Top coat | The outer layer of paint, which is applied with the aim to provide the final surface <br> properties of the part, e.g. appearance, colour, gloss and chemical resistance. Can be <br> powder paint or wet paint. | | Wet paint | A liquid-based polymeric substance which, after application and curing, forms a solid <br> paint layer. | | Technical <br> design quality | Vehicle property according to PD2260027 and PD7060634, handling the degree of <br> excellence of a product as experienced by a customer, derived through sight, sound, <br> touch and scent. | | Tolerance | Maximum acceptable difference in a measured property compared to a reference. | | Colour <br> tolerance | Tolerance of a colour compared to the colour standard (CS). <br> Expressed as a combined colour tolerance, $\Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {CMC }}(1: 1)$, or as specific tolerances for the <br> coordinates according to CIELAB or CIELCh. | | Gloss tolerance | Tolerance of a gloss compared to the colour standard (CS). <br> Expressed as positive and/or negative tolerances for gloss units (G.U). | | Surface <br> treatment code | Define the surface requirements for a part, and refers to different standards through <br> STD4111. See Figure 1 for information of the different segments of the surface treatment <br> code, and where the finish classification is located. <br> STD4111-YX-XX-1234567 <br> Figure 1 - Breakdown of the surface treatment code <br> For a detailed description of the surface treatment code, see STD4111. |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 5 ( 31 ) 5 ( 31 ) 5(31)5(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 5(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $5(31)$ |

3 塗漆表面的表面處理分類

STD4101 中的驗收要求是基於表面光潔度分類(A、B、C、D)。

根據 STD4111,表面處理代碼中會說明表面處理分類。請參閱圖 1,瞭解表面處理代碼的細分,以及哪個位置代表精加工分類。表面處理代碼在零件的技術文件中說明。

表 1 描述本標準如何詮釋四種表面處理分類。

表 1 - 面漆評估的面漆分類釋義
Finish classification| Finish | | :---: | | classification |

Areas where deviations are particularly disturbing and immediately noticeable by the customer| Areas where deviations are particularly disturbing and immediately noticeable by the | | :--- | | customer |
"Finish classification" Description A "Areas where deviations are particularly disturbing and immediately noticeable by the customer" B Areas where deviations are less obvious, but still visible for the customer C Areas that are rarely or briefly seen by the customer when using the vehicle D Areas that are covered or almost completely hidden from view| Finish <br> classification | Description | | :---: | :--- | | A | Areas where deviations are particularly disturbing and immediately noticeable by the <br> customer | | B | Areas where deviations are less obvious, but still visible for the customer | | C | Areas that are rarely or briefly seen by the customer when using the vehicle | | D | Areas that are covered or almost completely hidden from view |

根據 STD4572,一個零件的不同表面可能有不同的表面處理分類。

檢查塗料外觀的一般要求(第 5 章)、塗料偏差的可接受程度(第 6 章)以及顏色和光澤度的公差(第 8 章和第 10 章)適用於所有塗裝分類。

根據第 12 章,橘皮和 DOI 的公差適用於表面處理分類 A、B、C。第 7、9、11 章介紹了評估和測量塗層工件的方法。

圖 2 是如何在圖面上註明表面處理代碼的範例。更多範例請參閱 STD4111。

圖 2 - 塗上駕駛室顏色 (PS) 的零件範例,表面處理分類 A
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 6 ( 31 ) 6 ( 31 ) 6(31)6(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 6(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $6(31)$ |

 4 偏差清單

底漆噴塗表面和面漆噴塗表面的偏差分為 4 個不同的組別列於下表 2:

表 2 - 底漆和面漆表面的偏差清單

第 1 組:技術性油漆故障

 偏差名稱  定義  插圖

Pinholes in substrate or primer fill with air, water or solvent. Applied paint traps this, causing bubbles that collapse during curing (occurs often in Sheet Moulding Compound parts).| Pinholes in substrate or | | :--- | | primer fill with air, water | | or solvent. Applied paint | | traps this, causing | | bubbles that collapse | | during curing (occurs | | often in Sheet Moulding | | Compound parts). |

沸騰 也稱為溶劑爆裂
Boiling Also called solvent pops| Boiling | | :--- | | Also called solvent | | pops |

Groups of small bubbles in top coat, caused by evaporating solvent trapped in a fast-drying paint layer.| Groups of small bubbles | | :--- | | in top coat, caused by | | evaporating solvent | | trapped in a fast-drying | | paint layer. |

分層 也稱為剝落
Delamination Also called peeling| Delamination | | :--- | | Also called peeling |

Loss of adhesion between layers of paint or between paint and substrate, resulting in a separation of paint from the surface.| Loss of adhesion | | :--- | | between layers of paint | | or between paint and | | substrate, resulting in a | | separation of paint from | | the surface. |

提升 也稱為膨脹或起皺
Lifting Also called swelling or wrinkling| Lifting | | :--- | | Also called swelling or | | wrinkling |

Wrinkles created by reactions between layers of non- compatible paint systems.| Wrinkles created by | | :--- | | reactions between | | layers of non- | | compatible paint | | systems. |

Corrosion of the metal substrate resulting in delamination, blistering and discolouration of the paint layer.| Corrosion of the metal | | :--- | | substrate resulting in | | delamination, blistering | | and discolouration of | | the paint layer. |
Name of deviation Definition Illustrations Blow out "Pinholes in substrate or primer fill with air, water or solvent. Applied paint traps this, causing bubbles that collapse during curing (occurs often in Sheet Moulding Compound parts)." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=282&width=809&top_left_y=1066&top_left_x=1001 "Boiling Also called solvent pops" "Groups of small bubbles in top coat, caused by evaporating solvent trapped in a fast-drying paint layer." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=320&width=741&top_left_y=1429&top_left_x=1001 "Delamination Also called peeling" "Loss of adhesion between layers of paint or between paint and substrate, resulting in a separation of paint from the surface." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=276&width=771&top_left_y=1792&top_left_x=1001 "Lifting Also called swelling or wrinkling" "Wrinkles created by reactions between layers of non- compatible paint systems." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=328&width=809&top_left_y=2065&top_left_x=1001 Corrosion "Corrosion of the metal substrate resulting in delamination, blistering and discolouration of the paint layer." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=276&width=375&top_left_y=2428&top_left_x=1001| Name of deviation | Definition | Illustrations | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Blow out | Pinholes in substrate or <br> primer fill with air, water <br> or solvent. Applied paint <br> traps this, causing <br> bubbles that collapse <br> during curing (occurs <br> often in Sheet Moulding <br> Compound parts). | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=282&width=809&top_left_y=1066&top_left_x=1001) | | Boiling <br> Also called solvent <br> pops | Groups of small bubbles <br> in top coat, caused by <br> evaporating solvent <br> trapped in a fast-drying <br> paint layer. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=320&width=741&top_left_y=1429&top_left_x=1001) | | Delamination <br> Also called peeling | Loss of adhesion <br> between layers of paint <br> or between paint and <br> substrate, resulting in a <br> separation of paint from <br> the surface. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=276&width=771&top_left_y=1792&top_left_x=1001) | | Lifting <br> Also called swelling or <br> wrinkling | Wrinkles created by <br> reactions between <br> layers of non- <br> compatible paint <br> systems. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=328&width=809&top_left_y=2065&top_left_x=1001) | | Corrosion | Corrosion of the metal <br> substrate resulting in <br> delamination, blistering <br> and discolouration of <br> the paint layer. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-06.jpg?height=276&width=375&top_left_y=2428&top_left_x=1001) |

第 2 組:油漆表面的損壞

 偏差名稱  定義  插圖

Deep scratches, chips and cracks.| Deep scratches, chips | | :--- | | and cracks. |

Mechanical damages, penetrating through the paint film to the primer or substrate.| Mechanical damages, | | :--- | | penetrating through the | | paint film to the primer | | or substrate. |
Name of deviation Definition Illustrations "Deep scratches, chips and cracks." "Mechanical damages, penetrating through the paint film to the primer or substrate." Deep scratch:| Name of deviation | Definition | Illustrations | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Deep scratches, chips <br> and cracks. | Mechanical damages, <br> penetrating through the <br> paint film to the primer <br> or substrate. | Deep scratch: |
8 ( 31 ) 8 ( 31 ) 8(31)8(31)

第 3 組:完整面板表面的外觀偏差

 偏差名稱  定義

Milky white cloud effect on the surface of the paint, caused by moisture inclusion in the wet paint layer when the application is performed under dew point.| Milky white cloud effect | | :--- | | on the surface of the | | paint, caused by | | moisture inclusion in the | | wet paint layer when the | | application is performed | | under dew point. |

Lighter and darker variations in metallic paints, caused by uneven layer thickness during application.| Lighter and darker | | :--- | | variations in metallic | | paints, caused by | | uneven layer thickness | | during application. |

Colour difference and metamerism| Colour difference and | | :--- | | metamerism |

相鄰面板間的視覺色差。當兩個樣品在一種光源下顏色一致,但在另一種光源下卻不一致時,就會出現同色異譜現象。 色差應同時以 D65 和 F11 評估。 除了表 8 和表 9 中對每塊面板的要求外,對此種偏差的要求也是有效的。
Visually perceived colour difference between adjacent panels. Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour under one light source but fail to match under a different light source. Colour difference should always be evaluated in both D65 and F11. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Tables 8 and 9 to be fulfilled for each individual panel.| Visually perceived | | :--- | | colour difference | | between adjacent | | panels. Metamerism | | occurs when two | | samples match in colour | | under one light source | | but fail to match under a | | different light source. | | Colour difference | | should always be | | evaluated in both D65 | | and F11. | | Requirements on this | | deviation are valid in | | addition to the | | requirements in | | Tables 8 and 9 to be | | fulfilled for each | | individual panel. |
Name of deviation Definition Also called Blushing or "Milky white cloud effect on the surface of the paint, caused by moisture inclusion in the wet paint layer when the application is performed under dew point." Clouding "Lighter and darker variations in metallic paints, caused by uneven layer thickness during application." "Colour difference and metamerism" "Visually perceived colour difference between adjacent panels. Metamerism occurs when two samples match in colour under one light source but fail to match under a different light source. Colour difference should always be evaluated in both D65 and F11. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Tables 8 and 9 to be fulfilled for each individual panel."| Name of deviation | Definition | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Also called Blushing or | Milky white cloud effect <br> on the surface of the <br> paint, caused by <br> moisture inclusion in the <br> wet paint layer when the <br> application is performed <br> under dew point. | | Clouding | Lighter and darker <br> variations in metallic <br> paints, caused by <br> uneven layer thickness <br> during application. | | Colour difference and <br> metamerism | Visually perceived <br> colour difference <br> between adjacent <br> panels. Metamerism <br> occurs when two <br> samples match in colour <br> under one light source <br> but fail to match under a <br> different light source. <br> Colour difference <br> should always be <br> evaluated in both D65 <br> and F11. <br> Requirements on this <br> deviation are valid in <br> addition to the <br> requirements in <br> Tables 8 and 9 to be <br> fulfilled for each <br> individual panel. |

整個表面或兩個相鄰表面之間的光澤度差異。 除了表 10 中對每塊面板的要求外,此偏差的要求也是有效的。
Difference in gloss across a surface or between 2 adjacent surfaces. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Table 10 to be fulfilled for each individual panel.| Difference in gloss | | :--- | | across a surface or | | between 2 adjacent | | surfaces. | | Requirements on this | | deviation are valid in | | addition to the | | requirements in Table | | 10 to be fulfilled for | | each individual panel. |
Orange peel difference| Orange peel | | :--- | | difference |

表面或兩個相鄰面板之間的油漆結構差異。 除表 11 中對每塊面板的要求外,此偏差要求也有效。
Difference of paint structure on a surface or between 2 adjacent panels. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Table 11 to be fulfilled for each individual panel.| Difference of paint | | :--- | | structure on a surface | | or between 2 adjacent | | panels. | | Requirements on this | | deviation are valid in | | addition to the | | requirements in Table | | 11 to be fulfilled for | | each individual panel. |

遮蓋力差 也稱為隱藏色差
Poor coverage Also called poor hiding colour| Poor coverage | | :--- | | Also called poor hiding | | colour |

Substrate or primer visible through the paint film due to low film thickness, poor covering property of the topcoat or poor application technique.| Substrate or primer | | :--- | | visible through the paint | | film due to low film | | thickness, poor covering | | property of the topcoat | | or poor application | | technique. |
Gloss difference "Difference in gloss across a surface or between 2 adjacent surfaces. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Table 10 to be fulfilled for each individual panel." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=333&width=815&top_left_y=401&top_left_x=1003 "Orange peel difference" "Difference of paint structure on a surface or between 2 adjacent panels. Requirements on this deviation are valid in addition to the requirements in Table 11 to be fulfilled for each individual panel." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=328&width=815&top_left_y=810&top_left_x=1003 "Poor coverage Also called poor hiding colour" "Substrate or primer visible through the paint film due to low film thickness, poor covering property of the topcoat or poor application technique." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=320&width=796&top_left_y=1214&top_left_x=1003| Gloss difference | Difference in gloss <br> across a surface or <br> between 2 adjacent <br> surfaces. <br> Requirements on this <br> deviation are valid in <br> addition to the <br> requirements in Table <br> 10 to be fulfilled for <br> each individual panel. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=333&width=815&top_left_y=401&top_left_x=1003) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Orange peel <br> difference | Difference of paint <br> structure on a surface <br> or between 2 adjacent <br> panels. <br> Requirements on this <br> deviation are valid in <br> addition to the <br> requirements in Table <br> 11 to be fulfilled for <br> each individual panel. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=328&width=815&top_left_y=810&top_left_x=1003) | | Poor coverage <br> Also called poor hiding <br> colour | Substrate or primer <br> visible through the paint <br> film due to low film <br> thickness, poor covering <br> property of the topcoat <br> or poor application <br> technique. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-09.jpg?height=320&width=796&top_left_y=1214&top_left_x=1003) |
  10 ( 31 ) 10 ( 31 ) 10(31)10(31)

第 4 組:單一缺陷

 偏差名稱  定義
 黏著劑過量  突出的黏著劑。

Delamination shown as bubbles trapped under the paint layer. Caused by contamination of substrate or primer surface by solvents or water.| Delamination shown as | | :--- | | bubbles trapped under | | the paint layer. Caused | | by contamination of | | substrate or primer | | surface by solvents or | | water. |
Name of deviation Definition Adhesive excess Protruding adhesive. Blistering "Delamination shown as bubbles trapped under the paint layer. Caused by contamination of substrate or primer surface by solvents or water."| Name of deviation | Definition | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Adhesive excess | Protruding adhesive. | | Blistering | Delamination shown as <br> bubbles trapped under <br> the paint layer. Caused <br> by contamination of <br> substrate or primer <br> surface by solvents or <br> water. |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 11 ( 31 ) 11 ( 31 ) 11(31)11(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 11(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $11(31)$ |

Crater in the paint layer, revealing the primer or substrate. Often caused by contamination in the environment.| Crater in the paint layer, | | :--- | | revealing the primer or | | substrate. Often caused | | by contamination in the | | environment. |

Visible marks of water droplets in the wet paint layer, which may result from exposure of the paint film to water splashes before it has fully hardened.| Visible marks of water | | :--- | | droplets in the wet paint | | layer, which may result | | from exposure of the | | paint film to water | | splashes before it has | | fully hardened. |

污垢和異物微粒 也稱為內含物、灰塵、纖維。
Dirt and foreign particles Also called inclusions, dust, fibres.| Dirt and foreign | | :--- | | particles | | Also called inclusions, | | dust, fibres. |

Foreign particles included on or in a wet paint layer during painting process. May or may not break topcoat surface.| Foreign particles | | :--- | | included on or in a wet | | paint layer during | | painting process. May | | or may not break | | topcoat surface. |
1)| 1) | | :--- |

滴漏 也稱為流動、下垂或簾狀
Drips Also called runs, sags or curtains| Drips | | :--- | | Also called runs, sags | | or curtains |

Too thick paint layer applied can cause paint to run off in the direction of gravity. Excess of paint can collect at the bottom edge of a panel.| Too thick paint layer | | :--- | | applied can cause paint | | to run off in the direction | | of gravity. Excess of | | paint can collect at the | | bottom edge of a panel. |

指紋 也稱為指印
Imprints Also called finger marks| Imprints | | :--- | | Also called finger | | marks |

Visible imprints in the wet or soft paint layer, during or shortly after application.| Visible imprints in the | | :--- | | wet or soft paint layer, | | during or shortly after | | application. |

Paint spray seen on surfaces that are not to be painted. Caused by untidy or uneven masking, resulting in a poor appearance.| Paint spray seen on | | :--- | | surfaces that are not to | | be painted. Caused by | | untidy or uneven | | masking, resulting in a | | poor appearance. |
Fish-eyes "Crater in the paint layer, revealing the primer or substrate. Often caused by contamination in the environment." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=623&width=754&top_left_y=406&top_left_x=1001 Water spots "Visible marks of water droplets in the wet paint layer, which may result from exposure of the paint film to water splashes before it has fully hardened." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=276&width=375&top_left_y=1105&top_left_x=1001 "Dirt and foreign particles Also called inclusions, dust, fibres." "Foreign particles included on or in a wet paint layer during painting process. May or may not break topcoat surface." "1)" "Drips Also called runs, sags or curtains" "Too thick paint layer applied can cause paint to run off in the direction of gravity. Excess of paint can collect at the bottom edge of a panel." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=325&width=367&top_left_y=1710&top_left_x=1001 "Imprints Also called finger marks" "Visible imprints in the wet or soft paint layer, during or shortly after application." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=320&width=754&top_left_y=2029&top_left_x=1001 Masking fault "Paint spray seen on surfaces that are not to be painted. Caused by untidy or uneven masking, resulting in a poor appearance." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=331&width=422&top_left_y=2348&top_left_x=1001| Fish-eyes | Crater in the paint layer, <br> revealing the primer or <br> substrate. Often caused <br> by contamination in the <br> environment. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=623&width=754&top_left_y=406&top_left_x=1001) | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Water spots | Visible marks of water <br> droplets in the wet paint <br> layer, which may result <br> from exposure of the <br> paint film to water <br> splashes before it has <br> fully hardened. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=276&width=375&top_left_y=1105&top_left_x=1001) | | Dirt and foreign <br> particles <br> Also called inclusions, <br> dust, fibres. | Foreign particles <br> included on or in a wet <br> paint layer during <br> painting process. May <br> or may not break <br> topcoat surface. | 1) | | Drips <br> Also called runs, sags <br> or curtains | Too thick paint layer <br> applied can cause paint <br> to run off in the direction <br> of gravity. Excess of <br> paint can collect at the <br> bottom edge of a panel. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=325&width=367&top_left_y=1710&top_left_x=1001) | | Imprints <br> Also called finger <br> marks | Visible imprints in the <br> wet or soft paint layer, <br> during or shortly after <br> application. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=320&width=754&top_left_y=2029&top_left_x=1001) | | Masking fault | Paint spray seen on <br> surfaces that are not to <br> be painted. Caused by <br> untidy or uneven <br> masking, resulting in a <br> poor appearance. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-11.jpg?height=331&width=422&top_left_y=2348&top_left_x=1001) |
Info Class Internal| Info Class | | :--- | | Internal |
  12 ( 31 ) 12 ( 31 ) 12(31)12(31)
Page 12(31)| Page | | :--- | | $12(31)$ |
Page,12(31)| Page <br> $12(31)$ | | :--- |

修補缺陷 也稱為刷痕、拋光缺陷或全息圖
Repair defects Also called brush marks, polishing defects or holograms| Repair defects | | :--- | | Also called brush | | marks, polishing | | defects or holograms |

Surface irregularities, colour or gloss deviations caused by incorrect polishing/sanding or touching up paint damages.| Surface irregularities, | | :--- | | colour or gloss | | deviations caused by | | incorrect | | polishing/sanding or | | touching up paint | | damages. |

Scratches not penetrating the paint layers, can occur in primer, basecoat or topcoat.| Scratches not | | :--- | | penetrating the paint | | layers, can occur in | | primer, basecoat or | | topcoat. |

凹痕 也稱為壓痕
Dents Also called indentations| Dents | | :--- | | Also called | | indentations |

Mechanical damage of parts before or after paint process, paint layers not penetrated.| Mechanical damage of | | :--- | | parts before or after | | paint process, paint | | layers not penetrated. |
"Info Class Internal" "Page,12(31)" "Repair defects Also called brush marks, polishing defects or holograms" "Surface irregularities, colour or gloss deviations caused by incorrect polishing/sanding or touching up paint damages." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=278&width=89&top_left_y=404&top_left_x=1507 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=276&width=111&top_left_y=404&top_left_x=1710 Superficial scratches "Scratches not penetrating the paint layers, can occur in primer, basecoat or topcoat." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=928&width=144&top_left_y=802&top_left_x=1487 "Dents Also called indentations" "Mechanical damage of parts before or after paint process, paint layers not penetrated." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=452&width=144&top_left_y=1765&top_left_x=1487 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=452&width=127&top_left_y=1765&top_left_x=1694| | | Info Class <br> Internal | Page <br> $12(31)$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Repair defects <br> Also called brush <br> marks, polishing <br> defects or holograms | Surface irregularities, <br> colour or gloss <br> deviations caused by <br> incorrect <br> polishing/sanding or <br> touching up paint <br> damages. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=278&width=89&top_left_y=404&top_left_x=1507) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=276&width=111&top_left_y=404&top_left_x=1710) | | Superficial scratches | Scratches not <br> penetrating the paint <br> layers, can occur in <br> primer, basecoat or <br> topcoat. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=928&width=144&top_left_y=802&top_left_x=1487) | | | Dents <br> Also called <br> indentations | Mechanical damage of <br> parts before or after <br> paint process, paint <br> layers not penetrated. | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=452&width=144&top_left_y=1765&top_left_x=1487) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_25_bbcc250694f93cc3c5afg-12.jpg?height=452&width=127&top_left_y=1765&top_left_x=1694) |

日期 發行資訊 類別 頁面

2023-02-14 16

5 目視檢查色差和表面瑕疵

本章說明根據第 4 章對表面處理分類為 A , B A , B A,BA, B 、C 和 D 的可見表面進行表面色差和表面處理缺陷評估的先決條件和一般準則。

5.1 對色差檢驗員的要求

對於色差的目視檢查,檢查員應符合 ISO 3668 第 6 章中定義的要求。

5.2 用於視覺檢查色差的檢視環境


根據 SS 19102,在自然色彩系統 (NCS) 中描述的下列顏色建議用於觀看環境:

  • 天花板顏色:介於 S 0500-N 與 S 1000-N (NCS) 之間

  • 牆壁顏色:介於 S 2000-N 和 S 3000-N 之間 (NCS)

  • 地板顏色:介於 S 4500-N 與 S 5500-N (NCS) 之間



5.3 用於視覺檢測的人工照明

檢查缺陷和色差時,需要使用表 3 所列的光源。

此光源必須均勻分佈在所有受檢查的區域。不論移動方向,檢測區域內的最大變化為 300 lux / 0.5 m。

表 3 - 用於油漆檢測的光源規格
 檢查  光源
Colour temperature| Colour | | :--- | | temperature |
Illumination strength| Illumination | | :--- | | strength |
Fidelity Index| Fidelity | | :--- | | Index |
Gamut Index| Gamut | | :--- | | Index |

Defects and colour difference| Defects and | | :--- | | colour | | difference |

CIE 標準光源 D65 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}
CIE Standard illuminant D65 ^(2))| CIE Standard | | :--- | | illuminant | | D65 ${ }^{2)}$ |
6500 K
  800 1800 800 1800 800-1800800-1800 勒克斯
800-1800 lux| $800-1800$ | | :--- | | lux |
R f > 90 5 ) R f > 90 5 ) R_(f) > 90^(5))R_{f}>90^{5)}
R_(f) > 90^(5))| $R_{f}>90^{5)}$ | | :--- |
R g : 95 100 R g : 95 100 R_(g):95-100R_{g}: 95-100
R_(g):95-100| $R_{g}: 95-100$ | | :--- |

MacAdam 1 -3 SDCM 6 ) 6 {:^(6))\left.{ }^{6}\right)
MacAdam 1 -3 SDCM {:^(6))| MacAdam | | :--- | | 1 -3 SDCM $\left.{ }^{6}\right)$ |

缺陷和元胞 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Defects and metamerism ^(1))| Defects and | | :--- | | metamerism ${ }^{1)}$ |

CIE 標準光源 F11 3 ) 3 ) ^(3)){ }^{3)}
CIE Standard illuminant F11 ^(3))| CIE Standard | | :--- | | illuminant | | F11 ${ }^{3)}$ |
4000 K

中等或低光澤深色的瑕疵和色差 (i.e. GU <60 GU <60GU < 60mathrm{GU}<60 )
Defects and colour difference of dark colours with medium or low gloss (i.e. GU < 60 )| Defects and | | :--- | | colour | | difference of | | dark colours | | with medium | | or low gloss | | (i.e. $\mathrm{GU}<60$ ) |

CIE 標準光源 D65 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}
CIE Standard illuminant D65 ^(2))| CIE Standard | | :--- | | illuminant | | D65 ${ }^{2)}$ |
6500 K
  1400 1800 1400 1800 1400-18001400-1800 勒克斯
1400-1800 lux| $1400-1800$ | | :--- | | lux |

CIE 標準光源 F11 或 D65 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}
CIE Standard illuminant F11 or D65 ^(2))| CIE Standard | | :--- | | illuminant | | F11 or D65 ${ }^{2)}$ |
4000/6500 K
  1400 1800 1400 1800 1400-18001400-1800 lux 4 ) 4 {:^(4))\left.^{4}\right)
1400-1800 lux {:^(4))| $1400-1800$ | | :---: | | lux $\left.^{4}\right)$ |
1400-1800,lux {:^(4))| $1400-1800$ <br> lux $\left.^{4}\right)$ | | :--- |
Inspection Light source "Colour temperature" "Illumination strength" "Fidelity Index" "Gamut Index" Chromaticity "Defects and colour difference" "CIE Standard illuminant D65 ^(2))" 6500 K "800-1800 lux" "R_(f) > 90^(5))" "R_(g):95-100" "MacAdam 1 -3 SDCM {:^(6))" "Defects and metamerism ^(1))" "CIE Standard illuminant F11 ^(3))" 4000 K "Defects and colour difference of dark colours with medium or low gloss (i.e. GU < 60 )" "CIE Standard illuminant D65 ^(2))" 6500 K "1400-1800 lux" Primed parts "CIE Standard illuminant F11 or D65 ^(2))" 4000/6500 K "1400-1800,lux {:^(4))" N/A | Inspection | Light source | Colour <br> temperature | Illumination <br> strength | Fidelity <br> Index | Gamut <br> Index | Chromaticity | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Defects and <br> colour <br> difference | CIE Standard <br> illuminant <br> D65 ${ }^{2)}$ | 6500 K | $800-1800$ <br> lux | $R_{f}>90^{5)}$ | $R_{g}: 95-100$ | MacAdam <br> 1 -3 SDCM $\left.{ }^{6}\right)$ | | Defects and <br> metamerism ${ }^{1)}$ | CIE Standard <br> illuminant <br> F11 ${ }^{3)}$ | 4000 K | | | | | | Defects and <br> colour <br> difference of <br> dark colours <br> with medium <br> or low gloss <br> (i.e. $\mathrm{GU}<60$ ) | CIE Standard <br> illuminant <br> D65 ${ }^{2)}$ | 6500 K | $1400-1800$ <br> lux | | | | | Primed parts | CIE Standard <br> illuminant <br> F11 or D65 ${ }^{2)}$ | 4000/6500 K | $1400-1800$ <br> lux $\left.^{4}\right)$ | | N/A | |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023 02 14 2023 02 14 2023-02-142023-02-14 16  內部 14 ( 31 ) 14 ( 31 ) 14(31)14(31)
STANDARD Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 14(31)| STANDARD | | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | $2023-02-14$ | 16 | Internal | $14(31)$ |

根據出版物 CIE 015:2018,發光二極體 (LED) 可用於替代螢光管進行缺陷檢測。它們也適用於色差檢測和偏光檢測。

注意:應使用濾光鎢-鹵素燈在燈箱中檢查批次板或塗漆部件與斯堪尼亞顏色標準的色差。(建議儀器:X-rite SpectraLight QC)


  • 適用於 Scania 底盤 PRU: STD4551

  • 適用於外部供應商:根據出版物 CIE 097:2005 維護室內電子照明系統

5.4 目視檢查的一般指引


  • 應根據所執行的檢驗類型(缺陷評估和/或顏色差異評估)滿足 5.1 , 5.2 5.1 , 5.2 5.1,5.25.1,5.2 節和5.3節所述的條件。

  • 零件上指定的每個光潔度分類應分別 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} 進行評估。

    1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 如果零件上的表面處理分類沒有區分,則在評估過程中應考慮不同表面裝配到車輛上後的能見度。

  • 在檢驗過程中,工件(或面板表面)與檢驗員之間的距離應有所變化,以確保能識別所有缺陷,即應在近距離(0 至 50 厘米之間)和遠距離(最長 5 米)觀察物體。為了確認偏差,也允許觸摸零件。

  • 表 6 和表 7 中告知的 「正常檢視位置 」設定為 1 米,以便進行目視評估。正常檢視距離可讓檢驗人員像顧客一樣評估完整的車輛。

  • 零件(或面板表面)應從幾個不同的角度 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)} 進行評估。

    2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} )目視評估程序應從 0 度檢視角開始,即檢測員的視點是表面的法線。其他建議的檢視角度為與正常位置成 +45 度和 -45 度。

  • 光源在面板表面的反射應始終用於定位缺陷。

  • 色差應在漫射光下評估,不使用光源的反射。

  • 要求適用於每個參考表面,其定義為下列兩個選項中最小的一個:

    a) 零件的整個表面

    b) 一平方米大小 (即 1000 × 1000 mm 1000 × 1000 mm 1000 xx1000mm1000 \times 1000 \mathrm{~mm} 500 × 2000 mm 500 × 2000 mm 500 xx2000mm500 \times 2000 \mathrm{~mm} )

  • 視覺色差和以能見度或強度描述的偏差應根據表 4 評級。評級應考慮一個較高和一個較低的評級來進行校準。

  • 如果不確定偏差是否在公差範圍之內或之外,應諮詢參考人或第二位認可的檢驗員、組長或主管。這適用於所有類型的偏差。

  • 對於整車顏色差異的評估,如果在核准過程中有任何猶豫,則視覺評估將凌駕於測量值。至少應有 3 位核准檢驗員同意 OK/NOK 的判定。

  • 在檢查過程中發現的缺陷,其大小和發生率應根據表 5 進行評級。評等應基於單一偏差或多重偏差進行,取決於哪一種偏差的評等較高。

    其他資訊可在各 PRU 的生產工作方法和技術產品資料 (PD) 中定義。

表 4 - 視覺評估的評級表 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Rating Degree of difference / intensity of deviation 0 No perceptible difference/deviation 1 Slight, i.e. hardly perceptible difference/deviation 2 Moderate, i.e. clearly perceptible difference 3 Severe, i.e. always perceptible difference/deviation 4 Excessive, i.e. highly perceptible difference/deviation| Rating | Degree of difference / intensity of deviation | | :---: | :---: | | 0 | No perceptible difference/deviation | | 1 | Slight, i.e. hardly perceptible difference/deviation | | 2 | Moderate, i.e. clearly perceptible difference | | 3 | Severe, i.e. always perceptible difference/deviation | | 4 | Excessive, i.e. highly perceptible difference/deviation |

  1. 源自 ISO 3668 和 ISO 4628-1。


如果兩個相鄰面板之間的偏差或差異在一個獨特的特定觀察角度下可以被識別,但從任何其他觀察角度都無法識別,則等級應為 1。

如果在 1、2 或 3 個檢視角度下可辨識相鄰 2 個面板之間的偏差或差異,但從其他檢視角度無法辨識,則等級應為 2。

如果在 4 個或更多的檢視角度下發現偏差或 2 個相鄰面板之間的差異,則等級應為 3。


表 5 - 評等表大小
 評價  尺寸參考 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}

單一偏差 點 : 最大 1 mm 線 : max 0 , 5 × 4 mm max 0 , 5 × 4 mm max0,5xx4mm\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathrm{mm}
Single deviation Spot : max 1 mm Line : max0,5xx4mm| Single deviation | | :--- | | Spot : max 1 mm | | Line : $\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathrm{mm}$ |

單一偏差點: max 2 mm max 2 mm max2mm\max 2 \mathrm{~mm} 線: max 1 × 6 mm max 1 × 6 mm max1xx6mm\max 1 \times 6 \mathrm{~mm}
Single deviation Spot: max2mm Line: max1xx6mm| Single deviation | | :--- | | Spot: $\max 2 \mathrm{~mm}$ | | Line: $\max 1 \times 6 \mathrm{~mm}$ |

多重偏差 (最多 4) 點:最多 1 mm 線: max 0 , 5 × 4 m m max 0 , 5 × 4 m m max0,5xx4mm\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathbf{m m}
Multiple deviations (max 4) Spots: max 1 mm Lines: max0,5xx4mm| Multiple deviations (max 4) | | :--- | | Spots: max 1 mm | | Lines: $\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathbf{m m}$ |

單一偏差 點:1 - 3 mm 線: 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 × 8 mm 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 × 8 mm 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}
Single deviation Spot: 1 - 3 mm Line: 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm| Single deviation | | :--- | | Spot: 1 - 3 mm | | Line: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}$ |

多重偏差 (最多 5) 點:1 - 2 mm 線條:0,5x4 mm - 1x6 mm
Multiple deviations (max 5) Spots: 1 - 2 mm Lines: 0,5x4 mm - 1x6 mm| Multiple deviations (max 5) | | :--- | | Spots: 1 - 2 mm | | Lines: 0,5x4 mm - 1x6 mm |

單一偏差 點:2 - 4 mm 線: 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 , 5 × 10 mm 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 , 5 × 10 mm 0,5xx4mm-1,5xx10mm0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1,5 \times 10 \mathrm{~mm}
Single deviation Spot: 2 - 4 mm Line: 0,5xx4mm-1,5xx10mm| Single deviation | | :--- | | Spot: 2 - 4 mm | | Line: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1,5 \times 10 \mathrm{~mm}$ |

多重偏差 (最多 7) 點:1 - 3 mm 線: 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 × 8 mm 0 , 5 × 4 mm 1 × 8 mm 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}
Multiple deviations (max 7) Spots: 1 - 3 mm Lines: 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm| Multiple deviations (max 7) | | :--- | | Spots: 1 - 3 mm | | Lines: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}$ |
Rating Size reference ^(1)) 1 "Single deviation Spot : max 1 mm Line : max0,5xx4mm" 2 "Single deviation Spot: max2mm Line: max1xx6mm" or "Multiple deviations (max 4) Spots: max 1 mm Lines: max0,5xx4mm" 3 "Single deviation Spot: 1 - 3 mm Line: 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm" or "Multiple deviations (max 5) Spots: 1 - 2 mm Lines: 0,5x4 mm - 1x6 mm" 4 "Single deviation Spot: 2 - 4 mm Line: 0,5xx4mm-1,5xx10mm" or "Multiple deviations (max 7) Spots: 1 - 3 mm Lines: 0,5xx4mm-1xx8mm"| Rating | Size reference ${ }^{1)}$ | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1 | Single deviation <br> Spot : max 1 mm <br> Line : $\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathrm{mm}$ | | | | 2 | Single deviation <br> Spot: $\max 2 \mathrm{~mm}$ <br> Line: $\max 1 \times 6 \mathrm{~mm}$ | or | Multiple deviations (max 4) <br> Spots: max 1 mm <br> Lines: $\max \mathbf{0 , 5 \times 4} \mathbf{m m}$ | | 3 | Single deviation <br> Spot: 1 - 3 mm <br> Line: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}$ | or | Multiple deviations (max 5) <br> Spots: 1 - 2 mm <br> Lines: 0,5x4 mm - 1x6 mm | | 4 | Single deviation <br> Spot: 2 - 4 mm <br> Line: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1,5 \times 10 \mathrm{~mm}$ | or | Multiple deviations (max 7) <br> Spots: 1 - 3 mm <br> Lines: $0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm}-1 \times 8 \mathrm{~mm}$ |


如果確定單點偏差為 2 mm,則等級應為 2 .

如果發現 2 至 5 個點偏差在 1 至 2 mm 之間,則等級應為 3 .

如果在同一參考面上發現 2 mm 的單點偏差和 1 mm 的單點偏差,則等級應為 3 .

如果在同一參考面上發現 2 mm 的單點偏差和 3 mm 的單點偏差,則等級應為 4。這被視為高度可察覺的偏差,絕對不能接受。

尺寸小於 1 mm 或 0 , 5 × 4 mm 0 , 5 × 4 mm 0,5xx4mm0,5 \times 4 \mathrm{~mm} 的偏差始終會被視為等級 1(如果每個參考表面都是唯一的)或等級 2(如果有多達 4 個偏差)。

圖 3 - 參考卡



列印後應檢查卡片的尺寸,寬度必須準確為 50 mm .





2023 02 14 2023 02 14 2023-02-142023-02-14

 6 接受程度

本章的要求應使用第 5.4 節所述的方法進行評估。

本章的偏差和驗收規定適用於所有表面處理分類 A , B , C A , B , C A,B,CA, B, C D 1 D 1 D^(1)D^{1} 的表面。

  1. 軍用車輛外部塗裝零件的表面處理分類 A A AA B B BB 由表面處理分類 C C CC 取代。因此,只有表面處理分類 C 和 D 適用於軍用車輛。


  • 表 6 適用於塗漆表面,以及

  • 表 7 適用於底漆塗裝表面。



6.1 一般要求 - 所有面漆級別


除非在技術文件中有說明,否則下列偏差是不被塗裝的 Scania 零件所接受的。

  • 油漆剝落或裂開,露出底漆、底塗或底材。

  • 在完成油漆的表面上有明顯的底漆。

  • 底漆塗裝表面的可見基材。

  • 在表面處理分類為 A 或 B 的區域有懸掛痕跡。

  • 在圖面規定不允許有懸掛標記的區域有明顯的懸掛標記。

  • 其他會對金屬零件的防腐造成不利影響的缺陷。

圖 4 - 不可接受的缺陷範例,零件需要返工或報廢。左圖:塗層已脫落。
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 18 ( 31 ) 18 ( 31 ) 18(31)18(31)
STANDARD Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 18(31)| STANDARD | | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $18(31)$ |

6.2 完成塗漆表面

表 6 - 面漆表面的最大可接受偏差水平
 第 1 組和第 2 組 A B C D
 爆破  絕不允許

Delamination and Peeling| Delamination and | | :--- | | Peeling |

Deep scratches, chips and cracks| Deep scratches, chips | | :--- | | and cracks |

第 3 組:在完整面板上出現的視覺偏差,使用表 4 - 視覺評估的評級表進行主觀評估判斷 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - Rating table for visual evaluation ^(1))| Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - | | :--- | | Rating table for visual evaluation ${ }^{1)}$ |
 覆蓋率低  絕不允許

最大等級 1(幾乎感覺不到偏差)
Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)| Max rating 1 | | :--- | | (hardly perceptible deviation) |

色差和偏色 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Colour difference and metamerism ^(1))| Colour difference and | | :--- | | metamerism ${ }^{1)}$ |

最大等級 1(幾乎感覺不到偏差)
Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)| Max rating 1 | | :--- | | (hardly | | perceptible | | deviation) |

最大等級 1(幾乎感覺不到偏差)
Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)| Max rating 1 | | :--- | | (hardly | | perceptible | | deviation) |

最大等級 2 (明顯可察覺的偏差)
Max rating 2 (clearly perceptible deviation)| Max rating 2 | | :--- | | (clearly | | perceptible | | deviation) |

最大等級 3 (總是可察覺的偏差)
Max rating 3 (always perceptible deviation)| Max rating 3 | | :--- | | (always perceptible | | deviation) |

光澤度差異 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}

No perceptible deviation allowed| No perceptible | | :--- | | deviation | | allowed |

橘皮差異 1)
Orange peel difference 1)| Orange peel difference | | :--- | | 1) |

第 4 組:單一偏差,使用表 5 - 評等表大小和圖 3 - 參考卡測量
 起泡  最大額定值 1  最大額定值 2  最大額定值 2

最大等級 3 (總是可察覺的偏差)
Max rating 3 (always perceptible deviation)| Max rating 3 | | :--- | | (always perceptible | | deviation) |
 黏著劑過量  最大額定值 3

污垢和黏性微粒 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}
Dirt and Adhesive particles ^(2))| Dirt and Adhesive | | :--- | | particles ${ }^{2)}$ |

滴水、流水和下垂 3 ) 3 ) ^(3)){ }^{3)}
Drips, runs and sags ^(3))| Drips, runs | | :--- | | and sags ${ }^{3)}$ |

火山口/封閉式針孔 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}
 最大額定值 2  最大額定值 3
 凹痕  絕不允許
Deviation Acceptance level for each finish classification Group 1 and 2 A B C D Blow-out Never Allowed Boiling Corrosion "Delamination and Peeling" Lifting "Deep scratches, chips and cracks" "Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - Rating table for visual evaluation ^(1))" A B C D Poor coverage Never Allowed "Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)" "Colour difference and metamerism ^(1))" "Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)" "Max rating 1 (hardly perceptible deviation)" "Max rating 2 (clearly perceptible deviation)" "Max rating 3 (always perceptible deviation)" Gloss difference ^(1)) "No perceptible deviation allowed" "Orange peel difference 1)" Blooming Clouding Dry Spray Group 4: Singular deviations, measured using Table 5 - Rating scale size and Figure 3 - Reference card A B C D Blistering Max rating 1 Max rating 2 Max rating 2 "Max rating 3 (always perceptible deviation)" Adhesive excess Max rating 3 "Dirt and Adhesive particles ^(2))" "Drips, runs and sags ^(3))" Craters/Closed Pinhole ^(2)) Max rating 2 Max rating 3 Dents Never Allowed Imprints Fish-Eyes/Open pinholes Repair defects Superficial scratches Water spots | Deviation | Acceptance level for each finish classification | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Group 1 and 2 | A | B | C | D | | Blow-out | Never Allowed | | | | | Boiling | | | | | | Corrosion | | | | | | Delamination and <br> Peeling | | | | | | Lifting | | | | | | Deep scratches, chips <br> and cracks | | | | | | Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - <br> Rating table for visual evaluation ${ }^{1)}$ | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | | Poor coverage | Never Allowed | | Max rating 1 <br> (hardly perceptible deviation) | | | Colour difference and <br> metamerism ${ }^{1)}$ | Max rating 1 <br> (hardly <br> perceptible <br> deviation) | Max rating 1 <br> (hardly <br> perceptible <br> deviation) | Max rating 2 <br> (clearly <br> perceptible <br> deviation) | Max rating 3 <br> (always perceptible <br> deviation) | | Gloss difference ${ }^{1)}$ | No perceptible <br> deviation <br> allowed | | | | | Orange peel difference <br> 1) | | | | | | Blooming | | | | | | Clouding | | | | | | Dry Spray | | | | | | Group 4: Singular deviations, measured using Table 5 - Rating scale size and Figure 3 - Reference card | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | | Blistering | Max rating 1 | Max rating 2 | Max rating 2 | Max rating 3 <br> (always perceptible <br> deviation) | | Adhesive excess | | | Max rating 3 | | | Dirt and Adhesive <br> particles ${ }^{2)}$ | | | | | | | Drips, runs <br> and sags ${ }^{3)}$ | | | | | | | Craters/Closed Pinhole ${ }^{2)}$ | Max rating 2 | Max rating 3 | | | | | Dents | Never Allowed | | | | | | Imprints | | | | | | | | Fish-Eyes/Open pinholes | | | | | | | | Repair defects | | | | | | | | Superficial scratches | | | | | | | | Water spots | | | | | | |

6.3 塗有底漆的表面

表 7 - 底漆表面的最大可接受偏差水平
 第 1 組和第 2 組 A B C D
 爆破  絕不允許

Delamination and Peeling| Delamination and | | :--- | | Peeling |

Deep scratches, chips and cracks| Deep scratches, chips | | :--- | | and cracks |

第 3 組:在完整面板上出現的視覺偏差,使用表 4 - 視覺評估的評級表進行主觀評估判斷 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - Rating table for visual evaluation ^(1))| Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - | | :--- | | Rating table for visual evaluation ${ }^{1)}$ |
 覆蓋率低  絕不允許

No perceptible deviation allowed| No perceptible | | :--- | | deviation | | allowed |

Max Slight, hardly perceptible deviation| Max Slight, | | :--- | | hardly perceptible | | deviation |

Max Moderate, clearly perceptible deviation| Max Moderate, | | :--- | | clearly | | perceptible | | deviation |

最大 嚴重、總是可感知的偏差
Max Severe, Always perceptible deviation| Max Severe, | | :--- | | Always perceptible | | deviation |
Deviation Acceptance level for each finish classification Group 1 and 2 A B C D Blow-out Never Allowed Boiling Corrosion "Delamination and Peeling" Lifting "Deep scratches, chips and cracks" "Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - Rating table for visual evaluation ^(1))" A B C D Poor coverage Never Allowed Dry Spray "No perceptible deviation allowed" "Max Slight, hardly perceptible deviation" "Max Moderate, clearly perceptible deviation" "Max Severe, Always perceptible deviation"| Deviation | Acceptance level for each finish classification | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Group 1 and 2 | A | B | C | D | | Blow-out | Never Allowed | | | | | Boiling | | | | | | Corrosion | | | | | | Delamination and <br> Peeling | | | | | | Lifting | | | | | | Deep scratches, chips <br> and cracks | | | | | | Group 3: Visual deviations appearing on a complete panel, judged by subjective assessment using Table 4 - <br> Rating table for visual evaluation ${ }^{1)}$ | | | | | | | A | B | C | D | | Poor coverage | Never Allowed | | | | | Dry Spray | No perceptible <br> deviation <br> allowed | Max Slight, <br> hardly perceptible <br> deviation | Max Moderate, <br> clearly <br> perceptible <br> deviation | Max Severe, <br> Always perceptible <br> deviation |

第 4 組:單一偏差,使用表 5 - 評等表大小和圖 3 - 參考卡測量
 起泡  絕不允許 2
 黏著劑過量  最大額定值 3

污垢和黏性微粒 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Dirt and Adhesive particles ^(1))| Dirt and Adhesive | | :--- | | particles ${ }^{1)}$ |

Superficial cracks on plastic substrate| Superficial cracks on | | :--- | | plastic substrate |

塑膠基板上的凹坑/針孔 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Craters / Pinholes on plastic substrate ^(1))| Craters / Pinholes on | | :--- | | plastic substrate ${ }^{1)}$ |
 最大額定值 1  最大等級 3

金屬基板上的凹坑/針孔 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)}
Craters / Pinholes on metal substrate ^(1))| Craters / Pinholes on | | :--- | | metal substrate ${ }^{1)}$ |

Superficial cracks on metal substrate| Superficial cracks on | | :--- | | metal substrate |
A B C D Blistering Never Allowed 2 Adhesive excess Max rating 3 "Dirt and Adhesive particles ^(1))" Fish-Eyes Water spots Drips Dents Imprints Masking fault Repair defects "Superficial cracks on plastic substrate" "Craters / Pinholes on plastic substrate ^(1))" Max Rating 1 Max Rating 3 "Craters / Pinholes on metal substrate ^(1))" Never Allowed "Superficial cracks on metal substrate" Never Allowed | | A | B | C | D | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Blistering | Never Allowed | | | 2 | | Adhesive excess | | | Max rating 3 | | | Dirt and Adhesive <br> particles ${ }^{1)}$ | | | | | | Fish-Eyes | | | | | | Water spots | | | | | | Drips | | | | | | Dents | | | | | | Imprints | | | | | | Masking fault | | | | | | Repair defects | | | | | | Superficial cracks on <br> plastic substrate | | | | | | Craters / Pinholes on <br> plastic substrate ${ }^{1)}$ | | | Max Rating 1 | Max Rating 3 | | Craters / Pinholes on <br> metal substrate ${ }^{1)}$ | Never Allowed | | | | | Superficial cracks on <br> metal substrate | Never Allowed | | | |

日期 發行資訊 類別 頁面

2023-02-14 16

 7 顏色的測量



7.1 測量純色


儀器:Sphere 分光光度計(推薦儀器:Konica Minolta CM 600 / 700 D 1 600 / 700 D 1 600//700D^(1)600 / 700 D^{1} )

溫度:約 23 C 23 C 23^(@)C23^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ,與 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 相比,溫度偏差最大 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C}

配置:漫射照明 (d/8)

觀測角度 : 10 10 10^(@)10^{\circ}

鏡面光澤度:包含 (SCI) 2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)}

光源:CIE 標準光源 D65 和 F11

色度顏色的測量: 3 ) Δ E CMC 3 ) Δ E CMC  ^(3))DeltaE_("CMC "){ }^{3)} \Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {CMC }} Δ L , Δ C , Δ h Δ L , Δ C , Δ h DeltaL^(**),DeltaC^(**),Deltah^(**)\Delta L^{*}, \Delta C^{*}, \Delta h^{*} 根據 CIELCh、

非彩色顏色的測量:根據 CIELAB, 3 ) Δ E смс 3 ) Δ E смс  ^(3))DeltaE_("смс "){ }^{3)} \Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {смс }}смс Δ L ; Δ a , Δ b Δ L ; Δ a , Δ b DeltaL^(**);Deltaa^(**),Deltab^(**)\Delta \mathrm{L}^{*} ; \Delta \mathrm{a}^{*}, \Delta \mathrm{~b}^{*}

公差:根據 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 和第 7 章

  1. 也可以使用其他產品面額和品牌,並應在測量報告中告知。

    2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)} 對於底漆米色 1450262,應排除鏡面光澤 (SCE)。

  2. Δ E CMC Δ E CMC  DeltaE_("CMC ")\Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {CMC }} 根據 BS 6923 : 1988 6923 : 1988 6923:19886923: 1988 使用 CMC (1:1) 計算。

7.2 金屬顏色的測量


儀器:多角度分光光度計(推薦儀器:BYK Gardner BYK-mac i 4 i 4 i^(4)i^{4} )

照度:CIE 標準光源 D65

溫度:約 23 C 23 C 23^(@)C23^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ,與 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 相比,溫度偏差最大 ± 2 C ± 2 C +-2^(@)C\pm 2^{\circ} \mathrm{C}

測量角度:根據 Scania 顏色標準 (CS)

色度顏色的數值: Δ L , Δ C Δ L , Δ C DeltaL^(**),DeltaC^(**)\Delta L^{*}, \Delta C^{*} Δ h Δ h Deltah^(**)\Delta h^{*} 根據 CIELCh

非彩色顏色的數值:根據 CIELAB, Δ L ; Δ a Δ L ; Δ a DeltaL^(**);Deltaa^(**)\Delta L^{*} ; \Delta \mathrm{a}^{*} Δ b Δ b Deltab^(**)\Delta \mathrm{b}^{*}

公差:根據 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 5 / 6 ) 7 ) 5 / 6 ) 7  )  ^(5//6)7" ) "){ }^{5 / 6) 7 \text { ) }}

4) 4)  ^("4) "){ }^{\text {4) }} 可以使用其他產品面額和品牌,並應在測量報告中告知。

5) 公差根據 Audi 2000 方法計算。

6) 金屬顏色的測量偏差可以是負值或正值,因此公差中給定的 delta 值既是正公差也是負公差。

7) 根據 STD4102,斯堪尼亞顏色標準 (CS) 標籤上會註明每種金屬顏色的公差。

測量工件上的金屬顏色時,多角度分光光度計的長度方向應平行於最後一層金屬底漆的塗料移動方向。請參閱圖 5。


 日期 Ind

有關色彩標準 (CS) 的測量方向,請參閱 STD4102。

圖 5 - 測量金屬色 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 的方向。



1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 不適用於圖 1929347 中指定的格柵顏色,例如亮黑色、鋼灰色、Epic 黑色和亮銀色。格柵顏色的測量儀器應垂直於最後一層金屬底漆塗層的移動方向。

8 純色的顏色公差

表 8 和表 9 所列的顏色公差適用於 Scania 產品上的所有實色,並應依據第 7.1 節進行測量。

根據 STD4102,顏色公差總是印在 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 的標籤上。

表 8 規定在光源 D65 下,較低表面處理等級的補色公差。注意:表 8 中已刪除顏色公差,下列實色的顏色公差可在 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 中找到:亞灰色半啞光 (CS 1511029)、亞灰色啞光 (CS 1545182)、石墨灰 (CS 1346693)、鋁色 (CS 1366388) 及銀色 (CS 1386297)。它們對圖紙中定義的表面處理分類有效。

表 9 列出了使用光源 F11 的實色的顏色公差。
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023-02-14 16  內部 23 ( 31 ) 23 ( 31 ) 23(31)23(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 23(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | 2023-02-14 | 16 | Internal | $23(31)$ |

表 9 - 光源 F11 10 10 10^(@)10^{\circ} Δ E cмс Δ E cмс  DeltaE_("cмс ")\Delta \mathrm{E}_{\text {cмс }}мс (1:1) 的顏色公差

Scania 顏色標準
Scania Colour Standard| Scania | | :--- | | Colour | | Standard |

Example of field of application| Example of field | | :--- | | of application |
 米黃色 1450262
對光源 F11 無要求

Primer for cab/body including belonging exterior parts| Primer for | | :--- | | cab/body including | | belonging exterior | | parts |
 白色象牙色 1366386 0.8 * 1.0 1.2

Cab/bodies including belonging exterior parts| Cab/bodies | | :--- | | including | | belonging exterior | | parts |
 亞灰色,光面 1346692 0.8 * 1.2

Truck and bus chassis| Truck and bus | | :--- | | chassis |

Sub grey, semi- matt| Sub grey, semi- | | :--- | | matt |
1511029 - 1.2 *  動力系統
 亞灰色,啞光 1545182 - 1.2 *  彈簧
 外部灰色 1346691 0.8 * 1.0 -

Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts| Chassis and | | :--- | | cab/body including | | belonging exterior | | parts |
 黑色 1366271 0.8 * 1.0 1.2

Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts| Chassis and | | :--- | | cab/body including | | belonging exterior | | parts |
 橙色 1366387 0.8 * 1.0

Industrial and marine engines| Industrial and | | :--- | | marine engines |
 石墨灰 1346693 0.9 0.9 0.9**0.9 * -

Cover for the windshield wipers| Cover for the | | :--- | | windshield wipers |
  1366388 - 1.5 *

Turbo and exhaust manifold.| Turbo and exhaust | | :--- | | manifold. |
 銀色 1386297 - 1.5 * -  梯級和輪緣

All other solid colours| All other solid | | :--- | | colours |
 在 CS 上指定
Specified on CS| Specified | | :--- | | on CS |
0.8 * 1.0 1.2

Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts| Chassis and | | :--- | | cab/body including | | belonging exterior | | parts |
Colour "Scania Colour Standard" Finish classification "Example of field of application" A B C D Beige 1450262 No requirements for illuminant F11 "Primer for cab/body including belonging exterior parts" White Ivory 1366386 0.8 * 1.0 1.2 "Cab/bodies including belonging exterior parts" Sub grey, glossy 1346692 0.8 * 1.2 "Truck and bus chassis" "Sub grey, semi- matt" 1511029 - 1.2 * Power train Sub grey, matt 1545182 - 1.2 * Springs Exterior grey 1346691 0.8 * 1.0 - "Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts" Black 1366271 0.8 * 1.0 1.2 "Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts" Orange 1366387 0.8 * 1.0 "Industrial and marine engines" Graphite grey 1346693 0.9** - "Cover for the windshield wipers" Aluminium 1366388 - 1.5 * "Turbo and exhaust manifold." Silver 1386297 - 1.5 * - Steps and rims "All other solid colours" "Specified on CS" 0.8 * 1.0 1.2 "Chassis and cab/body including belonging exterior parts"| Colour | Scania <br> Colour <br> Standard | Finish classification | | | | Example of field <br> of application | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | A | B | C | D | | | Beige | 1450262 | No requirements for illuminant F11 | | | | Primer for <br> cab/body including <br> belonging exterior <br> parts | | White Ivory | 1366386 | 0.8 * | | 1.0 | 1.2 | Cab/bodies <br> including <br> belonging exterior <br> parts | | Sub grey, glossy | 1346692 | 0.8 * | | 1.2 | | Truck and bus <br> chassis | | Sub grey, semi- <br> matt | 1511029 | - | | 1.2 * | | Power train | | Sub grey, matt | 1545182 | - | | | 1.2 * | Springs | | Exterior grey | 1346691 | 0.8 * | | 1.0 | - | Chassis and <br> cab/body including <br> belonging exterior <br> parts | | Black | 1366271 | 0.8 * | | 1.0 | 1.2 | Chassis and <br> cab/body including <br> belonging exterior <br> parts | | Orange | 1366387 | 0.8 * | | 1.0 | | Industrial and <br> marine engines | | Graphite grey | 1346693 | $0.9 *$ | - | | | Cover for the <br> windshield wipers | | Aluminium | 1366388 | - | | 1.5 * | | Turbo and exhaust <br> manifold. | | Silver | 1386297 | - | 1.5 * | | - | Steps and rims | | All other solid <br> colours | Specified <br> on CS | 0.8 * | | 1.0 | 1.2 | Chassis and <br> cab/body including <br> belonging exterior <br> parts |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023 02 14 2023 02 14 2023-02-142023-02-14 16  內部 24 ( 31 ) 24 ( 31 ) 24(31)24(31)
Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 24(31)| Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | $2023-02-14$ | 16 | Internal | $24(31)$ |

 9 光澤度測量


儀器:Gloss, Haze & DOI goniophotometer (推薦儀器:Rhopoint Instruments Rhopoint IQ 20 / 60 / 85 20 / 60 / 85 20^(@)//60^(@)//85^(@)20^{\circ} / 60^{\circ} / 85^{\circ} 1)

1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 可以使用其他產品面額和品牌,並應在測量報告中告知。

測量角度:應使用根據 ISO 2813 具有最佳區分的幾何 20 , 60 20 , 60 20^(@),60^(@)20^{\circ}, 60^{\circ} 85 85 85^(@)85^{\circ} 。請參閱表 10 或彩色 STD 板。

公差:根據 Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 和第 10 章。

表 10 - 不同光澤度的測量角度

60 60 60^(@)60^{\circ} 測得的光澤度

Geometry (angle) for gloss measurements| Geometry (angle) for | | :---: | | gloss measurements |
  10 10 <= 10\leq 10 G.U. 85 85 85^(@)85^{\circ}
  > 10 > 10 > 10>10 G.U.
  70 70 <= 70\leq 70 G.U. 60 60 60^(@)60^{\circ}
  > 70 > 70 > 70>70 G.U. 20 20 20^(@)20^{\circ}
Gloss measured at 60^(@) "Geometry (angle) for gloss measurements" <= 10 G.U. 85^(@) > 10 G.U. <= 70 G.U. 60^(@) > 70 G.U. 20^(@)| Gloss measured at $60^{\circ}$ | Geometry (angle) for <br> gloss measurements | | :---: | :---: | | $\leq 10$ G.U. | $85^{\circ}$ | | $>10$ G.U. | | | $\leq 70$ G.U. | $60^{\circ}$ | | $>70$ G.U. | $20^{\circ}$ |

 10 光澤公差

光澤度應根據第 10 章進行測量。

表 11 列出了標稱光澤值高於 60 G.U. 11 11 ^(11){ }^{11} (光澤單位)的實色的光澤公差。如果斯堪尼亞顏色標準 (CS) 上沒有列明光澤公差,則表 11 中的要求也同樣適用。

1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 底漆米黃色 1450252 的光澤值應該足夠高,以確保面漆達到所需的光澤值。

金屬色、半啞光純色和啞光純色的光澤公差通常會在 CS 上說明。

表 11 - 光澤度高於 60 G.U. 的顏色的光澤度公差
 容忍度 +10 +10 +10 +10
-0 -0 -10 -10
Finish classification A B C D Tolerance +10 +10 +10 +10 -0 -0 -10 -10| | Finish classification | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | A | B | C | D | | Tolerance | +10 | +10 | +10 | +10 | | | -0 | -0 | -10 | -10 |
 日期  問題  資訊班  頁數
2023 02 14 2023 02 14 2023-02-142023-02-14 16  內部 25(31)
STANDARD Date Issue Info Class Page 2023-02-14 16 Internal 25(31)| STANDARD | | | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | | | | | | | Date | Issue | Info Class | Page | | | | $2023-02-14$ | 16 | Internal | 25(31) |

11 測量橘皮和 DOI - 完成度分類 A、B 和 C


11.1 塗漆平滑基材的表面處理


面漆分類為 A , B A , B A,BA, B C C CC 的表面的橘皮剝落和 DOI 應使用下列設定進行測量:

儀器:橘皮測量儀 波形掃描雙從 BYK Gardner 1).

測量:長波、短波、Wd 和 DOI。

要求:請參閱表 12。

11.2 烤漆紋理基材的表面處理

PD 2376532 定義了噴塗紋理部件的具體要求。

這些要求適用於所有塗料下面有紋理表面的塑膠零件。此類零件在圖面上配有紋理與顏色標準 (TCS) 參考。

12 桔皮和 DOI 的公差 - 面層分類 A、B 和 C

表 12 列出了橘皮和 DOI 公差。這些要求適用於光滑的金屬和塑膠基材 (基材表面沒有紋理或重要的粗糙度,如從蝕刻工具射出的塑膠零件或砂鑄金屬零件上可見)。

表 12 中的要求適用於面漆分類 A、B 和 C。

對於有紋理的基材,請參閱第 11.2 節。

表 12 - 橙皮和 DOI 的公差
 長波 < 17 < 17 < 17<17
 短波 < 25 < 25 < 25<25
Wd < 30 < 30 < 30<30
 名義 DOI 88 ± 5 88 ± 5 88+-588 \pm 5
Long wave < 17 Short wave < 25 Wd < 30 Nominal DOI 88+-5| Long wave | $<17$ | | :---: | :---: | | Short wave | $<25$ | | Wd | $<30$ | | Nominal DOI | $88 \pm 5$ |

日期 發行資訊 類別 頁面

2023-02-14 16 16 16quad16 \quad 內部 26(31)

 13 參考文件

提及 STD 或 CVS 以外的標準時,是指最高等級的國際標準 (例如 ISO 或 EN)。國際標準可在各國標準化組織(如 SS-ISO、SS-EN、DIN ISO 等)以國家版形式提供。

13.1 規範參考

表面處理 - 指令和指示
Scania 外觀核准程序
表面要求 - 塑膠部分
鍍鉻聚合物零件的外觀要求 - 外部應用
MCC A 訂單繪圖、概念描述和效能要求
ISO 2813

油漆和清漆 - 在 20 度、60 度和 85 度下測定非金屬漆膜的鏡面光澤度
Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees| Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at | | :--- | | 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees |
ISO 3668
塗料和清漆 - 塗料顏色的視覺比較

油漆和清漆 -- 塗料降解評估 -- 指定
ISO 4628-1

缺陷的數量和大小,以及外觀均勻變化的強度 -- 第 1 部分:一般介紹和指定系統
quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance -- Part 1: General introduction and designation system| quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance -- Part | | :--- | | 1: General introduction and designation system |
ISO 10526
色度計的 CIE 標準光源
ISO/CIE 11664-2
比色法 - 第 2 部分:CIE 標準光源
ISO/CIE 11664-4
色彩測量 - 第 4 部分:CIE 1976 Lab* 色彩空間
CIE 15:2018
比色法, 4 th 4 th  4^("th ")4^{\text {th }}
CIE 097:2005
室內電力照明系統的維護, 2 nd 2 nd  2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }}
BS 6923:1988

Farnsworth-Munsell 100 色調測試
STD4102 Appearance Masters for colours, textures and fabrics STD4111 Surface treatment - Directives and instructions STD4246 Scania Appearance Approval Process STD4314 Surface requirements - plastics part STD4378 Appearance requirements of chrome plated polymer parts - exterior applications STD4551 Paint inspection in production STD4572 Surface Finish and Zone Classification PD2131014* Wet paint requirements: Metallic colours PD2131015* Wet paint requirements: solid colours PD2260027* Vehicle property definitions PD237653* MCC A-order Painting, Concept Description and Performance Requirements PD7060634* Property definition: Product identity (former prestige) ISO 2813 "Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees" ISO 3668 Paints and varnishes - Visual comparison of the colour of paints Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation of degradation of coatings -- Designation of ISO 4628-1 "quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance -- Part 1: General introduction and designation system" ISO 10526 CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry ISO/CIE 11664-2 Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE standard illuminants ISO/CIE 11664-4 Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 Lab* colour space CIE 15:2018 Colorimetry, 4^("th ") Edition CIE 097:2005 Maintenance of indoor electric lighting systems, 2^("nd ") Edition BS 6923:1988 Method for calculation of small colour differences SS 19102 NCS ATLAS The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test| STD4102 | Appearance Masters for colours, textures and fabrics | | :---: | :---: | | STD4111 | Surface treatment - Directives and instructions | | STD4246 | Scania Appearance Approval Process | | STD4314 | Surface requirements - plastics part | | STD4378 | Appearance requirements of chrome plated polymer parts - exterior applications | | STD4551 | Paint inspection in production | | STD4572 | Surface Finish and Zone Classification | | PD2131014* | Wet paint requirements: Metallic colours | | PD2131015* | Wet paint requirements: solid colours | | PD2260027* | Vehicle property definitions | | PD237653* | MCC A-order Painting, Concept Description and Performance Requirements | | PD7060634* | Property definition: Product identity (former prestige) | | ISO 2813 | Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at <br> 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees | | ISO 3668 | Paints and varnishes - Visual comparison of the colour of paints | | | Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation of degradation of coatings -- Designation of | | ISO 4628-1 | quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance -- Part <br> 1: General introduction and designation system | | ISO 10526 | CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry | | ISO/CIE 11664-2 | Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE standard illuminants | | ISO/CIE 11664-4 | Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* colour space | | CIE 15:2018 | Colorimetry, $4^{\text {th }}$ Edition | | CIE 097:2005 | Maintenance of indoor electric lighting systems, $2^{\text {nd }}$ Edition | | BS 6923:1988 | Method for calculation of small colour differences | | SS 19102 | NCS ATLAS | | | The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue test |

13.2 資訊性參考資料

 請參閱附件 A。

日期 發行資訊 類別 頁面

附件 B(資訊性)變更歷史

 問題  發行日期
16 2023-02-14


本標準目前適用於處於開發階段的產品 (開發階段之前)。

客戶訂單生產開始 (Start of Customer Ordered Production, SOCOP) 和運行生產 (after

已新增第 2 章「名詞與定義」。


它們可在 PD2131015(純色)和 PD2131014(金屬色)中找到。

零件分類移至 STD4111。

每種偏差的圖片和定義已新增至 「偏差清單」。
 在第 4 章中。


檢查 A A AA B B BB 已被 「一般 」中描述的方法取代。

第 5.4 節「目視檢查的指導方針」)。


第 6 章「驗收級別」中的驗收標準。


對於面漆表面,更新於表 6;對於底漆表面,更新於表 7。

有關分光光度計和 DOI/gloss 的類型和品牌的要求

第 7、9、11 章中的計量表已更新。

第 7.2 節中金屬顏色的計算方法已變更為 Audi

表 8 和表 9 中的顏色公差值已變更。

顏色公差已從表 8 中移除,並可在

Scania 顏色標準 (CS) 適用於下列實色:次灰色半啞光

(CS 1511029)、亞灰色啞光 (CS 1545182)、石墨灰 (CS 1346693)、

鋁 (CS 1366388) 和銀 (CS 1386297)。

表中橘皮長波 (LW) 和影像清晰度 (DOI) 的值
 12 已修改。


處理方式已加入附件 A。
The entire standard has been reworked. This standard is now applicable for products in both development phase (before Start of Customer Ordered Production, SOCOP) and running production (after SOCOP). The Chapter 2 Terms & Definitions have been added. Requirements on paint batch delivery have been removed from this standard, they can be found in PD2131015 for solid colours and in PD2131014 for metallic colours. Classification of parts is moved to STD4111. Pictures and definitions for each deviation have been added to "List of deviations" in Chapter 4. The inspection and control lines have been removed and the methods of inspection A and B have been replaced by the method described in "General guidelines for visual inspection" in Section 5.4). The distance table for inspection is replaced by rating scales to define the acceptance criteria in "Acceptance levels" in Chapter 6. The acceptance levels for different deviations and finish classifications are updated in Table 6 for finish painted surfaces and Table 7 for primer painted surfaces. Requirements regarding the type and brand of spectrophotometer and DOI/gloss meter in Chapter 7, 9, 11 have been updated. Calculation method for metallic colours in Section 7.2 has been changed to Audi 2000. Values for colour tolerances in Table 8 and Table 9 have been changed. Colour tolerances have been removed from Table 8 and can be found on the Scania Colour Standard (CS) for the following solid colours: Sub grey semi-matt (CS 1511029), Sub grey matt (CS 1545182), Graphite Grey (CS 1346693), Aluminium (CS 1366388) and Silver (CS 1386297). Values for orange peel Long Wave (LW) and Distinctness of Image (DOI) in Table 12 have been modified. Visualisation of the connection between Scania standards concerning surface treatment has been added to Annex A.| The entire standard has been reworked. | | :--- | | This standard is now applicable for products in both development phase (before | | Start of Customer Ordered Production, SOCOP) and running production (after | | SOCOP). | | The Chapter 2 Terms & Definitions have been added. | | Requirements on paint batch delivery have been removed from this standard, | | they can be found in PD2131015 for solid colours and in PD2131014 for metallic | | colours. | | Classification of parts is moved to STD4111. | | Pictures and definitions for each deviation have been added to "List of deviations" | | in Chapter 4. | | The inspection and control lines have been removed and the methods of | | inspection $A$ and $B$ have been replaced by the method described in "General | | guidelines for visual inspection" in Section 5.4). | | The distance table for inspection is replaced by rating scales to define the | | acceptance criteria in "Acceptance levels" in Chapter 6. | | The acceptance levels for different deviations and finish classifications are | | updated in Table 6 for finish painted surfaces and Table 7 for primer painted | | surfaces. | | Requirements regarding the type and brand of spectrophotometer and DOI/gloss | | meter in Chapter 7, 9, 11 have been updated. | | Calculation method for metallic colours in Section 7.2 has been changed to Audi | | 2000. | | Values for colour tolerances in Table 8 and Table 9 have been changed. | | Colour tolerances have been removed from Table 8 and can be found on the | | Scania Colour Standard (CS) for the following solid colours: Sub grey semi-matt | | (CS 1511029), Sub grey matt (CS 1545182), Graphite Grey (CS 1346693), | | Aluminium (CS 1366388) and Silver (CS 1386297). | | Values for orange peel Long Wave (LW) and Distinctness of Image (DOI) in Table | | 12 have been modified. | | Visualisation of the connection between Scania standards concerning surface | | treatment has been added to Annex A. |
15 2019-05-15

本內容經檢閱後,核准繼續使用,但有下列變更: - 更新了有關分光光度計類型/品牌的要求(第 4.6 節和第 5.5 節)。 - 新增有關軍事應用的客戶塗色的驗收要求(第 4.4、4.5、5.2 和 5.3 節)。 - 編輯變更。
The content has been reviewed and approved for continued use with the following changes: - Updated requirements regarding the type/brand of spectrophotometer (Section 4.6 and Section 5.5). - Added acceptance requirements regarding customer painted colours for military applications (Section 4.4, 4.5, 5.2 and 5.3). - Editorial changes.| The content has been reviewed and approved for continued use with the following | | :--- | | changes: | | - Updated requirements regarding the type/brand of spectrophotometer (Section | | 4.6 and Section 5.5). | | - Added acceptance requirements regarding customer painted colours for military | | applications (Section 4.4, 4.5, 5.2 and 5.3). | | - Editorial changes. |
14 2011-12-05

調整了第 4.8 節中的距離表,距離編號 4。 第 5.4 節已闡明。
Distance table in section 4.8, distance number 4 has been adjusted. Section 5.4 has been clarified.| Distance table in section 4.8, distance number 4 has been adjusted. | | :--- | | Section 5.4 has been clarified. |
13 2011-05-18

編輯變更。 第 5.5 節已完成。
Editorial changes. Section 5.5 has been completed.| Editorial changes. | | :--- | | Section 5.5 has been completed. |
12 2011-03-14

適用於燈箱和 Scania 生產中檢測的檢測燈規格已更新。 對於影像反射 (DOI) 的要求已依據基板類型 (即金屬或塑膠) 而區分。 表 5.2.1 和 5.7.1 已修改。 變更以陰影顯示。
Specification for inspection light for light cabinet and for inspection in Scania production has been updated. Requirement for reflection of image (DOI) has been divided depending of the type substrate, i.e. metal or plastic. Table 5.2.1 and 5.7.1 have been revised. Changes are shaded.| Specification for inspection light for light cabinet and for inspection in Scania | | :--- | | production has been updated. | | Requirement for reflection of image (DOI) has been divided depending of the type | | substrate, i.e. metal or plastic. | | Table 5.2.1 and 5.7.1 have been revised. | | Changes are shaded. |
Issue Issue date Changes from previous issue 16 2023-02-14 "The entire standard has been reworked. This standard is now applicable for products in both development phase (before Start of Customer Ordered Production, SOCOP) and running production (after SOCOP). The Chapter 2 Terms & Definitions have been added. Requirements on paint batch delivery have been removed from this standard, they can be found in PD2131015 for solid colours and in PD2131014 for metallic colours. Classification of parts is moved to STD4111. Pictures and definitions for each deviation have been added to "List of deviations" in Chapter 4. The inspection and control lines have been removed and the methods of inspection A and B have been replaced by the method described in "General guidelines for visual inspection" in Section 5.4). The distance table for inspection is replaced by rating scales to define the acceptance criteria in "Acceptance levels" in Chapter 6. The acceptance levels for different deviations and finish classifications are updated in Table 6 for finish painted surfaces and Table 7 for primer painted surfaces. Requirements regarding the type and brand of spectrophotometer and DOI/gloss meter in Chapter 7, 9, 11 have been updated. Calculation method for metallic colours in Section 7.2 has been changed to Audi 2000. Values for colour tolerances in Table 8 and Table 9 have been changed. Colour tolerances have been removed from Table 8 and can be found on the Scania Colour Standard (CS) for the following solid colours: Sub grey semi-matt (CS 1511029), Sub grey matt (CS 1545182), Graphite Grey (CS 1346693), Aluminium (CS 1366388) and Silver (CS 1386297). Values for orange peel Long Wave (LW) and Distinctness of Image (DOI) in Table 12 have been modified. Visualisation of the connection between Scania standards concerning surface treatment has been added to Annex A." 15 2019-05-15 "The content has been reviewed and approved for continued use with the following changes: - Updated requirements regarding the type/brand of spectrophotometer (Section 4.6 and Section 5.5). - Added acceptance requirements regarding customer painted colours for military applications (Section 4.4, 4.5, 5.2 and 5.3). - Editorial changes." 14 2011-12-05 "Distance table in section 4.8, distance number 4 has been adjusted. Section 5.4 has been clarified." 13 2011-05-18 "Editorial changes. Section 5.5 has been completed." 12 2011-03-14 "Specification for inspection light for light cabinet and for inspection in Scania production has been updated. Requirement for reflection of image (DOI) has been divided depending of the type substrate, i.e. metal or plastic. Table 5.2.1 and 5.7.1 have been revised. Changes are shaded."| Issue | Issue date | Changes from previous issue | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 16 | 2023-02-14 | The entire standard has been reworked. <br> This standard is now applicable for products in both development phase (before <br> Start of Customer Ordered Production, SOCOP) and running production (after <br> SOCOP). <br> The Chapter 2 Terms & Definitions have been added. <br> Requirements on paint batch delivery have been removed from this standard, <br> they can be found in PD2131015 for solid colours and in PD2131014 for metallic <br> colours. <br> Classification of parts is moved to STD4111. <br> Pictures and definitions for each deviation have been added to "List of deviations" <br> in Chapter 4. <br> The inspection and control lines have been removed and the methods of <br> inspection $A$ and $B$ have been replaced by the method described in "General <br> guidelines for visual inspection" in Section 5.4). <br> The distance table for inspection is replaced by rating scales to define the <br> acceptance criteria in "Acceptance levels" in Chapter 6. <br> The acceptance levels for different deviations and finish classifications are <br> updated in Table 6 for finish painted surfaces and Table 7 for primer painted <br> surfaces. <br> Requirements regarding the type and brand of spectrophotometer and DOI/gloss <br> meter in Chapter 7, 9, 11 have been updated. <br> Calculation method for metallic colours in Section 7.2 has been changed to Audi <br> 2000. <br> Values for colour tolerances in Table 8 and Table 9 have been changed. <br> Colour tolerances have been removed from Table 8 and can be found on the <br> Scania Colour Standard (CS) for the following solid colours: Sub grey semi-matt <br> (CS 1511029), Sub grey matt (CS 1545182), Graphite Grey (CS 1346693), <br> Aluminium (CS 1366388) and Silver (CS 1386297). <br> Values for orange peel Long Wave (LW) and Distinctness of Image (DOI) in Table <br> 12 have been modified. <br> Visualisation of the connection between Scania standards concerning surface <br> treatment has been added to Annex A. | | 15 | 2019-05-15 | The content has been reviewed and approved for continued use with the following <br> changes: <br> - Updated requirements regarding the type/brand of spectrophotometer (Section <br> 4.6 and Section 5.5). <br> - Added acceptance requirements regarding customer painted colours for military <br> applications (Section 4.4, 4.5, 5.2 and 5.3). <br> - Editorial changes. | | 14 | 2011-12-05 | Distance table in section 4.8, distance number 4 has been adjusted. <br> Section 5.4 has been clarified. | | 13 | 2011-05-18 | Editorial changes. <br> Section 5.5 has been completed. | | 12 | 2011-03-14 | Specification for inspection light for light cabinet and for inspection in Scania <br> production has been updated. <br> Requirement for reflection of image (DOI) has been divided depending of the type <br> substrate, i.e. metal or plastic. <br> Table 5.2.1 and 5.7.1 have been revised. <br> Changes are shaded. |
11 2008-06-17

已添加圖片以描述缺陷類型。 需求已分為客戶訂購的彩色組件 (如駕駛室和零件)、準備以客戶訂購的顏色進行底漆噴塗的零件,以及一般組件 (如引擎、車軸、支架等)。 更新塗上客戶訂購顏色的駕駛室和零件的檢驗方法。 更新檢驗閃光的規格。 更新測量顏色和視覺評估的方法。 解釋批次交貨公差,以及向 Scania 生產線 Oskarshamn 和 Meppel 交貨面漆的要求。 新增底漆駕駛室和駕駛室零件的顏色標準和公差,這些零件將塗上客戶訂購的顏色。 增加了 TL 84 中黃色和藍色高光澤顏色公差的特殊要求。
Pictures have been added to describe the type of defects. Requirements has been divided between customer ordered coloured components as cab and parts, primer painted parts ready for finish painting in customer ordered colour and regular components such as engine, axels, brackets etc. Update of inspection method for components as cab and parts painted in customer ordered colour. Specification for inspection lightning is updated. Method for measuring colour and visual evaluation is updated. Explanation of batch delivery tolerance and the requirements for delivery of topcoat to Scania production Oskarshamn and Meppel. Colour standard and tolerance for primed cab and cab parts which will be painted in customer ordered colour is added. Special requirement on colour tolerance for yellow and blue high gloss colours adapted for customers in TL 84 is added.| Pictures have been added to describe the type of defects. | | :--- | | Requirements has been divided between customer ordered coloured components | | as cab and parts, primer painted parts ready for finish painting in customer | | ordered colour and regular components such as engine, axels, brackets etc. | | Update of inspection method for components as cab and parts painted in | | customer ordered colour. | | Specification for inspection lightning is updated. | | Method for measuring colour and visual evaluation is updated. | | Explanation of batch delivery tolerance and the requirements for delivery of | | topcoat to Scania production Oskarshamn and Meppel. | | Colour standard and tolerance for primed cab and cab parts which will be painted | | in customer ordered colour is added. | | Special requirement on colour tolerance for yellow and blue high gloss colours | | adapted for customers in TL 84 is added. |
10 2003-09-11

已對該標準進行了審查。主要變更如下: 增加了金屬的定義和要求。增加了機械損壞、拋光缺陷和打磨缺陷的定義和要求。 缺陷類型已根據其視覺外觀進行了分類。
A review of the standard has been made. The major changes are as follows: Definition and requirements for metameri are added. Definition and require-ments for mechanical damages, polishing defects and sanding defects are added. The types of defect have been grouped together depending on their visual appearance.| A review of the standard has been made. The major changes are as follows: | | :--- | | Definition and requirements for metameri are added. Definition and require-ments | | for mechanical damages, polishing defects and sanding defects are added. | | The types of defect have been grouped together depending on their visual | | appearance. |
9 2000 11 28 2000 11 28 2000-11-282000-11-28

在 「引言 」一節中,對文本進行了修訂。

在第 2.1.13 節「IMC 塗層零件的沉降和膨脹標誌」中,文字為

第 3.3 節「檢視距離」中的文字已修改。

在第 4 節「塗裝表面的表面處理等級」中,有一段為 C 級


在第 5.1 節「一般規定」中,驗收規定已進一步說明

在表 5.2.1 中,表面 1 m 2 1 m 2 <= 1m2\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2 的每個面板表面不同缺陷的總和。

完成層級 A A AA B B BB 已變更。

在表 5.2.2 中,每 A4 格式缺陷類型的最大缺陷數目

「凹坑、孔隙」、「水泡」、「揚起 」和 「灰塵、異物微粒 」已被

在第 5.3 節的標題中,「交付給 」已變更為 「由......購買」。

在表 5.3.1 中,「突出表面 」已被 「A 和 B 」和 「非突出表面 」取代。

突出表面 「的 」C 和 D"。每個面板表面 <=\leq 不同缺陷的總和

A 和 B "的 1 m 2 已變更。

表 5.3.2 中的 「突出表面 」已由表面粗糙度等級 "A "取代。

和 B「,以及表面處理等級 」C 和 D 「的 」非突出表面"。最大。

底漆表面和表面等級 「A 和 B 」每 A4 格式的缺陷數量


在表 5.3.2 中,新增了缺陷類型 「假日 」的註釋 1)。

在表 5.3.2 中,已處理表面的要求已變更為


在表 5.4.1 中,顏色 「石墨灰 」的提名光澤度已變更,顏色
 標準 1346693。
In the section Introduction, the text has been revised. In section 2.1.13 "Settlement and expansion marks in IMC coated parts" the text has been revised. In section 3.3 "Viewing distance" the text has been revised. In section 4 "Surface finish levels for painted surfaces" a paragraph for level C about edge surfaces has been added. In section 5.1 "General" the acceptance requirements have been further specified. In table 5.2.1 the sum of different defects per panel surface <= 1m2 for surface finish levels A and B have been changed. In table 5.2.2 the max. number of defects per A4 format for the defect types "Craters, pores", "Blisterings", "Liftings" and "Dust, foreign particles" have been changed. In the heading for section 5.3 "delivered to" has been changed to "purchased by". In table 5.3.1 "Prominent surface" has been replaced by "A and B" and "Non prominent surface" by "C and D". The sum of different defects per panel surface <= 1 m 2 for "A and B" has been changed. In table 5.3.2 "Prominent surfaces" has been replaced by surface finish levels "A and B" and "Non prominent surfaces" by surface finish levels "C and D". The max. number of defects per A4 format for primed surfaces and surface levels "A and B" has been changed for defect types craters and pores. In table 5.3.2 note 1) has been added for types of defect "Holidays". In table 5.3.2 the requirements for primed surfaces have been changed with respect to the type of defect "Settlement and expansion marks". In table 5.4.1 nominell gloss has been changed for colour "Graphite grey", colour standard 1346693.| In the section Introduction, the text has been revised. | | :--- | | In section 2.1.13 "Settlement and expansion marks in IMC coated parts" the text | | has been revised. | | In section 3.3 "Viewing distance" the text has been revised. | | In section 4 "Surface finish levels for painted surfaces" a paragraph for level C | | about edge surfaces has been added. | | In section 5.1 "General" the acceptance requirements have been further | | specified. | | In table 5.2.1 the sum of different defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ for surface | | finish levels $A$ and $B$ have been changed. | | In table 5.2.2 the max. number of defects per A4 format for the defect types | | "Craters, pores", "Blisterings", "Liftings" and "Dust, foreign particles" have been | | changed. | | In the heading for section 5.3 "delivered to" has been changed to "purchased by". | | In table 5.3.1 "Prominent surface" has been replaced by "A and B" and "Non | | prominent surface" by "C and D". The sum of different defects per panel surface $\leq$ | | 1 m 2 for "A and B" has been changed. | | In table 5.3.2 "Prominent surfaces" has been replaced by surface finish levels "A | | and B" and "Non prominent surfaces" by surface finish levels "C and D". The max. | | number of defects per A4 format for primed surfaces and surface levels "A and B" | | has been changed for defect types craters and pores. | | In table 5.3.2 note 1) has been added for types of defect "Holidays". | | In table 5.3.2 the requirements for primed surfaces have been changed with | | respect to the type of defect "Settlement and expansion marks". | | In table 5.4.1 nominell gloss has been changed for colour "Graphite grey", colour | | standard 1346693. |
8 2000-02-01

在第 5.1 節中增加了第五段,解釋驗收要求。 第 5.3 節新增標題 .
In section 5.1 a fifth paragraph has been added where the acceptance requirements are explained. New title for section 5.3 .| In section 5.1 a fifth paragraph has been added where the acceptance | | :--- | | requirements are explained. | | New title for section 5.3 . |
7 1999-11-15

第 5.2 節:凹坑、氣孔 - 表面處理等級 A,無變更為無,距離:2。
Section 5.2: Craters, pores - Surface finish level A, None changed to None, Distance:2.| Section 5.2: Craters, pores - Surface finish level A, None changed to None, | | :--- | | Distance:2. |
11 2008-06-17 "Pictures have been added to describe the type of defects. Requirements has been divided between customer ordered coloured components as cab and parts, primer painted parts ready for finish painting in customer ordered colour and regular components such as engine, axels, brackets etc. Update of inspection method for components as cab and parts painted in customer ordered colour. Specification for inspection lightning is updated. Method for measuring colour and visual evaluation is updated. Explanation of batch delivery tolerance and the requirements for delivery of topcoat to Scania production Oskarshamn and Meppel. Colour standard and tolerance for primed cab and cab parts which will be painted in customer ordered colour is added. Special requirement on colour tolerance for yellow and blue high gloss colours adapted for customers in TL 84 is added." 10 2003-09-11 "A review of the standard has been made. The major changes are as follows: Definition and requirements for metameri are added. Definition and require-ments for mechanical damages, polishing defects and sanding defects are added. The types of defect have been grouped together depending on their visual appearance." 9 2000-11-28 "In the section Introduction, the text has been revised. In section 2.1.13 "Settlement and expansion marks in IMC coated parts" the text has been revised. In section 3.3 "Viewing distance" the text has been revised. In section 4 "Surface finish levels for painted surfaces" a paragraph for level C about edge surfaces has been added. In section 5.1 "General" the acceptance requirements have been further specified. In table 5.2.1 the sum of different defects per panel surface <= 1m2 for surface finish levels A and B have been changed. In table 5.2.2 the max. number of defects per A4 format for the defect types "Craters, pores", "Blisterings", "Liftings" and "Dust, foreign particles" have been changed. In the heading for section 5.3 "delivered to" has been changed to "purchased by". In table 5.3.1 "Prominent surface" has been replaced by "A and B" and "Non prominent surface" by "C and D". The sum of different defects per panel surface <= 1 m 2 for "A and B" has been changed. In table 5.3.2 "Prominent surfaces" has been replaced by surface finish levels "A and B" and "Non prominent surfaces" by surface finish levels "C and D". The max. number of defects per A4 format for primed surfaces and surface levels "A and B" has been changed for defect types craters and pores. In table 5.3.2 note 1) has been added for types of defect "Holidays". In table 5.3.2 the requirements for primed surfaces have been changed with respect to the type of defect "Settlement and expansion marks". In table 5.4.1 nominell gloss has been changed for colour "Graphite grey", colour standard 1346693." 8 2000-02-01 "In section 5.1 a fifth paragraph has been added where the acceptance requirements are explained. New title for section 5.3 ." 7 1999-11-15 "Section 5.2: Craters, pores - Surface finish level A, None changed to None, Distance:2."| 11 | 2008-06-17 | Pictures have been added to describe the type of defects. <br> Requirements has been divided between customer ordered coloured components <br> as cab and parts, primer painted parts ready for finish painting in customer <br> ordered colour and regular components such as engine, axels, brackets etc. <br> Update of inspection method for components as cab and parts painted in <br> customer ordered colour. <br> Specification for inspection lightning is updated. <br> Method for measuring colour and visual evaluation is updated. <br> Explanation of batch delivery tolerance and the requirements for delivery of <br> topcoat to Scania production Oskarshamn and Meppel. <br> Colour standard and tolerance for primed cab and cab parts which will be painted <br> in customer ordered colour is added. <br> Special requirement on colour tolerance for yellow and blue high gloss colours <br> adapted for customers in TL 84 is added. | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 10 | 2003-09-11 | A review of the standard has been made. The major changes are as follows: <br> Definition and requirements for metameri are added. Definition and require-ments <br> for mechanical damages, polishing defects and sanding defects are added. <br> The types of defect have been grouped together depending on their visual <br> appearance. | | 9 | $2000-11-28$ | In the section Introduction, the text has been revised. <br> In section 2.1.13 "Settlement and expansion marks in IMC coated parts" the text <br> has been revised. <br> In section 3.3 "Viewing distance" the text has been revised. <br> In section 4 "Surface finish levels for painted surfaces" a paragraph for level C <br> about edge surfaces has been added. <br> In section 5.1 "General" the acceptance requirements have been further <br> specified. <br> In table 5.2.1 the sum of different defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ for surface <br> finish levels $A$ and $B$ have been changed. <br> In table 5.2.2 the max. number of defects per A4 format for the defect types <br> "Craters, pores", "Blisterings", "Liftings" and "Dust, foreign particles" have been <br> changed. <br> In the heading for section 5.3 "delivered to" has been changed to "purchased by". <br> In table 5.3.1 "Prominent surface" has been replaced by "A and B" and "Non <br> prominent surface" by "C and D". The sum of different defects per panel surface $\leq$ <br> 1 m 2 for "A and B" has been changed. <br> In table 5.3.2 "Prominent surfaces" has been replaced by surface finish levels "A <br> and B" and "Non prominent surfaces" by surface finish levels "C and D". The max. <br> number of defects per A4 format for primed surfaces and surface levels "A and B" <br> has been changed for defect types craters and pores. <br> In table 5.3.2 note 1) has been added for types of defect "Holidays". <br> In table 5.3.2 the requirements for primed surfaces have been changed with <br> respect to the type of defect "Settlement and expansion marks". <br> In table 5.4.1 nominell gloss has been changed for colour "Graphite grey", colour <br> standard 1346693. | | 8 | 2000-02-01 | In section 5.1 a fifth paragraph has been added where the acceptance <br> requirements are explained. <br> New title for section 5.3 . | | 7 | 1999-11-15 | Section 5.2: Craters, pores - Surface finish level A, None changed to None, <br> Distance:2. |
6 1999-10-29

第 5.1 節:本節文字已完全重寫。

第 5.2 節:「每個面板表面的瑕疵數量 1 m 2 1 m 2 <= 1m2\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2 」已被刪除。

更改为 「缺陷数/平方米」。

缺陷數量:A 2 改為 0,B 7 改為 5 。

第 8 頁表格中的變更:

A , B , C A , B , C A,B,CA, B, C D D DD 列中,文字「每張 A 4 A 4 A4A 4 印張的最大瑕疵數」有

已更改为 「最大缺陷数」

凹坑、孔隙:A 2 距離:2 改為無。B 4 改為 2。

缺陷類型:「灰塵 」更改为 "灰塵和

粗糙的表面:A 距離:4 改為 2 .

B 距離:4 改為 3。

第 5.3 節:文字「每個面板表面的缺陷數目 1 m 2 1 m 2 <= 1m2\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2 」已被修改。

更改为 「缺陷数/平方米」。

缺陷數量:突出表面 10 改為 4。

第 9 頁表格中的變更 :

在 「突出表面 」和 「非突出表面 」列中,以及在 A、B、C 和 D 中,「突出表面 」和 「非突出表面 」列中的

文字 "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet「 已變更為 」Max.

凹坑、孔隙:突出表面 4 改為 2 .

非突出表面 4 距離:3 , 已添加。

起泡、翹起:非突出表面 5 距離:3,已添加。

塵土:突出表面 4 改為 2。

假期:A Max.6 cm 2 改為 Max.

1 cm 2 .B Max.25 cm 2 改為 Max.6 cm 2 .

第 5.4 節:改變了顏色測量的評估方法

從 CIE 1976 到 CMC 1:1。

表中的值 L , a , b L , a , b L^(**),a^(**),b^(**)L^{*}, a^{*}, b^{*} E a b E a b E^(**)abE^{*} a b 已變更為 Δ E Δ E Delta E\Delta E

進一步資訊 ASTM D 2244 的參考資料已變更為 BS

在 「顏色 」欄中增加了 「為客戶調整的顏色 」一行。

第 5.5 節:在表格中,表面處理等級 A +8 已變更為 +10 。

第 6 節:新增文件指定 BS 6923:1988。
Section 5.1: The text in this section has been completely rewritten. Section 5.2: The text "Number of defects per panel surface <= 1m2 " has been changed to "Number of defects / m2". Number of defects: A 2 changed to 0 and B 7 changed to 5 . Changes in the table on page 8: In the columns A,B,C and D the text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of defects" Craters, pores: A 2 Distance:2 changed to None. B 4 changed to 2. Types of defect: "Dust" changed to "Dust and foreign particles". Rough surface: A Distance: 4 changed to 2 . B Distance: 4 changed to 3. Section 5.3: The text "Number of defects per panel surface <= 1m2 " has been changed to "Number of defects / m2". Number of defects: Prominent surfaces 10 changed to 4. Changes in the table on page 9 : In the columns Prominents and Non prominent surfaces and in A, B, C and D, the text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of defects". Craters, pores: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2 . Non prominent surfaces 4 Distance: 3 , has been added. Blistering, liftings: Non prominent surfaces 5 Distance:3, has been added. Dust: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2. Holidays: A Max. 6 cm 2 changed to Max. 1 cm 2 . B Max. 25 cm 2 changed to Max. 6 cm 2 . Section5.4: The evaluation method for measuring of colour has been changed from CIE 1976 to CMC 1:1. The value L^(**),a^(**),b^(**) och E^(**)ab in the table have been changed to Delta E. The reference for further information ASTM D 2244 has been changed to BS 6923:1988. In the column Colour the line "Colour adapted for customer" has been added. Section 5.5: In the table, Surface finish level A +8 has been changed to +10 . Section 6: Document designation BS 6923:1988 has been added.| Section 5.1: The text in this section has been completely rewritten. | | :--- | | Section 5.2: The text "Number of defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ " has been | | changed to "Number of defects / m2". | | Number of defects: A 2 changed to 0 and B 7 changed to 5 . | | Changes in the table on page 8: | | In the columns $A, B, C$ and $D$ the text "Max. number of defects per $A 4$ sheet" has | | been changed to "Max. number of defects" | | Craters, pores: A 2 Distance:2 changed to None. B 4 changed to 2. | | Types of defect: "Dust" changed to "Dust and | | foreign particles". | | Rough surface: A Distance: 4 changed to 2 . | | B Distance: 4 changed to 3. | | Section 5.3: The text "Number of defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ " has been | | changed to "Number of defects / m2". | | Number of defects: Prominent surfaces 10 changed to 4. | | Changes in the table on page 9 : | | In the columns Prominents and Non prominent surfaces and in A, B, C and D, the | | text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of | | defects". | | Craters, pores: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2 . | | Non prominent surfaces 4 Distance: 3 , has been added. | | Blistering, liftings: Non prominent surfaces 5 Distance:3, has been added. | | Dust: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2. | | Holidays: A Max. 6 cm 2 changed to Max. | | 1 cm 2 . B Max. 25 cm 2 changed to Max. 6 cm 2 . | | Section5.4: The evaluation method for measuring of colour has been changed | | from CIE 1976 to CMC 1:1. | | The value $L^{*}, a^{*}, b^{*}$ och $E^{*} a b$ in the table have been changed to $\Delta E$. | | The reference for further information ASTM D 2244 has been changed to BS | | 6923:1988. | | In the column Colour the line "Colour adapted for customer" has been added. | | Section 5.5: In the table, Surface finish level A +8 has been changed to +10 . | | Section 6: Document designation BS 6923:1988 has been added. |
5 1998-12-07

本標準已完成 IMC 塗層零件的資訊。 第 4.1.8 節已完成,並新增第 4.1.9-4.1.12 節。 在第 5.1 節中,有關確定預設值的文字已經變更。 在第 5.3 節中,非突出表面的驗收要求 -「無要求」已變更為「每個面板表面 14 個預設值」。 第 5.3 節中的表格已完成 IMC 塗層表面的等級要求。 新增了第 6 和第 7 節。
This standard have been completed with information for IMC coated parts. The section 4.1.8 has been completed and the sections 4.1.9-4.1.12 have been added. In section 5.1, the text about determination of default, has been changed. In section 5.3, the acceptance requirement for - Non prominent surfaces - "No requirement" has been changed to "14 defaults per panel surface". The table in section 5.3 has been completed with Level of requirements for IMC coated surface. The sections 6 and 7 have been added.| This standard have been completed with information for IMC coated parts. | | :--- | | The section 4.1.8 has been completed and the sections 4.1.9-4.1.12 have been | | added. | | In section 5.1, the text about determination of default, has been changed. | | In section 5.3, the acceptance requirement for - Non prominent surfaces - "No | | requirement" has been changed to "14 defaults per panel surface". | | The table in section 5.3 has been completed with Level of requirements for IMC | | coated surface. | | The sections 6 and 7 have been added. |
6 1999-10-29 "Section 5.1: The text in this section has been completely rewritten. Section 5.2: The text "Number of defects per panel surface <= 1m2 " has been changed to "Number of defects / m2". Number of defects: A 2 changed to 0 and B 7 changed to 5 . Changes in the table on page 8: In the columns A,B,C and D the text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of defects" Craters, pores: A 2 Distance:2 changed to None. B 4 changed to 2. Types of defect: "Dust" changed to "Dust and foreign particles". Rough surface: A Distance: 4 changed to 2 . B Distance: 4 changed to 3. Section 5.3: The text "Number of defects per panel surface <= 1m2 " has been changed to "Number of defects / m2". Number of defects: Prominent surfaces 10 changed to 4. Changes in the table on page 9 : In the columns Prominents and Non prominent surfaces and in A, B, C and D, the text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of defects". Craters, pores: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2 . Non prominent surfaces 4 Distance: 3 , has been added. Blistering, liftings: Non prominent surfaces 5 Distance:3, has been added. Dust: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2. Holidays: A Max. 6 cm 2 changed to Max. 1 cm 2 . B Max. 25 cm 2 changed to Max. 6 cm 2 . Section5.4: The evaluation method for measuring of colour has been changed from CIE 1976 to CMC 1:1. The value L^(**),a^(**),b^(**) och E^(**)ab in the table have been changed to Delta E. The reference for further information ASTM D 2244 has been changed to BS 6923:1988. In the column Colour the line "Colour adapted for customer" has been added. Section 5.5: In the table, Surface finish level A +8 has been changed to +10 . Section 6: Document designation BS 6923:1988 has been added." 5 1998-12-07 "This standard have been completed with information for IMC coated parts. The section 4.1.8 has been completed and the sections 4.1.9-4.1.12 have been added. In section 5.1, the text about determination of default, has been changed. In section 5.3, the acceptance requirement for - Non prominent surfaces - "No requirement" has been changed to "14 defaults per panel surface". The table in section 5.3 has been completed with Level of requirements for IMC coated surface. The sections 6 and 7 have been added."| 6 | 1999-10-29 | Section 5.1: The text in this section has been completely rewritten. <br> Section 5.2: The text "Number of defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ " has been <br> changed to "Number of defects / m2". <br> Number of defects: A 2 changed to 0 and B 7 changed to 5 . <br> Changes in the table on page 8: <br> In the columns $A, B, C$ and $D$ the text "Max. number of defects per $A 4$ sheet" has <br> been changed to "Max. number of defects" <br> Craters, pores: A 2 Distance:2 changed to None. B 4 changed to 2. <br> Types of defect: "Dust" changed to "Dust and <br> foreign particles". <br> Rough surface: A Distance: 4 changed to 2 . <br> B Distance: 4 changed to 3. <br> Section 5.3: The text "Number of defects per panel surface $\leq 1 \mathrm{~m} 2$ " has been <br> changed to "Number of defects / m2". <br> Number of defects: Prominent surfaces 10 changed to 4. <br> Changes in the table on page 9 : <br> In the columns Prominents and Non prominent surfaces and in A, B, C and D, the <br> text "Max. number of defects per A4 sheet" has been changed to "Max. number of <br> defects". <br> Craters, pores: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2 . <br> Non prominent surfaces 4 Distance: 3 , has been added. <br> Blistering, liftings: Non prominent surfaces 5 Distance:3, has been added. <br> Dust: Prominent surfaces 4 changed to 2. <br> Holidays: A Max. 6 cm 2 changed to Max. <br> 1 cm 2 . B Max. 25 cm 2 changed to Max. 6 cm 2 . <br> Section5.4: The evaluation method for measuring of colour has been changed <br> from CIE 1976 to CMC 1:1. <br> The value $L^{*}, a^{*}, b^{*}$ och $E^{*} a b$ in the table have been changed to $\Delta E$. <br> The reference for further information ASTM D 2244 has been changed to BS <br> 6923:1988. <br> In the column Colour the line "Colour adapted for customer" has been added. <br> Section 5.5: In the table, Surface finish level A +8 has been changed to +10 . <br> Section 6: Document designation BS 6923:1988 has been added. | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 5 | 1998-12-07 | This standard have been completed with information for IMC coated parts. <br> The section 4.1.8 has been completed and the sections 4.1.9-4.1.12 have been <br> added. <br> In section 5.1, the text about determination of default, has been changed. <br> In section 5.3, the acceptance requirement for - Non prominent surfaces - "No <br> requirement" has been changed to "14 defaults per panel surface". <br> The table in section 5.3 has been completed with Level of requirements for IMC <br> coated surface. <br> The sections 6 and 7 have been added. |

  1. 根據 ISO 16016 保留所有權利。未經明確授權,禁止複製、分發和使用本文件,以及將其內容傳達給他人。違者將被追究損害賠償責任。保留專利、實用新型或外觀設計的所有權利。

    請確認您擁有由 Scania 企業標準部發佈的最新版本標準。

    © Scania CV AB
  2.  表面處理:
     STD4111-A3-PS-Cab 顏色


    駕駛室和駕駛室相關零件已交付 Scania 底漆塗裝

    由 Scania 烤漆成駕駛室顏色。

    在 A 級表面使用底漆

    B 級和 [ 級表面允許底漆過噴

    1. 來源:PPG Industries 油漆缺陷診斷

      2 ) 2 {:^(2))\left.{ }^{2}\right) 圖片說明的偏差與任何完成品分類或驗收級別都沒有特定關聯。

    1. F11 不應取代 D65 用於檢查色差,但應用作檢查變色的補充。

    2. 根據 ISO/CIE 11664-2

      3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} )根據技術報告 CIE 015:2018

      4 ) 1800 4 ) 1800 ^(4)) >= 1800{ }^{4)} \geq 1800 允許使用 lux 檢查凹痕

      5 ) 5 ) ^(5)){ }^{5)} 根據技術備忘錄 IES TM-30-15

      6 6 ^(6){ }^{6} )根據 1976 年 CIE 出版物

  3. 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 圖 3 中的參考卡可用作評估點偏差和線偏差大小的視覺工具,將表 5 中的文字視覺化。

  4. 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 驗收等級只適用於整車在PRU的目視評估,但不適用於單獨的零件。

    2 ) 2 ) ^(2)){ }^{2)} 如果在正常觀看距離下看不出來,則可以批准高於最高要求等級的評級。

    3 ) 3 ) ^(3)){ }^{3)} 接受程度對「厚邊」無效。

  5. 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 如果在正常觀看距離下看不出來,則可以批准高於最高要求等級的評級。

  6. CS上標明的任何顏色公差均高於表9中該塗層分類的公差。

  7. 1 ) 1 ) ^(1)){ }^{1)} 如果沒有正確的儀器,則應根據表 6 和表 7 對橘皮進行目視評估。