POSCO FUTURE M Supply chain questionnaire on responsible minerals management
POSCO FUTURE M 负责任矿产管理供应链问卷
Target audience: POSCO FUTURE M’s Tier 1 suppliers and smelters
目标受众:POSCO FUTURE M 的一级供应商和冶炼厂
What type of minerals does your company supply to POSCO FUTURE M (or POSCO FUTURE M’s Tier 1 suppliers)?
贵公司向 POSCO FUTURE M(或 POSCO FUTURE M 的一级供应商)供应什么类型的矿物?
Do you, in your lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chains, source from conflict-affected and/or high-risk areas (CAHRAs)? If so, which CAHRAs?
在您的锂、锰、钴、镍钨和石墨供应链中,您是否从受冲突影响和/或高风险地区 (CAHRA) 采购?如果是这样,哪些 CAHRA?
Do you supply minerals to POSCO Future M which were sourced from the DRC, or its neighbours in the Great Lakes region?
您是否向 POSCO Future M 供应来自刚果民主共和国或其在五大湖地区的邻国的矿物?
Does your company have a Responsible and/or Conflict Minerals policy?
Is your policy publicly available?
If ‘Yes’ to the above, please share the URL
如果以上内容为“是”,请分享 URL
Does your company provide training for your employees and/or suppliers on a responsible sourcing policy?
Does your company use the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) or Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT)?
贵公司是否使用冲突矿产报告模板 (CMRT) 或 Cobalt 报告模板 (CRT)?
Do all your suppliers provide a CMRT or CRT?
你们的所有供应商都提供 CMRT 或 CRT 吗?
If yes, please share a latest CMRT or CRT from your company, using the latest RMI template. You can email the CMRT or CRT directly to: POSCO FUTURE M Responsible Minerals contact person [insert contact details].
如果是,请使用最新的 RMI 模板共享贵公司的最新 CMRT 或 CRT。您可以直接将 CMRT 或 CRT 发送至:POSCO FUTURE M 负责任矿产联系人 [插入联系方式]。
Are you a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)?
您是负责任矿产倡议 (RMI) 的成员吗?
Are you planning to become a RMI member? If so, when?
您打算成为 RMI 会员吗?如果是这样,什么时候?
Have you had your due diligence practices validated by an independent third party audit program?
If so, when was the last time?
Are you RMAP certified?
您是否通过了 RMAP 认证?
Have you visited the exporter and upstream supply chain in your lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chain in the last A) 12 months, B) 24 months?
在过去 A) 12 个月,B) 24 个月内,您是否访问过锂、锰、钴镍钨和石墨供应链中的出口商和上游供应链?
Are any of the lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite mine sites in your supply chain ASM (artisanal and small-scale mining)?
您的供应链中是否有任何锂、锰、钴、镍钨和石墨矿场是 ASM(手工和小规模采矿)?
Have you identified all the mine sites in your lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chains?
您是否确定了锂、锰、钴、镍、钨和石墨供应链 中的所有矿区?
If you answered 'no', what are the reasons why you have not identified all the mine sites in your lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chain?
If yes, did you obtain information on the various transportation routes between mine site, exporter and yourself, the smelter?
How many tiers are between you and the exporter in CAHRA lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chains? Please identify the exporter(s). Please identify the tiers.
在 CAHRA 锂、锰、钴、镍钨和石墨供应链中,您和出口商之间有多少层级? 请确定出口商。请确定等级。
Attached as annex a list of trade-related documents from the supply chain (Annex A)– do you customarily ask your tier 1 suppliers for copies of all these documents with each shipment? If not all, please list which documents you request from your tier 1 supplier.
附件中附有供应链中与贸易相关的文件清单(附件 A)——您是否通常会要求您的一级供应商在每次发货时提供所有这些文件的副本?如果不是全部,请列出您向 1 级供应商索取的文件。
NB. If these documents are not in your current possession we are not requesting that you obtain them. We are only interested in the documents in your current possession.
Please send by email copies of trade related documents in your current possession for your latest shipment of lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite to POSCO FUTURE M (or to POSCO FUTURE M's Tier 1 supplier).
请将您当前持有 的锂、锰、钴镍、钨和石墨的最新货物的贸易相关文件副本通过电子邮件发送给 POSCO FUTURE M(或 POSCO FUTURE M 的一级供应商)。
You can email these documents directly to: POSCO FUTURE M Responsible Minerals contact person [insert contact details].
您可以将这些文件直接通过电子邮件发送至:POSCO FUTURE M 责任矿产联系人 [插入联系方式]。
Attached as annex a list of domestic transportation related documents from the supply chain (Annex B)–Does your company usually request documentation from Tier 1 suppliers related to domestic transportation? If yes, please select the relevant boxes:
作为附件附上供应链中与国内运输相关的文件清单(附件 B)——贵公司通常是否要求一级供应商提供与国内运输相关的文件?如果是,请选择相关框:
Attached as annex a list of supply chain evaluation documents from the supply chain (Annex C) – as part of your supply chain evaluation and due diligence did you request from your upstream suppliers copies of all these documents? If not all, please list which of these documents you have received from your upstream suppliers
作为附件,供应链的供应链评估文件清单(附件 C)——作为供应链评估和尽职调查的一部分,您是否向上游供应商索取了所有这些文件的副本?如果不是全部,请列出您从上游供应商那里收到的这些文件.
NB. If these documents are not in your current possession we are not requesting that you obtain them. We are only interested in the documents in your current possession.
Please send by email copies of supply chain evaluation-related documents in your current possession relating to lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chains to POSCO FUTURE M (or to POSCO FUTURE M's Tier 1 supplier).
请将您当前拥有的与锂、锰、钴、镍钨和石墨供应链相关的供应链评估相关文件的副本通过电子邮件发送给 POSCO FUTURE M(或 POSCO FUTURE M 的一级供应商)。
You can email these documents directly to: POSCO FUTURE M Responsible Minerals contact person [222886@poscochemical.com].
您可以将这些文件直接通过电子邮件发送至:POSCO FUTURE M 负责任矿产联系人 [222886@poscochemical.com]。
Please list the actual and potential risk categories arising in the upstream supply chain, if any, that have been flagged in the last three years. (check all that apply)
o Serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport or trade of minerals
o 与矿物开采、运输或贸易相关的严重滥用行为
o Risk management of serious abuses
o 严重滥用的风险管理
o Direct or indirect support to non-state armed group
o 直接或间接支持非国家武装团体
o Risk management of direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups
o 对非国家武装团体的直接或间接支持的风险管理
o Public or private security forces
o 公共或私人安全部队
o Risk management of public or private security forces
o 公共或私人安全部队的风险管理
o Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals
o 贿赂和欺诈性虚假陈述矿物来源
o Money laundering
o 洗钱
o Occurrence of life-threatening health and safety conditions.
o Occurrence of serious human rights abuse
o 发生严重侵犯人权的行为
o Payment of taxes, fees and royalties due to governments
o 支付应付给政府的税款、费用和特许权使用费
o Risk management of bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals, money-laundering and payment of taxes, fees and royalties to governments
o 对贿赂和欺诈性虚假陈述矿物来源、洗钱以及向政府支付税款、费用和特许权使用费进行风险管理
o Other (e.g. child labour, environmental issues; please describe)
o 其他(例如童工、环境问题; 请描述)
28. Please describe your company’s response to the flagging of risk or an incident in your lithium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and graphite supply chains.
29. Do you have a conflict minerals / responsible minerals contact point in your company? If so, please provide details.