ILAC IELTS Reading Test Apr 29 - May 1, 2024
ILAC 雅思阅读考试 2024 年 4 月 29 日 - 5 月 1 日
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Reading Passage 1  阅读文章 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 2 - 15.
您应该用大约 20 分钟来回答问题 2 - 15。
Viola Desmond

A The historic struggle of black Americans in the fight against racial discrimination is well known. Even outside the United States, many are familiar with events such as the American Civil War and the role of civil rights giants such as Martin Luther King. Many also know about the so-called “Underground Railroad,” a secret route for escaped slaves to make their way to freedom in Canada. Because of Canada’s historic role as a safe haven for black Americans, it is often forgotten that black Canadians faced their own battle against systemic discrimination. However, Canada has its own civil rights heroes. One of them is a woman named Viola Desmond.
A 美国黑人反对种族歧视的历史斗争众所周知。即使在美国之外,许多人也熟悉美国内战等事件以及马丁-路德-金等民权巨人的作用。许多人还知道所谓的 "地下铁路",这是一条逃亡奴隶在加拿大获得自由的秘密通道。由于加拿大在历史上曾是美国黑人的避风港,人们往往忘记了加拿大黑人也曾面临过反对系统性歧视的斗争。然而,加拿大也有自己的民权英雄。其中一位是名叫维奥拉-德斯蒙德(Viola Desmond)的妇女。

B Viola Desmond grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in the first half of the 20th century. Halifax had a long-established and vibrant black community. Nevertheless, though black Canadians faced fewer legal barriers than black Americans during this period, there was still a great deal of prejudice. Even when they had the same legal rights as white Canadians, in reality black Canadians were held back by an unofficial policy of segregation in education, business, and politics.
B Viola Desmond 于 20 世纪上半叶在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯长大。哈利法克斯有一个历史悠久、充满活力的黑人社区。然而,尽管在这一时期加拿大黑人面临的法律障碍比美国黑人少,但仍然存在大量偏见。即使他们在法律上享有与加拿大白人同等的权利,但实际上,加拿大黑人在教育、商业和政治领域仍受到非官方的隔离政策的阻碍。

C Desmond herself was one of ten siblings. Her father, like many black Canadians excluded from mainstream Canadian institutions, ran his own business, a barbershop, serving the black community. His strong work ethic influenced his daughter, and Viola aspired to become a successful businesswoman in her own right. With this goal in mind, Desmond set off to train as a beautician and establish her own business.
C Desmond 本人是十个兄弟姐妹中的一个。她的父亲和许多被加拿大主流机构排斥在外的加拿大黑人一样,自己经营着一家理发店,为黑人社区服务。父亲强烈的职业道德影响了女儿,维奥拉也立志成为一名成功的女商人。带着这个目标,戴斯蒙德开始接受美容师培训,并创办了自己的企业。

D From the beginning, Desmond had to overcome obstacles because of her skin colour. Indeed, following Desmond’s career, it is easy to see the intelligence, independence, and perseverance that would serve her well for her entire life. The beauty schools in Halifax did not accept black students. Undeterred, Desmond travelled to Montreal, New York, and Atlantic City to receive her training.
D 从一开始,戴斯蒙德就不得不克服肤色带来的障碍。事实上,在德斯蒙德的职业生涯中,我们不难看出她的智慧、独立和毅力,这些都是她一生的财富。哈利法克斯的美容学校不接受黑人学生。戴斯蒙德没有气馁,她前往蒙特利尔、纽约和大西洋城接受培训。

E When she returned to Halifax, Desmond opened her own salon and later created her own line of beauty products catering to black women. Her business did well, and Desmond opted to open her own beauty school so that other members of the black community would not be forced to leave the city to pursue an education as she had been. If Desmond’s success as a black business and community leader had been her only contribution to society, it already would have been significant. But it is another event, one that even more powerfully displayed her strength of character, that established her as a Canadian civil rights hero.

F Desmond’s success as an entrepreneur meant that she often had to travel for business. On one such trip in 1946, she found herself stranded in the town of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, when her car broke down. With nothing to do while her car was being repaired, she decided to take in a movie at the local theatre. She asked for a floor-level seat, but was unaware that she had instead been given a ticket for the balcony, an area reserved for non-white members of the audience. It was only when she was told by a staff member that she had to sit in the balcony area that she understood the situation. Angered by her treatment, Desmond refused to move to the balcony and stubbornly remained seated at floor level. The police were called and Desmond was roughly removed from the theatre and thrown in jail.
F Desmond 作为企业家的成功意味着她经常需要出差。1946 年的一次旅行中,她发现自己的汽车抛锚了,被困在新斯科舍省的新格拉斯哥镇。修车期间无事可做,她决定去当地剧院看场电影。她要了一张地板上的座位,却不知道自己得到的是一张阳台的票,那是为非白人观众保留的区域。直到一位工作人员告诉她必须坐在阳台区域时,她才明白了情况。德斯蒙德被自己的遭遇激怒了,她拒绝搬到阳台,固执地坐在地板上。警方接到报警后,粗暴地将戴斯蒙德赶出剧院并关进监狱。

G In fact, there was no official law stating that non-white people could not sit at floor level in the theatre. Instead, Desmond was charged with avoiding paying one cent of tax on the more expensive floor ticket. During the trial, where Desmond was given no access to legal representation, the fact that she was black was never raised. However, it was clear that the real reason she was being charged was that she had violated the unwritten social rules that kept blacks and whites segregated. She was found guilty and ordered to pay a twenty-dollar fine as well as six dollars in damages to the owner of the theatre.
G 事实上,并没有正式的法律规定非白人不能坐在剧院的地板上。相反,戴斯蒙德被指控在购买较贵的底层票时逃税一分钱。在审判过程中,德斯蒙德无法获得法律代理,她是黑人的事实从未被提及。然而,很明显,她被指控的真正原因是她违反了将黑人和白人隔离的不成文的社会规则。她被判有罪,并被勒令向剧院老板支付 20 美元的罚款和 6 美元的赔偿金。

Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

2 - a decision to provide an opportunity to others after achieving success
2 - 取得成功后决定为他人提供机会
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

3 - a difference between what the law stated and what people experienced
3 - 法律规定与人们的经历之间存在差异
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

4 - a link between the civil rights movement in the USA and Canada
4 - 美国和加拿大民权运动之间的联系
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

5 - a misunderstanding that led to Desmond being charged with a crime
5 - 一场导致戴斯蒙德被指控犯罪的误会
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

6 - a need to live and study in different cities in order to pursue a goal
6 - 为了实现目标,需要在不同的城市生活和学习
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

7 - a personal example that influenced Desmond’s professional life
7 - 影响德斯蒙德职业生涯的个人事例
Questions 2–8 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A–H. You may use any letter more than once.
问题 2-8 | 阅读文章 1 共有 A-H 八个段落。哪一段包含以下信息?选择正确的字母 A-H。您可以多次使用任何字母。

8 - a way to recognise the impact that Desmond’s actions had on Canada
8 - 承认德斯蒙德的行为对加拿大产生影响的一种方式
Questions 9–11 | Complete the summary below with words taken from the reading passage 1. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
问题 9-11 | 用阅读段落中的词语完成下面的摘要 1.每个答案只写一个词。

                                                        Viola Desmond’s “Crime”
Viola Desmond 的《犯罪》。

One day in 1946, Viola Desmond’s car broke down. While waiting for it to be repaired, Desmond decided to watch a film. Having asked for a seat in one part of the 9…………………, and not knowing that she was breaking an unwritten rule, Desmond chose a seat on the main floor. When asked to move, Desmond refused and was imprisoned. Her actions were not a crime, but in order to sit on the main floor, she should have paid one cent extra in 10- ………………… . For not paying this tiny sum, Desmond was ordered to pay $20 in fines and a further $6 in damages. Desmond may have lost in court, but her actions inspired others and resulted in the Canadian government making 11- ………………… its official policy by the mid-1960s.
1946 年的一天,维奥拉-戴斯蒙德的汽车抛锚了。在等待修理期间,戴斯蒙德决定去看一场电影。德斯蒙德要求在 9- ..................... 的一个座位上看电影,她并不知道自己违反了不成文的规定,而是选择了主楼的一个座位。当被要求换座位时,德斯蒙德拒绝了,并被关进了监狱。她的行为并不构成犯罪,但为了坐到主层,她本应多付 1 美分的 10- .....................。由于没有支付这一小笔钱,德斯蒙被勒令支付 20 美元的罚款和 6 美元的赔偿金。德斯蒙德可能在法庭上败诉,但她的行为激励了其他人,并导致加拿大政府在 20 世纪 60 年代中期将 11- ..................... 作为官方政策。
Questions 9–11 | Complete the summary below with words taken from the reading passage 1. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
问题 9-11 | 用阅读段落中的词语完成下面的摘要 1.每个答案只写一个词。

                                                        Viola Desmond’s “Crime”
Viola Desmond 的《犯罪》。

One day in 1946, Viola Desmond’s car broke down. While waiting for it to be repaired, Desmond decided to watch a film. Having asked for a seat in one part of the 9- …………………, and not knowing that she was breaking an unwritten rule, Desmond chose a seat on the main floor. When asked to move, Desmond refused and was imprisoned. Her actions were not a crime, but in order to sit on the main floor, she should have paid one cent extra in 10- ………………… . For not paying this tiny sum, Desmond was ordered to pay $20 in fines and a further $6 in damages. Desmond may have lost in court, but her actions inspired others and resulted in the Canadian government making 11- ………………… its official policy by the mid-1960s.
1946 年的一天,维奥拉-戴斯蒙德的汽车抛锚了。在等待修理期间,戴斯蒙德决定去看一场电影。德斯蒙德要求在 9- ..................... 的一个座位上看电影,她并不知道自己违反了不成文的规定,而是选择了主楼的一个座位。当被要求换座位时,德斯蒙德拒绝了,并被关进了监狱。她的行为并不构成犯罪,但为了坐到主层,她本应多付 1 美分的 10- .....................。由于没有支付这一小笔钱,德斯蒙被勒令支付 20 美元的罚款和 6 美元的赔偿金。德斯蒙德可能在法庭上败诉,但她的行为激励了其他人,并导致加拿大政府在 20 世纪 60 年代中期将 11- ..................... 作为官方政策。
Questions 9–11 | Complete the summary below with words taken from the reading passage 1. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
问题 9-11 | 用阅读段落中的词语完成下面的摘要 1.每个答案只写一个词。

                                                        Viola Desmond’s “Crime”
Viola Desmond 的《犯罪》。

One day in 1946, Viola Desmond’s car broke down. While waiting for it to be repaired, Desmond decided to watch a film. Having asked for a seat in one part of the 9- …………………, and not knowing that she was breaking an unwritten rule, Desmond chose a seat on the main floor. When asked to move, Desmond refused and was imprisoned. Her actions were not a crime, but in order to sit on the main floor, she should have paid one cent extra in 10- ………………… . For not paying this tiny sum, Desmond was ordered to pay $20 in fines and a further $6 in damages. Desmond may have lost in court, but her actions inspired others and resulted in the Canadian government making 11- ………………… its official policy by the mid-1960s.
1946 年的一天,维奥拉-戴斯蒙德的汽车抛锚了。在等待修理期间,戴斯蒙德决定去看一场电影。德斯蒙德要求在 9- ..................... 的一个座位上看电影,她并不知道自己违反了不成文的规定,而是选择了主楼的一个座位。当被要求换座位时,德斯蒙德拒绝了,并被关进了监狱。她的行为并不构成犯罪,但为了坐到主层,她本应多付 1 美分的 10- .....................。由于没有支付这一小笔钱,德斯蒙被勒令支付 20 美元的罚款和 6 美元的赔偿金。德斯蒙德可能在法庭上败诉,但她的行为激励了其他人,并导致加拿大政府在 20 世纪 60 年代中期将 11- ..................... 作为官方政策。
Questions 12–15 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Choose one of the options below for questions 12–15:
问题 12-15 | 下列说法与阅读文章 1 中提供的信息一致吗?请为第 12-15 题选择下列选项之一:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
如果声明与信息一致,则为 TRUE

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
如果声明与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

12 - Desmond had ten brothers and sisters.
12 - 德斯蒙德有十个兄弟姐妹。

Questions 12–15 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Choose one of the options below for questions 12–15:
问题 12-15 | 下列说法与阅读文章 1 中提供的信息一致吗?请为第 12-15 题选择下列选项之一:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
如果声明与信息一致,则为 TRUE

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
如果声明与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

13 - Desmond studied at three beauty schools.
13 - 德斯蒙德曾在三所美容学校学习。

Questions 12–15 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Choose one of the options below for questions 12–15:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

14 - Desmond hurt the police in New Glasgow.
Questions 12–15 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Choose one of the options below for questions 12–15:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

15 - Desmond was not sold the ticket she asked for.
第 2 页,共 5 页