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巴斯塔鲁斯等人。撒哈拉以南非洲的 PSED

表 I 已审查的研究
国家 等级 出版年份

Sample size (number examined)| Sample | | :--- | | size | | (number | | examined) |
Response rate (%)| Response | | :--- | | rate (%) |


布隆迪 省级 2012 3684 97 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(55%) PSED(37%) 未说明
Kandeke 等人(2012 年)
喀麦隆 林贝 2007 2215 92.3 40 40 >= 40\geq 40 白内障(62%) PSED(25%) 直接检眼镜
(奥耶和库珀(2007 年))
喀麦隆 非常抱歉,但您提供的输入 "Muyuka" 似乎不是一个完整的句子或短语,也没有足够的上下文来确定其含义。因此,我无法提供准确的翻译。如果您能提供更多的上下文或一个完整的句子,我将能够更好地帮助您进行翻译 2006 1787 89.3 40 40 >= 40\geq 40 PSED(29%) 白内障( 21 % 21 % 21%21 \% 直接检眼镜
奥耶等人(2006 年)
厄立特里亚 国家 2011 3163 95.9 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(55%) 青光眼(15%) 便携式裂隙灯
穆勒等人(2011 年)
埃塞俄比亚 国家 2007 25650 85.4 所有 白内障(50%) 沙眼(8%) 直接检眼镜
加纳 城市 2012 5603 82.3 40 40 >= 40\geq 40 白内障(44%) 青光眼(22%) 裂隙灯/眼底相机
几内亚 地区,比科岛 2002 3218 NS 所有 白内障(61%) 黄斑病变(21%) 裂隙灯
肯尼亚 区域,纳库鲁(RAAB) 2007 3503 92.6 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(42%) PSED(30%) 直接检眼镜
Mathenge 等人(2007 年)
肯尼亚 纳库鲁区 2012 4414 88.1 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(45%) PSED(32%) 裂隙灯/眼底相机
Mathenge 等人(2012 年)
马拉维 区域 2011 3430 95.7 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(48%) 青光眼(16%) 直接检眼镜
卡卢亚等人(2011 年)
尼日利亚 国家 2009 13599 89.9 40 40 >= 40\geq 40 白内障(43%) 青光眼(17%) 裂隙灯/眼底相机
Abdull 等人(2009 年)
Local Government Area| Local | | :--- | | Government Area |
2008 2424 93.6% 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(46%) Surgical complications ( 20 % )  Surgical   complications  ( 20 % ) {:[" Surgical "],[" complications "],[(20%)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { Surgical } \\ & \text { complications } \\ & (20 \%) \end{aligned} 直接检眼镜 拉比乌(2008)
卢旺达 西方省份 2007 2206 98 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(65%) PSED(20%) 直接检眼镜
Mathenge 等人(2007 年)
南苏丹 区域 2006 2499 84.6 5 5 >= 5\geq 5 白内障(41%) 沙眼(35%) 火炬
Ngondi 等人(2006 年)
坦桑尼亚(乞力马扎罗) 地区 2010 3436 95.5 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(51%) PSED(36%) 直接检眼镜
坦桑尼亚(桑给巴尔) 岛屿 2007 3160 98.8 50 50 >= 50\geq 50 白内障(67%) PSED(25%) 直接检眼镜 Kikira(2007)
15 邻近村庄
2002 4076 98.9 13 13 >= 13\geq 13 Glaucoma ( 39 % )  Glaucoma  ( 39 % ) {:[" Glaucoma "],[(39%)]:}\begin{gathered} \text { Glaucoma } \\ (39 \%) \end{gathered} 白内障(23%) 直接检眼镜
姆巴拉伊泰等人(2002 年)
Country Level Year published "Sample size (number examined)" "Response rate (%)" Age (years) Primary cause of blindness Secondary cause of blindness Equipment used for diagnosis References Burundi Provincial 2012 3684 97 >= 50 Cataract (55%) PSED (37%) Not stated Kandeke et al. (2012) Cameroon Limbe 2007 2215 92.3 >= 40 Cataract (62%) PSED (25%) Direct ophthalmoscope (Oye and Kuper (2007) Cameroon Muyuka 2006 1787 89.3 >= 40 PSED (29%) Cataract ( 21% ) Direct ophthalmoscope Oye et al. (2006) Eritrea National 2011 3163 95.9 >= 50 Cataract (55%) Glaucoma (15%) Portable slit lamp Muller et al. (2011) Ethiopia National 2007 25650 85.4 All Cataract (50%) Trachoma (8%) Direct ophthalmoscope Berhane et al. (2007) Ghana City 2012 5603 82.3 >= 40 Cataract (44%) Glaucoma (22%) Slit lamp/fundus camera Budenz et al. (2012) Guinea District, Bioko 2002 3218 NS All Cataract (61%) Macular Affection (21%) Slit lamp Moser et al. (2002) Kenya District, Nakuru (RAAB) 2007 3503 92.6 >= 50 Cataract (42%) PSED (30%) Direct ophthalmoscope Mathenge et al. (2007) Kenya District, Nakuru 2012 4414 88.1 >= 50 Cataract (45%) PSED (32%) Slit lamp/fundus camera Mathenge et al. (2012) Malawi District 2011 3430 95.7 >= 50 Cataract (48%) Glaucoma (16%) Direct ophthalmoscope Kalua et al. (2011) Nigeria National 2009 13599 89.9 >= 40 Cataract (43%) Glaucoma (17%) Slit lamp/fundus camera Abdull et al. (2009) Nigeria "Local Government Area" 2008 2424 93.6% >= 50 Cataract (46%) " Surgical complications (20%)" Direct ophthalmoscope Rabiu (2008) Rwanda Western province 2007 2206 98 >= 50 Cataract (65%) PSED (20%) Direct ophthalmoscope Mathenge et al. (2007) South Sudan District 2006 2499 84.6 >= 5 Cataract (41%) Trachoma (35%) Torch Ngondi et al. (2006) Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) Regional 2010 3436 95.5 >= 50 Cataract (51%) PSED (36%) Direct ophthalmoscope Habiyakire et al. (2010) Tanzania (Zanzibar) Island 2007 3160 98.8 >= 50 Cataract (67%) PSED (25%) Direct ophthalmoscope Kikira (2007) Uganda 15 neighbouring villages 2002 4076 98.9 >= 13 " Glaucoma (39%)" Cataract (23%) Direct ophthalmoscope Mbulaiteye et al. (2002)| Country | Level | Year published | Sample <br> size <br> (number <br> examined) | Response <br> rate (%) | Age (years) | Primary cause of blindness | Secondary cause of blindness | Equipment used for diagnosis | References | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Burundi | Provincial | 2012 | 3684 | 97 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (55%) | PSED (37%) | Not stated | Kandeke et al. (2012) | | Cameroon | Limbe | 2007 | 2215 | 92.3 | $\geq 40$ | Cataract (62%) | PSED (25%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | (Oye and Kuper (2007) | | Cameroon | Muyuka | 2006 | 1787 | 89.3 | $\geq 40$ | PSED (29%) | Cataract ( $21 \%$ ) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Oye et al. (2006) | | Eritrea | National | 2011 | 3163 | 95.9 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (55%) | Glaucoma (15%) | Portable slit lamp | Muller et al. (2011) | | Ethiopia | National | 2007 | 25650 | 85.4 | All | Cataract (50%) | Trachoma (8%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Berhane et al. (2007) | | Ghana | City | 2012 | 5603 | 82.3 | $\geq 40$ | Cataract (44%) | Glaucoma (22%) | Slit lamp/fundus camera | Budenz et al. (2012) | | Guinea | District, Bioko | 2002 | 3218 | NS | All | Cataract (61%) | Macular Affection (21%) | Slit lamp | Moser et al. (2002) | | Kenya | District, Nakuru (RAAB) | 2007 | 3503 | 92.6 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (42%) | PSED (30%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Mathenge et al. (2007) | | Kenya | District, Nakuru | 2012 | 4414 | 88.1 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (45%) | PSED (32%) | Slit lamp/fundus camera | Mathenge et al. (2012) | | Malawi | District | 2011 | 3430 | 95.7 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (48%) | Glaucoma (16%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Kalua et al. (2011) | | Nigeria | National | 2009 | 13599 | 89.9 | $\geq 40$ | Cataract (43%) | Glaucoma (17%) | Slit lamp/fundus camera | Abdull et al. (2009) | | Nigeria | Local <br> Government Area | 2008 | 2424 | 93.6% | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (46%) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { Surgical } \\ & \text { complications } \\ & (20 \%) \end{aligned}$ | Direct ophthalmoscope | Rabiu (2008) | | Rwanda | Western province | 2007 | 2206 | 98 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (65%) | PSED (20%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Mathenge et al. (2007) | | South Sudan | District | 2006 | 2499 | 84.6 | $\geq 5$ | Cataract (41%) | Trachoma (35%) | Torch | Ngondi et al. (2006) | | Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) | Regional | 2010 | 3436 | 95.5 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (51%) | PSED (36%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Habiyakire et al. (2010) | | Tanzania (Zanzibar) | Island | 2007 | 3160 | 98.8 | $\geq 50$ | Cataract (67%) | PSED (25%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Kikira (2007) | | Uganda | 15 neighbouring villages | 2002 | 4076 | 98.9 | $\geq 13$ | $\begin{gathered} \text { Glaucoma } \\ (39 \%) \end{gathered}$ | Cataract (23%) | Direct ophthalmoscope | Mbulaiteye et al. (2002) |

  1. NS,未说明。RAAB,可避免盲症的快速评估,PSED,后节段眼病。
