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01 富兰克林的考试 Franklin’s TEST
02 富兰克林和小鸭子 Franklin AND THE DUCKLING
03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友 Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND
04 富兰克林和两个亨利 Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS
05 富 兰克林的野外远足 Franklin’s NATURE HIKE
06 富兰克林的明星角色 Franklin’s STARRING ROLE
07 富 兰 克 林 的 杰 作 Franklin’s MASTERPIECE
08 富兰克林和计算机 Franklin AND THE COMPUTER
09 骑士富兰克林 Franklin THE TROOPER
10 富兰克林的化石 Franklin’S FOSSIL
11 富兰克林和预言家 Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER
12 富兰克林和地下室 Franklin’S CELLAR
13 富兰克林种树 Franklin PLANTS A TREE
14 小英雄富兰克林 Franklin THE HERO
15 富兰克林的假期 Franklin’S DAY OFF
16 富 兰克林做的小甜饼 Franklin’S HOMEMADE COOKIES
17 神 奇 的 富 兰 克 林 Franklin THE FABULOUS
18 富兰克林野营 Franklin CAMPS OUT
19 富兰克林和小狗 Franklin AND THE PUPPY
20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车 Franklin TAKES THE BUS
21 富兰克林和抄袭者 Franklin AND THE COPYCAT
22 大哥哥富兰克林 BIG BROTHER Franklin
23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人 Franklin ANT THE GRUMP
24 富兰克林的诺言 Franklin’S PROMISE
25 富兰克林和暴风雨 Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM
26 富兰克林的枫蜜 Franklin’S MAPLE SYRUP
27 富兰克林帮助别人 Franklin HELP OUT
28 富兰克林和失踪的零食 Franklin’S MISSING SNACKS
29 富兰克林做好事 Franklin’S GOOD DEEDS
30 富 兰 克 林 的 潜 水 艇 Franklin’S SUBMARINE
31 修理能手富兰克林 MR.FIX-IT Franklin
32 富兰克林打嗝 Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS
33 富兰克林送报 Franklin DELIVERS
34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼 Franklin’S SHELL TROUBLE
35 富兰克林的帆船 Franklin’S SAILBOAT
36 富兰克林偷听 Franklin’S SNOOPS
37 富兰克林的爸爸 Franklin’S FATHER
38 富兰克林打冰球 Franklin PLYA HOCKEY
39 富兰克林和手偶戏 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY
40 富 兰 克 林 的 秒 表 Franklin’S STOPWATCH
41 富兰克林遇到小貂 Franklin MEETS ERMINE
42 富兰克林的滑稽行为 Franklin’S FUNNY BUSINESS
43 富兰克林和山姆 Franklin AND SAM
44 富兰克林的浆果园 Franklin’S BERRY PATCH
45 富兰克林的对手 Franklin’S RIVAL
46 富兰克林和收藏卡 Franklin AND THE TRADING CARD
47 富兰克林的机器人 Franklin’S ROBOT
48 大侦探富兰克林 Franklin THE DETECTIVE
49 勇士富兰克林 Franklin THE FEARLESS
50 富兰克林的护身符 Franklin’S LUCKY CHARM
51 富兰克林在海滩 Franklin AT THE SEASHORE
52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想 Franklin AND SNAIL’S DREAM
53 我的富兰克林 MY Franklin
54 富兰克林的妈妈 Franklin’S MAM
55 富兰克林熬夜记 Franklin STAY UP
56 谈 条 件 的 富 兰 克 林 … Franklin’S
57 富兰克林和班车督察 Franklin AND
58 富兰克林和小狼獾 Franklin ANDWOLVIE
59 富兰克林的南瓜 Franklin’S PUMPKIN
60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队 Franklin’S JUGBAND
61 富兰克林的重大比赛 Franklin’S BIG
62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部 Franklin’S
63 富兰克林两头忙 Franklin IN TWO
64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星 Franklin’SFIRST STAR
65 富兰克林丢书记 Franklin LOSES ABOOK
01富兰克林的考试 Franklin’s TEST
well done
very good, goose
wow, look at those
you’re doing great
I won’t forget
oh, that’s a tough word
I’ll get a pen next time
but that’s not fair Franklin
are you all right?
Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. But one day, Franklin won something that maybe he shouldn’t have.
Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let’s see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first?
I will go first. Me, me, me… I will do it, it’s easy.
Bear, let’s see you give it a try. All right Bear. Spell the word “daisy”.
Hmm. Let me just check…
Hey Bear, you can’t peek like that. That’s cheating.
It is?
Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. I’ll give you a little hint, the next letter is an “I”.
" I"… Oh, yeah! “D”, “A”, “I”, “S”, “Y”,daisy
Absolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who’s next?
Very good, goose!
You’re all doing very well with your spelling! I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, we’ll see how well you know the words we’ve learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens!
Wow! Look at those!
Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since I’m going to get all the words right anyway, could I have my pen now? I’d like to write the test with it. I’m sorry Beaver, but you’ll have to write the test first. I’m sure if all of you practice spelling your words, you’ll do very well. Pens or no pens.
F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W window You’re certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.
Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.
They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.
Oh, they are. And I’m going to make sure I know my words so I get one.
I can see one word that’s going to take a little more practice.
Where? Which one? Show me.
This one. “pencil” is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L.
That’s only one mistake. You are doing great.
But I don’t want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens.
The important thing is, you’re learning how to spell.
No Dad, the important thing is spelling every word right.
P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-L
Good. I got it right this time, Sam. Tomorrow, I’ll spell it just like that.
But what if I don’t? What if I forget? P-E-N-C-I-L… I know it now. I won’t forget. I know… I’ll just put it in here for good luck. 7
Next… spell “kitchen”. And now we come to the very last word on the test. “pencil”.
Now, when you are finished, don’t forget to put your name at the top of the page.
That was a cinch. I got them all right, I know it. Yeah it was easy.
All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. You’ve earned it.
I did it, Bear. I got a pen.