这是用户在 2024-6-28 23:40 为 https://platform.openai.com/docs/models 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
Introducing GPT-4o: our fastest and most affordable flagship model
介绍 GPT-4o:我们最快且最实惠的旗舰型号
Learn more‍

* prices per 1 million tokens
* 每百万个代币的价格

The OpenAI API is powered by a diverse set of models with different capabilities and price points. You can also make customizations to our models for your specific use case with fine-tuning.
OpenAI API 由一组具有不同功能和价格的多样化模型提供支持。您还可以通过微调对我们的模型进行自定义,以满足您的特定用例。

ModelDescription 描述
GPT-4oThe fastest and most affordable flagship model
GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4
GPT-4 Turbo 和 GPT-4
The previous set of high-intelligence models
GPT-3.5 TurboA fast, inexpensive model for simple tasks
DALL·E 达利·EA model that can generate and edit images given a natural language prompt
TTSA set of models that can convert text into natural sounding spoken audio
Whisper 低语A model that can convert audio into text
Embeddings 嵌入A set of models that can convert text into a numerical form
Moderation 适度A fine-tuned model that can detect whether text may be sensitive or unsafe
GPT base GPT 基础A set of models without instruction following that can understand as well as generate natural language or code
Deprecated 已弃用A full list of models that have been deprecated along with the suggested replacement

We have also published open source models including Point-E, Whisper, Jukebox, and CLIP.
我们还发布了开源模型,包括 Point-E、Whisper、Jukebox 和 CLIP。

gpt-4o, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4, and gpt-3.5-turbo point to their respective latest model version. You can verify this by looking at the response object after sending a request. The response will include the specific model version used (e.g. gpt-3.5-turbo-1106).
gpt-4ogpt-4-turbogpt-4gpt-3.5-turbo 指向各自的最新型号版本。您可以通过查看发送请求后的响应对象来验证这一点。响应将包括所使用的具体型号版本(例如 gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 )。

We also offer pinned model versions that developers can continue using for at least three months after an updated model has been introduced. With the new cadence of model updates, we are also giving people the ability to contribute evals to help us improve the model for different use cases. If you are interested, check out the OpenAI Evals repository.
我们还提供固定模型版本,开发者在更新模型推出后至少三个月内可以继续使用。随着新模型更新节奏的推出,我们还让人们能够贡献评估,以帮助我们改进模型以适应不同的使用场景。如果你感兴趣,请查看 OpenAI Evals 仓库。

Learn more about model deprecation on our deprecation page.

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) is our most advanced model. It is multimodal (accepting text or image inputs and outputting text), and it has the same high intelligence as GPT-4 Turbo but is much more efficient—it generates text 2x faster and is 50% cheaper. Additionally, GPT-4o has the best vision and performance across non-English languages of any of our models. GPT-4o is available in the OpenAI API to paying customers. Learn how to use GPT-4o in our text generation guide.
GPT-4o(“o”代表“omni”)是我们最先进的模型。它是多模态的(接受文本或图像输入并输出文本),具有与 GPT-4 Turbo 相同的高智能,但效率更高——生成文本的速度快 2 倍,成本降低 50%。此外,GPT-4o 在非英语语言的视觉和性能方面是我们所有模型中最好的。GPT-4o 在 OpenAI API 中向付费客户提供。了解如何在我们的文本生成指南中使用 GPT-4o。

ModelDescription 描述Context window 上下文窗口Training data 训练数据
GPT-4o 新 GPT-4o
Our most advanced, multimodal flagship model that’s cheaper and faster than GPT-4 Turbo. Currently points to gpt-4o-2024-05-13.
我们的最先进的多模态旗舰模型,比 GPT-4 Turbo 更便宜更快。目前指向 gpt-4o-2024-05-13
128,000 tokensUp to Oct 2023
gpt-4o-2024-05-13gpt-4o currently points to this version.
gpt-4o 目前指向此版本。
128,000 tokensUp to Oct 2023

GPT-4 is a large multimodal model (accepting text or image inputs and outputting text) that can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy than any of our previous models, thanks to its broader general knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities. GPT-4 is available in the OpenAI API to paying customers. Like gpt-3.5-turbo, GPT-4 is optimized for chat but works well for traditional completions tasks using the Chat Completions API. Learn how to use GPT-4 in our text generation guide.
GPT-4 是一个大型多模态模型(接受文本或图像输入并输出文本),由于其更广泛的通用知识和高级推理能力,它能够比我们之前的任何模型更准确地解决困难问题。GPT-4 在 OpenAI API 中向付费客户提供。与 gpt-3.5-turbo 类似,GPT-4 针对聊天进行了优化,但在使用 Chat Completions API 进行传统完成任务时也能很好地工作。请参阅我们的文本生成指南,了解如何使用 GPT-4。

ModelDescription 描述Context window 上下文窗口Training data 训练数据
gpt-4-turboThe latest GPT-4 Turbo model with vision capabilities. Vision requests can now use JSON mode and function calling. Currently points to gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09.
最新的具有视觉功能的 GPT-4 Turbo 模型。视觉请求现在可以使用 JSON 模式和函数调用。目前指向 gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09
128,000 tokensUp to Dec 2023
gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09GPT-4 Turbo with Vision model. Vision requests can now use JSON mode and function calling. gpt-4-turbo currently points to this version.
GPT-4 Turbo 视觉模型。视觉请求现在可以使用 JSON 模式和函数调用。 gpt-4-turbo 目前指向此版本。
128,000 tokensUp to Dec 2023
gpt-4-turbo-preview gpt-4-turbo-预览GPT-4 Turbo preview model. Currently points to gpt-4-0125-preview.
GPT-4 Turbo 预览模型。目前指向 gpt-4-0125-preview
128,000 tokensUp to Dec 2023
gpt-4-0125-preview gpt-4-0125-预览GPT-4 Turbo preview model intended to reduce cases of “laziness” where the model doesn’t complete a task. Returns a maximum of 4,096 output tokens. Learn more.
GPT-4 Turbo 预览模型旨在减少模型未完成任务的“懒惰”情况。返回最多 4,096 个输出标记。了解更多。
128,000 tokensUp to Dec 2023
gpt-4-1106-preview gpt-4-1106-预览GPT-4 Turbo preview model featuring improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more. Returns a maximum of 4,096 output tokens. This is a preview model. Learn more.
GPT-4 Turbo 预览模型具有改进的指令遵循、JSON 模式、可重复输出、并行函数调用等功能。最多返回 4,096 个输出标记。这是一个预览模型。了解更多。
128,000 tokensUp to Apr 2023
gpt-4Currently points to gpt-4-0613. See continuous model upgrades.
目前指向 gpt-4-0613 。请参阅持续的模型升级。
8,192 tokensUp to Sep 2021
gpt-4-0613Snapshot of gpt-4 from June 13th 2023 with improved function calling support.
2023 年 6 月 13 日的 gpt-4 快照,具有改进的功能调用支持。
8,192 tokensUp to Sep 2021
Snapshot of gpt-4 from March 14th 2023.
gpt-4 的遗留快照,日期为 2023 年 3 月 14 日。
8,192 tokensUp to Sep 2021

For many basic tasks, the difference between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 models is not significant. However, in more complex reasoning situations, GPT-4 is much more capable than any of our previous models.
对于许多基本任务,GPT-4 和 GPT-3.5 模型之间的差异并不显著。然而,在更复杂的推理情况下,GPT-4 比我们之前的任何模型都要强大得多。

GPT-4 outperforms both previous large language models and as of 2023, most state-of-the-art systems (which often have benchmark-specific training or hand-engineering). On the MMLU benchmark, an English-language suite of multiple-choice questions covering 57 subjects, GPT-4 not only outperforms existing models by a considerable margin in English, but also demonstrates strong performance in other languages.
GPT-4 在性能上超过了之前的大型语言模型,并且截至 2023 年,超过了大多数最先进的系统(这些系统通常具有特定基准的训练或手工工程)。在 MMLU 基准测试中,这是一套涵盖 57 个科目的英语多项选择题,GPT-4 不仅在英语方面大幅超越现有模型,还在其他语言中表现出色。

GPT-3.5 Turbo models can understand and generate natural language or code and have been optimized for chat using the Chat Completions API but work well for non-chat tasks as well.
GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型可以理解和生成自然语言或代码,并已通过聊天完成 API 进行了优化,但也适用于非聊天任务。

ModelDescription 描述Context window 上下文窗口Training data 训练数据
gpt-3.5-turbo-0125The latest GPT-3.5 Turbo model with higher accuracy at responding in requested formats and a fix for a bug which caused a text encoding issue for non-English language function calls. Returns a maximum of 4,096 output tokens. Learn more.
最新的 GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型在响应请求格式方面具有更高的准确性,并修复了导致非英语语言函数调用出现文本编码问题的错误。返回最多 4,096 个输出标记。了解更多。
16,385 tokensUp to Sep 2021
gpt-3.5-turboCurrently points to gpt-3.5-turbo-0125.
当前指向 gpt-3.5-turbo-0125
16,385 tokensUp to Sep 2021
gpt-3.5-turbo-1106GPT-3.5 Turbo model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more. Returns a maximum of 4,096 output tokens. Learn more.
GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型具有改进的指令遵循、JSON 模式、可重复的输出、并行函数调用等功能。返回最多 4,096 个输出标记。了解更多。
16,385 tokensUp to Sep 2021
gpt-3.5-turbo-instructSimilar capabilities as GPT-3 era models. Compatible with legacy Completions endpoint and not Chat Completions.
与 GPT-3 时代的模型具有类似的功能。兼容传统的完成端点,而不是聊天完成端点。
4,096 tokensUp to Sep 2021

DALL·E is a AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. DALL·E 3 currently supports the ability, given a prompt, to create a new image with a specific size. DALL·E 2 also support the ability to edit an existing image, or create variations of a user provided image.
DALL·E 是一个可以根据自然语言描述创建逼真图像和艺术作品的人工智能系统。DALL·E 3 目前支持根据提示创建具有特定大小的新图像的功能。DALL·E 2 还支持编辑现有图像或创建用户提供图像的变体的功能。

DALL·E 3 is available through our Images API along with DALL·E 2. You can try DALL·E 3 through ChatGPT Plus.
DALL·E 3 可通过我们的图像 API 与 DALL·E 2 一起使用。您可以通过 ChatGPT Plus 试用 DALL·E 3。

ModelDescription 描述
dall-e-3The latest DALL·E model released in Nov 2023. Learn more.
最新的 DALL·E 模型于 2023 年 11 月发布。了解更多。
dall-e-2The previous DALL·E model released in Nov 2022. The 2nd iteration of DALL·E with more realistic, accurate, and 4x greater resolution images than the original model.
之前的 DALL·E 模型于 2022 年 11 月发布。第二代 DALL·E 比原始模型具有更真实、更准确和 4 倍更高分辨率的图像。

TTS is an AI model that converts text to natural sounding spoken text. We offer two different model variates, tts-1 is optimized for real time text to speech use cases and tts-1-hd is optimized for quality. These models can be used with the Speech endpoint in the Audio API.
TTS 是一种将文本转换为自然语音的 AI 模型。我们提供两种不同的模型变体, tts-1 优化用于实时文本转语音的使用场景, tts-1-hd 优化用于质量。这些模型可以与音频 API 中的语音端点一起使用。

ModelDescription 描述
tts-1The latest text to speech model, optimized for speed.
tts-1-hdThe latest text to speech model, optimized for quality.

Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model. It is trained on a large dataset of diverse audio and is also a multi-task model that can perform multilingual speech recognition as well as speech translation and language identification. The Whisper v2-large model is currently available through our API with the whisper-1 model name.
Whisper 是一个通用的语音识别模型。它在一个多样化的音频大数据集上进行训练,同时也是一个多任务模型,能够执行多语言语音识别、语音翻译和语言识别。Whisper v2-large 模型目前可以通过我们的 API 使用,模型名称为 whisper-1

Currently, there is no difference between the open source version of Whisper and the version available through our API. However, through our API, we offer an optimized inference process which makes running Whisper through our API much faster than doing it through other means. For more technical details on Whisper, you can read the paper.
目前,开源版本的 Whisper 与通过我们的 API 提供的版本之间没有区别。然而,通过我们的 API,我们提供了一个优化的推理过程,使得通过我们的 API 运行 Whisper 比通过其他方式运行要快得多。有关 Whisper 的更多技术细节,您可以阅读论文。

Embeddings are a numerical representation of text that can be used to measure the relatedness between two pieces of text. Embeddings are useful for search, clustering, recommendations, anomaly detection, and classification tasks. You can read more about our latest embedding models in the announcement blog post.

ModelDescription 描述Output Dimension 输出尺寸
text-embedding-3-largeMost capable embedding model for both english and non-english tasks
text-embedding-3-smallIncreased performance over 2nd generation ada embedding model
相比第二代 Ada 嵌入模型性能提升
text-embedding-ada-002Most capable 2nd generation embedding model, replacing 16 first generation models
最强大的第二代嵌入模型,取代了 16 个第一代模型

The Moderation models are designed to check whether content complies with OpenAI's usage policies. The models provide classification capabilities that look for content in the following categories: hate, hate/threatening, self-harm, sexual, sexual/minors, violence, and violence/graphic. You can find out more in our moderation guide.
Moderation 模型旨在检查内容是否符合 OpenAI 的使用政策。模型提供分类功能,查找以下类别的内容:仇恨、仇恨/威胁、自残、色情、色情/未成年人、暴力和暴力/血腥。您可以在我们的审核指南中了解更多信息。

Moderation models take in an arbitrary sized input that is automatically broken up into chunks of 4,096 tokens. In cases where the input is more than 32,768 tokens, truncation is used which in a rare condition may omit a small number of tokens from the moderation check.
Moderation models 接受任意大小的输入,自动分成 4,096 个标记的块。在输入超过 32,768 个标记的情况下,使用截断,这在极少数情况下可能会从审核检查中省略少量标记。

The final results from each request to the moderation endpoint shows the maximum value on a per category basis. For example, if one chunk of 4K tokens had a category score of 0.9901 and the other had a score of 0.1901, the results would show 0.9901 in the API response since it is higher.
每次请求审核端点的最终结果显示每个类别的最大值。例如,如果一个 4K 令牌块的类别得分为 0.9901,而另一个块的得分为 0.1901,则结果将在 API 响应中显示 0.9901,因为它更高。

ModelDescription 描述Max tokens 最大代币
text-moderation-latestCurrently points to text-moderation-007.
当前指向 text-moderation-007
text-moderation-stableCurrently points to text-moderation-007.
当前指向 text-moderation-007
text-moderation-007Most capable moderation model across all categories.

GPT base models can understand and generate natural language or code but are not trained with instruction following. These models are made to be replacements for our original GPT-3 base models and use the legacy Completions API. Most customers should use GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.
GPT 基础模型可以理解和生成自然语言或代码,但未经过指令跟随训练。这些模型是为了替代我们原始的 GPT-3 基础模型,并使用传统的 Completions API。大多数客户应使用 GPT-3.5 或 GPT-4。

ModelDescription 描述Max tokens 最大代币Training data 训练数据
babbage-002Replacement for the GPT-3 ada and babbage base models.
替换 GPT-3 adababbage 基础模型。
16,384 tokensUp to Sep 2021
davinci-002Replacement for the GPT-3 curie and davinci base models.
替换 GPT-3 curiedavinci 基础模型。
16,384 tokensUp to Sep 2021

Your data is your data.

As of March 1, 2023, data sent to the OpenAI API will not be used to train or improve OpenAI models (unless you explicitly opt in). One advantage to opting in is that the models may get better at your use case over time.
截至 2023 年 3 月 1 日,发送到 OpenAI API 的数据将不会用于训练或改进 OpenAI 模型(除非您明确选择加入)。选择加入的一个好处是,模型可能会随着时间的推移在您的使用案例中变得更好。

To help identify abuse, API data may be retained for up to 30 days, after which it will be deleted (unless otherwise required by law). For trusted customers with sensitive applications, zero data retention may be available. With zero data retention, request and response bodies are not persisted to any logging mechanism and exist only in memory in order to serve the request.
为了帮助识别滥用行为,API 数据可能会保留长达 30 天,之后将被删除(除非法律另有要求)。对于具有敏感应用的可信客户,可能提供零数据保留。采用零数据保留时,请求和响应主体不会持久化到任何日志机制中,只存在于内存中以处理请求。

Note that this data policy does not apply to OpenAI's non-API consumer services like ChatGPT or DALL·E Labs.
请注意,此数据政策不适用于 OpenAI 的非 API 消费者服务,如 ChatGPT 或 DALL·E Labs。

Endpoint 端点Data used for training 用于培训的数据Default retention 默认保留Eligible for zero retention
/v1/chat/completions*No30 days 30 天Yes, except image inputs*
/v1/assistantsNo30 days ** 30 天**No
/v1/threadsNo30 days ** 30 天**No
/v1/threads/messagesNo30 days ** 30 天 **No
/v1/threads/runsNo30 days ** 30 天**No
/v1/vector_storesNo30 days ** 30 天**No
/v1/threads/runs/stepsNo30 days ** 30 天**No
/v1/images/generationsNo30 days 30 天No
/v1/images/editsNo30 days 30 天No
/v1/images/variationsNo30 days 30 天No
/v1/embeddingsNo30 days 30 天Yes
/v1/audio/transcriptionsNoZero data retention 零数据保留-
/v1/audio/translationsNoZero data retention 零数据保留-
/v1/audio/speechNo30 days 30 天Yes
/v1/filesNoUntil deleted by customer
/v1/fine_tuning/jobsNoUntil deleted by customer
/v1/batchesNoUntil deleted by customer
/v1/moderationsNoZero data retention 零数据保留-
/v1/completionsNo30 days 30 天Yes

* Image inputs via the gpt-4-turbo model (or previously gpt-4-vision-preview) are not eligible for zero retention.
* 通过 gpt-4-turbo 模型(或之前的 gpt-4-vision-preview )输入的图像不符合零保留的条件。

** Objects related to the Assistants API are deleted from our servers 30 days after you delete them via the API or the dashboard. Objects that are not deleted via the API or dashboard are retained indefinitely.
与助理 API 相关的对象在您通过 API 或仪表板删除它们后 30 天内从我们的服务器中删除。未通过 API 或仪表板删除的对象将无限期保留。

For details, see our API data usage policies. To learn more about zero retention, get in touch with our sales team.
有关详细信息,请参阅我们的 API 数据使用政策。要了解更多关于零保留的信息,请与我们的销售团队联系。

Endpoint 端点Latest models 最新款式
/v1/assistantsAll GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo models. The retrieval tool requires gpt-4-turbo-preview (and subsequent dated model releases) or gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 (and subsequent versions).
所有 GPT-4 和 GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型。 retrieval 工具需要 gpt-4-turbo-preview (以及后续日期的模型发布)或 gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 (以及后续版本)。
/v1/audio/speechtts-1, tts-1-hd
/v1/chat/completionsgpt-4 and dated model releases, gpt-4-turbo-preview and dated model releases, gpt-3.5-turbo and dated model releases, fine-tuned versions of gpt-3.5-turbo
gpt-4 和注明日期的模特授权书, gpt-4-turbo-preview 和注明日期的模特授权书, gpt-3.5-turbo 和注明日期的模特授权书, gpt-3.5-turbo 的微调版本
/v1/completions (Legacy) /v1/completions(旧版)gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct, babbage-002, davinci-002
/v1/embeddingstext-embedding-3-small, text-embedding-3-large, text-embedding-ada-002
/v1/fine_tuning/jobsgpt-3.5-turbo, babbage-002, davinci-002
/v1/moderationstext-moderation-stable, text-moderation-latest
/v1/images/generationsdall-e-2, dall-e-3

This list excludes all of our deprecated models.