Apparent cyberattack leaves Seattle airport facing major internet outages
FILE - Planes taxi under the aerial passenger walkway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, March 3, 2022, in Seattle. (Ken Lambert/The Seattle Times via AP, File)
SEATTLE (AP) — An apparent cyberattack disrupted internet, phones, email and other systems at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for a third day on Monday as Port of Seattle officials worked to investigate the outages and restore full service.
西雅图(美联社)— 周一,西雅图-塔科马国际机场的互联网、电话、电子邮件和其他系统遭到明显的网络攻击,导致其互联网、电话、电子邮件和其他系统中断了第三天,西雅图港官员正在努力调查中断情况并恢复全面服务。
“We’re working around the clock to get necessary systems back online and to mitigate impacts to our passengers,” the airport’s aviation managing director Lance Lyttle said in a press conference Sunday.
“我们正在夜以继日地工作,以使必要的系统重新上线并减轻对乘客的影响,”该机场的航空董事总经理 Lance Lyttle 在周日的新闻发布会上说。
Lyttle said the airport is investigating with the help of outside experts and is working closely with federal partners, including the Transportation Security Administration and Customs and Border Protection. Officials have not released details about the full scope of the outage, but Lyttle said it was not affecting TSA’s ability to screen passengers.
Lyttle 表示,机场正在外部专家的帮助下进行调查,并正在与联邦合作伙伴密切合作,包括运输安全管理局 (Transportation Security Administration) 和海关与边境保护局 (Customs and Border Protection)。官员们尚未公布有关停运全部范围的详细信息,但 Lyttle 表示,这不会影响 TSA 对乘客进行筛查的能力。
Some airlines, including Delta and Alaska Airlines, reported no service interruptions from the outage. Both of the airlines use Sea-Tac as a hub. Still, the outage did affect the Port of Seattle’s baggage sorting system, prompting airlines to warn passengers to avoid checking bags if possible to avoid potential delays, as well as its lost and found system.
包括达美航空和阿拉斯加航空在内的一些航空公司报告说,服务没有因中断而中断。这两家航空公司都使用 Sea-Tac 作为枢纽。尽管如此,这次中断确实影响了西雅图港的行李分拣系统,促使航空公司警告乘客尽可能避免托运行李,以避免潜在的延误,以及其失物招领系统。
The airport also warned travelers to allow extra time at the airport and to use airline mobile applications to get boarding passes and bag tags when possible.
Still, many travelers faced security lines that were longer than normal and long waits at baggage claims and checking. Terminal screens were also out throughout the airport, making it difficult for some to determine their assigned gate. In a Facebook post, the airport said passengers should look for airport staff in green for assistance.
尽管如此,许多旅客仍然面临着比平时更长的安检队伍,以及在行李领取和检查时等待的时间长。整个机场的航站楼检查也都出来了,这使得一些人很难确定他们分配的登机口。机场在 Facebook 帖子中表示,乘客应该向穿绿色衣服的机场工作人员寻求帮助。
Thai Un, 46, and his family were among those affected. He described frenzied scenes at the airport as he arrived there Sunday with his wife and four young children ahead of their flight to Maui.
46 岁的 Thai Un 和他的家人也在受影响的人之列。他描述了周日与妻子和四个年幼的孩子在飞往毛伊岛之前抵达机场时,机场的疯狂场面。
They waited in line for 45 minutes to drop off their checked bags, then discovered as they continued through the airport that none of the screens displaying flight information were working. The screens next to individual gates that indicate the next boarding flight weren’t working either, he said, and as a result, airline personnel were largely relying on the intercom to inform passengers about where they needed to go.
他们排队等待了 45 分钟才能托运行李,然后当他们继续穿过机场时发现,显示航班信息的屏幕都没有工作。他说,各个登机口旁边指示下一班登机航班的屏幕也不起作用,因此,航空公司工作人员在很大程度上依靠对讲机来通知乘客他们需要去哪里。
Once on the plane, the pilot told passengers there would be a delay as crews were having to manually check bag tags, Un said. After landing in Maui, two of his family’s bags didn’t make it, while another family was missing all of their luggage, including the car seats for their young children, Un said.
Un 说,一上飞机,飞行员就告诉乘客,由于机组人员不得不手动检查行李标签,因此会有延误。Un 说,降落在毛伊岛后,他家的两个行李没能赶上,而另一个家庭则丢失了所有行李,包括他们年幼孩子的汽车座椅。
“We had to go to the customer service,” he said. “Sure enough, we turn around, there’s about 30 people in line, all in the same boat as we are. It was just chaotic.”
“我们不得不去找客户服务,”他说。“果然,我们转过身来,大约有 30 个人在排队,都和我们在同一条船上。只是很混乱。
While Un’s family ended up receiving their two missing bags later that day, navigating the travel havoc was still stressful, he said.
他说,虽然 Un 的家人最终在当天晚些时候收到了他们丢失的两件行李,但应对旅行的浩劫仍然很有压力。
“Any airline or airport, they should have a backup process in place,” he said.
In a Facebook post on Sunday, the airport said port teams were making progress but that there wasn’t an estimated time for when systems would return to normal operations.
在周日的一篇 Facebook 帖子中,该机场表示,港口团队正在取得进展,但目前还没有估计系统何时恢复正常运行的时间。