这是用户在 2024-5-28 8:54 为 https://tech-notes.maxmasnick.com/ios-shortcut-to-convert-the-contents-of-a-tweet-to-markdown 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

iOS shortcut to convert the contents of a tweet to Markdown
将推文内容转换为 Markdown 的 iOS 捷径

I often find myself wanting to grab the contents of a tweet in Markdown format to post on my blog, so I’ve created an iOS shortcut that takes the URL to a tweet, grabs the contents via the public Twitter API, expands t.co URLs, and copies the content to the clipboard.
我经常发现自己想抓取 Markdown 格式的推文内容发布到我的博客上,因此我创建了一个 iOS 快捷方式,它可以获取推文的 URL,通过公共 Twitter API 抓取内容,展开 t.co URL 并将内容复制到剪贴板。

Here’s an example tweet: 下面是一条推文示例:

And here’s what the output of the Shortcut looks like:

[Max Masnick on Twitter](https://twitter.com/masnick/status/1209899493048639488):
> It’s surprisingly hard to find a tweet with multiple URLs in it for API response testing purposes.
> So here are my two favorite non-Google search engines:
> 1. <https://t.co/jFqkR0eo8x>
> 2. <https://t.co/UZD9mmtzEH>
> 👍
view raw output.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

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1 response  1 个响应
Hey bro, could you share the specifics of this shortcut? I could try to make one myself. Because I want to stay on iOS 12 and can't open the higher version of the shortcut file.
嘿,兄弟,你能分享一下这条捷径的具体细节吗?我可以试着自己做一个。因为我想继续使用 iOS 12,但无法打开更高版本的快捷方式文件。