Campaign details 活動詳情

Brand: Coca-Cola  品牌: 可口可樂
Brand owner: Coca-Cola Company

Entrant company: Pico Art International PTE LTD

Market: Japan  市集:日本
Sector: Carbonated soft drinks
行業: 碳酸軟性飲料

Media channels: Outdoor, Out-of-home, Point-of-purchase, In-store, Print - general, Sales promotion, Social media, Sponsorship - sports, Television & Connected TV

Budget: 500k - 1 million

Executive summary 執行摘要

The Coca-Cola Company’s (“TCCC”) purpose is “To refresh the world and make a difference” and is the longest-running continuous sponsor of both the summer and winter Olympic Games since 1928, including the Paralympics since its inception.
可口可樂公司(“TCCC”)的宗旨是“讓世界煥然一新,有所作為”,是自 1928 年以來夏季和冬季奧運會(包括殘奧會)創辦以來時間最長的連續贊助商。

The unprecedented delay of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, brought a unique opportunity for Coca-Cola to pivot their usual physical pavilion in a new and meaningful way. With travel accessibility and physical spectator challenges remaining all the way to the start of the Games, the pivot saw an opportunity to revolutionise how Coca-Cola engaged its consumers through a mobile-first digital experience that activated all of Team Coca-Cola’s beverage portfolio, created personalised at-home and physical experiences that brought commercial value, leveraged the unique and exclusive assets as a worldwide partner, whilst fully embodying The Coca-Cola Company’s sustainability commitments.
2020 年東京奧運會和殘奧會史無前例的推遲,為可口可樂帶來了一個獨特的機會,以一種新的、有意義的方式調整其慣用的實體館。由於交通便利性和現場觀眾的挑戰一直持續到奧運會開始,這一轉變看到了一個機會,可以徹底改變可口可樂透過行動優先的數位體驗來吸引消費者的方式,該體驗激活了可口可樂團隊的所有飲料產品組合,創造個人化的家庭和身體體驗,帶來商業價值,利用全球合作夥伴的獨特和專有資產,同時充分體現可口可樂公司的永續發展承諾。

The activation brought unprecedented commercial success along with marked increases in brand trust, brand love, and the perception of Coca-Cola as a “cutting edge” company to its consumers. Most remarkably, it has changed the way Coca-Cola approaches Olympic activations in the future.

Market background & objectives

Being the long-standing sponsor of the Olympic movement, Coca-Cola typically activates via physical showcases in host cities through interactive and bespoke entertainment experiences that are localised to the market, creating excitement leading up to the Games. It was an opportunity to bring the fans together to build national pride and cheer for the athletes competing in the Games. For Japan, winning the bid as the host country in 2013 indicated winning the international vote of confidence in the country’s effort to recover from its long economic and political decline. [1] [2]
作為奧林匹克運動的長期贊助商,可口可樂通常透過在主辦城市的實體展示,透過在地化的互動和客製化娛樂體驗來激活奧運會,在奧運會前營造興奮感。這是一個讓球迷聚集在一起建立民族自豪感並為參加奧運的運動員加油的機會。對日本來說,贏得2013年主辦國的主辦權意味著國際社會對日本從長期經濟和政治衰退中復甦的努力贏得了信任票。 [1] [2]

The Team Coca-Cola campaign was created for global audiences, but localised specifically to the Japanese consumers. A unique market on its own, Japan is a high-innovation market for TCCC globally [3], with over 800 beverage products and 50 beverage brands launched solely for the local market as of 2019 in the lead-up to the Games[4]. Japan is a very culturally proud market, despite the international nature of both the brand and international context of the Olympic Games. Challenging typical market behaviours, empathy is less valued while privacy is paramount, making the Japanese market very pragmatic in their brand interactions. [5]
可口可樂團隊活動是為全球受眾創建的,但專門針對日本消費者進行了在地化。日本本身就是一個獨特的市場,是 TCCC 在全球範圍內的高度創新市場 [3],截至 2019 年奧運會之前,僅針對當地市場推出了 800 多種飲料產品和 50 個飲料品牌[4] 。儘管奧運的品牌和國際背景都具有國際性,但日本是一個在文化上非常自豪的市場。與典型的市場行為相比,同理心不太受重視,而隱私至關重要,這使得日本市場在品牌互動中非常務實。 [5]

Coca-Cola turned to digital innovation to connect fans in experiencing the thrill of the Games. The expectations were high around the mobile-first digital platform – create greater audience engagement, create increased brand affinity and brand love, and generate a measurable sales increase for the featured “Team Coca-Cola” portfolio of five Japan market products (Coca-Cola TM , Georgia Coffee, Ayataka Green Tea, Aquarius Sports Hydration, and Ilohas Natural Mineral Water) across OTC retail, vending, and e-commerce channels to maintain their market position.
可口可樂轉向數位創新,讓球迷體驗奧運的快感。人們對行動優先數位平台抱有很高的期望——提高受眾參與度,提高品牌親和力和品牌喜愛度,並為由五種日本市場產品組成的「可口可樂團隊」特色產品組合帶來可觀的銷售成長(可口可樂TM、喬治亞咖啡、綾鷹綠茶、水瓶座運動水合和伊樂哈斯天然礦泉水)在 OTC 零售、自動販賣機和電子商務通路保持其市場地位。

KPIs for the platform include effectivity; social shares, incentive redemptions, and participation in the various platform games; as well as driving CokeON mobile app subscriptions, which linked directly to their network of Japanese vending machines with its own sales KPI and data collection goals.
該平台的 KPI 包括有效性;社交分享、獎勵兌換、參與各平台遊戲;以及推動 CokeON 行動應用程式訂閱,該應用程式直接連結到其日本自動販賣機網絡,並具有自己的銷售 KPI 和數據收集目標。

Effectivity of the platform was measured by total number of users across the campaign period, as well as tracking the new user sign-in rate. The KPI was set at 500,000 unique users throughout the Olympic Games. Consumer participation was based on the duration spent on the platform, with a benchmark of two to four minutes which also enabled us to recognise content that interested our audience the most. [6].
該平台的有效性是透過活動期間的用戶總數以及追蹤新用戶登入率來衡量的。 KPI 定為奧運期間的 50 萬名獨立用戶。消費者參與度是基於在平台上花費的時間,基準為兩到四分鐘,這也使我們能夠識別受眾最感興趣的內容。 [6]。

Internal KPIs for the platform games included number of plays, repeat-plays, incentive redemptions and social shares. These were all collected through real-time activity tracking across the platform and point-system allowing us to continually enhance the experience and direct attention to both content and offers. Supporting Coca-Cola’s sustainability initiatives were also a key KPI and supported through the platform’s digital approach and a focused activation.

Coke used the platform to promote e-commerce with a direct link to purchase on a special Amazon/Coca-Cola Olympic landing page – contributing to internal consumption and sales KPI during the campaign. E-commerce response was measured through click-throughs providing “intent to buy” and purchase through measuring offer redemptions.
可口可樂利用該平台推廣電子商務,在專門的亞馬遜/可口可樂奧運登陸頁面上提供直接購買鏈接,為活動期間的內部消費和銷售 KPI 做出貢獻。電子商務反應是透過提供「購買意願」的點擊率來衡量的,而購買則是透過衡量報價兌換來衡量的。

Insight & strategic thinking

Our primary audience was domestic Japanese consumers, who are existing “Team Coca-Cola” portfolio drinkers. In the spirit of the Olympics, the target audience was inclusive and included all ages with slight focus on consumers 15- to 50-years-old to maintain Coca-Cola’s leadership position in the market. This demographic encompassed more than half of the Japanese population and research indicated they regularly use social media to inform their purchases. [7] As a global brand sponsoring the top international sporting event, the secondary audience was global for those in Japan and abroad where we recognised the need for digital entertainment to fill the gap where restrictions and concern precluded large physical gatherings. [8]
我們的主要受眾是日本國內消費者,他們是現有的「可口可樂團隊」產品組合的飲用者。本著奧運的精神,目標受眾具有包容性,包括所有年齡段,並稍微關注15歲至50歲的消費者,以維持可口可樂在市場上的領導地位。這群人佔日本人口的一半以上,研究顯示他們經常使用社群媒體來告知他們的購買情況。 [7] 作為贊助頂級國際體育賽事的全球品牌,次要觀眾是日本和國外的全球觀眾,我們認識到需要數位娛樂來填補由於限制和擔憂而無法舉行大型實體聚會的空白。 [8]

From a sales channel perspective and challenge for the brand, we took into consideration a considerable shift towards e-commerce channels which has seen significant and sustained growth in the wake of the pandemic.

Japanese consumers and market are unique. Japanese consumers are constantly and “deliberately looking out for products that are new, improved and bring a unique edge”. [9,10] Our local consumers also have a focused interest in unique brand products, experiences, and memorabilia. The platform aimed to drive awareness and excitement around the full scope of Coca-Cola activations (i.e., Olympic Pin trading centres, sponsored athlete meet and greets, and many others).
日本的消費者和市場是獨一無二的。日本消費者不斷「刻意尋找新穎、改良且具有獨特優勢的產品」。 [9,10] 我們的在地消費者也對獨特的品牌產品、體驗和紀念品有著濃厚的興趣。該平台旨在提高可口可樂全方位活動(即奧林匹克徽章交易中心、贊助的運動員見面會和許多其他活動)的知名度和興奮度。

With social distancing, the shift in purchasing behaviour prompted retailers towards online alternatives. [11,12] As a result, the consumption of Team Coca-Cola products via online channels and home delivery rose about 30%. [13] These understandings of consumer behaviours as they relate to their effect on sales channels helped us define how we connect with our audience both in Japan and globally and how safe digital activations would drive them.
隨著社交疏遠,購買行為的轉變促使零售商轉向線上替代品。 [11,12]由此,可口可樂團隊產品透過線上通路和外送上門的消費量成長了約30%。 [13] 這些對消費者行為及其對銷售管道影響的理解幫助我們定義瞭如何與日本和全球的受眾建立聯繫,以及安全的數位活化將如何推動他們。

Our domestic Japanese audience had been staying indoors, increasing their use of digital for socialising and leisure/entertainment [14], leading Coca-Cola Japan to craft a digital journey for at-home/work engagements to experience together with family and friends. Notably, including the ability to personalise the content to increase engagement between users and the brand platform. [16] Gamification, a tiered reward system, and integrated social sharing would not only inspire a friendly competitiveness between friends and family, but also provide personal gratification and consumer meaning to the platform. [15] Research has also shown a rise in casual and social gaming as more people spend more time and money as part of behavioural changes from COVID-19 [17].
我們的日本國內觀眾一直待在室內,越來越多地使用數位科技進行社交和休閒/娛樂[14],這使得可口可樂日本公司為家庭/工作活動打造了數位化旅程,以便與家人和朋友一起體驗。值得注意的是,包括個人化內容的能力,以增加用戶和品牌平台之間的互動。 [16] 遊戲化、分級獎勵系統和整合的社交分享不僅可以激發朋友和家人之間的友好競爭,還可以為平台提供個人滿足感和消費者意義。 [15] 研究還表明,隨著越來越多的人花費更多的時間和金錢,作為 COVID-19 行為改變的一部分,休閒和社交遊戲有所增加 [17]。

By evaluating the roles and creating a holistic consistent strategy across all activations and touchpoints, the Team Coca-Cola campaign was able to offer a diversity in experiences and consumer activations as well as reaching an all-population target for the first time. The 360-campaign virtual experience offered consumers a chance to engage with each of the brands with unique content and gamification elements and then scale up to the Team Coca-Cola platform and asset portfolio as well.
透過評估角色並在所有激活和接觸點上製定整體一致的策略,可口可樂團隊的活動能夠提供多樣化的體驗和消費者激活,並首次達到了所有人群的目標。 360度行銷活動虛擬體驗為消費者提供了一個機會,透過獨特的內容和遊戲化元素與每個品牌互動,然後擴展到可口可樂團隊平台和資產組合。

Because of the pivot to a digital engagement platform, Japanese mobile devices, digital and cultural behaviours became a key consideration to effectively reach the mass Japanese audience becoming intrinsic to both the concept and executions. [18, 19, 20, 21]. Alongside the well-established D2C platform, Coke ON with over 30m downloads at the time of the Tokyo 2020 Games, there was already strong digital engagement with consumers alongside the popular SNS channels within the market.
由於轉向數位參與平台,日本行動裝置、數位和文化行為成為有效接觸日本大眾受眾的關鍵考量因素,成為概念和執行的內在要素。 [18、19、20、21]。除了成熟的 D2C 平台 Coke ON 在 2020 年東京奧運期間下載量超過 3,000 萬次之外,市場上流行的 SNS 管道也已經與消費者建立了強大的數位互動。

Implementation 執行

Coca-Cola launched its mobile-first, web-app digital platform, “Team Coca-Cola PlayNation” on 14 July 2021 just ahead of the Olympic Torch Relay arriving in Tokyo, in response to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. PlayNation delivered a complete brand and product activation experience that fostered “Togetherness as inclusion through diversity”, activating Team Coca-Cola portfolio and emphasised TCCC’s sustainability commitments.
2021 年 7 月 14 日,在奧運火炬傳遞抵達東京之前,可口可樂推出了其行動優先的網路應用數位平台“Team Coca-Cola PlayNation”,以應對疫情造成的限制。 PlayNation 提供了完整的品牌和產品活化體驗,促進了“透過多元化實現包容性的團結”,激活了可口可樂團隊的產品組合,並強調了 TCCC 的可持續發展承諾。

The platform delivered to Japan’s mobile-centric mass audience content and offers that evolved over the campaign as well as individual games for each of the Team Coca-Cola brands, all crafted to bring people together in a safe way.

To activate “Togetherness” and highlight Coca-Cola’s long history with the Olympic Torch Relay, we created the “Coca-Cola Virtual Torch Relay” designed as a group experience for up to five members. The app tracked each member running specified distances before passing the torch to a friend to run their segment. Players were rewarded with collectible Olympic pins representing Japan’s 47 prefectures.
為了激活“團結”並突出可口可樂在奧運火炬接力方面的悠久歷史,我們創建了“可口可樂虛擬火炬接力”,旨在為最多五名成員提供團體體驗。該應用程式追蹤每個成員跑了指定的距離,然後將火炬傳遞給朋友來跑他們的部分。選手們獲得了代表日本 47 個都道府縣的奧運徽章。

The “Coca-Cola Baseball Pitching Challenge” tested our player’s pitching skills where they tried to control speed and direction within a time limit to earn points and rewards.

“Georgia Coffee Catch” was a simple catch-them-all mini game where players try to collect as many Georgia products as possible inside a time limit for points and rewards. Leader boards and social sharing encouraged gameplay between friends.
「Georgia Coffee Catch」是一款簡單的捕捉所有迷你遊戲,玩家嘗試在限定時間內收集盡可能多的喬治亞產品以獲得積分和獎勵。排行榜和社交分享鼓勵朋友之間的遊戲。

Ayataka Paper Crane Hunt – Much like the game PokemonGo, players hunted in the real world for virtual paper cranes using their phones, GPS positioning, and augmented reality for those playing in Japan. International players could participate via a 2D map-based interface. Players collected Cranes and competed against each other for incentives and discount offers.
Ayataka Paper Crane Hunt – 與 PokemonGo 遊戲非常相似,玩家使用手機、GPS 定位和擴增實境技術在現實世界中尋找虛擬紙鶴(對於在日本玩的玩家來說)。國際玩家可以透過基於 2D 地圖的介面參與。玩家收集起重機並相互競爭以獲得獎勵和折扣優惠。

“Aquarius Aqua-rithm Challenge” was an active and fitness challenge where players participate in six different fitness activities to win points and exchange them for rewards.
《Aquarius Aqua-ritm Challenge》是一項主動健身挑戰賽,玩家透過參與六種不同的健身活動來贏得積分並兌換獎勵。

We used Ilohas water to communicate Coca-Cola’s position on Sustainability and offer tips on upcycling plastic bottles and other sustainable activities.
我們使用 Ilohas 水來傳達可口可樂在永續發展方面的立場,並提供有關塑膠瓶升級改造和其他永續活動的建議。

“It’sON TV” delivered responsive content across the Olympic/Paralympic games including exclusive interviews with Coca-Cola athletes and games highlights.
「It’sON TV」在整個奧運會/殘奧會期間提供響應式內容,包括對可口可樂運動員的獨家採訪和比賽亮點。

Participants were able to participate in the Coca-Cola Olympic Pin Trading Program, a digital pin trading via the CokeOn vending machine mobile-app, where customised set of physical branded Olympic pins was available for collection
參與者能夠參與可口可樂奧運徽章交易計劃,這是一項透過 CokeOn 自動販賣機行動應用程式進行的數位徽章交易,其中可以收集客製化的實體品牌奧運徽章

Rewards varied by tiers and available for redemption daily, ranging from Coke ON coupons (for Japan players) to limited edition image autographed by a Japan national athlete, and a never-before virtual meet-and-greet with the athlete.

Primarily targeted at Japanese consumers, one principal media placement for PlayNation was via the LINE app. It is the leading social media app used by at least 68% of the Japanese population (approximately 84 million users). User demographics were evenly distributed across all age groups, with most citing daily usage of the app. [22, 23]
PlayNation 主要針對日本消費者,其主要媒體投放方式之一是透過 LINE 應用程式。它是至少 68% 的日本人口(約 8,400 萬用戶)使用的領先社交媒體應用程式。用戶人口統計數據均勻分佈在所有年齡段,大多數人都提到了該應用程式的日常使用情況。 [22, 23]

The ad push had a significant outreach on both its official account and on the LINE ads page leading to increased reach and awareness. In tandem with external OOH, print, and other digital media buys that created spikes of engagement sustaining the digital platform with new users through the end of the campaign.
廣告推播在其官方帳號和 LINE 廣告頁面上都取得了顯著的效果,從而提高了覆蓋範圍和認知度。與外部戶外廣告、印刷品和其他數位媒體購買相結合,創造了參與度的高峰,在活動結束時維持數位平台與新用戶的關係。

PlayNation was also integral to the broader Team Coca-Cola campaign that was activated across all brand touchpoints and assets for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. Created in-response to the pandemic, the consumer driven campaign sought to continue demonstrating Coca-Cola’s support to the Games and the athletes coming to Japan. Full array of media touchpoints was activated, including print OOH, TV, social and digital, and in-person experiential through in-store and unique promotions.
PlayNation 也是更廣泛的可口可樂團隊活動的一部分,該活動在2020 年東京奧運會和殘奧會的所有品牌接觸點和資產上啟動。這項消費者驅動的活動是為了應對這一流行病而創建的,旨在繼續展示可口可樂的支持參加奧運會和來到日本的運動員。全方位的媒體接觸點被激活,包括平面戶外、電視、社交和數位媒體,以及透過店內和獨特促銷活動進行的親身體驗。

Performance 表現

The Coca-Cola PlayNation digital platform activation ran between mid-July 2021 to end of September 2021. While a physical pavilion typically sees 150,000 attendees at maximum and its reach is limited to those present in the host country, the digital activation well exceeded this number and included global visitors.
可口可樂PlayNation 數位平台啟動時間為2021 年7 月中旬至2021 年9 月底。雖然實體展館通常最多可容納150,000 名參觀者,並且其覆蓋範圍僅限於主辦國的人員,但數位激活遠遠超過了這個數字並包括全球遊客。

Against the KPI of 500,000 in total of both global and Japanese users on PlayNation, the platform recorded more than 540,000 over the course of the two months the campaign ran. Most users signed in from Japan and through their LINE app, indicating an effective outreach to the primary target audience of the platform. As a more focused measure on the effectiveness, more than 90% were identified as unique and new users. At its peak usage, the platform recorded approximately 20,000 users per hour.
PlayNation 的 KPI 全球和日本用戶總數為 500,000,但在活動開展的兩個月內,該平台的用戶數超過了 540,000。大多數用戶從日本透過 LINE 應用程式登錄,這表明該平台已有效接觸到主要目標受眾。作為衡量有效性的更集中的指標,超過 90% 的用戶被確定為獨特的新用戶。在使用高峰期,該平台每小時約有 20,000 名用戶。

Level of engagement – The average dwell time per user on the platform is just under three minutes, at 2min 55s, against the benchmark of two to four minutes, citing players’ level of interest and engagement to be moderate. The data indicated the game most played was Georgia Coffee Catch, with the highest rate of social media share and brand page views as well. The statistics showed users preference and readiness to engage towards simple game mechanism, compared to the Virtual Torch Relay.
參與度-每位使用者在平台上的平均停留時間為 2 分 55 秒,略低於三分鐘,而基準為 2 至 4 分鐘,玩家的興趣和參與度處於中等水平。數據顯示,玩得最多的遊戲是 Georgia Coffee Catch,其社群媒體分享率和品牌頁面瀏覽量也最高。統計數據顯示,與虛擬火炬接力相比,用戶更喜歡並願意參與簡單的遊戲機制。

The tiered reward redemption rate also indicated level of engagement. The top three redeemed prizes were 1) Coke ON coupons, 2) Digital stickers, and 3) AR filters. The highest redemption rate of Coke ON coupons drove downloads of the Coke ON app to redeem approximately 13k free drinks tickets, correlating to the download and subscription of Coke ON app to drive sales on Coca-Cola Japan’s vending machines contributing towards the overall Coca-Cola Japan’s vending machine channel sales volume. Additionally, our consumers were able to redeem “Pin of the day,” limited edition pin sets, athlete meet and greets, and a long roster of other Team Coca-Cola branded incentives.
分級獎勵兌換率也顯示了參與度。兌換獎品前三名分別是 1) Coke ON 優惠券、2) 數位貼紙和 3) AR 濾鏡。 Coke ON 優惠券的最高兌換率推動了Coke ON 應用程式的下載,兌換了約13,000 張免費飲料券,與Coke ON 應用程式的下載和訂閱相關,推動了可口可樂日本自動販賣機的銷售,為整體可口可樂做出了貢獻日本自動販賣機通路銷售。此外,我們的消費者還能夠兌換「每日徽章」、限量版徽章套裝、運動員見面會和問候,以及一長串其他可口可樂團隊品牌激勵措施。

In conclusion, the Coca-Cola PlayNation digital games hub was a resounding success – a proven and effective example of how brands can use digital channels to capture greater benefits than those normally created through physical activations, particularly the ability to reach a greater audience and positively affect share-of-voice. In an effort to sustain Coca-Cola Japan’s current position as the market leader, this activation reflected an innovative effort by the brand to engage with their consumers and has transformed the company’s approach to future Olympic and Paralympic game time experiences.
總而言之,可口可樂PlayNation 數位遊戲中心取得了巨大的成功,這是一個經過驗證且有效的例子,說明品牌如何利用數位管道獲得比通常透過實體活動創造的更大的利益,特別是能夠吸引更多受眾並積極主動吸引更多受眾。影響話語權。為了維持日本可口可樂目前的市場領導者地位,這項活動體現了該品牌在與消費者互動方面的創新努力,並改變了該公司未來奧運和殘奧會比賽時間體驗的方式。

Lessons learned 得到教訓

Throughout the campaign we tracked both engagement and performance in real-time and adjusted content and call-to-actions to drive better conversion. There were many learnings both along the way and looking back at the end of the campaign.

Our consumers and fans expect a digital experience to compliment physical experiences. This provides Coca-Cola an opportunity to engage well outside the Olympic hosting city, both nationally and globally, and creates a wider audience where more people can participate regardless of where they are physically.

By integrating other owned assets into digital, such as Coca-Cola’s sponsorship of the torch relay, we can create the strongest connection to the core campaign. Brands should identify relevant owned assets early and build a framework around where and how they will play in the overall campaign.

The evolution of product sampling to a digital transaction drives a tremendous opportunity to recruit and drive awareness. By leveraging Coca-Cola digital commerce channels such as CokeOn vending machine app, Amazon, and Rakuten, a more effective cross-channel result was achieved. There still exists a lot of scope to expand this across consumer moments for awareness and consistency.

Experiential activations still play a crucial role for content amplification and storytelling. Brands can drive better retention through unique content that compliments and feeds SNS brand storytelling.
體驗激活對於內容放大和講故事仍然發揮著至關重要的作用。品牌可以透過補充和豐富 SNS 品牌故事的獨特內容來提高保留率。

Digital extends reach beyond the hosting Olympic market. However, in order to achieve the greatest impact, it requires internal early sell-in. Specifically to Coca-Cola’s Olympic activation, they must consider language and locally relevant assets and portfolios to the hosting market, but never lose sight of, and connect back to the interest around the Olympic Games.

With any digital platform, and especially one that includes or leverages users’ personal information, internal digital policies and compliance require early and consistent communication with internal and governmental stakeholders. Marketing teams rarely understand these components and what seems like obvious functionality and user experience is often hindered or restricted by digital compliance. Brands who undertake large consumer digital platforms should engage their internal digital compliance early and often throughout the process.

Coca-Cola employed a “virtual development” model with the agency in a different market. It is an agile and nimble process but brands should not underestimate revisions and testing time. UX design and testing is an iterative process and platform launches are complicated actions that ideally should require 30% of the total deployment schedule. Looking forward, brands should define and align the legacy of the digital platform for future deployment. Coca-Cola looks at PlayNation as v1.0 of a platform model that could extend to 2032 and beyond.
可口可樂與不同市場的代理商採用了「虛擬開發」模式。這是一個靈活的過程,但品牌不應低估修改和測試時間。使用者體驗設計和測試是一個迭代過程,平台啟動是複雜的操作,理想情況下應佔總部署計畫的 30%。展望未來,品牌應該定義和調整數位平台的遺產,以供未來部署。可口可樂將 PlayNation 視為平台模型的 v1.0,可以延續到 2032 年及以後。

Lastly, keep it simple! The most popular gamifications were those that users found the easiest to understand quickly and engage with.

Creative assets 創意資產

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