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2018 Jun 20; 28(18): 1669–1703.
2018年6月20日; 28(18):1669-1703。
Published online 2018 Jun 20. doi: 10.1089/ars.2017.7272 IF: 5.9 Q1 B2
PMCID: PMC5962337 IF: 5.9 Q1 B2

Neurotoxicity Linked to Dysfunctional Metal Ion Homeostasis and Xenobiotic Metal Exposure: Redox Signaling and Oxidative Stress

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Supplementary Materials 补充材料

Abstract 抽象的

Significance: Essential metals such as copper, iron, manganese, and zinc play a role as cofactors in the activity of a wide range of processes involved in cellular homeostasis and survival, as well as during organ and tissue development. Throughout our life span, humans are also exposed to xenobiotic metals from natural and anthropogenic sources, including aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. It is well recognized that alterations in the homeostasis of essential metals and an increased environmental/occupational exposure to xenobiotic metals are linked to several neurological disorders, including neurodegeneration and neurodevelopmental alterations.

Recent Advances: The redox activity of essential metals is key for neuronal homeostasis and brain function. Alterations in redox homeostasis and signaling are central to the pathological consequences of dysfunctional metal ion homeostasis and increased exposure to xenobiotic metals. Both redox-active and redox-inactive metals trigger oxidative stress and damage in the central nervous system, and the exact mechanisms involved are starting to become delineated.

Critical Issues: In this review, we aim to appraise the role of essential metals in determining the redox balance in the brain and the mechanisms by which alterations in the homeostasis of essential metals and exposure to xenobiotic metals disturb the cellular redox balance and signaling. We fo