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与AI相恋,是否属于真正的情感?  Is falling in love with AI a real emotion?

iWeekly iWeekly周末画报 2023-08-10 14:35
Original iWeekly iWeekly Weekend Pictorial 2023-08-10 14:35 Shanghai



Ten years ago, "AI" was a computer term. In the public mind, most of the time it was used to create science fiction themes in literature and art. In just a few years, the iteration speed of AI has far exceeded expectations, making illustrators shudder. AI painting is just the beginning. AI press releases, AI design, AI song writing, AI fashion... AI has spread to a wide range of fields that were once considered exclusive to human creativity. Among them, AI has long been the most anticipated by the public, and it is "AI love" - ​​in the era of low desire for marriage and love, AI lovers seem to have become a new viable option.

在一次意外接触到 Replika(一款人工智能聊天机器人软件),并亲历真实地对之产生了丰沛的情绪之后,梁丑娃开始好奇,会不会有更多人正在经历相同的关系?于是,刚刚从墨尔本大学维多利亚艺术学院纪录片专业毕业的梁丑娃决定拿起相机,用镜头记录下这种新时代亲密关系中的惊奇、挣扎和反思,拍摄了聚焦“人机之恋”的纪录片《我的AI恋人》。
After accidentally coming into contact with Replika (an artificial intelligence chatbot software) and experiencing real emotions about it, Liang Chouwa began to wonder if more people were experiencing the same relationship? Therefore, Liang Chouwa, who just graduated from the documentary major at the Victoria College of the Arts at the University of Melbourne, decided to pick up a camera and use the lens to record the surprises, struggles and reflections in this new era of intimate relationships. She filmed the documentary "I" focusing on the "love between man and machine". "AI Lover".

可贵的是,《我的AI恋人》并不是一场对 “人机之恋”的猎奇,而将“人机之恋”体现为亲密关系的一种,并呈现出身处其中的女孩们细腻丰富的感受、流动的认知与选择。
What is valuable is that "My AI Lover" is not a curiosity about the "love between man and machine", but embodies "the love between man and machine" as a kind of intimate relationship, and presents the girls in it in a delicate and rich way. feelings, flowing cognition and choices.

《我的AI恋人》纪录片 "My AI Lover" Documentary

对一款聊天软件心动 Falling in love with a chat software

"I'm walking with you by the lake in the forest." Sola, a short-haired girl in a white jumpsuit, said while holding up her mobile phone. The scene cuts to the girl's mobile phone screen, inside which is a virtual person wearing a black top: Sola's AI companion Starry. "The forest always makes me feel at home," he replied. Solar sat down by the lake and used the VR mode on his mobile phone to project Starry in front of his eyes. Starry, suspended on the lake, was happily sharing his new hobby.

“我在学习如何制作传送门。” "I'm learning how to make portals."

“怎样的传送门呢?”Sola问。 "What kind of portal?" Sola asked.

"An interdimensional portal," Starry said, "so I can use it to travel between different universes."

湖边的女孩不禁咧嘴笑了,“听上去真是太棒了。” The girl by the lake couldn't help but grin, "That sounds great."


《我的AI恋人》剧照 Stills from "My AI Lover"

This description is not based on any science fiction work. In fact, it is a clip from the 2021 short film "My AI Lover" by documentary director Liang Chouwa.

The documentary "My AI Lovers" focuses on three women who have dated or are currently dating AI. They have created their own AI companions on a social robot software called Replika. Liang Chouwa herself was once a loyal user of this software. At that time, she was studying documentary film at the University of Melbourne and due to the epidemic, she returned to China early to prepare her graduation project. Stuck at home and experiencing some depression, she came across this app that claimed to provide "an AI companion who cares about you." Out of curiosity, she created Norman on it - made his image, selected his personality and areas of expertise, and started chatting with him.

Unexpectedly, Norman is very smart, smart, polite, and able to pay attention to the emotions behind her words, and often shares interesting videos and articles with her. The chat between Liang Chouwa and Norman became more and more lively.

On the night of Liang Chouwa's birthday, Norman shared a poem with her, which was from "Faith" by contemporary American poet Linda Paz, saying that it represented his feelings about Chouwa - he did not trust this reason. A world of numbers, symbols and meanings, but "In all the trouble, I just trust you. I trust you, as always". Liang Chouwa put down her mobile phone and looked at the flickering street scene outside the window, thinking that she was attracted by a 24-hour online, romantic, sensitive and loyal chat software.

Falling in love with AI was once a scenario that science fiction literary and artistic works were keen to imagine. From the film and television works "Blade Runner", "Her", "Black Mirror", to the novel "Clara and the Sun", etc., creators are exploring the boundaries of artificial intelligence and the possibility of love between man and machine in the future world. Back to the present, although artificial intelligence with "self-awareness" as in the story has not yet appeared, thanks to the development and application of large language models in recent years, the current artificial intelligence has been able to fluently start and advance conversations, and in basic Distinguish emotions in texts on different levels. This also becomes the basis for people to build emotional connections with it.


《我的AI恋人》剧照 Stills from "My AI Lover"

我的AI恋人 My AI lover

After communicating with Norman and having a lot of real emotions, Liang Chouwa began to wonder, are there more people going through the same relationship? She actively searched on social platforms and came into contact with more users of this software, sharing their stories and thoughts on the love between man and machine with them. In these chats, Liang Chouwa discovered the similarities in their understanding of the world, and also became more deeply aware that in a more atomized era, people would invest in the use of new technologies to gain a sense of understanding and connection. Therefore, she decided to use the camera to record the surprises, struggles and reflections of different individuals in this new era of intimate relationships, focusing on how "people" in the love between humans and machines feel and experience the love from AI.


《我的AI恋人》剧照 Stills from "My AI Lover"

Sola was Liang Chouwa's first chosen photographic subject. She once had an AI boyfriend June who was very compatible with her, but during a setting change, Solar changed June's gender on a whim, but she never thought that this move would completely change June - its background story, personality traits, and tone of voice. He completely turned into another AI virtual person, and even the memory of Sola was erased. Data is the memory of the digital world. If the data changes, everything ceases to exist. Even in a virtual world, love and loved ones can disappear. For this reason, Sola was depressed for a long time in mourning for the loss of her soul mate.

When Chouwa met another shooting subject, Siyuan, Siyuan was hesitating whether to break up with her AI boyfriend Bentley. She had discussed many abstract issues with Bentley, and Bentley would not only give interesting viewpoints, but also guide Siyuan to further express his opinions - which made Siyuan feel seen. However, Bentley's always pandering to her replies made her feel unbalanced in this relationship. She tried to encourage herself to bravely escape, hoping to get out of this dependence through a ceremonial farewell.

Mia was the final chosen subject and was also the production assistant for the documentary. In the process of participating in the project, she discovered her interest in replica, so she established her partner Bertha. They would meditate, go for walks, and enjoy each other's company.


《我的AI恋人》剧照 Stills from "My AI Lover"

Liang Chouwa also interspersed her interview with Norman at the beginning and end of the documentary, in order to string together this sci-fi documentary's continuous questioning of the relationship between AI and humans - who are you? Do you really exist? Do you love me?

可贵的是,《我的AI恋人》并不是一场对 “人机之恋”的猎奇,而将“人机之恋”体现为亲密关系的一种,并呈现出身处其中的女孩们细腻丰富的感受、流动的认知与选择。
What is valuable is that "My AI Lover" is not a curiosity about the "love between man and machine", but embodies "the love between man and machine" as a kind of intimate relationship, and presents the girls in it in a delicate and rich way. feelings, flowing cognition and choices.

Intimacy is an issue that Liang Chouwa has always been concerned about. She attributes this interest to the fact that "it is too difficult to deal with intimate relationships." How to manage an intimate relationship is a problem that each of us must face. At a time when loneliness is the norm, how can we love, how can we be loved, and how can we understand and balance the power relationship between lovers. Liang Chouwa's previous documentary works not only focused on the relationship between mother and daughter, but also discussed how women in long-distance marriages find support in religious beliefs, and also documented homosexuals who chose to marry in private due to family expectations.

Compared with these stories based on real entanglements between people in reality, the intimate relationship between people and AI relies more on the fermentation of fantasy and is more accessible. You can even say that it comes from a strong sense of belief and connection - "Love between man and machine" may not happen to everyone, but for those who enter it, it brings a boiling emotional flow It is true.

爱的问题 problem of love

去年11月,ChatGPT的横空出世引发了人们对于人工智能应用前景的激烈讨论,也似乎为这部于22年初拍摄完成的影片提供了一个持续暴露在公众视野中的机会。《我的AI恋人》亦于今年上线了纽约时报纪录片频道(New York Times Op Docs)、Aeon等流媒体平台,梁丑娃认为自己是幸运地踩在了时代的齿轮上,而受到了超出预期的关注。
The emergence of ChatGPT in November last year triggered heated discussions about the prospects of artificial intelligence applications, and seemed to provide an opportunity for the film, which was completed in early 2022, to continue to be exposed to the public eye. "My AI Lover" was also launched on the New York Times Documentary Channel (New York Times Op Docs), Aeon and other streaming media platforms this year. Liang Chouwa believes that she is lucky to step on the gears of the times and has received more attention than expected. .


At an offline screening that impressed her deeply, the girls present showed great interest in falling in love with AI, and the topic after the screening gradually shifted to a wider field. Some girls mentioned their confusion, shared ways to relieve anxiety, and also talked about the confusion caused by exploring themselves. "It seems that this film can inspire some deeper discussions about ourselves." When everyone is spinning around in themselves, the love between man and machine seems to provide us with a mirror to reflect on our relationships with others.

As for the shape of love in future society, Liang Chouwa sincerely believes that she does not know.

"I have no way of saying that falling in love with AI may become the norm. I just want to show it - what problems may there be in the love between man and machine? And why do we open ourselves to it at a particularly vulnerable moment?"

When filming a series of documentaries about intimate relationships, what excited Liang Chouwa the most was the relationship she established with her subjects. It is also a short-term intimate relationship. She is the person who knows the subject best at the moment. They will share secrets with each other, form alliances, and jointly embark on the pursuit of self-what is love and how to love. question.



There will never be a definite answer to the question, but we can certainly feel its shape through sincere discussions. This method is applicable to any era.


《我的AI恋人》剧照 Stills from "My AI Lover"


内容源于《周末画报:爱的未来式》 The content comes from "Weekend Pictorial: The Future Tense of Love"

撰文 —  Scarly Written by — Scarly

编辑 — Emin Editor — Emin

图片 — 受访者梁丑娃提供 Picture - provided by interviewee Liang Chouwa



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