這是用戶在 2024-5-26 10:25 為 https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/njk5b3/og_pixel_unlimited_photos_storage_syncthing_gui... 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?
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OG Pixel Unlimited Photos Storage: Syncthing Guide
OG Pixel 無限照片儲存:Syncthing 指南

Pixel 1

With June around the corner, millions of users will lose access to unlimited High Quality Photos storage. If you have an OG Pixel or are willing to spare double-digits dollars, you can easily sync your new phone's captures to your old Pixel for unlimited backup at Original Quality. Below I'll describe how I use Syncthing-Fork to automatically and instantly sync photos with insignificant battery drain. We'll also touch on battery maintenance for the OG Pixel, such as cycling the battery with a smart plug, Tasker, and AutoInput.
六月即將到來,數百萬用戶將失去無限高品質照片存儲的訪問權限。如果您擁有 OG Pixel 或願意花費數十美元,您可以輕鬆將新手機的拍攝內容同步到舊的 Pixel 上,以實現無限原始質量的備份。下面我將描述如何使用 Syncthing-Fork 自動且即時地同步照片,並且對於 OG Pixel 的電池維護,例如使用智能插頭、Tasker 和 AutoInput 進行電池循環,我們也會提及。

Installation and Folder Selection

Syncthing-Fork is a "Syncthing Wrapper for Android." I originally used the official app but battery drain was consistently high and the connection was not stable. The fork resolved both issues for me. Install Syncthing-Fork on both phones so we can select the relevant folders.
Syncthing-Fork 是一個「Syncthing 的 Android 封裝程式」。我原本使用官方應用程式,但電池耗電一直很高,而且連線不穩定。這個封裝程式解決了這兩個問題。在兩部手機上安裝 Syncthing-Fork,這樣我們就可以選擇相關的資料夾。

Open the app and hit Menu (☰) > Web GUI > + Add Folder > General.
打開應用程式並點擊 Menu (☰) > Web GUI > + Add Folder > General

  • Label your folder whatever, e.g. "Camera"
    Label 你的文件夾,例如「相機」

  • Path to the relevant folder, e.g. /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera
    Path 到相關的文件夾,例如 /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera

Go to the Ignore Patterns tab to exclude things. I don't sync thumbnails (high frequency changes) or photos queued for deletion (unimportant) and input *thumbnail* and *trashed* on separate lines in the text box. You may also add paths to subdirectories that should be ignored, such as Messenger. Note the operator guide under the text field.
轉到 Ignore Patterns 標籤以排除事物。我不同步縮略圖(高頻變更)或排隊刪除的照片(不重要),並在文本框中分別輸入 *thumbnail**trashed* 。您還可以添加應忽略的子目錄路徑,例如 Messenger 。請注意文本字段下的操作指南。

Finally, go to the Advanced tab:
最後,前往 Advanced 標籤頁:

  • Type as "Send Only" so external devices can't modify your new phone's files
    Type 作為「僅發送」,以防止外部設備修改您的新手機文件

  • Pull order "Oldest First" because ??? This is unimportant because syncing occurs so frequently that your pool is only 1-2 items.
    Pull order 「最早的先」因為???這不重要,因為同步發生得如此頻繁,您的池中只有 1-2 個項目。

  • Save

Repeat the above steps for additional folders except do not repeat individual Ignore Patterns because we can do it globally later. Finish adding your folders. Remember that subfolders ARE included. Each sync'd folder will contain .stfolder and other .stremoved* files. Removing these files will break your sync. To fix, simply replace the removed file with one of the same name. Learn more about ignoring files here.
重複上述步驟以新增其他資料夾,但不要重複個別的 Ignore Patterns ,因為我們可以在全域範圍內進行。完成新增您的資料夾。請記住,子資料夾是包含在內的。每個同步的資料夾將包含 .stfolder 和其他 .stremoved* 檔案。刪除這些檔案將中斷您的同步。要修復,只需用相同名稱的檔案替換已刪除的檔案。在此處了解更多有關忽略檔案的資訊。

I sync the following folders

  • /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera

  • /storage/emulated/0/Movies/

  • /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/

If you created a folder and specified Ignore patterns, you should have a '.stignore' file in your /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera folder. Copy that to your root direction (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/). Open .stignore with a text editor and it should look like this:
如果您創建了一個文件夾並指定了 Ignore patterns ,您的 /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera 文件夾中應該有一個'.stignore'文件。將其複製到您的根目錄(例如 /storage/emulated/0/ )。使用文本編輯器打開 .stignore ,它應該看起來像這樣:


Right now, it will ignore any files and folders with those terms in their names. Please modify however you want per the linked documentation above. Include directories with respect to the root directory (e.g. !(?d)/Movies/Messages).
現在,它將忽略任何檔案和資料夾,其名稱中包含這些術語。請根據上面連結的文件進行修改。包括相對於根目錄的目錄(例如 !(?d)/Movies/Messages )。

Syncing to OG Pixel
同步至 OG Pixel

On your new phone, Syncthing-Fork > Menu (☰) > Show device ID. On your OG Pixel, Syncthing-Fork > Devices (tab) > Add Device (top right). Tap the QR code button to scan your new phone.
在您的新手機上, Syncthing-Fork > Menu (☰) > Show device ID 。在您的 OG Pixel 上, Syncthing-Fork > Devices (tab) > Add Device (top right) 。點擊 QR 碼按鈕掃描您的新手機。

  • Name it whatever   Name 無論是什麼

  • Introducer enabled because your new phone will introduce stuff
    Introducer 啟用,因為您的新手機將引入新功能

  • I think there was an accept all folders options, or maybe it was in the GUI, Idr.

  • Go to Web GUI

I kinda ran out of steam for this section so ask in the comments if you have trouble. The GUI is pretty straightforward so you should get the hang of it by now.

Battery Health Maintenance

Chargie is one option. Kinda pricey, would not recommend.
Chargie 是一個選擇。有點貴,不推薦。

The absolutely best method requires you have a bootloader unlocked OG Pixel so you can install acc by VR25 alongside AccA by MatteCarra. This method will allow you to directly power the device and bypass the battery entirely. If the device loses power, it will revert to battery. Unfortunately my version is from Verizon (but was only $60 mint condition) so I had to use Tasker and AutoInput.
絕對最好的方法是需要您解鎖啟動程序的 OG Pixel,這樣您就可以在 AccA by MatteCarra 旁邊安裝 acc by VR25。這種方法將允許您直接為設備供電,完全繞過電池。如果設備失去電源,它將恢復到電池供電。不幸的是,我的版本是來自 Verizon(但只花了 60 美元,狀態良好),所以我不得不使用 Tasker 和 AutoInput。

Install Tasker/AutoInput, then go through the setup and accessibility and write secure adb stuff. Each app will walk you through how to do it.
安裝 Tasker/AutoInput,然後進行設置和無障礙設置,並編寫安全的 adb 內容。每個應用程序都會引導您完成操作。

Create two Tasker profiles with state = power and source = AC, and toggle Invert for one. First profile is Invert and turns on the plug when your battery drops too low. Second profile turns off the plug upon your specified charge level. There's some stuff with AutoInput I'm too lazy to explain at the moment, but here's my tasks (to turn on charger, and to turn it off). Link your profile active when power is on (AC not Inverted) to the task that turns off when the battery hits 70. Link the Invert profile to the one that turns on when the battery hits 30. I can confirm it will automatically turn off at 70%. I will update if it doesn't turn on or there are any update. Assume the taskernet link is the most up-to-date.
創建兩個 Tasker 檔案,狀態為 power ,來源為 AC ,並切換 Invert 。第一個檔案是 Invert ,當電池電量過低時開啟插頭。第二個檔案在指定的充電水平時關閉插頭。目前我懶得解釋 AutoInput 的一些東西,但這是我的任務(開啟充電器和關閉充電器)。將你的檔案連結到電源開啟時(交流電而非反相器)的任務,該任務在電池電量達到 70% 時關閉。將反相檔案連結到電池電量達到 30% 時開啟的檔案。我可以確認它會在 70% 自動關閉。如果它不開啟或有任何更新,我會更新的。假設 Taskernet 連結是最新的。

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This is a lot of work to save $20/year for the 100GB Google One plan.
這是一項很大的工作,為了每年省下 20 美元而選擇 100GB 的 Google One 計劃。

Pixel 6a

It may seem silly for photos, but using the OG Pixel to backup videos is amazing. 4k60 videos can be taken without penalty.
對於照片來說,這可能看起來有點傻,但使用 OG Pixel 來備份視頻是令人驚奇的。可以拍攝 4k60 視頻而不會受到懲罰。

4k60 videos can be taken without penalty
可以拍攝 4k60 的影片,不會有任何懲罰

A lot of oversimplification in this thread by people who are not all in the same boat in how they take pictures or use the gphotos service. This clinches it for me. As someone who pays for Google One, knowing that I won't have to choose between rationing my storage data and video quality is a pretty big deal. It's also why I'm still using my OG Pixel as my daily driver and will continue to use it until my telcom no longer supports its data radio bands.
這個帖子中有很多人過於簡化問題,他們在拍照或使用 gphotos 服務方面並不處於同一個位置。這對我來說是個決定性因素。作為一個付費使用 Google One 的人,我知道我不必在存儲數據和視頻質量之間做出選擇,這是一件相當重要的事情。這也是為什麼我仍然使用我的 OG Pixel 作為我的日常手機,並將繼續使用它,直到我的電信公司不再支持它的數據無線電頻段。

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8 Pro , Watch 2

$20/year in perpetuity.
每年 20 美元,永久有效。

If you exceed your free Drive allowance (either naturally or by stopping Google One payment), your Google account is effectively kneecapped:
如果您超出了免费的 Drive 配额(无论是自然超出还是停止 Google One 付款),您的 Google 帐户将被有效地限制

If you go over your storage limit, you won't lose anything. However, you won’t be able to store new files in Google Drive or store new Original quality photos or videos in Google Photos, and you may not be able to receive emails with your Gmail address.
如果您超過存儲限制,您不會丟失任何內容。然而,您將無法在 Google Drive 中存儲新文件,也無法在 Google Photos 中存儲新的原始質量照片或視頻,並且您可能無法使用 Gmail 地址接收郵件。

I will admit this is a better policy than I was expecting (Amazon Photos, for example, will outright delete your photos if you stop paying for Prime). However, the point stands -- once you start storing stuff that counts against Drive allowance, you're effectively locking yourself into a subscription fee to use your Google account normally. That's not something I'm comfortable with, and if I can legally store photos without contributing to the cap, I'll do it.
我承認這比我預期的政策要好得多(例如,如果您停止支付 Prime,Amazon Photos 將直接刪除您的照片)。然而,問題仍然存在-一旦您開始存儲佔用 Drive 配額的內容,您就相當於將自己鎖定在使用 Google 帳戶的訂閱費中。這不是我感到舒適的事情,如果我可以合法地存儲照片而不對配額做出貢獻,我會這樣做。

Potentially not being able to receive emails after exceeding limit seems like a pretty major penalty.


There’s no “potentially” either - if your storage is full you do not receive emails. Happened to my parents recently.

Pixel XL 128GB

Yeah I've been hovering around 97% usage of my free plan for a while because I never delete emails; I just archive them. So I've got an assload of stuff going back to when I was one of the first people on Gmail as a beta back in like spring 04.
是的,我已經在免費計劃上使用了 97%的容量一段時間了,因為我從來不刪除郵件,只是將它們存檔。所以我有一大堆的東西,回溯到我在 2004 年春季成為 Gmail 的首批測試用戶之一的時候。

I've already cleared out my 2004–2008ish and put them in MBOX files that are on my LAN and searchable with elasticsearch and backed up to crashplan.
我已經清理了我的 2004 年至 2008 年左右的郵件,並將它們放在了我的局域網上的 MBOX 文件中,可以使用 elasticsearch 進行搜索,並備份到 crashplan。

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Pixel 7 Pro

Shutterfly still has unlimited photo storage
Shutterfly 仍然具有無限的照片儲存空間

$20/year in perpetuity.  每年 20 美元,永久有效。

So? OP mentioned a device to deal with the battery issue that he paid $60 for. That's 3 years right there. I doubt even if I followed OP's instructions, I probably wouldn't leave it setup for 3 years.
那又怎樣?OP 提到了一個處理電池問題的設備,他花了 60 美元。那就是 3 年的使用期限。我懷疑即使我按照 OP 的指示操作,我可能也不會讓它連續運行 3 年。

$20/yr is nothing. That's barely over a $1.50 a month. You don't need to store your photos or videos in the cloud at all, but if you want that service, this is pretty cheap if you're not a professional needing over 100GB.
$20/yr 是微不足道的。那只是每月 1.50 美元多一点而已。你根本不需要把照片或视频存储在云端,但如果你需要这项服务,这个价格非常便宜,除非你是一个需要超过 100GB 的专业人士。

$20/yr is also only $400 for 20 years.
$20/yr 也只有 20 年的$400。

Pixel XL 128GB

if you're not a professional needing over 100GB.
如果您不是需要超过 100GB 的专业人士。

I'm not a professional. I'm just a dad. I've generated over 100GB in photos and videos using my OG Pixel XL alone.
我不是專業人士。我只是一個爸爸。僅僅使用我的 OG Pixel XL,我已經產生了超過 100GB 的照片和視頻。

I am not a professional either, and I have over 10 TB of images, several million. Put an insurance plan on the OG pixel just so I can replace it when it dies (not if, when. Expected to go through 3 this year)
我也不是專業人士,我有超過 10 TB 的圖片,數百萬張。只是為了在 OG Pixel 壞掉時能夠更換它,我買了一份保險計劃(不是如果,而是當它壞掉時。預計今年要換 3 次)。

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Pixel 6 Pro

I agree this is a very fair price for the service but would also point out that the price per GB is likely to decrease over time to stay competitive with over services. Look at the price of S3 over the past 10 years as an example.
我同意這是一個非常公平的價格,但也要指出,每 GB 的價格很可能會隨著時間的推移而下降,以保持與其他服務的競爭力。以 S3 在過去 10 年的價格為例。

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It was a thought experiment for a while, and then the Photos storage discontinuation announcement happened. I was too lazy to do this and just ponied up for a year of 2TB storage instead.
這是一個思考實驗一段時間,然後照片儲存停用的公告發生了。我太懶惰去做這個,只是選擇支付了一年的 2TB 儲存空間。

But I'm feeling pretty subscriptioned out. Honestly, I don't even want general storage, just Photos features. I don't want Photos separate from Drive/One (ugh, ads for Photos Premium), but it doesn't feel right bundling it with One.
但我已經對訂閱感到厭倦了。老實說,我甚至不想要一般的儲存空間,只想要照片功能。我不想要照片和 Drive/One 分開(呃,為照片高級版打廣告),但將其與 One 捆綁在一起也不太合適。

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I actually have a couple of terabytes of photos and videos. How? Well, amateur photography, aggregating all photos from all sources in a single place, organizing them properly, etc.

If I really wanted to save space, I'd just use XNView to batch convert images to WEBP format and store it all on the phone. But I also need the RAW data, since deciding which ones to delete and which ones to leave is an extremely time-consuming task, so it's best to keep it all.
如果我真的想要節省空間,我會使用 XNView 批量轉換圖片為 WEBP 格式並將其全部存儲在手機上。但我也需要原始數據,因為決定哪些要刪除哪些要保留是一個非常耗時的任務,所以最好全部保留。

Anyway, different use cases.

But there are easier ways. From other sync protocols like BitTorrent Sync, to just having your own cloud, OwnCloud. Or NextCloud, whatever. Hosting costs money, but with an SSH tunnel between a potato server, and my 12TB NAS at home, I have quite a lot of "cloud-like" storage that would've been quite expensive otherwise. Plus I get the added benefit of having something really fast on the LAN.
但有更简单的方法。从其他同步协议,如 BitTorrent Sync,到拥有自己的云存储,OwnCloud。或者 NextCloud,随便。托管需要花钱,但通过一个土豆服务器和我家里的 12TB NAS 之间的 SSH 隧道,我拥有了相当多的“类云”存储,否则将会非常昂贵。此外,我还获得了在局域网上拥有非常快速的额外好处。

But there's a nice satisfying feeling you get on exploiting one of the world's biggest companies. :)
但是當你利用世界上最大的公司之一時,你會感到一種愉快的滿足感。 :)

100GB isn't enough for me. Especially if you upload 4K videos. With the OG pixel, you can even backup full size 4K movies that are over 10GB. You can also backup all your photos taken with a professional camera. If you do that with the 100GB plan, it'll be full in just a few months.
100GB 對我來說不夠用,尤其是當你上傳 4K 視頻時。使用 OG Pixel,你甚至可以備份超過 10GB 的全尺寸 4K 電影。你還可以備份所有用專業相機拍攝的照片。如果你使用 100GB 計劃進行備份,只需幾個月就會滿。

I just checked and I have over 22.000 photos in Google Photos. I don't think 100GB will be enough for that.
我剛剛檢查了一下,我在 Google 相片中有超過 22,000 張照片。我不認為 100GB 足夠。


Please don’t upload ripped movies, that’s one way to get the service pulled for everyone. MS did it after people abused it by doing things like that.

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I’d require the $65 a month plan right now if it wasn’t for my OG pixel. In a few years I’d need to pay hundreds a month.
我現在需要的是每月 65 美元的計劃,如果不是因為我的 OG Pixel 的話。幾年後,我每個月需要支付數百美元。

If you don’t take photos and videos much then sure, don’t bother doing this, but for those of us that do it’s great.

Remember, you’re not everyone. Everyone has different needs.

Edit: I’m in Australia, I don’t need people quoting me the USA prices for google one.
編輯:我在澳大利亞,不需要人們引用美國的 Google One 價格。

Pixel 8 Pro

Then pay for backblaze or a service designed for high capacity data back up. Exploiting the unlimited photo/video upload is why we can't have nice things. Opportunists ruin things for everyone.
然後支付給 Backblaze 或專為高容量數據備份而設計的服務。濫用無限的照片/視頻上傳功能是我們無法擁有好東西的原因。投機者破壞了每個人的利益。

The unlimited capacity is a big part of why a lot of people bought a pixel in the first place

Pixel 8 Pro

Yeah unlimited photos and videos taken by the phone not dump 2tb of your whole life and every raw photos taken on other cameras onto Google photos. People doing that is why Google stopped the unlimited original quality uploads.
是的,用手机拍摄的照片和视频是无限的,而不是将你一生中的 2TB 数据和其他相机拍摄的原始照片全部上传到 Google 相册。人们这样做是导致 Google 停止了无限上传原始质量照片的原因。

So, say I get a pixel 6 when it comes out. You'd be okay with me carrying about my 4 just to use as a camera, but not okay with me talking a picture of the 6, sending it to my 4 then uploading it?
所以,假設我在 Pixel 6 推出時買了一部,你不介意我攜帶著我的 Pixel 4 作為相機使用,但不允許我拍攝 Pixel 6 的照片,然後將其發送到我的 Pixel 4 再上傳,對吧?

I agree that there are ways people abuse this, but I'm not convinced that just using it for your photos is it.

Yeah, that is the point: that is an exploit, albeit for the avarage person this could still be ok. But OP was talking about needing $65 a month now and forecasting hundreds in the future.
是的,這就是重點:這是一種利用,儘管對於普通人來說可能還可以。但是原帖提到現在每月需要 65 美元,未來可能需要數百美元。

It's obvious he isn't an avarage person and has special needs and people like him exploiting the service this way has a negative impact on the rest of the user base.

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It only takes a couple of minutes and it was really nice to see my photos being backed up without any storage being taken up.

100gb won't last. I'd need to pay $100 a year at least and even then that might not last long.

I'm looking at $100 a year at least.


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That’s only local backup though, which isn’t really backup at all.

Cloud backup with Microsoft/Amazon/google is the safest backup you can get essentially.

I have 56TB of NAS space and still backup to OneDrive and Google Photos.

Before anyone says anything, no I don’t upload anything other than photos and videos I’ve taken on my phones to google photos. I’ve got about 2.5TB on there but have 40TB+ of stuff on my NAS’s.

Yeah I have a NAS and streaming server, and pay for 2TB Google One. This is not because I wanted to spend a whole afternoon to save $20 (my time is worth waaay more than that lol). Straight up, I want the Google Photos AI/ML analysis. Easily the most useful feature of the entirety of Google One/Photos to me. If they had a subscription-based Photos API I could point to my media, I might even abandon their storage platform. Most companies use MS Teams anyway.

Pixel XL 128GB

Agreed. The photo analysis is the only feature I care about with Google Photos. It's not the storage. I can already do that myself pretty easily. I'd pay for a box that does that and I have at my house.

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I am methodically going through my paid cloud services to see which I could consolidate to a NAS. I have my Jellyfin setup and transcoding/streaming performance are adequate. I don't really see how personally hosting these photos is functionally better than Google Photos/One. Yes, money, but also, you pay for more. The AI for scene/object/person recognition far exceeds any homebrew or off-the-shelf capability you can find today.

I have the 2TB plan (annual) and hope at the end of my investigation I can downgrade to the 100GB plan or even free. However, it is starting to appear that many of the services I want actually have really niche features that make them so desirable. I can easily archive my data. I want to do more with it, like being able to search for steak and getting every steak picture I've taken so I can cook it better this time. Or, I can search for giftcard and pull up that photo I took of it. I don't want to tag my individual photos for thousands of pics.

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Especially when you can get Google play opinions to offset a little of the cost

Eh, if you know what you're doing and already have an old Pixel you can set it up in under an hour.

Quite Black

Yeah, Definitely under an hour.

I mean, I set it up myself several weeks ago and the longest step was downloading and flashing the latest version of Android for my old Pixel XL. If you're familiar with Syncthing and such already, it's very straightforward.
我的意思是,我自己幾個星期前設置了它,最長的步驟是下載並刷入最新版本的 Android 系統到我的舊 Pixel XL 手機上。如果你已經熟悉 Syncthing 等相關軟件,這個過程非常簡單。

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I found your instructions a bit confusing and incomplete, but you are right that the SyncThing-Fork UI is mostly straightforward and self-explanatory. These are my general steps for creating a SyncThing relationship:
我覺得你的指示有點混亂和不完整,但你是對的,SyncThing-Fork 的使用者界面大多數都很直觀和自解釋。以下是我建立 SyncThing 關係的一般步驟:

Given OGPixel and PicsPhone.
給予 OGPixel 和 PicsPhone。

  1. Install SyncThing-Fork on both phones.
    在兩部手機上安裝 SyncThing-Fork。

  2. On PicsPhone tap the hamburger menu (top left) and select "Show device ID" and a QR code should appear. On OGPixel, tap the central "Devices" tab and then tap the "Add Device" icon (at the top right with no label). The "Add Device" window then appears prompting you to enter in PicsPhone's device ID, which you could do, or you can just tap the little QR code icon to the right and this will open a camera window (you probably need to grant permissions here) which you can then use to scan the QR code on display on PicsPhone. There is nothing you really need to do beyond that (leave all options default) except confirm the name of the PicsPhone device is to your liking (this is for organizational display purposes only) and then tap the checkmark at the top right to save the device. You should now see PicsPhone listed unders the "Devices" tab of OGPixel.
    在 PicsPhone 上點擊漢堡菜單(左上角),然後選擇“顯示設備 ID”,應該會出現一個 QR 碼。在 OGPixel 上,點擊中央的“設備”選項卡,然後點擊右上角沒有標籤的“添加設備”圖標。然後會出現“添加設備”窗口,提示您輸入 PicsPhone 的設備 ID,您可以這樣做,或者您可以直接點擊右側的小 QR 碼圖標,這將打開一個攝像頭窗口(您可能需要在此處授予權限),然後您可以使用該攝像頭掃描 PicsPhone 上顯示的 QR 碼。除此之外,您實際上不需要做任何事情(保留所有默認選項),只需確認 PicsPhone 設備的名稱是否符合您的要求(這僅用於組織顯示目的),然後點擊右上角的勾號保存該設備。現在,您應該在 OGPixel 的“設備”選項卡下看到 PicsPhone 的列表。

  3. Repeat all the steps above except swap PicsPhone and OGPixel so that you are adding OGPixel to PicsPhone. When you are done you should see OGPixel listed under the "Devices" tab of PicsPhone.
    重複上述所有步驟,除了將 PicsPhone 和 OGPixel 交換位置,這樣你就是將 OGPixel 添加到 PicsPhone 上。完成後,你應該在 PicsPhone 的「設備」標籤下看到 OGPixel 的列表。

  4. On PicsPhone, tap on the "Folders" tab on the left side and create a new folder (by tapping the icon at top left), or just edit the default folder which is generally pointed at your DCIM folder already. Here you may want to consider some more settings. Set the display name of your folder (again just for organizational purposes) and make sure the path is pointed to the correct folder containing all the images and videos you want to sync to the OGPixel (and then to Google Photos). The OGPixel device name should be in the "Devices" list of the Folder settings, and it should be ENABLED. "Watch for changes" should be on by default and this is good. "Ignore Patterns" should be set as listed in the OP's post. The default setting for "Folder Type" is "Send Only" and this is fine if you want to maintain complete control over your phone's original files. However, in my case, after my OGPixel uploads photos to the cloud, and then marks the local copies available for deletion, and then after I use the "Free Up Space" feature to actually delete the local files from the OGPixel, I want the original files on PicsPhone to also be automatically removed, so I have set the "Folder Type" to "Send and Receive", so that changes made on the OGPixel also get sent back to PicsPhone. Everything else can remain as default, and you can tap the checkmark at the top right to save the new folder (or to save your changes to the existing folder). The newly edited folder should now reflect its new settings in the "Folder" tab of SyncThing.
    在 PicsPhone 上,點擊左側的「資料夾」選項卡,並創建一個新的資料夾(點擊左上角的圖示),或者只是編輯默認的資料夾,該資料夾通常已指向您的 DCIM 資料夾。在這裡,您可能需要考慮一些其他設置。設置資料夾的顯示名稱(僅用於組織目的),並確保路徑指向包含您要同步到 OGPixel(然後到 Google 相冊)的所有圖像和視頻的正確資料夾。OGPixel 設備名稱應該在「資料夾」設置的「設備」列表中,並且應該啟用。默認情況下,「監視變更」應該是開啟的,這是好的。「忽略模式」應該按照 OP 的帖子中列出的設置。默認的「資料夾類型」設置為「僅發送」,如果您想完全控制手機的原始文件,這是可以的。 然而,在我的情况下,当我的 OGPixel 将照片上传到云端后,然后标记本地副本可供删除,然后在我使用“释放空间”功能实际上从 OGPixel 中删除本地文件后,我希望 PicsPhone 上的原始文件也能自动删除,因此我将“文件夹类型”设置为“发送和接收”,以便在 OGPixel 上进行的更改也会发送回 PicsPhone。其他所有内容可以保持默认设置,您可以点击右上角的复选标记来保存新文件夹(或保存对现有文件夹的更改)。新编辑的文件夹现在应该在 SyncThing 的“文件夹”选项卡中反映其新设置。

  5. Now back on the OGPixel, all that's left to do is add and configure the new folder you just setup on PicsPhone. For this part, it seems the standard interface is inadequate (or I don't know where to find the necessary prompt). So, for this part you should tap the hamburger menu at the top left of OGPIxel SyncThing, and then tap on "Web GUI". On the very first page that opens, you should see a request coming from "PicsPhone* to add the folder you defined in the last step. Accept the request and now you will be prompted to define a local folder on the OGPixel where you will sync the remote folder(on PicsPhone) to. If you want the files that are synced to the OGPixel to go to the Google cloud, then they need to be somewhere (anywhere) in the ../DCIM folder. You could put them directly in the root if the DCIM folder, or if you are like me and have multiple phones syncing to the OGPixel you could put each device's pics in its own folder like ../DCIM/Device1/. Once you have the path set, save your settings and that's it! You should see the two devices start to sync in the normal interface (or the WebGUI).
    現在回到 OGPixel,你只需要添加和配置你剛在 PicsPhone 上設置的新文件夾。對於這一部分,標準界面似乎不夠用(或者我不知道在哪裡找到必要的提示)。所以,對於這一部分,你應該點擊 OGPixel SyncThing 左上角的漢堡菜單,然後點擊“Web GUI”。在打開的第一個頁面上,你應該會看到一個來自“PicsPhone”的請求,要求添加你在上一步中定義的文件夾。接受請求,現在你將被提示在 OGPixel 上定義一個本地文件夾,將遠程文件夾(在 PicsPhone 上)同步到該文件夾中。如果你希望同步到 OGPixel 的文件轉到 Google 雲端,那麼它們需要在../DCIM 文件夾中的某個地方(任何地方)。你可以直接將它們放在 DCIM 文件夾的根目錄下,或者如果你和我一樣有多個手機同步到 OGPixel,你可以將每個設備的照片放在自己的文件夾中,例如../DCIM/Device1/。一旦設置好路徑,保存設置,就完成了!你應該會看到兩個設備開始在正常界面(或 WebGUI)中同步。

Note: You do not need to set any devices as an "Introducer". I get that this can be confusing and ambiguous language, but an "Introducer" isn't the device introducing a folder, rather it is a device in a two-party (first- and second-party) relationship that can introduce any number of other third-party devices (and their shared folders) to the second party. Since I am only interested in one-to-one (or two-party) syncing here, an "Introducer" is not relevant. See more here and here.


Another simple way if you don’t want to do all this and have a windows 10 pc:
如果您不想做所有這些並且有一台 Windows 10 電腦,還有另一種簡單的方法:

Install onedrive on your phone that you use. Set it to auto upload your photos.
在您使用的手機上安裝 OneDrive。將其設置為自動上傳您的照片。

On your windows 10 pc once a month go to your onedrive folder in explorer and right click on the previous months folder in photos and select make available offline. This downloads all the photos to your pc locally.
在您的 Windows 10 電腦上,每個月一次,請在檔案總管中進入您的 OneDrive 資料夾,然後在相片資料夾中右鍵點擊上個月的資料夾,選擇「離線使用」。這將把所有相片下載到您的電腦本地。

Plug your pixel 1 in, copy past photos from pc to pixel dcim folder. When that finishes just delete the photos from the onedrive folder and it will delete them from onedrive and your pc.
將您的 Pixel 1 插入,將照片從電腦複製到 Pixel 的 DCIM 文件夾中。當完成後,只需從 OneDrive 文件夾中刪除照片,它將同時從 OneDrive 和您的電腦中刪除。

Done! Takes all of 5 minutes once a month. I just do it on the 1st of the month every month.
完成!每個月只需要花 5 分鐘的時間。我每個月都在每月的第一天完成它。

Hello, I'm currently looking for methods to help me extend unlimited storage now that the 6 Pro has eliminated free upload. I have a few questions:

Could I connect my future phone to my PC, copy all photos/vids to a folder and transfer it to my pixel (which will then upload it to the cloud storage)?

Granted this extends the time by eliminating auto upload throughout the month using OneDrive, but I want to ask if this is possible?


Yep, works just fine :)

Thanks man, appreciate the quick response!


Not a problem :)

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Omg thank you.. I am not super tech savvy and I was really struggle-bussing on this. I work for a very teeny non-profit historical fighting school and we often shoot videos of students fighting so we can see their progress. Google basically killed our ability to do this and I was looking for a way around it since I do have an old pixel phone. Thanks so much!


Glad I could help :)

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Pixel 3

This definitely could be automated with Windows Scheduler.

Pixel 6 Pro

This isn't fully automated though since it requires input once a month.

Though Why couldn't you right click the folder on windows 10 and click always keep available offline?
為什麼你不能在 Windows 10 上右鍵點擊資料夾,然後點擊始終保持離線可用?

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I'm confused... this is backing up everything to one drive? one drive has free unlimited storage?


Nah it doesn’t but I pay for office 365 so get 1TB which is great as a temp storage.
不,它不提供,但我付費使用 Office 365,所以可以獲得 1TB 的臨時儲存空間,這非常好。

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Sorry, reviving this as just got the Pixel 7 Pro. This method looks a good alternative to the Syncthings for sure.
抱歉,我剛剛入手了 Pixel 7 Pro。這種方法看起來確實是 Syncthings 的一個不錯的替代方案。

I have a question though: after all synching process, in Photos, it will be ordered by date they was shot or the date they were uploaded to photos?

If the latter, not sure if I would like to see them in Photos in a different date they were shot

Thanks!  謝謝!


They’ll go into google photos with the date they were taken :). It just uses the metadata from the photos.
它們將以拍攝日期的方式進入 Google 相片:)。它只使用照片的元數據。

Nice thanks a lot!

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Pixel 4a (5G)

This is a lot of hassle for lots of people. Still if you have a an original pixel lying around not bad .

But the reward of having literally UNLIMITED photo and video storage for photos and videos taken with any device (even professional cameras) is just so awesome.

Pixel 4a (5G)

the limit is 10gb per file for video files. So its definitely great but video these days can go above 10gb keep that in mind.
每個視頻文件的限制是 10GB。所以這絕對很棒,但現在的視頻可能超過 10GB,請記住這一點。

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I started using syncthing on my original pixel a few months ago when I first heard about this.
我在幾個月前開始在我的原始像素上使用 syncthing,當時我第一次聽說這個。

I haven't experienced the battery drain to be significant at all after the first sync. The first sync is a doozie though.

Now, cycling the battery with a smart plug, that's a great idea I hadn't thought of and I'm totally going to do that, thanks!

One thing I haven't considered or experienced yet is deleting files on either device if/when necessary. If I delete files on my "source" phone, what happens to what syncthing does on the pixel? Does it cause any complications with having to re-process metadata, or does the database for the syncthing app handle that without issue?
我尚未考慮或體驗過的一件事是在任一設備上刪除文件(如果需要的話)。如果我在我的「來源」手機上刪除文件,那麼在 Pixel 上的 syncthing 會發生什麼情況?這是否會導致重新處理元數據的複雜性,還是 syncthing 應用程序的數據庫可以輕鬆處理?

Sorry to revive a dead thread but I still get questions here and want to answer some of the major questions.

Delete flags are synced/sent from the source phone and received by the OG Pixel. Thus, Smart Storage setup only on your source phone will effectively work on your OG Pixel (without setup).
刪除標誌從源手機同步/發送並由 OG Pixel 接收。因此,僅在您的源手機上進行的智能存儲設置將在您的 OG Pixel 上有效運作(無需設置)。

However, your OG Pixel may be 32GB like mine and source phone may be >128GB source phone, thus not triggering Smart Storage early enough. You can also setup Smart Storage on your OG Pixel. Mine removes every 30d, and those delete flags are not sent back to my source phone. Further, those deleted files are not then re-synced from source to OG as the database has already marked them synced. You will get a dialog button on the folder that asks if you want to revert local changes (i.e. OG Pixel Smart Storage deleted photos) if you need to re-sync for any reason.
然而,您的 OG Pixel 可能像我的一样是 32GB,而源手机可能是>128GB 的源手机,因此不会及时触发智能存储。您也可以在您的 OG Pixel 上设置智能存储。我的设定是每 30 天删除一次,并且这些删除标记不会发送回我的源手机。此外,这些已删除的文件不会从源手机重新同步到 OG,因为数据库已经标记它们为已同步。如果您需要出于任何原因重新同步,您将在文件夹上获得一个对话框按钮,询问您是否要恢复本地更改(即 OG Pixel 智能存储已删除的照片)。

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I read that you use a smart plug to charge your device in intervals. How did you set it up? So that it starts charging when reaching for example at 20% and stops charging when it reaches 80%.
我看到你使用智能插座来分段充电你的设备。你是如何设置的?比如说当电量达到 20%时开始充电,当电量达到 80%时停止充电。

Thanks in advance!

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But with ACC does Battery Idle Mode really work for you on the OG Pixel? I tried several kernels (King Kernel and Elemental X) and none support it.
但是在 OG Pixel 上,使用 ACC,電池閒置模式真的對你有用嗎?我試過幾個內核(King Kernel 和 Elemental X),都不支援它。

Which version ACC are you using? I don't recall which, but I know my 3 XL had working ACC on Android 10. I can't vouch for the OG Pixel, since mine has VZW bootloader. Try an older version from the github.
你使用的是哪个版本的 ACC?我不记得是哪个版本了,但我知道我的 Pixel 3 XL 在 Android 10 上有可用的 ACC。至于 OG Pixel,我不能担保,因为我的设备有 VZW 引导程序。试试从 GitHub 上下载一个旧版本。

Yeah, the Pixel 3 is confirmed working , but it appears the OG doesn't. I'm on the latest ACCA and ACC that it contains . I'll try to flash the stock kernel ( I use PixelDust and it came with KingKernel) and see if that works, bit i doubt it. Thanks!
是的,Pixel 3 確認可以運作,但 OG 型號似乎不行。我使用最新的 ACCA 和 ACC 版本。我會嘗試刷入原廠核心(我使用 PixelDust,它附帶了 KingKernel),看看是否有效,但我懷疑。謝謝!

Hi, any progress on that? My OG pixel is a verizon set of which I plan to have the bootloader unlocked (some shop in taobao offers to do it remotely for 17 bucks).
嗨,有進展了嗎?我的 OG Pixel 是一台 Verizon 版本的,我打算解鎖開機程式(淘寶上有一家店可以遠程解鎖,價格是 17 美元)。

I'd like to know if the kernel works or should i just stick to automate the plug charge/discharge when the battery drops to 20% or less.
我想知道核心是否有效,或者我應該只是堅持在電池電量降至 20%或更低時自動插入充電/放電。

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Check the readme file linked here, specifically the section titled Idle Mode and Alternatives.
請檢查此處連結的自述文件,特別是標題為 Idle Mode and Alternatives 的部分。

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If you don't mind, is there a more detailed tutorial on the battery management with the acc. I've only been using smart plug to turn on/off the charging when it reaches certain battery level.

Bypassing the battery completely seem to be the better option which I'm not aware of.

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Comment deleted by user

Ppl change build prop on other phones and the photos app says everything is og quality but it actually still uses your storage.

Iirc nobody has been able to figure out just what lets the app know you're on a pixel, i guess cause it's a serverside check (build prop changes locally what the app shows but once the photos hit google servers they end up taking up storage)


Could be anything from phone screen size where media is uploaded from to other specifics not presently included in the build.prop, like the S/N.

Something that accepts legitimate OG Pixel IMEI's and enables Original Quality uploads would make for a good compromise. The first Pixel suffered from faulty microphones, batteries, motherboards, etc. It's going to be really hard owning a working Pixel that isn't waiting for juuust the wrong conditions to die. Hate to sound like old, bitter folk but I remember when the only downfall of good mobile tech was generally understood as battery degradation.

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It's possible out of the box via Android Studio.

As to whether it'll connect to Play Services and upload is another matter.

I wonder if the actual electricity consumption by the OG Pixel is more than 2$ if used for this purpose. That would be hilarious.
我想知道如果用 OG Pixel 来做这个用途,实际的电费消耗是否超过 2 美元。那将会很滑稽。

OG pixel will be $2 per year (assuming 24 h it uses maximum power - not the case).
OG 像素每年将为 2 美元(假设它以最大功率使用 24 小时 - 实际情况并非如此)。

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Not really, since this can save you hundreds/thousands of dollars a year.

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For battery, there was a guy who took the battery out and plugged 3.7V directly. He also add a mini fan and power switch for that contraption. Pretty neat.
對於電池,有一個人把電池拿出來直接插入 3.7V。他還為這個裝置添加了一個小風扇和電源開關。相當不錯。

Link?  連結?

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I've been using mega to sync and tasker to start it since 2 years ago to my pixel 3 from my s10+ .... Since it's stupid that they took back their promise and their hardware is really low-end for me.
我從兩年前開始使用 mega 進行同步,並使用 tasker 來啟動它,從我的 s10+到我的 pixel 3...因為他們撤回了他們的承諾,而且他們的硬體對我來說真的很低端,所以這很愚蠢。

Pair folder in app to camera folder and to Google drive or one drive folder or mega folder
將應用程式中的資料夾配對到相機資料夾,並配對到 Google Drive 或 OneDrive 資料夾或 Mega 資料夾

Then sync them automatically with the app

Additionally I sync them to my Mac with the desktop client and after pixel uploads them drop the folders on my mac to their specific album on Google photos to stay organized
此外,我使用桌面客戶端將它們同步到我的 Mac 上,然後在像素上傳它們後,將文件夾放在我的 Mac 上的特定相冊中,以保持有序

Use either below https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ttxapps.megasync
使用以下任一 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ttxapps.megasync



Just organise everything in the one folder you can sync for free

On pixel camera album all photos in folders will be backed up

If you need more help write me

Pixel 6 Pro

I do something similar, but i use foldersync, and my Google drive as an intermediary.
我做了类似的事情,但我使用文件同步,并将我的 Google 驱动作为中介。

I shoot a lot of drone video, and 4k video starts to take up a lot of space, fast!
我拍了很多無人機影片,而 4K 影片開始佔用了很多空間,速度很快!

I already subscribe to Google one, but this'll help me pay for a cheaper option for longer.
我已經訂閱了 Google One,但這將幫助我以更便宜的價格長期使用。

Also, I'm using my Pixel 3xl for uploading to Google photos - as i understand it, it'll be free, original quality for another year.
此外,我正在使用我的 Pixel 3xl 上傳到 Google 相片 - 據我所知,它將在另一年內免費提供原始品質。

So, do i understand correctly that the original pixel lets you store unlimited original quality forever?

This is a great idea. Thanks for posting. I may have to try and find an original pixel to buy and put on life support (permanently plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi). Although, if this loophole gets abused too much, it wouldn't be hard for Google to put a lid on it by only allowing photos and videos that were shot on the original pixel.
這是一個很棒的主意。謝謝你的發文。我可能得試著找一台原始的 Pixel 買下來,然後讓它一直接通電源並連接到 Wi-Fi。不過,如果這個漏洞被濫用太多,Google 很容易就能夠限制它,只允許使用在原始 Pixel 上拍攝的照片和影片。

Pixel 7 Pro

will plan to use my OG pixel thanks for the trick
將計劃使用我的 OG Pixel,感謝這個技巧

Pixel 6 Pro

Just curious as I haven't tried this out yet. If these are uploaded to Google Photos on a later date, does it reflect in the photo gallery the date as to when the pic/video were truly taken? Or does it reflect the date when the pic/movie was uploaded?
只是好奇,因為我還沒試過這個功能。如果這些照片/影片在之後上傳到 Google 相簿,它會顯示照片庫中的日期是真正拍攝的日期嗎?還是會顯示照片/影片上傳的日期?

It retains all metadata such as device used (all my photos still say taken by 4a 5G) and even location/aperture/ISO/etc. These photos will still be scanned and you can search people by face, or specific scenes. All the same benefits of Photos. Someone mentioned automatic face sharing was not working. This would be an issue if you were setup to automatically share all photos taken of a person. I have a few people I automatically share photos to, so I will need to test a few photos of them.
它保留了所有的元数据,例如使用的设备(我的所有照片仍然显示为由 4a 5G 拍摄)甚至包括位置/光圈/ISO 等。这些照片仍然会被扫描,您可以通过面部或特定场景搜索人物。所有与照片相关的好处都是一样的。有人提到自动面部共享不起作用。如果您设置为自动共享某人拍摄的所有照片,这将是一个问题。我有几个人我自动分享照片给他们,所以我需要测试一些他们的照片。

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I did this a while back, but it completely screwed up my editing workflow on the phone I used to capture the photos. I could no longer save over the original photo and had to use Save as Copy, and then delete the original.

Also, sharing became much more of a hassle.

In the end I stopped it because it was really annoying. Honestly, paying for this service is fine. There is no other service that provides even close to these features, and even so they're either the same price or more expensive.

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Comment deleted by user

Yeah, but the OG has unlimited original quality. If you have an OG you may as well do it with that instead of just high quality.

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All pixels get unlimited high quality forever.

The pixel 3 still has a few months of unlimited original quality uploads.

Pixel 6 Pro

Until the Pixel 6 and later models come out. Seriously google really should just leave the unlimited compressed pic/video option available for it's users. Huge incentive for people to continue using the Pixel line.

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Pixel 6 Pro

i'm trying to set this up, but on the webui, the File Pull Order option under the advanced tab on my non-pixel1 phone shows as disabled and is greyed out so i can't change it for some reason?
我正在嘗試設置這個,但在我的非 Pixel 1 手機的 WebUI 上,高級選項卡下的文件拉取順序選項顯示為禁用並且變灰,所以我無法更改它,不知道為什麼?

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Hmm.. I couldn't get the Tasker profiles to work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
嗯...我無法讓 Tasker 配置文件運作。不確定我做錯了什麼。

  1. Does this require root?

  2. Is there something I need to do in AutoInput?

Did you happen to ever figure this out?

Unfortunately not

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And could you please help me out with the backup function? I would like to only backup and not sync the folder from my phone to pixel.

How to setup syncthing to disregard any deleted photos from my phone? I.e I want them backuped up to 2 folders, one pixel and one on the PC. But if I delete any pictures on my phone they are also deleted on the two synced folders.

I've updated my ignore patterns since this post's inception but haven't updated the post. Here's the new ignore pattern I have on both my source and my syncing device:


Refer to Syncthing documentation for additional info about syntax and functionality.

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This guide and the comments thread is super helpful thank you all.

I have a question that I haven't found addressed in the comments yet:

What workarounds do you guys use to address wear on the internal 32 GB SSD of the Pixel?

I'm wondering if I can rig it this way:

  • plug in a USB-C flash drive (preferably one that also passes power through, if such a thing exists).
    插入一個 USB-C 閃存驅動器(最好是一個也可以通過電源傳輸的,如果有這樣的東西的話)。

  • set up Syncthing so that it syncs photos and videos from my current phone over to the USB-C flash drive.
    設置 Syncthing,使其將我的當前手機上的照片和視頻同步到 USB-C 閃存驅動器。

  • then have Google Photos on the Pixel auto-upload the content.
    然後在 Pixel 上設置 Google 相片自動上傳內容。

I already have Syncthing set up working but I haven't taken the above leaps yet.
我已經設定好了 Syncthing,但我還沒有邁出上述的一步。

I just worry that with shooting lots of videos of my kids who are still really little that I'll wear out the Pixel SSD. And I want to automate this so I don't have to rely on "sneakernet."
我只是擔心拍攝很多我還很小的孩子的視頻會耗損 Pixel SSD。而且我希望能自動化這個過程,不必依賴「 sneakernet」。

I have one OG Pixel 1 that I bought from Google way back in 2016 or 2017 and I bought another on eBay this week to use to sync my wife's content to. I don't want to fuss with trying to sync two people's media to our respective Google accounts with just one phone, that seems like it'd need manual intervention. Plus I like having a second Pixel as an insurance policy.
我有一部 2016 年或 2017 年從 Google 購買的 OG Pixel 1,這週我在 eBay 上又買了一部,用來同步我妻子的內容。我不想試圖用一部手機同步兩個人的媒體到我們各自的 Google 帳戶,這似乎需要手動干預。而且,我喜歡有第二部 Pixel 作為保險。

Thanks for sharing u/Hung_L !! I went with the unlocked bootloader route, installed Magisk, rooted the phone, and installed AccA, then came back and followed your Syncthing-Fork instructions to sync the used pixel with the new phone. Minus all my mistakes, i think total time spent should be less than 30min. With mistakes > 1hr haha. But to me this was a fun weekend project!
感謝分享 u/Hung_L!我選擇了解鎖的啟動程式路線,安裝了 Magisk,對手機進行了 root,然後安裝了 AccA,然後回來按照你的 Syncthing-Fork 指示將已使用的像素與新手機同步。除去我所有的錯誤,我認為總共花費的時間應該少於 30 分鐘。有錯誤的話可能超過 1 小時哈哈。但對我來說,這是一個有趣的週末項目!

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Hey man, I just spent hours (I ran into a few stupid problems) getting my Pixel XL rooted so that I could install ACCA.
嘿,老兄,我剛花了幾個小時(遇到了一些愚蠢的問題)把我的 Pixel XL 刷機成功,這樣我就可以安裝 ACCA 了。

I assume "Prioritize Battery Idle Mode" is the setting I want, but when I do "Test Battery Idle Mode", it tells me that "The kernel does not support battery idle mode."

Do you have any more guidance on this? Probably not since you said you didn't do it on your own phone, but where is your primary source then?

Edit: nevermind, I just realized this has been asked endlessly in this thread.

Edit2: I didn't find any good answers in this thread, but I did find an answer in this thread, specifically this link which comes directly from the author of ACC. I don't really understand what charging_switch=0 does or why that is equivalent to the Battery Idle function (maybe someone here can explain it), but the Test Charging Switch function in the app seems to indicate that the option works. It seems I might also need to use the current_workaround=0 feature, but I have no idea how to find that setting in the ACCA app.
編輯 2:我在這個帖子中沒有找到任何好的答案,但我在這個帖子中找到了一個答案,具體來說是從 ACC 的作者直接提供的這個鏈接。我不太理解 charging_switch=0 的作用,也不知道為什麼它等同於 Battery Idle 函數(也許這裡有人可以解釋一下),但是應用程序中的 Test Charging Switch 函數似乎表明該選項有效。看起來我可能還需要使用 current_workaround=0 功能,但我不知道如何在 ACCA 應用程序中找到該設置。

will this work with a Pixel 4A? is there any modifications that I need to do prior to backing up?
這個能用在 Pixel 4A 上嗎?在備份之前需要做任何修改嗎?

Trying to get a Pixel 7A and that sucker hasn't got any unlimited photo backup privelege right?
試圖購買 Pixel 7A,但該機型沒有無限照片備份特權,對吧?

Sorry for necro posting

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My setup: 我的設置:

  1. Use Syncthing on personal phones to sync to my Desktop (into a NAS network drive) so if my phone breaks durning the month I don't have to worry.
    使用 Syncthing 在个人手机上同步到我的桌面电脑(进入 NAS 网络驱动器),这样如果我的手机在这个月坏了,我就不用担心了。

  2. On the 1st of each month I'll run a script which collects all the photos and videos from multiple phones that were synced to the NAS and divide them into folders with 500 photos and videos.
    每月 1 日,我會運行一個腳本,從多部已同步到 NAS 的手機中收集所有照片和視頻,並將它們分成每個文件夾 500 張照片和視頻。

  3. Turn on my Pixel 1 and open Solid Explorer which has my NAS mounted.
    打開我的 Pixel 1 並打開已經掛載我的 NAS 的 Solid Explorer。

  4. Using Solid Explorer, copy over the folders of 500.
    使用 Solid Explorer,將 500 個文件夾複製過去。

  5. Use the Google Photos share feature to upload all 500 (max of 500).
    使用 Google 相片的分享功能上傳全部 500 張照片(最多 500 張)。

  6. Delete after uploaded.  上傳後刪除。

  7. Use another script to organize photos from the folders of 500 how I organize my photos on my NAS. 2023/03 etc
    使用另一個腳本來整理來自 500 個文件夾的照片,這是我如何在我的 NAS 上整理照片的方式。2023/03 等等。

In Syncthing I have Send & Receive enabled for each folder so that my phone doesn't get cluttered with old photos and I don't have to delete them manually.
在 Syncthing 中,我將每個文件夾的發送和接收功能都啟用,這樣我的手機就不會被舊照片混亂,也不需要手動刪除它們。

I use this to hook up the Pixel to ethernet to get the most reliable connection: https://a.co/d/gjful6V
我使用這個來將 Pixel 連接到以太網,以獲得最可靠的連接:https://a.co/d/gjful6V

Anything for iPhone users? I have the OG Pixel, but recently switched. Syncthing isn't on the App Store.
有什麼適用於 iPhone 用戶的嗎?我有 OG Pixel,但最近換了手機。Syncthing 不在 App Store 上。

Try Möbius Sync. I cannot vouch for it, but I am preparing part 2 of this guide where I will investigate options for syncing multiple accounts to one Pixel and having independent storage backups. I think it should be straightforward, but I don't feel like tinkering at the moment.
試試 Möbius Sync。我不能保證它的效果,但我正在準備這個指南的第二部分,我將在其中探討將多個帳戶同步到一個 Pixel 並進行獨立備份存儲的選項。我認為這應該很簡單,但我現在不想動手。

Please let me know if it works for you, because I'll have to try it myself in the next couple weeks.

Just Black

Thanks for the detailed guide, looking forward to the Part 2

I tried it but currently Möbius Sync does not have access to Photos and Videos on iOS.
我試過了,但目前 Möbius Sync 在 iOS 上無法存取照片和影片。

Any alternatives? I plan to sync from my iOS device to Pixel XL and upload from there.
有其他選擇嗎?我打算從我的 iOS 設備同步到 Pixel XL,然後從那裡上傳。

Pull order "Oldest First is greyed out.

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That would be amazing. I look forward to that write up.

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I use PhotoSync on iOS to do daily FTP syncs to my OG Pixel
我在 iOS 上使用 PhotoSync 每天同步到我的 OG Pixel 的 FTP

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So much unnecessary work.

Just do a cheapo NAS or have a dedicated drive on your PC and sync all your files and photos to it wirelessly every night. Or both for a backup.
只需做一個便宜的 NAS,或在您的個人電腦上設置一個專用硬碟,每晚無線同步所有文件和照片。或者兩者都做,以作為備份。


That’s still only local backups, which is essentially no backups.

Also google photos offers amazing features and access no matter where you are or what device you’re on.
Google 相片還提供了令人驚艷的功能和無論您身在何處或使用何種設備都能使用的便利。

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This is no harder than configuring a traditional NAS (prob easier), although price is comparable to an 8TB NAS built from bargain parts. However, where's the Google Photos API I can use to scan, analyze, and tag all my photos? That's really what Photos means to me: a photo management tool. The storage is just a necessary evil. I am already paying for 2TB, I just want to downsize. I don't even use 100GB of it because all my photos were uploaded through my 3 XL.
這並不比配置傳統的 NAS 難(可能更容易),儘管價格與由廉價零件組建的 8TB NAS 相當。然而,Google 相片 API 在哪裡?我可以用它來掃描、分析和標記所有我的照片嗎?這對我來說才是相片管理工具的真正意義。儲存只是一個必要的惡。我已經支付了 2TB 的費用,我只想縮小容量。因為我所有的照片都是通過我的 3 XL 上傳的,所以我甚至沒有使用 100GB 的空間。

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This is great! I've been eyeballing this on my 96TB usable FreeNAS server with the deadline coming up but I've been dragging my feet because it seems like it'll be a good bit of work but this guide is super helpful.
這太棒了!我一直在 96TB 可用的 FreeNAS 伺服器上盯著這個,截止日期快到了,但我一直拖延,因為這似乎是一項相當大的工作,但這個指南非常有幫助。

You know, sometimes I wonder why Google is so bipolar about going back and forth on terms like "unlimited" in ways that really impact average users who will only ever have like 300GB of videos and photos in their accounts over their entire life. Like, why nickel and dime us?
你知道嗎,有時候我在想為什麼 Google 對於像「無限」這樣的術語來回搖擺,對那些只會在一生中在他們的帳戶中擁有大約 300GB 的視頻和照片的普通用戶產生如此大的影響。就像,為什麼要對我們計較那些小錢呢?

Then I realize these poor fucking engineers have to work against people who come hot blowing through 96 terabytes of goddamn server space and I feel a lot less confused why they have to walk back terms like "free" and "unlimited."
然後我意識到這些可憐的工程師們必須對抗那些通過 96 TB 的該死伺服器空間熱風吹過來的人,我對他們為什麼不得不收回「免費」和「無限」這樣的術語感到不再困惑。

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I've been using Syncthing to get the files over to my nas (send only) and then a cron job to rsync the files to the folder that Plex is looking at. It's been working perfectly for me and now I don't worry about using too much storage.
我一直在使用 Syncthing 將文件傳輸到我的 NAS(僅發送),然後使用 cron 工作來將文件同步到 Plex 正在查看的文件夾中。對我來說,這一切都運作得非常完美,現在我不再擔心使用太多的存儲空間了。

rsync -rltgoDu /ZFS/Storage/Pool/Syncthing/'Pixel 3 camera'/Camera/ /ZFS/Storage/Pool/Plex/Media/Pictures/Pixel3

Syncthing has become one of my favorite programs because of how well it works.
Syncthing 成為我最喜愛的程式之一,因為它運作得非常好。

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Or you can sync your photos to dropbox (android/ios) and then you downkoad "dropsync app" on your pixel and choose to aync your photos and you are done!! Oh and sont forget to disable photo backup on your device and enable it on the pixel...


Comment deleted by user

Photo management and viewing is atrocious on the onedrive app though

Pixel 6

If you can find a kernel or something that enables Battery Idle mode on your rooted pixel with ACC, that will cause the Pixel to get power off the power line directly rather than cycling the battery. There's also instructions for putting your phone into pseudo battery idle mode if you can get that working.

Doesn't the pixel's stock kernel support this already though?

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I have an issue and I don't know how to fix it. Phone 1 sends images to Phone 2 via Syncthing. Phone 2 uploads the photos on google photos, but when I'm deleting the photos from Phone 1, Phone 2 deletes also the images from internal storage but also from Google Photos. How can I fix this? What I'm missing from my setup? Thanks!

How do you solve uneven storage spaces? If for example my backup phone would only have 32GBs of ROM but I got 100GBs+ of raw footages on a new phone

Pixel 8 Pro

Or just get the Google one plan and backup from your phone


Check out the price of google one once you hit 2TB.

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Thanks for writing this up. When I set this up all my auto updating shared face albums stop updating. The photos were backed up (seen on photos.google.com) and would recognize the faces but just wouldn't share them automatically. I have been going back and forth with google support for 6 weeks or so with no luck

The only workaround I figured out was to backup the photos on my pixel to a second google account, then set up a partner account to my main google account set to auto save all photos shared. That way the albums update automatically

Quite Black

I've heard of this not working for somebody else as well. That's a neat workaround.

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Thanks for posting this. Right now I copy stuff manually over the pixel 1


Yeah no thanks. I'll just use my 48tb NAS.

People keep saying this, but where is the Photo API I can use to scan, analyze, and tag my photos for searching? I can search for scenes (mountain range, street, indoors, etc) and objects (steak, family, pets, bikes) and all kinds of categories (night-time, documents, license plates, panorama, 360).

Every tool has a different use. Google Photos != NAS storage alone. Honestly, if I could, I would use a Photos API because I already have an 8TB media server and I don't have enough media to fill half. Also, I take an average amount of photos (<3GB/month) so it would take me forever to realize the benefits of my current 2TB plan. Rather than pay for future storage... but now, I'll offset my biggest storage category. I'll probably downsize to the 100GB plan after this.

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Thank you!!!!!!


I've been thinking about this more. Will this actually work? If so, I'd consider getting a cheap used OG pixel strictly for this purpose...at least to back up videos from my other phones/cameras. I already have Amazon Photos with my Prime subscription, but that does not include unlimited videos. I am not yet sold on getting any of the newer Pixels for the price they are going for right now.

However, I remember seeing a Google forum post saying that the photos/videos have to be taken by the OG Pixel (not even edited by other apps) for the free unlimited original quality storage. Not sure exactly how they enforce this, though, as my guess is a vast majority of photos go through some edits before being shared.

Does uploading with another phones Metadata even from an OG pixel count it towards the "nonfree" data cap?

It does not. I've tested it with content created on iPhones, later model Pixels, and a professional Nikon camera.

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Syncthing - Phteven

Pixel 6 Pro

I do have a question with Synthing. Let's say I have it setup to sync w/ my Pixel 5 to my Pixel 1. If I decide to power off the Pixel 1 (for power saving purposes) will Synthing defer the synchronization since it's unable to communicate w/ the Pixel 1 or just repeatedly throw out some error message? I don't know much about that application, but ideally if I follow this guide, I'd like to do it where I turn on the Pixel 1 maybe once a week to blast everything from my Pixel 5 to the Pixel 1.


You mention bypassing the battery, i didn't know the og pixel had passthrough charging?

Sane question

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Pixel 3 XL & Pixel 2 XL

Kind of curious why this post from ~5 months ago only got half as much traction as the one from six months back. Anyone else able to compare and contrast the process(es) here? https://old.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/l9m6nk/how_to_use_og_pixel_as_an_unlimited_google_photos/

u/Hung_L I assume you are using some sort of wifi outlet/plug to stop charging right. I don't think google assistant can toggle charging on the phone itself.

Yeah I use a smart plug. If I had a bootloader unlockable one I'd use AccA. Check the last section.

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Hi! Any advice on:

  1. How to remove the synced photos from the new Pixel device?

  2. How to make sure that cleaning up the photos that are uploaded to Google are not re-synced?

I guess 1 and 2 are canceling each other out anyway. Otherwise, what's the point of this app if you can't just move the files instead of copying and trying to always keep in sync? It's not like both Pixels have unlimited physical storage

Thank you

Use Smart Storage to delete local photos that are (1) >2 months old and (2) already backed up. You can set SyncThing to only sync files and to ignore deletions. That way you can have your OG Pixel delete monthly if you need the space while your new/current pixel doesn't delete anything (or you can set different smart storage conditions).

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Pixel 1 XL

this is pretty exciting information. The unlimited original quality storage is the best thing about the Pixel phone and I'd hate to lose it if I buy a new phone.

I'm gonna have to give this a more thorough read later once I figure out how to root my phone.

I know this is an old thread, but I've been using nearby share and am just getting to use st. I have the .stignore file in the root of my internal storage, with the trashed and thumbnail parameters, but all my .trashed files are getting moved over. Can anyone help me out?

Also, question: if I use the "free up space" option on my og pixel (receive only) will all those files get copied over again from my pixel 6p (send only) next time they sync?

Oh I never tested to confirm the ignore patterns worked. You're right and they haven't been working on my subfolders. I believe it's my ignore pattern syntax that is the issue but I'll have to test more and don't feel like it. Try the below and see if it works. I just changed my ignore patterns to it and will try to report back if anything comes up. Refer to the documentation for further explanation. This pattern should catch everything without too many false positives.


I believe the .thumbnails\ folder will be created on the OG Pixel even if it isn't synced, and the files within that folder aren't ignored for some reason. Oh well. I can't think of a workaround.

Regarding your question about freeing up space:

Delete flags are synced/sent from the source phone and received by the OG Pixel. Thus, Smart Storage setup only on your source phone will effectively work on your OG Pixel (without setup).

However, your OG Pixel may be 32GB like mine and source phone may be >128GB source phone, thus not triggering Smart Storage early enough. You can also setup Smart Storage on your OG Pixel. Mine removes every 30d, and those delete flags are not sent back to my source phone. Further, those deleted files are not then re-synced from source to OG as the database has already marked them synced. You will get a dialog button on the folder that asks if you want to revert local changes (i.e. OG Pixel Smart Storage deleted photos) if you need to re-sync for any reason.

free up space

Were you able to figure out a way around freeing up space and resyncing of files?

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For photos that are already in Photos, does reuploading that same image through the OG Pixel create a duplicate? Does it convert the already uploaded image to count as pulling from the "unlimited" bucket instead of counting against my Drive space? Wondering if taking this on as a project would require me to basically pull all my photos and videos from Photos just to reupload them again, or if I can forego removing them from Photos in the first place.

Hi, I just got an OG Pixel XL for this purpose. I have previous files in my google photos now that are taking up storage space. I have backups of these photos on my local pc. Can I just delete all the files in my google photos, and then transfer the backup copies back to the OG Pixel XL so it uploads them again at the free storage?

Is it basically a matter of throwing files into the DCIM folder on the OG Pixel and it will upload whatever is there?

What about the files in the Google Photos folder, seems I could delete those also? I think these dont take up space anyway, something about how they separated the storage from google photos and google drive.


Can I just delete all the files in my google photos, and then transfer the backup copies back to the OG Pixel XL so it uploads them again at the free storage?

Is it basically a matter of throwing files into the DCIM folder on the OG Pixel and it will upload whatever is there?

What about the files in the Google Photos folder, seems I could delete those also? I think these dont take up space anyway, something about how they separated the storage from google photos and google drive.

Yes, this is how I migrated. I also recommend enabling Smart Storage so your OG Pixel will automatically delete old (and already backed up) media as to avoid filling up the space. For anyone who has not already made the leap, the 32GB is fine. You won't ever have to worry about on-device storage if you enable Smart Storage across all your synced devices.

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Quite Black

u/Hung_L know why I might be getting duplicate photos?

One says "Backed up / Original quality", the other says "On device" as well. When I delete the one that says "On device" it still stays in my Photos.

Edit: Figured it out. I had photos on my internal storage for some reason that copied over to the new phone. When I set up Syncthing, it synced it as well and re-uploaded it. Sorted Google Photos by upload date and deleted them all.

I use the setup for a while now and for the past few weeks I notice that it takes a lot of time to process uploaded videos. At least, few days. Does anyone else have the problem?

So using acc and ACCA allows you to use passthrough like on PC ?? Hella cool

How do you delete the photo on your source phone once it is backed-up by the OG pixel? I am not able to solve this. Each time i delete it starts syncing again.

You need to set it up correctly. Ctrl + F "Send Only" and re-read those portions. It may help you draw it out and label stuff if it's not clear what should be Introducer and Send Only.

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Two issues for me with the setup (on my new P7) as I am just now trying this out. Been using Syncthings until now trying ST Fork.

1st issue:

"Finally, go to the Advanced tab:Type as "Send Only" so external devices can't modify your new phone's files"


I can only find an "Advanced" option from the Web GUI>then going into Settings tab. Once I select that I see nowhere to type anything. I get a warning that I can screw things up and some options to pick. I looked at them all and see no place to type anything. Maybe things have changed?

2nd issue:

Syncthings fork has automatically added a folder called "Android Camera" with the path "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM"

So my understanding is that folder and its subfolders may be all I need. Please confirm.

I also followed the directions here to add a folder and I titled it as "Camera" as described.

That folder's default path is "/storage/emulated/0/Camera"

So it does not have DCIM in the path.

If I do not need this folder at all I can delete it. If I do need this folder's path to include DCIM, how can I edit the path?


Don't be evil

Wow, syncthing fork is a complete disaster of an app. Utter nightmare hellmaze to navigate.


maybe im missing something, but if you have many photos to upload, and the pixel storage is like 30gb, how do you upload more than 30gb? where does it delete the photos from the phone to make room for new ones?

Does this also work with two profiles on the OG Pixel?
My wife and I got new phones and we had one old OG Pixel. My idea is to have two profile on the OG Pixel and sync our pictures to our own profile with our own google account to uploud the pictures in seperat own google photo accounts?

Pixel 3a XL


Is there a way to like when I delete a photo in my main phone it doesn't delete on the pixel?? So I can remove my photos to have more space ?

Pixel 6 Pro

2 years later and I found this guide very helpful in setting things up, but I noticed that the OG pixel only backs up the photos when the phone is active and I open the photos app. I disabled battery optimization for Photos but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Are there any specific settings you set up on the OG to have it upload photos when idle? Or am I just being impatient (it's only been a few hours since I synced new photos to it)

The microphone icon will now trigger Search results in response to your queries, which is its most popular use case. You can continue to activate Assistant as you always have: Just say “Hey Google” or long press on the home or power button (on select phones) on Android, or open the Google Assistant app on iOS. But you’ll no longer be able to use the microphone icon in the Search bar to complete actions like “turn on the lights” or “send a message.” This includes the microphone in the Pixel Search bar, which will now activate Voice Search instead of Assistant. And to ensure you have access to the best, most up-to-date version of Google Assistant, you’ll be prompted to upgrade the Google app if you’re using an older version (v12 and older).


Is smart plug part of the requirement for battery health care with Tasker/AutoInput?

These instructions are confiusing. Is there an Idiot version to this?

What's the purpose of the battery maintenance stuff... If I leave the og pixel plugged in, will the battery somehow degrade over time?

Pixel XL 128GB

If you tell everyone how to do this, Google will disable it.

Pixel 4 XL

This is why we can't have nice things, because people will just abuse the shit out of it.