這是用戶在 2024-10-26 15:46 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/3918e781-1ad1-4cae-8bfa-a0ded0b2e08b 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?






  1. 「他愛我們」,聖保羅如此說基督(參見羅馬書 8:37),以使我們意識到,沒有什麼能夠「使我們與這愛隔絕」(羅馬書 8:39)。保羅能如此確信,因為耶穌自己曾告訴他的門徒:「我愛你們」(約翰福音 15:9, 12)。即使在現在,主也對我們說:「我稱你們為朋友」(約翰福音 15:15)。他那開放的心在我們之前,無條件地等待著我們,只要求給我們他的愛與友誼。因為「他先愛了我們」(參見約翰一書 4:10)。因為耶穌,「我們已經認識並相信神對我們的愛」(約翰一書 4:16)。



  1. 心的象徵常被用來表達耶穌基督的愛。有些人質疑這個象徵在今天是否仍然有意義。然而,生活在這個表面化的時代,我們匆忙地從一件事跳到另一件事,卻不真正知道為什麼,最終成為無法滿足的消費者,成為對市場機制的奴隸,而這些機制對我們生活的深層意義毫不在意,我們所有人都需要重新發現心的重要性。


  1. 在古典希臘語中,kardía 這個詞表示人類、動物和植物的內心深處。對於荷馬來說,它不僅指身體的中心,還代表人類的靈魂和精神。在《伊利亞特》中,思想和感情源自心臟,彼此緊密相連。心臟被視為欲望的所在和重要決策形成的地方。在柏拉圖的著作中,心臟似乎用來統合個體的理性和本能方面。


  2. 聖經告訴我們,「神的道是活潑的,是有功效的……能夠判斷心思意念」(希伯來書 4:12)。這樣,它向我們講述了心靈作為一個核心,隱藏在所有外在表象之下,甚至在那些可能使我們偏離的表面思想之下。以馬忤斯的門徒在與復活的基督同行的神秘旅程中,經歷了一刻的痛苦、困惑、絕望和失望。然而,超越這一切,儘管如此,他們內心深處卻發生了某種事情:「他在路上與我們講話的時候,我們的心豈不是在裡面燒著嗎?」(路加福音 24:32)。

  3. 心臟也是誠實的所在,欺騙和偽裝無法立足。它通常表明我們真正的意圖,我們真正的想法、信念和渴望,那些我們不告訴任何人的“秘密”:簡而言之,就是關於我們自己的赤裸真相。它是我們的一部分,既不是外表也不是幻覺,而是真實的、真誠的,完全是“我們是誰”。這就是為什麼參孫對大利拉隱瞞了他力量的秘密時,她問他:“你怎能說‘我愛你’,當你的心不在我這裡?”(士 16:15)。只有當參孫向她敞開心扉時,她才意識到“他已經告訴了她他的全部秘密”(士 16:18)。

  4. 每個人的內心現實常常隱藏在大量的「葉子」之後,這使得我們不僅難以理解自己,更難以了解他人:「心比萬物都詭詐,壞到極處,誰能識透呢?」(耶利米書 17:9)。因此,我們可以理解《箴言》的建議:「你要保守你的心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出;要遠離彎曲的口。」(4:23-24)。僅僅是表面、虛偽和欺騙會傷害並扭曲心靈。儘管我們每次都試圖表現出與我們實際不符的樣子,但我們的心才是最終的裁判,不是對我們向他人展示或隱藏的東西,而是對我們真正的自我。它是任何健全生活計劃的基礎;沒有心靈的參與,任何有價值的事情都無法進行。虛假的表象和不真實的事物最終只會讓我們一無所獲。

  5. 作為一個例子,我想重述我之前在其他場合講過的一個故事。“在我們小時候的嘉年華,奶奶會用非常薄的麵糊做一種糕點。當她把麵糊條放入油中時,它們會膨脹,但當我們咬下去時,裡面卻是空的。在我們所說的方言中,那些餅乾被稱為‘謊言’……奶奶解釋了原因:‘就像謊言,它們看起來很大,但裡面是空的;它們是虛假的,不真實的’”。

  6. 與其追逐表面的滿足和為他人扮演角色,我們不如思考生活中真正重要的問題。我究竟是誰?我到底是什麼?



  1. 在這個“流動”的世界裡,我們需要再次談論心靈,思考這個每個人、每個階層和狀況都能創造合成的地方,在這裡他們遇見自己力量、信念、熱情和決策的根源。然而,我們發現自己沉浸在一個連續消費者的社會中,日復一日地生活,受到快節奏的支配,並被科技轟炸,缺乏參與內心生活所需的耐心。當代社會中,人們“冒著失去自我中心的風險”。[6] “事實上,我們時代的男女常常感到困惑和撕裂,幾乎失去了能在他們的生活和行動中創造統一與和諧的內在原則。可悲的是,現在普遍存在的行為模式要麼誇大了我們的理性科技維度,要麼則是我們的本能。”[7] 心靈的空間已不復存在。

  2. 當今流動社會所提出的問題被廣泛討論,但對我們人性的深層核心——心靈的貶值卻有著更悠久的歷史。我們在希臘和前基督教的理性主義中已經可以找到它的存在,在後基督教的理想主義和各種形式的唯物主義中也同樣如此。心靈在人類學中被忽視,而偉大的哲學傳統則將其視為外來概念,更偏好理性、意志或自由等其他概念。這個術語的意義本身不精確,且難以在我們的人類經驗中定位。也許這是因為將其視為“清晰而明確的概念”是困難的,或者因為它涉及自我理解的問題,而我們內心最深處的部分恰恰是最不為人知的。即使是與他人的相遇,也不一定能證明是自我相遇,因為我們的思維模式受到不健康的個人主義的主導。許多人在更易於控制的智力和意志領域中構建自己的思維體系時感到更安全。 未能為心靈留出空間,與我們的人類能力和激情相互隔離地看待,導致了個人中心概念的萎縮,而愛,最終,是能夠統一所有其他現實的唯一真實。

  3. 如果我們貶低心靈,我們也貶低了從心靈說話、用心靈行動、培養和療癒心靈的意義。如果我們未能欣賞心靈的特殊性,我們就會錯過心智無法傳達的訊息;我們會錯過與他人相遇的豐富性;我們會錯過詩意。我們也會失去對歷史和自己過去的追溯,因為我們真正的個人歷史是以心靈為基礎的。在我們生命的終點,這一點才是最重要的。

  4. 必須說,我們有一顆心,一顆與其他心共存的心,這些心幫助著我們


  5. 我們所有的行動都需要置於心靈的「政治規範」之下。這樣,我們的侵略性和執著的欲望將在心靈所提議的更大善良中找到安息,並在心靈抵抗邪惡的力量中得到平靜。心智和意志通過感知和品味真理來服務於更大的善,而不是像科學那樣試圖掌握它們。意志渴望心靈所認識的更大善,而想像力和情感則由心跳的節奏所引導。

  6. 可以說,我就是我的心,因為我的心使我與眾不同,塑造了我的精神身份,並使我與他人建立聯繫。數位世界中的算法顯示,我們的思想和意志比我們之前想的要“統一”得多。它們很容易被預測,因此也能被操控。但心卻不是這樣。

  7. “心”這個詞在哲學和神學中證明了其價值,因為它們努力達成一個整體的綜合。它的意義也無法被生物學、心理學、人類學或任何其他科學所耗盡。這是那些原始詞彙之一,它們“描述屬於人的現實,正是因為他作為一個整體(作為一個身心合一的人)”。因此,當生物學家討論心臟時,他們並不是更“現實”,因為他們只看到它的一個方面;整體並不較不真實,反而更真實。抽象的語言也永遠無法獲得相同的具體和整合的意義。“心”這個詞喚起了我們個體的最深處,因此使我們能夠在完整性中理解自己,而不僅僅是在一個孤立的方面下。

  8. 這種獨特的心靈力量也幫助我們理解為什麼,當我們用心靈去把握一個現實時,我們會更好、更全面地了解它。這不可避免地引導我們走向心靈所能夠體驗的愛,因為「現實的最深核心是愛」。對於海德格,根據一位當代思想家的詮釋,哲學並不是從一個簡單的概念或確定性開始,而是從一種震撼開始:「思想必須被激發,才能開始與概念一起運作,或者在與它們一起運作的過程中。沒有深刻的情感,思想無法開始。因此,第一個心理形象就是雞皮疙瘩。最初激發人們思考和提問的正是深刻的情感。哲學總是發生在此。



  1. 同時,心靈使所有真摯的聯結成為可能,因為一段未經心靈塑造的關係無法克服個人主義所造成的碎片化。兩個單子可能會互相接近,但他們永遠無法真正連結。一個被自戀和自我中心主導的社會將越來越變得「無心」。這將進而導致「渴望的喪失」,因為當其他人從視野中消失時,我們發現自己被困在自己建造的牆壁內,無法再建立健康的關係。因此,我們也變得無法對上帝保持開放。正如海德格所言,對神聖保持開放,我們需要建立一個「客廳」。

  2. 我們看到,每個人的心中都有一種神秘的聯繫,這種聯繫存在於自我認知與對他人的開放之間,存在於與個人獨特性的相遇與願意將自己奉獻給他人之間。我們只有在獲得承認他人的能力的程度上才能成為自己,而只有那些能夠承認和接受自己的人,才能夠與他人相遇。

  3. 心靈也能夠統一和調和我們的個人歷史,這可能看起來無法挽回地支離破碎,但卻是所有事物能夠有意義的地方。福音告訴我們這一點,提到我們的聖母,她用心靈看待事物。她能夠通過在心中思考來與她所經歷的事物對話,珍藏它們的記憶,並從更大的視角來看待它們。心靈思考的最佳表達可以在聖路加福音的兩段經文中找到,這些經文告訴我們瑪利亞「珍藏(synetérel)所有這些事物,並在她的心中思考(symbállousa)」(參見路加福音 2:19 和 51)。希臘動詞 symbállein,「思考」,喚起了將兩件事放在一起(「符號」)在心中反思的形象,與自己對話。在路加福音 2:51 中,使用的動詞是 dieterei,意指「保持」。瑪利亞所「保持」的,不僅是她所見所聞的記憶,還有那些她尚未理解的方面;這些仍然在她的記憶中存在且活躍,等待在她的心中「整合」起來。

  4. 在這個人工智慧的時代,我們不能忘記詩歌和愛是拯救我們人性的必要元素。沒有任何算法能夠捕捉到,例如,我們所有人無論年齡或居住地,當回憶起第一次用叉子封住我們幫助母親或祖母在家製作的派邊緣時所感受到的懷舊情感。那是一個烹飪學徒的時刻,介於童年遊戲和成年之間,當我們第一次感受到為工作和互相幫助負責的責任。除了叉子,我還可以提到成千上萬其他珍貴的小事,這些都是每個人生活中不可或缺的一部分:我們所引發的微笑。


  5. 這個深刻的核心,存在於每一位男性和女性身上,並非靈魂的核心,而是整個人獨特的身心身份。所有事物在心中找到其統一,心可以成為愛的居所,涵蓋所有精神、心理甚至身體的維度。簡而言之,如果愛在我們的心中統治,我們就會以完整而光輝的方式成為我們應該成為的人,因為每一個人首先是為了愛而創造的。在我們存在的最深處,我們是為了愛而生,並且被愛。

  6. 因此,當我們目睹新戰爭的爆發,伴隨著其他國家的共謀、容忍或漠不關心,或是出於黨派利益的小權力鬥爭時,我們可能會傾向於得出結論:我們的世界正在失去其良知。我們只需看看並傾聽那些身處這些毀滅性衝突中的老年女性——來自雙方的女性。看到她們為被謀殺的孫子孫女哀悼,或在失去一生所居住的家後渴望自己也能死去,令人心碎。那些在生活的困難和艱辛中常常是堅韌和力量支柱的女性,如今在她們生命的末期,卻經歷著應有的安息所取而代之的,只有痛苦、恐懼和憤怒。將責任推給他人並不能解決這些可恥而悲劇的情況。看到這些老年女性流淚,而不覺得這是不可容忍的,正是世界已經變得無情的標誌。

  7. 每當一個人思考、質疑並反思他或她的真實身份,努力理解生命的深層問題並尋求上帝,或體驗到捕捉真理一瞥的興奮時,這都會導致一個認識:我們作為人類的實現是在於愛。在愛中,我們感受到自己逐漸了解在這個世界上存在的目的和目標。一切都在一種一致性和和諧的狀態中匯聚。因此,在思考我們生命的意義時,也許我們能問的最關鍵問題是:「我有一顆心嗎?」


  1. 我們所說的一切對靈性生活都有影響。例如,聖伊納爵·羅耀拉的靈修操練所依據的神學是基於「情感」(affectus)。這些操練的結構假設有一個堅定而真摯的願望去「重新安排」自己的生活,這種願望反過來又提供了實現該目標的力量和手段。伊納爵所提供的規則和地方的組成是為了服務於更重要的事物,即人心的神秘。米歇爾·德·塞爾托展示了伊納爵所談論的「運動」是上帝的願望和我們自己心靈的願望在其中的「突破」。

  2. Where the thinking of the philosopher halts, there the heart of the believer presses on in love and adoration, in pleading for forgiveness and in willingness to serve in whatever place the Lord allows us to choose, in order to follow in his footsteps. At that point, we realize that in God’s eyes we are a “Thou”, and for that very reason we can be an “I”. Indeed, only the Lord offers to treat each one of us as a “Thou”, always and forever. Accepting his friendship is a matter of the heart; it is what constitutes us as persons in the fullest sense of that word.
  3. Saint Bonaventure tells us that in the end we should not pray for light, but for “raging fire”. [17] [7] He teaches that, “faith is in the intellect, in such a way as to provoke affection. In this sense, for example, the knowledge that Christ died for us does not remain knowledge, but necessarily becomes affection, love”. [18] [8] Along the same lines, Saint John Henry Newman took as his motto the phrase Cor ad cor loquitur, since, beyond all our thoughts and ideas, the Lord saves us by speaking to our hearts from his Sacred Heart. This realization led him, the distinguished intellectual, to recognize that his deepest encounter with himself and with the Lord came not from his reading or reflection, but from his prayerful dialogue, heart to heart, with Christ, alive and present. It was in the Eucharist that Newman encountered the living heart of Jesus, capable of setting us free, giving meaning to each moment of our lives, and bestowing true peace: “O most Sacred, most loving Heart of Jesus, Thou art concealed in the Holy Eucharist, and Thou beatest for us still… I worship Thee then with all my best love and awe, with my fervent affection, with my most subdued, most resolved will. O my God, when Thou dost condescend to suffer me to receive Thee, to eat and drink Thee, and Thou for a while takest up Thy abode within me, O make my heart beat with Thy Heart. Purify it of all that is earthly, all that is proud and sensual, all that is hard and cruel, of all perversity, of all disorder, of all deadness. So fill it with Thee, that neither the events of the day nor the circumstances of the time may have power to ruffle it, but that in Thy love and Thy fear it may have peace”. [19]
    聖博納文圖爾告訴我們,最終我們不應該祈求光明,而應該祈求「狂熱的火焰」。他教導說:「信仰存在於智力中,以激發情感的方式。從這個意義上說,例如,基督為我們而死的知識並不僅僅是知識,而必然成為情感,成為愛。」同樣,聖約翰·亨利·紐曼以「心對心交談」作為他的座右銘,因為在我們所有的思想和觀念之上,主通過從他的聖心對我們的心靈說話來拯救我們。這一認識使他這位卓越的知識分子意識到,他與自己和主的最深刻相遇並不是來自他的閱讀或反思,而是來自他與基督之間的祈禱對話,心對心,活生生地存在。正是在聖體聖事中,紐曼遇見了耶穌的活心,這心能夠使我們自由,賦予我們生活中每一刻的意義,並賜予真正的平安:「哦,最神聖、最慈愛的耶穌之心,祢隱藏在聖體聖事中,祢仍然為我們跳動……因此,我以我所有最好的愛與敬畏,懷著我熱切的情感,和我最克制、最堅定的意志來崇拜祢。」 哦,我的上帝,當祢降臨使我能夠接納祢,吃喝祢,並且祢在我心中暫時居住時,哦,願我的心與祢的心同跳。潔淨我的心,去除一切世俗的、驕傲的和感性的,去除一切堅硬和殘酷的,去除一切邪惡、混亂和死寂。願祢充滿我的心,使得日常的事件和時代的環境無法擾亂它,而在祢的愛和敬畏中,能夠獲得平安。[19]
  4. Before the heart of Jesus, living and present, our mind, enlightened by the Spirit, grows in the understanding of his words and our will is moved to put them into practice. This could easily remain on the level of a kind of self-reliant moralism. Hearing and tasting the Lord, and paying him due honour, however, is a matter of the heart. Only the heart is capable of setting our other powers and passions, and our entire person, in a stance of reverence and loving obedience before the Lord.
  5. It is only by starting from the heart that our communities will succeed in uniting and reconciling differing minds and wills, so that the Spirit can guide us in unity as brothers and sisters.

  6. Taking the heart seriously, then, has consequences for society as a whole. The Second Vatican Council teaches that, “every one of us needs a change of heart; we must set our gaze on the whole world and look to those tasks we can all perform together in order to bring about the betterment of our race”. [20] For “the imbalances affecting the world today are in fact a symptom of a deeper imbalance rooted in the human heart”. [21] In pondering the tragedies afflicting our world, the Council urges us to return to the heart. It explains that human beings “by their interior life, transcend the entire material universe; they experience this deep interiority when they enter into their own heart, where God, who probes the heart, awaits them, and where they decide their own destiny in the sight of God”. [22]
  7. This in no way implies an undue reliance on our own abilities. Let us never forget that our hearts are not self-sufficient, but frail and wounded. They possess an ontological dignity, yet at the same time must seek an ever more dignified life. [23] The Second Vatican Council points out that “the ferment of the Gospel has aroused and continues to arouse in human hearts an unquenchable thirst for human dignity”. [24] Yet to live in accordance with this dignity, it is not enough to know the Gospel or to carry out mechanically its demands. We need the help of God’s love. Let us turn, then, to the heart of Christ, that core of his being, which is a blazing furnace of divine and human love and the most sublime fulfilment to which humanity can aspire. There, in that heart, we truly come at last to know ourselves and we learn how to love.
  8. In the end, that Sacred Heart is the unifying principle of all reality, since “Christ is the heart of the world, and the paschal mystery of his death and resurrection is the centre of history, which, because of him, is a history of salvation”. [25] All creatures “are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things”. [26] In the presence of the heart of Christ, I once more ask the Lord to have mercy on this suffering world in which he chose to dwell as one of us. May he pour out the treasures of his light and love, so that our world, which presses forward despite wars, socio-economic disparities and uses of technology that threaten our humanity, may regain the most important and necessary thing of all: its heart.



  1. Christ showed the depth of his love for us not by lengthy explanations but by concrete actions. By examining his interactions with others, we can come to realize how he treats each one of us, even though at times this may be difficult to see. Let us now turn to the place where our faith can encounter this truth: the word of God.
  2. The Gospel tells us that Jesus “came to his own” (cf. Jn 1:11). Those words refer to us, for the Lord does not treat us as strangers but as a possession that he watches over and cherishes. He treats us truly as “his own”. This does not mean that we are his slaves, something that he himself denies: “I do not call you servants” (Jn 15:15). Rather, it refers to the sense of mutual belonging typical of friends. Jesus came to meet us, bridging all distances; he became as close to us as the simplest, everyday realities of our lives. Indeed, he has another name, “Emmanuel”, which means “God with us”, God as part of our lives, God as living in our midst. The Son of God became incarnate and “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave” (Phil 2:7).
    福音告訴我們,耶穌「來到自己的地方」(參見約翰福音 1:11)。這句話指的是我們,因為主不把我們當作陌生人,而是視為他所看顧和珍惜的產業。他真正地把我們當作「自己的」。這並不意味著我們是他的奴隸,這是他自己所否認的:「我不再稱你們為僕人」(約翰福音 15:15)。相反,這指的是朋友之間典型的相互歸屬感。耶穌來到我們中間,彌合所有距離;他變得與我們的生活中最簡單、最日常的現實一樣親近。事實上,他還有另一個名字,「以馬內利」,意即「神與我們同在」,神成為我們生活的一部分,神活在我們中間。神的兒子道成肉身,「虛己,取了奴僕的形狀」(腓立比書 2:7)。
  3. This becomes clear when we see Jesus at work. He seeks people out, approaches them, ever open to an encounter with them. We see it when he stops to converse with the Samaritan woman at the well where she went to draw water (cf. Jn 4:5-7). We see it when, in the darkness of night, he meets Nicodemus, who feared to be seen in his presence (cf. Jn 3:1-2). We marvel when he allows his feet to be washed by a prostitute (cf. L k 7 : 36 50 L k 7 : 36 50 Lk7:36-50L k 7: 36-50 ), when he says to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you” (Jn 8:11), or again when he chides the disciples for their indifference and quietly asks the blind man on the roadside, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mk 10:51). Christ shows that God is closeness, compassion and tender love.
    這在我們看到耶穌的工作時變得清晰可見。他尋找人,接近他們,始終對與他們的相遇保持開放。我們在他停下來與在井邊打水的撒瑪利亞婦人交談時看到了這一點(參見約翰福音 4:5-7)。我們在黑夜中看到他與尼哥底母會面,尼哥底母因害怕被人看見而來(參見約翰福音 3:1-2)。當他讓一位妓女為他洗腳時,我們感到驚訝(參見 L k 7 : 36 50 L k 7 : 36 50 Lk7:36-50L k 7: 36-50 ),當他對被抓到通姦的婦人說:“我也不定你的罪”(約翰福音 8:11),或者當他責備門徒的冷漠,靜靜地問路邊的盲人:“你要我為你做什麼?”(馬可福音 10:51)時,基督顯示出上帝的親近、同情和溫柔的愛。
  4. Whenever Jesus healed someone, he preferred to do it, not from a distance but in close proximity: “He stretched out his hand and touched him” ( Mt 8:3). “He touched her hand” ( Mt 8:15). “He touched their eyes” ( Mt 9:29). Once he even stopped to cure a deaf man with his own saliva (cf. Mk 7:33), as a mother would do, so that people would not think of him as removed from their lives. “The Lord knows the fine science of the caress. In his compassion, God does not love us with words; he comes forth to meet us and, by his closeness, he shows us the depth of his tender love”. [27]
    每當耶穌醫治某人時,他更喜歡近距離地進行,而不是遠遠地觀望:“他伸出手來觸摸他”(馬太福音 8:3)。“他觸摸了她的手”(馬太福音 8:15)。“他觸摸了他們的眼睛”(馬太福音 9:29)。有一次,他甚至停下來用自己的唾液治療一位聾人(參見馬可福音 7:33),就像母親一樣,讓人們不會認為他與他們的生活脫節。“主知道撫觸的精妙科學。在他的憐憫中,上帝不是用言語來愛我們;他走出來迎接我們,並通過他的親近,向我們展示他溫柔愛的深度”。
  5. If we find it hard to trust others because we have been hurt by lies, injuries and disappointments, the Lord whispers in our ear: “Take heart, son!” (Mt 9:2), “Take heart, daughter!” (Mt 9:22). He encourages us to overcome our fear and to realize that, with him at our side, we have nothing to lose. To Peter, in his fright, “Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught
    如果我們因為受到謊言、傷害和失望而難以信任他人,主在我們耳邊輕聲說:“放心,兒子!”(馬太福音 9:2),“放心,女兒!”(馬太福音 9:22)。他鼓勵我們克服恐懼,並意識到有他在我們身邊,我們沒有什麼好失去的。對於彼得,在他的驚恐中,“耶穌立刻伸出手來,抓住他”。

    他說:「你這小信的人,為什麼懷疑?」(馬太福音 14:31)。你也不必害怕。讓他靠近,坐在你身邊。我們可能對許多人不信任,但對他卻不應如此。不要因為你的罪而猶豫。記住,許多罪人「來到他那裡,和他一起坐下」(馬太福音 9:10),然而耶穌對他們沒有感到震驚。抱怨的正是宗教精英,他們把他當作「貪吃的和醉酒的,稅吏和罪人的朋友」(馬太福音 11:19)。當法利賽人批評他與被視為卑賤或罪惡的人親近時,耶穌回答說:「我喜愛憐憫,而不是祭祀」(馬太福音 9:13)。
  6. That same Jesus is now waiting for you to give him the chance to bring light to your life, to raise you up and to fill you with his strength. Before his death, he assured his disciples, “I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me” (Jn 14:18-19). Jesus always finds a way to be present in your life, so that you can encounter him.
    那位耶穌現在正等待著你給他機會,將光明帶入你的生活,提升你並充滿他的力量。在他去世之前,他向門徒保證:「我不會讓你們成為孤兒;我來到你們這裡。再過不久,世人不再看見我,但你們卻看見我」(約翰福音 14:18-19)。耶穌總是找到方法在你的生活中出現,讓你能夠遇見他。


  1. The Gospel tells us that a rich man came up to Jesus, full of idealism yet lacking in the strength needed to change his life. Jesus then “looked at him” (Mk 10:21). Can you imagine that moment, that encounter between his eyes and those of Jesus? If Jesus calls you and summons you for a mission, he first looks at you, plumbs the depths of your heart and, knowing everything about you, fixes his gaze upon you. So it was when, “as he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers… and as he went from there, he saw two other brothers” (Mt 4:18, 21).
    福音告訴我們,一位富人來到耶穌面前,充滿理想主義卻缺乏改變自己生活所需的力量。耶穌隨後“看著他”(馬可福音 10:21)。你能想像那一刻,他的眼睛與耶穌的眼睛之間的相遇嗎?如果耶穌呼喚你,召喚你去執行一項使命,他首先會看著你,深入你的心靈,了解你的一切,然後將目光固定在你身上。正如當他“走過加利利海時,看見兩個兄弟……然後從那裡走去,又看見另外兩個兄弟”(馬太福音 4:18, 21)。
  2. Many a page of the Gospel illustrates how attentive Jesus was to individuals and above all to their problems and needs. We are told that, “when he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless” (Mt 9:36). Whenever we feel that everyone ignores us, that no one cares what becomes of us, that we are of no importance to anyone, he remains concerned for us. To Nathanael, standing apart and busy about his own affairs, he could say, “I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you” (Jn 1:48).
    許多福音的頁面都顯示了耶穌對個人,尤其是對他們的問題和需求的關注。我們被告知,“當他看到人群時,就對他們感到憐憫,因為他們困擾無助”(馬太福音 9:36)。每當我們感到每個人都忽視我們,沒有人關心我們的命運,覺得自己對任何人都不重要時,他仍然關心我們。對於站在一旁忙於自己事務的拿但業,他可以說:“在腓力叫你之前,我在無花果樹下看見你了”(約翰福音 1:48)。
  3. Precisely out of concern for us, Jesus knows every one of our good intentions and small acts of charity. The Gospel tells us that once he “saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins” in the Temple treasury (Lk 21:2) and immediately brought it to the attention of his disciples. Jesus thus appreciates the good that he sees in us. When the centurion approached him with complete confidence, “Jesus listened to him and was amazed” (Mt 8:10). How reassuring it is to know that, even if others are not aware of our good intentions or actions, Jesus sees them and regards them highly.
    出於對我們的關心,耶穌知道我們每一個善良的意圖和小小的慈善行為。福音告訴我們,當他“看到一位貧窮的寡婦在聖殿的庫房裡投進兩個小銅錢”(路加福音 21:2)時,立即引起了他的門徒的注意。因此,耶穌欣賞他在我們身上所看到的善良。當百夫長充滿信心地接近他時,“耶穌聽了他,並感到驚訝”(馬太福音 8:10)。知道即使其他人未必察覺到我們的善意或行為,耶穌也能看到並高度重視它們,這是多麼令人安心的事。
  4. In his humanity, Jesus learned this from Mary, his mother. Our Lady carefully pondered the things she had experienced; she “treasured them… in her heart” (Lk 2:19, 51) and, with Saint Joseph, she taught Jesus from his earliest years to be attentive in this same way.
    在他的人性中,耶穌從他的母親瑪利亞那裡學到了這一點。我們的聖母仔細思考她所經歷的事情;她“把這些事存在心中”(路加福音 2:19, 51),並且與聖約瑟一起,從耶穌的早年開始教導他以同樣的方式保持專注。
  5. Although the Scriptures preserve Jesus’ words, ever alive and timely, there are moments when he speaks to us inwardly, calls us and leads us to a better place. That better place is his heart. There he invites us to find fresh strength and peace: “Come to me, all who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). In this sense, he could say to his disciples, “Abide in me” (Jn 15:4).
    雖然聖經保存了耶穌的話語,永遠活潑且適時,但有時他會在內心對我們說話,呼喚我們並引領我們到一個更好的地方。那個更好的地方就是他的心。在那裡,他邀請我們找到新的力量與平安:“凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息”(馬太福音 11:28)。從這個意義上說,他可以對他的門徒說:“你們要常在我裡面”(約翰福音 15:4)。
  6. Jesus’ words show that his holiness did not exclude deep emotions. On various occasions, he demonstrated a love that was both passionate and compassionate. He could be deeply moved and grieved, even to the point of shedding tears. It is clear that Jesus was not indifferent to the daily cares and concerns of people, such as their weariness or hunger: “I have compassion for this crowd… they have nothing to eat… they will faint on the way, and some of them have come from a great distance” (Mk 8:2-3).
    耶穌的話顯示出他的聖潔並不排斥深刻的情感。在各種場合,他展現出既熱情又富有同情心的愛。他可以被深深感動和悲傷,甚至流下眼淚。顯然,耶穌對人們日常的憂慮和關心並不漠不關心,例如他們的疲憊或飢餓:“我對這群人有憐憫……他們沒有東西吃……他們在路上會暈倒,有些人是從很遠的地方來的”(馬可福音 8:2-3)。
  7. The Gospel makes no secret of Jesus’ love for Jerusalem: “As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it” (Lk 19:41). He then voiced the deepest desire of his heart: “If you had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace” ( L k L k LkL k 19:42). The evangelists, while at times showing him in his power and glory, also portray his profound emotions in the face of death and the grief felt by his friends. Before recounting how Jesus, standing before the tomb of Lazarus, “began to weep” (Jn 11:35), the Gospel observes that, “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (Jn 11:5) and that, seeing Mary and those who were with her weeping, “he was greatly disturbed in spirit and deeply moved” (Jn 11:33). The Gospel account leaves no doubt that his tears were genuine, the sign of inner turmoil. Nor do the Gospels attempt to conceal Jesus’ anguish over his impending violent death at the hands of those whom he had loved so greatly: he “began to be distressed and agitated” (Mk 14:33), even to the point of crying out, “I am deeply grieved, even to death” (Mk 14:34). This inner turmoil finds its most powerful expression in his cry from the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mk 15:34).
    福音書毫不掩飾耶穌對耶路撒冷的愛:“當他接近並看見這城時,就為它哭泣”(路加福音 19:41)。然後,他表達了心中最深的渴望:“如果你在這一天能認識使你平安的事”(路加福音 19:42)。福音書的作者在某些時候展現他的權能和榮耀,但也描繪了他面對死亡時的深刻情感以及朋友們的悲傷。在講述耶穌站在拉撒路的墳墓前“開始哭泣”(約翰福音 11:35)之前,福音書提到“耶穌愛瑪大和她的姐妹以及拉撒路”(約翰福音 11:5),並且看到瑪麗亞和與她同在的人哭泣時,“他心裡非常不安,深受感動”(約翰福音 11:33)。福音的敘述毫無疑問地表明他的眼淚是真實的,內心的動盪的標誌。福音書也沒有試圖隱藏耶穌對即將面臨的暴力死亡的痛苦,這死亡是來自他如此深愛的人:他“開始感到困擾和不安”(馬可福音 14:33),甚至到達呼喊的地步:“我心裡非常憂傷,甚至到了死亡的地步”(馬可福音 14:34)。 這種內心的動盪在他從十字架上的呼喊中達到了最強烈的表達:“我的神,我的神,為什麼離棄我?”(馬可福音 15:34)。
  8. At first glance, all this may smack of pious sentimentalism. Yet it is supremely serious and of decisive importance, and finds its most sublime expression in Christ crucified. The cross is Jesus’ most eloquent word of love. A word that is not shallow, sentimental or merely edifying. It is love, sheer love. That is why Saint Paul, struggling to find the right words to describe his relationship with Christ, could speak of “the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20). This was Paul’s deepest conviction: the knowledge that he was loved. Christ’s self-offering on the cross became the driving force in Paul’s life, yet it only made sense to him because he knew that something even greater lay behind it: the fact that “he loved me”. At a time when many were seeking salvation, prosperity or security elsewhere, Paul, moved by the Spirit, was able to see farther and to marvel at the greatest and most essential thing of all: “Christ loved me”.
    乍看之下,這一切可能讓人感到虔誠的感傷。然而,這是極其嚴肅且至關重要的,並在被釘十字架的基督中找到了最崇高的表達。十字架是耶穌最有力的愛的言辭。這不是淺薄、感傷或僅僅是教化的言辭。這是愛,純粹的愛。這就是為什麼聖保羅在努力尋找合適的詞語來描述他與基督的關係時,能夠說出「神的兒子,愛我並為我獻上自己」(加拉太書 2:20)。這是保羅最深的信念:他被愛的知識。基督在十字架上的自我奉獻成為保羅生命中的推動力,但這對他來說只有在他知道背後有更偉大的事實時才有意義:那就是「他愛我」。在許多人在其他地方尋求救贖、繁榮或安全的時候,保羅在聖靈的感動下,能夠看得更遠,並驚嘆於所有事物中最偉大和最根本的事情:「基督愛我」。
  9. Now, after considering Christ and seeing how his actions and words grant us insight into his

    heart, let us turn to the Church’s reflection on the holy mystery of the Lord’s Sacred Heart.



  1. Devotion to the heart of Christ is not the veneration of a single organ apart from the Person of Jesus. What we contemplate and adore is the whole Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, represented by an image that accentuates his heart. That heart of flesh is seen as the privileged sign of the inmost being of the incarnate Son and his love, both divine and human. More than any other part of his body, the heart of Jesus is “the natural sign and symbol of his boundless love”.[28][8]


  1. It is essential to realize that our relationship to the Person of Jesus Christ is one of friendship and adoration, drawn by the love represented under the image of his heart. We venerate that image, yet our worship is directed solely to the living Christ, in his divinity and his plenary humanity, so that we may be embraced by his human and divine love.
  2. Whatever the image employed, it is clear that the living heart of Christ - not its representation - is the object of our worship, for it is part of his holy risen body, which is inseparable from the Son of God who assumed that body forever. We worship it because it is “the heart of the Person of the Word, to whom it is inseparably united”.[29][9] Nor do we worship it for its own sake, but because with this heart the incarnate Son is alive, loves us and receives our love in return. Any act of love or worship of his heart is thus “really and truly given to Christ himself”,[30][0] since it spontaneously refers back to him and is “a symbol and a tender image of the infinite love of Jesus Christ”.[31][1]
  3. For this reason, it should never be imagined that this devotion may distract or separate us from Jesus and his love. In a natural and direct way, it points us to him and to him alone, who calls us to a precious friendship marked by dialogue, affection, trust and adoration. The Christ we see depicted with a pierced and burning heart is the same Christ who, for love of us, was born in Bethlehem, passed through Galilee healing the sick, embracing sinners and showing mercy. The same Christ who loved us to the very end, opening wide his arms on the cross, who then rose from the dead and now lives among us in glory.


  1. While the image of Christ and his heart is not in itself an object of worship, neither is it simply one among many other possible images. It was not devised at a desk or designed by an artist; it is

  2. Universal human experience has made the image of the heart something unique. Indeed, throughout history and in different parts of the world, it has become a symbol of personal intimacy, affection, emotional attachment and capacity for love. Transcending all scientific explanations, a hand placed on the heart of a friend expresses special affection: when two persons fall in love and draw close to one another, their hearts beat faster; when we are abandoned or deceived by someone we love, our hearts sink. So too, when we want to say something deeply personal, we often say that we are speaking “from the heart”. The language of poetry reflects the power of these experiences. In the course of history, the heart has taken on unique symbolic value that is more than merely conventional.
  3. It is understandable, then, that the Church has chosen the image of the heart to represent the human and divine love of Jesus Christ and the inmost core of his Person. Yet, while the depiction of a heart afire may be an eloquent symbol of the burning love of Jesus Christ, it is important that this heart not be represented apart from him. In this way, his summons to a personal relationship of encounter and dialogue will become all the more meaningful.[33][3] The venerable image portraying Christ holding out his loving heart also shows him looking directly at us, inviting us to encounter, dialogue and trust; it shows his strong hands capable of supporting us and his lips that speak personally to each of us.
  4. The heart, too, has the advantage of being immediately recognizable as the profound unifying centre of the body, an expression of the totality of the person, unlike other individual organs. As a part that stands for the whole, we could easily misinterpret it, were we to contemplate it apart from the Lord himself. The image of the heart should lead us to contemplate Christ in all the beauty and richness of his humanity and divinity.
  5. Whatever particular aesthetic qualities we may ascribe to various portrayals of Christ’s heart when we pray before them, it is not the case that “something is sought from them or that blind trust is put in images as once was done by the Gentiles”. Rather, “through these images that we kiss, and before which we kneel and uncover our heads, we are adoring Christ”.[34][4]
  6. Certain of these representations may indeed strike us as tasteless and not particularly conducive to affection or prayer. Yet this is of little importance, since they are only invitations to prayer, and, to cite an Eastern proverb, we should not limit our gaze to the finger that points us to the moon. Whereas the Eucharist is a real presence to be worshiped, sacred images, albeit blessed, point beyond themselves, inviting us to lift up our hearts and to unite them to the heart of the living Christ. The image we venerate thus serves as a summons to make room for an encounter with Christ, and to worship him in whatever way we wish to picture him. Standing before the image, we stand before Christ, and in his presence, "love pauses, contemplates mystery, and
  7. At the same time, we must never forget that the image of the heart speaks to us of the flesh and of earthly realities. In this way, it points us to the God who wished to become one of us, a part of our history, and a companion on our earthly journey. A more abstract or stylized form of devotion would not necessarily be more faithful to the Gospel, for in this eloquent and tangible sign we see how God willed to reveal himself and to draw close to us.


  1. On the other hand, love and the human heart do not always go together, since hatred, indifference and selfishness can also reign in our hearts. Yet we cannot attain our fulfilment as human beings unless we open our hearts to others; only through love do we become fully ourselves. The deepest part of us, created for love, will fulfil God’s plan only if we learn to love. And the heart is the symbol of that love.
  2. The eternal Son of God, in his utter transcendence, chose to love each of us with a human heart. His human emotions became the sacrament of that infinite and endless love. His heart, then, is not merely a symbol for some disembodied spiritual truth. In gazing upon the Lord’s heart, we contemplate a physical reality, his human flesh, which enables him to possess genuine human emotions and feelings, like ourselves, albeit fully transformed by his divine love. Our devotion must ascend to the infinite love of the Person of the Son of God, yet we need to keep in mind that his divine love is inseparable from his human love. The image of his heart of flesh helps us to do precisely this.
  3. Since the heart continues to be seen in the popular mind as the affective centre of each human being, it remains the best means of signifying the divine love of Christ, united forever and inseparably to his wholly human love. Pius XII observed that the Gospel, in referring to the love of Christ’s heart, speaks “not only of divine charity but also human affection”. Indeed, “the heart of Jesus Christ, hypostatically united to the divine Person of the Word, beyond doubt throbbed with love and every other tender affection”.[36][6]
  4. The Fathers of the Church, opposing those who denied or downplayed the true humanity of Christ, insisted on the concrete and tangible reality of the Lord’s human affections. Saint Basil emphasized that the Lord’s incarnation was not something fanciful, and that “the Lord possessed our natural affections”.[37][7] Saint John Chrysostom pointed to an example: “Had he not possessed our nature, he would not have experienced sadness from time to time”.[38][8] Saint Ambrose stated that “in taking a soul, he took on the passions of the soul”.[39][9] For Saint Augustine, our human affections, which Christ assumed, are now open to the life of grace: “The Lord Jesus assumed these affections of our human weakness, as he did the flesh of our human weakness, not out of necessity, but consciously and freely… lest any who feel grief and sorrow

    在生活的考驗中,應該認為自己與他的恩典分離。”[40][0] 最後,聖約翰·達馬森認為基督在其人性中表現出的真摯情感,是他完全承擔我們的本性以拯救和改變它的證據:因此,基督承擔了人性的一切,使所有人都能被聖化。[41][1]
  5. Here, we can benefit from the thoughts of a theologian who maintains that, “due to the influence of Greek thought, theology long relegated the body and feelings to the world of the prehuman or sub-human or potentially inhuman; yet what theology did not resolve in theory, spirituality resolved in practice. This, together with popular piety, preserved the relationship with the corporal, psychological and historical reality of Jesus. The Stations of the Cross, devotion to Christ’s wounds, his Precious Blood and his Sacred Heart, and a variety of Eucharist devotions… all bridged the gaps in theology by nourishing our hearts and imagination, our tender love for Christ, our hope and memory, our desires and feelings. Reason and logic took other directions”.[42][2]
    在這裡,我們可以受益於一位神學家的思想,他認為:“由於希臘思想的影響,神學長期將身體和感情 relegated 到前人類、次人類或潛在非人類的世界;然而,神學在理論上未能解決的問題,靈性在實踐中解決了。這與民間虔誠相結合,保留了與耶穌的肉體、心理和歷史現實的關係。十字架之路、對基督傷痕的奉獻、他寶貴的血和他神聖的心,以及各種聖體奉獻……都通過滋養我們的心靈和想像力、我們對基督的柔情愛、我們的希望和記憶、我們的渴望和感受,彌補了神學的空白。理性和邏輯走向了其他方向。”


  1. Nor do we remain only on the level of the Lord’s human feelings, beautiful and moving as they are. In contemplating Christ’s heart we also see how, in his fine and noble sentiments, his kindness and gentleness and his signs of genuine human affection, the deeper truth of his infinite divine love is revealed. In the words of Benedict XVI, “from the infinite horizon of his love, God wished to enter into the limits of human history and the human condition. He took on a body and a heart. Thus, we can contemplate and encounter the infinite in the finite, the invisible and ineffable mystery in the human heart of Jesus the Nazarene”.[43][3]
  2. The image of the Lord’s heart speaks to us in fact of a threefold love. First, we contemplate his infinite divine love. Then our thoughts turn to the spiritual dimension of his humanity, in which the heart is “the symbol of that most ardent love which, infused into his soul, enriches his human will”. Finally, “it is a symbol also of his sensible love”.[44][4]
  3. These three loves are not separate, parallel or disconnected, but together act and find expression in a constant and vital unity. For “by faith, through which we believe that the human and divine nature were united in the Person of Christ, we can see the closest bonds between the tender love of the physical heart of Jesus and the twofold spiritual love, namely human and divine”.[45][5]
  4. Entering into the heart of Christ, we feel loved by a human heart filled with affections and emotions like our own. Jesus’ human will freely choose to love us, and that spiritual love is flooded with grace and charity. When we plunge into the depths of his heart, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the immense glory of his infinite love as the eternal Son, which we can no longer separate from his human love. It is precisely in his human love, and not apart from it, that we


  5. 教會不斷且明確地教導我們,對基督的崇拜是不可分割的,無法分開地擁抱他的神性和人性。自古以來,教會就教導我們要「崇拜同一位基督,神之子和人之子,由兩種不可分割且不分離的本性組成」。我們以「一個崇拜的行為…因為道成了肉身」來崇拜他。基督絕不會「在兩種本性中被崇拜,從而引入兩種崇拜的行為」;相反,我們是「以一個崇拜的行為來尊敬道成肉身的上帝,連同他自己的肉身」。

  6. 聖約翰十字架試圖解釋,在神秘經驗中,復活基督的無限愛並不被視為與我們的生活無關。無限以某種方式“屈尊”使我們能夠通過基督的開放之心,體驗真正互惠的愛的相遇,因為“確實可以相信,一隻低飛的鳥能夠捕捉到高空中的皇家鷹,如果這隻鷹帶著被捕的渴望下降”。他還解釋說,新郎“看到新娘因愛而受傷,因為她的呻吟,他也因愛而受傷。在戀人之間,一人的傷就是雙方的傷”。約翰十字架將基督被刺的側面視為與主完全合一的邀請。基督是受傷的雄鹿,當我們未能讓自己被他的愛觸動時,他便受傷;他降臨到水流中以解渴,並在我們每次轉向他時得到安慰。






  1. 對耶穌心靈的奉獻,作為對主的直接默想,將我們引入與他的合一,顯然具有基督論的本質。我們在《希伯來書》中看到了這一點,該書敦促我們「要忍耐地跑那擺在我們面前的賽程,仰望耶穌」(12:2)。同時,我們需要意識到耶穌稱自己為通往父的道路:「我就是道路……若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去」(約 14:6)。耶穌希望將我們帶到父那裡。因此,從一開始,教會的宣講並不以耶穌為終結,而是以父為終結。作為源頭和圓滿,父最終是應當被榮耀的。

  2. 如果我們轉向以弗所書,我們可以清楚地看到我們的崇拜是指向父:“我在父面前屈膝”(3:14)。有“獨一的神和父”。

    所有,超乎一切、貫穿一切、存在於一切之中”(4:6)。“在任何時候和為一切事物感謝天父”(5:20)。這位父親“是我們存在的根源”(哥林多前書 8:6)。在這個意義上,聖若望·保祿二世可以說,“整個基督徒的生活就像一場朝聖,朝向父親的家”。這也是聖依納爵·安提阿在他走向殉道的過程中的體驗:“在我心中,對世俗事物的渴望已經不再,只剩下活水的低語,在我心中輕聲說:‘來到父親那裡’”。

  3. 天父首先是耶穌基督的父:“願我們主耶穌基督的神和父受讚美”(以弗所書 1:3)。他是“我們主耶穌基督的神,榮耀的父”(以弗所書 1:17)。當聖子成為人時,他人類心中的所有希望和渴望都指向天父。如果我們考慮基督談論天父的方式,就能理解他的人類心靈對天父的愛與情感,以及這種完全而持續的指向。[56] 耶穌在我們中間的生活是一段回應他人類心靈不斷呼喚回到天父的旅程。[57] [7]

  4. 我們知道耶穌用來稱呼父親的亞拉姆語詞是「阿爸」,這是一個親密而熟悉的稱呼,讓一些人感到不安(參見約翰福音 5:18)。這是他在表達對即將來臨的死亡的痛苦時對父親的稱呼:「阿爸,父啊,對你來說萬事皆有可能;把這杯從我身上挪去;然而,不是我所願的,而是你所願的」(馬可福音 14:36)。耶穌深知他一直受到父親的愛:「在世界創立之前,你就愛了我」(約翰福音 17:24)。在他的人心中,他因聽到父親對他說:「你是我的兒子,我所愛的;我對你非常喜悅」(馬可福音 1:11)而感到喜悅。

  5. 第四福音告訴我們,永恆的聖子始終「在父的心懷中」(約翰福音 1:18)。聖依納爵因此宣稱「神的聖子從一開始就與父同在」。奧利根則認為,聖子「在不斷的默想中,深思父的奧秘」。當聖子化身為肉身時,他在山頂上與他所摯愛的父親交談整個夜晚(參路加福音 6:12)。他告訴我們:「我必須在我父的家中」(路加福音 2:49)。我們也看到他如何表達讚美:「耶穌在聖靈中喜樂,說:‘我感謝你,父啊,天地的主’」(路加福音 10:21)。他最後的話語充滿信任:「父啊,我將我的靈魂交在你手裡」(路加福音 23:46)。

  6. 讓我們現在轉向聖靈,祂的火焰充滿了基督的心。正如聖約翰·保祿二世曾說過,基督的心是「聖靈的傑作」。這不僅僅是一個過去的事件,因為即使在現在,「基督的心仍然活著,充滿了聖靈的行動,耶穌將祂視為祂使命的靈感來源(參路加福音 4:18;以賽亞書 61:1),並在最後的晚餐中承諾了祂的差遣。正是聖靈使我們能夠理解基督被刺側的標誌的豐富,從中教會便湧現出來(參《聖神大公會議》,5)」。簡而言之,「只有聖靈能在我們面前打開‘內在的人’的豐滿,這豐滿存在於基督的心中。只有祂能使我們的人心一步一步地從這豐滿中汲取力量」。

  7. 如果我們想更深入地探究聖靈神秘的運作,我們會發現他在我們心中呻吟,呼喊著「阿爸!」的確,「你們得知自己是兒女的證據,就是神把他兒子的靈差在我們心裡,呼喊:『阿爸!父!』」(加拉太書 4:6)。因為「聖靈與我們的靈一同作見證,我們是神的兒女」(羅馬書 8:16)。在基督的人性中運作的聖靈不斷地將他引向父。當聖靈通過恩典使我們與基督的情感聯合時,他使我們分享兒子與父的關係,因而我們領受「一種領養的靈,使我們呼喊:『阿爸!父!』」(羅馬書 8:15)。

  8. 我們與基督心靈的關係因此改變,這要歸功於聖靈的感動,祂引導我們走向父,生命的源泉和恩典的終極泉源。基督並不期望我們僅僅停留在祂裡面。祂的愛是「父慈悲的啟示」,而祂的願望是,藉著從祂心中湧出的聖靈的推動,我們應該「與祂同在並在祂裡面」升向父。我們「透過」基督、「與」基督以及「在」基督裡榮耀父。聖約翰保羅二世教導說:「救主的心邀請我們回到父的愛中,這是每一種真實愛的源泉。」這正是聖靈,透過基督的心來到我們中間,所希望在我們心中培養的。因此,禮儀透過聖靈的賦活工作,始終從基督復活的心靈向父發聲。


  1. 在許多方面,基督的心在基督教靈修的歷史中始終存在。在聖經中以及教會早期的生活中,它以主受傷的側面形象出現,作為恩典的泉源和深刻而充滿愛的相遇的召喚。在這同樣的形象中,它在許多聖人的著作中重新出現,無論是過去還是現在。在近幾個世紀中,這種靈修逐漸採取了對耶穌聖心的特定奉獻形式。

  2. 我的一些前任以不同的方式談論基督的心,並勉勵我們與之聯合。在十九世紀末,利奧十三世鼓勵我們奉獻自己給聖心,從而將我們對基督的聯合召喚與對他無限愛的壯麗的驚奇結合在一起。大約三十年後,庇護十一世將這種奉獻呈現為基督信仰經驗的“總結”。庇護十二世隨後宣告,對聖心的崇拜以卓越的方式表達了我們對耶穌基督應有的崇敬,作為一種崇高的綜合體。

  3. 最近,聖若望保祿二世將這種奉獻在近幾個世紀的增長視為對於嚴苛和脫離肉體的靈修形式興起的回應,這些形式忽視了主的慈悲的豐富性。與此同時,他也將其視為一個及時的召喚,以抵抗創造一個不留給上帝空間的世界的企圖。“對於聖心的奉獻,正如兩個世紀前在歐洲發展起來的,受到聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗·阿拉科克的神秘經驗的推動,


  4. 本篤十六世要求我們在基督的心中認識到一種親密而日常的存在:“每個人都需要一個生活的‘中心’,一個在日常生活的事件、情境和掙扎中可以依賴的真理和善良的源泉。當我們靜下心來時,我們所有人都需要感受到的不僅是自己心臟的跳動,更深層次的是一種值得信賴的存在的跳動,這種存在可以用信仰的感官感知,卻又更加真實:基督的存在,世界的心臟。”


  1. 基督心靈的表達性和象徵性形象並不是聖靈賜予我們接觸基督之愛的唯一手段,但正如我們所見,它是一個特別特權的手段。即便如此,它仍然需要通過默想、閱讀福音和靈性成熟的增長不斷地被豐富、深化和更新。庇護十二世明確表示,教會並不聲稱「我們必須在耶穌的心中凝視和崇拜一個‘正式’的形象,即他神聖之愛的完美和絕對的標誌,因為這種愛的本質無法通過任何受造的形象充分表達」。

  2. 對基督心的奉獻對我們的基督教生活至關重要,因為它表達了我們在信仰和崇拜上對主的神聖與人性之愛的奧秘的開放。在這個意義上,我們可以再次確認,聖心是福音的綜合體。我們需要記住,某些聖人所描述的異象或神秘顯現,這些聖人熱情地鼓勵對基督心的奉獻,並不是信徒必須相信的,如同它們是上帝的話語。然而,它們是豐富的鼓勵來源,並且可以證明是非常有益的,即使沒有人需要感到被迫去追隨它們,若它們在他或她的靈性旅程中並未證明有幫助。同時,我們也應該注意,正如庇護十二世所指出的,這種奉獻不能說“源於私人啟示”。

  3. 每個月的第一個星期五促進聖體聖事的共融,例如,在許多人因不再相信上帝的慈悲和寬恕而停止領聖體的時候,傳遞了一個強有力的信息,許多人將聖體視為對完美者的獎勵。在耶恩主義的背景下,這一做法的推廣證明是極其有益的,因為它使人們更清楚地意識到,在聖體中,基督心中慈悲和永恆存在的愛邀請我們與他合一。也可以說,這一做法在我們當今時代也能帶來類似的益處,原因不同。在當今世界的瘋狂節奏中,以及我們對自由時間、消費和娛樂的痴迷,手機和社交媒體的影響下,我們忘記了用聖體的力量滋養我們的生活。

  4. 雖然沒有人應該感到有義務每週四花一小時來崇拜,但這個做法當然應該被推薦。當我們懷著虔誠的心,與許多兄弟姐妹一起進行這個行為,並在聖體中發現基督心中無限的愛時,我們“與教會一起崇拜,這個神聖愛的標誌和顯現,甚至通過道成肉身的聖言的心,愛著人類”。
  5. Many Jansenists found this difficult to comprehend, for they looked askance on all that was human, affective and corporeal, and so viewed this devotion as distancing us from pure worship of the Most High God. Pius XII described as “false mysticism”[79][9] the elitist attitude of those groups that saw God as so sublime, separate and distant that they regarded affective expressions of popular piety as dangerous and in need of ecclesiastical oversight.
  6. It could be argued that today, in place of Jansenism, we find ourselves before a powerful wave of secularization that seeks to build a world free of God. In our societies, we are also seeing a proliferation of varied forms of religiosity that have nothing to do with a personal relationship with the God of love, but are new manifestations of a disembodied spirituality. I must warn that within the Church too, a baneful Jansenist dualism has re-emerged in new forms. This has gained renewed strength in recent decades, but it is a recrudescence of that Gnosticism which proved so great a spiritual threat in the early centuries of Christianity because it refused to acknowledge the reality of “the salvation of the flesh”. For this reason, I turn my gaze to the heart of Christ and I invite all of us to renew our devotion to it. I hope this will also appeal to today’s sensitivities and thus help us to confront the dualisms, old and new, to which this devotion offers an effective response.
  7. I would add that the heart of Christ also frees us from another kind of dualism found in communities and pastors excessively caught up in external activities, structural reforms that have little to do with the Gospel, obsessive reorganization plans, worldly projects, secular ways of thinking and mandatory programmes. The result is often a Christianity stripped of the tender consolations of faith, the joy of serving others, the fervour of personal commitment to mission, the beauty of knowing Christ and the profound gratitude born of the friendship he offers and the ultimate meaning he gives to our lives. This too is the expression of an illusory and disembodied otherworldliness.
  8. Once we succumb to these attitudes, so widespread in our day, we tend to lose all desire to be cured of them. This leads me to propose to the whole Church renewed reflection on the love of Christ represented in his Sacred Heart. For there we find the whole Gospel, a synthesis of the truths of our faith, all that we adore and seek in faith, all that responds to our deepest needs.
  9. As we contemplate the heart of Christ, the incarnate synthesis of the Gospel, we can, following the example of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, “place heartfelt trust not in ourselves but in the infinite mercy of a God who loves us unconditionally and has already given us everything in the

    耶穌基督的十字架”。[80] [0] 特蕾莎能做到這一點,因為她在基督的心中發現了上帝是愛:“對我而言,他賜予了無限的慈悲,藉著它我沉思並崇拜其他神聖的完美”。[81] [1] 這就是為什麼一個流行的祈禱,像箭一樣指向基督的心,簡單地說:“耶穌,我信靠你”。[82] 不需要其他的話。
  10. In the following chapters, we will emphasize two essential aspects that contemporary devotion to the Sacred Heart needs to combine, so that it can continue to nourish us and bring us closer to the Gospel: personal spiritual experience and communal missionary commitment.



  1. Let us now return to the Scriptures, the inspired texts where, above all, we encounter God’s revelation. There, and in the Church’s living Tradition, we hear what the Lord has wished to tell us in the course of history. By reading several texts from the Old and the New Testaments, we will gain insight into the word of God that has guided the great spiritual pilgrimage of his people down the ages.


  1. The Bible shows that the people that journeyed through the desert and yearned for freedom received the promise of an abundance of life-giving water: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Is 12:3). The messianic prophecies gradually coalesced around the imagery of purifying water: “I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean… a new spirit I will put within you” (Ezek 36:25-26). This water would bestow on God’s people the fullness of life, like a fountain flowing from the Temple and bringing a wealth of life and salvation in its wake. “I saw on the bank of the river a great many trees on the one side and on the other… and wherever that river goes, every living creature will live… and when that river enters the sea, its waters will become fresh; everything will live where the river goes” (Ezek 47:7-9).
    聖經顯示,穿越沙漠並渴望自由的人們得到了生命之水的豐富應許:“你們必歡喜地從救恩的泉源打水”(以賽亞書 12:3)。彌賽亞的預言逐漸圍繞著潔淨水的意象凝聚:“我必將清水灑在你們身上,你們就必潔淨……我必將新靈放在你們裡面”(以西結書 36:25-26)。這水將賜予神的百姓生命的豐滿,猶如從聖殿流出的泉源,帶來生命和救恩的富饒。“我在河邊看見一邊和另一邊有許多樹……那河流到哪裡,凡活著的生物都必在那裡生活……當那河進入海中,水就變為甜水;那河流到的地方,凡活物都必存活”(以西結書 47:7-9)。
  2. The Jewish festival of Booths ( Sukkot), which recalls the forty-year sojourn of Israel in the desert, gradually adopted the symbolism of water as a central element. It included a rite of offering water each morning, which became most solemn on the final day of the festival, when a great procession took place towards the Temple, the altar was circled seven times and the water was offered to God amid loud cries of joy. [83]
  3. The dawn of the messianic era was described as a fountain springing up for the people: “I will pour out a spirit of compassion and supplication on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and they shall look on him whom they have pierced… On that day, a fountain shall be

    opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity” (Zech 12:10; 13:1).
    為大衛的家和耶路撒冷的居民打開,潔淨他們的罪和污穢”(撒迦利亞書 12:10; 13:1)。
  4. One who is pierced, a flowing fountain, the outpouring of a spirit of compassion and supplication: the first Christians inevitably considered these promises fulfilled in the pierced side of Christ, the wellspring of new life. In the Gospel of John, we contemplate that fulfilment. From Jesus’ wounded side, the water of the Spirit poured forth: “One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once blood and water flowed out” (Jn 19:34). The evangelist then recalls the prophecy that had spoken of a fountain opened in Jerusalem and the pierced one (Jn 19:37; cf. Zech 12:10). The open fountain is the wounded side of Christ.
    被刺者,流動的泉源,慈悲與懇求之靈的傾注:第一批基督徒不可避免地認為這些應許在基督的刺傷一側得到了實現,這是新生命的源泉。在約翰福音中,我們沉思這一實現。從耶穌受傷的一側,聖靈的水湧出:“有一個兵丁用槍刺他的肋旁,隨即流出血和水來”(約 19:34)。福音書的作者隨後提到曾預言在耶路撒冷開泉和被刺者的預言(約 19:37;參見 撒迦利亞書 12:10)。這泉源就是基督受傷的一側。
  5. Earlier, John’s Gospel had spoken of this event, when on “the last day of the festival” (Jn 7:37), Jesus cried out to the people celebrating the great procession: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink… out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water” (Jn 7:37-38). For this to be accomplished, however, it was necessary for Jesus’ “hour” to come, for he “was not yet glorified” (Jn 7:39). That fulfilment was to come on the cross, in the blood and water that flowed from the Lord’s side.
    早些時候,約翰的福音提到了這一事件,當“節期的最後一天”(約翰福音 7:37),耶穌對慶祝盛大遊行的人們大聲呼喊:“渴了的,可以到我這裡來喝……從他心裡要流出活水的江河”(約翰福音 7:37-38)。然而,為了實現這一點,耶穌的“時候”必須來臨,因為他“尚未被榮耀”(約翰福音 7:39)。這一實現將在十字架上來臨,從主的肋旁流出的血和水。
  6. The Book of Revelation takes up the prophecies of the pierced one and the fountain: “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him” (Rev 1:7); “Let everyone who is thirsty come; let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift” (Rev 22:17).
    啟示錄提到被刺者和泉源的預言:“看哪,他來了,眾目要看見他,就是那些刺他的人”(啟示錄 1:7);“聖靈和新婦都說:‘來!’渴了的,讓他來;願意的,讓他白白取生命的水”(啟示錄 22:17)。
  7. The pierced side of Jesus is the source of the love that God had shown for his people in countless ways. Let us now recall some of his words:

    “因為你在我眼中是寶貴的,且被尊榮,我愛你。”(以賽亞書 43:4)

    “婦女能忘記她所吃奶的孩子,對她所懷的兒子毫無憐憫嗎?即使她們可能會忘記,我卻不會忘記你。看啊,我已將你銘刻在我手掌上。”(以賽亞書 49:15-16)

    「因為山可能會離去,丘陵也會被移除,但我的堅定愛將不會離開你,我的和平約也不會被移除。」(以賽亞書 54:10)

    “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you” (Jer 31 : 3 ) 31 : 3 ) 31:3)31: 3).
    “我以永恆的愛愛著你;因此我對你的信實不變。”(耶 31 : 3 ) 31 : 3 ) 31:3)31: 3) )。

    “主,你的神,必在你中間,施行拯救的勇士;他必因你歡喜,心中喜樂,必因他的愛使你復興;他必以大聲歌唱歡呼你。”(西番雅書 3:17)
  8. The prophet Hosea goes so far as to speak of the heart of God, who “led them with cords of

    human kindness, with bands of love” (Hos 11:4). When that love was spurned, the Lord could say, "My heart is stirred within me; my compassion grows warm and tender (Hos 11:8). God’s merciful love always triumphs (cf. Hos 11:9), and it was to find its most sublime expression in Christ, his definitive Word of love.
    人類的善良,伴隨著愛的羈絆”(何西阿書 11:4)。當這份愛被拒絕時,主可以說:“我的心在我裡面翻騰;我的憐憫變得溫暖而柔和”(何西阿書 11:8)。上帝的慈悲之愛總是獲勝(參見 何西阿書 11:9),而它在基督裡找到了最崇高的表達,基督是他愛的終極話語。
  9. The pierced heart of Christ embodies all God’s declarations of love present in the Scriptures. That love is no mere matter of words; rather, the open side of his Son is a source of life for those whom he loves, the fount that quenches the thirst of his people. As Saint John Paul II pointed out, “the essential elements of devotion [to the Sacred Heart] belong in a permanent fashion to the spirituality of the Church throughout her history; for since the beginning, the Church has looked to the heart of Christ pierced on the Cross”. [84]


  1. Let us consider some of the ways that, in the history of the Christian faith, these prophecies were understood to have been fulfilled. Various Fathers of the Church, especially those in Asia Minor, spoke of the wounded side of Jesus as the source of the water of the Holy Spirit: the word, its grace and the sacraments that communicate it. The courage of the martyrs is born of “the heavenly fount of living waters flowing from the side of Christ” [85] or, in the version of Rufinus, “the heavenly and eternal streams that flow from the heart of Christ”. 886] We believers, reborn in the Spirit, emerge from the cleft in the rock; “we have come forth from the heart of Christ”. [87] His wounded side, understood as his heart, filled with the Holy Spirit, comes to us as a flood of living water. “The fount of the Spirit is entirely in Christ”. [88] Yet the Spirit whom we have received does not distance us from the risen Lord, but fills us with his presence, for by drinking of the Spirit we drink of the same Christ. In the words of Saint Ambrose: “Drink of Christ, for he is the rock that pours forth a flood of water. Drink of Christ, for he is the source of life. Drink of Christ, for he is the river whose streams gladden the city of God. Drink of Christ, for he is our peace. Drink of Christ, for from his side flows living water”. [89]
    讓我們考慮在基督信仰的歷史中,這些預言被理解為如何實現的幾種方式。各位教父,特別是小亞細亞的教父,談到耶穌受傷的側面作為聖靈之水的源泉:這個詞、它的恩典和傳達它的聖事。殉道者的勇氣源於「從基督的側面流出的天上活水的泉源」[85],或在魯芬努斯的版本中,「從基督的心中流出的天上和永恆的溪流」[886]。我們這些在聖靈中重生的信徒,從岩石的裂縫中出來;「我們已經從基督的心中出來」[87]。他的受傷側面,被理解為他的心,充滿了聖靈,像活水的洪流來到我們面前。「聖靈的泉源完全在基督裡」[88]。然而,我們所接受的聖靈並不使我們與復活的主疏遠,而是充滿了他的臨在,因為喝下聖靈就是喝下同一位基督。聖安布羅斯的話說:「喝基督的水,因為他是那傾瀉活水的磐石。喝基督的水,因為他是生命的源泉。」 基督的飲料,因為他是使神的城歡喜的河流。基督的飲料,因為他是我們的平安。基督的飲料,因為從他的側面流出活水。[89]
  2. Saint Augustine opened the way to devotion to the Sacred Heart as the locus of our personal encounter with the Lord. For Augustine, Christ’s wounded side is not only the source of grace and the sacraments, but also the symbol of our intimate union with Christ, the setting of an encounter of love. There we find the source of the most precious wisdom of all, which is knowledge of him. In effect, Augustine writes that John, the beloved disciple, reclining on Jesus’ bosom at the Last Supper, drew near to the secret place of wisdom. [90] Here we have no merely intellectual contemplation of an abstract theological truth. As Saint Jerome explains, a person capable of contemplation “does not delight in the beauty of that stream of water, but drinks of the living water flowing from the side of the Lord”. [91]
    聖奧古斯丁為對聖心的奉獻開啟了道路,這是我們與主個人相遇的場所。對奧古斯丁而言,基督的傷側不僅是恩典和聖事的源泉,也是我們與基督親密聯合的象徵,是愛的相遇之地。在那裡,我們找到所有最珍貴智慧的源泉,即對他的認識。實際上,奧古斯丁寫道,摯愛的門徒約翰在最後的晚餐中靠在耶穌的胸膛上,接近了智慧的秘密之地。[90] 在這裡,我們並不是僅僅對抽象神學真理進行智力上的沉思。正如聖耶柔米所解釋的,能夠沉思的人「不會因那股水流的美麗而喜悅,而是飲用從主的側面流出的活水」。[91]
  3. Saint Bernard takes up the symbolism of the pierced side of the Lord and understands it explicitly as a revelation and outpouring of all of the love of his heart. Through that wound, Christ

    opens his heart to us and enables us to appropriate the boundless mystery of his love and mercy: “I take from the bowels of the Lord what is lacking to me, for his bowels overflow with mercy through the holes through which they stream. Those who crucified him pierced his hands and feet, they pierced his side with a lance. And through those holes I can taste wild honey and oil from the rocks of flint, that is, I can taste and see that the Lord is good… A lance passed through his soul even to the region of his heart. No longer is he unable to take pity on my weakness. The wounds inflicted on his body have disclosed to us the secrets of his heart; they enable us to contemplate the great mystery of his compassion”. [92]
  4. This theme reappears especially in William of Saint-Thierry, who invites us to enter into the heart of Jesus, who feeds us from his own breast. [93] This is not surprising if we recall that for William, “the art of arts is the art of love… Love is awakened by the Creator of nature, and is a power of the soul that leads it, as if by its natural gravity, to its proper place and end”. [94] That proper place, where love reigns in fullness, is the heart of Christ: “Lord, where do you lead those whom you embrace and clasp to your heart? Your heart, Jesus, is the sweet manna of your divinity that you hold within the golden jar of your soul (cf. Heb 9:4), and that surpasses all knowledge. Happy those who, having plunged into those depths, have been hidden by you in the recess of your heart”. [95]
    這個主題在聖提耶的威廉身上再次出現,他邀請我們進入耶穌的心中,耶穌從自己的懷中滋養我們。[93] 如果我們回想威廉所說的,“藝術之中之藝術是愛的藝術……愛是由自然的創造者喚醒的,是靈魂的一種力量,像自然的重力一樣引導靈魂到達其適當的地方和目的。”[94] 那個適當的地方,愛在其中完全統治,就是基督的心:“主啊,您將那些被您擁抱和緊緊相擁的人引向何處?您的心,耶穌,是您神性的甜蜜嗎哪,您將其藏於您靈魂的金罐中(參見希伯來書 9:4),超越所有的知識。那些已經潛入這些深淵,並被您隱藏在您心靈深處的人是有福的。”[95]
  5. Saint Bonaventure unites these two spiritual currents. He presents the heart of Christ as the source of the sacraments and of grace, and urges that our contemplation of that heart become a relationship between friends, a personal encounter of love.
  6. Bonaventure makes us appreciate first the beauty of the grace and the sacraments flowing from the fountain of life that is the wounded side of the Lord. “In order that from the side of Christ sleeping on the cross, the Church might be formed and the Scripture fulfilled that says: ‘They shall look upon him whom they pierced’, one of the soldiers struck him with a lance and opened his side. This was permitted by divine Providence so that, in the blood and water flowing from that wound, the price of our salvation might flow from the hidden wellspring of his heart, enabling the Church’s sacraments to confer the life of grace and thus to be, for those who live in Christ, like a cup filled from the living fount springing up to life eternal”. [96]
  7. Bonaventure then asks us to take another step, in order that our access to grace not be seen as a kind of magic or neo-platonic emanation, but rather as a direct relationship with Christ, a dwelling in his heart, so that whoever drinks from that source becomes a friend of Christ, a loving heart. “Rise up, then, O soul who are a friend of Christ, and be the dove that nests in the cleft in the rock; be the sparrow that finds a home and constantly watches over it; be the turtledove that hides the offspring of its chaste love in that most holy cleft”. [97]
  8. Gradually, the wounded side of Christ, as the abode of his love and the wellspring of the life of grace, began to be associated with his heart, especially in monastic life. We know that in the course of history, devotion to the heart of Christ was not always expressed in the same way, and that its modern developments, related to a variety of spiritual experiences, cannot be directly derived from the mediaeval forms, much less the biblical forms in which we glimpse the seeds of that devotion. This notwithstanding, the Church today rejects nothing of the good that the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us down the centuries, for she knows that it will always be possible to discern a clearer and deeper meaning in certain aspects of that devotion, and to gain new insights over the course of time.
  9. A number of holy women, in recounting their experiences of encounter with Christ, have spoken of resting in the heart of the Lord as the source of life and interior peace. This was the case with Saints Lutgarde and Mechtilde of Hackeborn, Saint Angela of Foligno and Dame Julian of Norwich, to mention only a few. Saint Gertrude of Helfta, a Cistercian nun, tells of a time in prayer when she reclined her head on the heart of Christ and heard its beating. In a dialogue with Saint John the Evangelist, she asked him why he had not described in his Gospel what he experienced when he did the same. Gertrude concludes that “the sweet sound of those heartbeats has been reserved for modern times, so that, hearing them, our aging and lukewarm world may be renewed in the love of God”. [98] Might we think that this is indeed a message for our own times, a summons to realize how our world has indeed “grown old”, and needs to perceive anew the message of Christ’s love? Saint Gertrude and Saint Mechtilde have been considered among “the most intimate confidants of the Sacred Heart”. [99]
  10. The Carthusians, encouraged above all by Ludolph of Saxony, found in devotion to the Sacred Heart a means of growth in affection and closeness to Christ. All who enter through the wound of his heart are inflamed with love. Saint Catherine of Siena wrote that the Lord’s sufferings are impossible for us to comprehend, but the open heart of Christ enables us to have a lively personal encounter with his boundless love. “I wished to reveal to you the secret of my heart, allowing you to see it open, so that you can understand that I have loved you so much more than I could have proved to you by the suffering that I once endured”. 100]
  11. Devotion to the heart of Christ slowly passed beyond the walls of the monasteries to enrich the spirituality of saintly teachers, preachers and founders of religious congregations, who then spread it to the farthest reaches of the earth. [101]
  12. Particularly significant was the initiative taken by Saint John Eudes, who, “after preaching with his confrères a fervent mission in Rennes, convinced the bishop of that diocese to approve the celebration of the feast of the Adorable Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the first time that such a feast was officially authorized in the Church. Following this, between the years 1670 and 1671, the bishops of Coutances, Evreux, Bayeux, Lisieux and Rouen authorized the celebration of the feast for their respective dioceses”. [102]
    特別重要的是聖約翰·尤德斯所採取的倡議,他在與同伴們在雷恩進行熱情的傳教後,說服該教區的主教批准慶祝我們主耶穌基督可愛心臟的節日。這是教會首次正式授權舉行此節日。隨後,在 1670 年至 1671 年間,庫唐斯、埃夫勒、巴約、利雪和魯昂的主教們也授權在各自的教區慶祝此節日。
  13. In modern times, mention should be made of the important contribution of Saint Francis de Sales. Francis frequently contemplated Christ’s open heart, which invites us to dwell therein, in a personal relationship of love that sheds light on the mysteries of his life. In his writings, the saintly Doctor of the Church opposes a rigorous morality and a legalistic piety by presenting the heart of Jesus as a summons to complete trust in the mysterious working of his grace. We see this expressed in his letter to Saint Jane Francis de Chantal: “I am certain that we will remain no longer in ourselves… but dwell forever in the Lord’s wounded side, for apart from him not only can we do nothing, but even if we were able, we would lack the desire to do anything”. [103]
  14. For Francis de Sales, true devotion had nothing to do with superstition or perfunctory piety, since it entails a personal relationship in which each of us feels uniquely and individually known and loved by Christ. “This most adorable and lovable heart of our Master, burning with the love which he professes to us, [is] a heart on which all our names are written… Surely it is a source of profound consolation to know that we are loved so deeply by our Lord, who constantly carries us in his heart”. [104] With the image of our names written on the heart of Christ, Saint Francis sought to express the extent to which Christ’s love for each of us is not something abstract and generic, but utterly personal, enabling each believer to feel known and respected for who he or she is. “How lovely is this heaven, in which the Lord is its sun and his breast a fountain of love from which the blessed drink to their heart’s content! Each of us can look therein and see our name carved in letters of love, which true love alone can read and true love has written. Dear God! And what too, beloved daughter, of our loved ones? Surely they will be there too; for even if our hearts have no love, they nonetheless possess a desire for love and the beginnings of love”. [105]
    對於法蘭西斯·德·薩爾,真正的虔誠與迷信或敷衍的虔誠無關,因為它涉及一種個人關係,在這種關係中,我們每個人都感受到基督對我們的獨特和個別的認識與愛。“我們的主那最可愛和可親的心,燃燒著他對我們所表達的愛,[是]一顆寫著我們所有名字的心……知道我們被主如此深切地愛著,無疑是一種深刻的安慰,因為他不斷地將我們放在他的心中。”[104] 以我們的名字刻在基督的心上,聖法蘭西斯試圖表達基督對我們每個人的愛並不是抽象和一般的,而是完全個人的,使每位信徒都能感受到被認識和尊重,因為他或她的本來面目。“這天堂是多麼可愛,主是它的太陽,他的胸膛是愛的泉源,讓有福者隨心所欲地飲用!我們每個人都可以在其中看到我們的名字用愛的字母刻寫,只有真正的愛能讀懂,真正的愛也寫下了。親愛的上帝!那麼,親愛的女兒,我們所愛之人又如何呢? 他們肯定也會在那裡;即使我們的心中沒有愛,他們仍然擁有對愛的渴望和愛的萌芽。[105]
  15. Francis saw this experience of Christ’s love as essential to the spiritual life, indeed one of the great truths of faith: “Yes, my beloved daughter, he thinks of you and not only, but even the smallest hair of your head: this is an article of faith and in no way must it be doubted”. [106] It follows that the believer becomes capable of complete abandonment in the heart of Christ, in which he or she finds repose, comfort and strength: “Oh God! What happiness to be thus embraced and to recline in the bosom of the Saviour. Remain thus, beloved daughter, and like another little one, Saint John, while others are tasting different kinds of food at the table of the Lord, lay your head, your soul and your spirit, in a gesture of utter trust, on the loving bosom of this dear Lord”. [107] “I hope that you are resting in the cleft of the turtledove and in the pierced side of our beloved Saviour… How good is this Lord, my beloved daughter! How loving is his Heart! Let us remain here, in this holy abode”. [108]
    方濟各將基督之愛的這種經歷視為靈性生活的根本,確實是信仰的偉大真理之一:“是的,我親愛的女兒,他在想著你,不僅如此,甚至你頭上的每一根細髮:這是一項信仰的條款,絕不應懷疑。”因此,信徒能夠在基督的心中完全放棄,在那裡他或她找到安息、安慰和力量:“哦,神啊!被如此擁抱並依偎在救主的懷抱中是多麼幸福。就這樣停留吧,親愛的女兒,像另一個小孩聖約翰一樣,當其他人在主的桌上品嚐不同的食物時,將你的頭、你的靈魂和你的精神,懷著完全信任的姿態,放在這位親愛的主的慈愛懷抱中。” “我希望你在鴿子的裂縫和我們親愛的救主的刺傷側面中安息……這位主是多麼美好,我親愛的女兒!他的心是多麼慈愛!讓我們留在這裡,在這個神聖的居所。”
  16. At the same time, faithful to his teaching on the sanctification of ordinary life, Francis proposes that this experience take place in the midst of the activities, tasks and obligations of our daily existence. “You asked me how souls that are attracted in prayer to this holy simplicity, to this perfect abandonment in God, should conduct themselves in all their actions? I would reply that,

    not only in prayer, but also in the conduct of everyday life they should advance always in the spirit of simplicity, abandoning and completely surrendering their soul, their actions and their accomplishments to God’s will. And to do so with a love marked by perfect and absolute trust, abandoning themselves to grace and to the care of the eternal love that divine Providence feels for them”. [109]
  17. For this reason, when looking for a symbol to convey his vision of spiritual life, Francis de Sales concluded: “I have thought, dear Mother, if you agree, that we should take as our emblem a single heart pierced by two arrows, the whole enclosed in a crown of thorns”. [110]


  1. Under the salutary influence of this Salesian spirituality, the events of Paray-le-Monial took place at the end of the seventeenth century. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque reported a remarkable series of apparitions of Christ between the end of December 1673 and June of 1675. Fundamental to these was a declaration of love that stood out in the first apparition. Jesus said: “My divine Heart is so inflamed with love for men, and for you in particular, that, no longer able to contain in itself the flames of its ardent charity, it must pour them out through you and be manifested to them, in order to enrich them with its precious treasures which I now reveal to you”. [111]
    在這種薩利西安靈性的有益影響下,帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾的事件發生在十七世紀末。聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗·阿拉科克報告了 1673 年 12 月底至 1675 年 6 月之間一系列顯著的基督顯現。這些顯現的核心是一個愛的宣言,這在第一次顯現中尤為突出。耶穌說:“我的神聖心靈因對人類,特別是對你們的愛而燃燒,無法再將其熱烈的慈愛之火壓抑在心中,必須通過你們傾瀉出來,向他們顯現,以便用我現在向你們揭示的珍貴寶藏來豐富他們。”
  2. Saint Margaret Mary’s account is powerful and deeply moving: “He revealed to me the wonders of his love and the inexplicable secrets of his Sacred Heart which he had hitherto kept hidden from me, until he opened it to me for the first time, in such a striking and sensible manner that he left me no room for doubt”. [112] In subsequent appearances, that consoling message was reiterated: “He revealed to me the ineffable wonders of his pure love and to what extremes it had led him to love mankind”. [113]
    聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗的敘述強而有力,深具感動:“他向我揭示了他愛的奇蹟和他聖心中無法言喻的秘密,這些秘密他之前一直隱藏著,直到他第一次以如此驚人而明顯的方式向我打開,讓我毫無疑問。”[112] 在隨後的顯現中,這個安慰的信息再次被重申:“他向我揭示了他純潔愛的無法言喻的奇蹟,以及這種愛使他達到的極限。”[113]
  3. This powerful realization of the love of Jesus Christ bequeathed to us by Saint Margaret Mary can spur us to greater union with him. We need not feel obliged to accept or appropriate every detail of her spiritual experience, in which, as often happens, God’s intervention combines with human elements related to the individual’s own desires, concerns and interior images. [114] Such experiences must always be interpreted in the light of the Gospel and the rich spiritual tradition of the Church, even as we acknowledge the good they accomplish in many of our brothers and sisters. In this way, we can recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit present in those experiences of faith and love. More important than any individual detail is the core of the message handed on to us, which can be summed up in the words heard by Saint Margaret Mary: “This is the heart that so loved human beings that it has spared nothing, even to emptying and consuming itself in order to show them its love”. [115]
    這位聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗所遺留給我們的耶穌基督之愛的強大體悟,可以激勵我們與他更深的聯合。我們不必感到有義務接受或採納她靈性經驗中的每一個細節,因為,正如常常發生的那樣,神的介入與個人自身的渴望、關切和內心意象相關的人類元素相結合。[114] 這些經驗必須始終在福音和教會豐富的靈性傳統的光照下解釋,即使我們承認它們在我們許多兄弟姐妹中所帶來的善果。這樣,我們可以認識到在那些信仰和愛的經驗中存在的聖靈的恩賜。比起任何個別細節,更重要的是傳遞給我們的訊息的核心,可以用聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗所聽到的話來總結:“這是那顆如此愛人類的心,以至於不惜一切,甚至自我空虛和消耗,以向他們顯示它的愛”。[115]
  4. This apparition, then, invites us to grow in our encounter with Christ, putting our trust completely in his love, until we attain full and definitive union with him. “It is necessary that the

    divine heart of Jesus in some way replace our own; that he alone live and work in us and for us; that his will… work absolutely and without any resistance on our part; and finally that its affections, thoughts and desires take the place of our own, especially his love, so that he is loved in himself and for our sakes. And so, this lovable heart being our all in all, we can say with Saint Paul that we no longer live our own lives, but it is he who lives within us”. [116]
  5. In the first message that Saint Margaret Mary received, this invitation was expressed in vivid, fervent and loving terms. “He asked for my heart, which I asked him to take, which he did and then placed myself in his own adorable heart, from which he made me see mine like a little atom consumed in the fiery furnace of his own”. [117]
  6. At another point, we see that the one who gives himself to us is the risen and glorified Christ, full of life and light. If indeed, at different times, he spoke of the suffering that he endured for our sake and of the ingratitude with which it is met, what we see here are not so much his blood and painful wounds, but rather the light and fire of the Lord of life. The wounds of the passion have not disappeared, but are now transfigured. Here we see the paschal mystery in all its splendour: “Once, when the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, Jesus appeared, resplendent in glory, with his five wounds that appeared as so many suns blazing forth from his sacred humanity, but above all from his adorable breast, which seemed a fiery furnace. Opening his robe, he revealed his most loving and lovable heart, which was the living source of those flames. Then it was that I discovered the ineffable wonders of his pure love, with which he loves men to the utmost, yet receives from them only ingratitude and indifference”. [118]


  1. When Saint Claude de La Colombière learned of the experiences of Saint Margaret Mary, he immediately undertook her defence and began to spread word of the apparitions. Saint Claude played a special role in developing the understanding of devotion to the Sacred Heart and its meaning in the light of the Gospel.
  2. Some of the language of Saint Margaret Mary, if poorly understood, might suggest undue trust in our personal sacrifices and offerings. Saint Claude insists that contemplation of the heart of Jesus, when authentic, does not provoke self-complacency or a vain confidence in our own experiences or human efforts, but rather an ineffable abandonment in Christ that fills our life with peace, security and decision. He expressed this absolute confidence most eloquently in a celebrated prayer:

    “My God, I am so convinced that you keep watch over those who hope in you, and that we can want for nothing when we look for all in you, that I am resolved in the future to live free from every care and to turn all my anxieties over to you… I shall never lose my hope. I shall keep it to the last moment of my life; and at that moment all the demons in hell will strive to tear it from me… Others

    may look for happiness from their wealth or their talents; others may rest on the innocence of their life, or the severity of their penance, or the amount of their alms, or the fervour of their prayers. As for me, Lord, all my confidence is confidence itself. This confidence has never deceived anyone… I am sure, therefore, that I shall be eternally happy, since I firmly hope to be, and because it is from you, O God, that I hope for it”. [119]
  3. In a note of January 1677, after mentioning the assurance he felt regarding his mission, Claude continued: “I have come to know that God wanted me to serve him by obtaining the fulfilment of his desires regarding the devotion that he suggested to a person to whom he communicates in confidence, and for whose sake he has desired to make use of my weakness. I have already used it to help several persons”. [120]
    在 1677 年 1 月的一則筆記中,克勞德提到他對自己使命的信心後,繼續說道:“我已經知道,上帝希望我通過實現他對一位他以信任方式與之交流的人所建議的奉獻來侍奉他,並且為了這個人的緣故,他希望利用我的軟弱。我已經用這一點來幫助幾個人。”
  4. It should be recognized that the spirituality of Blessed Claude de La Colombière resulted in a fine synthesis of the profound and moving spiritual experience of Saint Margaret Mary and the vivid and concrete form of contemplation found in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola. At the beginning of the third week of the Exercises, Claude reflected: “Two things have moved me in a striking way. First, the attitude of Christ towards those who sought to arrest him. His heart is full of bitter sorrow; every violent passion is unleashed against him and all nature is in turmoil, yet amid all this confusion, all these temptations, his heart remains firmly directed to God. He does not hesitate to take the part that virtue and the highest virtue suggested to him. Second, the attitude of that same heart towards Judas who betrayed him, the apostles who cravenly abandoned him, the priests and the others responsible for the persecution he suffered; none of these things was able to arouse in him the slightest sentiment of hatred or indignation. I present myself anew to this heart free of anger, free of bitterness, filled instead with genuine compassion towards its enemies”. [121]


  1. Saint Charles de Foucauld and Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, without intending to, reshaped certain aspects of devotion to the heart of Christ and thus helped us understand it in an even more evangelical spirit. Let us now examine how this devotion found expression in their lives. In the following chapter, we will return to them, in order to illustrate the distinctively missionary dimension that each of them brought to the devotion.

lesus Caritas 耶穌的愛

  1. In Louye, Charles de Foucauld was accustomed to visit the Blessed Sacrament with his cousin, Marie de Bondy. One day she showed him an image of the Sacred Heart. [122] His cousin played a fundamental role in Charles’s conversion, as he himself acknowledged: “Since God has made you the first instrument of his mercies towards me, from you everything else began. Had you not converted me, brought me to Jesus and taught me little by little, letter by letter, all that is holy
    在盧耶,查爾斯·德·福科爾德習慣與他的表妹瑪麗·德·邦迪一起參觀聖體聖事。一天,她向他展示了一幅聖心的圖像。[122] 他的表妹在查爾斯的皈依中扮演了根本的角色,正如他自己所承認的:“既然上帝使你成為他對我憐憫的第一個工具,一切都從你開始。如果不是你使我皈依,帶我來到耶穌面前,並一點一滴地教導我,逐字逐句地教我所有的聖潔。”

    和好,今天我會在哪裡?”[123] 瑪麗喚醒了他對耶穌之愛的強烈覺察。這是最重要的,並且集中於對耶穌心靈的奉獻,在那裡他遇到了無限的慈悲:“讓我們信賴那位你引導我認識的心靈的無限慈悲”。[124]

    131. 後來,他的靈性導師亨利·胡維林神父幫助查爾斯加深了對“你常常對我提到的這個祝福的心臟”這一無法估量的神秘的理解。[125] 在 1889 年 6 月 6 日,查爾斯將自己奉獻給聖心,在那裡他找到了無限的愛。他告訴基督:“你賜予我如此多的恩惠,不相信你的心願意賜予我每一個美好,無論多麼偉大,這似乎對你的心是忘恩負義的,而你的愛和慷慨是無邊無際的。”[126] 他將成為一名隱士,“以耶穌之心的名義”。[127]
  2. On 17 May 1906, the same day in which Brother Charles, alone, could no longer celebrate Mass, he wrote of his promise “to let the heart of Jesus live in me, so that it is no longer I who live, but the heart of Jesus that lives in me, as he lived in Nazareth”. [128] His friendship with Jesus, heart to heart, was anything but a privatized piety. It inspired the austere life he led in Nazareth, born of a desire to imitate Christ and to be conformed to him. His loving devotion to the heart of Jesus had a concrete effect on his style of life, and his Nazareth was nourished by his personal relationship with the heart of Christ.
    在 1906 年 5 月 17 日,正是查爾斯兄弟獨自無法再慶祝彌撒的那一天,他寫下了他的承諾:“讓耶穌的心在我裡面活著,這樣就不再是我活著,而是耶穌的心在我裡面活著,正如他在拿撒勒生活。”[128] 他與耶穌之間的心靈友誼絕非私人的虔誠。這種友誼激勵了他在拿撒勒過著嚴謹的生活,源於模仿基督和與他相符的渴望。他對耶穌之心的深切奉獻對他的生活方式產生了具體的影響,而他的拿撒勒則是由他與基督之心的個人關係所滋養。


  1. Like Saint Charles de Foucauld, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus was influenced by the great renewal of devotion that swept nineteenth-century France. Father Almire Pichon, the spiritual director of her family, was seen as a devoted apostle of the Sacred Heart. One of her sisters took as her name in religion “Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart”, and the monastery that Therese entered was dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Her devotion nonetheless took on certain distinctive traits with regard to the customary piety of that age.
  2. When Therese was fifteen, she could speak of Jesus as the one “whose heart beats in unison with my own”. [129] Two years later, speaking of the image of Christ’s heart crowned with thorns, she wrote in a letter: “You know that I myself do not see the Sacred Heart as everyone else. I think that the Heart of my Spouse is mine alone, just as mine is his alone, and I speak to him then in the solitude of this delightful heart to heart, while waiting to contemplate him one day face to face”. [130]

    135.In one of her poems, Therese voiced the meaning of her devotion, which had to do more with friendship and assurance than with trust in her sacrifices:
    135.In 她的一首詩中,泰瑞絲表達了她的奉獻意義,這與友誼和保證有關,與對她犧牲的信任無關:

    "I need a heart burning with tenderness,
Who will be my support forever,
Who loves everything in me, even my weakness…

I must have a God who takes on my nature,
And becomes my brother and is able to suffer! …
Ah! I know well, all our righteousness

So I, for my purgatory,
Choose your burning love, O heart of my God!" [131]
選擇你燃燒的愛,哦,我神的心!" [131]

136. Perhaps the most important text for understanding the devotion of Therese to the heart of Christ is a letter that she wrote three months before her death to her friend Maurice Bellière. “When I see Mary Magdalene walking up before the many guests, washing with her tears the feet of her adored Master, whom she is touching for the first time, I feel that her heart has understood the abysses of love and mercy of the heart of Jesus, and, sinner though she is, this heart of love was disposed not only to pardon her but to lavish on her the blessings of his divine intimacy, to lift her to the highest summits of contemplation. Ah! dear little Brother, ever since I have been given the grace to understand also the love of the heart of Jesus, I admit that it has expelled all fear from my heart. The remembrance of my faults humbles me, draws me never to depend on my strength which is only weakness, but this remembrance speaks to me of mercy and love even more”. [132]
136. 也許理解德蕾莎對基督心靈的奉獻最重要的文本,是她在去世前三個月寫給朋友莫里斯·貝利埃的信。“當我看到瑪麗亞·馬達肋納在眾多客人面前走來,用她的眼淚洗著她所崇拜的主的腳,這是她第一次觸碰到他,我感受到她的心靈理解了耶穌心靈中愛與慈悲的深淵,儘管她是個罪人,但這顆愛的心不僅願意寬恕她,還願意將他神聖親密的祝福賜予她,將她提升到最高的默觀巔峰。啊!親愛的小兄弟,自從我獲得了理解耶穌心靈之愛的恩典以來,我承認這已經驅除了我心中的所有恐懼。對我過錯的回憶使我謙卑,讓我永遠不依賴我那僅是軟弱的力量,但這回憶對我訴說著更多的慈悲與愛。”

137. Those moralizers who want to keep a tight rein on God’s mercy and grace might claim that Therese could say this because she was a saint, but a simple person could not say the same. In that way, they excise from the spirituality of Saint Therese its wonderful originality, which reflects the heart of the Gospel. Sadly, in certain Christian circles we often encounter this attempt to fit the Holy Spirit into a certain preconceived pattern in a way that enables them to keep everything under their supervision. Yet this astute Doctor of the Church reduces them to silence and directly contradicts their reductive view in these clear words: “If I had committed all possible crimes, I would always have the same confidence; I feel that this whole multitude of offenses would be like a drop of water thrown into a fiery furnace”. [133]
137. 那些想要嚴格控制上帝的慈悲和恩典的道德家可能會聲稱,特蕾莎之所以能這樣說,是因為她是一位聖人,但普通人卻無法這樣說。這樣一來,他們就剝奪了聖特蕾莎靈性中那種美妙的獨創性,這反映了福音的核心。可悲的是,在某些基督教圈子裡,我們經常遇到這種試圖將聖靈納入某種先入為主的模式的情況,以便讓他們能夠將一切都置於自己的監督之下。然而,這位精明的教會博士用這句清晰的話語使他們沉默,並直接反駁了他們的簡化觀點:“如果我犯下所有可能的罪行,我仍然會保持同樣的信心;我感覺這整個罪行的多數就像一滴水扔進火爐中。” [133]

138. To Sister Marie, who praised her generous love of God, prepared even to embrace martyrdom, Therese responded at length in a letter that is one of the great milestones in the
138. 對於讚美她對上帝慷慨之愛、甚至準備接受殉道的瑪麗修女,特蕾莎在一封信中詳細回應,這封信是她生命中的一個重要里程碑。

history of spirituality. This page ought to be read a thousand times over for its depth, clarity and beauty. There, Therese helps her sister, “Marie of the Sacred Heart”, to avoid focusing this devotion on suffering, since some had presented reparation primarily in terms of accumulating sacrifices and good works. Therese, for her part, presents confidence as the greatest and best offering, pleasing to the heart of Christ: “My desires of martyrdom are nothing; they are not what give me the unlimited confidence that I feel in my heart. They are, to tell the truth, the spiritual riches that render one unjust, when one rests in them with complacence and one believes that they are something great… what pleases [Jesus] is that he sees me loving my littleness and my poverty, the blind hope that I have in his mercy… That is my only treasure… If you want to feel joy, to have an attraction for suffering, it is your consolation that you are seeking… Understand that to be his victim of love, the weaker one is, without desires or virtues, the more suited one is for the workings of this consuming and transforming Love… Oh! How I would like to be able to make you understand what I feel!.. It is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love”. [134]
靈性歷史。這一頁應該被讀上千遍,因為它的深度、清晰和美麗。在那裡,特蕾莎幫助她的姐妹「聖心瑪麗」避免將這種奉獻集中於痛苦,因為有些人主要將贖罪視為積累犧牲和善行。特蕾莎則將信心呈現為最偉大和最好的奉獻,這是基督心中所喜悅的:「我對殉道的渴望毫無意義;它們並不是我心中感受到的無限信心的來源。說實話,這些是使人不公的精神財富,當一個人自滿地依賴於它們,並相信它們是偉大的時候……使[耶穌]高興的是,他看到我愛我的渺小和貧窮,以及我對他慈悲的盲目希望……那是我唯一的寶藏……如果你想感受到喜悅,對痛苦產生吸引,那是你所尋求的安慰……明白成為他愛的受害者,越是脆弱,沒有渴望或美德的人,越是適合這種消耗和轉化的愛的運作……哦!我多麼希望能讓你理解我所感受到的! “必須由信心引領我們走向愛,僅此而已。”[134]

139. In many of her writings, Therese speaks of her struggle with forms of spirituality overly focused on human effort, on individual merit, on offering sacrifices and carrying out certain acts in order to “win heaven”. For her, “merit does not consist in doing or in giving much, but rather in receiving”. [135] Let us read once again some of these deeply meaningful texts where she emphasizes this and presents it as a simple and rapid means of taking hold of the Lord “by his heart”.

140. To her sister Léonie she writes, “I assure you that God is much better than you believe. He is content with a glance, a sigh of love… As for me, I find perfection very easy to practise because I have understood it is a matter of taking hold of Jesus by his heart… Look at a little child who has just annoyed his mother… If he comes to her, holding out his little arms, smiling and saying: ‘Kiss me, I will not do it again’, will his mother be able not to press him to her heart tenderly and forget his childish mischief? However, she knows her dear little one will do it again on the next occasion, but this does not matter; if he takes her again by her heart, he will not be punished”. [136]
140. 她寫信給她的姐妹萊昂妮:“我向你保證,上帝比你所相信的要好得多。他只需一瞥、一聲愛的嘆息就心滿意足……至於我,我發現實踐完美是非常容易的,因為我明白這是抓住耶穌的心……看看一個剛惹惱了母親的小孩……如果他走向她,伸出小手臂,微笑著說:‘親吻我,我不會再這樣了’,他的母親能不溫柔地將他緊緊抱入懷中,並忘記他的孩子氣的惡作劇嗎?然而,她知道她親愛的小寶貝在下次還會這樣做,但這並不重要;如果他再次抓住她的心,他就不會受到懲罰。” [136]

141. So too, in a letter to Father Adolphe Roulland she writes, “[M]y way is all confidence and love. I do not understand souls who fear a friend so tender. At times, when I am reading certain spiritual treatises in which perfection is shown through a thousand obstacles, surrounded by a crowd of illusions, my poor little mind quickly tires; I close the learned book that is breaking my head and drying up my heart, and I take up Holy Scripture. Then all seems luminous to me; a single word uncovers for my soul infinite horizons, perfection seems simple to me. I see that it is sufficient to recognize one’s nothingness and to abandon oneself like a child into God’s arms”. [137]
141. 她在給阿道夫·魯朗神父的信中寫道:「我的道路充滿信心和愛。我無法理解那些害怕如此溫柔的朋友的靈魂。有時,當我閱讀某些靈修論文,裡面展示了通往完美的千重障礙,周圍充斥著各種幻影時,我那可憐的小心靈很快就感到疲憊;我合上那本讓我頭痛、心靈枯竭的學術書籍,轉而拿起聖經。然後一切對我來說似乎都變得明亮;一個字就為我的靈魂揭示了無限的視野,完美對我來說似乎是簡單的。我看到,認識到自己的虛無並像孩子一樣投身於上帝的懷抱中就已足夠。」

142. In yet another letter, she relates this to the love shown by a parent: “I do not believe that the heart of [a] father could resist the filial confidence of his child, whose sincerity and love he knows. He realizes, however, that more than once his son will fall into the same faults, but he is prepared



  1. We have seen how Saint Claude de La Colombière combined the spiritual experience of Saint Margaret Mary with the aim of the Spiritual Exercises. I believe that the place of the Sacred Heart in the history of the Society of Jesus merits a few brief words.
  2. The spirituality of the Society of Jesus has always proposed an “interior knowledge of the Lord in order to love and follow him more fully”. [139] Saint Ignatius invites us in his Spiritual Exercises to place ourselves before the Gospel that tells us that, “[Christ’s] side was pierced by the lance and blood and water flowed forth”. [140] When retreatants contemplate the wounded side of the crucified Lord, Ignatius suggests that they enter into the heart of Christ. Thus we have a way to enlarge our own hearts, recommended by one who was a “master of affections”, to use the words of Saint Peter Faber in one of his letters to Saint Ignatius. [141] Father Juan Alfonso de Polanco echoed that same expression in his biography of Saint Ignatius: “He [Cardinal Gasparo Contarini] realized that in Father Ignatius he had encountered a master of affections”. [142] The colloquies that Saint Ignatius proposed are an essential part of this training of the heart, for in them we sense and savour with the heart a Gospel message and converse about it with the Lord. Saint Ignatius tells us that we can share our concerns with the Lord and seek his counsel. Anyone who follows the Exercises can readily see that they involve a dialogue, heart to heart.
    耶穌會的靈性一直提倡「內在認識主,以便更完全地愛和跟隨他」。聖伊納爵在他的靈修操練中邀請我們站在告訴我們「[基督的]肋旁被刺,血和水流出」的福音面前。當靜修者默想被釘十字架的主的受傷一面時,伊納爵建議他們進入基督的心中。因此,我們有了一種擴大自己心靈的方法,這是由一位被聖彼得·法伯稱為「情感的大師」的人所推薦的。胡安·阿方索·德·波蘭科神父在他的聖伊納爵傳記中回應了同樣的表達:「他[卡爾德納·加斯帕羅·孔塔里尼]意識到在伊納爵神父身上遇到了一位情感的大師」。聖伊納爵所提議的對話是這種心靈訓練的重要部分,因為在這些對話中,我們用心靈感受和品味福音的信息,並與主交談。聖伊納爵告訴我們,我們可以與主分享我們的擔憂並尋求他的建議。 任何遵循這些練習的人都能輕易看出,它們涉及一種心與心之間的對話。
  3. Saint Ignatius brings his contemplations to a crescendo at the foot of the cross and invites the retreatant to ask the crucified Lord with great affection, “as one friend to another, as a servant to his master”, what he or she must do for him. [143] The progression of the Exercises culminates in the “Contemplation to Attain Love”, which gives rise to thanksgiving and the offering of one’s “memory, understanding and will” to the heart which is the fount and origin of every good thing. [144] This interior contemplation is not the fruit of our understanding and effort, but is to be implored as a gift.
    聖伊納爵在十字架腳下將他的默想推向高潮,並邀請靜修者以深厚的情感向被釘十字架的主詢問,“如同朋友對朋友,僕人對主人”一樣,他或她應該為他做些什麼。[143] 靜修的進程在“達到愛的默想”中達到頂峰,這引發了感恩,並將自己的“記憶、理解和意志”獻給那心靈,這是每一件美好事物的源泉和起源。[144] 這種內在的默想不是我們理解和努力的果實,而是應該作為一種恩賜來懇求。
  4. This same experience inspired the great succession of Jesuit priests who spoke explicitly of the heart of Jesus: Saint Francis Borgia, Saint Peter Faber, Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez, Father Álvarez de Paz, Father Vincent Carafa, Father Kasper Drużbicki and countless others. In 1883, the Jesuits declared that, “the Society of Jesus accepts and receives with an overflowing spirit of joy and gratitude the most agreeable duty entrusted to it by our Lord Jesus Christ to practise, promote and propagate devotion to his divine heart”. [145] In September 1871, Father Pieter Jan Beckx consecrated the Society to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and, as a sign that it remains an outstanding element in the life of the Society, Father Pedro Arrupe renewed that consecration in 1972, with a conviction that he explained in these words: “I therefore wish to say to the Society something about which I feel I cannot remain silent. From my novitiate on, I have always been convinced that what we call devotion to the Sacred Heart contains a symbolic expression of what
    這段經歷啟發了許多耶穌會神父,他們明確地談論耶穌的心:聖方濟·博爾哈、聖彼得·法貝爾、聖阿方索·羅德里格斯、阿爾瓦雷斯·德·帕斯神父、文森特·卡拉法神父、卡斯帕·德魯茲比基神父以及無數其他人。1883 年,耶穌會宣告:“耶穌會以充滿喜悅和感激的心情接受並承擔我們主耶穌基督所託付的最愉快的使命,實踐、推廣和傳播對他神聖之心的敬 devotion。” 1871 年 9 月,彼得·簡·貝克斯神父將社團奉獻給耶穌的聖心,作為這一奉獻在社團生活中仍然是一個突出元素的標誌,佩德羅·阿魯佩神父在 1972 年重新奉獻,並以這樣的信念解釋道:“因此,我想對社團說一些我覺得無法保持沉默的事情。從我的修道院生活開始,我一直堅信我們所稱的對聖心的敬 devotion 包含了象徵性的表達。”

    is most profound in Ignatian spirituality, and of an extraordinary efficacy - ultra quam speraverint both for its own perfection and for its apostolic fruitfulness. I continue to have this same conviction… In this devotion I encounter one of the deepest sources of my interior life”. [146]
    在伊納爵靈修中最為深刻,並且具有非凡的效能——超越他們所期望的,無論是對自身的完美還是對其使徒的豐富成果。我仍然堅持這一信念……在這種奉獻中,我遇到了我內心生活中最深刻的源泉之一”。 [146]
  5. When Saint John Paul II urged “all the members of the Society to be even more zealous in promoting this devotion, which corresponds more than ever to the expectations of our time”, he did so because he recognized the profound connection between devotion to the heart of Christ and Ignatian spirituality. For “the desire to ‘know the Lord intimately’ and to ‘have a conversation’ with him, heart to heart, is characteristic of the Ignatian spiritual and apostolic dynamism, thanks to the Spiritual Exercises, and this dynamism is wholly at the service of the love of the heart of God”.



  1. Devotion to the heart of Christ reappears in the spiritual journey of many saints, all quite different from each other; in every one of them, the devotion takes on new hues. Saint Vincent de Paul, for example, used to say that what God desires is the heart: “God asks primarily for our heart - our heart - and that is what counts. How is it that a man who has no wealth will have greater merit than someone who has great possessions that he gives up? Because the one who has nothing does it with greater love; and that is what God especially wants…” [148] This means allowing one’s heart to be united to that of Christ. “What blessing should a Sister not hope for from God if she does her utmost to put her heart in the state of being united with the heart of our Lord!” [149]
  2. At times, we may be tempted to consider this mystery of love as an admirable relic from the past, a fine spirituality suited to other times. Yet we need to remind ourselves constantly that, as a saintly missionary once said, “this divine heart, which let itself be pierced by an enemy’s lance in order to pour forth through that sacred wound the sacraments by which the Church was formed, has never ceased to love”. [150] More recent saints, like Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and many others, have spoken with deep devotion of the heart of Christ. Here I would also mention the experiences of Saint Faustina Kowalska, which re-propose devotion to the heart of Christ by greatly emphasizing the glorious life of the risen Lord and his divine mercy. Inspired by her experiences and the spiritual legacy of Saint Józef Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924), [151] Saint John Paul II intimately linked his reflections on divine mercy with devotion to the heart of Christ: “The Church seems in a singular way to profess the mercy of God and to venerate it when she directs herself to the heart of Christ. In fact, it is precisely this drawing close to Christ in the mystery of his heart which enables us to dwell on this point of the revelation of the merciful love of the Father, a revelation that constituted the central content of the messianic mission of the Son of Man”. [152] Saint John Paul also spoke of the Sacred Heart in very personal terms, acknowledging that, “it has spoken to me ever since my youth”. [153]
    有時,我們可能會被誘惑將這愛的神秘視為過去的可敬遺物,一種適合其他時代的美好靈性。然而,我們需要不斷提醒自己,正如一位聖潔的傳教士曾經說過的:“這顆神聖的心,為了讓敵人的矛刺穿,從而通過那神聖的傷口流出教會所形成的聖事,從未停止愛。” [150] 更近代的聖人,如皮耶特雷爾奇納的聖皮烏斯、加爾各答的聖特蕾莎以及許多其他人,都以深厚的虔誠談論基督的心。在這裡,我也想提到聖法烏斯蒂娜·科瓦爾斯卡的經歷,她重新提出對基督心的奉獻,並強調復活主的光榮生命和他的神聖慈悲。受到她的經歷和聖約瑟夫·塞巴斯蒂安·佩爾查爾(1842-1924)靈性遺產的啟發,聖約翰·保羅二世將他對神聖慈悲的反思與對基督心的奉獻緊密相連:“教會似乎以獨特的方式宣揚上帝的慈悲並尊崇它,當她指向基督的心時。” 事實上,正是這種在基督心靈奧秘中親近祂的方式,使我們能夠專注於父親慈愛的啟示,這一啟示構成了人子彌賽亞使命的核心內容”。[152] 聖若望·保祿二世也以非常個人的方式談到了聖心,承認“自我年輕時起,它就對我說話”。[153]
  3. The enduring relevance of devotion to the heart of Christ is especially evident in the work of evangelization and education carried out by the numerous male and female religious congregations whose origins were marked by this profoundly Christological devotion. Mentioning all of them by name would be an endless undertaking. Let us simply consider two examples taken at random: “The Founder [Saint Daniel Comboni] discovered in the mystery of the heart of Jesus the source of strength for his missionary commitment”. [154] “Caught up as we are in the desires of the heart of Jesus, we want people to grow in dignity, as human beings and as children of God. Our starting point is the Gospel, with all that it demands from us of love, forgiveness and justice, and of solidarity with those who are poor and rejected by the world”. [155] So too, the many shrines worldwide that are consecrated to the heart of Christ continue to be an impressive source of renewal in prayer and spiritual fervour. To all those who in any way are associated with these spaces of faith and charity I send my paternal blessing.
    對基督心的奉獻持久的相關性,特別體現在許多男性和女性宗教團體所進行的福音傳播和教育工作中,這些團體的起源都深受這種基督中心的奉獻影響。逐一提及所有團體將是一項無止境的工作。我們隨便考慮兩個例子:“創始人(聖丹尼爾·孔博尼)在耶穌心的奧秘中發現了他傳教承諾的力量源泉”。 “我們被耶穌心的渴望所吸引,希望人們在尊嚴上成長,作為人類和上帝的孩子。我們的起點是福音,這要求我們付出愛、寬恕和正義,並與那些貧窮和被世界拒絕的人們團結在一起。”同樣,全球許多奉獻給基督心的聖地,繼續成為祈禱和靈性熱情的令人印象深刻的更新源泉。對於所有以任何方式與這些信仰和慈善空間相關的人,我送上我的父愛祝福。


  1. The wound in Christ’s side, the wellspring of living water, remains open in the risen body of the Saviour. The deep wound inflicted by the lance and the wounds of the crown of thorns that customarily appear in representations of the Sacred Heart are an inseparable part of this devotion, in which we contemplate the love of Christ who offered himself in sacrifice to the very end. The heart of the risen Lord preserves the signs of that complete self-surrender, which entailed intense sufferings for our sake. It is natural, then, that the faithful should wish to respond not only to this immense outpouring of love, but also to the suffering that the Lord chose to endure for the sake of that love.


  1. It is fitting to recover one particular aspect of the spirituality that has accompanied devotion to the heart of Christ, namely, the interior desire to offer consolation to that heart. Here I will not discuss the practice of “reparation”, which I deem better suited to the social dimension of this devotion to be discussed in the next chapter. I would like instead to concentrate on the desire often felt in the hearts of the faithful who lovingly contemplate the mystery of Christ’s passion and experience it as a mystery which is not only recollected but becomes present to us by grace, or better, allows us to be mystically present at the moment of our redemption. If we truly love the Lord, how could we not desire to console him?
  2. Pope Pius XI wished to ground this particular devotion in the realization that the mystery of our redemption by Christ’s passion transcends, by God’s grace, all boundaries of time and space. On the cross, Jesus offered himself for all sins, including those yet to be committed, including our own sins. In the same way, the acts we now offer for his consolation, also transcending time, touch his wounded heart. “If, because of our sins too, as yet in the future but already foreseen, the soul of Jesus became sorrowful unto death, it cannot be doubted that at the same time he derived

    some solace from our reparation, likewise foreseen, at the moment when ‘there appeared to him an angel from heaven’ ( L k 22 : 43 L k 22 : 43 Lk 22:43L k 22: 43 ), in order that his heart, oppressed with weariness and anguish, might find consolation. And so even now, in a wondrous yet true manner, we can and ought to console that Most Sacred Heart, which is continually wounded by the sins of thankless men”. qquad\qquad
    一些安慰來自我們的補償,同樣在預見中,當「有一位天使從天上出現」時( L k 22 : 43 L k 22 : 43 Lk 22:43L k 22: 43 ),以便他的心靈,因疲憊和痛苦而受到壓迫,能夠找到慰藉。因此,即使在現在,以一種奇妙而真實的方式,我們可以並應該安慰那最神聖的心,這顆心不斷受到忘恩負義之人的罪惡所傷。 qquad\qquad


  1. It might appear to some that this aspect of devotion to the Sacred Heart lacks a firm theological basis, yet the heart has its reasons. Here the sensus fidelium perceives something mysterious, beyond our human logic, and realizes that the passion of Christ is not merely an event of the past, but one in which we can share through faith. Meditation on Christ’s self-offering on the cross involves, for Christian piety, something much more than mere remembrance. This conviction has a solid theological grounding. [157] We can also add the recognition of our own sins, which Jesus took upon his bruised shoulders, and our inadequacy in the face of that timeless love, which is always infinitely greater.
  2. We may also question how we can pray to the Lord of life, risen from the dead and reigning in glory, while at the same time comforting him in the midst of his sufferings. Here we need to realize that his risen heart preserves its wound as a constant memory, and that the working of grace makes possible an experience that is not restricted to a single moment of the past. In pondering this, we find ourselves invited to take a mystical path that transcends our mental limitations yet remains firmly grounded in the word of God. Pope Pius XI makes this clear: “How can these acts of reparation offer solace now, when Christ is already reigning in the beatitude of heaven? To this question, we may answer in the words of Saint Augustine, which are very apposite here - ‘Give me the one who loves, and he will understand what I say’. Anyone possessed of great love for God, and who looks back to the past, can dwell in meditation on Christ, and see him labouring for man, sorrowing, suffering the greatest hardships, ‘for us men and for our salvation’, well-nigh worn out with sadness, with anguish, nay ‘bruised for our sins’ ( Is 53:5), and bringing us healing by those very bruises. The more the faithful ponder all these things the more clearly they see that the sins of mankind, whenever they were committed, were the reason why Christ was delivered up to death”. [158]
    我們也可能會質疑,當我們向生命的主祈禱時,祂已從死裡復活並在榮耀中掌權,同時又如何在祂的苦難中安慰祂。在這裡,我們需要意識到,祂復活的心保留著傷痕,作為一個持久的記憶,而恩典的運作使得一種經驗成為可能,這種經驗並不局限於過去的某一瞬間。在思考這一點時,我們發現自己被邀請走上一條超越我們心智限制的神秘之路,但仍然堅定地根植於上帝的話語中。教宗庇護十一世清楚地表達了這一點:“當基督已經在天國的幸福中掌權時,這些補贖的行為如何能在現在提供安慰呢?對於這個問題,我們可以用聖奧古斯丁的話來回答,這裡非常恰當——‘給我那位愛的人,他就會理解我所說的’。任何對上帝懷有偉大愛的人,回顧過去,都可以在默想基督時,看到祂為人類勞作,悲傷,承受最大的艱辛,‘為我們人類和我們的救贖’,幾乎因悲傷而精疲力竭,因痛苦而受傷,乃至於‘因我們的罪而受傷’(以賽亞書 53:5),並通過那些傷痕帶給我們醫治。 信徒越是思考這些事情,就越清楚地看到人類的罪惡,無論何時犯下,都是基督被交付死亡的原因。[158]
  3. Those words of Pius XI merit serious consideration. When Scripture states that believers who fail to live in accordance with their faith “are crucifying again the Son of God” (Heb 6:6), or when Paul, offering his sufferings for the sake of others, says that, “in my flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” (Col 1:24), or again, when Christ in his passion prays not only for his disciples at that time, but also for “those who will believe in me through their word” (Jn 17:20), all these statements challenge our usual way of thinking. They show us that it is not possible to sever the past completely from the present, however difficult our minds find this to grasp. The Gospel, in all its richness, was written not only for our prayerful meditation, but also to enable us to experience its reality in our works of love and in our interior life. This is certainly the case with
    這些庇護十一世的話值得認真考慮。當聖經指出那些未能按照信仰生活的信徒“再次釘死神的兒子”(希伯來書 6:6),或者當保羅為他人承受苦難時說,“在我肉身上,我補滿基督苦難的缺欠”(歌羅西書 1:24),又或者當基督在受難中不僅為當時的門徒祈禱,還為“那些將因他們的話而信我的人”祈禱(約翰福音 17:20),這些陳述都挑戰了我們通常的思維方式。它們告訴我們,無論我們的心智多麼難以理解,過去與現在是不可能完全割裂的。福音以其豐富性,不僅是為了我們的祈禱默想而寫的,還是為了讓我們在愛的行為和內心生活中體驗其真實性。這一點無疑是正確的。

  4. We see, then, the unity of the paschal mystery in these two inseparable and mutually enriching aspects. The one mystery, present by grace in both these dimensions, ensures that whenever we offer some suffering of our own to Christ for his consolation, that suffering is illuminated and transfigured in the paschal light of his love. We share in this mystery in our own life because Christ himself first chose to share in that life. He wished to experience first, as Head, what he would then experience in his Body, the Church: both our wounds and our consolations. When we live in God’s grace, this mutual sharing becomes for us a spiritual experience. In a word, the risen Lord, by the working of his grace, mysteriously unites us to his passion. The hearts of the faithful, who experience the joy of the resurrection, yet at the same time desire to share in the Lord’s passion, understand this. They desire to share in his sufferings by offering him the sufferings, the struggles, the disappointments and the fears that are part of their own lives. Nor do they experience this as isolated individuals, since their sufferings are also a participation in the suffering of the mystical Body of Christ, the holy pilgrim People of God, which shares in the passion of Christ in every time and place. The devotion of consolation, then, is in no way ahistorical or abstract; it becomes flesh and blood in the Church’s pilgrimage through history.
    我們看到,復活之奧秘在這兩個不可分割且相互豐富的面向中展現出統一性。這一奧秘在這兩個層面上因恩典而存在,確保每當我們將自己的某些痛苦獻給基督以求安慰時,那些痛苦便在他愛的復活之光中被照亮和變形。我們在自己的生活中分享這一奧秘,因為基督自己首先選擇分享這一生命。他希望作為元首首先體驗他在其身體——教會中將要經歷的:我們的傷痛和安慰。當我們活在上帝的恩典中,這種相互分享便成為我們的靈性體驗。簡而言之,復活的主藉著他的恩典的運作,神秘地將我們與他的受難聯結在一起。信徒的心靈,體驗到復活的喜悅,同時又渴望分享主的受難,理解這一點。他們渴望通過將自己的痛苦、掙扎、失望和恐懼獻給他,來分享他的苦難,這些都是他們生活的一部分。 他們也不會將這視為孤立的個體,因為他們的痛苦也是參與基督神秘身體的痛苦,這神聖的朝聖者──天主的子民,在每一個時代和地方都分享基督的受難。因此,安慰的虔誠絕不是無歷史或抽象的;它在教會歷史的朝聖中具體化為血肉。

Compunction 懊悔

  1. The natural desire to console Christ, which begins with our sorrow in contemplating what he endured for us, grows with the honest acknowledgment of our bad habits, compulsions, attachments, weak faith, vain goals and, together with our actual sins, the failure of our hearts to respond to the Lord’s love and his plan for our lives. This experience proves purifying, for love needs the purification of tears that, in the end, leave us more desirous of God and less obsessed with ourselves.
  2. In this way, we see that the deeper our desire to console the Lord, the deeper will be our sincere sense of “compunction”. Compunction is “not a feeling of guilt that makes us discouraged or obsessed with our unworthiness, but a beneficial ‘piercing’ that purifies and heals the heart. Once we acknowledge our sin, our hearts can be opened to the working of the Holy Spirit, the source of living water that wells up within us and brings tears to our eyes… This does not mean weeping in self-pity, as we are so often tempted to do… To shed tears of compunction means seriously to repent of grieving God by our sins; recognizing that we always remain in God’s debt… Just as drops of water can wear down a stone, so tears can slowly soften hardened hearts. Here we see the miracle of sorrow, that ‘salutary sorrow’ which brings great peace… Compunction, then, is not our work but a grace and, as such, it must be sought in prayer.” [159] It means, “asking for sorrow in company with Christ in his sorrow, for anguish with Christ in his anguish, for tears
    以這種方式,我們看到,越是渴望安慰主,我們對“懺悔”的真誠感受就會越深。懺悔並不是一種讓我們沮喪或沉迷於自己不配的罪惡感,而是一種有益的“刺痛”,能夠淨化和治癒心靈。一旦我們承認自己的罪,我們的心就能向聖靈的工作敞開,聖靈是那泉源,能在我們內心湧出活水,讓我們流下眼淚……這並不意味著自憐的哭泣,因為我們常常受到這種誘惑……流下懺悔的眼淚意味著認真悔改,因為我們的罪使神悲傷;認識到我們始終欠著神的債……正如水滴可以侵蝕石頭,眼淚也能慢慢軟化堅硬的心。在這裡,我們看到了悲傷的奇蹟,那種帶來巨大平安的“有益悲傷”……因此,懺悔不是我們的工作,而是一種恩典,因此必須在祈禱中尋求。” [159] 這意味著,“在基督的悲傷中與他同伴,為基督的痛苦而懇求悲傷,為基督的 anguish 而懇求眼淚。”

    and a deep sense of pain at the great pains that Christ endured for my sake”. [160]
    “以及對基督為我所忍受的巨大痛苦的深切感受。” [160]
  3. I ask, then, that no one make light of the fervent devotion of the holy faithful people of God, which in its popular piety seeks to console Christ. I also encourage everyone to consider whether there might be greater reasonableness, truth and wisdom in certain demonstrations of love that seek to console the Lord than in the cold, distant, calculated and nominal acts of love that are at times practised by those who claim to possess a more reflective, sophisticated and mature faith.


  1. In contemplating the heart of Christ and his self-surrender even to death, we ourselves find great consolation. The grief that we feel in our hearts gives way to complete trust and, in the end, what endures is gratitude, tenderness, peace; what endures is Christ’s love reigning in our lives. Compunction, then, “is not a source of anxiety but of healing for the soul, since it acts as a balm on the wounds of sin, preparing us to receive the caress of the Lord”. [161] Our sufferings are joined to the suffering of Christ on the cross. If we believe that grace can bridge every distance, this means that Christ by his sufferings united himself to the sufferings of his disciples in every time and place. In this way, whenever we endure suffering, we can also experience the interior consolation of knowing that Christ suffers with us. In seeking to console him, we will find ourselves consoled.
  2. At some point, however, in our contemplation, we should likewise hear the urgent plea of the Lord: “Comfort, comfort my people!” (Is 40:1). As Saint Paul tells us, God offers us consolation “so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction, with the consolation by which we ourselves are consoled by God” (2 Cor 1:4).
    然而,在我們的沉思中,我們應該聽到主的迫切呼籲:“安慰,安慰我的百姓!”(以賽亞書 40:1)。正如聖保羅告訴我們,神賜予我們安慰,“使我們能用神所賜的安慰,去安慰那些在各種困苦中的人”(哥林多後書 1:4)。
  3. This then challenges us to seek a deeper understanding of the communitarian, social and missionary dimension of all authentic devotion to the heart of Christ. For even as Christ’s heart leads us to the Father, it sends us forth to our brothers and sisters. In the fruits of service, fraternity and mission that the heart of Christ inspires in our lives, the will of the Father is fulfilled. In this way, we come full circle: “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit” (Jn 15:8).
    這挑戰我們去尋求對基督心靈的所有真誠奉獻的社群、社會和宣教層面的更深理解。因為基督的心引領我們走向天父,同時也派遣我們去服務我們的兄弟姐妹。在基督的心靈所激發的服務、兄弟情誼和使命的果實中,天父的旨意得以實現。這樣,我們便回到了起點:“我父因你們多結果子而得榮耀”(約翰福音 15:8)。



  1. In the spiritual experiences of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, we encounter, along with an ardent declaration of love for Jesus Christ, a profoundly personal and challenging invitation to entrust our lives to the Lord. The knowledge that we are loved, and our complete confidence in that love, in no way lessens our desire to respond generously, despite our frailty and our many shortcomings.
  2. Beginning with his second great apparition to Saint Margaret Mary, Jesus spoke of the sadness he feels because his great love for humanity receives in exchange “nothing but ingratitude and indifference”, “coldness and contempt”. And this, he added, “is more grievous to me than all that I endured in my Passion”. [162]
  3. Jesus spoke of his thirst for love and revealed that his heart is not indifferent to the way we respond to that thirst. In his words, “I thirst, but with a thirst so ardent to be loved by men in the Most Blessed Sacrament, that this thirst consumes me; and I have not encountered anyone who makes an effort, according to my desire, to quench my thirst, giving back a return for my love”. [163] Jesus asks for love. Once the faithful heart realizes this, its spontaneous response is one of love, not a desire to multiply sacrifices or simply discharge a burdensome duty: “I received from my God excessive graces of his love, and I felt moved by the desire to respond to some of them and to respond with love for love”. [164] As my Predecessor Leo XIII pointed out, through the image of his Sacred Heart, the love of Christ “moves us to return love for love”. [165]
    耶穌談到他對愛的渴望,並揭示他的心對我們回應這種渴望的方式並不漠然。他說:“我渴了,但這種渴望是如此熱切,希望在至聖聖體中被人愛,以至於這種渴望消耗了我;而我沒有遇到任何人,根據我的願望,努力來滿足我的渴望,回報我的愛。” [163] 耶穌要求愛。一旦信徒的心意識到這一點,它自發的回應就是愛,而不是想要增加犧牲或僅僅履行一項繁重的義務:“我從我的神那裡接受了過多的愛的恩典,我感到被回應一些恩典的渴望所感動,並以愛來回應愛。” [164] 正如我的前任利奧十三世所指出的,通過他的聖心形象,基督的愛“促使我們以愛回報愛”。 [165]


  1. We need once more to take up the word of God and to realize, in doing so, that our best response to the love of Christ’s heart is to love our brothers and sisters. There is no greater way for us to return love for love. The Scriptures make this patently clear:

    “Just as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).
    “你們對這些最小的弟兄所做的,就是對我所做的。”(馬太福音 25:40)

    “因為整個律法都歸結於一條誡命:‘你要愛鄰如己’” (加拉太書 5:14)。

    「我們知道我們已經從死中過渡到生命,因為我們彼此相愛。凡不愛的,仍然住在死中。」(約翰一書 3:14)

    “那不愛他所看見的弟兄或姊妹的人,怎能愛那看不見的神呢?”(約翰一書 4:20)。
  2. Love for our brothers and sisters is not simply the fruit of our own efforts; it demands the transformation of our selfish hearts. This realization gave rise to the oft-repeated prayer: “Jesus, make our hearts more like your own”. Saint Paul, for his part, urged his hearers to pray not for the strength to do good works, but “to have the same mind among you that was in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5).
    對我們的兄弟姐妹的愛不僅僅是我們自己努力的結果;它要求我們的自私心靈轉變。這一認識催生了經常重複的祈禱:“耶穌,讓我們的心更像祢的心”。聖保羅則敦促他的聽眾祈禱,不是為了獲得行善的力量,而是“要在你們中間有與基督耶穌相同的心思”(腓 2:5)。
  3. We need to remember that in the Roman Empire many of the poor, foreigners and others

    who lived on the fringes of society met with respect, affection and care from Christians. This explains why the apostate emperor Julian, in one of his letters, acknowledged that one reason why Christians were respected and imitated was the assistance they gave the poor and strangers, who were ordinarily ignored and treated with contempt. For Julian, it was intolerable that the Christians whom he despised, “in addition to feeding their own, also feed our poor and needy, who receive no help from us”. [166] The emperor thus insisted on the need to create charitable institutions to compete with those of the Christians and thus gain the respect of society: “There should be instituted in each city many accommodations so that the immigrants may enjoy our philanthropy… and make the Greeks accustomed to such works of generosity”. [167] Julian did not achieve his objective, no doubt because underlying those works there was nothing comparable to the Christian charity that respected the unique dignity of each person.
  4. By associating with the lowest ranks of society (cf. Mt 25:31-46), “Jesus brought the great novelty of recognizing the dignity of every person, especially those who were considered ‘unworthy’. This new principle in human history - which emphasizes that individuals are even more ‘worthy’ of our respect and love when they are weak, scorned, or suffering, even to the point of losing the human ‘figure’ - has changed the face of the world. It has given life to institutions that take care of those who find themselves in disadvantaged conditions, such as abandoned infants, orphans, the elderly who are left without assistance, the mentally ill, people with incurable diseases or severe deformities, and those living on the streets”. [168]
    通過與社會最低層的人士交往(參見馬太福音 25:31-46),“耶穌帶來了認識每個人尊嚴的重大創新,特別是那些被視為‘不配’的人。這一人類歷史上的新原則——強調當個體脆弱、被輕視或受苦,甚至到失去人類‘形象’的地步時,他們更值得我們的尊重和愛——改變了世界的面貌。它為那些處於不利條件中的人提供了生命,例如被遺棄的嬰兒、孤兒、沒有照顧的老年人、精神病患者、患有不治之症或嚴重畸形的人,以及生活在街頭的人”。 [168]
  5. In contemplating the pierced heart of the Lord, who “took our infirmities and bore our diseases” ( Mt 8:17), we too are inspired to be more attentive to the sufferings and needs of others, and confirmed in our efforts to share in his work of liberation as instruments for the spread of his love. [169] As we meditate on Christ’s self-offering for the sake of all, we are naturally led to ask why we too should not be ready to give our lives for others: “We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us - and that we ought to lay down our lives for one another” ( 1 Jn 3 : 16 1 Jn 3 : 16 1Jn3:161 \mathrm{Jn} 3: 16 ).
    在思考主那被刺穿的心時,祂「擔當了我們的軟弱,背負了我們的疾病」(馬太福音 8:17),我們也受到啟發,更加關注他人的痛苦和需求,並在努力分享祂解放工作的過程中,確認自己作為傳播祂愛的工具。[169] 當我們默想基督為了所有人而自我奉獻時,我們自然會問,為什麼我們也不應該準備好為他人奉獻生命:「我們因這事知道了愛,就是祂為我們捨了命,我們也應當為弟兄捨命」( 1 Jn 3 : 16 1 Jn 3 : 16 1Jn3:161 \mathrm{Jn} 3: 16 )。


  1. This bond between devotion to the heart of Jesus and commitment to our brothers and sisters has been a constant in the history of Christian spirituality. Let us consider a few examples.


  1. Starting with Origen, various Fathers of the Church reflected on the words of John 7:38 - “out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water” - which refer to those who, having drunk of Christ, put their faith in him. Our union with Christ is meant not only to satisfy our own thirst, but also to make us springs of living water for others. Origen wrote that Christ fulfils his promise by making fountains of fresh water well up within us: “The human soul, made in the image of God, can itself contain and pour forth wells, fountains and rivers”. [170]
    從奧利根開始,各位教父反思約翰福音 7:38 的話語——“從他心中流出活水的江河”——這是指那些喝了基督之水,並將信心寄託於他的人。我們與基督的聯合不僅是為了滿足我們自己的渴望,還是要使我們成為他人的活水泉源。奧利根寫道,基督通過使新鮮水泉在我們內心湧出來來實現他的承諾:“人類的靈魂,按照神的形象造,可以容納並湧出井、泉和江河。”
  2. Saint Ambrose recommended drinking deeply of Christ, “in order that the spring of water welling up to eternal life may overflow in you”. [171] Marius Victorinus was convinced that the Holy Spirit has given of himself in such abundance that, “whoever receives him becomes a heart that pours forth rivers of living water”. [172] Saint Augustine saw this stream flowing from the believer as benevolence. [173] Saint Thomas Aquinas thus maintained that whenever someone “hastens to share various gifts of grace received from God, living water flows from his heart”. [174]
    聖安布羅斯建議深入飲用基督的甘泉,“以便那湧流至永生的水泉能在你心中溢出”。[171] 馬里烏斯·維克多里努斯堅信聖靈以如此豐富的方式賜予自己,“凡接受他的人都成為心中湧流活水的源泉”。[172] 聖奧古斯丁認為這股從信徒心中流出的泉水是仁愛。[173] 聖托馬斯·阿奎那因此主張,無論何時有人“急於分享從上帝那裡所領受的各種恩典,活水便從他的心中流出”。[174]
  3. Although “the sacrifice offered on the cross in loving obedience renders most abundant and infinite satisfaction for the sins of mankind”, [175] the Church, born of the heart of Christ, prolongs and bestows, in every time and place, the fruits of that one redemptive passion, which lead men and women to direct union with the Lord.
  4. In the heart of the Church, the mediation of Mary, as our intercessor and mother, can only be understood as “a sharing in the one source, which is the mediation of Christ himself”, [176] the sole Redeemer. For this reason, “the Church does not hesitate to profess the subordinate role of Mary”. [177] Devotion to the heart of Mary in no way detracts from the sole worship due the heart of Christ, but rather increases it: “Mary’s function as mother of humanity in no way obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows its power”. [178] Thanks to the abundant graces streaming from the open side of Christ, in different ways the Church, the Virgin Mary and all believers become themselves streams of living water. In this way, Christ displays his glory in and through our littleness.
    在教會的核心,瑪利亞作為我們的代禱者和母親的中介,只能被理解為「分享於唯一的源頭,即基督本身的中介」,[176] 這位唯一的救贖者。因此,「教會毫不猶豫地宣稱瑪利亞的從屬角色」。[177] 對瑪利亞之心的奉獻絕不會減少對基督之心的唯一崇拜,反而會增強它:「瑪利亞作為人類之母的角色絕不會掩蓋或減少基督這一獨特中介的意義,反而顯示出其力量」。[178] 多虧了從基督開放的側面流出的豐富恩典,教會、聖母瑪利亞和所有信徒以不同的方式成為活水的源流。這樣,基督在我們的渺小中顯示出他的榮耀。

Fraternity and mysticism 兄弟會與神秘主義

  1. Saint Bernard, in exhorting us to union with the heart of Christ, draws upon the richness of this devotion to call for a conversion grounded in love. Bernard believed that our affections, enslaved by pleasures, may nonetheless be transformed and set free, not by blind obedience to a commandment but rather in response to the delectable love of Christ. Evil is overcome by good, conquered by the flowering of love: “Love the Lord your God with the full and deep affection of all your heart; love him with your mind wholly alert and intent; love him with all your strength, so much so that you would not even fear to die for love of him… Your affection for the Lord Jesus should be both sweet and intimate, to oppose the sweet enticements of the sensual life. Sweetness conquers sweetness, as one nail drives out another”. [179]
  2. Saint Francis de Sales was particularly taken by Jesus’ words, “Learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart” ( Mt 11:29). Even in the most simple and ordinary things, he said, we can “steal” the Lord’s heart. “Those who would serve him acceptably must give heed not only to lofty and important matters, but to things mean and little, since by both alike we may win his heart and love… I mean the acts of daily forbearance, the headache, the toothache, the heavy cold; the tiresome peculiarities of a husband or wife, the broken glass, the loss of a ring, a handkerchief, a glove; the sneer of a neighbour; the effort of going to bed early in order to rise early for prayer or
    聖法蘭西斯·德·薩雷斯特別被耶穌的話所打動:「你們當學習我的樣式,因為我心裡柔和謙卑」(馬太福音 11:29)。他說,即使在最簡單和普通的事情中,我們也可以「竊取」主的心。「那些想要令人滿意地侍奉他的人,必須注意不僅是崇高和重要的事情,還有微小和卑微的事物,因為無論哪一種,我們都可以贏得他的心和愛……我指的是日常的忍耐行為,頭痛,牙痛,重感冒;丈夫或妻子的煩人特性,破碎的玻璃,失去的戒指,手帕,手套;鄰居的冷嘲熱諷;為了早起祈禱而努力早睡的行為。

    communion, the little shyness some people feel in openly performing religious duties… Be sure that all these sufferings, small as they are, if accepted lovingly, are most pleasing to God’s goodness”. 180] Ultimately, however, our response to the love of the heart of Christ is manifested in love of our neighbour: “a love that is firm, constant, steady, unconcerned with trivial matters or people’s station in life, not subject to changes or animosity… Our Lord loves us unceasingly, puts up with so many of our defects and our flaws. Precisely because of this, we must do the same with our brothers and sisters, never tiring of putting up with them”. [181]
  3. Saint Charles de Foucauld sought to imitate Jesus by living and acting as he did, in a constant effort to do what Jesus would have done in his place. Only by being conformed to the sentiments of the heart of Christ could he fully achieve this goal. Here too we find the idea of “love for love”. In his words, “I desire sufferings in order to return love for love, to imitate him… to enter into his work, to offer myself with him, the nothingness that I am, as a sacrifice, as a victim, for the sanctification of men”. [182] The desire to bring the love of Jesus to others, his missionary outreach to the poorest and most forgotten of our world, led him to take as his emblem the words, “lesus-Caritas”, with the symbol of the heart of Christ surmounted by a cross. [183] Nor was this a light decision: “With all my strength I try to show and prove to these poor lost brethren that our religion is all charity, all fraternity, and that its emblem is a heart”. [184] He wanted to settle with other brothers “in Morocco, in the name of the heart of Jesus”. [185] In this way, their evangelizing work could radiate outwards: “Charity has to radiate from our fraternities, as it radiates from the heart of Jesus”. [186] This desire gradually made him a “universal brother”. Allowing himself to be shaped by the heart of Christ, he sought to shelter the whole of suffering humanity in his fraternal heart: “Our heart, like that of Jesus, must embrace all men and women”. [187] “The love of the heart of Jesus for men and women, the love that he demonstrated in his passion, this is what we need to have for all human beings”. [188]
    聖查理·德·福科所追求的,是通過模仿耶穌的生活和行為,努力在他的處境中做耶穌會做的事。只有通過與基督心靈的感受相一致,他才能完全實現這一目標。在這裡,我們也找到了“以愛回報愛”的理念。他說:“我渴望受苦,以便以愛回報愛,模仿他……進入他的工作,與他一起獻上我這個微不足道的存在,作為祭品,作為受害者,為人類的聖化。” [182] 將耶穌的愛帶給他人的渴望,以及他對我們世界中最貧困和最被遺忘者的宣教關懷,使他以“lesus-Caritas”這句話作為他的標誌,並以基督的心臟上方加上十字架的符號。[183] 這並不是一個輕率的決定:“我用全力試圖向這些可憐的失落兄弟們展示和證明,我們的宗教全是慈愛,全是兄弟情誼,而它的標誌是一顆心。” [184] 他希望與其他兄弟們“在摩洛哥,以耶穌之心的名義定居”。 [185] 以這種方式,他們的傳教工作可以向外輻射:“慈善必須從我們的兄弟會中輻射出來,就像它從耶穌的心中輻射出來一樣”。[186] 這種渴望逐漸使他成為一位“普世兄弟”。他讓自己被基督的心塑造,尋求在他的兄弟心中庇護整個受苦的人類:“我們的心,像耶穌的心一樣,必須擁抱所有的男女”。[187] “耶穌的心對男女的愛,他在受難中所表現出的愛,這就是我們對所有人類所需要的愛”。[188]
  4. Father Henri Huvelin, the spiritual director of Saint Charles de Foucauld, observed that, “when our Lord dwells in a heart, he gives it such sentiments, and this heart reaches out to the least of our brothers and sisters. Such was the heart of Saint Vincent de Paul… When our Lord lives in the soul of a priest, he makes him reach out to the poor”. [189] It is important to realize that the apostolic zeal of Saint Vincent, as Father Huvelin describes it, was also nurtured by devotion to the heart of Christ. Saint Vincent urged his confreres to “find in the heart of our Lord a word of consolation for the poor sick person”. [190] If that word is to be convincing, our own heart must first have been changed by the love and tenderness of the heart of Christ. Saint Vincent often reiterated this conviction in his homilies and counsels, and it became a notable feature of the Constitutions of his Congregation: “We should make a great effort to learn the following lesson, also taught by Christ: ‘Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart’. We should remember that he himself said that by gentleness we inherit the earth. If we act on this, we will win people over so that they will turn to the Lord. That will not happen if we treat people harshly or sharply”. [191]
    亨利·胡維林神父,聖查理·德·福科的靈性導師,觀察到:“當我們的主居住在一顆心中時,他賦予它如此的情感,這顆心向我們最微小的兄弟姐妹伸出援手。聖文森特·德·保羅的心就是如此……當我們的主住在一位神父的靈魂中時,他使他向窮人伸出援手。”[189] 重要的是要意識到,胡維林神父所描述的聖文森特的使徒熱情,也是由對基督心的奉獻所滋養的。聖文森特敦促他的同伴們“在我們主的心中找到對貧窮病人的安慰之言”。[190] 如果這句話要有說服力,我們自己的心必須首先被基督心的愛與溫柔所改變。聖文森特在他的講道和建議中經常重申這一信念,這也成為他所創立的會規的一個顯著特徵:“我們應該努力學習以下的教訓,這也是基督所教導的:‘向我學習,因為我心地柔和謙卑’。我們應該記住,他自己曾說過,因為溫柔我們將承受地土。” 如果我們這樣做,我們將贏得人心,使他們轉向主。如果我們對人們態度嚴厲或尖銳,這是不會發生的。[191]
  5. All that has been said thus far enables us to understand in the light of God’s word the proper meaning of the “reparation” to the heart of Christ that the Lord expects us, with the help of his grace, to “offer”. The question has been much discussed, but Saint John Paul II has given us a clear response that can guide Christians today towards a spirit of reparation more closely attuned to the Gospels.


  1. Saint John Paul explained that by entrusting ourselves together to the heart of Christ, “over the ruins accumulated by hatred and violence, the greatly desired civilization of love, the Kingdom of the heart of Christ, can be built”. This clearly requires that we “unite filial love for God and love of neighbour”, and indeed this is “the true reparation asked by the heart of the Saviour”. [192] In union with Christ, amid the ruins we have left in this world by our sins, we are called to build a new civilization of love. That is what it means to make reparation as the heart of Christ would have us do. Amid the devastation wrought by evil, the heart of Christ desires that we cooperate with him in restoring goodness and beauty to our world.
    聖若望保祿解釋說,通過將我們自己共同託付給基督的心,“在仇恨和暴力所積累的廢墟上,可以建立人們所渴望的愛的文明,即基督的心的國度”。這顯然要求我們“結合對上帝的孝愛和對鄰人的愛”,而這確實是“救主的心所要求的真正補償”。[192] 在基督的聯合中,面對我們因罪所留下的廢墟,我們被召喚去建立一個新的愛的文明。這就是按照基督的心所希望我們所做的補償。在邪惡所造成的毀滅中,基督的心渴望我們與他合作,將善良和美好恢復到我們的世界。
  2. All sin harms the Church and society; as a result, “every sin can undoubtedly be considered as a social sin” and this is especially true for those sins that “by their very matter constitute a direct attack on one’s neighbour”. [193] Saint John Paul II explained that the repetition of these sins against others often consolidates a “structure of sin” that has an effect on the development of peoples. [194] Frequently, this is part of a dominant mind-set that considers normal or reasonable what is merely selfishness and indifference. This then gives rise to social alienation: “A society is alienated if its forms of social organization, production and consumption make it more difficult to offer the gift of self and to establish solidarity between people”. [195] It is not only a moral norm that leads us to expose and resist these alienated social structures and to support efforts within society to restore and consolidate the common good. Rather, it is our “conversion of heart” that “imposes the obligation” [196] to repair these structures. It is our response to the love of the heart of Jesus, which teaches us to love in turn.
    所有罪惡都會傷害教會和社會;因此,“每一個罪惡無疑都可以被視為社會罪”,而這對於那些“本質上對鄰人構成直接攻擊的罪”尤其如此。[193] 聖約翰保羅二世解釋說,對他人重複這些罪行往往會鞏固一種“罪的結構”,這對民族的發展產生影響。[194] 這通常是主導心態的一部分,認為自私和冷漠的行為是正常或合理的。這進而導致社會的疏離:“如果一個社會的社會組織、產出和消費形式使得提供自我奉獻和建立人與人之間的團結變得更加困難,那麼這個社會就是疏離的。”[195] 我們不僅僅是道德規範驅使我們揭露和抵抗這些疏離的社會結構,並支持社會內部恢復和鞏固共同善的努力。更重要的是,我們的“心靈轉變”使我們“有義務”[196] 修復這些結構。這是我們對耶穌心靈之愛的回應,教導我們去愛。
  3. Precisely because evangelical reparation possesses this vital social dimension, our acts of love, service and reconciliation, in order to be truly reparative, need to be inspired, motivated and empowered by Christ. Saint John Paul II also observed that “to build the civilization of love”, [197] our world today needs the heart of Christ. Christian reparation cannot be understood simply as a congeries of external works, however indispensable and at times admirable they may be. These need a “mystique”, a soul, a meaning that grants them strength, drive and tireless creativity. They need the life, the fire and the light that radiate from the heart of Christ.
  4. Nor is a merely outward reparation sufficient, either for our world or for the heart of Christ. If each of us considers his or her own sins and their effect on others, we will realize that repairing the harm done to this world also calls for a desire to mend wounded hearts where the deepest harm was done, and the hurt is most painful.
  5. A spirit of reparation thus “leads us to hope that every wound can be healed, however deep it may be. Complete reparation may at times seem impossible, such as when goods or loved ones are definitively lost, or when certain situations have become irremediable. Yet the intention to make amends, and to do so in a concrete way, is essential for the process of reconciliation and a return to peace of heart”. [198]
    一種修復的精神因此“引導我們希望每一個傷口都能癒合,無論它多麼深。完全的修復有時似乎是不可能的,例如當財物或摯愛的人已經永久失去,或當某些情況已經變得無法挽回。然而,修補的意圖,以及以具體的方式來做到這一點,對於和解的過程和心靈的平靜回歸是至關重要的”。 [198]


  1. Good intentions are not enough. There has to be an inward desire that finds expression in our outward actions. “Reparation, if it is to be Christian, to touch the offended person’s heart and not be a simple act of commutative justice, presupposes two demanding things: acknowledging our guilt and asking forgiveness… It is from the honest acknowledgment of the wrong done to our brother or sister, and from the profound and sincere realization that love has been compromised, that the desire to make amends arises”. [199]
    良好的意圖是不夠的。必須有一種內心的渴望,能在我們的外在行動中找到表達。“如果修復要成為基督教的,必須觸動被冒犯者的心,而不是僅僅是一種等價的正義行為,這需要兩個苛刻的條件:承認我們的罪過和請求寬恕……正是從對我們的兄弟或姐妹所做錯誤的誠實承認,以及對愛被妥協的深刻和真誠的認識中,修補的渴望才會產生。” [199]
  2. We should never think that acknowledging our sins before others is somehow demeaning or offensive to our human dignity. On the contrary, it demands that we stop deceiving ourselves and acknowledge our past for what it is, marred by sin, especially in those cases when we caused hurt to our brothers and sisters. “Self-accusation is part of Christian wisdom… It is pleasing to the Lord, because the Lord accepts a contrite heart”. [200]
    我們絕不應該認為在他人面前承認自己的罪過會以某種方式貶低或冒犯我們的人類尊嚴。相反,這要求我們停止自我欺騙,並承認我們的過去是什麼,因罪而受損,特別是在那些我們對兄弟姐妹造成傷害的情況下。“自我指控是基督教智慧的一部分……這是主所喜悅的,因為主接受痛悔的心。” [200]
  3. Part of this spirit of reparation is the custom of asking forgiveness from our brothers and sisters, which demonstrates great nobility amid our human weakness. Asking forgiveness is a means of healing relationships, for it “re-opens dialogue and manifests the will to re-establish the bond of fraternal charity… It touches the heart of our brother or sister, brings consolation and inspires acceptance of the forgiveness requested. Even if the irreparable cannot be completely repaired, love can always be reborn, making the hurt bearable”. [201]
    這種修復精神的一部分是向我們的兄弟姐妹請求寬恕的習俗,這在我們人性的脆弱中展現了偉大的高貴。請求寬恕是修復關係的一種方式,因為它“重新開啟對話,表達了重建兄弟之愛的意願……它觸動了我們兄弟或姐妹的心,帶來安慰並激發對所請求寬恕的接受。即使無法完全修復不可挽回的傷害,愛總能重生,使痛苦變得可承受”。 [201]
  4. A heart capable of compunction will grow in fraternity and solidarity. Otherwise, “we regress and grow old within”, whereas when “our prayer becomes simpler and deeper, grounded in adoration and wonder in the presence of God, we grow and mature. We become less attached to ourselves and more attached to Christ. Made poor in spirit, we draw closer to the poor, those who are dearest to God”. [202] This leads to a true spirit of reparation, for “those who feel compunction of heart increasingly feel themselves brothers and sisters to all the sinners of the world; renouncing their airs of superiority and harsh judgments, they are filled with a burning desire to show love and make reparation”. [203] The sense of solidarity born of compunction also enables
    一顆能夠懺悔的心將在兄弟情誼和團結中成長。否則,“我們在內心中退步並變老”,而當“我們的祈禱變得更簡單、更深刻,根植於對上帝的崇拜和驚奇中,我們便成長和成熟。我們對自己變得不那麼依戀,對基督卻更加依戀。心靈貧窮的我們,與貧窮者更為接近,那些是上帝最親愛的”。[202] 這導致真正的補贖精神,因為“那些感受到心靈懺悔的人,越來越感覺自己是全世界罪人的兄弟姐妹;放棄他們的優越感和嚴厲的評判,他們充滿了表達愛和進行補贖的強烈渴望”。[203] 懺悔所產生的團結感也使得

    reconciliation to take place. The person who is capable of compunction, “rather than feeling anger and scandal at the failings of our brothers and sisters, weeps for their sins. There occurs a sort of reversal, where the natural tendency to be indulgent with ourselves and inflexible with others is overturned and, by God’s grace, we become strict with ourselves and merciful towards others”. [204]
    和解的發生。能夠懺悔的人,“與其對我們兄弟姐妹的過失感到憤怒和震驚,不如為他們的罪孽流淚。這裡發生了一種逆轉,對自己寬容而對他人嚴苛的自然傾向被顛覆,藉著上帝的恩典,我們對自己變得嚴格,對他人則變得仁慈”。 [204]


  1. There is another, complementary, approach to reparation, which allows us to set it in an even more direct relationship with the heart of Christ, without excluding the aspect of concrete commitment to our brothers and sisters.
  2. Elsewhere I have suggested that, “God has in some way sought to limit himself in such a way that many of the things we think of as evils, dangers or sources of suffering, are in reality part of the pains of childbirth which he uses to draw us into the act of cooperation with the Creator”. [205] This cooperation on our part can allow the power and the love of God to expand in our lives and in the world, whereas our refusal or indifference can prevent it. Several passages of the Bible express this metaphorically, as when the Lord cries out, “If only you would return to me, O Israel!” (cf. Jer 4:1). Or when, confronted with rejection by his people, he says, “My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender” ( Hos 11:8).
    在其他地方我曾建議過,“上帝以某種方式試圖限制自己,使得我們認為的許多邪惡、危險或痛苦的來源,實際上是他用來引導我們與創造者合作的分娩之痛。”這種合作可以使上帝的力量和愛在我們的生活和世界中擴展,而我們的拒絕或冷漠則可能阻止這一點。聖經中的幾段經文以隱喻的方式表達了這一點,例如當主呼喊:“以色列啊,若你們肯回轉歸向我就好了!”(參見耶利米書 4:1)。或者當面對他人民的拒絕時,他說:“我的心在我裡面翻騰;我的憐憫變得溫暖而柔和。”(何西阿書 11:8)。
  3. Even though it is not possible to speak of new suffering on the part of the glorified Lord, “the paschal mystery of Christ… and all that Christ is - all that he did and suffered for all men participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times while being made present in them all”. [206] We can say that he has allowed the expansive glory of his resurrection to be limited and the diffusion of his immense and burning love to be contained, in order to leave room for our free cooperation with his heart. Our rejection of his love erects a barrier to that gracious gift, whereas our trusting acceptance of it opens a space, a channel enabling it to pour into our hearts. Our rejection or indifference limits the effects of his power and the fruitfulness of his love in us. If he does not encounter openness and confidence in me, his love is deprived - because he himself has willed it - of its extension, unique and unrepeatable, in my life and in this world, where he calls me to make him present. Again, this does not stem from any weakness on his part but rather from his infinite freedom, his mysterious power and his perfect love for each of us. When God’s power is revealed in the weakness of our human freedom, “only faith can discern it”. [207]
    即使無法談論榮耀的主所承受的新痛苦,「基督的逾越之謎……以及基督所是的一切——他為所有人所做和所受的一切,都參與於神聖的永恆,因此超越所有時代,同時在所有時代中現身」。我們可以說,他讓自己復活的廣大榮耀受到限制,讓他那無比而炙熱的愛的擴散受到約束,以便為我們自由地與他的心合作留出空間。我們對他愛的拒絕為這份恩典的禮物樹立了一道障礙,而我們信任的接受則打開了一個空間,一個通道,使這份愛能夠流入我們的心中。我們的拒絕或冷漠限制了他在我們心中力量的效果和愛的果效。如果他在我身上沒有遇到開放和信心,他的愛就會被剝奪——因為他自己願意如此——在我的生命和這個世界中,這是他呼召我使他現身的地方,這份愛的延伸是獨特且不可重複的。再一次,這並不是出於他的任何弱點,而是出於他對我們每一個人的無限自由、神秘的力量和完美的愛。 當神的力量在我們人類自由的軟弱中顯現時,「只有信仰能夠辨識它」。[207]
  4. Saint Margaret Mary recounted that, in one of Christ’s appearances, he spoke of his heart’s passionate love for us, telling her that, “unable to contain the flames of his burning charity, he must spread them abroad”. [208] Since the Lord, who can do all things, desired in his divine freedom to require our cooperation, reparation can be understood as our removal of the obstacles we place before the expansion of Christ’s love in the world by our lack of trust, gratitude and self-sacrifice.
    聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗回憶道,在基督的一次顯現中,他談到了他對我們的熱烈愛心,告訴她:“無法抑制他燃燒的慈愛之火,他必須將其擴散出去”。[208] 由於主,這位無所不能的神,渴望在他的神聖自由中要求我們的合作,贖罪可以理解為我們消除自己在缺乏信任、感恩和自我犧牲面前所設置的障礙,從而促進基督的愛在世界上的擴展。
  5. To help us reflect more deeply on this mystery, we can turn once more to the luminous spirituality of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus. Therese was aware that in certain quarters an extreme form of reparation had developed, based on a willingness to offer oneself in sacrifice for others, and to become in some sense a “lightning rod” for the chastisements of divine justice. In her words, “I thought about the souls who offer themselves as victims of God’s justice in order to turn away the punishments reserved to sinners, drawing them upon themselves”. [209] However, as great and generous as such an offering might appear, she did not find it overly appealing: “I was far from feeling attracted to making it”. [210] So great an emphasis on God’s justice might eventually lead to the notion that Christ’s sacrifice was somehow incomplete or only partly efficacious, or that his mercy was not sufficiently powerful.
  6. With her great spiritual insight, Saint Therese discovered that we can offer ourselves in another way, without the need to satisfy divine justice but by allowing the Lord’s infinite love to spread freely: “O my God! Is your disdained love going to remain closed up within your heart? It seems to me that if you were to find souls offering themselves as victims of holocaust to your love, you would consume them rapidly; it seems to me, too, that you would be happy not to hold back the waves of infinite tenderness within you”. [211]
    憑藉她卓越的靈性洞察,聖女特蕾莎發現我們可以以另一種方式奉獻自己,不必滿足神聖的公義,而是讓主的無限愛自由地流傳:“哦,我的上帝!您被輕視的愛會一直封閉在您的心中嗎?在我看來,如果您找到靈魂自願成為您愛的燔祭,您會迅速消耗它們;在我看來,您也會樂於不再抑制您內心無限的柔情。” [211]
  7. While nothing need be added to the one redemptive sacrifice of Christ, it remains true that our free refusal can prevent the heart of Christ from spreading the “waves of his infinite tenderness” in this world. Again, this is because the Lord wishes to respect our freedom. More than divine justice, it was the fact that Christ’s love might be refused that troubled the heart of Saint Therese, because for her, God’s justice is understood only in the light of his love. As we have seen, she contemplated all God’s perfections through his mercy, and thus saw them transfigured and resplendent with love. In her words, “even his justice (and perhaps this even more so than the others) seems to me clothed in love”. [212]
  8. This was the origin of her Act of Oblation, not to God’s justice but to his merciful love. “I offer myself as a victim of holocaust to your merciful love, asking you to consume me incessantly, allowing the waves of infinite tenderness shut up within you to overflow into my soul, and that thus I may become a martyr of your love”. [213] It is important to realize that, for Therese, this was not only about allowing the heart of Christ to fill her heart, through her complete trust, with the beauty of his love, but also about letting that love, through her life, spread to others and thus transform the world. Again, in her words, “In the heart of the Church, my Mother, I shall be love… and thus my dream will be realized”. [214] The two aspects were inseparably united.
    這是她奉獻行為的起源,不是對上帝公義的奉獻,而是對他慈愛的奉獻。“我將自己獻為燔祭,獻給您的慈愛,懇求您不斷地消耗我,讓您內心深處無限的柔情湧流進我的靈魂,讓我因此成為您愛的殉道者。”[213] 重要的是要意識到,對於特蕾莎來說,這不僅是讓基督的心通過她的完全信任充滿她的心,並以他的愛的美麗來充實她,還是讓這份愛通過她的生活傳播給他人,從而改變世界。再次引用她的話:“在教會的心中,我的母親,我將成為愛……因此我的夢想將得以實現。”[214] 這兩個方面是不可分割地結合在一起的。
  9. The Lord accepted her oblation. We see that shortly thereafter she stated that she felt an intense love for others and maintained that it came from the heart of Christ, prolonged through her. So she told her sister Léonie: “I love you a thousand times more tenderly than ordinary sisters love

    彼此之間,因為我可以用我們天上的配偶的心來愛你。” [215] 後來,她對莫里斯·貝利埃寫道:“我多麼希望能讓你理解耶穌心中的柔情,他對你所期待的!” [216]

Integrity and Harmony 誠信與和諧

  1. Sisters and brothers, I propose that we develop this means of reparation, which is, in a word, to offer the heart of Christ a new possibility of spreading in this world the flames of his ardent and gracious love. While it remains true that reparation entails the desire to “render compensation for the injuries inflicted on uncreated Love, whether by negligence or grave offense”, [217] the most fitting way to do this is for our love to offer the Lord a possibility of spreading, in amends for all those occasions when his love has been rejected or refused. This involves more than simply the “consolation” of Christ of which we spoke in the previous chapter; it finds expression in acts of fraternal love by which we heal the wounds of the Church and of the world. In this way, we offer the healing power of the heart of Christ new ways of expressing itself.
  2. The sacrifices and sufferings required by these acts of love of neighbour unite us to the passion of Christ. In this way, “by that mystic crucifixion of which the Apostle speaks, we shall receive the abundant fruits of its propitiation and expiation, for ourselves and for others”. [218] Christ alone saves us by his offering on the cross; he alone redeems us, for “there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all” (1 Tim 2:5-6). The reparation that we offer is a freely accepted participation in his redeeming love and his one sacrifice. We thus complete in our flesh “what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the Church” ( Col 1:24); and Christ himself prolongs through us the effects of his complete and loving self-oblation.
    這些愛鄰的行為所需的犧牲和痛苦使我們與基督的受難相連。這樣,“藉著使徒所說的那神秘的十字架,我們將為自己和他人獲得其贖罪和補贖的豐富果實”。基督獨自通過他在十字架上的獻祭拯救我們;他獨自贖回我們,因為“只有一位神;在神和人之間也只有一位中保,就是那位為所有人獻身的基督耶穌”(提摩太前書 2:5-6)。我們所提供的補償是自由接受參與他救贖之愛和他唯一的犧牲。因此,我們在肉身中完成“基督為他的身體,即教會所受的苦難中所缺乏的”(歌羅西書 1:24);而基督自己通過我們延續他完全而充滿愛的自我奉獻的效果。
  3. Often, our sufferings have to do with our own wounded ego. The humility of the heart of Christ points us towards the path of abasement. God chose to come to us in condescension and littleness. The Old Testament had already shown us, with a variety of metaphors, a God who enters into the heart of history and allows himself to be rejected by his people. Christ’s love was shown amid the daily life of his people, begging, as it were, for a response, as if asking permission to manifest his glory. Yet “perhaps only once did the Lord Jesus refer to his own heart, in his own words. And he stresses this sole feature: ‘gentleness and lowliness’, as if to say that only in this way does he wish to win us to himself”. [219] When he said, “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” ( Mt 11:29), he showed us that “to make himself known, he needs our littleness, our self-abasement”. [220]
    我們的痛苦往往與我們受傷的自我有關。基督心中的謙卑引導我們走向卑微的道路。上帝選擇以屈尊和渺小的方式來到我們中間。舊約已經用各種隱喻向我們展示了一位進入歷史心臟並允許自己被他的人民拒絕的上帝。基督的愛在他人民的日常生活中顯現,彷彿在乞求回應,似乎在請求允許顯示他的榮耀。然而,“或許主耶穌只在一次中提到自己的心,並用自己的話語強調這一特徵:‘溫柔和謙卑’,彷彿在說,只有這樣他才希望贏得我們”。當他說:“你們當學習我的樣式,因為我是溫柔謙卑的心”(馬太福音 11:29)時,他向我們展示了“要讓自己被認識,他需要我們的渺小,我們的自我卑微”。
  4. In what we have said, it is important to note several inseparable aspects. Acts of love of neighbour, with the renunciation, self-denial, suffering and effort that they entail, can only be such when they are nourished by Christ’s own love. He enables us to love as he loved, and in this way he loves and serves others through us. He humbles himself to show his love through our actions,

  5. Finally, in order to appreciate this devotion in all of its richness, it is necessary to add, in the light of what we have said about its Trinitarian dimension, that the reparation made by Christ in his humanity is offered to the Father through the working of the Holy Spirit in each of us. Consequently, the reparation we offer to the heart of Christ is directed ultimately to the Father, who is pleased to see us united to Christ whenever we offer ourselves through him, with him and in him.


  1. The Christian message is attractive when experienced and expressed in its totality: not simply as a refuge for pious thoughts or an occasion for impressive ceremonies. What kind of worship would we give to Christ if we were to rest content with an individual relationship with him and show no interest in relieving the sufferings of others or helping them to live a better life? Would it please the heart that so loved us, if we were to bask in a private religious experience while ignoring its implications for the society in which we live? Let us be honest and accept the word of God in its fullness. On the other hand, our work as Christians for the betterment of society should not obscure its religious inspiration, for that, in the end, would be to seek less for our brothers and sisters than what God desires to give them. For this reason, we should conclude this chapter by recalling the missionary dimension of our love for the heart of Christ.

  2. 聖約翰保祿二世談到了對基督心臟的奉獻的社會層面,也提到了「贖罪,這是使徒合作以拯救世界」。因此,對基督心臟的奉獻「應與教會的宣教活動相關聯,因為它回應了耶穌心中希望通過其身體的成員將其對天國的完全承諾傳遍全世界的渴望」。因此,「通過基督徒的見證,愛將灌注於人心中,以建立基督的身體,即教會,並建立一個正義、和平和兄弟情誼的社會」。
  3. The flames of love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also expand through the Church’s missionary outreach, which proclaims the message of God’s love revealed in Christ. Saint Vincent de Paul put this nicely when he invited his disciples to pray to the Lord for “this spirit, this heart that causes us to go everywhere, this heart of the Son of God, the heart of our Lord, that disposes us to go as he went… he sends us, like [the apostles], to bring fire everywhere”. [224] 
  4. Saint Paul VI, addressing religious Congregations dedicated to the spread of devotion to the 

聖心作出了以下觀察。「毫無疑問,牧靈承諾和宣教熱情將會被點燃,如果神父和信徒都渴望傳播上帝的榮耀,沉思基督向我們展示的永恆之愛的榜樣,並將他們的努力指向使所有男女分享基督那無法測度的豐富。」[225] 當我們沉思聖心時,宣教便成為愛的事務。因為宣教中最大的危險在於,在我們所說和所做的一切中,我們未能帶來與擁抱我們並拯救我們的基督之愛的喜悅相遇。

209. 使命,作為基督心中愛的輻射,需要那些自己也在愛中的傳教士,他們被基督所吸引,感到有責任分享這份改變了他們生命的愛。他們對於浪費時間討論次要問題或專注於真理和規則感到不耐煩,因為他們最關心的是分享他們所經歷的。他們希望他人能通過他們的努力,無論多麼不足,感受到所愛之人的善良和美好。這不正是任何戀人所追求的嗎?我們可以以但丁·阿利基耶里的話作為例子,來表達這種愛的邏輯:

“lo dico che, pensando al suo valore 
amor si dolce si mi si fa sentire, 
che s’io allora non perdessi ardire 


210. 能夠以見證或言語來談論基督,使他人渴望去愛他,是每位靈魂傳教士最大的願望。這種愛的動力與改宗無關;愛人的話語不會打擾他人,不會提出要求或強迫,只是引導他人驚嘆於這樣的愛。懷著對他們自由和尊嚴的巨大尊重,愛人只是靜靜等待他們詢問那充滿他或她生命的巨大喜悅的愛。

211. 基督要求你永遠不要羞於告訴他人,並以適當的謹慎和尊重,談論你與他的友誼。他希望你敢於告訴他人,找到他是多麼美好和美麗的事。“凡在人面前承認我的,我在天上的父面前也必承認他”(馬太福音 10:32)。對於一顆愛的心來說,這不是一種責任,而是一種無法抑制的需求:“我若不傳揚福音,便有禍了!”(哥林多前書 9:16)。“我心裡有如火燒般的熱情,困在我的骨中;我忍耐不住,無法壓抑”(耶利米書 20:9)。


  1. We should not think of this mission of sharing Christ as something only between Jesus and 
    me. Mission is experienced in fellowship with our communities and with the whole Church. If we turn aside from the community, we will be turning aside from Jesus. If we turn our back on the community, our friendship with Jesus will grow cold. This is a fact, and we must never forget it. Love for the brothers and sisters of our communities - religious, parochial, diocesan and others is a kind of fuel that feeds our friendship with Jesus. Our acts of love for our brothers and sisters in community may well be the best and, at times, the only way that we can witness to others our love for Jesus Christ. He himself said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35). 
  2. This love then becomes service within the community. I never tire of repeating that Jesus told us this in the clearest terms possible: “Just as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). He now asks you to meet him there, in every one of our brothers and sisters, and especially in the poor, the despised and the abandoned members of society. What a beautiful encounter that can be! 
  3. If we are concerned with helping others, this in no way means that we are turning away from Jesus. Rather, we are encountering him in another way. Whenever we try to help and care for another person, Jesus is at our side. We should never forget that, when he sent his disciples on mission, “the Lord worked with them” (Mk 16:20). He is always there, always at work, sharing our efforts to do good. In a mysterious way, his love becomes present through our service. He speaks to the world in a language that at times has no need of words. 
  4. Jesus is calling you and sending you forth to spread goodness in our world. His call is one of service, a summons to do good, perhaps as a physician, a mother, a teacher or a priest. Wherever you may be, you can hear his call and realize that he is sending you forth to carry out that mission. He himself told us, “I am sending you out” ( L k L k LkL k 10:3). It is part of our being friends with him. For this friendship to mature, however, it is up to you to let him send you forth on a mission in this world, and to carry it out confidently, generously, freely and fearlessly. If you stay trapped in your own comfort zone, you will never really find security; doubts and fears, sorrow and anxiety will always loom on the horizon. Those who do not carry out their mission on this earth will find not happiness, but disappointment. Never forget that Jesus is at your side at every step of the way. He will not cast you into the abyss, or leave you to your own devices. He will always be there to encourage and accompany you. He has promised, and he will do it: “For I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). 
  5. In your own way, you too must be a missionary, like the apostles and the first disciples of Jesus, who went forth to proclaim the love of God, to tell others that Christ is alive and worth knowing. Saint Therese experienced this as an essential part of her oblation to merciful Love: “I wanted to give my Beloved to drink and I felt myself consumed with a thirst for souls”. [227] That is your mission as well. Each of us must carry it out in his or her own way; you will come to see how you can be a missionary. Jesus deserves no less. If you accept the challenge, he will enlighten 



  1. The present document can help us see that the teaching of the social Encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti is not unrelated to our encounter with the love of Jesus Christ. For it is by drinking of that same love that we become capable of forging bonds of fraternity, of recognizing the dignity of each human being, and of working together to care for our common home. 
  2. In a world where everything is bought and sold, people’s sense of their worth appears increasingly to depend on what they can accumulate with the power of money. We are constantly being pushed to keep buying, consuming and distracting ourselves, held captive to a demeaning system that prevents us from looking beyond our immediate and petty needs. The love of Christ has no place in this perverse mechanism, yet only that love can set us free from a mad pursuit that no longer has room for a gratuitous love. Christ’s love can give a heart to our world and revive love wherever we think that the ability to love has been definitively lost. 
  3. The Church also needs that love, lest the love of Christ be replaced with outdated structures and concerns, excessive attachment to our own ideas and opinions, and fanaticism in any number of forms, which end up taking the place of the gratuitous love of God that liberates, enlivens, brings joy to the heart and builds communities. The wounded side of Christ continues to pour forth that stream which is never exhausted, never passes away, but offers itself time and time again to all those who wish to love as he did. For his love alone can bring about a new humanity. 
  4. I ask our Lord Jesus Christ to grant that his Sacred Heart may continue to pour forth the streams of living water that can heal the hurt we have caused, strengthen our ability to love and serve others, and inspire us to journey together towards a just, solidary and fraternal world. Until that day when we will rejoice in celebrating together the banquet of the heavenly kingdom in the presence of the risen Lord, who harmonizes all our differences in the light that radiates perpetually from his open heart. May he be blessed forever. 

於 2024 年 10 月 24 日,在羅馬聖彼得大教堂頒發,這是我教宗任期的第十二年。

本章中的許多反思靈感來自已故的迦爾默羅會教士迭戈·法雷斯(Father Diego Fares, S.J.)的未出版著作。願主賜他永恆的安息。

[2] Cf. HOMER, Iliad, XXI, 441. 
[3] Cf. Iliad, X, 244. 
[4] Cf. PLATO, Timaeus, 65 c-d; 70. 
[5] Homily at Morning Mass in Domus Sanctae Marthae, 14 October 2016: L’Osservatore Romano, 15 October 2016, p. 8. 
[6] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Angelus, 2 July 2000: L’Osservatore Romano, 3-4 July 2000, p. 4. 
[7] ID., Catechesis, 8 June 1994: L’Osservatore Romano, 9 June 1994, p. 5. 
 [8] 魔鬼 (1873)。
[9] ROMANO GUARDINI, Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk, Mainz/Paderborn, 1989, pp. 236 ff . 
[10] KARL RAHNER, “Some Theses for a Theology of Devotion to the Sacred Heart”, in Theological Investigations, vol. III, Baltimore-London, 1967, p. 332. 
 [11] 同上,頁 333。
[12] BYUNG-CHUL HAN, Heideggers Herz. Zum Begriff der Stimmung bei Martin Heidegger, München, 1996, p. 39. 

[13] 同上,頁 60;參見頁 176。

[14] Cf. ID., Agonie des Eros, Berlin, 2012. 
[15] Cf. MARTIN HEIDEGGER, Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung, Frankfürt a. M., 1981, p. 120 . 
[16] Cf. MICHEL DE CERTEAU, L’espace du désir ou le «fondement» des Exercises Spirituels: Christus 77 (1973), pp. 118-128. 
[17] Itinerarium Mentis in Deum, VII, 6. 
[18] ID., Proemium in I Sent., q. 3. 
[19] SAINT JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, Meditations and Devotions, London, 1912, Part III [XVI], par. 3, pp. 573-574. 
[20] Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 82. 
 [21] 同上,10。
 [22] 同上,14。
[23] Cf. DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Declaration Dignitas Infinita (2 April 2024), 8. Cf. L’Osservatore Romano, 8 April 2024. 
[24] Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 26. 
[25] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Angelus, 28 June 1998: L’Osservatore Romano, 30 June-1 July 1998, p. 7. 
[26] Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (24 May 2015), 83: AAS 107 (2015), 880. 
[27] Homily at Morning Mass in Domus Sanctae Marthae, 7 June 2013: L’Osservatore Romano, 8 June 2013, p. 8. 
[28] PIUS XII, Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas (15 May 1956), I: AAS 48 (1956), 316. 
[29] PIUS VI, Constitution Auctorem Fidei (28 August 1794), 63: DH 2663. 
[30] LEO XIII, Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum (25 May 1899): ASS 31 (1898-1899), 649. 
[31] Ibid: “Inest in Sacro Corde symbolum et expressa imago infinitæ lesu Christi caritatis”. 
[32] Angelus, 9 June 2013: L’Osservatore Romano, 10-11 June 2013, p. 8. 
[33] We can thus understand why the Church has forbidden placing on the altar representations of the heart of Jesus or Mary alone (cf. Response of the Congregation of Sacred Rites to the Reverend Charles Lecoq, P.S.S., 5 April 1879: Decreta Authentica Congregationis Sacrorum Rituum ex Actis ejusdem Collecta, vol. III, 107-108, n. 3492). Outside the liturgy, “for private devotion” (ibid.), the symbolism of a heart can be used as a teaching aid, an aesthetic figure or an emblem that invites one to meditate on the love of Christ, but this risks taking the heart as an object of adoration or spiritual dialogue apart from the Person of Christ. On 31 March 1887, the Congregation gave another, similar response (ibid., 187, n. 3673). 
December 1563): DH 1823. 

[35] 拉丁美洲及加勒比海主教第五屆大會,阿帕雷西達文件(2007 年 6 月 29 日),第 259 條。

[36] Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas (15 May 1956), I: AAS 48 (1956), 323-324. 
[37] Ep. 261, 3: PG 32, 972. 
[38] In lo. homil. 63, 2: PG 59, 350. 
[39] De fide ad Gratianum, II, 7, 56: PL 16, 594 (ed. 1880). 
[40] Enarr. in Ps. 87, 3: PL 37, 1111. 
[41] Cf. De fide orth. 3, 6, 20: PG 94, 1006, 1081. 
[42] OLEGARIO GONZÁLEZ DE CARDEDAL, La entraña del cristianismo, Salamanca, 2010, 7071 . 
[43] Angelus, 1 June 2008: L’Osservatore Romano, 2-3 June 2008, p. 1. 
[44] PIUS XII, Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas (15 May 1956), II: AAS 48 (1956), 327-328. 

[45] 同上:AAS 48 (1956),343-344。

[46] BENEDICT XVI, Angelus, 1 June 2008: L’Osservatore Romano, 2-3 June 2008, p. 1. 
[47] VIGILIUS, Constitution Inter Innumeras Sollicitudines (14 May 553): DH 420. 
[48] ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF EPHESUS, Anathemas of Cyril of Alexandria, 8: DH 259. 

[49] 第二次君士坦丁堡大公會議,第八次會議(公元 553 年 6 月 2 日),法典第 9 條:DH 431。

[50] SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS, Spiritual Canticle, red. A, Stanza 22, 4. 

[51] 同上,第 12 節,8。

[52] 同上,第 12 節,1。

[53] “There is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist” ( 1 Cor 8:6). 
“To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen” ( Phil 4:20). “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation” ( 2 Cor 1:3). 
[54] Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente (10 November 1994), 49: AAS 87 (1995), 35. 
[55] Ad Rom., 7: PG 5, 694. 
[56] “That the world may know that I love the Father” ( Jn 14:31); “The Father and I are one” ( Jn 10:30); “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” ( Jn 14:10). 
[57] “I am going to the Father” ( pros ton Patéra: Jn 16:28). “I am coming to you” ( pros se: Jn 17 : 11 17 : 11 17:1117: 11 ). 

[58] “在父親的懷抱中”。

[59] Adv. Haer., III, 18, 1: PG 7, 932. 
[60] In Joh. II, 2: PG 14, 110. 
[61] Angelus, 23 June 2002: L’Osservatore Romano, 24-25 June 2002, p. 1. 
[62] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Message on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Consecration of the Human Race to the Divine Heart of Jesus, Warsaw, 11 June 1999, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 3: L’Osservatore Romano, 12 June 1999, p. 5. 
[63] ID., Angelus, 8 June 1986: L’Osservatore Romano, 9-10 June 1986, p. 5 
[64] Homily, Visit to the Gemelli Hospital and to the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, 27 June 2014: L’Osservatore Romano, 29 June 2014, p. 7. 
[65] Eph 1:5, 7; 2:18; 3:12. 
[66] Eph 2:5, 6; 4:15. 
[67] Eph 1:3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15; 2:10, 13, 21, 22; 3:6, 11, 21. 
[68] Message on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Consecration of the Human Race to the Divine Heart of Jesus, Warsaw, 11 June 1999, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 2: L’Osservatore Romano, 12 June 1999, p. 5. 

[69] “既然在聖心中有耶穌基督無限愛的象徵和明確形象,促使我們彼此相愛,因此我們應當奉獻自己。”

ourselves to his most Sacred Heart - an act that is nothing else than an offering and a binding of oneself to Jesus Christ, for whatever honour, veneration and love is given to this divine Heart is really and truly given to Christ himself…And now, today, behold another blessed and heavenly token is offered to our sight - the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with a cross rising from it and shining forth with dazzling splendour amidst flames of love. In that Sacred Heart all our hopes should be placed, and from it the salvation of men is to be confidently besought” (Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum [25 May 1899]: ASS 31 [1898-1899], 649, 651). 

「因為所有宗教的總和,難道不是包含在那個最吉祥的標誌中,並且以隨之而來的虔誠形式展現出來,因為它更容易引導人們的心靈親密地認識我們的主基督,並更有效地激勵他們的心去更熱烈地愛他,並更緊密地模仿他嗎?」(通諭《最仁慈的救主》[1928 年 5 月 8 日]:AAS 20 [1928],167)。

[71] “For it is perfectly clear that this devotion, if we examine its proper nature, is a most excellent act of religion, inasmuch as it demands the full and absolute determination of surrendering and consecrating oneself to the love of the divine Redeemer whose wounded heart is the living sign and symbol of that love… In it, we can contemplate not only the symbol, but also, as it were, the synthesis of the whole mystery of our redemption… Christ expressly and repeatedly pointed to his heart as the symbol by which men are drawn to recognize and acknowledge his love, and at the same time constituted it as the sign and pledge of his mercy and his grace for the needs of the Church in our time” (Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas [15 May 1956], Proemium, III, IV: AAS 48 [1956], 311, 336, 340). 
[72] Catechesis, 8 June 1994, 2: L’Osservatore Romano, 9 June 1994, p. 5. 
[73] Angelus, 1 June 2008: L’Osservatore Romano, 2-3 June 2008, p. 1. 
[74] Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas (15 May 1956), IV: AAS 48 (1956), 344. 

[75] 參見同上:AAS 48 (1956),336。

[76] “The value of private revelations is essentially different from that of the one public revelation: the latter demands faith… A private revelation… is a help which is proffered, but its use is not obligatory” (BENEDICT XVI, Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini [30 September 2010], 14: AAS 102 [2010]), 696). 
[77] Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas (15 May 1956), IV: AAS 48 (1956), 340. 

[78] 同上:AAS 48 (1956),344。

 [79] 同上。

[80] 使徒勸諭《這是信任》(2023 年 10 月 15 日),第 20 頁:羅馬觀察家,2023 年 10 月 16 日。

[81] 聖女小耶穌的特蕾莎,自傳,手稿 A, 83 v 83 v 83v^(@)83 v^{\circ}

[82] 聖瑪利亞·福斯蒂娜·科瓦爾斯卡,《日記》,47(1931 年 2 月 22 日),瑪利亞出版社,斯托克布里奇,2011 年,第 46 頁。

[83] 密西拿·住棚節,第四章,第五節,第九節。

[84] 致耶穌會總會長的信,法國帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾,1986 年 10 月 5 日:《羅馬觀察家》,1986 年 10 月 7 日,第九頁。

[85] 盧根的殉道者行錄,見於凱薩利亞的尤西比烏斯,《教會史》,第五卷,第一章:PG 20,418。

[86] 盧非努斯,V,1,22,見於 GCS,尤西比烏斯 II,1,頁 411,13 及以下。

[87] 聖尤斯丁,對話錄 135,3: PG 6, 787

[88] NOVATIAN, De Trinitate, 29: PL 3, 994; cf. SAINT GREGORY OF ELVIRA, Tractatus Origenis de libris Sanctarum Scripturarum, XX, 12: CSSL 69, 144.

[89] 解釋詩篇 1:33: PL 14, 983-984.

[90] 參見《約翰註釋》第 61 章,第 6 節:PL 35, 1801。

[91] Ep. ad Rufinum, 3, 4.3: PL 22, 334.

[92] 聖言在雅歌 61, 4: PL 183, 1072.

[93] 另一種對《雅歌》的解釋,第一章:PL 180, 487。

[94] 聖蒂埃里的威廉,《愛的本質與尊嚴》,1:PL 184, 379。

[95] 同上,冥想祈禱,8,6:PL 180,230。

[96] 聖博納文圖爾,《生命之木》。關於受難的奧秘,30。

 [97] 同上,47。

[98] 神聖仁慈的使者,IV, 4, 4: SCh 255, 66。

[99] 雷昂·德昂,耶穌聖心神父的靈修指導,圖恩豪特,1936 年,第二卷,第七章,第 141 條。

[100] 神的護理對話,LXXV:FIORILLI M.-CARAMELLA S. 編,巴里,1928,144。

[101] 參見,例如,ANGELUS WALZ,《在傳教士修會中對耶穌神聖心的崇敬》,羅馬,天主教安琪兒學院,1937 年。

[102] 拉斐爾·加西亞·埃雷羅斯,《聖若望·尤德斯的生平》,波哥大,1943 年,42。

[103] 聖法蘭西斯·德·薩雷斯,致珍·法蘭西斯·德·尚塔爾的信,1610 年 4 月 24 日。

[104] 四旬期第二主日的講道,1622 年 2 月 20 日。

[105] 致珍·法蘭西斯·德·尚塔爾的信,升天節,1612 年。

[106] Letter to Marie Aimée de Blonay, 18 February 1618.
[106] 致瑪麗·艾梅·德·布洛奈的信,1618 年 2 月 18 日。

[107] Letter to Jane Frances de Chantal, late November 1609.
[107] 致珍·法蘭西斯·德·尚塔爾的信,1609 年 11 月底。

[108] Letter to Jane Frances de Chantal, ca. 25 February 1610.
[108] 致珍·法蘭西斯·德·尚塔爾的信,約 1610 年 2 月 25 日。

[109] Entretien XIV, on religious simplicity and prudence.
[109] 第十四次談話,關於宗教的簡單與謹慎。

[110] Letter to Jane Frances de Chantal, 10 June 1611.
[110] 致珍·法蘭西斯·德·尚塔爾的信,1611 年 6 月 10 日。

[111] SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE, Autobiography, n. 53.
[111] 聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗·阿拉科克,自傳,第 53 條。

 [112] 同上。
 [113] 同上,註 55。
[114] Cf. DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena, 17 May 2024, I, A, 12.
[114] 參見 信仰教義部,關於辨識所謂超自然現象的程序準則,2024 年 5 月 17 日,I,A,12。

[115] SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE, Autobiography, n. 92.
[115] 聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗·阿拉科克,自傳,第 92 條。

[116] Letter to Sœur de la Barge, 22 October 1689.
[116] 致拉巴爾姐妹的信,1689 年 10 月 22 日。

[117] Autobiography, n. 53.
[117] 自傳,名詞 53。

 [118] 同上,註 55。
[119] Sermon on Trust in God, in CEuvres du R.P de La Colombière, t. 5, Perisse, Lyon, 1854, p. 100 .
[119] 信靠上帝的講道,見於 R.P. de La Colombière 作品集,第 5 卷,Perisse,里昂,1854 年,頁 100。

[120] Spiritual Exercises in London, 1-8 February 1677, in CEuvres du R.P de La Colombière, t. 7, Seguin, Avignon, 1832, p. 93.
[120] 1677 年 2 月 1 日至 8 日在倫敦的靈修,見於《拉科隆比耶神父著作》,第 7 卷,塞根,阿維尼翁,1832 年,頁 93。

[121] Spiritual Exercises in Lyon, October-November 1674, ibid., p. 45.
[121] 1674 年十月-十一月在里昂的靈修,前引書,第 45 頁。

[122] SAINT CHARLES DE FOUCAULD, Letter to Madame de Bondy, 27 April 1897.
[122] 聖查理·德·福考爾,致邦迪夫人的信,1897 年 4 月 27 日。

[123] Letter to Madame de Bondy, 28 April 1901. Cf. Letter to Madame de Bondy, 5 April 1909: “Through you I came to know the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the benedictions and the Sacred Heart”.
[123] 致邦迪夫人的信,1901 年 4 月 28 日。參見致邦迪夫人的信,1909 年 4 月 5 日:“透過您,我認識了對聖體的崇敬、祝福和聖心。”

[124] Letter to Madame de Bondy, 7 April 1890.
[124] 致邦迪夫人的信,1890 年 4 月 7 日。

[125] Letter to l’Abbé Huvelin, 27 June 1892.
[125] 致烏維蘭神父的信,1892 年 6 月 27 日。

[126] SAINT CHARLES DE FOUCAULD, Méditations sur l’Ancien Testament (1896-1897), XXX, 1 21 1 21 1-211-21.
[126] 聖查理·德·福考,舊約冥想(1896-1897),XXX, 1 21 1 21 1-211-21

[127] ID., Letter to l’Abbé Huvelin,16 May 1900.
[127] 同上,致於阿貝·烏維蘭的信,1900 年 5 月 16 日。

[128] ID., Diary, 17 May 1906.
[128] 同上,日記,1906 年 5 月 17 日。

[129] Letter 67 to Mme. Guérin, 18 November 1888.
[129] 第 67 封信致居里夫人,1888 年 11 月 18 日。

[130] Letter 122 to Céline, 14 October 1890.
[130] 信件 122 致塞琳,1890 年 10 月 14 日。

[131] Poem 23, “To the Sacred Heart of Jesus”, June or October 1895.
[131] 詩篇 23,“致耶穌聖心”,1895 年 6 月或 10 月。

[132] Letter 247 to l’Abbé Maurice Bellière, 21 June 1897.
[132] 信件 247 致馬里斯·貝利耶神父,1897 年 6 月 21 日。

[133] Last Conversations. Yellow Notebook, 11 July 1897, 6.
[133] 最後的對話。黃色筆記本,1897 年 7 月 11 日,6。

[134] Letter 197 to Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart, 17 September 1896. This does not mean that Therese did not offer sacrifices, sorrows and troubles as a way of associating herself with the suffering of Christ, but that, in the end, she was concerned not to give these offerings an
[134] 1896 年 9 月 17 日致聖心瑪麗修女的信件 197。這並不意味著特蕾莎沒有以犧牲、悲傷和困難來與基督的苦難聯繫起來,而是最終她關心的是不將這些奉獻給予一個

importance they did not have.

[135] Letter 142 to Céline, 6 July 1893.
[135] 信件 142 致塞琳,1893 年 7 月 6 日。

[136] Letter 191 to Léonie, 12 July 1896.
[136] 信件 191 給萊奧妮,1896 年 7 月 12 日。

[137] Letter 226 to Father Roulland, 9 May 1897.
[137] 信件 226 致魯朗神父,1897 年 5 月 9 日。

[138] Letter 258 to l’Abbé Maurice Bellière, 18 July 1897.
[138] 信件 258 致馬里斯·貝利耶神父,1897 年 7 月 18 日。

[139] Cf. SAINT IGNATIUS LOYOLA, Spiritual Exercises, 104.
[139] 參見 聖依納爵·羅耀拉,《靈修操練》,104。

 [140] 同上,297。
[141] Cf. Letter to Ignatius Loyola, 23 January 1541.
[141] 參見致伊納爵·羅耀拉的信,1541 年 1 月 23 日。

[142] De Vita P. Ignatii et Societatis lesu initiis, ch. 8. 96.
[142] 聖依納爵及耶穌會的生活,章節 8. 96.

[143] Spiritual Exercises, 54.
[143] 靈修練習,54。

 [144] 同上,230 頁及以下。
[145] THIRTY-THIRD GENERAL CONGREGATION OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, Decree 46, 1: Institutum Societatis lesu, 2, Florence, 1893, 511.
[145] 耶穌會第三十三屆總會,法令 46,1:耶穌會章程,2,佛羅倫斯,1893,511。

[146] In Him Alone is Our Hope. Texts on the Heart of Christ, St. Louis, 1984.
[146] 只有在祂裡面我們才有希望。基督之心的文獻,聖路易,1984 年。

[147] Letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Paray-le-Monial, 5 October 1986: L’Osservatore Romano, 6 October 1986, p. 7.
[147] 致耶穌會總會長的信,帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾,1986 年 10 月 5 日:羅馬觀察家,1986 年 10 月 6 日,第 7 頁。

[148] 會議對神父的講話,「貧窮」,1655 年 8 月 13 日。

[149] Conference to the Daughters of Charity, "Mortification, Correspondence, Meals and Journeys (Common Rules , art. 24-27), 9 December 1657.
[149] 會議致慈善女兒,"克己、通信、餐飲與旅行(共同規則,藝術第 24-27 條),1657 年 12 月 9 日。

[150] SAINT DANIELE COMBONI, Gli scritti, Bologna, 1991, 998 (n. 3324).
[150] 聖丹尼爾·孔博尼,著作,博洛尼亞,1991,998(編號 3324)。

[151] Homily at the Mass of Canonization, 18 May 2003: L’Osservatore Romano, 19-20 May 2003, p. 6.
[151] 聖品封聖彌撒講道,2003 年 5 月 18 日:羅馬觀察報,2003 年 5 月 19-20 日,第 6 頁。

[152] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Dives in Misericordia (30 November 1980), 1: AAS 72 (1980), 1219.
[152] 聖約翰保祿二世,《慈悲的豐富》通諭(1980 年 11 月 30 日),1:AAS 72(1980),1219。

[153] ID., Catechesis, 20 June 1979: L’Osservatore Romano, 22 June 1979, 1.
[153] 同上,教理講授,1979 年 6 月 20 日:《羅馬觀察報》,1979 年 6 月 22 日,第 1 頁。

[154] 耶穌心的康邦傳教士,生活規則,3。

[155] SOCIETY OF THE SACRED HEART, Constitutions of 1982, 7.
[155] 聖心會,1982 年憲章,7。

[156] Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor (8 May 1928): AAS 20 (1928), 174.
[156] 教宗通諭《最仁慈的救贖者》(1928 年 5 月 8 日):AAS 20(1928),174。

[157] The believer’s act of faith has as its object not simply the doctrine proposed, but also union with Christ himself in the reality of his divine life (cf. SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 1, a. 2, ad 2; q. 4, a. 1).
信徒的信仰行為的對象不僅僅是所提出的教義,還包括與基督本身在其神聖生命的現實中聯合(參見聖托馬斯·阿奎那,《神學大全》,第二部分第二卷,第 1 問,第 2 條,答 2;第 4 問,第 1 條)。

[158] PIUS XI, Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor (8 May 1928): AAS 20 (1928), 174. [159] Homily at the Chrism Mass, 28 March 2024: L’Osservatore Romano, 28 March 2024, p. 2. [160] SAINT IGNATIUS LOYOLA, Spiritual Exercises, 203.
[158] 教宗庇護十一世,《慈悲的救贖者通諭》(1928 年 5 月 8 日):AAS 20(1928),174 頁。 [159] 2024 年 3 月 28 日的聖油彌撒講道:羅馬觀察報,2024 年 3 月 28 日,第 2 頁。 [160] 聖伊納爵·羅耀拉,《靈修操練》,203 頁。

[161] Homily at the Chrism Mass, 28 March 2024: L’Osservatore Romano, 28 March 2024, p. 2.
[161] 在聖油彌撒的講道,2024 年 3 月 28 日:羅馬觀察家,2024 年 3 月 28 日,第 2 頁。

[162] SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE, Autobiography, n. 55.
[162] 聖瑪格麗特·瑪麗·阿拉科克,自傳,第 55 條。

[163] Letter 133 to Father Croiset.
[163] 第 133 封信致克羅伊塞父親。

[164] Autobiography, n. 92.
[164] 自傳,名詞。92。

[165] Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum (25 May 1899): ASS 31 (1898-1899), 649.
[165] 通諭《神聖之年》(1899 年 5 月 25 日):ASS 31(1898-1899),649。

[166] IULIANUS IMP., Ep. XLIX ad Arsacium Pontificem Galatiae, Mainz, 1828, 90-91.
[166] 尤利安皇帝,致加拉太大祭司阿薩基烏斯的信,邁恩茨,1828 年,90-91。

 [167] 同上。
[168] DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Declaration Dignitas Infinita (2 April 2024), 19: L’Osservatore Romano, 8 April 2024.
[168] 信仰教義部,聲明《無限尊嚴》(2024 年 4 月 2 日),第 19 條:羅馬觀察家,2024 年 4 月 8 日。

[169] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Encyclical “Haurietis Aquas” (15 May 2006): AAS 98 (2006), 461.
[169] 參見本篤十六世,致耶穌會總會長的信,慶祝《汲水之恩》通諭五十週年(2006 年 5 月 15 日):AAS 98(2006),461。

[170] In Num. homil. 12, 1: PG 12, 657.
[170] 在《民數記講道》12, 1: PG 12, 657。

[171] Epist. 29, 24: PL 16, 1060.
[172] Adv. Arium 1, 8: PL 8, 1044.
[173] Tract. in Joannem 32, 4: PL 35, 1643.
[173] 約翰註釋 32, 4: PL 35, 1643.

[174] Expos. in Ev. S. Joannis, cap. VII, lectio 5.
[174] 在《聖約翰福音》中的解釋,第七章,第五節。

[175] PIUS XII, Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas, 15 May 1956: AAS 48 (1956), 321.
[175] 教宗庇護十二世,《湧流的水》通諭,1956 年 5 月 15 日:AAS 48 (1956),321。

[176] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater (25 March 1987), 38: AAS 79 (1987), 411.
[176] 聖約翰保祿二世,《救贖之母通諭》(1987 年 3 月 25 日),第 38 段:AAS 79(1987),第 411 頁。

[177] SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 62.
[177] 第二梵蒂岡大公會議,教義憲章《光明之民》,62。

[178] lbid., 60. [178] 同上,60。
[179] Sermones super Cant., XX, 4: PL 183, 869.
[179] 聖言集,對於雅歌,XX, 4: PL 183, 869.

[180] Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, xxxv.
[180] 虔誠生活導論,第三部分,第三十五章。

[181] Sermon for the XVII Sunday after Pentecost.
[181] 五旬節後第十七主日的講道。

[182] Écrits spirituels, Paris 1947, 67.
[182] 精神著作,巴黎 1947,67。

[183] After 19 March 1902, all his letters begin with the words Jesus Caritas separated by a heart surmounted by the cross.
[183] 在 1902 年 3 月 19 日之後,他的所有信件都以「耶穌慈愛」這幾個字開頭,並以一顆上面有十字架的心形圖案分隔。

[184] Letter to l’Abbé Huvelin, 15 July 1904.
[184] 致烏維蘭神父的信,1904 年 7 月 15 日。

[185] Letter to Dom Martin, 25 January 1903.
[185] 致多姆·馬丁的信,1903 年 1 月 25 日。

[186] Cited in RENÉ VOILLAUME , Les fraternités du Père de Foucauld, Paris, 1946, 173.
[186] 引自 RENÉ VOILLAUME,《福科爾神父的兄弟會》,巴黎,1946 年,173 頁。

[187] Méditations des saints Évangiles sur les passages relatifs à quinze vertus, Nazareth, 18971898, Charité ( Mt 13:3), 60.
[187] 聖福音的默想,關於十五種美德的段落,拿撒勒,1897-1898,仁愛(馬太福音 13:3),60。

[188] Ibid., Charité ( Mt 22:1), 90.
[188] 同上,查理大學(馬太福音 22:1),90。

[189] H. HUVELIN, Quelques directeurs d’âmes au XVII siècle, Paris, 1911, 97.
[189] H. HUVELIN, 十七世紀的一些靈魂導師,巴黎,1911,97。

[190] 會議,「病人的服務與自身健康的照顧」,1657 年 11 月 11 日。

[191] Common Rules of the Congregation of the Mission, 17 May 1658, c. 2, 6.
[191] 使命會共同規則,1658 年 5 月 17 日,第二條,第六項。

[192] Letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Paray-le-Monial, 5 October 1986: L’Osservatore Romano, 6 October 1986, p. 7.
[192] 致耶穌會總會長的信,帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾,1986 年 10 月 5 日:羅馬觀察家,1986 年 10 月 6 日,第 7 頁。

[193] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (2 December 1984), 16: AAS 77 (1985), 215.
[193] 聖若望保祿二世,後會議宗座勸諭《和解與懺悔》(1984 年 12 月 2 日),第 16 段:AAS 77(1985),215。

[194] Cf. Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (30 December 1987), 36: AAS 80 (1988), 561562 .
[194] 參見《社會關懷通諭》(1987 年 12 月 30 日),第 36 段:AAS 80(1988),561562。

[195] Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus (1 May 1991), 41: AAS 83 (1991), 844-845.
[195] 教宗通諭《百年紀》(1991 年 5 月 1 日),41:AAS 83(1991),844-845。

[196] 天主教教理,1888。

[197] Catechesis, 8 June 1994, 2: L’Osservatore Romano, 4 May 1994, p. 5.
[197] 教理講授,1994 年 6 月 8 日,2:羅馬觀察家,1994 年 5 月 4 日,第 5 頁。

[198] Address to the Participants in the International Colloquium “Réparer L’Irréparable”, on the 350 th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jesus in Paray-le-Monial, 4 May 2024: L’Osservatore Romano, 4 May 2024, p. 12.
[198] 致參加國際研討會「修復不可修復之事」的與會者,紀念耶穌在帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾顯現 350 周年,2024 年 5 月 4 日:羅馬觀察家,2024 年 5 月 4 日,第 12 頁。

 [199] 同上。
[200] Homily at Morning Mass in Domus Sanctae Marthae, 6 March 2018: L’Osservatore Romano, 5-6 March 2018, p. 8.
[200] 在聖瑪爾大之家早晨彌撒的講道,2018 年 3 月 6 日:羅馬觀察報,2018 年 3 月 5-6 日,第 8 頁。

[201] Address to the Participants in the International Colloquium “Réparer L’Irréparable”, on the 350 th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jesus in Paray-le-Monial, 4 May 2024: L’Osservatore Romano, 4 May 2024, p. 12.
[201] 致參加國際座談會「修復不可修復之事」的與會者,紀念耶穌在帕雷-勒-莫尼亞爾顯現 350 周年,2024 年 5 月 4 日:羅馬觀察報,2024 年 5 月 4 日,第 12 頁。

[202] Homily at the Chrism Mass, 28 March 2024: L’Osservatore Romano, 28 March 2024, p. 2. [203] Ibid.
[202] 在聖油彌撒的講道,2024 年 3 月 28 日:羅馬觀察家,2024 年 3 月 28 日,第 2 頁。[203] 同上。

 [204] 同上。
[205] Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (24 May 2015), 80: AAS 107 (2015), 879.
[205] 教宗通諭《願榮耀歸於你》(2015 年 5 月 24 日),80:AAS 107(2015),879。

[206] 天主教教理,編號 1085。

 [207] 同上,第 268 號。
[208] Autobiography, n. 53.
[208] 自傳,名詞。53。

 [209] A 女士,84r。
 [210] 同上。
 [211] 同上。
[212] Ms A, 83v.; cf. Letter 226 to Father Roulland, 9 May 1897.
[212] A 女士,83v.; 參見 1897 年 5 月 9 日致魯朗神父的信件 226。

[213] Act of Oblation to Merciful Love, 9 June 1895, 2r-2v.
[213] 奉獻於仁慈之愛的行動,1895 年 6 月 9 日,2r-2v。

 [214] B 小姐,3v。
[215] Letter 186 to Léonie, 11 April 1896.
[215] 信件 186 致萊奧妮,1896 年 4 月 11 日。

[216] Letter 258 to l’Abbé Bellière, 18 July 1897.
[216] 信件 258 致貝利耶神父,1897 年 7 月 18 日。

[217] Cf. PIUS XI, Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor, 8 May 1928: AAS 20 (1928), 169.
[217] 參見教宗庇護十一世,通諭《最仁慈的救贖者》,1928 年 5 月 8 日:AAS 20 (1928),169。

[218] 同上:AAS 20 (1928),172。

[219] SAINT JOHN PAUL II , Catechesis, 20 June 1979: L’Osservatore Romano, 22 June 1979, p. 1 .
[219] 聖若望保祿二世,教理講授,1979 年 6 月 20 日:羅馬觀察報,1979 年 6 月 22 日,第 1 頁。

[220] Homily at Mass in Domus Sanctae Marthae, 27 June 2014: L’Osservatore Romano, 28 June 2014, p. 8.
[220] 在聖瑪爾大之家彌撒的講道,2014 年 6 月 27 日:羅馬觀察報,2014 年 6 月 28 日,第 8 頁。

[221] Message for the Centenary of the Consecration of the Human Race to the Divine Heart of Jesus, Warsaw, 11 June 1999, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. L’Osservatore Romano, 12 June 1999, p. 5.
[221] 人類奉獻於耶穌神聖心的百年紀念信息,華沙,1999 年 6 月 11 日,耶穌神聖心的莊嚴節。羅馬觀察報,1999 年 6 月 12 日,第 5 頁。

 [222] 同上。
[223] Letter to the Archbishop of Lyon on the occasion of the Pilgrimage of Paray-le-Monial for the Centenary of the Consecration of the Human Race to the Divine Heart of Jesus, 4 June 1999:
[223] 致里昂大主教的信,慶祝人類奉獻於耶穌神聖之心百年朝聖活動,1999 年 6 月 4 日:

L’Osservatore Romano, 12 June 1999, p. 4.
《羅馬觀察報》,1999 年 6 月 12 日,第 4 頁。

[224] 會議,「祈禱的重複」,1655 年 8 月 22 日。

[225] Letter Diserti interpretes (25 May 1965), 4: Enchiridion della Vita Consacrata, BolognaMilano, 2001, n. 3809.
[225] 信函 Diserti 翻譯者(1965 年 5 月 25 日),4:聖職生活手冊,博洛尼亞米蘭,2001 年,編號 3809。

[226] Vita Nuova XIX, 5-6: “I declare that, in thinking of its worth, love so sweet makes me feel
[226] 新生命 XIX, 5-6: “我宣告,當想到它的價值時,這樣甜美的愛讓我感到

that, if my courage did not fail me, I would speak out and make everyone else fall in love”.

 [227] A 女士,45v。

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