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Brain structural and functional alterations in adolescents with borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and a research agenda

Xueying Wang 1,2, Alessandro Grecucci3, Yan Fu1, Jinfan Zhang1, Liying Shen4, Han Wu7, Jing Wang5*, Qian Xiao4*, Xiaoping Yi1,2 *, Bihong T. Chen6
Xueying Wang 1,2 , Alessandro Grecucci 3 , Yan Fu 1 , Jinfan Zhang 1 , Liying Shen 4 , Han Wu 7 , Jing Wang 5* , Qian Xiao 4* , Xiaoping Yi 1,2 * , Bihong T. Chen 6

1 Department of Radiology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, Hunan, P. R. China
1 中南大学湘雅医院放射科,湖南长沙 410008

2 National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders (Xiangya Hospital), Central South University, Changsha 410008, Hunan, P.R. China
2 中南大学国家老年医学临床研究中心(湘雅医院),湖南长沙 410008

3 Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences (DiPSCo), University of Trento, Rovereto (TN) 38068, Italy
3 特伦托大学心理学和认知科学系(DiPSCo),意大利罗韦雷托(TN)38068

4 Mental Health Center of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, Hunan, P.R. China
4 中南大学湘雅医院精神卫生中心,湖南长沙 410008

5 Department of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, Hunan, P.R. China
5 中南大学湘雅医院神经内科,湖南长沙 410008

6 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, City of Hope National Medical Center,
6 国家希望之城医疗中心放射诊断部、

Duarte, California 91010, USA
美国加利福尼亚州杜阿尔特 91010

7 Department of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
7 日本东京,东京大学医学研究生院国际卫生系

*Corresponding Author:
* 通讯作者:

Xiaoping Yi, MD, PhD

Department of Radiology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

No. 87 Xiangya Road, P.R. China
中国湘雅路 87 号

Tel: (011)86-731-84327448

Fax: (011) 86-731-84327448

E-mail: yixiaoping@csu.edu.cn
电子邮件: yixiaoping@csu.edu.cn

Jing Wang, MD, PhD

Department of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, Hunan, P.R. China Tel: +86-731-84327448
中南大学湘雅医院神经内科,湖南长沙 410008 电话:+86-731-84327448

Fax: +86-731-84327448

E-mail: 844513686@qq.com

Qian Xiao M.D, Ph. D, Mental Health Center of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, No. 87 Xiangya Road, P.R. China

Telephone:(011)86-731-84327169; Fax:(011)86-731-84327169;

E-mail: xiaoqian851112@126.com
电子邮件: xiaoqian851112@126.com


We thank the staff members in the Department of Radiology, Mental Health Center and the Department of Neurology for their helpful discussions and assistance in the data analysis and manuscript preparation.


This study was funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Central South University (grant 2024ZZTS0876)., P.R. China.

Conflict of Interest:

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


Adolescent borderline personality disorder (aBPD) is linked to severe psychological problems and social dysfunction in the affected adolescents. The objective of this review was to summarize the current understanding of brain structural and functional alterations identified on neuroimaging and to propose future research directions. This systemic review identified alterations of three brain networks involved in aBPD, i.e., the prefrontal – executive network, the default mode network, and the affective network. We also presented a BPD model integrating the existing neural and psychological data to offer insights for future research and hypothesis testing. This proposed future research includes leveraging novel analytical techniques such as artificial intelligence methods to facilitate the identification of potential neuroimaging biomarkers for BPD. The potential for targeting these dysfunctional networks via neurostimulation methods is also discussed.
青少年边缘型人格障碍(aBPD)与受影响青少年的严重心理问题和社会功能障碍有关。本综述旨在总结目前对神经影像学发现的大脑结构和功能改变的理解,并提出未来的研究方向。这篇系统性的综述指出了三种大脑网络(即前额叶-执行网络、默认模式网络和情感网络)与 BPD 有关的改变。我们还提出了一个整合现有神经和心理数据的 BPD 模型,为未来的研究和假设检验提供启示。建议的未来研究包括利用新型分析技术(如人工智能方法)来促进确定潜在的 BPD 神经影像生物标志物。此外,还讨论了通过神经刺激方法靶向这些功能失调网络的潜力。

1. Introduction

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychiatric condition characterized by a persistent pattern of emotional dysregulation, marked impulsivity, interpersonal disturbances, identity instability and persisting non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). This disorder has a 3% prevalence in the general population (Grecucci et al., 2023; Lenzenweger, Lane, Loranger, & Kessler, 2007) and is associated with significant impairment of patients’ psychological functioning (De Panfilis et al., 2019). Adolescence is considered a critical period of time for patients with BPD (Ibraheim, Kalpakci, & Sharp, 2017), as early treatment starting in adolescence may decrease symptom severity (Chanen, Jackson, et al., 2008). However, early diagnosis has been challenging due to the lack of understanding of its pathophysiology with no specific biomarkers to guide clinical decision-making.
边缘型人格障碍(Borderline personality disorder,BPD)是一种严重的精神疾病,其特征是持续的情绪失调、明显的冲动、人际关系障碍、身份不稳定和持续的非自杀性自伤(NSSI)。这种疾病在普通人群中的发病率为 3%(Grecucci 等人,2023 年;Lenzenweger、Lane、Loranger 和 Kessler,2007 年),并与患者心理功能的严重受损有关(De Panfilis 等人,2019 年)。青春期被认为是 BPD 患者的关键时期(Ibraheim、Kalpakci 和 Sharp,2017 年),因为青春期开始的早期治疗可能会降低症状的严重程度(Chanen、Jackson 等人,2008 年)。然而,由于对其病理生理学缺乏了解,也没有特定的生物标志物来指导临床决策,因此早期诊断一直是个难题。

Diagnosing BPD precisely is often a complex and difficult process due to several factors (Grecucci et al., 2022; Rao et al., 2020). One issue is that patient symptoms tend to fluctuate significantly, with different degrees of vulnerability (Choi-Kain et al., 2020). Another challenge is that current classification manuals categorize personality disorders in a categorical manner, whereas personality traits can be viewed on a spectrum in key domains (Ashton, 2017). Furthermore, there is considerable overlap in symptoms across different personality disorder categories (Siefert et al., 2022). Lastly, diagnosing Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) depends on observable behavior as no objective markers are available yet. An accurate early diagnosis is even more complex for aBPD, as adolescents are characterized by notable brain development with inherent brain alterations.
由于多种因素(Grecucci 等人,2022 年;Rao 等人,2020 年),精确诊断 BPD 通常是一个复杂而困难的过程。其中一个问题是,患者的症状往往波动很大,易感程度各不相同(Choi-Kain 等人,2020 年)。另一个挑战是,目前的分类手册以分类的方式对人格障碍进行分类,而人格特质在关键领域可以被视为一个谱系(Ashton,2017)。此外,不同人格障碍类别的症状有相当大的重叠性(Siefert 等人,2022 年)。最后,边缘型人格障碍(BPD)的诊断取决于可观察到的行为,因为目前还没有客观的标记。对边缘型人格障碍(BPD)而言,准确的早期诊断更为复杂,因为青少年的特点是大脑发育显著,并伴有固有的大脑改变。

Neuroimaging has emerged as a useful tool to assess structural and functional alterations of the brain (Bøen et al., 2014; Bruehl et al., 2013; de Araujo Filho et al., 2014), and has been recently applied to adults with BPD for identification of possible biomarkers (Grecucci et al., 2022). Most of the neuroimaging studies have whown gray and white matter alterations in aBPD patients (Jovev et al., 2008; Takahashi, Chanen, Wood, Yücel, et al., 2009). These studies demonstrated multiple brain volume and surface alterations associated with clinical symptomatology in patients with BPD (Jovev et al., 2008; Takahashi, Chanen, Wood, Yücel, et al., 2009). Beside structural studies, a few studies have used functional MRI (fMRI) to characterize brian anomalies in aBPD. However, the studies conducted so far have several limitations, such as small sample sizes, unmatched gender ratio, and lack of control subjects (Lotfinia, Soorgi, Mertens, & Daniels, 2020). Thus, previously reported brain changes may not be representative of the patients with BPD in general.
神经影像学已成为评估大脑结构和功能改变的有用工具(Bøen 等人,2014 年;Bruehl 等人,2013 年;de Araujo Filho 等人,2014 年),最近已应用于患有 BPD 的成年人,以确定可能的生物标记物(Grecucci 等人,2022 年)。大多数神经影像学研究都显示了躁狂症患者灰质和白质的改变(Jovev 等人,2008 年;Takahashi、Chanen、Wood、Yücel 等人,2009 年)。这些研究表明,多种脑容量和表面改变与 BPD 患者的临床症状相关(Jovev 等人,2008 年;Takahashi、Chanen、Wood、Yücel 等人,2009 年)。除结构研究外,也有少数研究使用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)来描述双臂异常的特征。然而,迄今为止进行的研究存在一些局限性,如样本量小、性别比例不匹配、缺乏对照对象等(Lotfinia, Soorgi, Mertens, & Daniels, 2020)。因此,之前报告的大脑变化可能并不能代表一般的 BPD 患者。

The aim of this systemic review is to assess the current understanding of brain structural and functional alterations identified by neuroimaging and to propose future research directions and clinical suggestions. By reviewing the studies conducted so far on aBPD, we were able to outline a possible network model of aBPD, and to suggest possible neurostimulation interventionsto target this network. We also discuss the possibility to use novel analytical techniques such as artificial intelligence methods to facilitate the identification of potential neuroimaging biomarkers for BPD.
本系统综述旨在评估目前对神经影像学所发现的大脑结构和功能改变的理解,并提出未来的研究方向和临床建议。通过回顾迄今为止有关 aBPD 的研究,我们能够勾勒出 aBPD 的可能网络模型,并提出针对该网络的可能神经刺激干预措施。我们还讨论了使用新型分析技术(如人工智能方法)来促进确定潜在的 BPD 神经影像生物标志物的可能性。

2. Methods

The present review adhered to the systematic review guidelines identified by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)(Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009). Several databases including the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Medline were systematically searched using the following search terms: "Borderline personality disorder" AND "Adolescent" AND "MRI" for papers published between January 1, 2027 and December 31, 2023. Due to the lack of previous systematic reviews in the area, a more open search strategy was adopted to capture as many records as possible for assessment.
本综述遵循《系统综述和元分析首选报告项目》(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses,PRISMA)(Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009)确定的系统综述指南。使用以下检索词对包括 Web of Knowledge、PubMed 和 Medline 在内的多个数据库进行了系统检索:"边缘型人格障碍"、"青少年 "和 "核磁共振成像",检索2027年1月1日至2023年12月31日期间发表的论文。由于该领域之前缺乏系统性综述,因此采用了更为开放的搜索策略,以获取尽可能多的记录进行评估。

For the paper to be eligible for inclusion in this review, the studies must have fulfilled the following criteria: diagnosis of BPD being made with a recognized assessment method based on the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV or V) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) criteria, study participants being 12 to 17 years old, having data with gray matter density or volume extraction, and within-group analysis being reported. Both manual tracing and automated processing protocols (e.g., voxel-based morphometry [VBM]) were included, as these methods of processing have been found not to affect outcomes of data analysis (O'Neill & Frodl, 2012). Articles not published in English, conference proceedings, single-case reports and dissertations were excluded.
论文必须符合以下标准才能被纳入本综述:根据《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》(DSM-IV 或 V)或《国际疾病分类》(ICD)标准,采用公认的评估方法对 BPD 进行诊断;研究参与者年龄在 12 至 17 岁之间;具有灰质密度或体积提取数据;并报告了组内分析。人工追踪和自动处理方案(如基于体素的形态测量[VBM])均包括在内,因为这些处理方法被认为不会影响数据分析的结果(O'Neill & Frodl, 2012)。非英文发表的文章、会议论文集、单一病例报告和学位论文均被排除在外。

A list of articles from the initial search strategy was compiled, their titles and abstracts were assessed for eligibility. A subsequent screening was performed where the main body and the reference list of each article was reviewed, and additional papers were added from the reference section. Duplicates and papers without a reported within-group analysis were excluded. (SeeFigure 1)
根据最初的搜索策略编制了一份文章清单,并对其标题和摘要进行了资格评估。随后进行筛选,审查每篇文章的正文和参考文献目录,并从参考文献部分添加其他论文。重复和未报告组内分析的论文被排除在外。(见图 1)

3. Results

The results from MRI studies reporting structural (gray matter and white matter) and functional (resting-state and task-based activation) brain alterations were extracted and were integrated. Figure 1 shows the flow chart of paper selection and identification. A final cohort of 23 papers was included in this review and their main findings were presented in Table 1. Out of the 23 articles included for this review of neuroimaging findings for BPD, 14 were pertained to VBM, 3 to diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 3 to resting-state fMRI, and 3 to task-based fMRI. And all of these are based on studies of adolescents.
提取并整合了报告大脑结构(灰质和白质)和功能(静息态和基于任务的激活)改变的核磁共振成像研究结果。图 1 显示了论文筛选和鉴定流程图。本综述最终纳入了 23 篇论文,其主要研究结果见表 1。在这23篇关于BPD神经影像学发现的综述文章中,14篇涉及VBM,3篇涉及弥散张量成像(DTI),3篇涉及静息态fMRI,3篇涉及基于任务的fMRI。所有这些都是基于青少年的研究。

4. Structural evidence

4.1. White matter alterations

DTI is commonly used to study microscopic alterations of the white matter because it allows for measurement of the direction and magnitude of water diffusion in the white matter tracts (Siasios et al., 2016). There have been only three studies using DTI to evaluate aBPD (Maier-Hein et al., 2014; New et al., 2013; Sadek et al., 2021). A study by Sadek et al. (Sadek et al., 2021) found structural alterations in the genu and body of the corpus callosum (CC), suggesting reduced interhemispheric brain connectivity and prefrontal deficits being associated with BPD symptoms using DTI based on a region of interest (ROI) approach. Another study by New and colleagues (New et al., 2013) assessed the trajectory of white matter tracts in BPD using DTI based on a tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS)-whole brain approach in two cohorts of BPD patients (adolescents and adults) and two age- and sex-matched healthy control groups. They observed that the expected normal developmental “peak” in fractional anisotropy (FA) of the inverted U-shaped curve of white matter tracts seen in healthy controls was not achieved in the aBPD cohort. A study by Maier-Hein et al. (Maier-Hein et al., 2014), investigated the fornix, the cingulum and the uncinate fasciculus focused on both hypothesis-driven ROIs and exploratory TBSS analysis. Significant disorder-specific white matter alterations were found in the long association bundles interconnecting the hetero-modal association cortex and in connections between the thalamus and hippocampus. Figure 2 provides a summary of the brain regions identified by DTI highlighting the differences between the aBPD group and the healthy controls.
DTI 常用于研究白质的微观改变,因为它可以测量白质束中水扩散的方向和幅度(Siasios 等人,2016 年)。目前仅有三项研究使用 DTI 评估 aBPD(Maier-Hein 等人,2014 年;New 等人,2013 年;Sadek 等人,2021 年)。Sadek 等人的一项研究(Sadek 等人,2021 年)发现胼胝体(CC)的髓部和体部存在结构性改变,这表明使用基于感兴趣区(ROI)方法的 DTI,大脑半球间的连接性降低和前额叶缺陷与 BPD 症状有关。New 及其同事的另一项研究(New 等人,2013 年)在两组 BPD 患者(青少年和成人)和两组年龄和性别匹配的健康对照组中使用基于束空间统计(TBSS)-全脑方法的 DTI 评估了 BPD 白质束的轨迹。他们观察到,在健康对照组中白质束的倒 U 形曲线分数各向异性(FA)达到了预期的正常发育 "峰值",但在 BPD 患者队列中却没有达到。Maier-Hein 等人的一项研究(Maier-Hein et al.在连接异模式联想皮层的长联想束以及丘脑和海马之间的连接中发现了明显的特定障碍白质改变。图 2 提供了通过 DTI 确定的大脑区域摘要,突出显示了 aBPD 组与健康对照组之间的差异。

4.2. Gray matter alterations

Fourteen studies using structural MRI (sMRI) were based on VBM. Eleven out of fourteen found the volume differences of brain regions between the aBPD patients and healthy controls. The remaining three studies showed the morphological alterations of the CC, olfactory sulcus, and midline brain structure, respectively. Figure 3 presents a summary of the brain regions with structural alterations showing alterations in aBPD individuals compared to healthy controls.
14项使用结构磁共振成像(sMRI)的研究以VBM为基础。14 项研究中有 11 项发现了 aBPD 患者与健康对照组之间大脑区域的体积差异。其余三项研究分别显示了CC、嗅沟和大脑中线结构的形态学改变。图 3 显示了 aBPD 患者与健康对照组相比出现结构改变的脑区摘要。

4.2.1. Brain volume

There were no significant differences observed in the pituitary gland volume (PGV)
(Garner et al., 2007)
(加纳等人,2007 年)
, insular volume
(Takahashi, Chanen, Wood, Yücel, et al., 2009), hippocampal volume
(Chanen, Velakoulis, et al., 2008)
(Chanen、Velakoulis 等人,2008 年)。
, amygdala volume
(Chanen, Velakoulis, et al., 2008)
(Chanen、Velakoulis 等人,2008 年)。
, and volumes of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) subregions including the Heschl gyrus
(HG) (BA 41/42) (Takahashi et al., 2010)
(高桥等人,2010 年)。
between aBPD patients and the healthy controls. However, one study showed a decreased volume in bilateral hippocampi and in right amygdala in aBPD patients when compared to healthy controls
之间的差异。然而,一项研究显示,与健康对照组相比,ABPD 患者双侧海马和右侧杏仁核的体积有所减小
(Richter et al., 2014)
(里希特等人,2014 年)
. In another study, Yi et al.
.在另一项研究中,Yi 等人
(Yi et al., 2024)
(Yi 等人,2024 年)
also found gray matter reduction in the right hippocampus. In addition, Brunner
and colleagues
(Brunner et al., 2010)
(布鲁纳等人,2010 年)。
found that patients with aBPD displayed a significantly decreased gray matter volume in
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
背外侧前额叶皮层 (DLPFC)
bilaterally and in the left
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
compared to the healthy controls.
On the opposite
, one study showed a reversal of the normal (right>left) asymmetry of OFC gray matter in the BPD group
一项研究显示,在 BPD 组中,OFC 灰质的正常不对称(右>左)发生了逆转
(Chanen, Velakoulis, et al., 2008)
(Chanen、Velakoulis 等人,2008 年)。
. There were reports of no differences in the DLPFC or OFC in adolescents with BPD and co-morbid major depression disorder (MDD) when compared to healthy adolescents
.有报告称,与健康青少年相比,患有 BPD 和合并重度抑郁障碍 (MDD) 的青少年的 DLPFC 或 OFC 没有差异。
(Goodman et al., 2011)
(古德曼等人,2011 年)
. Moreover, those patients with BPD/MDD showed reduced gray matter in the BA24 portion of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) when compared with healthy adolescents. The left ACC was found to have reduced gray matter, but this reduction was not present on the right side
.此外,与健康青少年相比,BPD/MDD 患者前扣带回皮层 BA24 部分的灰质减少。研究发现,左侧扣带回皮层的灰质减少,而右侧则没有这种现象。
(Whittle et al., 2009)
(惠特尔等人,2009 年)
. In addition, gray matter reduction in both limbic-cortical circuit and the default mode network (DMN) system were found in the adolescents with BPD as compared to the healthy controls
.此外,与健康对照组相比,发现患有 BPD 的青少年边缘皮层回路和默认模式网络(DMN)系统的灰质均有所减少
(Yi et al., 2024)
(Yi 等人,2024 年)
. Richter
and colleagues
(Richter et al., 2014)
(里希特等人,2014 年)
found that female adolescents with BPD had a decreased gray matter volume in the left superior parietal gyrus, the right frontal middle gyrus and in the orbital part of the left inferior frontal gyrus when compared to the healthy controls.
发现与健康对照组相比,患有 BPD 的女性青少年左顶叶上回、右额叶中回和左额叶下回眶部的灰质体积减少。

4.3.2. Cortical thickness

Two studies (Richter et al., 2014; Xiao, Fu, et al., 2023) found altered cortical thickness inside the DMN in the adolescents with BPD when compared to the healthy controls. In particular, there was a decreased cortical thickness in the right precuneus and right supramarginal gyrus, while an increase in cortical thickness in the bilateral para-hippocampal gyrus and left medial OFC(Xiao, Fu, et al., 2023). Decreased cortical thickness was also observed in the limbic–cortical circuit involving the bilateral occipital gyrus, left lingual gyrus, right superior frontal gyrus and bilateral inferior temporal lobe (Xiao, Fu, et al., 2023). However, no between-group differences in cortical thickness were identified in a cohort of female adolescents with BPD compared to healthy controls (Richter et al., 2014).
两项研究(Richter等人,2014年;肖、傅等人,2023年)发现,与健康对照组相比,患有BPD的青少年DMN内部的皮质厚度发生了改变。其中,右侧楔前回和右侧边际上回的皮质厚度减少,而双侧海马旁回和左侧内侧 OFC 的皮质厚度增加(Xiao,Fu,et al.,2023)。在涉及双侧枕回、左侧舌回、右侧额上回和双侧颞下叶的边缘-皮质回路中,也观察到皮质厚度减少(Xiao,Fu,et al.,2023)。然而,与健康对照组相比,在患有 BPD 的女性青少年群组中未发现皮质厚度的组间差异(Richter 等人,2014 年)。

4.2.3. Brain morphology

Other studies focused on the morphology of the CC (size, shape), of the olfactory sulcus and of the midline brain structures. For example, Takahashi et al. (Takahashi et al., 2019) revealed that the adolescents with BPD, especially those with traumatic experiences, had a significantly shallower right olfactory sulcus. However, no difference was detected in the anterior-posterior length of the right olfactory sulcus compared with healthy controls. In an earlier report, Takahashi and colleagues (Takahashi, Chanen, Wood, Walterfang, et al., 2009) investigated the length of the inter-thalamic adhesion (IA) and cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) as well as the third ventricular volume. Although the CSP length did not differ between the groups, the IA was significantly shorter in BPD patients than in controls. Furthermore, the BPD patients had a significantly larger third ventricle than the controls (Takahashi, Chanen, Wood, Walterfang, et al., 2009). However, Walterfang and colleagues (Walterfang et al., 2010) reported no significant differences in total callosal area, length or curvature between BPD patients at first presentation and controls, nor any differences in the callosal shape or ventricular volume.
其他研究侧重于CC的形态(大小、形状)、嗅沟和大脑中线结构。例如,Takahashi等人(Takahashi et al., 2019)发现,患有BPD的青少年,尤其是有创伤经历的青少年,其右侧嗅沟明显较浅。然而,与健康对照组相比,右嗅沟的前后长度没有发现差异。高桥及其同事(Takahashi,Chanen,Wood,Walterfang,et al.,2009)在较早的报告中调查了丘脑间粘连(IA)和透明隔腔(CSP)的长度以及第三脑室的容积。虽然 CSP 长度在各组间没有差异,但 BPD 患者的 IA 明显短于对照组。此外,BPD 患者的第三脑室明显大于对照组(Takahashi、Chanen、Wood、Walterfang 等人,2009 年)。然而,Walterfang 及其同事(Walterfang 等人,2010 年)报告称,初次发病的 BPD 患者与对照组在胼胝体总面积、长度或曲率方面没有明显差异,在胼胝体形状或脑室容积方面也没有任何差异。

5. Functional evidence

Seven studies were found using fMRI and three of them were based on resting-state, while the other four were task-based. Figure 4 provides a summary of the brain regions with functional alterations between the aBPD patients and the healthy controls.
有七项研究使用了 fMRI,其中三项基于静息态,另外四项基于任务。图 4 提供了 aBPD 患者与健康对照组之间存在功能改变的脑区汇总。

5.1. Resting-state fMRI
5.1.静息态 fMRI

A study by Hall and Hallquist (Hall & Hallquist, 2023) assessed the stability of emotion-related impulsivity by exploring the dissociation of the basolateral and the central amygdala effective connectivity. They found that the inputs from the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) compete to influence the activity of the central amygdala (CeN). In adolescents and young adults with BPD, BLA activity overshadowed the CeN activity, while in healthy controls the ability of the CeN to influence the activity of the BLA predicted more rapid reductions in emotion-related impulsivity. In another study, Yi et al. (Yi et al., 2023) assessed the alterations in regional homogeneity (ReHo) in adolescents with BPD. Compared with healthy controls, adolescents with BPD showed reduced ReHo values in the frontal cortex (including the left inferior OFC and the bilateral superior frontal cortex) as well as in the left precuneus of the DMN. Adolescents with BPD also had higher ReHo values in several cortical regions, such as the right middle temporal gyrus, the right cuneus, the right precentral gyrus and the left middle occipital gyrus. Another study (Xiao, Yi, et al., 2023) reported a significant amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) alterations in the limbic-cortical circuit and inside the DMN regions in adolescents with BPD. Compared with healthy controls, adolescents with BPD showed a decreased amplitude of ALFF in cortical regions such as the left superior frontal gyrus and right middle occipital gyrus, as well as in the DMN. Adolescents with BPD also showed enhanced ALFF in the limbic system (left hippocampus, insula, thalamus) (Xiao, Yi, et al., 2023).
霍尔和霍尔奎斯特(Hall & Hallquist, 2023年)的一项研究通过探索杏仁核基外侧和中央有效连接的分离,评估了情绪相关冲动的稳定性。他们发现,基底外侧杏仁核(BLA)和腹内侧前额叶皮层(vmPFC)的输入会竞争性地影响中央杏仁核(CeN)的活动。在患有BPD的青少年和年轻人中,BLA的活动掩盖了CeN的活动,而在健康对照组中,CeN影响BLA活动的能力预示着情绪相关冲动性的更快降低。在另一项研究中,Yi 等人(Yi et al., 2023)评估了患有 BPD 的青少年区域同质性(ReHo)的改变。与健康对照组相比,患有 BPD 的青少年在额叶皮层(包括左侧下 OFC 和双侧上额叶皮层)以及 DMN 左侧楔前区的 ReHo 值降低。患有 BPD 的青少年在几个皮层区域的 ReHo 值也较高,如右颞中回、右楔状回、右侧中央前回和左枕中回。另一项研究(肖怡等,2023 年)报告了 BPD 青少年边缘-皮层回路和 DMN 区域内低频波动振幅(ALFF)的显著变化。与健康对照组相比,患有 BPD 的青少年在左侧额上回和右侧枕中回等皮层区域以及 DMN 中的 ALFF 振幅降低。患有 BPD 的青少年在边缘系统(左侧海马、脑岛、丘脑)的 ALFF 也有所增强(Xiao、Yi 等人,2023 年)。

5.2. Task-based fMRI
5.2.基于任务的 fMRI

Task-based fMRI studies show divergent results, which depend on the task paradigms used. A study by Brown et al. (Brown et al., 2017) evaluated the differences in neural responses to situations of social inclusion and exclusion among adolescents with NSSI, young adults with BPD and NSSI, and their age-matched controls. The authors found that when compared to age-matched controls, the BPD group showed enhanced activation in the ventral ACC during social exclusion, and enhanced activation in the DLPFC and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, and the anterior insula during social inclusion. Another study showed that female adolescents with BPD had increased activation in the left posterior insula and left dorsal striatum, as well as in the left inferior frontal cortex, during the rejection-based anger induction and the imagination of aggressive reactions (Krauch et al., 2018).
基于任务的fMRI研究显示了不同的结果,这取决于所使用的任务范式。布朗等人的一项研究(Brown et al.,2017)评估了患有NSSI的青少年、患有BPD和NSSI的年轻成年人及其年龄匹配对照组对社会包容和排斥情况的神经反应差异。作者发现,与年龄匹配的对照组相比,BPD 组在社交排斥时腹侧 ACC 的激活增强,而在社交包容时 DLPFC 和背内侧前额叶皮层以及前脑岛的激活增强。另一项研究表明,患有BPD的女性青少年在基于拒绝的愤怒诱导和攻击性反应的想象过程中,左侧后脑岛和左侧背侧纹状体以及左侧额叶下皮层的激活增强(Krauch等人,2018)。

Another line of research has evaluated the perception of facial emotional expressions in patients with BPD. For example, LeBoeuf et al. (LeBoeuf, Guilé, Labelle, & Luck, 2016) found that aBPD patients observing negative pictures had greater activation in limbic regions (amygdala and right hippocampus and para-hippocampal areas) as well as in the superior frontal gyrus, right precentral gyrus, and cerebellum. Whereas, viewing positive pictures, compared with neutral pictures, led to increased activation of the left hippocampus and both para-hippocampal regions, as well as the middle cingulate cortex, superior temporal gyrus, and cerebellum.
另一项研究评估了 BPD 患者对面部情绪表达的感知。例如,LeBoeuf 等人(LeBoeuf, Guilé, Labelle, & Luck, 2016)发现,观察负面图片的 aBPD 患者边缘区域(杏仁核、右侧海马和海马旁区域)以及额上回、右侧前脑回和小脑的激活程度更高。而与中性图片相比,观看正面图片会导致左侧海马区、海马旁区、扣带回中层、颞上回和小脑的激活增加。

In a different study, female adolescents with BPD and matched healthy controls underwent fMRI during the performance of 1-back and 2-back versions of the n-back working memory task (Salgado-Pineda et al., 2023). Compared to controls, BPD patients failed to de-activate a region of the medial frontal cortex in the 2-back > 1-back comparison. Of note, a subgroup of 30 BPD patients never-medicated showed a failure to de-activate the right hippocampus in the 2-back versus baseline contrast.
在另一项研究中,患有BPD的女性青少年和相匹配的健康对照组在进行1-back和2-back版本的n-back工作记忆任务时接受了fMRI检查(Salgado-Pineda等人,2023年)。与对照组相比,BPD 患者在 2-back > 1-back 的比较中未能去激活内侧额叶皮层的一个区域。值得注意的是,30 名从未接受过治疗的 BPD 患者组成的亚组显示,在 2 回与基线对比中,右侧海马区未能去激活。

6. Discussion

In this section, we combine all brain alterations in patients with aBPD reviewed so far, and discuss the main results according to specific brain structure and its function.
在本节中,我们将综合迄今为止对 aBPD 患者的所有脑部改变进行回顾,并根据具体的脑部结构及其功能讨论主要结果。

6.1. Affective network and emotional dysregulation

The VBM structural studies found a clear involvement of multiple regions of the limbic system in patients with aBPD. The bilateral OFC has been repeatedly noted to be reduced in aBPD (Brunner et al., 2010; Chanen, Velakoulis, et al., 2008). The OFC is largely connected with cortical and subcortical areas and may stand at the crossroad between affective and cognitive functions. The OFC is also involved in the inhibition and regulation of emotional responses (Fettes et al., 2017; Wolfe et al., 2012). A recent meta-analysis (Yu et al., 2019) demonstrated that structural reductions are present in adult BPD compared to healthy controls. Other studies have reported a negative relationship between the gyrification of the OFC and impulsivity in BPD (Ding et al., 2021). Furthermore, the OFC and the inferior frontal gyrus are known to play an important role in anger and its regulation (Sorella et al., 2021), which is known to be altered in patients with BPD.
VBM 结构研究发现,aBPD 患者边缘系统的多个区域明显受累。研究多次发现,aBPD 患者的双侧 OFC 功能减退(Brunner 等人,2010 年;Chanen、Velakoulis 等人,2008 年)。OFC 在很大程度上与皮层和皮层下区域相连,可能处于情感和认知功能的交叉路口。OFC 还参与情绪反应的抑制和调节(Fettes 等人,2017 年;Wolfe 等人,2012 年)。最近的一项荟萃分析(Yu 等人,2019 年)表明,与健康对照组相比,成人 BPD 存在结构性降低。其他研究报告称,OFC回旋与BPD患者的冲动性之间存在负相关(Ding等人,2021年)。此外,众所周知,OFC 和额叶下回在愤怒及其调节中发挥着重要作用(Sorella 等人,2021 年),而这在 BPD 患者中也有所改变。

Decreased gray matter volumes were also found in the bilateral hippocampi and in the right amygdala in adolescent girls with BPD (Richter et al., 2014), consistent with a meta-analysis on adult BPD (Yu et al., 2019). Regarding the hippocampus, a recent study has linked this structure to emotional regulation (Ghoumroudi et al., 2023): higher gray matter concentration within the hippocampal-OFC network was associated with greater use of reappraisal to reframe emotional situations. BPD patients are known to be deficient in regulating their emotions, and the reduced gray matter in this network may be partially responsible for this clinical symptomatology.
在患有BPD的少女中,双侧海马和右侧杏仁核的灰质体积也有所减少(Richter等人,2014年),这与一项关于成人BPD的荟萃分析(Yu等人,2019年)一致。关于海马体,最近的一项研究将这一结构与情绪调节联系起来(Ghoumroudi et al.众所周知,BPD 患者在调节情绪方面存在缺陷,而该网络灰质的减少可能是导致这种临床症状的部分原因。

Regarding the amygdala, prior studies have reported alterations of this structure in BPD patients (Schultze et al., 2016, Ding et al., 2021). The amygdala has a fundamental role in decoding affective information and in generating emotional and behavioral responses (Adolphs, 2010; Roy et al., 2009). Alterations of the amygdala may be related with the hypersensitivity of patients with BPD to emotionally salient stimuli, especially negatively valenced stimuli (Schultze et al., 2016), and also to the typical rapid-cycling mood changes in the patients with BPD (Grecucci et al., 2022). Thus, both the amygdala and the OFC may be important brain regions for BPD (Grecucci et al., 2022; Zanarini et al., 2002).
关于杏仁核,先前的研究报告称,BPD 患者的杏仁核结构发生了改变(Schultze 等人,2016 年;Ding 等人,2021 年)。杏仁核在解码情感信息以及产生情感和行为反应方面发挥着重要作用(Adolphs,2010;Roy等人,2009)。杏仁核的变化可能与躁狂症患者对情绪显著刺激,尤其是负价值刺激的过敏性有关(Schultze 等人,2016 年),也与躁狂症患者典型的快速周期性情绪变化有关(Grecucci 等人,2022 年)。因此,杏仁核和OFC都可能是BPD的重要脑区(Grecucci等人,2022年;Zanarini等人,2002年)。

The ACC has been reported to be altered in a complex way: female patients showed reduced volume of the left, but not right (Whittle et al., 2009). Another study reported that BPD/MDD patients had reduced BA24 gray matter volume (Goodman et al., 2011). This result aligns with findings from adult BPD in which a reduction of the ACC has been reported (Grecucci et al., 2023; Irle et al., 2005; Wreghe et al., 2019). The ACC is known to play a role in emotional regulation (Ghoumroudi et al., 2023; Vanderhasselt et al., 2013) and its size is positively correlated with the use of reappraisal to reframe emotional situations (Giuliani et al., 2011). BPD patients are known to be less able to regulate their emotions compared to controls (Grecucci et al., 2022;2023; Langerbeck et al., 2023). This might explain the relationship between the two. Furthermore, we mentioned it earlier that the bilateral OFC has been noted to be reduced in aBPD, while weve known that the OFC is involved in the regulation of emotional responses. These two findings are consistent.
据报道,ACC 会以一种复杂的方式发生改变:女性患者的左侧灰质体积减少,但右侧却没有(Whittle 等人,2009 年)。另一项研究报告称,BPD/MDD 患者的 BA24 灰质体积减少(Goodman 等人,2011 年)。这一结果与成人 BPD 的研究结果一致,后者报告了 ACC 的减少(Grecucci 等人,2023 年;Irle 等人,2005 年;Wreghe 等人,2019 年)。众所周知,ACC 在情绪调节中发挥作用(Ghoumroudi 等人,2023 年;Vanderhasselt 等人,2013 年),其大小与使用重新评估来重塑情绪状况呈正相关(Giuliani 等人,2011 年)。众所周知,与对照组相比,BPD 患者调节情绪的能力较弱(Grecucci 等人,2022;2023;Langerbeck 等人,2023)。这或许可以解释两者之间的关系。此外,我们之前提到过,双侧 OFC 在 aBPD 中的功能减弱,而我们已经知道 OFC 参与了情绪反应的调节。这两个发现是一致的。

Volume differences in the limbic system previously found in adult patients with BPD (Dadomo et al., 2022; Grecucci et al., 2023; Grecucci et al., 2022) were interpreted as being related with the duration of illness and the side effects of psychotropic medications known to alter brain morphometry (Weinberger & McClure, 2002). However, the fact that such alterations are already present in adolescents with BPD, in which the onset of pathology is quite new and the use of psychotropic drugs is absent or minimal, supports a model wherein OFC deficits being related to the pathology itself rather than due to neurotoxic effects of drugs.
之前在BPD成年患者中发现的边缘系统体积差异(Dadomo等人,2022年;Grecucci等人,2023年;Grecucci等人,2022年)被解释为与病程长短和已知会改变大脑形态的精神药物副作用有关(Weinberger和McClure,2002年)。然而,患有 BPD 的青少年已经出现了这种改变,而他们的病症刚刚出现,并且没有使用或很少使用精神药物,这支持了一种模型,即 OFC 缺陷与病症本身有关,而不是由于药物的神经毒性作用。

6.2 Central Executive network and lack of regulation
6.2 中央执行网络和缺乏监管

Adolescents with BPD showed reduced gray matter in the DLPFC (Brunner et al., 2010). This finding is consistent with the structural MRI studies performed in adults with BPD (Bozzatello, Morese, Valentini, Rocca, & Bellino, 2021; Hazlett et al., 2005; Langerbeck, Baggio, Messina, Bhat, & Grecucci, 2023; Tebartz van Elst et al., 2003), as well as with fMRI studies, which revealed hypometabolism inside the DLPFC (Goethals et al., 2005; Soloff, Kelly, Strotmeyer, Malone, & Mann, 2003).
患有 BPD 的青少年显示 DLPFC 灰质减少(Brunner 等人,2010 年)。这一发现与对患有 BPD 的成年人进行的结构磁共振成像研究(Bozzatello, Morese, Valentini, Rocca, & Bellino, 2021; Hazlett 等人, 2005; Langerbeck, Baggio, Messina, Bhat, & Grecucci, 2023; Tebartz van Elst 等人, 2003)以及 fMRI 研究一致,后者显示 DLPFC 内的代谢不足(Goethals 等人, 2005; Soloff, Kelly, Strotmeyer, Malone, & Mann, 2003)。

The DLPFC, together with the lateral posterior parietal cortex (PPC), is part of the so-called central executive network (CEN). This network plays a fundamental role in executive control during goal-directed behavior and for maintaining and manipulating information inside the working memory (Menon, 2011). In a recent study, and colleagues (2022) found widespread alterations in the white matter of the CEN in adult BPD patients, possibly due to reduced myelin development (Quattrini et al., 2022). This result may be related to the deficits in top-down control displayed by BPD patients. These patients were not able to control their impulses and anger reactions and were unable to resist self-destructive behaviors when emotions were hyperactivated (Grecucci et al., 2023). The DLPFC and the CEN are activated to control and down regulate emotions (Ghoumroudi et al., 2023) and deficiencies would be expected to reduce emotional regulation.
DLPFC 与侧后顶叶皮层(PPC)是所谓的中央执行网络(CEN)的一部分。该网络在目标导向行为过程中的执行控制以及在工作记忆中维护和操纵信息方面发挥着重要作用(Menon,2011 年)。在最近的一项研究中,Quattrini 及其同事(2022 年)发现成年 BPD 患者的 CEN 白质发生了广泛改变,这可能是由于髓鞘发育减少所致(Quattrini 等人,2022 年)。这一结果可能与 BPD 患者自上而下控制能力的缺陷有关。这些患者无法控制自己的冲动和愤怒反应,当情绪被过度激活时也无法抵制自我毁灭行为(Grecucci 等人,2023 年)。DLPFC 和 CEN 被激活以控制和下调情绪(Ghoumroudi et al.

6.3. Default Mode network, inner dialogue and identity disturbances

Compared with healthy controls, adolescents with BPD showed altered resting-state activity in the precuneus and the temporal and medial frontal regions. These regions
与健康对照组相比,患有 BPD 的青少年楔前叶、颞叶和内侧额叶区域的静息态活动有所改变。这些区域
collectively belong to the DMN
共同属于 DMN
(Xiao, Yi, et al., 2023; Yi et al., 2023)
(Xiao, Yi 等人,2023;Yi 等人,2023)。
. These findings align
with the ones observed in adult BPD
与在成年 BPD 中观察到的
(Langerbeck et al., 2023)
(兰格贝克等人,2023 年)。
(Quattini et al., 2022
夸蒂尼等人,2022 年
), in which functional and structural alterations of the DMN have been consistently associated with BPD
. DMN alterations may be used to predict BPD traits in a subclinical population
.DMN 改变可用于预测亚临床人群的 BPD 特征
(Langerbeck et al., 2023)
(兰格贝克等人,2023 年)。
. The DMN is activated during rest and self-referential thoughts. It consists of major hubs, corresponding to the
.DMN 在休息和自我参照思考时被激活。它由几个主要中心组成,分别对应于
posterior cingulate cortex (PCC
), the hippocampus, the precuneus, the medial prefrontal cortex
(mPFC) and temporal regions. These regions are known to play a role in semantic memories, internal thought and inner dialogue, and self-monitoring and emotional regulation (
和颞叶区域。众所周知,这些区域在语义记忆、内部思维和内心对话以及自我监控和情绪调节方面发挥着作用 (
Grecucci et al., 2022; Menon, 2011
Grecucci 等人,2022 年;Menon,2011 年
). All these processes are known to be altered in BPD patients
).已知所有这些过程在 BPD 患者中都会发生改变
(Xiao, Fu, et al., 2023)
(肖、傅等人,2023 年)。
. In particular, distorted inner dialogue and negative thinking related to the self are all clear marks of BPD pathology. Moreover, the DMN seems to play a key role in regulating emotions: the hyperactivity of this network at rest is consistent with difficulties in both interpersonal and affective regulation (
.特别是,扭曲的内心对话和与自我有关的消极思维都是BPD病理的明显标志。此外,DMN 似乎在调节情绪方面发挥着关键作用:这一网络在静息状态下的过度活跃与人际关系和情绪调节方面的困难是一致的 (
Ruocco et al., 2013; Koenigsberg et al., 1999
Ruocco 等人,2013 年;Koenigsberg 等人,1999 年
), and from a structural point of view its structural integrity predicts usage of reappraisal for emotional regulation (
从结构的角度来看,其结构的完整性预示着重新评价在情绪调节中的应用 (
Ghoumroudi et al., 2023
Ghoumroudi 等人,2023 年
). Notably, the hypothesis of the “triple network” has been recently put forward to understand the patients with BPD.
).值得注意的是,最近有人提出了 "三重网络 "假说,以了解 BPD 患者。
The Triple Network Model, which consists of the default mode network (DMN), the central executive network (CEN), and the salience network (SN)
, is used to analyze
and interpret
the studies on cognitive and affective dysregulation
. According to this hypothesis, BPD patients may show functional impairment inside the DMN, the SN, and the CEN (
根据这一假说,BPD 患者可能会在 DMN、SN 和 CEN 中表现出功能障碍 (
Doll et al., 2013
多尔等人,2013 年
). We found only partial evidence of SN alterations in aBPD, especially for what entails the anterior insula for which contrasting evidence was reported
我们只发现了部分证据表明,神经元在 aBPD 中发生了改变,尤其是在涉及前脑岛的部分,有报道称这部分的证据截然相反
(Xiao, Yi, et al., 2023)
(Xiao, Yi 等人,2023 年)。
(Takashi et al., 2023
Takashi 等人,2023 年
). One possibility is that alterations inside this network become more visible at a later stage of development.

6.3. BPD model for pathophysiology and potential targets for intervention
6.3.BPD 病理生理学模型和潜在干预目标

In this section, we outline a tentative BPD model to assist future research. We found evidence of three potential networks associated with aBPD: 1) deficient frontal control of impusles and emotions in the form of both reduced structural and functional activity of regions partially associated with the CEN; 2) an altered internal dialogue and thinking style in the form of hyperactivity of the DMN; 3) functional hyperactivity and reduced structural morphometry of several regions of the Affective network (e.g. amygdala, cingulate, OFC). These considerations align to the evidence from adult BPD studies (Grecucci et al., 2022).
在本节中,我们将概述一个暂定的 BPD 模型,以帮助未来的研究。我们发现了与 BPD 相关的三个潜在网络的证据:1)对冲动和情绪的前额控制不足,表现为与 CEN 部分相关的区域的结构和功能活动减少;2)内部对话和思维方式改变,表现为 DMN 的过度活跃;3)情感网络(如杏仁核、扣带回、OFC)的几个区域的功能过度活跃和结构形态减少。这些考虑因素与成人 BPD 研究的证据一致(Grecucci 等人,2022 年)。

Based on this model, potential interventions to target these brain regions may be suggested. We hypothesize that by increasing the activity of the CEN, the ability to regulate emotions, impulses, anger, and self-destructive behaviors should improve. Non-invasive neurostimulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may be helpful to this aim. Another possibility is with the same methodology, to reduce the activity of the DMN. As a consequence, symptoms like the distorted identity, representation of others and negative self-referential thought may be reduced. In addition, by reducing the activity of this network, anxious and depressive symptoms should also be reduced. Furthermore, the hyperactivity of the affective network may be modulated with pharmacological intervention or with specific deep stimulation interventions. Future studies may be performed along the thoughts of this proposed BPD model.
根据这一模型,可以提出针对这些脑区的潜在干预措施。我们假设,通过提高 CEN 的活性,调节情绪、冲动、愤怒和自我毁灭行为的能力应该会得到改善。经颅磁刺激(TMS)和经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)等非侵入性神经刺激技术可能有助于实现这一目标。另一种可能是采用同样的方法,减少 DMN 的活动。因此,身份扭曲、他人表征和消极的自我参照思维等症状可能会减轻。此外,通过减少该网络的活动,焦虑和抑郁症状也会减少。此外,可以通过药物干预或特定的深层刺激干预来调节情感网络的过度活跃。未来的研究可能会沿着这个拟议的 BPD 模型的思路进行。

6.4. Limitations of prior studies and suggestions for future research

The studies discussed in the present review about aBPD present some limitations that we would like to discuss here to provide suggestions for future research. One of the main limitations of the literature on aBPD is the limited sample size of the existing studies. The studies described here range from 13 to 50 BPD patients. This number needs to be substantially increased to improve the reliability of the neuroimaging findings. Also, some of the studies used unbalanced gender distributions (usually with more females), which may have biased the results. We advocate more balanced studies to improve the understanding of BPD pathophysiology.
本综述中讨论的有关 aBPD 的研究存在一些局限性,我们希望在此讨论这些局限性,以便为今后的研究提供建议。有关 aBPD 的文献的主要局限性之一是现有研究的样本量有限。本文所描述的研究从 13 到 50 名 BPD 患者不等。为了提高神经影像学研究结果的可靠性,需要大幅增加样本数量。此外,一些研究采用了不平衡的性别分布(通常女性较多),这可能会使结果产生偏差。我们主张进行更均衡的研究,以增进对 BPD 病理生理学的了解。

Despite the efforts to study aBPD, the translation of research findings into clinical applications is scarce (Prata, Mechelli, Kapur, 2014). One of the main impediments to translational applications is that there have been few attempts to generalize the results obtained by those studies to new cases. As such, the results obtained by those studies cannot be used to predict new cases or to guide clinical decisions. The statistical approaches used in the studies assume that the results obtained in their sample can be generalized to the general population, but this assumption is not empirically tested. Machine learning (ML), a subfield of artificial intelligence, can help to overcome this problem as it provides algorithms capable of building predictive models (Mitchel 1997). These models are empirically tested in their power to predict new unobserved cases (Domingos, 2012). This shift towards predictive models heralds a new era in clinical practice, facilitating earlier and more accurate diagnoses. Recent advancements in adult BPD confirm the ability of ML approaches to assist in clinical decision making (see for example, (Langerbeck et al., 2023)Grecucci et al., 2022.
尽管人们努力研究 aBPD,但将研究成果转化为临床应用的情况却很少(Prata、Mechelli、Kapur,2014 年)。转化应用的主要障碍之一是,很少有人尝试将这些研究获得的结果推广到新的病例中。因此,这些研究获得的结果不能用于预测新病例或指导临床决策。研究中使用的统计方法假设在样本中获得的结果可以推广到一般人群中,但这一假设并没有经过经验检验。机器学习(ML)是人工智能的一个子领域,它提供的算法能够建立预测模型(Mitchel,1997 年),因此有助于克服这一问题。这些模型在预测未观察到的新案例方面的能力是经过经验检验的(Domingos,2012 年)。向预测模型的转变预示着临床实践进入了一个新时代,有助于更早、更准确地做出诊断。最近在成人 BPD 方面取得的进展证实了 ML 方法协助临床决策的能力(参见 Langerbeck 等人,2023 年;Grecucci 等人,2022 年)。

One additional limitation of prior studies relies on the lack of integration between multiple imaging modalities. Multimodal imaging or data fusion approaches, as known in the ML field, can improve the understanding of the neural mechanisms of BPD by integrating different modalities (such as MRI and electroencephalogram, or genetics and electroencephalogram) (Baggio et al., 2023; Grecucci et al., 2024). Different imaging modalities can be used to evaluate the same pathological mechanisms from different perspective (Baggio et al., 2023) and if combined, a multimodal approach can increase the sensitivity to detect pathological processes and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of BPD. The prior studies on adolescent BPD were limited by their correlational analyses of brain alterations with psychological deficits. Correlation analysis, although meaningful, may not be meaningful to for predicting deficits from unobserved cases. ML methods can be used to extract predictive models of symptoms of psychological deficits and neural features (See for example Grecucci et al., 2023 for adult BPD). These methods outperform the frequentist approaches such as correlation, as they can be used to predict the individual performance of a single patient based on his/her neural features. This may potentially allow the clinician to make accurate predictions for precision medicine and tailored interventions for patients with BPD.
以往研究的另一个局限性在于缺乏对多种成像模式的整合。众所周知,多模态成像或数据融合方法(ML 领域)可以通过整合不同模态(如核磁共振成像和脑电图,或遗传学和脑电图)来提高对 BPD 神经机制的理解(Baggio 等人,2023 年;Grecucci 等人,2024 年)。不同的成像模式可用于从不同角度评估相同的病理机制(Baggio 等人,2023 年),如果结合使用,多模式方法可提高检测病理过程的灵敏度,并提供对 BPD 更全面的了解。之前关于青少年 BPD 的研究受到大脑改变与心理缺陷相关性分析的限制。相关性分析虽然有意义,但对于预测未观察到的病例的缺陷可能意义不大。ML 方法可用于提取心理缺陷症状和神经特征的预测模型(参见 Grecucci 等人,2023 年关于成人 BPD 的研究)。这些方法优于相关性等频数主义方法,因为它们可用于根据单个患者的神经特征预测其个体表现。这有可能让临床医生为精准医疗做出准确预测,并为 BPD 患者提供量身定制的干预措施。

Another challenge in interpreting the literature on aBPD is the large number of comorbidities in patients with BPD. In the published studies, psychiatric comorbidity was a common confounding variable (Bozkurt, Duzman Mutluer, Kose, & Zoroglu, 2015; Rao & Broadbear, 2019). The control groups were rarely used, limiting the ability to separate neural differences that were specific to BPD from those that were common with other psychological disorders.
解读有关ABPD文献的另一个挑战是BPD患者存在大量合并症。在已发表的研究中,精神疾病合并症是一个常见的混杂变量(Bozkurt, Duzman Mutluer, Kose, & Zoroglu, 2015; Rao & Broadbear, 2019)。对照组很少使用,这限制了将BPD特有的神经差异与其他心理障碍常见的神经差异区分开来的能力。

7. Conclusion

This systematic review summarizes the current understanding of brain structural and functional alterations identified on neuroimaging. Three network were found to be altered in aBPD: the CEN the DMN and the AN. Future research should be directed to identification of non-invasive imaging biomarkers to assist in early diagnosis and treatment in adolescents with BPD. AI application with big data and multicenter approach should help to improve our understanding of BPD and thus achieve our overarching goal of providing personalized treatment to the vulnerable adolescents with BPD.
这篇系统性综述总结了目前对神经影像学发现的大脑结构和功能改变的理解。研究发现,青少年抑郁症患者的三个网络发生了改变:CEN、DMN 和 AN。未来的研究应着眼于确定非侵入性成像生物标志物,以帮助患有 BPD 的青少年进行早期诊断和治疗。人工智能在大数据和多中心方法中的应用应有助于提高我们对BPD的认识,从而实现为患有BPD的脆弱青少年提供个性化治疗的总体目标。

Tables and figures legends:

Table 1. Summary of studies on adolescent borderline personality disorder (BPD) included in this systematic review.
表 1.纳入本系统综述的有关青少年边缘型人格障碍(BPD)的研究摘要。

Author, year




MRI sequence

Analysis plan

MRI scanner


Mean age (SD or IQR),gender (M:F
平均年龄(SD 或 IQR),性别 M:F

Mean age (SD or IQR), gender(M:F)
平均年龄(SD 或 IQR),性别(MF)

Brown, R.C., et al., 2017
布朗等人,2017 年

13 NSSI v 15 HC

15.5 (2.0), 3:10

14.5 (1.7), 3:12


task-based fMRI


Adolescent BPD patients showed pronounced neural processing of social exclusion and increased activity in a positive social situation.
青少年 BPD 患者对社会排斥的神经处理明显,而在积极的社会情境中,他们的神经活动则有所增加。

14 NSSI&BPD adults v 17 HC adults
14 名 NSSI&BPD 成人 v 17 名 HC 成人

23.6 (4.1), all female

23.2 (4.4), all female

Krauch, M., et al., 2018

20 BPD v 20 HC

16.35 (0.88), all female

15.85 (0.81), all female
15.85 (0.81),全部为女性


task-based fMRI


Adolescents with BPD showed increased activation in the left posterior insula and left dorsal striatum as well as in the left inferior frontal cortex and parts of the mentalizing network during rejection-based anger induction and the imagination of aggressive reactions compared to the healthy adolescents.
与健康青少年相比,患有 BPD 的青少年在诱发基于拒绝的愤怒和想象攻击性反应时,左侧后脑岛和左侧背侧纹状体以及左侧下额叶皮层和部分心智网络的激活程度都有所提高。

34 BPD adults v 32 HC adults
34 名 BPD 成人对 32 名 HC 成人

25.69 (5.08), all female

27.33 (6.37), all female

Salgado-Pineda, P., et al., 2023

39 BPD v 31 HC

16.04 (1.3), all female

16.51 (1), all female
16.51 (1),全部为女性


task-based fMRI


Evidence of DMN dysfunction was observed in adolescent BPD patients. Because the relevant medial frontal and hippocampal changes were seen in unmedicated young patients without comorbidity, they might be considered intrinsic to the disorder.

Hall, N.T. and M.N. Hallquist, 2022
霍尔、N.T. 和 M.N. 霍尔奎斯特,2022 年

46(40) BPD v 44(42) HC

Not reported

Not reported


resting-state fMRI


Functional inputs from the BLA and vmPFC appear to play competing roles in influencing CeN activity. In adolescents and young adults with BPD, BLA activity may predominate over CeN activity, while in controls the ability of the CeN to influence BLA activity predicted more rapid reductions in emotion-related impulsivity.
在影响CeN活动的过程中,来自BLA和vmPFC的功能性输入似乎起着相互竞争的作用。在患有 BPD 的青少年和年轻人中,BLA 的活动可能比 CeN 的活动占主导地位,而在对照组中,CeN 影响 BLA 活动的能力预示着与情绪有关的冲动会更快地减少。

Yi, X., et al., 2023
Yi, X., et al.

50 BPD v 21 HC

14.6 (1.1), 23:27

14.0 (1.2), 7:14


resting-state fMRI


Compared with healthy controls, adolescents with BPD had reduced regional homogeneity values in the frontal cortex (including the left inferior orbitofrontal cortex and the bilateral superiorfrontal cortex) as well as in the left precuneus in the DMN. Adolescents with BPD also had higher regional homogeneity values in several cortical regions, i.e., the right middle temporal gyrus, the right cuneus, the right precentral gyrus and the left middle occipital gyrus.
与健康对照组相比,患有BPD的青少年额叶皮层(包括左侧眶额下部皮层和双侧额上部皮层)以及DMN中左侧楔前皮层的区域同质性值降低。患有 BPD 的青少年在几个皮质区域(即右侧颞中回、右侧楔状回、右侧中央前回和左侧枕中回)的区域同质性值也较高。

Sadek, M.N., et al., 2021
Sadek, M.N. 等人,2021 年

25 BPD v 25 HC

Not reported

Not reported


ROI-based approach


Relative to control subjects, aBPD patients had significantly lower FA values in the genu and lower MD values in the body of CC. There was a negative correlation between FA values in the genu and body of the CC and impulsivity. MD in the body of CC was positively correlated with motor impulsiveness and negatively correlated with suicidality.

New, A.S., et al., 2013

14 BPD v 13 HC

15.8 (1.1), 4:9

16.2 (0.8), 2:12


TBSS- Whole brain
TBSS- 全脑



Bilateral tract-specific decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) in aBPD compared to adolescent controls.

ILF FA was significantly higher in adolescent controls compared to aBPD, BPD adults and adult controls.
与 aBPD、BPD 成人和成人对照组相比,青少年对照组的 ILF FA 明显更高。

Lower FA in aBPD compared to adolescent controls also in uncinate and occipitofrontal fasciculi.
与青少年对照组相比,ABPD 患者的钩状束和枕额束的 FA 值也较低。

Garner, B., et al., 2007
加纳,B.等人,2007 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




No difference in PGV between aBPD patients at first presentation and HCs. Exposure to childhood trauma might be associated with decreased PGV in early BPD.
初次发病的 aBPD 患者与 HCs 的 PGV 无差异。暴露于童年创伤可能与早期 BPD 患者的 PGV 下降有关。

Jovev, M., et al., 2008

20 BPD

17.3 (1.1), 5:15




A greater number of lifetime parasuicidal acts was significantly associated with a larger PGV in BPD patients at first presentation, possibly indicative of HPA hyperactivity.
对于初次发病的 BPD 患者来说,一生中更多的寄生行为与更大的 PGV 显著相关,这可能表明 HPA 功能亢进。

Chanen, A.M., et al., 2008
Chanen, A.M. 等人,2008 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




There was a right-sided OFC gray matter loss in the aBPD group compared with HCs. The hippocampal and amygdala volumes were not reduced in aBPD participants compared with HCs. In females with aBPD, large and significant correlations were observed between the right amygdala volume and some clinical features of BPD and measures of state psychopathology.
与普通人相比,aBPD 组的右侧 OFC 灰质减少。与普通人相比,aBPD患者的海马和杏仁核体积没有减少。在患有 aBPD 的女性中,观察到右侧杏仁核体积与 BPD 的某些临床特征和 "状态 "精神病理学测量之间存在显著的相关性。

Whittle, S., et al., 2009
惠特尔,S.等人,2009 年

15 BPD v 15 HC

17.39 (1.15), all female

19.65 (2.18), all female




The main finding was that female aBPD patients showed a reduced volume of left, but not right ACC (limbic and paralimbic regions combined) gray matter. Correlational analyses suggested that this volume loss might be associated with impulsivity and parasuicidal behavior.
主要发现是女性 aBPD 患者的左侧 ACC(边缘区和边缘旁区合并)灰质体积减少,而右侧 ACC(边缘区和边缘旁区合并)灰质体积没有减少。相关分析表明,这种体积的减少可能与冲动和寄生行为有关。

Takahashi, T., et al., 2009
高桥 T 等人,2009 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




There were no signicant group differences in the insular volume between HCs and aBPD patients, and no effect of parasuicidal behavior, trauma exposure, or comorbid disorders (mood and/or anxiety disorder, disruptive behavior disorders, and substance use) on the insular volume in aBPD. However, the patients who reported violent episodes (attacks against people, animals, or property) in the previous 6 months showed bilateral insular volume reduction compared with those without such episodes.
HCs和aBPD患者的岛叶体积没有明显的组间差异,寄生行为、创伤暴露或合并症(情绪和/或焦虑症、破坏性行为障碍和药物使用)对aBPD患者的岛叶体积也没有影响。然而,与没有发生过暴力事件的患者相比,报告在过去 6 个月中发生过暴力事件(攻击人、动物或财产)的患者的双侧岛叶体积缩小。

Takahashi, T., et al., 2010
高桥 T 等人,2010 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




This study did not identify signicant volume differences of the STG subregions, including the HG (BA 41/42), in the aBPD patients.
本研究并未发现 aBPD 患者 STG 亚区域(包括 HG(BA 41/42))存在明显的体积差异。

Walterfang, M., et al., 2010
Walterfang, M. 等人,2010 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.33 (1.05), 5:15

19.04 (2.20), 5:15




This study found neither significant differences in total callosal area, length or curvature between aBPD patients at first presentation and controls, nor any differences in callosal shape or ventricular volume. Additionally, there was no identified relationship between OFC volume and callosal shape, particularly at the level of the genu.
本研究发现,初次发病的 aBPD 患者与对照组在胼胝体总面积、长度或弯曲度方面均无明显差异,在胼胝体形状或脑室容积方面也无任何差异。此外,OFC 容量与胼胝体形状之间也没有明显的关系,尤其是在腓肠肌水平。

Goodman, M., et al., 2011
古德曼,M.等人,2011 年

13 BPD/MDD v 13 HC

15.8 (1.1), 2:11

16.2 (0.8), 4:9




Compared with healthy adolescents, those with BPD/MDD have reduced BA24 gray matter volume but no differences in DLPFC or OFC. Smaller anterior cingulate (BA24) gray matter volume was associated with greater BPD symptomatology while larger posterior cingulate (BA 23, 31) white matter volume was associated with depression.
与健康青少年相比,患有 BPD/MDD 的青少年 BA24 灰质体积减少,但 DLPFC 或 OFCS 灰质体积较小的前扣带回(BA24)与较严重的 BPD 症状有关,而较大的后扣带回(BA 23、31)白质体积与抑郁有关。

Richter, J., et al., 2014
里希特,J.等人,2014 年

20 BPD v 20 CCG v 20 HC

16.7 (1.6), all female
16.7 (1.6),均为女性

16.0 (1.3), 16.8 (1.2), all female




These results revealed a decreased volume of the hippocampus bilaterally and a volume reduction of the right amygdala in aBPD when compared with HCs. The CCG differed from the HCs in the right hippocampus. Adolescent girls with BPD demonstrated a decreased gray matter volume in the right frontal middle gyrus and in the orbital part of the left inferior frontal gyrus when compared with HCs. Patients with BPD and the CCG differed from each other in the orbital part of the right inferior frontal gyrus, but both groups did not differ from the HCs in this structure. The CCG differed from the HCs in the orbital part of the left inferior frontal gyrus. In parietal areas, adolescent girls with BPD differed both from HCs and CCG in the left SPG, indicating that the gray matter decrease in this structure might be disorder specific.
这些结果显示,与 HCs 相比,aBPD 双侧海马体积缩小,右侧杏仁核体积缩小。在右侧海马体方面,CCG与HCs有所不同。与普通人相比,患有BPD的少女右侧额叶中回和左侧额叶下回眶部的灰质体积减少。BPD患者和CCG患者在右侧额叶下回的眶部存在差异,但两组患者在这一结构上与HC没有差异。CCG在左侧额叶下回的眶部与HC不同。在顶叶区,患有 BPD 的少女在左侧 SPG 方面与 HC 和 CCG 都存在差异,这表明该结构中灰质的减少可能具有障碍的特异性。

Takahashi, T., et al.,2019
Takahashi, T., et al.

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




The adolescent BPD patients, especially those with prior traumatic experiences, had significantly shallower right olfactory sulci compared to controls, but there was no group dierence in its anterior-posterior length.

Takahashi, T., et al.,2009
高桥 T 等人,2009 年

20 BPD v 20 HC

17.3 (1.1), 5:15

19.0 (2.2), 5:15




While the CSP length did not differ between the groups, the AI was significantly shorter in BPD patients than in controls. The aBPD patients had a significantly larger third ventricle than controls.
虽然各组间的 CSP 长度没有差异,但 BPD 患者的 AI 明显短于对照组。aBPD 患者的第三脑室明显大于对照组。

Yi, X.P., et al., 2023

53 BPD v 39 HC

14.0 (14.0-15.0), 24:29

15.0 (14.0-16.0), 17:22




There were reductions of gray matter volume in the limbic-cortical circuit and DMN in adolescents with BPD as compared to HCs. The diminished gray matter volumes in the left putamen and left middle occipital gyrus were negatively correlated with NSSI in adolescents with BPD.

Xiao, Q., et al., 2023
Xiao, Q., et al.

52 BPD v 39 HC

14.0 (14.0-15.0), 24:28

15.0 (14.0-16.0), 17:22




Compared to HCs, there was altered cortical thickness in the DMN and limbic–cortical circuit in adolescents with BPD. These regions with altered cortical thickness were significantly associated with emotional dysregulation.

Abbreviations: F, female; M,male; SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; NSSI, non-suicidal self-injury; HC, healthy controls; sMRI, Structural MRI; Fmri, functional MRI; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; VBM, Voxel-based morphometry; FA, fractional anisotropy; MD, mean diffusivity; DMN, default mode network; BLA, the basolateral amygdala; CCG, clinical control group; vmPFC, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex; CeN, the central executive network; CC, the corpus callosum; ROI, region of interest; TBSS, the tract-based spatial statistics; PGV, pituitary gland volume; AD, axial diffusivity; RD, radial diffusivity; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; ACC, the anterior cingulate cortex; MDD, major depression disorder; BA24, anterior cingulate; SPG, superior parietal gyrus; CSP, cavum septum pellucidum. .
缩写:缩写:F,女性;M,男性;SD,标准差;IQR,四分位数间距;NSSI,非自杀性自伤;HC,健康对照组;sMRI,结构性 MRI;Fmri,功能性 MRI;DTI,弥散张量成像;VBM,基于体素的形态测量;FA,分数各向异性;MD,平均扩散率;DMN,默认模式网络;BLA,杏仁核基外侧;CCG,临床对照组;vmPFC,腹内侧前额叶皮层;CeN,中央执行网络;CC,胼胝体;ROI,感兴趣区;TBSS,基于束的空间统计;PGV,垂体体积;AD,轴向扩散率;RD,径向扩散率;OFC,眶额皮层;ACC,前扣带回皮层;MDD,重度抑郁障碍;BA24,前扣带回;SPG,顶叶上回;CSP,透明隔腔。.

Please add more abbreviations such as M, F, fMRI, ROI, and the ones listed in Nancy’s comment. I tried to highlight all the abbreviations in the table for you to add in the footnote.
请添加更多缩写,如 M、F、fMRI、ROI 以及南希评论中列出的缩写。我试图在表格中突出显示所有缩写,以便您在脚注中添加。

Figure 1. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram for identification and screening of reports on adolescent borderline personality disorder (BPD).
图 1.用于识别和筛选青少年边缘型人格障碍 (BPD) 报告的系统综述和元分析首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 流程图。

Figure 2. Brain regions identified on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) being associated with adolescent patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD).
图 2.通过弥散张量成像(DTI)确定的与边缘型人格障碍(BPD)青少年患者相关的脑区。

Figure 3. Brain regions with structural abnormalities in adolescent patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) based on structural MRI (sMRI). Abbreviations: OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; LPFC, lateral prefrontal cortex; OC, occipital gyrus.
图 3.基于结构磁共振成像(sMRI)的边缘型人格障碍(BPD)青少年患者结构异常的脑区。缩写:缩写:OFC,眶额皮层;LPFC,外侧前额皮层;OC,枕回。

Figure 4. Brain regions with functional abnormalities in adolescent patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) based on functional MRI (fMRI). Abbreviations: OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; OC, occipital gyrus.
图 4.基于功能磁共振成像(fMRI)的边缘型人格障碍(BPD)青少年患者功能异常的脑区。缩写:缩写:OFC,眶额皮层;OC,枕回。


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