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West Philippine Sea

Chinese coast guard boarded PH ship, seized rifles, punctured boats off Ayungin Shoal, says Brawner
布劳纳说,中国海警登上PH船,缴获步枪,刺穿了Ayungin Shoal附近的船只

Bea Cupin BEA CUPIN(比亚库宾酒店)

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这是 AI 生成的摘要,可能有错误。有关上下文,请始终参考全文。

Chinese coast guard boarded PH ship, seized rifles, punctured boats off Ayungin Shoal, says Brawner

CCG 'PIRACY.' The AFP releases a photo showing CCG personnel 'brandishing bladed and pointed weapons, threatening to injure AFP troops' during the June 17 mission to Ayungin Shoal.
CCG“盗版”。法新社发布的一张照片显示,中国海警人员在6月17日前往Ayungin Shoal执行任务期间“挥舞着刀刃和尖头武器,威胁要伤害菲律宾武装部队”。

Armed Forces of the Philippines

(1st UPDATE) China should return the rifles and pay for the damage its personnel caused, says the military chief

PUERTO PRINCESA, Philippines – What Chinese coast guard personnel have done in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) on June 17 – boarding a Philippine government ship, wielding machetes and knives to puncture navy boats, and seizing disassembled rifles – constitute “piracy” and Beijing should pay for the damage, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief said on Wednesday, June 19.
菲律宾普林塞萨港——菲律宾武装部队(AFP)负责人周三表示,中国海警人员6月17日在西菲律宾海(WPS)的所作所为——登上菲律宾政府船只、挥舞砍刀和刀刺穿海军船只,并没收拆卸的步枪——构成“海盗行为”,北京应该赔偿损失。 六月 19.

Chinese coast guard boarded PH ship, seized rifles, punctured boats off Ayungin Shoal, says Brawner

Visiting the military’s Western Command here which has jurisdiction over the WPS, AFP chief General Romeo Brawner demanded that China return the disassembled rifles it took from Navy personnel and pay for the damage they caused on equipment when they disrupted and harassed a resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal on June 17. 
6月17日,菲律宾武装部队总司令罗密欧·布劳纳(Romeo Brawner)将军访问了对WPS有管辖权的军方西部司令部,要求中国归还从海军人员手中拿走的拆卸步枪,并赔偿他们在6月17日扰乱和骚扰阿云金浅滩补给任务时对设备造成的损坏。

“We cannot let them just do this and take our [assets]. For me, this is piracy because they boarded [our vessel] illegally, they got our equipment. Again, they acted like pirates,” he told a press conference in a mix of English and Filipino. 

On Wednesday evening, the AFP released videos of what it called a “brazen aggression” by China. Watch them here.

Transportation, Vehicle, Yacht
The AFP says CCG personnel was caught on camera while ‘threatening to injure an AFP soldier with a pickaxe’ during the humanitarian rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal on June 17. Armed Forces of the Philippines
法新社说,6月17日,中国海警人员在阿云金浅滩(Ayungin Shoal)的马德雷山脉(Sierra Madre)执行人道主义轮换和补给任务时,被摄像机拍到“威胁要用镐伤害一名菲律宾武装部队士兵”。菲律宾武装部队

Two rigid-hull inflatable boats (RHIB) and a military-contracted civilian vessel attempted to conduct a mission to bring provisions for and rotate troops stationed to the BRP Sierra Madre, an old warship that serves as a Filipino military outpost in the West Philippine Sea. 
两艘刚性船体充气艇(RHIB)和一艘军用合同民用船只试图执行一项任务,为驻扎在BRP Sierra Madre的部队提供补给和轮换部队,这是一艘古老的军舰,是菲律宾在西菲律宾海的军事前哨。

That mission was disrupted by the China Coast Guard (CCG), which deployed at least eight vessels to harass the mission, according to the Philippine government. The Chinese vessels repeatedly bumped and tried to block the two RHIBs, eventually trapping it in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal, according to the Philippine government.
据菲律宾政府称,中国海警局(CCG)破坏了该任务,该海警部署了至少八艘船只来骚扰该任务。据菲律宾政府称,中国船只多次撞击并试图阻挡两艘RHIB,最终将其困在Ayungin Shoal附近。

The Philippines’ civilian vessel, a metal ship called Lapu-Lapu, did not make it close enough to the shoal. 

One Filipino soldier, Seaman First Class Underwater Operator Jefferson Facundo, lost his right thumb as China’s steel-hulled vessels and RHIBs rammed the Naval Special Operations Command’s (NAVSOG) RHIB. 
一名菲律宾士兵,海员一级水下操作员杰斐逊·法昆多(Jefferson Facundo)失去了右手拇指,因为中国的钢壳船和RHIB撞上了海军特种作战司令部(NAVSOG)的RHIB。

Western Command chief Read Admiral Alfonso Torres Jr. said Facundo was holding on to the edges of their RHIB when it was caught between the Chinese vessels. 

Bladed weapons vs courage

The incident occurred after China announced its new coast guard regulations, which allow its personnel to board vessels or arrest “trespassers” in its claimed seas.

The “ramming and towing” of Philippine ships, which Manila and its allies have slammed as “dangerous acts,” marked the first time for the Chinese to board a Philippine government ship in a hostile maneuver and to openly wield machetes and knives at sea. 

The bladed weapons are what the Chinese used to puncture and render unusable the NAVSOG RHIBs. “We had no arms with us or bladed weapons… we have videos that show how the Chinese even threatened personnel by pointing their knives [at them],” said Brawner. 
带刃的武器是中国人用来刺穿并使 NAVSOG RHIB 无法使用的武器。“我们没有随身携带武器,也没有带刃的武器......我们有视频显示,中国人甚至用刀指着他们来威胁人员,“布劳纳说。

“Despite this, our soldiers fought with their bare hands. You’ll see [in the video], they tried to push away the enemy… the CCG away. They were preventing the [CCG] from hitting them with their bolos and machetes,” said Brawner. 

The Filipino RHIBs were eventually surrounded and blocked by different Chinese vessels – after which the CCG boarded the NAVSOG ships. CCG seized Philippine Navy equipment, including disassembled riffles that were meant to replenish the supplies of soldiers aboard the BRP Sierra Madre. 

Transportation, Vehicle, Watercraft
The AFP’s Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat was deflated and damaged due to ‘deliberate slashing’ using machete/bolo, knives and pikes by the CCG during mission to the BRP Sierra Madre on June 17. Armed Forces of the Philippines

The Chinese also damaged the engine of the RHIBs, said Brawner.

During resupply missions to Ayungin Shoal, military personnel are not allowed to have firearms, to avoid escalating tensions in the area. 
在前往Ayungin Shoal的补给任务中,军事人员不得携带枪支,以避免该地区紧张局势升级。

It’s also why it’s only in Ayungin Shoal where the Philippine Navy uses civilian ships – or in this case, RHIBs – instead of their larger gray ships. 

“I want to eliminate impressions that our soldiers just let the CCG have their way, and let the CCG take our things and destroy our boats… We fought, despite the limitations,” said Brawner. 

China deployed 8 vessels – their own RHIBs, and larger steel hull boats – against the Navy’s two RHIBs. 

“I admire the Filipino soldier because of the restrained they practiced. Our objective is also to prevent war,” Brawner added.

At the Western Command headquarters, Brawner attended a briefing, awarded Facundo a Wounded Personnel Medal, and spoke to soldiers stationed across outposts in the WPS via secure video conference call. – Rappler.com 

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Bea Cupin

Bea is a senior multimedia reporter who covers national politics. She's been a journalist since 2011 and has written about Congress, the national police, and the Liberal Party for Rappler.