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义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时

Unit 4 The Earth

1. Teaching objectives of the unit

After studying this unit, students will be able to:

1. 了解一些关于地球的神奇事实和目前存在的环境问题。
1. Learn some amazing facts about the earth and the environmental problems that currently exist.

2 . there be句型描述和提问有关地球环境的事实和存在的问题。
2. Use the therebe sentence pattern to describe and ask questions about the facts and existing problems of the global environment.

3. Write a post on how to protect the planet and explain how to do it.

4.学习环境保护的成功案例,以小组合作的形式制作关于如何保护地球的事实档案,并 在班级进行展示。
4. Learn about successful cases of environmental protection, work in small groups to create a factual file on how to protect the earth, and present it in the class.

2. Class time arrangement


Teaching content

Orchestration instructions

Course type


First thoughts (p.51) Reading(pp.52-53)

Reading comprehension (p.54)

Vocabulary practice (p.55)

阅读的第一课时以了解主阅读的体 裁和主题大意、扫清阅读中的障碍为 主要目标。Reading comprehension Vocabulary practice的练习可以检测
The main goal of the first lesson of reading is to understand the genre and theme of the main reading, and to clear the obstacles in reading. Exercises for Readingcomprehension and Vocabularypractice can be detected

学生对于主阅读篇章核心词汇以及 关键信息的掌握和理解程度。
Students' mastery and comprehension of the core vocabulary and key information of the main reading text.

Reading lessons


Cross-curricular connection (p.64)


·跨学科关联板块补充了关于空气和 风等自然现象的科学知识,有助于加 深学生对地球的了解。在对语篇学习 的基础上,引出有关海洋的知识。
The interdisciplinary sections complement the scientific knowledge of natural phenomena such as air and wind, and help to deepen students' understanding of the planet. On the basis of the study of the discourse, knowledge about the ocean is introduced.

· 听力侧重培养学生从问答中厘清原 因和结果的逻辑关系的能力。
Listening focuses on developing students' ability to clarify the logical relationship between cause and effect from questions and answers.

Listening lessons


Reading comprehension (p.54)


·Reading comprehension的练习 引导学生复习课文的主要内容,且在
The readingcomprehension exercise guides students to review the main content of the text

此过程中体会therebe句型的用法, 以此作为语法课的引入部分。
In this process, you will learn how to use therebe sentence patterns as an introductory part of the grammar lesson.

·语法课通过另一段对话,学习关于 there be句型的知识点,并且通过描 述海滩清洁日的情况,号召更多人加 入海滩清洁日的活动,从而让学生熟 练掌握there be句型的用法。
In the grammar class, through another dialogue, students learn about the knowledge of there be sentence patterns, and by describing the situation of the beach clean-up day, call on more people to join the activities of the beach clean-up day, so that students can familiarize themselves with the use of therebe sentence patterns.

Grammar lessons




· 口语部分谈论地球现在正在面临的 环境污染问题,以此作为写作前的语 言输入。
The speaking part talks about the environmental pollution that the planet is facing right now as a linguistic input before writing.

· 写作部分综合运用本单元学习的知 识,通过讨论写作内容、形成写作框 架进而完成写作训练,并在写后进行 自评和互评。
The writing part comprehensively uses the knowledge learned in this unit to complete the writing training by discussing the content of the writing, forming a writing framework, and conducting self-evaluation and mutual evaluation after writing.

口语课 写作课
Speaking class, writing class


Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book, Volume 7, Lesson Plan


Focusing on culture(pp.62- 63)

通过一个真实的改变环境的成功案 例,引导学生思考环境保护的重要意 义,深化环境保护的意识。
Through a real successful case of environmental change, students will be guided to think about the importance of environmental protection and deepen their awareness of environmental protection.

Extensive reading classes



在本课时中,教师通过引导学生开展 关于环境保护的项日任务,结合本单 元所学的知识,鼓励学生在解决实际 环境问题、保护环境中做出自己的贡 献。
In this lesson, the teacher encourages students to make their own contributions in solving practical environmental problems and protecting the environment by guiding students to carry out daily tasks on environmental protection, combined with the knowledge learned in this unit.

Comprehensive lessons

3. Instructional design in different class hours

第一课时 (Period 1)
Period 1

Teaching content

First thoughts(p.51),Reading(pp.52-53),

Reading comprehension (p.54),Vocabulary practice (p.55)

Main discourse

The amazing planet

Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1.通过阅读一篇介绍地球的科普文章,了解我们美丽的地球家园。 2.通过找出主题句、归纳关键词来归纳段落大意。
1. Learn about our beautiful home planet by reading a popular science article about the earth. 2. Summarize the gist of the paragraph by finding the topic sentence and summarizing the key words.

3.学习掌握描述地貌、气候、生物的表达方式,在阅读过程中接触there be 句型的用法,为语法学习做好准备。
3. Learn to master the expressions that describe the landform, climate, and organisms, and get in touch with the use of there be sentence patterns during the reading process, so as to prepare for grammar learning.

Teaching focus

Summarize the gist of the paragraph by finding the topic sentence and key words, and clarify the context of the text.

Teaching difficulties

Learn how to describe the landscape, climate, and organisms in a variety of ways.

【Unit Pre-class Preview】

1. Have students think about the following and write their answers in the boxes.

2. Encourage students to think about the following questions before class and write simple answers on the pre-class preview sheet for discussion in class.

(1)What amazing facts do you know about the Earth?

(2)Why is it important to protect the Earth?



3.教师把学生分成小组,给每组一个关键词,如“地球的独特位置”“地球的组成部分” “地球的环境特征”“地球的生物多样性”等,让每个小组查找相关资料,探究地球为 什么如此神奇,并鼓励学生制作简单的PPT, 在课堂上进行小组汇报。
3. The teacher divides the students into small groups and gives each group a key word, such as "the unique position of the earth", "the components of the earth", "the environmental characteristics of the earth", "the biodiversity of the earth", etc., so that each group can find relevant information, explore why the earth is so magical, and encourage students to make a simple PPT to report in the class.

【Teaching Process】

Step 1 阅读前通过了解地球的位置和地形地貌,了解单元主题。 1.Look and identify看
Step 1 Understand the topic of the unit by understanding the location and topography of the earth before reading. 1.Lookandidentify

教师展示课本第52页的图片,让学生辨识太阳系中的行星,让学生对地球在太阳 系中的位置有 个感性的认识。教师展示更多有关地球的地形地貌的图片,让学生欣 赏地球的美。
The teacher shows the picture on page 52 of the textbook to help students identify the planets in the solar system and give them a perceptual understanding of the position of the earth in the solar system. Teachers show more pictures of the earth's topography and landforms so that students can appreciate the beauty of the earth.

2. Quiz Knowledge Q&A

Whatdo you know aboutthe Earth?通过 个问题引导学生回顾关于地球
The instructor asked: What doyouknowabout theEarth?Guide students to review about the earth through a question

Some basic common sense.

T:Let's look at the pictures and have a little quiz!

(1)What are the blue parts?(They are the sea.)
(1)Whataretheblueparts?( Theyarethesea.)

(2)What are the green and brown parts?(They are the land.)
(2)Whatarethegreenandbrownparts?( Theyaretheland.)

(3)What are the white parts?(They are the clouds.)
(3)Whatarethewhiteparts?( Theyaretheclouds.)

(4)Which of the following is the hottest place?

A.South Pole. B.Equator. C.North Pole.

(5)Where can you see most plants?

A.In the desert. B.In the forest.C.Under the sea.
A.Inthedesert.B.Intheforest. C.Underthesea.

Step 2 读前活动。
Step2 Pre-reading activities.

1 . 教师展示课本第53页的图片,并提问What does each picture show us?
1 The teacher shows the picture on page 53 of the textbook and asks: Whatdoeseachpictureshowus?

2 . 教师引导学生进行头脑风暴,思考地球上有什么事物。 Brainstorm:What things are there on Earth?
2 The teacher guides the students to brainstorm and think about what is on the earth. Brainstorm:What things arethereonEarth?

Step 3 梳理主阅读语篇的大意。 1 . 让学生给所有的段落标号。
Step 3Sort out the gist of the main reading text. 1. Have students number all paragraphs.

2 . 引导学生读每段的第 一句和最后 一句话,并提问: Why do you think the Earth is an amazingplanet?
2 Guide students to read the first and last sentences of each paragraph and ask: WhydoyouthinktheEarthisanamazingplanet?

1 . 引导学生找出第3 - 5段的主题句,并提问: What are the main ideas of paragraphs 3-5?
1. Guide students to identify the topic sentences in paragraphs 3-5 and ask: Whatarethemainideasof paragraphs 3-5?

Paragraph 3:The plants on Earth are wonderful in many differentways. Paragraph 4:The Earth is home to millions of animals.


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 Paragraph 5:Let's explore,learn about and take care of our home.
Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book 7th Grade Volume 1 Lesson Plan Paragraph5:Let'sexplore,learnaboutandtakecareof our home.

*4.如果学生程度较好,可以通过划出每段的关键词、关键句,引导学生自己总结每段 的主旨,并给第二至第五段每段起一个小标题。
*4.If the student is at a good level, he or she can summarize the main idea of each paragraph by marking out the key words and key sentences of each paragraph, and give each paragraph a subheading from the second to the fifth paragraph.

Think of a subheading for each paragraph. Paragraph 2:Places on Earth

Paragraph 3:Plants on Earth

Paragraph 4:Animals on Earth

Paragraph 5:The Earth is our home

5. Guide students to summarize the overall structure of the total score of the article, as shown in the figure below:

Step 4 用文章中的关键信息完成思维导图。
Step 4Complete the mind map with the key information in the article.

Step 5教师对文章细节进行提问,引导学生进一步思考。 T:Read the article again and answer the following questions.
Step 5The teacher asks questions about the details of the passage and guides students to think further. T:Read thearticleagainandanswer thefollowingquestions.

(1)What are the places mentioned in the article like and why are they amazing?

(2)What are the plants mentioned in the article like?

(3)What animals are mentioned in the article and where do they live?

(4)Why is the Earth important to us human beings?

(5)What writing methods are used by the writer to illustrate that the Earth is amazing?


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时 教 案

之后可以引导学生完成第54页阅读理解(Reading comprehension)的练习,或是作
Students can then be guided through the readingcomprehension exercise on page 54, or a work

Have students complete homework for class.

Step 6 根据思维导图复述课文并做出呼吁。
Step 6: Retell the text according to the mind map and make an appeal.

1 . 引导学生根据Step 4中的思维导图复述课文。
1. Guide students to repeat the text according to the mind map in Step 4.

2 . 教师引导学生提炼主题,归纳作者的写作意图,做出呼吁: Let's protect the Earth
2. The teacher guides the students to refine the theme, summarize the author's writing intention, and make an appeal: LetsprotecttheEarth

together and make it a beautiful place forever!


Teachers guide students to fill out the learning evaluation form after class.

Evaluate the content

Rating (1-5)

1. I can read popular science articles about the earth.

1 2 3 4 5

2. I can read popular science articles about the earth.

1 2 3 4 5

3. I can use mind maps and questions to retell the content of the text.

1 2 3 4 5

4. I can express my views on protecting the planet.

1 2 3 4 5


Basic Assignments:

1 . 模仿课文录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。
1. Imitate the voice and intonation of the recorded text, and read the text aloud.

2 . p55 练 习 (Vocabulary practice) 1 2
2. Complete questions 1 and 2 of the p55 vocabulary practice.

3 . 根据课文内容阐述你的观点:为什么地球对我们来说很重要?
3. Based on the text, state your point: Why is the earth important to us?

Extended Assignments:

2 .制作 幅展示地球之美的海报,要求图文并茂,能呈现地球的地形地貌及生物的多样
2. Make a poster that shows the beauty of the earth, which is required to be illustrated and textual, and can show the earth's topography and biodiversity.

第二课时(Period 2)
Period 2

Teaching content

Cross-curricular conncction(p.64),Listcning(p.56)

Main discourse

Air and wind,A quiz about the sea

Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1.通过学习有关空气、风和海洋等的语言知识,更加深入地探讨地球的美 好之处、独特之处。
1. Students will learn about the air, wind, and the ocean in a deeper understanding of the beauty and uniqueness of the earth.

2.在听力练习中关注问句及问答之间的因果逻辑关系。 3.思考海洋环境问题背后的原因。
2. Pay attention to the causal logic between questions and questions in listening exercises. 3. Think about the reasons behind the problems of the marine environment.

4. Love the earth from the bottom of your heart, so that you have a sense of responsibility and mission to protect the earth.

Teaching focus

Knowledge of core languages related to describing air, wind, and oceans.

Teaching difficulties

Think about the causes behind the problems of the marine environment.


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时 教 案
Compulsory Education Textbook, English Teacher's Book, Grade 7 Volume I, Lesson Plan

【Teaching Process】

Step 1 询问学生的已有知识。
Step 1 Ask the student what they already know.

1.教师让学生根据所给信息猜测事物,要突出事物的特征。 Guessing game:What is it?
1. The teacher asks students to guess things based on the information given, highlighting the characteristics of things. Guessing game:What is it?

T:It has no smell.It has no taste.But when the wind blows,you feel it on your face.What is
T:Ithasnosmell. Ithasnotaste. Butwhenthewind blows,you feelitonyourface. Whatis


S:It is air.

T:When air flows over a warm surface,it heats up and rises.This leaves room for cooler air to flow in.What isthis flowing air?
T:Whenairflowsoverawarmsurface,itheatsupandrises. Thisleavesroomforcoolerairtoflowin. Whatisthisflowingair?

S:The flowing air is wind.

*2.The teacher asks the student how much they know about air and wind, and the example is as follows:

(1)How much do you know about the air? What is air?What can air do?
(1)Howmuchdoyouknowabouttheair?What isair? Whatcanairdo?

(2)How much do you know about the wind?

What is wind?What can wind do?How can we tell wind direction?
What is wind? Whatcanwinddo? Howcanwetellwinddirection?

*Step 2 诗歌及短文赏析。
*Step2: Appreciation of poems and short essays.

1.教师带领学生朗读有关空气的小诗后提问: Can youdescribe air?
1. The teacher leads the students to read a poem about air and asks: Can you describeair?

What do these sentences"We need air to breathe.We need air to survive."mean? Air is important.Are there any air pollution problems right now?
Whatdothesesentences"Weneedairtobreathe. Weneedairtosurvive." mean?Air is important. Arethereanyairpollutionproblemsrightnow?

2. 教师带领学生阅读有关风的短文后提问: Why can clouds move?
2. The teacher leads the students to read a short passage about wind and asks: Whycancloudsmove?

Whatcan tell us wind direction?

What do you know about wind power?

*Step3 听一遍文章录音,完成第64页的填空练习,对照课本核对答案。
*Step3 Listen to the recording of the text, complete the fill-in-the-blank exercise on page 64, and check the answers against the textbook.

Step 4
Step 4Activate before listening.

1 .教师引导学生思考第56页活动1的两个问题。对于问题“What do you know about the sea?”, 如学生不知道如何回答,可进一步询问,如:
1. The teacher guides the students to think about the two questions in Activity 1 on page 56. For the question "Whatdoyouknowaboutthe sea?", if students do not know how to answer, they can ask further, such as:

(1)How much of the Earth is covered by the sea?

(2)What is the biggest animal in the sea?

(3)Is there any sunshine at the bottom of the sea?

(4)How deep is the deepest part of the sea?

2. Students complete a quiz about ocean knowledge.

(1)Only _of the Earth is land.

A.3/4 B.1/4


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时
Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book for Seventh Grade, Lesson Plan

(2)Most of the water on Earth is in .

A.streams and rivers B.the sea

(3)Whales fish.

A.are B.are not

(4)Sharks are .

A.small B.dangerous

(5) catch fish for people to eat.

A.Fishermen B.Farmers

(6)Sea water usually tastes .

A.sweet B.salty

(7)People drink sea water.

A.can B.cannot

3. Predict listening content.

教师让学生猜测disappear,plastic pollution,overfishing等生词的意思,通过选项去 预测听力材料会涉及什么海洋问题。提醒学生在听力练习中要关注问句(listen for qucstions)
The teacher asks students to guess the meaning of new words such as disappear, plasticpollution, overfishing, etc., and predicts what marine problems will be involved in the listening material. Remind students to pay attention to the questions (listenforqucstions) during the listening exercises.

Step 5 听中活动。
Step5Listen to the activity.

1. 听听力材料第一遍,识别说话人的身份及说话人之间的关系:Miss Li与另外三人应 是师生关系;解释quiz 的意思。
1. Listen to the listening materials for the first time to identify the identity of the speaker and the relationship between the speaker: MissLi and the other three should have a teacher-student relationship; Explain what quiz means.

2. Capture key words by listening to questions.

学生回答 p.56 活动2中的问题。在此过程中,教师用图片简单讲解coral reefs,rising
Students answer questions in activity 2 of p.56. In this process, the instructor briefly explained CoralReefs, Rising, with pictures

sea level,plastic pollution overfishing 的意思,让学生有个感性的认识。
The meaning of sea level, plasticpollution and overfishing gives students a perceptual understanding.

3 .获取关键信息。
3. Get key information.

听听力材料第二遍,获取关键信息,完成p.56 活动3中的表格。提醒学生关注听 力内容的逻辑关系,梳理后完成第三题的表格。
Listen to the listening material a second time to get the key information and complete the form in P.56 Activity 3. Remind students to pay attention to the logical relationship of the listening content, sort out and complete the table for question 3.

在核对答案时,提醒学生注意动词的ing 的形式,和 be 动词的形式变换。
When checking answers, remind students to pay attention to the form of the verb ing, and the form of the verb be.

Check the student's comprehension and decide if the recording needs to be played again based on the student's completion of the exercise.

4.在理解细节信息的基础上,提醒学生关注语句之间的逻辑关系:听力材料中是先呈现 后果,再讲原因,与表格的呈现方式不一样。告诉学生可以利用表格厘清有哪些海洋环 境问题(What is happening?) 和其产生的不良后果 (Why is it a bad thing?),即句与句之 间的因果关系。
4. On the basis of understanding the detailed information, remind students to pay attention to the logical relationship between sentences: the consequences are presented first and then the causes in the listening material, which is different from the presentation of the table. Tell students that they can use the table to identify whatishappening?and whyisitabadthing?, i.e., the causal relationship between sentences.

Step 6 听后活动。
Step6 Listen to the activity.

1. Ask students to try to repeat what they heard according to the table in Activity 3, paying attention to the causal logic when repeating it.

2 .根据听力材料最后一句“We need to do something about it.Now,the next question .… 续说听力文本。让学生两人一组,以一问一答的形式扩充小测验的问题。进而引导学生 讨论活动4的问题What can we do to protect the sea?”
2. According to the last sentence of the listening material, "We need to do something about it. Now,the next question .…"Continued listening texts. Have students work in pairs to expand the questions in the quiz in a question-and-answer format. Students are then led to discuss the question "Whatcanwedotoprotectthesea?" in Activity 4




Teachers guide students to fill out the learning evaluation form after class.

Evaluate the content

Rating (1-5)

1. I can understand the language of air, wind, and ocean.

1 2 3 4 5

2.我能理解海洋为什么很重要,以及污染是怎 么伤害海洋动物的。
2. I can understand why the ocean is important and how pollution harms marine animals.

1 2 3 4 5

3.我能厘清听力文本中句子间的因果逻辑关 系。
3. I can clarify the causal logical relationship between sentences in the listening text.

1 2 3 4 5

4. I can use what I have learned to talk about marine environmental issues.

1 2 3 4 5


Basic Assignments:

1 . 仿 朗 5 9 Improving your pronunciation
1. Imitate the words in Improving your pronunciation on page 59and sentences.

2 . What can we do to protect the sea?”,思考自己作为中学生可以
2. Write a paragraph and answer the question "Whatcanwedo." to protectthesea?", thinking that you can as a middle school student

How to protect the oceans.

Extended Assignments:

3 . 搜集有关环保的中英文成语、俗语、名人名言等。
3. Collect Chinese and English idioms, sayings, celebrity quotes, etc. related to environmental protection.

(Period 3)
Period 3

Teaching content

Reading comprehension(p.54),Grammar(pp.57-58)

Main discourse

p.53 The amazing planet,p.57语法板块语篇
p.53 The amazing planet, p. 57 Grammar Plate Discourse

Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1.埋解there be句型的结构和意义。
1. Bury the structure and meaning of the there be sentence structure.

2.归纳并掌握there be句型的相关语法知识。
2. Summarize and master the relevant grammatical knowledge of there be sentence patterns.

3.恰当地运用there be句型来表述环境问题和环境中存在的事物。 4.学会观察身边的事物,描述身边的事物或问题。
3. Appropriately use the there be sentence structure to express environmental problems and things that exist in the environment. 4. Learn to observe things around you and describe things or problems around you.

Teaching focus

理解和归纳there be句型的相关语法知识。
Understand and summarize the grammatical knowledge related to there be sentence patterns.

Teaching difficulties

根据所需要表达的信息正确运用there be句型。
Correctly use the there be sentence structure according to the information to be expressed.

[Teaching process].

Step 1 活 已
Step 1 Create a situation to activate what you have learned.

there be 5 4 1 的 四 幅 图 片 。 生 以 组,每人负责描述 幅图片。
Repeat the main reading discourse and describe it with the sentence pattern there be5Four pictures of 4 pages of activity 1. Have students work in groups of four, each responsible for describing a picture.


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课

Step 2 呈现例句,引导学生观察、发现语法现象,并自己归纳总结规律。
Step2 Present example sentences, guide students to observe and discover grammatical phenomena, and summarize the rules by themselves.


1 . p.57 Su Mei Su Wen 话 中 的be 动词,让学生阅读对话,根据划横线 的名词填出相应形式的be 动词。引导学生关注be 动词后的名词是可数名词还是不可数
1 The teacher hides the verb be in the dialogue between Su Mei and Su Wen in p.57 and asks students to read the dialogue, according to the underlineFill in the verb of be in the corresponding form. Guide students to pay attention to whether the noun after the verb be is a countable noun or an uncountable noun.

2 . 引导学生关注“You see,there are always many bottles and plastic bags,and a lot of other rubbish on the beaches in our area.”这个句子,问学生如果把many bottles and plastic bags a lot of other rubbish调 换 顺 be are?
2. Guide students to focus on "You see, there are always many bottles and plastic bags, and alot ofotherrubbishonthebeaches." inourarea.”In this sentence, ask the student if they switch many bottlesandplastic bags with a lot ofother rubbish in order. Is the verb be used or not?

3.引导学生归纳there be句型的知识要点。
3. Guide students to summarize the key points of the There Be sentence pattern.

There is+单数可数名词或不可数名词 There are+复数可数名词
There is + singular countable noun or uncountable noun Thereare + plural countable noun

There be句型在使用时,谓语动词的单复数一般遵循“就近原则”。
When the There be sentence pattern is used, the singular and plural of predicate verbs generally follow the "proximity principle".

Step 3 (practicc and drill)
Step 3: Practicc and drill

1 . 教师引导学生思考p.58 1 的 问 What rubbish is there in each bin?让学生初步 讨论每种垃圾桶里应该装什么垃圾。教师可以同时帮助学生扫清语言障碍,示例如下: lithium battery锂 电 池 ,tin can 锡 罐 ,recyclable waste可 回 收 residual waste
1 The teacher guides the students to think about the question in activity 1 in p.58: Whatrubbishisthereineachbin?Have your students have a preliminary discussion about what kind of trash should be in each bin. Teachers can also help students clear language barriers, such as lithium battery, tin can, and recyclable wastegarbage, residual waste

2 . 组织学生进行小组讨论:把这些垃圾物品分类,看看哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数 名词,以及它们分别属于什么类别的垃圾。
2. Organize students to have a group discussion: classify these garbage items to see which are countable nouns and which are non-countable nouns, and what category of garbage they belong to.

Group discussion:put these items in the correct categories.


Countable Nouns

Countable nouns

Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns

Recyclable waste

Residual waste

Food waste

Hazardous waste

broken glass

fish bone


plastic bottle


lithium battery

plastic bag

tin can

3 . 学生回答What rubbish is there in each bin?”的问题,用there is/there are句型写句子, 完 成p.58 1 ,
3. Students answer "Whatrubbishisthereineachbin?".Write a sentence with thereisthere are sentence pattern and complete p.58 activity 1 and againCompare and answer questions at the same table.

Step 4 活用语法(use and apply)
Step 4 Useandapply

教师组织学生以四人为 组开展Grammar in use部分的活动,四个学生分别思考以 下问题并回答:
The teacher organizes students to work in groups of four students to carry out the Grammarinuse part of the activity, and the four students think about the following questions and answer them

SI:Why are you asking people to take part in the BeachClean-up Day?


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时 教 案

S2:Whatcanyou see on the beach?

S3:Whatcan people do to protect the sea?

S4:Whatcan people do to protect the environment?Make appeals( 呼 吁 ) .
S4:Whatcan people do to protect the environment? Make appeals

S2 可使用活动1操练部分所学的垃圾分类知识和there be S3 S4 可使用前面听力部分所学的海洋知识回答问题。最后每小组选出 一个代表进行完整的汇
S2 can use Activity 1 to practice part of the knowledge of garbage sorting and the therebe sentence pattern to answer the questions. S3 and S4 can answer questions using the marine knowledge they learned in the previous listening section. At the end of the day, each group elects a representative to make a full presentation.


Teachers guide students to fill out the learning evaluation form after class.

Evaluate the content

Rating (1-5)

1.我能理解there be句型的结构和意义。
1. I can understand the structure and meaning of the there be sentence structure.

1 2 3 4 5

2.我能掌握there be句型的语法知识。
2. I can master the grammatical knowledge of there be sentence patterns.

1 2 3 4 5

3.我能正确理解并掌握there be句型中be动词 的用法。
3. I can correctly understand and grasp the usage of the verb be in the therebe sentence structure.

1 2 3 4 5

4.我能用there be句型描述身边的事物和环境 中存在的问题。
4. I can use the there be sentence pattern to describe the problems in the things around me and the environment.

1 2 3 4 5


Basic Assignments:

1 . 熟练朗读第57页的对话。
1. Proficient in reading the dialogue on page 57.

2 . Grammar in use的活动要求写 篇报告,能在报告中正确使用there be
2. Write a report according to the requirements of Grammarinuse, and be able to use the therebe sentence structure correctly in the report

Extended Assignments:

3 . there be句型谈论更多环境问题,并尝试给出解决问题的建议。
3 .Talk more about environmental problems in the therebe sentence pattern and try to give suggestions for solving them.

(Period 4)

Teaching content

Speaking(p.59),Writing (pp.60-61)

Main discourse


Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Understand the purpose, style, and writing requirements of writing.

2. Write a web post about environmental protection according to the framework of the outline.

3.通过讨论地球面临的环境问题,给出解决环境问题的建议,树立环保意识。 4.通过自评和互评,改进初稿的结构、内容和语言。
3. Establish environmental awareness by discussing the environmental problems facing the earth and giving suggestions for solving environmental problems. 4. Improve the structure, content and language of the first draft through self-evaluation and peer evaluation.

Teaching focus

运用本单元所学知识和所给提纲写一篇关于环保的网帖,并通过自评和互评修 改。
Use the knowledge gained in this unit and the outline given to write an online post about environmental protection, and revise it through self-assessment and peer evaluation.

Teaching difficulties

Use details or examples to support the topic sentence of each paragraph.

【Teaching Process】


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时 教 案
Compulsory Education Textbook, English Teacher's Book, Grade 7 Volume I, Lesson Plan

Step 1 讨论地球面临的问题。
Step 1Discuss the problems facing the planet.

1.在开展对话前,教师可利用“想一想”问题What problems is the Earth facing?” 全班开展头脑风暴,思考目前地球有哪些环境问题,然后做出一幅蛛网图(如下图所示)。
1. Before starting a conversation, teachers can use the "Think about it" question, "WhatproblemsistheEarthfacing?".Lead the class to brainstorm about the current environmental problems on the planet, and then make a cobweb diagram (as shown below).

2. 开 展Speaking 部分的活动: Talking about the problems the Earth is facing.
2. Carry out the Speaking part of the activity: Talking about theproblemstheEarthisfacing

教师询问第59页的四幅图对应的是什么环境问题,学生根据图片回答分别是海洋 污染、地下水污染、空气污染、过度砍伐问题。教师板书这些问题,为完成写作内容的 第二部分搭好脚手架。
The teacher asked what environmental problems the four pictures on page 59 corresponded to, and the students answered the questions about marine pollution, groundwater pollution, air pollution, and over-logging. The teacher writes these questions on the board to set the scaffolding for completing the second part of the writing content.

3. Group activities: Take turns to answer questions and answers according to the dialogue examples given in the textbook.

A 提 问 B 学生回答(“问题+后果”),要用there be句型陈述这些问题所带来 的后果。提醒学生注意fish,groundwater,gas,land 等词是可数还是不可数名词。
Student A asks the question, and student B answers ("Question + Consequence"), stating the consequences of these questions in the ThereBe sentence pattern. Remind students that words such as fish, groundwater, gas, land, etc., are countable or uncountable nouns.

如果学生程度较弱,可提供以下范例供模仿: S1:What problems do we have?
If the student is weak, the following example can be provided for modeling: S1: Whatproblemsdowehave?

S2:People .There is/are
S2:People. Thereis/are

Step 2 写前讨论(discussion before writing),为写作搭好充分的脚手架。
Step2 Discussionbeforewriting, set up sufficient scaffolding for writing.

1. 引导学生进行小组讨论:地球还面临哪些环境问题(What other problems is the Earth facing?) 及这些问题带来的后果,参考 StepI “头脑风暴”的思维导图,引导学生对land pollution,noise pollution,waste of natural resources等问题进行讨论,并仿照对话范例用 therebe 句型描述这些问题带来的后果。
1. Engage students in a group discussion about whatotherproblemsistheEarth facing? Refer to the StepI "Brainstorming" mind map to guide students to discuss issues such as landpollution, noise pollution, waste of natural resources, etc., and use them as dialogue examplesTherebe sentence patterns describe the consequences of these problems.

2. 引导学生针对 Speaking 环节的环境问题,分组进行讨论,写下更多保护的措施(How to protect the Earth),为完成写作内容的第三部分搭好脚手架。可借助以下图表:
2. Guide students to discuss environmental issues in the Speaking session in groups, write down more protection measures (How to protect the Earth), and set up scaffolding for the third part of the writing content. This can be done with the help of the following charts:


Causes of pollution

Things we can do

air pollution

gases from traffic,…

plant more trees,…

water pollution

waste water from factories,…

clean rivers,…


Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book for Seventh Grade, Volume I, Lesson Plan

land pollution


put rubbish into bins,.

Or give a suggested sentence for the table:

What can we doto protect the Earth?

We must stopcatching a lot of fish every day.

We must stop burning things to produce energy.

We must stopthrowing away a lot of rubbish every day. We must stop putting rubbish into rivers and seas.

Step 3 从“审题 思考 列要点”等步骤指导学生开展写前活动 (pre-writing).
Step 3: Instruct students to carry out pre-writing activities from the steps of "reviewing the question, thinking about the main points", etc

情境设置:学校公众号策划的《我们的地球家园》专栏在征集稿件,大家可以投稿阐述 自己的环保理念。
Scenario setting: The column "Our Earth Home" planned by the school's official account is soliciting manuscripts, and you can submit your own environmental protection concepts.

1. Think: Guide students to review the question, discuss the style, pronoun, language style, and tense of the composition, and fill in the following table:

1. Examination (question)

1.文体: 2.人称:
1. Style: 2. Person:

3.语言风格: 4.时态:
3. Language Style: 4. Tense:

5. Writing Essentials:

2 . 引导学生阅读观察第60页所给写作笔记(notes)的内容,与同桌讨论文章的语篇结构 和文体特征。根据所给三部分的提示把文章分成三段,归纳主要写作内容。
2. Guide students to read and observe the content of the notes given on page 60, and discuss the structure and stylistic characteristics of the essay with their tablemates. Divide the essay into three paragraphs according to the prompts given in the three sections and summarize the main content of the writing.

3 . (plan): 图 ( ) , 细化写作内容。
3. Thought: Guide students to draw through the brainstormThe map (as shown in the figure below) is confirmedMake important points and refine the content of your writing.


The Earth is a beautiful planet.

Plants,Animals, People


Stop and protect

4 . 引导学生遵循以下步骤进行小组讨论: ( 1 ) (topic sentence)
4. Guide students to follow the following steps for group discussion: (1) Determine the topic sentence.

(2) Think about and determine what to write.

(3) Explain each supporting sentence with details or examples. Write down the discussion on page 60.

4 . 列要点(list):
4 columns of bullet points (list):

教师引导学生充分利用头脑风暴结果完善作文提纲,可以参考前面阅读课和听说课 的补充词汇和句型,给学生搭建语言脚手架。如:
Teachers guide students to make full use of the brainstorming results to improve the composition outline, and can refer to the supplementary vocabulary and sentence patterns in the previous reading and listening classes to build language scaffolding for students. Such as:

引导学生复习第53页的课文,为写作的第 段(What things are there on Earth?)做 好语言准备。引导学生充分利用第59页的Speaking 部分产出的内容,为写作的第二段 (Why should we protect the Earth?) 做好语言准备。
Guide students to review the text on page 53 for the first paragraph of the essay (WhatthingsarethereonEarth?). Be prepared for the language. Guide your students to make the most of the content from the Speaking section on page 59 for the second paragraph of their writing (WhyshouldweprotecttheEarth?) Be language prepared.

Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book, Volume 7, Lesson Plan

在构思第三段How to protect the Earth时,充分利用写前讨论的内容,并提醒学生
When conceiving the third paragraph, HowtoprotecttheEarth, make the most of the pre-writing discussion and remind students

使用表建议的句型,如: How to give suggestions: We must
Use table suggestions for sentence patterns, e.g. Howtogivesuggestions: Wemust....

We can ...

We should. . We need to...

We had better . .

It is important to. .

Step 4 “连句成篇”(write and connect)
Step4 "Write andconnect".

1 . (write): 观察所给的写作提纲,根据前面的笔记内容,写出每 段的主题句和相应 的支撑句。引导学生第 段使用there be句型;第二段使用两个以上具体的例子;第三 段列出保护环境的具体措施。关于如何写 supporting details,可 参 考 第 5 4 页 Reading comprehension 2
1. Write: Observe the writing outline given, and write the topic sentence and corresponding supporting sentences for each paragraph according to the content of the previous notes. Guide students to use the therebe sentence structure in the first paragraph; The second paragraph uses more than two specific examples; The third paragraph sets out specific measures to protect the environment. For more information on how to write supportingdetails, see Exercise 2 on page 5 4 of Reading comprehension.

2 . (connect): 连句成篇,引导学生加上标题、连接词和结束句等。
2 connect: Construct a connecting sentence and guide students to add titles, connectives, and closing sentences.

学生根据提纲写成初稿。写作过程中引导学生关注语篇特征,关注三段的逻辑关系(如 下图所示),提醒学生加上标题、连接词和结束句等。
Students write a first draft based on the outline. During the writing process, students are guided to pay attention to the characteristics of the discourse, pay attention to the logical relationship between the three paragraphs (as shown in the figure below), and remind students to add titles, connectives, and closing sentences.

Step 5:写后检查(check after writing)
Step 5: Checkafterwriting

写完初稿后,让学生根据checklist 自评。教师介绍评价标准(第61页Check and revise 部分),也可以根据学情微调或者增加标准(如下图所示)。学生根据评价标准进行修 改,明确修改的方向,从而达到以评促学(assessment for learning)的目的。
After writing the first draft, have students self-evaluate against the checklist. Teachers introduce the evaluation criteria (Check and revise section on page 61), and can also fine-tune or add criteria according to the learning situation (as shown in the figure below). Students revise according to the evaluation criteria and clarify the direction of revision, so as to achieve the purpose of assessmentforlearning.

Evaluate the content

( 1 - 5 )
Score (1-5).

1.I provided enough details to support the topic sentence of each paragraph.

1 2 3 4 5

2.I suggested ways to protect the Earth clearly.

1 2 3 4 5

3.I connected these supporting ideas/details well

1 2 3 4 5

4.I used a concluding sentence.

1 2 3 4 5

When checking for spelling and grammar errors, you can also refer to the following evaluation criteria:

Evaluate the content

Rating (1-5)

1.I used the words and expressions I learnt in this unit.

1 2 3 4 5


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时 教

2.Ispelt all the words correctly.

1 2 3 4 5

3.I used correct punctuation

1 2 3 4 5

4.Subjects and verbs agreed in each sentence.

1 2 3 4 5


Basic Assignments:

1. Invite students to recommend essays to share with the class, either by self-recommendation or in a group.

推荐作文分享后可以请学生用举手的方式表示点赞(like),也可以进行口头回复(reply)。 2.把作文制作成网帖,可以适当配上插图。
After the recommended essay is shared, students can be asked to raise their hands to express like, or they can reply verbally. 2. Make the essay into a web post, which can be appropriately illustrated.

Extended Assignments:

3.可以选取学生的优秀作文,张贴在Go Green的展板上;或配上图片,做成海报展览; 或发表在班级或学校的公众号上。
3. You can select students' excellent essays and post them on the "GoGreen" display board; Or with pictures, make a poster exhibition; or published on the official account of the class or school.

第五课时(Period 5)
Period 5

Teaching content

Focusing on culture (pp.62-63)

Main discourse

Saihanba:turning desert into forest

Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Learn how Saihan Dam was transformed from a desert into an oasis.

2. Understand the difficulties encountered in the process of Saihan Dam renovation and the final results.

3.了解一个真实的成功治理环境问题的案例,思考人类该如何保护地球。 4.通过拓展阅读或观看电影深入理解并学习塞罕坝精神,培养以保护环境 为己任的意识。
3. Learn about a real-life case of successful environmental governance and think about how humans can protect the Earth. 4. Through extended reading or watching movies, you can deeply understand and learn the spirit of Saihanba, and cultivate the awareness of taking environmental protection as your own responsibility.

Teaching focus

Sort out the main timeline and events of the Saihan Dam reconstruction.

Teaching difficulties

Understand and summarize the spirit of Saihanba and learn the spirit of Saihanba.

【Teaching Process】

Step 1 看前准备(before you watch)
Step 1: Beforeyouwatch

教师鼓励学生提前通过上网查找资料等途径了解更多跟塞罕坝有关的事迹。 1.教师用塞罕坝的图片引入话题,并提出以下问题:
Teachers encourage students to learn more about the Saihan Dam by searching for information on the Internet in advance. 1. The teacher introduces the topic with a picture of Saihan Dam and asks the following questions:

Where is Saihanba located?Did you know this place?
Whereis Saihanba located? Didyouknowthisplace?

● Do you know how large it is?

● Do you think it is beautiful now?

● Can you imagine what it used to look like?


Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book, Volume 7, Lesson Plan

*2.看前预测:视频中可能会提到以下哪些方面?从所给选项中进行勾选。 Prediction:What are likely to be mentioned in the video?
*2.Pre-viewing predictions: Which of the following might be mentioned in the video? Tick the box from the options given. Prediction:Whatarelikelytobementionedinthevideo?

e.g.the location of Saihanba□

the meaning of

Saihanba□ the coverage of trees
Saihanba □ thecoverageof trees

the area of grassland

the number and

types of plants and animals there □

the disappearance of habitats

people's cutting

down forests

Step 2 观看视频(whileyou watch)
Step 2 Watch the video (while you watch).

教师和学生一起看有关塞罕坝的视频。 *1 . 听数字 (Listen for numbers)
Teachers and students watch a video about Saihan Dam together. *1 Listenfornumbers.

教师第一遍视频,让学生把所听的一些有关面积的数字和塞罕坝的事物(如森林、 草地、湿地等)进行匹配。
For the first time, the teacher asks the students to match some of the numbers they have heard about the area with the things in Saihanba (such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, etc.).

2. The teacher plays the video a second time and guides the students to answer the following three questions:

(1)Whatdoes the Mongolian word "Saihanba"mean?

(2)Why have animals,such as the red deer,returned to Saihanba?

(3)How does Saihanba help the environment now?

*Step 3看后讨论(after you watch)
*Step 3: Afteryouwatch

教师引导学生扫读文章,完成塞罕坝改造的时间轴(Timeline) 或鱼骨图,补充缺 失的时间或事件信息。教师引导学生进行小组讨论,如:
The teacher guides the students to scan the passage and complete the timeline or fishbone diagram of the Saihan Dam renovation to fill in the missing time or event information. Teachers guide students through group discussions, such as:

What led to Saihanba's great changes?What can we do to protect forests? Step 4 6 2 Focusing on culture 部分语篇。
WhatledtoSaihanba'sgreatchanges? Whatcanwedotoprotectforests?Step 4 Read the Focusing onculture section on page 6 2.

2.分段阅读第62页的文章,引导学生用关键词概括各部分段落大意,如: Paragraph 1:History and problems;
2. Read the passage on page 62 in sections, and guide students to summarize the general idea of each part of the passage with key words, such as: Paragraph1: History andproblems;

Paragraph 2:Action and challenges;
Paragraph 2:Actionandchallenges;

Paragraph 3:Efforts and achievements

3. Guide students to think about and answer the following questions:

(1)How did Saihanba become a desert?

(2)Why was it difficult to turn the desert into a forest?

(3)How does the forest improve the environment in the Beijing area?

Step5 采访。
Step5 Interview.

The teacher assigns the interview task.

情境设置:学校校报要出一期《塞罕坝精神》的专题报道,学校小记者需要采访部分相 关人员,如林场场长(director of the forestfarm)、早期创业者(pioneer) 科学家等。 教师组织学生按照四人小组进行角色分工,完成该采访互动。分工如下:
Scenario setting: The school newspaper will publish a special report on the spirit of Saihanba, and the school editor needs to interview some relevant personnel, such as the directoroftheforest farm and early entrepreneurs(pioneer), scientists, etc. The teacher organizes the students to divide the roles according to the group of four to complete the interview interaction. The division of labor is as follows:

Sl:news reporter

S2:director of the forest farm S3:pioneer





Teachers guide students to fill out the learning evaluation form after class.

Evaluate the content

Rating (1-5)

1. I can understand the background knowledge of Saihan Dam.

1 2 3 4 5

2. I can understand the difficulties encountered in the process of renovating the Saihan Dam.

1 2 3 4 5

3.我能认识到塞罕坝改造成功后是如何改善环 境的。
3. I can see how the environment has been improved after the successful renovation of the Saihan Dam.

1 2 3 4 5

4.我能理解塞罕坝精神,愿意为保护环境做出 力所能及的贡献。
4. I can understand the spirit of Saihanba and am willing to contribute to the protection of the environment to the best of my ability.

1 2 3 4 5


Basic Assignments:

1 . 6 3
1. Complete the vocabulary practice on pages 6and 3 of the textbook.

2 . 6 2 页 阅 篇 中 的there be
2 Excerpt from page 62 Read the sentence pattern of there be in the discourse, It also describes the environment that Saihan Dam faced at that timeQuestions.

3 .
3. Retell the story of the success of the Saihan Dam.

Extended Assignments:

4 . 把Step 5的 访 访
4. Make the interview task of Step 5 into a newspaper with contentsIt needs to include the introduction of people and things, and the introduction of people and deedsShao, Interview

contents, etc.

5 . 上网查找资料或者观看电影,了解更多关于塞罕坝的报道。
5. Find information on the Internet or watch movies to learn more about Saihan Dam.

(Period 6)
Period 6

Teaching content

Project (p.65)

Teaching Objectives:

Through this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Understand the relevant knowledge of fact files.

2. Understand the topics and requirements of the project tasks.

3. Present the results of peer-to-peer cooperative learning to the class.

4. Cooperate with peers to collect project task information and make official account tweets.

Teaching focus

Guide students to fully understand the theme, requirements, and learning methods of the project tasks.

Teaching difficulties

Work together in small groups to create tweets and share the results of the collaboration with the class.

[Teaching process].

Step 1
Step 1Introduce the activity.

5 2 页 中 (fact file), 事 实 案 的
The instructor leads the students to review the teaching material on page 52Fact file, and indicate the system of fact filework


A fact file is a short report of all the most important information on one subject.This subject can be a thing,a place or even a person.A fact file includes enough accurate information,
A fact file is ashort reportofallthe mostimportantinformationononesubject. Thissubjectcan be a thing,a placeorevena person. Afactfileincludesenoughaccurateinformation,

different sections,a nice large clear title and some pictures.


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Compulsory Education Textbook English Teacher's Book for Seventh Grade Volume I Lesson Plan

教师把学生分成四人小组,让学生分享对该话题的已有了解或相关经历,讨论还有 哪些地方也存在严重的环境问题。每个小组从教材第65页的三幅图片中选定一个地点 来介绍,讨论第65页中Step 1 的相关问题。
The teacher divides the students into groups of four and asks them to share their knowledge or experiences with the topic and discuss where there are other serious environmental problems. Each group selects a location from the three pictures on page 65 of the textbook to introduce and discusses the question related to Step 1 on page 65.

Step 2 实践与探究。
Step2 Practice and inquiry.

各小组根据选定的地点开展调查研究,上网查找相关资料,回答第65页中 Step 2 的问题。可查找如地点、环境现状、问题和成因、解决措施、成果和其他替代办法等相 关信息。
The teams conducted research based on the selected location, searched the Internet for relevant information, and answered the question in Step 2 on page 65. Information such as location, environmental status, problems and causes, solutions, results and other alternatives can be found.

Step 3 制作项目成果。
Step3Create the project results.

各小组梳理所查找的资料,制作成事实档案。也可以选择让学生制作海报或PPT, 准备口头汇报。学生应对照评估表(参照以下两个项目的评价表格),对项目成果进行 修正完善。
The teams combed through the information they found and made a factual file. You can also choose to have students make a poster or PowerPoint presentation to prepare an oral presentation. Students should revise and improve the results of the project according to the evaluation form (refer to the evaluation form of the two projects below).

教师应鼓励学生在准备阶段使用过程性评估表,从而真正起到以评促学(assessment for learning)的目的。
Teachers should encourage students to use the process assessment form in the preparation stage so that it can truly serve the purpose of assessment for learning.

Project Evaluation:

1. Process evaluation

Evaluate dimensions

Evaluation Criteria

评估 方式
Methods of assessment

评估 主体
Evaluate the subject

学习 参与
Learn to engage


Have a clear division of tasks and be able to help each other.


评 、 自 评 互评
Teacher evaluation, self-evaluation, and mutual evaluation


Able to listen carefully to others' ideas.


能给与回应性思考,具体表现为与他人的互动 或能对自己的内容进行修改。
Ability to think reactively, in the form of interactions with others or the ability to modify one's own content.


能接受多样的观点,并会用他人能接受的友好 方式表达自己的观点。
Be receptive to diverse points of view and express one's views in a friendly manner that is acceptable to others.

Learning strategies

能利用网络资源以及图书馆、博物馆等实体资 源查找环境保护的信息。
It can use online resources and physical resources such as libraries and museums to find information on environmental protection.

Be able to make a PowerPoint presentation of the group's environmental protection projects.

Step 4成果分享。
Step4Result sharing.

各组在班内展示所制作的事实档案或海报、PPT 教师鼓励学生在展示时做到声情 并茂。教师鼓励学生在展示、反思阶段使用总结性评估表作为指导。评估表既可用于学 生自我评价,也可用于同伴互评,还可用于教帅评价。教帅在学生展示结束后应及时点 评反馈。
Each group displays the factual files, posters, and PowerPoint presentations they have made in the class. Teachers encourage students to be vocal and emotional in their presentations. Teachers encourage students to use summative assessment forms as guidance during the presentation and reflection phases. The evaluation form can be used for student self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and instructor evaluation. The instructor should give feedback in a timely manner after the student's presentation.

Project Evaluation:

2. Summative assessment

Evaluate dimensions

Evaluation Criteria

评估 方式
Methods of assessment

评估 主体
Evaluate the subject


义务教育教科书英语教师用书七年级上册 分 课 时

Files, posters, etc