5.4: Performance Evaluation
Evaluating the performance of portfolios based on average returns is not very useful because returns must be adjusted for risk before they can be compared meaningfully.
Portfolio Evaluation 投资组合评估
A simple manner to evaluate the performance of an investment is to consider its arithmetic and geometric average rate of return. We have already learnt how to calculate it here already on Canvas page C.3: Expected Return
评估投资绩效的一个简单方法是考虑其算术平均回报率和几何平均回报率。我们已经在Canvas 页面 C.3 上学习了如何计算它:预期回报.
The average return can be compared to a benchmark, such as an appropriate market index or the median return of funds in a comparison group.
Alpha, in the previous page, is not the only method for evaluating how well an investment is doing. This falls into a more general category called risk-adjusted performance evaluation.
上一页中的 Alpha 并不是评估投资表现的唯一方法。这属于一个更一般的类别,称为风险调整绩效评估。
Risk-adjusted performance evaluation methods were proposed soon after the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) theory was developed. We will go over three measures here: Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen's Alpha. Like the arithmetic versus geometric return, one measure is not better than the other, rather each tells you something different about an investment.
If you are interested, you can read more about these academic papers here (note that these papers are very dense and are not required reading but useful historical references for these topics):
如果您有兴趣,可以在这里阅读有关这些学术论文的更多信息(请注意,这些论文非常密集,不是必读内容,而是这些主题的有用历史参考资料) :
- Mutual Fund Performance (1966) by William Sharpe
共同基金业绩 (1966) 作者:William Sharpe - How to Rate Management of Investment Funds (1966) by Jack Treynor
如何评价投资基金管理 (1966) 杰克·特雷诺 (Jack Treynor) Links to an external site. - The Performance of Mutual Funds in the Period 1945-1964 (1968) by Michael Jensen
1945-1964 年期间共同基金的表现 (1968) 作者:Michael Jensen Links to an external site.
Sharpe Ratio 夏普比率
We have seen this metric before on Canvas page 4.6: Optimal Portfolios II as this helped us select the tangency portfolio with the efficient frontier. The market portfolio (M) on the efficient frontier, has the highest possible Sharpe ratio of any portfolio on the efficient frontier. One benefit of the Sharpe ratio is that it does not rely on an asset pricing model like the CAPM.
我们之前在Canvas 第 4.6 页:最佳投资组合 II上看到过这个指标,因为这帮助我们选择了具有有效边界的切线投资组合。有效前沿上的市场投资组合 (M) 在有效前沿上的任何投资组合中具有尽可能高的夏普比率。夏普比率的好处之一是它不依赖于 CAPM 等资产定价模型。
Again, because the Sharpe Ratio is a ratio of excess returns over the standard deviation of returns, it tells the amount of returns an investment is providing given a unit of standard deviation, which is a very natural way of measuring the amount of returns given risk. The main benchmark value that investment professionals compare to is the Sharpe ratio for the market.
All else equal, a higher Sharpe ratio is better because it states that the investment is providing a higher return for a given risk level. When used among investments or funds with similar characteristics, it can tell you which one did better.
Treynor Ratio 特雷诺比率
The Treynor ratio is similar to the Sharpe ratio but uses a different benchmark, the stock market as a whole. It does this by using the portfolio beta instead of the standard deviation in the Sharpe ratio.
That is, the numerator is the same as the Sharpe ratio but here we are considering only the (systematic risk) of the investment instead.
也就是说,分子与夏普比率相同,但这里我们只考虑 (系统性风险)的投资。
Since the market has a beta of 1, superior performance is indicated where the Treynor ratio exceeds the market risk premium (MRP).
由于市场的贝塔值为 1,当特雷诺比率超过市场风险溢价 (MRP) 时,表明表现优异。
Jensen's Alpha 詹森的阿尔法
Jensen's alpha is the average return on the portfolio over and above that predicted by an asset pricing model. In the formula presented, this would be the CAPM.
Jensen 的阿尔法是投资组合的平均回报超过资产定价模型预测的回报。在给出的公式中,这就是 CAPM。
In practice, this could be other asset pricing models, such as the Arbitrage-Pricing Theory (APT) model, which will be discussed at the end of this module. The basic idea is that a model (like CAPM) is used as a benchmark and everything over or under this prediction is alpha. The alpha of an investment was already discussed in detail on Canvas page 5.3: Alpha.
实际上,这可以是其他资产定价模型,例如套利定价理论(APT)模型,该模型将在本模块末尾讨论。基本思想是使用模型(如 CAPM)作为基准,高于或低于该预测的所有内容都是 alpha。投资的 alpha 已在Canvas 第 5.3 页:Alpha中详细讨论。
Superior performance is indicated with positive alpha whilst under-performance negative alpha. Jensen’s alpha relies upon the security market line and the CAPM being the correct model.
优秀的表现用正阿尔法表示,而表现不佳则用负阿尔法表示。 Jensen 的阿尔法依赖于证券市场线和 CAPM 是正确的模型。
The performance measures are summarised below:
Definition | Application | |
Sharpe ratio | Choosing among portfolios competing for the overall risky portfolio | |
Treynor ratio | Ranking many portfolios that will be combined together to form the overall risky portfolio | |
Jensen's alpha | Measuring performance compared to the market portfolio |
Which measure is appropriate? Depends on your investment assumptions!
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