这是用户在 2025-1-7 22:24 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/bd6cca9f-ef3e-4c27-baee-2963072b8905 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


2 1 sT 2 1 sT  21^("sT ")2 \mathbf{1 ~}^{\text {sT }} 世纪航海教育

SLC/ICC 和 BBCM - 实用能力评估量表


注意:您必须具备 SLC 和 BBCM 资格,并且是 NauticEd 管理员才能发放这些实践能力等级。

为了为 SLC 和 BBCM 发放实际能力证书,讲师应确保学生具备:

  • 成功通过了附加的 SLC 和 BBCM 实践能力评估标准

  • 并且顺利通过了讲师门户资源部分列出的实践评估考试

您可以在认为学生具备适当大小船只所需技能及其执行能力后,允许其通过 SLC 和 BBCM。您相信他们能够胜任并安全地带领一组朋友和家人在大型龙骨船上进行多日航行。根据您从每个评分标准中收集的证据,您可以自行决定将其整体实际能力评定为哪个等级。发放及格成绩的“试金石”是:如果这个学生在无船长租船旅行中发生事故,您是否会觉得自己不应该发放那个成绩?如果您发现需要解决的关键领域,请不要发放及格的 SLC/BBCM 成绩;而是考虑船长等级或船员等级,并制定后续的额外培训和重新评估计划。对于 ICC,同样的评论和评估标准适用,但您必须是 RYA 教练。

如果学生获得合格船员或 SLC/裸船租赁船长的通过:

  • 在下面勾选适当的“通过”框,并提出进一步培训的建议

  • 请向您的学生询问他们的秘密日志本代码(不是他们的密码)和他们的登录电子邮件地址。他们的日志本代码是自我分配的,位于他们的“myprofile”部分。他们必须填写此信息,您才能获得访问权限。

  • 使用您的讲师登录 ID 和密码登录到 NauticEd.org (或者对于独立学校运营者,使用您的学校 ID 登录并“模拟”您的讲师身份)

  • 在搜索框中输入学生的电子邮件地址和日志代码。然后勾选“升级该学生的实践能力”框。

  • 在下拉菜单中,勾选适当的裸船租赁船长和/或 SLC 或合格船员验证的实际能力框。 在适当的字段中添加有关学生能力的额外备注。 如果使用 Rubrics 评估应用程序,请将他们的 Rubric 结果上传到他们的日志中。

  • 他们的航海证书和航海简历将立即更新,显示您的名字作为经过验证的实践能力教练,以及您的学校。

  • 您的学生将有机会对与您的体验进行评分。结果将发送给您、学校校长和 NauticEd 管理员,并与您的 NauticEd 教练资料一起在线发布。

    21 st 21 st  21^("st ")21^{\text {st }} 世纪航海教育

SLC/ICC 和 BBCM - 实用能力评估量表


您需要向评估员提供您的 NauticEd 登录电子邮件地址和您的秘密日志代码(不是您的密码)。您的日志代码在您的个人资料下列出。您自己设置并输入它。您的评估员需要这个代码来为您签字,以便您通过考试。

要获得在欧洲水域航行有效的 SLC(航行许可证和凭证),您必须完成以下内容:

  • 通过 NauticEd 裸船租赁大师课程包在线学习($175)

  • 至少达到三级,并在您的 NauticEd 电子日志中记录经验

  • 美国居民必须获得当地州的船员执照卡(在 www.boatus.org/free 免费获取)。加拿大居民必须获得他们的 PCOC 卡。其他国家的居民必须满足其国家的航海法律要求。

  • 每 3 年在线通过 SLC 考试(免费)

  • 在过去的 2 年中已经记录了 10 天的航行,或在过去的 1 年中记录了 5 天

  • 通过附带的合格 SLC 评估员进行水上实际航行评估的 SLC

  • 支付相关的许可证费用($95)

登录 NauticEd 并点击国际帆船执照宏按钮。NauticEd 软件会自动显示您已完成的项目。一旦上述所有项目完成,您的执照将立即发放。


在评估日,穿着适合天气的合适衣物,准备好食物和饮料。要准备好接受许多理论元素的测试,包括:导航、潮流、潮汐、规则、灯光和声音、导航辅助工具以及图表工作,如 Rubrics 1 所示;此外还有后续评分标准中的实际航行技能。

祝你评估顺利,享受即将到来的航海假期。“哦,嘿 - 在外面要注意安全。”



P.S. 现在做一点梦想,访问 www.nauticed.org/sailing-vacations 并查看我们全球可用的租船游艇数据库。


21 st 21 st  21^("st ")21^{\text {st }} 世纪航海教育

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

KEY NA:  KEY   NA:  (" KEY ")/(" NA: ")quad\frac{\text { KEY }}{\text { NA: }} \quad 未评估/不适用于该船舶


Qual Crew: 学生能够以令人满意的方式完成技能,成为航海假期中的有用船员

BBCM:学生能够以令人满意的方式完成技能,从而展示在带领船员和驾驶一艘为期 7 天或更长时间的航海假期的能力和信心

Excl: quad\quad 这名学生在作为一名合格的裸船租赁船长展示这一技能方面表现出色

  学生姓名   登录邮箱   日志代码
Sig   日期 / /
  通过   合格的船员

裸船租赁船长 (BBCM) SLC \square ICC
Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) SLC ◻ ICC| Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) | | :--- | | SLC $\square$ ICC |
Student Name Signin Email Logbook Code Sig Date / / Passed Qualified Crew Performance and improvements notes Not passed "Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) SLC ◻ ICC" | Student Name | | Signin Email | Logbook Code | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Sig | | Date / / | | | Passed | Qualified Crew | Performance and improvements notes | | | Not passed | Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) <br> SLC $\square$ ICC | | |

学生 名称
Student Name| Student | | :--- | | Name |
  登录邮箱   日志代码
Sig   日期 / /
  通过   合格的船员
   \square 未通过

裸船租赁船长 (BBCM) SLC \square ICC
Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) SLC ◻ ICC| Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) | | :--- | | SLC $\square$ ICC |
"Student Name" Signin Email Logbook Code Sig Date / / Passed Qualified Crew Performance and improvements notes ◻ Not passed "Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) SLC ◻ ICC" | Student <br> Name | | Signin Email | | Logbook Code | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Sig | Date / / | | | | | Passed | Qualified Crew | Performance and improvements notes | | | | $\square$ Not passed | Bareboat Charter Master (BBCM) <br> SLC $\square$ ICC | | | |

本实用能力评估标准符合联合国第 40 号决议中关于颁发国际游艇操作员证书(即国际能力证书,ICC)的标准,并满足 NauticEd 颁发 SLC 和裸船租赁船长等级的要求。

© NauticEd 2017

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

技能集 1. 理论知识和理论练习

评估员说明:使用您在教师资源标签下提供的 SLC/ICC/Bareboat Charter Master 考试练习来测试学生在以下标准上的表现。请注意,这些知识对安全至关重要。如果学生无法自信地执行这些任务,您应考虑不授予 SLC/ICC/BBCM 能力。

1.1 规则 能够正确识别不同船型和接近情况的让路船和优先通行船
1.1 Rules Can correctly identify the giveway and stand-on vessel with various vessel types and approach situtions| 1.1 Rules | | :--- | | Can correctly identify the giveway and stand-on vessel with various vessel types and approach situtions |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.2 潮汐 使用表格和十二法则,可以计算:潮汐高度和时间、相对于基准的水深、安全进出浅港的时间。
1.2 Tides Using tables and rule of twelves, can calculate: tide heights and times, water depth relative to datum, safe times to enter/exit a shallow harbor.| 1.2 Tides | | :--- | | Using tables and rule of twelves, can calculate: tide heights and times, water depth relative to datum, safe times to enter/exit a shallow harbor. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.3 图表工作 可以在图表上绘制位置并确定真实方向和磁方向。可以在图表上测量距离。可以确定方向。
1.3 Chartwork Can plot positions on a chart and determine true and magnetic directions. Can measure distances on a chart. Can determine directions.| 1.3 Chartwork | | :--- | | Can plot positions on a chart and determine true and magnetic directions. Can measure distances on a chart. Can determine directions. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.4 导航 可以根据所需目的地和当前情况确定航向、速度和航迹。 (评估者备注:请携带 iPad 或平板电脑,并带有电子图表) 可以有效地使用 GPS 图表绘制仪和手机/平板应用程序来确定到目的地的距离和方向。
1.4 Navigation Can determine COG, SOG and heading given desired destination and current. (Assessor Note: bring iPad or Tablet with an electronic chart) Can effectively use a GPS chart plotter and phone/tablet Apps to determine distance and direction to destination.| 1.4 Navigation | | :--- | | Can determine COG, SOG and heading given desired destination and current. | | (Assessor Note: bring iPad or Tablet with an electronic chart) Can effectively use a GPS chart plotter and phone/tablet Apps to determine distance and direction to destination. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.5 天气 可以讨论天气信息来源、海况,并阅读风/天气预测图。
1.5 Weather Can discuss sources of weather information, sea state and read wind/weather prediction maps.| 1.5 Weather | | :--- | | Can discuss sources of weather information, sea state and read wind/weather prediction maps. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.6 导航标志和昼夜辅助设施 能够识别和描述 IALA-A 和 IALA-B 下的导航标志和辅助设施,方位标志、孤立危险标志在夜间和白天的情况。
1.6 Navigation Marks and Aids for Day and Night Can identify and describe navigation marks and aids under IALA-A and IALA-B, cardinal marks, isolated danger marks by night and by day.| 1.6 Navigation Marks and Aids for Day and Night | | :--- | | Can identify and describe navigation marks and aids under IALA-A and IALA-B, cardinal marks, isolated danger marks by night and by day. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

1.7 船舶灯光、形状 可以通过发出的光和所需的雾声识别船只:动力驱动的帆船。理解操纵声音 1、2、3 和 5 声响。可以识别美国和国际潜水员下水旗。知道音标字母表。
1.7 Vessel Lights, Shapes Can identify vessels by light exhibited and required fog sound: Power driven, sailing vessel. Understands Maneuvering sounds 1, 2, 3, and 5 blasts. Can indentify USA and International Diver-Down flag. Knows phonetic alphabet.| 1.7 Vessel Lights, Shapes | | :--- | | Can identify vessels by light exhibited and required fog sound: Power driven, sailing vessel. Understands Maneuvering sounds 1, 2, 3, and 5 blasts. Can indentify USA and International Diver-Down flag. Knows phonetic alphabet. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name Skill Set 1. Theory Knowledge and Theory Exercises Assessor Instructions: Use the SLC/ICC/Bareboat Charter Master exam exercises provided under your Instructor Resources tab to test the student on the rubrics below. Note that this knowledge is critical to safety. You should consider not awarding SLC/ICC/BBCM competence if the student can not perform these tasks with confidence. "1.1 Rules Can correctly identify the giveway and stand-on vessel with various vessel types and approach situtions" NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.2 Tides Using tables and rule of twelves, can calculate: tide heights and times, water depth relative to datum, safe times to enter/exit a shallow harbor." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.3 Chartwork Can plot positions on a chart and determine true and magnetic directions. Can measure distances on a chart. Can determine directions." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.4 Navigation Can determine COG, SOG and heading given desired destination and current. (Assessor Note: bring iPad or Tablet with an electronic chart) Can effectively use a GPS chart plotter and phone/tablet Apps to determine distance and direction to destination." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.5 Weather Can discuss sources of weather information, sea state and read wind/weather prediction maps." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.6 Navigation Marks and Aids for Day and Night Can identify and describe navigation marks and aids under IALA-A and IALA-B, cardinal marks, isolated danger marks by night and by day." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "1.7 Vessel Lights, Shapes Can identify vessels by light exhibited and required fog sound: Power driven, sailing vessel. Understands Maneuvering sounds 1, 2, 3, and 5 blasts. Can indentify USA and International Diver-Down flag. Knows phonetic alphabet." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Skill Set 1. Theory Knowledge and Theory Exercises | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Assessor Instructions: Use the SLC/ICC/Bareboat Charter Master exam exercises provided under your Instructor Resources tab to test the student on the rubrics below. Note that this knowledge is critical to safety. You should consider not awarding SLC/ICC/BBCM competence if the student can not perform these tasks with confidence. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1.1 Rules <br> Can correctly identify the giveway and stand-on vessel with various vessel types and approach situtions | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.2 Tides <br> Using tables and rule of twelves, can calculate: tide heights and times, water depth relative to datum, safe times to enter/exit a shallow harbor. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.3 Chartwork <br> Can plot positions on a chart and determine true and magnetic directions. Can measure distances on a chart. Can determine directions. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.4 Navigation <br> Can determine COG, SOG and heading given desired destination and current. <br> (Assessor Note: bring iPad or Tablet with an electronic chart) Can effectively use a GPS chart plotter and phone/tablet Apps to determine distance and direction to destination. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.5 Weather <br> Can discuss sources of weather information, sea state and read wind/weather prediction maps. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.6 Navigation Marks and Aids for Day and Night <br> Can identify and describe navigation marks and aids under IALA-A and IALA-B, cardinal marks, isolated danger marks by night and by day. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 1.7 Vessel Lights, Shapes <br> Can identify vessels by light exhibited and required fog sound: Power driven, sailing vessel. Understands Maneuvering sounds 1, 2, 3, and 5 blasts. Can indentify USA and International Diver-Down flag. Knows phonetic alphabet. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |
© NauticEd 2017

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

技能集 2. 船舶系统和库存

2.1 安全库存(请注意,这是一项关键技能。如果未显示出该技能的能力,则应视为整体失败) 能够识别必要的关键安全设备及其在明显安全航行中的使用;包括灭火器、信号弹、急救包、声音设备、手电筒、防火毯、工具包、救生衣 - 检查和穿戴。讨论可及性。
2.1 Safety Inventory (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not displayed as competent Can identify key safety equipment necessary and the use thereof for a manifestly safe voyage; including fire extinguishers, flares, first aid kit, sound device, flashlight, fire blanket, tool kit, life jackets - inspection and donning. Discuss accessibility.| 2.1 Safety Inventory (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not displayed as competent | | :--- | | Can identify key safety equipment necessary and the use thereof for a manifestly safe voyage; including fire extinguishers, flares, first aid kit, sound device, flashlight, fire blanket, tool kit, life jackets - inspection and donning. Discuss accessibility. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
  2.2 电气面板

2.2 Electric Panel https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=44&width=2346&top_left_y=630&top_left_x=179 in case of fire. Identify and explain battery voltage meter. How to charge. Symptoms of low voltage.| 2.2 Electric Panel | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=44&width=2346&top_left_y=630&top_left_x=179) in case of fire. Identify and explain battery voltage meter. How to charge. Symptoms of low voltage. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

2.3 头部与污染 解释“Y”阀门,何时允许倾倒水头,何时不鼓励。描述塑料和油的管理。讨论过量卫生纸以及对客人进行冲水培训。
2.3 Heads and Pollution Explain " Y " valves, when head dumping is allowed vs discouraged. Describe plastic and oil management. Discuss excess toilet paper and training guests on flushing.| 2.3 Heads and Pollution | | :--- | | Explain " Y " valves, when head dumping is allowed vs discouraged. Describe plastic and oil management. Discuss excess toilet paper and training guests on flushing. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

2.4 引擎 识别燃料加注口和仪表。演示油和冷却液的检查和添加。描述水泵叶轮的更换。演示原水过滤器的清理和排气。识别柴油滤清器及其排水方法。描述加油。识别传动连接。可以检查原水冷却液流动。启动和停止程序。识别常见故障。解释修复方法。
2.4 Engine Identify fuel fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate oil and coolant check and add. Describe water impeller replacement. Demonstrate raw water strainer cleanout and exhaust. Identify diesel filter and means for draining water. Describe priming. Identify transmission linkages. Can check raw water coolant flow. Start and stop procedures. Identification of common failures. Explain fixes.| 2.4 Engine | | :--- | | Identify fuel fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate oil and coolant check and add. Describe water impeller replacement. Demonstrate raw water strainer cleanout and exhaust. Identify diesel filter and means for draining water. Describe priming. Identify transmission linkages. Can check raw water coolant flow. Start and stop procedures. Identification of common failures. Explain fixes. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

2.5 厨房 描述炉具点火和丙烷安全。识别加水口和仪表。演示水箱更换。讨论制冷和电池负载。
2.5 Galley Describe stove lighting and propane safety. Identify water fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate water tank change over. Discuss refrigeration and load on the batteries.| 2.5 Galley | | :--- | | Describe stove lighting and propane safety. Identify water fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate water tank change over. Discuss refrigeration and load on the batteries. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

2.6 甲板以上 演示绞盘控制并描述危险。描述静态索具的检查。描述护舷的放置。
2.6 Above Decks Demonstrate windlass control and describe hazards. Describe inspection of standing rig. Describe fender placement.| 2.6 Above Decks | | :--- | | Demonstrate windlass control and describe hazards. Describe inspection of standing rig. Describe fender placement. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

2.7 导航仪器 描述风、深度、GPS、雷达、AIS、自动驾驶仪器。
2.7 Navigation Instruments Describe wind, depth, GPS, Radar, AIS, autopilot instruments.| 2.7 Navigation Instruments | | :--- | | Describe wind, depth, GPS, Radar, AIS, autopilot instruments. |
  船员 NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
  2.8 船舶检查
2.8 Vessel Inspection https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=38&width=2327&top_left_y=1365&top_left_x=181 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=39&width=2342&top_left_y=1399&top_left_x=181 instruments.| 2.8 Vessel Inspection | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=38&width=2327&top_left_y=1365&top_left_x=181) | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=39&width=2342&top_left_y=1399&top_left_x=181) instruments. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name Skill Set 2. Boat Systems and Inventory "2.1 Safety Inventory (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not displayed as competent Can identify key safety equipment necessary and the use thereof for a manifestly safe voyage; including fire extinguishers, flares, first aid kit, sound device, flashlight, fire blanket, tool kit, life jackets - inspection and donning. Discuss accessibility." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.2 Electric Panel https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=44&width=2346&top_left_y=630&top_left_x=179 in case of fire. Identify and explain battery voltage meter. How to charge. Symptoms of low voltage." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.3 Heads and Pollution Explain " Y " valves, when head dumping is allowed vs discouraged. Describe plastic and oil management. Discuss excess toilet paper and training guests on flushing." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.4 Engine Identify fuel fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate oil and coolant check and add. Describe water impeller replacement. Demonstrate raw water strainer cleanout and exhaust. Identify diesel filter and means for draining water. Describe priming. Identify transmission linkages. Can check raw water coolant flow. Start and stop procedures. Identification of common failures. Explain fixes." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.5 Galley Describe stove lighting and propane safety. Identify water fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate water tank change over. Discuss refrigeration and load on the batteries." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.6 Above Decks Demonstrate windlass control and describe hazards. Describe inspection of standing rig. Describe fender placement." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.7 Navigation Instruments Describe wind, depth, GPS, Radar, AIS, autopilot instruments." Crew NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "2.8 Vessel Inspection https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=38&width=2327&top_left_y=1365&top_left_x=181 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=39&width=2342&top_left_y=1399&top_left_x=181 instruments." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Skill Set 2. Boat Systems and Inventory | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2.1 Safety Inventory (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not displayed as competent <br> Can identify key safety equipment necessary and the use thereof for a manifestly safe voyage; including fire extinguishers, flares, first aid kit, sound device, flashlight, fire blanket, tool kit, life jackets - inspection and donning. Discuss accessibility. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.2 Electric Panel <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=44&width=2346&top_left_y=630&top_left_x=179) in case of fire. Identify and explain battery voltage meter. How to charge. Symptoms of low voltage. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.3 Heads and Pollution <br> Explain " Y " valves, when head dumping is allowed vs discouraged. Describe plastic and oil management. Discuss excess toilet paper and training guests on flushing. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.4 Engine <br> Identify fuel fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate oil and coolant check and add. Describe water impeller replacement. Demonstrate raw water strainer cleanout and exhaust. Identify diesel filter and means for draining water. Describe priming. Identify transmission linkages. Can check raw water coolant flow. Start and stop procedures. Identification of common failures. Explain fixes. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.5 Galley <br> Describe stove lighting and propane safety. Identify water fill ports and gauges. Demonstrate water tank change over. Discuss refrigeration and load on the batteries. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.6 Above Decks <br> Demonstrate windlass control and describe hazards. Describe inspection of standing rig. Describe fender placement. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.7 Navigation Instruments <br> Describe wind, depth, GPS, Radar, AIS, autopilot instruments. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Crew | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 2.8 Vessel Inspection <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=38&width=2327&top_left_y=1365&top_left_x=181) <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-06.jpg?height=39&width=2342&top_left_y=1399&top_left_x=181) instruments. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

国际能力证书(ICC),并符合 NauticEd 对 SLC 和裸艇租赁船长验证能力的要求。

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

技能集 4. 安全操纵和航行船只

4.1 动力操控(请注意,这是一个关键技能。如果这个技能不扎实,应视为整体失败)
4.1 Maneuvering Under Power (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=43&width=2373&top_left_y=525&top_left_x=183 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=37&width=2224&top_left_y=556&top_left_x=183| 4.1 Maneuvering Under Power (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=43&width=2373&top_left_y=525&top_left_x=183) | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=37&width=2224&top_left_y=556&top_left_x=183) |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.2 帆 - 设置、收起和修整

4.2 Sails - Set, Douse and Trim https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=38&width=2285&top_left_y=689&top_left_x=185 appropriate sail trim at various points of sail. Can adjust boat trim to reduce weather and lee helm. Can trim sails to create neutral or slight weather helm.| 4.2 Sails - Set, Douse and Trim | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=38&width=2285&top_left_y=689&top_left_x=185) appropriate sail trim at various points of sail. Can adjust boat trim to reduce weather and lee helm. Can trim sails to create neutral or slight weather helm. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.3 帆船操控 在三角航线的一个航段中,能够在迎风的情况下进行多次变舵,展示出航行能力。在保持帆控的同时,能够在帆船上进行完整的 360 度转弯,展示出航行能力。能够在顺风航行时不意外发生横风转向。在变舵和横风转向时控制帆。能够将船转向任何指定的航行方向,并始终保持警觉。
4.3 Boat Handling Under Sail Demonstrates competence when sailing a triangular course with one leg directly into wind requiring multiple tacks. Demonstrates competence when turning the boat under sail in a full 360 degree turn while maintaining sail control. Can sail downwind without accidently gybing. Controls sails during tacking and gybing. Can turn boat onto any directed Point-of-Sail - mantains lookout throughout.| 4.3 Boat Handling Under Sail | | :--- | | Demonstrates competence when sailing a triangular course with one leg directly into wind requiring multiple tacks. Demonstrates competence when turning the boat under sail in a full 360 degree turn while maintaining sail control. Can sail downwind without accidently gybing. Controls sails during tacking and gybing. Can turn boat onto any directed Point-of-Sail - mantains lookout throughout. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.4 转向 可以通过指南针保持恒定的航向。在转向和回转时不会过度操控。
4.4 Steering Can hold a constant course heading via compass. Does not over steer through tacks and gybes.| 4.4 Steering | | :--- | | Can hold a constant course heading via compass. Does not over steer through tacks and gybes. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.5 规则与安全(请注意,这是一项关键技能。如果这项技能不扎实,应视为整体不合格)

4.5 Rules and Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=40&width=2270&top_left_y=1124&top_left_x=185 overtaking. Can identify traffic and quickly determine if they pose a collison threat and announce the correct action to take. Understands responsibilities in a narrow channel.| 4.5 Rules and Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=40&width=2270&top_left_y=1124&top_left_x=185) overtaking. Can identify traffic and quickly determine if they pose a collison threat and announce the correct action to take. Understands responsibilities in a narrow channel. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.6 停船和缩帆 能够有效地停航和释放。使用适当的程序来缩帆和头帆。能够解释卷帆缩帆与降帆缩帆的区别。
4.6 Heaving to and Reefing Can effectively heave to and release. Uses appropriate procedures to reef mainsail and head sail. Can explain furling reefing versus lowering to reef.| 4.6 Heaving to and Reefing | | :--- | | Can effectively heave to and release. Uses appropriate procedures to reef mainsail and head sail. Can explain furling reefing versus lowering to reef. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

4.7 船员落水(请注意,这是一个关键技能。如果这个技能不扎实,应视为整体失败)

4.7 Crew Overboard (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=42&width=2364&top_left_y=1401&top_left_x=183 heave-to. Can describe various methods to bring an unconscious crew member onboard. Can describe measures taken for various stages of hypothermia.| 4.7 Crew Overboard (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=42&width=2364&top_left_y=1401&top_left_x=183) heave-to. Can describe various methods to bring an unconscious crew member onboard. Can describe measures taken for various stages of hypothermia. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name Skill Set 4. Maneuvering and Sailing the Vessel Safely "4.1 Maneuvering Under Power (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=43&width=2373&top_left_y=525&top_left_x=183 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=37&width=2224&top_left_y=556&top_left_x=183" NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.2 Sails - Set, Douse and Trim https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=38&width=2285&top_left_y=689&top_left_x=185 appropriate sail trim at various points of sail. Can adjust boat trim to reduce weather and lee helm. Can trim sails to create neutral or slight weather helm." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.3 Boat Handling Under Sail Demonstrates competence when sailing a triangular course with one leg directly into wind requiring multiple tacks. Demonstrates competence when turning the boat under sail in a full 360 degree turn while maintaining sail control. Can sail downwind without accidently gybing. Controls sails during tacking and gybing. Can turn boat onto any directed Point-of-Sail - mantains lookout throughout." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.4 Steering Can hold a constant course heading via compass. Does not over steer through tacks and gybes." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.5 Rules and Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=40&width=2270&top_left_y=1124&top_left_x=185 overtaking. Can identify traffic and quickly determine if they pose a collison threat and announce the correct action to take. Understands responsibilities in a narrow channel." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.6 Heaving to and Reefing Can effectively heave to and release. Uses appropriate procedures to reef mainsail and head sail. Can explain furling reefing versus lowering to reef." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "4.7 Crew Overboard (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=42&width=2364&top_left_y=1401&top_left_x=183 heave-to. Can describe various methods to bring an unconscious crew member onboard. Can describe measures taken for various stages of hypothermia." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Skill Set 4. Maneuvering and Sailing the Vessel Safely | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4.1 Maneuvering Under Power (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=43&width=2373&top_left_y=525&top_left_x=183) <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=37&width=2224&top_left_y=556&top_left_x=183) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.2 Sails - Set, Douse and Trim <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=38&width=2285&top_left_y=689&top_left_x=185) appropriate sail trim at various points of sail. Can adjust boat trim to reduce weather and lee helm. Can trim sails to create neutral or slight weather helm. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.3 Boat Handling Under Sail <br> Demonstrates competence when sailing a triangular course with one leg directly into wind requiring multiple tacks. Demonstrates competence when turning the boat under sail in a full 360 degree turn while maintaining sail control. Can sail downwind without accidently gybing. Controls sails during tacking and gybing. Can turn boat onto any directed Point-of-Sail - mantains lookout throughout. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.4 Steering <br> Can hold a constant course heading via compass. Does not over steer through tacks and gybes. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.5 Rules and Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=40&width=2270&top_left_y=1124&top_left_x=185) overtaking. Can identify traffic and quickly determine if they pose a collison threat and announce the correct action to take. Understands responsibilities in a narrow channel. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.6 Heaving to and Reefing <br> Can effectively heave to and release. Uses appropriate procedures to reef mainsail and head sail. Can explain furling reefing versus lowering to reef. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 4.7 Crew Overboard (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-08.jpg?height=42&width=2364&top_left_y=1401&top_left_x=183) heave-to. Can describe various methods to bring an unconscious crew member onboard. Can describe measures taken for various stages of hypothermia. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

技能集 5. 锚泊、系泊和返回泊位

5.1 锚固(请注意,这是一个关键技能。如果该技能不扎实,则应考虑整体船员能力) 正确地为船员和船只设置锚泊。选择合适的锚泊位置时考虑潮汐、岸边、周围深度、障碍物和其他船只等因素。使用适当的锚泊程序,包括合适的锚链长度。能够列出并描述各种多重锚泊技术的优缺点,包括长线锚泊。
5.1 Anchoring (Note this is a critical skill. An overall crew competency should be considered if this skill is not solid) Properly sets up the crew and vessel for anchoring. Considers factors when selecting an appropriate anchor location including tide, shore, surrounding depth, obstacles, and other vessels. Uses proper anchoring procedure including appropriate scope. Can list and describe advantages and disadvantages of various multiple anchoring techniques including longline ashore.| 5.1 Anchoring (Note this is a critical skill. An overall crew competency should be considered if this skill is not solid) | | :--- | | Properly sets up the crew and vessel for anchoring. Considers factors when selecting an appropriate anchor location including tide, shore, surrounding depth, obstacles, and other vessels. Uses proper anchoring procedure including appropriate scope. Can list and describe advantages and disadvantages of various multiple anchoring techniques including longline ashore. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

5.2 漂流可以描述筏子
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
  5.3 在动力下系泊

5.3 Mooring Under Power https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2277&top_left_y=676&top_left_x=181 boat to the mooring ball using an appropriate warp. Can identify appropriate mooring ball colors.| 5.3 Mooring Under Power | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2277&top_left_y=676&top_left_x=181) boat to the mooring ball using an appropriate warp. Can identify appropriate mooring ball colors. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
  5.4 在帆下停泊

5.4 Mooring Under Sail https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2284&top_left_y=797&top_left_x=181 reach the mooring ball with a boat hook..| 5.4 Mooring Under Sail | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2284&top_left_y=797&top_left_x=181) reach the mooring ball with a boat hook.. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

5.5 地中海停泊

5.5 Mediterranean Mooring https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=37&width=2261&top_left_y=916&top_left_x=184 crew. Backs the boat in straight and at a safe speed and stops at the appropriate point. Effectively leads the crew to secure the aft lines and tension the anchor or the slime line as appropriate.| 5.5 Mediterranean Mooring | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=37&width=2261&top_left_y=916&top_left_x=184) crew. Backs the boat in straight and at a safe speed and stops at the appropriate point. Effectively leads the crew to secure the aft lines and tension the anchor or the slime line as appropriate. |
  失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

5.6 返回滑道

5.6 Returning to the Slip https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=35&width=2257&top_left_y=1038&top_left_x=186 against the wind. Chooses correct angle of approach depending on the wind and current direction. Can choose the correct spring leverage configuration with rudder position for various wind/current situations.| 5.6 Returning to the Slip | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=35&width=2257&top_left_y=1038&top_left_x=186) against the wind. Chooses correct angle of approach depending on the wind and current direction. Can choose the correct spring leverage configuration with rudder position for various wind/current situations. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

5.7 确保船只安全
5.7 确保船只安全 妥善固定船只,考虑到缠绕的绳索、收起的帆、考虑潮汐的弹簧和码头绳、护舷、电源连接和安全。| 5.7 固定船只 | | :--- | | 适当地固定船只,考虑到缆绳卷绕、帆收起、弹簧和码头缆绳考虑潮汐、护舷、电源连接和安全。 |
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Vame Skill Set 5. Anchoring, Mooring, and Returning to the Slip "5.1 Anchoring (Note this is a critical skill. An overall crew competency should be considered if this skill is not solid) Properly sets up the crew and vessel for anchoring. Considers factors when selecting an appropriate anchor location including tide, shore, surrounding depth, obstacles, and other vessels. Uses proper anchoring procedure including appropriate scope. Can list and describe advantages and disadvantages of various multiple anchoring techniques including longline ashore." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl 5.2 Rafting Up Can describe raft NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "5.3 Mooring Under Power https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2277&top_left_y=676&top_left_x=181 boat to the mooring ball using an appropriate warp. Can identify appropriate mooring ball colors." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "5.4 Mooring Under Sail https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2284&top_left_y=797&top_left_x=181 reach the mooring ball with a boat hook.." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "5.5 Mediterranean Mooring https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=37&width=2261&top_left_y=916&top_left_x=184 crew. Backs the boat in straight and at a safe speed and stops at the appropriate point. Effectively leads the crew to secure the aft lines and tension the anchor or the slime line as appropriate." Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "5.6 Returning to the Slip https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=35&width=2257&top_left_y=1038&top_left_x=186 against the wind. Chooses correct angle of approach depending on the wind and current direction. Can choose the correct spring leverage configuration with rudder position for various wind/current situations." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl {"5.7 Secure the Vessel Properly secures the vessel considering lines coiled, sails stowed, spring and dock lines considering tide, fenders, electrical hook up, and security."} | Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Vame | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Skill Set 5. Anchoring, Mooring, and Returning to the Slip | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5.1 Anchoring (Note this is a critical skill. An overall crew competency should be considered if this skill is not solid) <br> Properly sets up the crew and vessel for anchoring. Considers factors when selecting an appropriate anchor location including tide, shore, surrounding depth, obstacles, and other vessels. Uses proper anchoring procedure including appropriate scope. Can list and describe advantages and disadvantages of various multiple anchoring techniques including longline ashore. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 5.2 Rafting Up Can describe raft | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 5.3 Mooring Under Power <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2277&top_left_y=676&top_left_x=181) boat to the mooring ball using an appropriate warp. Can identify appropriate mooring ball colors. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 5.4 Mooring Under Sail <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=36&width=2284&top_left_y=797&top_left_x=181) reach the mooring ball with a boat hook.. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 5.5 Mediterranean Mooring <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=37&width=2261&top_left_y=916&top_left_x=184) crew. Backs the boat in straight and at a safe speed and stops at the appropriate point. Effectively leads the crew to secure the aft lines and tension the anchor or the slime line as appropriate. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 5.6 Returning to the Slip <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-09.jpg?height=35&width=2257&top_left_y=1038&top_left_x=186) against the wind. Chooses correct angle of approach depending on the wind and current direction. Can choose the correct spring leverage configuration with rudder position for various wind/current situations. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | {5.7 Secure the Vessel <br> Properly secures the vessel considering lines coiled, sails stowed, spring and dock lines considering tide, fenders, electrical hook up, and security.} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准
  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

技能组合 6. 船上生活、绳结和紧急情况 (注意:其中许多是关键技能。如果未能展示出这些技能的能力,应视为整体不合格)
Skill Set 6. Life Aboard, Knots, and Distress (Note: Many of these are a critical skills. An overall fail should be considered if these are not demonstrated as competent)| Skill Set 6. Life Aboard, Knots, and Distress | | :--- | | (Note: Many of these are a critical skills. An overall fail should be considered if these are not demonstrated as competent) |

6.1 节 展示能力并能够教授以下结:弓结、8 字止结、夹钉结、滚动结、十字结、绕圈和两个半结、渔夫结、布结。
6.1 Knots Demonstrates ability and is able to teach the following knots: bowline, figure 8 stopper knot, cleat hitch, rolling hitch, clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, sheet bend.| 6.1 Knots | | :--- | | Demonstrates ability and is able to teach the following knots: bowline, figure 8 stopper knot, cleat hitch, rolling hitch, clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, sheet bend. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
  6.2 船上生活

6.2 Life Aboard https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-10.jpg?height=34&width=2210&top_left_y=659&top_left_x=186 hypothermia, dangerous drug or alcohol condition, cuts, shell fish reactions. Knowledge of how to contact local emergency services.| 6.2 Life Aboard | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-10.jpg?height=34&width=2210&top_left_y=659&top_left_x=186) hypothermia, dangerous drug or alcohol condition, cuts, shell fish reactions. Knowledge of how to contact local emergency services. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

6.3 厨房 可以描述在使用炉子和烤箱时的注意事项,包括燃气、火焰、一氧化碳和倾斜的船只。可以描述在租船期间减少塑料废物的各种方法。
6.3 Galley Can describe precautions in using the stove and oven considering gas, fire, CO 2 and heeling boat. Can describe various methods of reducing plastic waste while on charter.| 6.3 Galley | | :--- | | Can describe precautions in using the stove and oven considering gas, fire, CO 2 and heeling boat. Can describe various methods of reducing plastic waste while on charter. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

6.4 太阳耀斑 可以描述信号弹的使用和危险。哪些信号弹不适合用于直升机救援。可以识别视觉求救信号。
6.4 Flares Can describes use of flares and dangers. Which flares not to use for helicopter resue. Can identify visual distress signals.| 6.4 Flares | | :--- | | Can describes use of flares and dangers. Which flares not to use for helicopter resue. Can identify visual distress signals. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

6.5 火灾演示模拟使用灭火器和灭火毯。描述在电气火灾、发动机火灾、炉灶和烤箱火灾情况下该如何处理。
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

6.6 碰撞 描述了在碰撞和密封泄漏情况下的操作。
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name "Skill Set 6. Life Aboard, Knots, and Distress (Note: Many of these are a critical skills. An overall fail should be considered if these are not demonstrated as competent)" "6.1 Knots Demonstrates ability and is able to teach the following knots: bowline, figure 8 stopper knot, cleat hitch, rolling hitch, clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, sheet bend." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "6.2 Life Aboard https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-10.jpg?height=34&width=2210&top_left_y=659&top_left_x=186 hypothermia, dangerous drug or alcohol condition, cuts, shell fish reactions. Knowledge of how to contact local emergency services." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "6.3 Galley Can describe precautions in using the stove and oven considering gas, fire, CO 2 and heeling boat. Can describe various methods of reducing plastic waste while on charter." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "6.4 Flares Can describes use of flares and dangers. Which flares not to use for helicopter resue. Can identify visual distress signals." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl 6.5 Fire Demonstrates simulated use of a fire extinguisher and fire blanket. Describes what to do in case of electrical fire, engine fire, stove and oven fire. NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl 6.6 Collision Describes actions in case of collision and sealing leaks. NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Skill Set 6. Life Aboard, Knots, and Distress <br> (Note: Many of these are a critical skills. An overall fail should be considered if these are not demonstrated as competent) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6.1 Knots <br> Demonstrates ability and is able to teach the following knots: bowline, figure 8 stopper knot, cleat hitch, rolling hitch, clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, sheet bend. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 6.2 Life Aboard <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-10.jpg?height=34&width=2210&top_left_y=659&top_left_x=186) hypothermia, dangerous drug or alcohol condition, cuts, shell fish reactions. Knowledge of how to contact local emergency services. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 6.3 Galley <br> Can describe precautions in using the stove and oven considering gas, fire, CO 2 and heeling boat. Can describe various methods of reducing plastic waste while on charter. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 6.4 Flares <br> Can describes use of flares and dangers. Which flares not to use for helicopter resue. Can identify visual distress signals. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 6.5 Fire Demonstrates simulated use of a fire extinguisher and fire blanket. Describes what to do in case of electrical fire, engine fire, stove and oven fire. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | 6.6 Collision Describes actions in case of collision and sealing leaks. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3

Dinghy Operations https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2441&top_left_y=507&top_left_x=136 under the student endorsement check boxes.| Dinghy Operations | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2441&top_left_y=507&top_left_x=136) under the student endorsement check boxes. |

小艇 1. 安全(请注意,这是一个关键技能。如果这个技能不扎实,应视为整体不合格)能够解释并使用带手腕带的安全杀死绳。了解螺旋桨的危险,特别是在急转弯和船员掉落时。启动时注意肘部。知道夜间灯光的要求。
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 2. 发动机和燃料

Dinghy 2. Engine and Fuel https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2414&top_left_y=782&top_left_x=136 safe and pollution avoidance fuel refill. Carburetor flood clearing procedure.| Dinghy 2. Engine and Fuel | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2414&top_left_y=782&top_left_x=136) safe and pollution avoidance fuel refill. Carburetor flood clearing procedure. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 3. 所需库存 可以列出:手电筒、泵、补丁、锚和绳索、足够的燃料。
Dinghy 3. Required Inventory Can list: flashlight, pump, patches, anchor and rode, sufficient fuel.| Dinghy 3. Required Inventory | | :--- | | Can list: flashlight, pump, patches, anchor and rode, sufficient fuel. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 4. 安全登船 可以描述使用三点接触(两只手一只脚,两只脚一只手)来保持稳定的安全登船技巧。
Dinghy 4. Safe Boarding Can describe safe boarding technique using three points of touch for stability (two hands one foot, two feet one hand).| Dinghy 4. Safe Boarding | | :--- | | Can describe safe boarding technique using three points of touch for stability (two hands one foot, two feet one hand). |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 5. 操作(请注意,这是一项关键技能。如果这项技能不扎实,应视为整体失败) 理解齿轮:在引擎倾斜锁定和与自动反向倾斜相关的问题周围小心前进和后退。可以直线行驶。向左转 30 度。向右转 30 度。使用舵臂时不会犹豫或方向错误。可以以安全速度进行 360 度旋转。可以在物体上使用反向停止前进的动量,而不会自动倾斜引擎。可以在 360 度范围内倒退。可以在倒退时操控到物体并适当地停止。可以描述过快的危险。
Dinghy 5. Maneuvering (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) Understands gears: forward and reverse with caution around engine tilt lock and problems associated with auto-tilting in reverse. Can maneuver in straight line. Turn 30 degrees to port. Turn 30 degrees to starboard. Does not hesitate or get the direction wrong with the tiller arm. Can turn in a 360 degree circle at safe speed. Can stop forward momentum at an object using reverse without auto-tilting the engine. Can reverse in a 360 degree circle. Can maneuver to a object in reverse and stop appropriately. Can describe dangers of excessive speed.| Dinghy 5. Maneuvering (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) | | :--- | | Understands gears: forward and reverse with caution around engine tilt lock and problems associated with auto-tilting in reverse. Can maneuver in straight line. Turn 30 degrees to port. Turn 30 degrees to starboard. Does not hesitate or get the direction wrong with the tiller arm. Can turn in a 360 degree circle at safe speed. Can stop forward momentum at an object using reverse without auto-tilting the engine. Can reverse in a 360 degree circle. Can maneuver to a object in reverse and stop appropriately. Can describe dangers of excessive speed. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 6. 上岸 可以安全地把小艇停靠在沙滩上,并在远离沙滩的地方发射。了解在沙滩上与海浪侧向接触的危险。
Dinghy 6. Beaching Can safely beach the dinghy and launch away from the beach. Understand the dangers of getting sideways to the waves at the beach.| Dinghy 6. Beaching | | :--- | | Can safely beach the dinghy and launch away from the beach. Understand the dangers of getting sideways to the waves at the beach. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 7. 停泊球 可以识别/描述小艇停泊球
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

小艇 8. 拖曳和吊架 可以描述适合拖曳的画家线长度。可以将其升入吊桅并从吊桅降下小艇(或描述如果不可用的情况)。
Dinghy 8. Towing and Davit Can describe appropriate painter line length for towing. Can raise into the davit and lower the dinghy from the davit (or describe if not available).| Dinghy 8. Towing and Davit | | :--- | | Can describe appropriate painter line length for towing. Can raise into the davit and lower the dinghy from the davit (or describe if not available). |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name "Dinghy Operations https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2441&top_left_y=507&top_left_x=136 under the student endorsement check boxes." Dinghy 1. Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) Can explain and use safety kill cord with wrist strap. Undestands dangers of propeller especially with respect to sharp turns and crew falling out. Cognizant of elbows when starting. Knows requirement for night lights. NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 2. Engine and Fuel https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2414&top_left_y=782&top_left_x=136 safe and pollution avoidance fuel refill. Carburetor flood clearing procedure." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 3. Required Inventory Can list: flashlight, pump, patches, anchor and rode, sufficient fuel." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 4. Safe Boarding Can describe safe boarding technique using three points of touch for stability (two hands one foot, two feet one hand)." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 5. Maneuvering (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) Understands gears: forward and reverse with caution around engine tilt lock and problems associated with auto-tilting in reverse. Can maneuver in straight line. Turn 30 degrees to port. Turn 30 degrees to starboard. Does not hesitate or get the direction wrong with the tiller arm. Can turn in a 360 degree circle at safe speed. Can stop forward momentum at an object using reverse without auto-tilting the engine. Can reverse in a 360 degree circle. Can maneuver to a object in reverse and stop appropriately. Can describe dangers of excessive speed." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 6. Beaching Can safely beach the dinghy and launch away from the beach. Understand the dangers of getting sideways to the waves at the beach." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl Dinghy 7. Mooring Balls Can identify/describe a dinghy mooring ball NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Dinghy 8. Towing and Davit Can describe appropriate painter line length for towing. Can raise into the davit and lower the dinghy from the davit (or describe if not available)." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Dinghy Operations <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2441&top_left_y=507&top_left_x=136) under the student endorsement check boxes. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Dinghy 1. Safety (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) Can explain and use safety kill cord with wrist strap. Undestands dangers of propeller especially with respect to sharp turns and crew falling out. Cognizant of elbows when starting. Knows requirement for night lights. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 2. Engine and Fuel <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-11.jpg?height=41&width=2414&top_left_y=782&top_left_x=136) safe and pollution avoidance fuel refill. Carburetor flood clearing procedure. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 3. Required Inventory <br> Can list: flashlight, pump, patches, anchor and rode, sufficient fuel. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 4. Safe Boarding <br> Can describe safe boarding technique using three points of touch for stability (two hands one foot, two feet one hand). | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 5. Maneuvering (Note this is a critical skill. An overall fail should be considered if this skill is not solid) <br> Understands gears: forward and reverse with caution around engine tilt lock and problems associated with auto-tilting in reverse. Can maneuver in straight line. Turn 30 degrees to port. Turn 30 degrees to starboard. Does not hesitate or get the direction wrong with the tiller arm. Can turn in a 360 degree circle at safe speed. Can stop forward momentum at an object using reverse without auto-tilting the engine. Can reverse in a 360 degree circle. Can maneuver to a object in reverse and stop appropriately. Can describe dangers of excessive speed. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 6. Beaching <br> Can safely beach the dinghy and launch away from the beach. Understand the dangers of getting sideways to the waves at the beach. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 7. Mooring Balls Can identify/describe a dinghy mooring ball | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Dinghy 8. Towing and Davit <br> Can describe appropriate painter line length for towing. Can raise into the davit and lower the dinghy from the davit (or describe if not available). | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |

ICC、SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master - 实际能力评估标准

  学生 1   学生 2   学生 3


Optional Endorsement: Night Time Operations https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-12.jpg?height=36&width=2404&top_left_y=458&top_left_x=119 graded separately and check marked under the student endorsement check boxes.| Optional Endorsement: Night Time Operations | | :--- | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-12.jpg?height=36&width=2404&top_left_y=458&top_left_x=119) graded separately and check marked under the student endorsement check boxes. |

夜晚 1. 照明标记 能够识别和命名各种观察到的光标记的特征
Night 1. Lighted Marks Can identify and name the characteristics of various observed lighted marks| Night 1. Lighted Marks | | :--- | | Can identify and name the characteristics of various observed lighted marks |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

夜晚 2. 图表 可以将可视的光标标记转置到图表上,并可以获得大致的位置修正
Night 2. Chart Can transpose viewable lighted marks onto the chart and can gain an approximate position fix| Night 2. Chart | | :--- | | Can transpose viewable lighted marks onto the chart and can gain an approximate position fix |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

夜晚 3. 其他船只 可以通过它们展示的灯光识别船只的类型。可以识别它们的运动方向以及是否构成碰撞威胁。
Night 3. Other Vessels Can identify types of vessels by their exhibited lights. Can identify their direction of movement and if they pose a collision threat.| Night 3. Other Vessels | | :--- | | Can identify types of vessels by their exhibited lights. Can identify their direction of movement and if they pose a collision threat. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

夜晚 4. 安全 可以安装和描述千斤顶线的使用。可以讨论船员落水安全设备,包括电子系绳。
Night 4. Safety Can rig and describe jack line use. Can discuss crew overboard safety devices including electronic tethers.| Night 4. Safety | | :--- | | Can rig and describe jack line use. Can discuss crew overboard safety devices including electronic tethers. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

夜晚 5. 在黑暗中锚定和系泊 可以安全地确定安全的锚泊位置,并指导船员成功完成。可以成功找到并指导船员完成成功的停泊。
Night 5. Anchoring and Mooring in the Dark Can safely determine a safe anchoring position and direct the crew to complete successfully. Can successfully find and direct the crew to complete a successful mooring.| Night 5. Anchoring and Mooring in the Dark | | :--- | | Can safely determine a safe anchoring position and direct the crew to complete successfully. Can successfully find and direct the crew to complete a successful mooring. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

第六夜。航行 可以自信地带领船员在黑暗中航行。
Night 6. Sailing Can confidently lead the crew to sail in darkness.| Night 6. Sailing | | :--- | | Can confidently lead the crew to sail in darkness. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl

第七夜。归来 可以识别并使用灯光标记安全返回码头。
Night 7. Return Can identify and use lighted marks to safely return to the marina.| Night 7. Return | | :--- | | Can identify and use lighted marks to safely return to the marina. |
NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl NA   失败   船员 BBCM Excl
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Name "Optional Endorsement: Night Time Operations https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-12.jpg?height=36&width=2404&top_left_y=458&top_left_x=119 graded separately and check marked under the student endorsement check boxes." "Night 1. Lighted Marks Can identify and name the characteristics of various observed lighted marks" NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 2. Chart Can transpose viewable lighted marks onto the chart and can gain an approximate position fix" NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 3. Other Vessels Can identify types of vessels by their exhibited lights. Can identify their direction of movement and if they pose a collision threat." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 4. Safety Can rig and describe jack line use. Can discuss crew overboard safety devices including electronic tethers." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 5. Anchoring and Mooring in the Dark Can safely determine a safe anchoring position and direct the crew to complete successfully. Can successfully find and direct the crew to complete a successful mooring." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 6. Sailing Can confidently lead the crew to sail in darkness." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl "Night 7. Return Can identify and use lighted marks to safely return to the marina." NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl NA Fail Crew BBCM Excl| Student 1 | | | | | Student 2 | | | | | Student 3 | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Optional Endorsement: Night Time Operations <br> ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2025_01_07_08681cc1af07f98ce2f8g-12.jpg?height=36&width=2404&top_left_y=458&top_left_x=119) graded separately and check marked under the student endorsement check boxes. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Night 1. Lighted Marks <br> Can identify and name the characteristics of various observed lighted marks | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 2. Chart <br> Can transpose viewable lighted marks onto the chart and can gain an approximate position fix | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 3. Other Vessels <br> Can identify types of vessels by their exhibited lights. Can identify their direction of movement and if they pose a collision threat. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 4. Safety <br> Can rig and describe jack line use. Can discuss crew overboard safety devices including electronic tethers. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 5. Anchoring and Mooring in the Dark <br> Can safely determine a safe anchoring position and direct the crew to complete successfully. Can successfully find and direct the crew to complete a successful mooring. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 6. Sailing <br> Can confidently lead the crew to sail in darkness. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | | Night 7. Return <br> Can identify and use lighted marks to safely return to the marina. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl | NA | Fail | Crew | BBCM | Excl |

能力,(ICC)并符合 NauticEd 关于颁发 SLC 和裸艇租赁船长验证能力的建议。© NauticEd 2017

  1. 本实用能力评估标准符合联合国第 40 号决议中关于国际游艇操作员证书(即国际能力证书,ICC)颁发的标准,并满足 NauticEd 关于颁发 SLC 和裸艇租赁船长验证能力的要求。

  2. 本实用能力评估标准符合联合国第 40 号决议中关于颁发国际游艇驾驶员证书的标准,即

  3. (ICC) 并符合 NauticEd 颁发 SLC 和 Bareboat Charter Master 验证能力的要求。

  4. 本实用能力评估标准符合联合国第 40 号决议中规定的国际游艇驾驶员证书(即国际能力证书)颁发标准,

    ICC)并符合 NauticEd 颁发 SLC 和裸艇租赁船长验证能力的要求。

    © NauticEd 2017

  5. 本实用能力评估标准符合并超越了联合国第 40 号决议中规定的国际游艇操作员证书(即国际证书)颁发标准