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The National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research
Official website  官方网站
About the Centre  关于中心

The National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus is the scientific and practical public institution providing for the preparation of drafts of legal normative acts, methodic guidance of rule-making activity, carrying out research studies in the field of law as well as the training of scientists of higher level of proficiency.

The Centre exercises its activity on the basis of the respective Statute approved thereupon by the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 13 December 2007, No 630 ”On certain measures for improving the lawmaking activity and scientific researches in the field of law“.

The history of our organization began in 1997, when there was formed the National Centre of Legislative Activity under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The latter was created to reach a higher level in preparing drafts of legal normative acts and to set a unified system of the law-making activity within the republic.

In 2008 on basis of the former National Centre of Legislative Activity under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Belarus by joining to it the public scientific institution “Institute of the State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” there was formed the National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus.

The main tasks of the actual Centre consist in the enhancement of lawmaking activity effectiveness and in the strengthening the role of legal science aimed to provide for the socio-economic and socio-political development of the republic.

The Centre is entitled to carry out analytical and scientific researches on position, progress trends and practice of application of the legislation, develop proposals on its improvement on the basis of concluded contracts.

Scientific support of rulemaking is an important direction of the Centre’s activity. Realization of this function is entrusted to the Legal Research Institute (hereinafter – the Institute) – a structural subdivision of the Centre without the rights of a legal entity carrying out scientific researches in the field of law and training scientists of higher level of proficiency.

The main tasks of the actual Centre consist in:
  • the enhancement of effectiveness in the lawmaking activity
  • the strengthening the role of legal science aimed to provide for the socio-economic and socio-political development of the republic.

The Centre is entitled to carry out analytical and scientific researches of position, progress trends and practice of application of the legislation, develop proposals on its improvement on the basis of concluded contracts.
Scientific studies 科学研究
Scientific support of rulemaking is an important direction of the Centre’s activity. Realization of this function is entrusted to the Legal Research Institute (hereinafter – the Institute) – a structural subdivision of the Centre without the rights of a legal entity carrying out scientific researches in the field of law and training of scientists of higher level of proficiency.
The main functions of the Institute are:

сarrying out scientific researches and developments in the field of law, including for the purpose of ensuring rulemaking activity, as well as activity of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

development of priority directions of scientific and legal researches, assistance in the development of legal science, making proposals to the relevant organizations on the research subjects in the field of law, including proposals for the formation of state programs of scientific researches, participation in their implementation;

coordination of conducted scientific researches with other organizations, interaction with scientific organizations and institutions of higher education in the development of scientific researches and in the training of scientists of higher level of proficiency in legal specialties;

development of recommendations on the use of scientific researches’ results and assistance in their practical implementation;

implementation of the postgraduate studies educational program (in legal specialties);

ensuring the activity of the council on thesis defense created at the Centre, interaction with the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus and councils on thesis defense on legal specialties;

organization and holding scientific and scientific-practical events on topical issues in the field of law.

The scientific council has been established as a management body to ensure separate functions of the Centre in the field of scientific activity. The scientific council is composed of renowned scientists, heads and specialists of state bodies (organizations) and leading institutions of higher education. The activity of the scientific Council of the Centre, coordination of planning and implementation of research works in the Institute is ensured by the scientific secretary.

The structure of the Institute includes:

Public Administration and International Law Research Department;

Civil, Environmental and Social Law Research Department;

Law Enforcement and Justice Research Department.

Public Administration and International Law Research Department carries out researches in the fields of general theory of law and state, constitutional, administrative, financial, customary, public international law.

Civil, Environmental and Social Law Research Department carries out researches on the problems of civil, economic, land, agrarian, natural resources, environmental, labor and social law, intellectual property law, civil and economic process, private international law.

Law Enforcement and Justice Research Department carries out research in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminal enforcement law and criminology.

Employees of the Legal Research Institute carry out research work aimed at scientific support of legislative activity of the National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus on 6 assignments:

1. Public Law in the Terms of Digitalization.
1. 数字化方面的公法。

2. International Legal Groundwork and National Regulation of Counteraction to Contemporary Challenges and Threats in the Context of International Security Law and Sustainable Development.
2. 在国际安全法和可持续发展的背景下应对当代挑战和威胁的国际法律基础和国家法规。

3. Legal Groundwork of a Favorable Business Environment in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
3. 白俄罗斯共和国经济数字化转型背景下有利商业环境的法律基础。

4. Improvement of Legal Regulation of Enforcement Proceedings in the Republic of Belarus.
4. 改进白俄罗斯共和国执行程序的法律规范。

5. Legal Groundwork of Decent Labor in the Modern Conditions of Development of the Republic of Belarus.
5. 白俄罗斯共和国现代发展条件下体面劳动的法律基础。

6. Modernization of the Protective Task of Criminal law in the Context of the Development of the Social State in the Conditions of Modern Society.

In 2008–2022 researchers of the Institute published more than 3000 works, including more than 85 monographs, more than 25 collections of scientific papers and articles, more than 1400 scientific articles.

The Centre publishes a collection of scientific works entitled "Law in the Contemporary Belarusian Society" and a collection of scientific articles entitled "Dynamics of Legal Establishment and Implementation in the Sphere of Public Legal Relations". By the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus these collections are included in the list of scientific publications for publishing the results of dissertations in legal sciences.

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