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Rating:  评级
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Relationship:  关系:
Characters:  角色
Additional Tags:  其他标签
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English  英语
Stats: 统计
Published: 已出版:
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Chapters: 章节:
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Red September  红色九月

Summary: 摘要

"Can you teach me?" His voice is smaller than he would like, timid almost but he can't help it. He remembers the stories of bandits, how they prey on weakness in an instant. Despite his grandmother's shrieked warnings blaring in his mind like alarm bells, he doesn't feel that from the man standing before him.

"Teach you what, sweetheart?" Alex drawls in that honeyed tone only used when they're alone, raising his flask to his lips and taking a long swig.

"How to fuck?" "怎么操?"

Alex's resounding splutter echoes throughout the canyon, making an owl screech and fly away from its perch while Henry can only stare at the sharp line of his jaw.

Henry Fox has resolved himself to live a quiet life, forever firmly held under his grandmother's thumb, never able to spread his wings and flourish; and he is fine with this.

Yet, when their home is ransacked by bandits he finds himself at the forefront of the massacre, faced with whiskey-coloured eyes and a smooth timbre, warming him from the inside out when he has always felt like ice. So, of course, he does the only logical thing a human can do in this situation.

He offers himself up for ransom.

Notes: 备注

Oh ho ho we are soooooo back.

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to my newest fic, Red September :) While my last two fics were entirely Taylor Swift based, this next one we are veering into the world of miss Carly Rae Jepson. The song that encapsulates this entire fic is Run Away With Me.
你们好,我的爱人!欢迎来到我的最新小说《红九月》:)我的前两部小说都是以泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)为原型,而下一部我们将进入卡莉-蕾-杰普森(Carly Rae Jepson)小姐的世界。概括整个小说的歌曲是《Run Away With Me》。

As always, I like to leave the number of chapters so you're not stuck waiting for a thirty parter for months. This fic is looking like ten chapters give or take so far!
和往常一样,我喜欢留出章节数,这样你就不会为等待 30 章而等上几个月。到目前为止,这本小说大概有十章左右!

Also this fic exists in a vacuum where time does not matter. Is it modern? Is it old-style western? Who cares! It's cheesy western fun and that is what we care about. I'm not saying they're going to be carrying around phones but my knowledge of sheriffs, saloons and old timey towns is limited to google so bear with me.

I am so so so excited for this one you have no idea. It is going to be pure smut, fun, romance, falling in love CHEESYNESS with a side of violence and angst and I really hope you enjoy it! This one is going to be very very smutty from chapter three onwards so get ready for that.

As always, I hope to update one or twice a week depending and I swear I am working on Alex's POV to I Get Drunk On Jealousy so expect that some time this week hopefully!!

Ahh here we go!! I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Run Away With Me
第 1 章:与我私奔

Summary: 摘要

“Something that will fetch a pretty penny. We are looking for a big score and we heard you Mountchristens are rolling in it.”
"能卖个好价钱的东西"我们正在找一个大买卖" "我们听说你们蒙特克里斯滕森家族在这上面赚了不少钱"


Henry believes he is currently experiencing psychosis, or something similar to it, likely due to the man in front of him and the strange reaction he is having to his presence. His body is on fire, head to toe and he wants to bottle this feeling and keep it close to his chest. This is the only explanation he has for the words that leave his lips next.


“Take me,” he says, struggling to keep his voice level, “use me for ransom.”
"带我走,"他说,努力保持声音平缓 "用我来赎人"

Notes: 备注

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文

“Henry,” his sister is poking his cheek, trying to get his attention from where it is fixed on his porridge, “are you there?”


He jolts, eyes darting to her face to see that she is smiling at him softly, head tilted to the side as she surveys him. He can’t help but smile back, a small one, but it seems to be enough. These days, it seems that she is the only one that knows how to bring a smile from him, no matter how small.


“Sorry. Lost in thought today.”
"对不起,我今天想事情想疯了" "Sorry.今天想不起来了。"


“You and me both.” She hums, but there is a pinch in her brow that Henry can’t quite figure out, “Gran called me for a private dinner last night.”


“Oh?” "哦?"


“She has found me a husband.” She says idly, as though asking him to pass the butter, but her fingers are clenched around her glass, knuckles whitening.


It is no secret that Bea has never wanted for a husband, always content to stay on her own. She likes things a certain way and has always insisted that a husband would only encroach on that. He understands her thought process entirely.
Bea 从不想要丈夫,总是满足于自己的生活,这已经不是什么秘密了。她喜欢按照自己的方式生活,并一直坚持认为丈夫只会破坏她的生活。他完全理解她的想法。


“Oh Bea.” His voice is warm and sympathetic as he entirely turns his body towards her, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulder, “For when?”


“She wants the wedding as soon as possible.” She chokes out, a single tear spilling from her eye, “She said twenty one is far too old for a lady of our ranking to be unwed. Said that she had given me time because of mum and dad but she has been patient enough.” Her voice cracks on the tail end of her sentence before she breaks into a fit of sobs, shoulders shaking as she tries to contain herself.


“Oh, love.” He murmurs, leaning forward and fully wrapping his arms around her, tucking her face into his chest and allowing her to wholly sob in his arms, “I am so sorry.”


“I don’t know what to do, Hen.” She whispers, “I had so much planned. So much I wanted to do .”


He rubs small patterns into her back as she continues to sob, whispering comforting words every so often until her shoulders finally stop shaking and the sobs slow down until they are just hiccuping breaths.


“There she is,” He says as she pulls back, face entirely red and eyes sunken in with tears, “feel any better?”

“No.” She says petulantly, though the side of her lips quirks up, reaching for a serviette and blowing her nose in it in such a way that he’s surprised their grandmother doesn’t come barging into the room to reprimand her, “Yes. I don’t know.”


“You could say no.” He says eventually when it seems as though Bea has nothing more to say.


“What?” "什么?"


“Well, she can hardly force you to wed, Bea. What’s she going to do? Force you down the aisle with a knife in your back?”
"她不可能强迫你结婚的 碧她能怎么办?在你背后插把刀逼你走红毯吗?"


“I…” "I..."


“You know we have dad’s money. It would be enough to sustain us, without her help.”


“Us?”  "我们?"


He can’t help but smile at the wide eyed look on her face, “You don’t think I would let you go alone, would you?”


Her resounding smile is blinding as she throws herself at him, winding her arms around his shoulders and squeezing him tightly.


He comes to spend the next few years regretting these words, as they are the last thing he says to her before she disappears.



Time is a fickle thing, Henry has come to find in the years since his sister’s disappearance. The eighteen years he had by her side, following in her footsteps and wanting nothing more than to be just like her, went much faster than the three years without her, since she had disappeared in the dead of night without a trace. 
时间是无常的,亨利在妹妹失踪后的这些年里发现了这一点。在她身边的 18 年,他追随着她的脚步,只想成为和她一样的人,但这比没有她的三年要快得多,因为她在夜深人静的时候消失得无影无踪。


Beatrice Mountchristen Windsor’s face was plastered on posters all over town on the eve of her twenty-first birthday.
Beatrice Mountchristen Windsor 的脸在她 21 岁生日前夕贴满了全城的海报。


It had been late by the time they had been certain she was truly missing, and not just out on one of her usual walks. Their grandmother had stormed the manor, slamming doors and screaming for attention, making the entire staff, as well as Henry bolt down the stairs, thinking she needed medical attention. She had Phillip in tow, clearly having dragged him from bed in his neighbouring home, judging by the way his hair was sticking up.


Her face was bright red, cheeks tracked with tears as she shrieked that her ‘ beloved Beatrice ’ had been stolen in the night by bandits. How she had reached that conclusion, Henry never found out, but she was adamant that this was the case and that posters would need to be distributed by morning.
她的脸涨得通红,脸颊上满是泪痕,尖叫着说她 "心爱的比阿特丽斯 "在夜里被强盗偷走了。亨利不知道她是怎么得出这个结论的,但她坚持说情况就是这样,而且需要在早上之前分发海报。


Henry walked the town in a daze the next morning, eyes drawn to every single poster of her with deep brown eyes, almost mournful as they stared back at him, paired with mousy brown hair that she always kept tucked behind her ears, a placid smile that didn’t reach her eyes on her lips. Her face followed him throughout town, no matter how far he walked, the soles of his feet throbbing by the time he passed a tree that didn’t have her face on it.


That tree became his closest confidant for the day as he leaned against it, face buried in his knees as he sobbed, the noise echoing through the trees as they attempted to keep his secret. His sister was his closest confidant, the most important person in the world to him, especially since their parents had died many years prior. It had always been the two of them against the world and now…it was Henry and Henry alone.


By morning, their grandmother had begun announcing to the town that she had been captured by bandits on her usual evening walk, that war needed to be waged against these ‘cretins to society’. Bandits had in fact become a larger problem as of late, with groups of them coming to town on a near monthly basis at this point. But nine times out of ten they would rob the bank and call it a day, or show up to the tavern and demand free drink and lodging for the evening before disappearing before the sun could fully rise and they could be chased out by the sheriffs.
到了早上,他们的祖母开始向镇上的人宣布,她在傍晚散步时被强盗抓走了,必须向这些 "社会渣滓 "开战。事实上,近来强盗问题越来越严重,几乎每个月都有一群强盗来到镇上。但他们十有八九会抢劫银行,然后收工,或者出现在酒馆里,要求免费酒水和晚上的住宿,然后在太阳完全升起之前消失,被治安官赶走。


Henry envied them, the freedom that they had. All they needed in life was a horse and a place to lay their head and the world was all in front of them. Sure, they were often thieves and murderers and God knows what else, but he had often wondered what it would be like to be one of them, to escape the small town he lived in and to be free .


It turns out that he should have been careful what he wished for.



Something in the air feels wrong the moment he opens his eyes that morning. It’s his twenty-first birthday, just over three years since Bea had disappeared. It is supposed to be a day of joy and celebration yet all he wants to do is close his eyes again and pray for the darkness to take over.
那天早上,当他睁开眼睛的那一刻,感觉空气中有些不对劲。今天是他 21 岁的生日,距离碧失踪刚刚过去三年。这本该是一个充满欢乐和喜庆的日子,然而他只想再次闭上眼睛,祈求黑暗降临。


He has yet to go a single morning without Bea being the first thought on his mind when he wakes. Ten minutes after he first manages to peel his eyes open, he stretches his arms above his head until he feels a low pop in his back. Satisfied, he clambers out of bed, scratching at his stomach and running a hand through his hair.
他还没有哪天早上醒来时第一个想到的不是碧。在他勉强睁开眼睛十分钟后,他把胳膊伸到头顶上,直到感觉后背发出 "啪 "的一声低响。他满意地爬下床,抓抓肚子,用手捋捋头发。


The image of himself frowns back at him through the mirror, his hair a mess, his eyes sunken in and his face dim. It’s been a while since he has properly smiled, felt the dimples in his cheeks rise because of it. These days it feels easier to just keep his mouth in a straight line, especially towards his grandmother. He quickly washes his face, refusing to make eye contact with himself anymore as he dabs himself with a washcloth before tossing it back in the sink.


He dresses slowly, something that he can’t quite put a finger on burning in the back of his mind, begging to be listened to. Genuinely, he tries to do so as he dresses, but cannot understand what his mind is trying to tell him, to warn him about. If he had taken it a bit more seriously, perhaps he wouldn’t be in the situation he is in now.


His grandmother is sitting at the dining room table when he arrives, Phillip steadfast at her side as he bites into a slice of toast - sans butter. She is sipping at a cup of tea, eyes locking on him the moment he steps into the room, her eyes raking him up and down disapprovingly.


“Do you have to always wear blue, Henry?” She says in lieu of greeting as he sits in the chair opposite of them, pulling his chair in, a scraping sound echoing in the dining hall that makes Phillip’s face curl in distaste.
"你一定要一直穿蓝色吗,亨利?"当他坐到他们对面的椅子上时,她没有打招呼,而是拉了拉椅子,"蹭蹭 "的声音在餐厅里回荡,让菲利普的脸不禁皱了起来。


“Sorry, gran.” Is all he can think to say as he reaches for the porcelain pot of tea, pouring himself a cup and adding a sugar cube.


He always hates the grandiose things that his grandmother litters the house with, because he has no doubts in his mind that the teapot sitting in the centre of the table costs more than half the town’s rent. There is no need for it, he thinks as he places it back down, lined with gold and with matching tea cups.


Phillip is flipping through a newspaper, frowning at one of the headlines, “There’s rumours of another one of those gangs nearby. Apparently they were only up north just three days ago.”


Bandits ,” Mary hisses, venom dripping from her tone, “Scum of the earth if you ask me. They have taken everything from us, Phillip. What else is left?”


Henry wonders idly if they would like the teapot.


“Perhaps we should up the patrol for the next few nights?”


Mary scoffs, “We have enough, Phillip. They’re hardly going to take myself or Henry, are they?”


Henry would be so lucky. 


They fall into silence as Henry attempts to stomach an entire slice of toast and Phillip finishes his paper, handing it off to a servant before sharing a glance with their grandmother. Henry watches them carefully, hand clenching into a fist at his side. Nothing good ever came of that look shared between them.


“We wanted to talk to you this morning,” His grandmother starts, making a cool shudder run down his back, the voice in his brain now screaming at him to run , “with it being your twenty first birthday.”


“Thank you,” He says, though neither of them actually wished him a happy birthday.


“It is a big age, Henry.” Phillip finally pipes up as he brushes some crumbs from his face with a serviette, “An important one. You are now to be a representative of this family, like myself.”


“On Phillip’s twenty-first birthday, he announced his engagement to Martha.”
"菲利普21岁生日那天 他宣布与玛莎订婚"


Henry is taking a sip of scalding tea as she speaks, her words rattling into his brain and making him choke a gasp, tea going down the wrong pipe and making him cough loudly, scrambling for a serviette to cover his mouth.


“God, Henry, must you be so uncouth? It seems no matter how hard I try I cannot get manners into you.”
"天哪,亨利,你一定要这么没礼貌吗?看来不管我怎么努力 都无法让你懂礼貌了"


He resents this, quite highly if he’s honest. Henry is wonderfully polite, knows exactly which fork to use at dinner even if there is an unseemly amount before him. He has mentally spent twenty-one years at the Mary Mountchristen Windsor school of etiquette yet it seems she is reluctant to ever give him higher than a passing grade.
老实说,他对此非常反感。亨利非常有礼貌,即使面前的食物多得不像话,他也知道吃饭时该用哪把叉子。他在玛丽-蒙特克里斯汀-温莎礼仪学校学习了 21 年,但玛丽-蒙特克里斯汀-温莎似乎不愿给他打及格以上的分数。


“Sorry,” he wheezes, coughing once more into the tissue before flattening it on the table, taking another shaky sip of tea to try and ground himself, “you were saying?”


“Henry,” His grandmother’s voice grows cold, formal in a way he is well used to hearing from her, “we have let you wallow over Beatrice for long enough. We understand that you are upset, but we have duties to fulfil within this town. An image to upkeep. You understand this, don’t you?”


He nods, throat tightening at her words as he finds himself unable to speak. Another gulp of tea washes down his throat, hand shaking and cup clinking against the saucer as he tries to quietly place it down.


“With that…here.” She pulls a newspaper up from seemingly nowhere, sliding it across the table to him, “This will run tomorrow morning.”


He grabs it with trembling hands, pointer finger running down the headline and freezing at the photograph of himself, lips in a familiar straight line as he stares at the camera, not a single spark behind his eyes, dulled by the black and white hue of the photo.


The headline is what gives him pause.


Youngest son of Mountchristen Windsor family to marry eldest Hampton daughter.
Mountchristen Windsor 家族最小的儿子娶了 Hampton 家族的长女。


Directly beside his own is a photograph of Jessica Hampton, a girl he knows next to nothing about other than her name and the fact that she is a woman roughly his age.


“What?” Every ounce of breath in his chest escapes him with that word, his lungs burning as they struggle to take in enough air to breathe, “I… what ?”


“Henry,” Phillip is frowning across the table at him, “we have let you go on as you are for long enough. We have duties. If anything we should have done this at your eighteenth birthday but withheld because of…the situation.”


He feels like he’s drowning, gasping for air and begging for someone to save him as his family look at him with thinly veiled derision, happy to let him struggle beneath the surface until he can’t struggle any longer.


“The situation?” He laughs darkly, not entirely sure where the confidence to speak back is coming from, “Is that what we call her now?”


“Henry-” 亨利


“No.” He interrupts his grandmother, a slightly giddy feeling running through him at the utterly shocked look on her face, “Just because her disappearance was convenient for you doesn’t mean that it meant nothing. That she means nothing-”


“How dare you?” Mary shrieks, slamming a palm on the table, making the silverware rattle, “I was distraught .”
"你怎么敢?"玛丽尖叫着一掌拍在桌子上 银器发出哗啦哗啦的响声 "我当时心都碎了"


Was. 曾经是


“Please. She refused to marry. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got rid of her yourself.” The words fly from his lips before he can stop them and he immediately clamps them shut at the look on his grandmother’s face.


She pales instantly, fingers digging into the table top and her brow furrowing in a way that makes his knees knock together. He fears he may have just awoken the beast.


“Henry!” Phillip’s tone leaves no room for negotiation, his face turning a new purplish hue as spittle flies from his lips, “Go to your room.”


“I am not a child-”


“Go!” He roars, standing and pointing a threatening finger in Henry’s face.


So he goes without protest.


His hands tremble as they hold onto the bannister, slowly ascending the stairs. Dozens of pairs of eyes follow him as he goes, the staff obviously having heard the entire interaction through the open dining room doors. He refuses to feel shame, though he can’t help but feel like a young boy being scolded and sent to the corner to think about what he has done.


The idea that his grandmother had something to do with Bea’s disappearance was something that had crossed his mind from time to time, but never something he actually dwelled on. He didn’t truly believe it; while Mary could be a witch at times, he didn’t believe that she could be capable of such a thing…could she?


His bedroom door slams behind him as he stalks over to his window, yanking it open and sticking his head out, letting the cool morning air wash over him. He breathes slowly, in and out, trying to ground himself enough to allow his mind to stop spinning. His eyes focus on a mountain in the distance, using that to let his mind go quiet, thinking of nothing else but the mountain.


Then he can’t help but wonder what’s beyond the mountain, what kind of lives people live outside of the small town he has found himself essentially trapped in. He has heard stories from passers through of massive cities, bustling with people and creativity and music . He can’t remember the last time he had heard music that wasn’t hushed or passed around a campfire.


His mother had loved to sing melodious harmonies that the children would attempt to join in on before falling silent, content to let her voice wash over them. Their father had loved it, always saying a happy home was one filled with love, laughter and song. None of these things have breached the walls of the manor in years.


He wonders if in these big cities, if people sing, if people laugh and spend time outside of their homes. He wonders if they are able to marry who they want, rather than who their family assigns them to. It’s a life he wishes he could live but, alas, it is not the life for Henry Mountchristen Windsor.


He does not leave his room for the rest of the morning, and no one comes to check on him.



The thing about Jessica Hampton is, she is perfectly lovely. She is six months his junior, with deep brown hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is smooth and toned, her smile wide and genuine and her laugh is soft like a bell, echoing around any room she walks into. 


Despite this, Henry does not feel an inkling of romantic attraction towards her. It is something he has struggled with for much of his life, feeling positively broken every time he is faced with a woman and tries to force himself to make his heart beat faster, his palms sweat.


Nothing ever happens. 什么都没发生过。


Currently, she is beaming at him over a cup of tea, eyebrow quirked as she speaks, head tilted to the side in a way he knows is supposed to be endearing, yet he once again feels nothing. Not so much as a tugging in his chest or a warmth in his stomach. It is as though he is speaking with a colleague rather than a paramour.


It makes him wonder that if he can’t feel these things with someone as perfect and wonderful as Jessica Hampton, who the hell could he ever feel them for?


Phillip had come banging on his door around tea time, explaining he was to meet Jessica and discuss their engagement before the papers announce it in the morning. His face is monotone and his tone leaves absolutely no room for argument and Henry, too exhausted and dehydrated from crying, does not have it in him to argue any longer.


He travels by foot to her home, nodding politely at those he passes on the way, hands deep in his pockets. Her home is not dissimilar to his own, a large, looming manor overlooking the town, wiry gates keeping it separate from the public and dozens of staff roaming the grounds, both inside and out.


Jessica had greeted him with a large hug, squeezing him tightly before they pulled apart, pecking him on the cheek. He can’t bring himself to return the gesture but he does manage a small smile as she leads him to the dining room, almost a carbon copy of the one in his own manor.


“I have always wanted a big wedding,” Jessica admits, tracing a fingertip along the rim of her teacup, “Big white dress, massive wedding party, my father walking me down the aisle.”


Henry hums noncommittal in response, and her face pinches slightly. She sighs, placing her tea cup down and reaching across the table to cover his trembling hand with her own. Her hand is warm in his, almost comforting if he tries hard enough.


“Look,” She says, her voice slow as though speaking with a child, “I know this may not have been your first choice but…I think we could make each other happy, Henry. Don’t you?”


No , his mind screams. He knows that even if they were to live a hundred lifetimes by each other’s sides, he could never feel anything more than a kinship towards her. What he can’t figure out is why he can’t, what is so wrong with him that he can’t bring himself to feel anything for this wonderful woman?


“Of course.” He lies smoothly, able to force a pinched smile, “It has just been a hectic day is all. I am sorry if I have offended you in any way.”


She chuckles, “Henry. It will take a lot more than this to offend me. Don’t you worry one bit. Come, follow me to the drawing room and I will show you some of the wedding preparations mother and I have been looking at.”


He manages to keep his sigh internal as he climbs to his feet.



Despite his exhaustion, he ends up staying at the Hampton manor well into the night, until her father, Michael, enters the drawing room, candle in hand, and says in no uncertain terms that it is time for Henry to leave. Henry, with a lapful of designs and ideas, quickly climbs to his feet and agrees, placing a careful kiss on his bride-to-be's cheek and shaking her father’s hand firmly. 


Michael squeezes slightly harder than Henry had been expecting, making him shake his hand by his side as he leaves the manor, trying to unclench the muscle.


He has always loved the town in the dead of night, everyone having retired to bed and only the barest of lights scattered through town. It is peaceful, knowing he is the only person on the street, that no one can bother him for once. He is truly and utterly alone.


Or so he thinks.


The gate to the manor is open, something that gives him pause for a moment. Did he leave it open when he had left earlier? Or one of the servants? He wracks his brain to try and remember as he passes through, shutting it quietly behind him. In his mind, he remembers shutting the gate, latching it behind him before turning towards the road, just like he always does. Nothing different there, nothing out of the ordinary that would account for it being unlocked.


A glance over to the left shows Phillip’s house in the near distance, no signs of lights in the windows, the house blissfully asleep. It reassures him slightly, that if Phillip wasn’t racing to the manor then surely something couldn’t be wrong.


Alarm bells do not go off in his mind, it could have been Jameson on his nightly checks in the stables, making sure the horses are locked away. Jameson is getting older, it’s only natural to forget these kinds of things in older years. Next, the front door is wide open, swinging on its hinges. Again, he thinks that perhaps Jameson is yet to return from the stables. Although he has never left the front door open before, his mind does not jump to anything more sinister.


These things simply do not happen to the Mountchristen Windsors.


Everything appears to be perfectly in order, until he takes a step through the threshold and hears a blood curdling scream bouncing off the walls - his grandmother’s. His feet root to the spot for a moment, all eventualities of what he may find running through his mind if he follows the noise. Would she be dead? Dying? Murdering an attacker? If he’s entirely honest, he is not sure how he feels about any of the outcomes.


When another, louder scream echoes off the walls, he snaps out of his daze and promptly dashes towards the dining room, the origin of the scream, to find his grandmother cowering against the wall, attempting to barricade one of the other doors that led to the kitchen, screaming bloody murder. He quickly closes the door on his side, idly wondering how Phillip has not come running at the sounds of commotion.


“Gran!” He hisses, trying to keep his voice low, though there seems to be no point when she is screeching loud enough to wake the dead, “What is going on?”


“Bandits!” She snaps, shoving a chair under the door handle on her side, “The absolute mongrels broke into the house and are trying to take everything . I refuse to go with them, Henry. I would rather they strike me down where I stand!”


Henry does not think to block the door on the opposite side of the room that he has just come through, too focused on trying to get his grandmother to stop shrieking like a banshee. She is shoving the chair even further under the door handle, though no one on the other side is even trying to break through.


“Trust me, lady.” A low voice comes through the door, immediately seeping beneath Henry’s skin and making something warm settle in his gut, “The last thing we want is to take you . No offence to your kind self. We just want some of your nice trinkets and we will be on our way.”


“Murderers! Pillagers! Scoundrels! The sheriff is coming and when he get here you will be shot down where you stand!”
"杀人犯!掠夺者!恶棍!治安官就要来了 等他来了你们就会被击毙!"


“Goodie.” A higher yet still masculine voice responds, “It’s been a while since we ran from the sheriffs, Diaz.”


“Best get to stretching, boy.” The low voice responds and Henry can positively hear the smirk in it, dripping with sarcasm.


It is not the time to reflect on the thrumming of his blood beneath his veins, his brain once again trying to tell him something that he has absolutely no time to listen to.


“You will regret this!” Mary points a bony finger at the door, as if they can see her, “My grandson here is a crack shot! I wouldn’t mess with him!”


Henry whips around to face her, eyes wide and staring at her incredulously as she gestures for him to shush. He has never so much as held a gun in his entire life, let alone enough to be considered a crack shot . He fears he would somehow accidentally shoot himself if someone was stupid enough to hand one to him.
亨利转过身来面对她,眼睛瞪得大大的,难以置信地看着她,她做了个噤声的手势。他这辈子连枪都没拿过,更不用说被认为是神枪手了。 他担心,如果有人蠢到把枪递给他,他会不小心打中自己。


It is then, the low chuckles of the bandits growing closer as it travels through the wall, does Henry remember the door he just came through. The door flies open, smacking against the wall with a resounding bang that makes Henry jump and his grandmother wail, her hand digging into his arm, nails breaking the skin.
这时,土匪们低沉的笑声穿过墙壁,越来越近,亨利这才想起他刚刚穿过的那扇门。门飞快地打开了,撞在墙上发出 "砰 "的一声巨响,亨利吓了一跳,他的祖母也嚎啕大哭起来,她的手伸进他的胳膊,指甲划破了他的皮肤。


Three things happen in succession.


One, two bandits step into the room. The first is a tall, dark man with luminous hair that almost appears to be perfectly yellow, a wide smile on his lips and a shotgun in his hands, staring at them over the barrel of it. The second man manages to make every ounce of breath leave Henry’s chest in an instant as he quickly realises that this is exactly what he should have felt when he looked at Jane Hampton. Joanna? He finds that he can’t remember.


Two, he immediately gets lost in the eyes of the second bandit as he takes a step forward. His tanned skin is shining with sweat, reflecting in the dim candlelight of the room. Raven curls fall around his face, only partially hidden by the hat atop his head, brim pointed upwards. Dark hazel eyes settle on his own and his lips quirk up in a smirk, devastatingly handsome and sending Henry’s entire being into a whirlwind.


Three, his grandmother’s hand leaves his arm as she turns, yanking the chair from beneath the door and running out, slamming it shut behind her. It takes Henry far too long to process what she has just done as he is still staring at the bandit before him, entirely rooted to the spot under his gaze.


He feels like a block of ice finally being exposed to the summer sun, thawing rapidly and feeling warmth spread throughout his entire body. Despite the fact that he is likely about to die, he fears this is the first time he has ever actually felt alive in twenty one years on this earth.


“Well,” Bandit one says, “she seems like a right treat.”


Henry is still rooted to the spot, the second bandit not breaking eye contact for even a moment. He feels pinned under the man’s sharp gaze, like he is drowning in it. Not a single part of him wants to swim back to the surface, to breathe fresh air again. His mind is spinning, screaming at him to listen once more. There is something warm in the other man’s eyes that betrays the entire situation at hand and for some reason, Henry feels no fear.


“And you are, sweetheart?” He eventually drawls, his voice smooth like honey and molasses.


“Henry.” He croaks, before clearing his throat, “My name is Henry.”


“Well, Henry ,” The bandit puts extra emphasis on his name, tipping his cap to him, “we are mighty sorry for interrupting your night. We are just looking for some trinkets and we will be on our merry way. We mean no harm.”


The first bandit snorts and the handsome one jams an elbow into his side, making him wince.


“What are you looking for?” He finds himself asking and just about holds himself back from throwing himself at the bandit’s feet.


The man smirks at him, his lips quirking up on one side as he darts his gaze up and down Henry’s frame. He can feel the blush starting on his cheeks and hopes the candlelight is dim enough so that it’s not as noticeable as it feels - like a ripened tomato.


“Something that will fetch a pretty penny. We are looking for a big score and we heard you Mountchristens are rolling in it.”
"能卖个好价钱的东西"我们正在找一个大买卖" "我们听说你们蒙特克里斯滕森家族在这上面赚了不少钱"


Henry believes he is currently experiencing psychosis, or something similar to it, likely due to the man in front of him and the strange reaction he is having to his presence. His body is on fire, head to toe and he wants to bottle this feeling and keep it close to his chest. This is the only explanation he has for the words that leave his lips next.


“Take me,” he says, struggling to keep his voice level, “use me for ransom.”
"带我走,"他说,努力保持声音平缓 "用我来赎人"

Notes: 备注

Whoooooo here we fucking go!!!

I fucking wonder who these two bandits are, huh? Perhaps there's more on the team. And where is Bea? Do we ever find out? Lots of questions so far (and way more you'll be asking to come)

Hope you enjoy! Please scream with me in the comments because I am so excited for this fic, have it planned start to finish and it is a WILD ride. For my pals that love some protective head over heels Alex, this is the fic for you.

Until next time!! 下次再见