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Flower Power



Rick enlists Morty's help in finding some particular edible flowers for an alien on BlergsList. When they finally obtain them, Morty, hungry from the walk, helps himself to one. But surely a single, sweet smelling flower won't do anything to him, right? ...Right, Rick?
瑞克在莫蒂的帮助下为 BlergsList 上的外星人寻找一些特别的可食用花朵。当他们最终拿到它们时,莫蒂因为走路而饿了,就拿了一份。但一朵芬芳的花肯定不会对他有任何作用,对吧? ...对吧,瑞克?


It's smut. Rickmorty smut. That is what this is. Enjoy.

Work Text:

Morty wasn’t sure how long they’ve been walking around this alien planet for. He just knew Rick was looking for what he described as a blue bush with purple flowers on it. The bush apparently looked as normal as one on Earth, it just had blue leaves instead of green. And the flowers were large and pretty. Rick hadn’t gotten more specific than that.

“Geeze, Rick, we’ve been walking for hours, are we even in the right place?” Morty asked, brushing his foot against a plant that was blue but very much lacked flowers of any sort.

“Yes, we’re in the right place,” Rick said impatiently, but Morty saw him double check his portal gun.

“What do we even need these flowers for?”

Rick jogged over to a cluster of plants and rooted through them, then emerged disappointed. “I found a great deal on BlergsList, th-this guy wants some of those sweet flowers and he’ll pay a hundred smidgens each! D-do you know how many flowers grow on a single bush, Morty? Huh?”
瑞克小跑到一丛植物前,在它们之间扎根,然后失望地走了出来。 “我在 BlergsList 上发现了很多东西,这——这家伙想要一些这样的甜花,他愿意每朵付一百块钱! D-你知道一棵灌木上有多少朵花吗,莫蒂?嗯?

“I don’t know, how many?” Morty asked.

“Ten, bitch!” Rick jabbed his chest with a finger and then took a swig from his flask. “If we can find a fully ripe bush there’ll be ten blooms on it, and we can take those, and sell ‘em to the guy on BlergsList, and we’ll be rich baby!”
“十个,混蛋!”里克用一根手指戳了戳胸口,然后从瓶子里喝了一大口。 “如果我们能找到一棵完全成熟的灌木,上面就会开出十朵花,我们就可以把它们卖给 BlergsList 上的人,我们就会变得富有了,宝贝!”

“Rich in space maybe, on Earth those are useless,” Morty said with an eyeroll.

“Yeah, well, how often do I actually do business o-on Earth, Morty? Don’t be pedantic.”

Morty sighed and wiped sweat off his forehead. This planet was hot and they were walking in a jungle, and he was quickly growing dehydrated. “Well, what’s stopping this guy from getting them himself?”
莫蒂叹了口气,擦了擦额头上的汗水。这个星球很热,他们在丛林中行走,他很快就脱水了。 “那么,是什么阻止了这个人亲自去获取它们呢?”

“He doesn’t live in this dimension and have you seen the prices for interdimensional travel lately?”

“I think a guy who can afford to spend a thousand smidgens on plants can afford to travel to a different dimension…”

“Look Morty, it’s not my job to question the motives of the rich. Obviously the real reason is he wants someone else to do the slave labor of walking through the jungle trying to find this super rare plant, but you know, that doesn’t sound as nice in an ad.” Rick paused in a clearing, examining his surroundings.

Morty decided to drop the subject. “Okay, well, what does the flower do? Is it like… a medicine thing, um… is it a drug? Does it just look pretty? I mean it’s gotta be great if it’s worth a hundred smidgens each.”
莫蒂决定放弃这个话题。 “好吧,那花有什么作用呢?它就像……一种药物吗,嗯……它是一种药物吗?只是看起来很漂亮吗?我的意思是,如果每件都值一百块钱,那就太好了。”

“Yeah, it’s uh… good for eating, apparently.” Rick knelt down to examine a plant.

“Good for eating. Wow, must be delicious.”

“So I’ve heard. I didn’t look too far into it, I just needed to know what it looks like and where it grows. Ugh, this isn’t it.” Rick straightened.

Morty glanced around, then saw a blue bush near his leg, purple flowers growing on it. “Hey, wait, is this it?”
莫蒂环顾四周,然后看到他腿附近有一个蓝色的灌木丛,上面长着紫色的花朵。 “嘿,等等,是这个吗?”

Rick looked, then ran over. “Yes, that’s it! Great job, Morty.” They knelt next to it, counting the blooms. It had eleven. “Wow, this one has eleven. Now that’s rare. But hey, more money, huh?”
瑞克看了一眼,然后跑了过去。 “对,就是那样!干得好,莫蒂。”他们跪在它旁边,数着花朵。有十一个。 “哇,这个有十一个。现在这种情况很少见了。但是,嘿,更多的钱,是吧?”

“Yeah,” Morty said, awed. The delicate purple flowers were very pretty, and their aroma was succulent, reminding him of chocolate and sugar and all the sweet things he’s ever eaten. He leaned in to sniff one of them.

“Alright, help me pick these,” Rick said, before noticing Morty burying his nose against the flower. “Wait, get back-”
“好吧,帮我摘这些。”瑞克说道,然后注意到莫蒂把鼻子埋在了花上。 “等等,快回来——”

Morty’s throat was so dry and his stomach rumbled with hunger… and the flower was so appealing, drops of dew hanging from the tender petals, promising to sate him… without thinking, he drew it into his mouth and bit it off the stalk, chewing and swallowing.

Rick groaned. “Oh, great.”
瑞克呻吟道。 “哦,太好了。”

Morty sat up. “What, it smelled good,” he said defensively.
莫蒂坐了起来。 “什么,闻起来很香,”他辩解地说。

“Well, whatever, we still have ten, just… stand back, since you apparently have no self control.”

Morty backed away and Rick began picking the flowers, dropping them into a bag. After about a minute, Morty’s stomach coiled.

“Ohh, I don’t feel good,” he said, clutching it.

“You just ate a random alien flower, don’t look so surprised. I mean, how long have we been going on adventures together? Like… four years?”

“Something like-”

“Four years and you haven’t learned not to eat random stuff on alien worlds? I mean it could be poisonous, i-it could use your digestive system to breed, and you just plucked it and ate it. Because it smelled good.” Rick got up, closing the bag.

“Am I gonna die?” Morty asked worriedly as his stomach tingled strangely and pinpricks traveled across his skin.

“Maybe. What’s edible to a guy on BlergsList isn’t always edible to humans. Guess we’ll wait and see.” Rick started to key something in to the portal gun, but Morty’s alarmed shout made him look back at him.
“或许。 BlergsList 上的人能吃的东西并不总是人类能吃的。我想我们会拭目以待。”瑞克开始在传送枪上输入什么东西,但莫蒂惊慌的叫喊让他回头看了自己一眼。

Morty was on his knees, gasping as the tingles turned into an uncomfortably hot sensation, and Rick sighed.

“Okay, I’ll be honest with you, Morty. Those flowers aren’t just for eating. I mean yeah, you eat them, but they aren’t just a delicious snack. They’re aphrodisiacs, Morty.”

“Aphrodisiacs?” Morty scrambled back up, stuttering, “S-so you mean these… these flowers…”

“They g-get you horny, Morty.”

“Oh geeze-”

“They get you as horny as a-a dog in heat, Morty. Maybe worse. But you’ve been through puberty, you can deal.”

“This feels way worse than puberty, Rick. Ugh.” Morty set a hand on a tree as he gripped his head.

“Oh please, how bad can they be?” Rick asked. “Come on, let’s just head home and you can deal with it there.”
“哦,拜托,他们能有多糟糕?”瑞克问道。 “走吧,我们回家吧,你在那里处理事情。”

Morty didn’t move though, just awkwardly standing there with a leg crossed over the other.

“Morty?” Rick prodded.

“I um… don’t think I should walk,” Morty said, tugging his shirt down.

Rick sighed. “I’m gonna look straight forward and shoot a portal. You can follow behind me and I won’t look at you. Okay?”
瑞克叹了口气。 “我会直视前方并射击一个传送门。你可以跟在我身后,我不会看你。好的?”

“Um. Okay.” Morty tried to take a step forward, but the resulting ache was so bad that his legs shook and he had to grab onto the tree again. “Nope, can’t walk.”
“嗯。”好的。”莫蒂试图向前迈出一步,但剧烈的疼痛让他的双腿发抖,他不得不再次抓住树。 “不行,走不了。”

“Ugh, these must be some serious aphrodisiacs.” Rick examined the flowers. “What kind of night are you getting ready for… Well, Morty, guess I just need to carry you through.” Rick went over to him, and as soon as his arm went around Morty’s waist, Morty yelped and reeled back.
“呃,这些一定是很厉害的春药。”瑞克检查了这些花。 “你准备迎接什么样的夜晚……好吧,莫蒂,我想我只是需要陪你度过。”瑞克走到他身边,当他的手臂搂住莫蒂的腰时,莫蒂尖叫着向后退了一步。

“Ah!” He stumbled and fell onto his butt, quickly covering his crotch with his hands.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Rick demanded.

Morty panted, staring up at him. “S-sorry, just… you touching me made it… worse.”
莫蒂喘息着,抬头看着他。 “对不起,对不起,只是……你碰我让事情变得……更糟了。”

“I don’t have time for this, we need to get you home and make some kind of antidote or let you work through it yourself or something!”

“You knew what the flowers did and you didn’t already make an antidote?” Morty said accusingly.

“I didn’t expect you to eat one! What, you think I’ve got some kinda- some kinda pocket dimension in my coat, Morty? You think I can just carry around an antidote to everything you could possibly eat ever? But listen, I can go home, make you something, and then come back with it. If you’re okay with being out here for a few minutes alone.”

Morty considered it, staring at Rick. His breathing was shallow and his body was heated, wanting, no, needing to be touched, and it didn’t really care who did the honors.

Without thinking, Morty reached to take Rick’s hand, and the skin contact was enough to make him groan. He pulled him down, and unprepared for the other's sudden strength, Rick fell onto his knees over him.

“Maybe I can just take care of it here,” Morty suggested, running his hands up under Rick’s coat, trying to take it off.

“Whoa, slow down, there,” Rick said, grabbing Morty’s wrists. He whined and struggled. “I’m not doing this.”
“哇哦,慢点,那里,”瑞克说,抓住莫蒂的手腕。他哀嚎着,挣扎着。 “我不做这个。”

“Oh come on, please?” Morty begged. His thoughts were hazy and part of him was aware that he shouldn’t be doing this but he really didn’t care. “Making an antidote will take too long, I need to deal with this now!” Rick’s tight grip on his wrists was only making him more frustrated.
“哦,来吧,可以吗?”莫蒂哀求道。他的思绪很模糊,他的一部分意识到他不应该这样做,但他真的不在乎。 “制作解药太费时间了,我现在就得处理这个!”瑞克紧紧地握住他的手腕,这只会让他更加沮丧。

“You do realize who I am, right?” Rick asked in a low tone, pushing Morty completely onto his back. Morty grunted, legs falling open as he was shoved into the grass. He stared at Rick, pupils dilating. “I know it’s hard to think right now, but you need to. I’m Rick Sanchez. Your grandfather.” He spoke slowly, as if trying to soothe a wild animal. “You do not want to have sex with me.”
“你知道我是谁,对吗?”瑞克低声问道,将莫蒂完全推到了背上。莫蒂咕哝了一声,双腿张开,被推到了草地上。他盯着瑞克,瞳孔放大。 “我知道现在很难思考,但你需要思考。我是里克·桑切斯。你爷爷。”他说话的速度很慢,就像是在安抚一头野兽。 “你不想和我发生性关系。”

Morty swallowed. He was aware of Rick’s relation to him. But he still couldn’t bring himself to care. He just knew that his body was begging for relief, his skin was crawling with heat, his pants were tight and his legs were shaking… he needed something, anything.

He tried to free his arms, but Rick refused to let go of him. So he instead used his legs, wrapping them around Rick’s waist and yanking him down on top of him. He moaned against his ear, “Shut up and fuck me, Rick.” He smirked. “That is, if you’ve got the balls.”
他试图松开他的手臂,但瑞克拒绝放开他。所以他转而用腿,将它们缠在瑞克的腰上,把他拉到自己身上。他在他耳边呻吟,“闭嘴,操我,瑞克。”他傻笑起来。 “也就是说,如果你有胆量的话。”

Rick was still for a moment. Then he moved, propping himself on his elbows and looking down at Morty, their faces inches apart. Something strange burned in Rick’s eyes. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t try to talk you out of it.”
瑞克沉默了一会儿。然后他动了动,用胳膊肘支撑着自己,低头看着莫蒂,他们的脸相距几英寸。瑞克的眼中燃烧着某种奇怪的东西。 “美好的。但别说我没有试图说服你不要这么做。”

Morty only had about a moment to feel accomplished before Rick was pressing against him and kissing him, and Morty’s eyes widened as the taste of alcohol filled his mouth. But Rick’s lips were otherwise soft enough, and Morty hungrily kissed back, closing his eyes and just not letting himself think about what he was doing.

His nerves seemed much more sensitive than usual, every brush of Rick’s skin against his was exciting, and he tried again to free his hands. Rick allowed him, and Morty grabbed his sides, running his hands down to the hem of his shirt and feeling underneath it. His skin was so pleasantly warm and Morty wanted to feel all of it.
他的神经似乎比平时更加​​敏感,瑞克皮肤的每一次触碰都令人兴奋,他再次尝试松开双手。 Rick允许了他,Morty抓住了他的身体两侧,把手滑向衬衫下摆,摸索着里面。他的皮肤温暖得令人愉悦,莫蒂想要感受这一切。

“Fuck, Morty, you’re really needy, huh?” Rick asked when Morty rubbed his hips against him.

“I want you,” Morty managed.

“I can tell. You’re losing it.” Rick positioned Morty’s legs more comfortably around him, and responded to his desperate grinding with shallow thrusts.

“Fuck!” Morty tossed his head back, and Rick growled against his throat, one hand holding his hip tightly as he moved. He was growing hard, and wondered if that lingering taste of the flower in Morty’s mouth would have any effect on him. It seemed it already has. Was his body responding to pheromones he couldn’t consciously smell? He wasn’t sure, but fuck did he really want to do this, no matter how wrong it was.

“Just a little slut, aren’t you, Morty?” Rick rasped against Morty’s ear. “J-just a bitch in heat, huh?”
“你只是个小荡妇,不是吗,莫蒂?”瑞克对着莫蒂的耳朵发出刺耳的声音。 “J、只是一个发情的母狗,嗯?”

Morty moaned, arching against him. He felt Rick’s tongue tracing against his earlobe, and his cock strained in his pants. “Ri-ick, please…”
莫蒂呻吟着,向他拱起身子。他感觉到瑞克的舌头抚摸着他的耳垂,他的阴茎在裤子里绷紧。 “里伊克,拜托……”

“Please what?” Rick asked, gathering Morty’s wrists into a hand and pinning them over his head.

“F-fuck me, please, I need…”

“I know, working on it.” Rick palmed his crotch, feeling the outline of his dick. “Damn, these flowers must be good. Look how hard you are already. Does that feel good? I bet it does. Look at how you’re moving for me.”
“我知道了,正在努力。”瑞克用手掌抚摸他的胯部,感受他阴茎的轮廓。 “妈的,这些花一定很好。看看你已经有多努力了。感觉不错吗?我敢打赌确实如此。看看你为我而动的样子。”

“Please, stop teasing,” Morty pleaded. “It’s too much, aah…”
“求你了,别再开玩笑了,”莫蒂恳求道。 “太过分了啊啊……”

“Not gonna come in your pants, I hope? I’m sure you have more self control than that, Morty. You’re not a pubescent child anymore… you can last through some clothed grinding right?”

Morty really wasn’t sure about that. His thighs clenched around Rick’s waist as tension built in his body. “Aah, I don’t know, it’s so… nngh…”
莫蒂对此确实不太确定。当他的身体紧张起来时,他的大腿紧紧地搂住了瑞克的腰。 “啊啊,我也不知道,这样啊……呃……”

Rick licked his lips. “You’re so vocal, Morty. You sound so fucking good. I wonder how you’ll sound when I’m fucking you.”
瑞克舔了舔嘴唇。 “你说话真大声,莫蒂。你听起来真他妈好听。我想知道当我操你的时候你会发出怎样的声音。”

Morty twisted under him, panting harshly as Rick kept teasing him through his jeans.

“For fuck’s sake, Rick, make good on the promise then!”

“Calm down, I’m trying to do a little foreplay with you, but if you wanna skip to the main event then by all means.”

Morty perked at the sound of a zipper going down. “Yes, yes, give it to me!”
听到拉链拉下的声音,莫蒂精神一振。 “是是是,给我吧!”

“I envy whoever my buyer’s gonna fuck with these.” Rick freed himself from his pants. “Take your pants off. One leg will do.”
“我羡慕我的买家能和谁玩这些东西。”瑞克脱下了裤子。 “脱裤子。一条腿就可以了。”

Morty hurried to unzip them, and struggled until he got one leg out of them. His underwear followed suit, and Rick grasped under his knees and spread them apart, watching as his hard cock bobbed up.

“Last chance to change your mind, do you really wanna do this?” Rick asked.

Morty looked up at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, his determined expression. His cock throbbed, and he reached up to Rick’s shoulders, sliding his coat off and admiring him. “I want to do it.”
Morty抬头看着他,看着他泛红的脸颊和坚定的表情。他的阴茎抽动着,他把手伸到瑞克的肩膀上,脱下外套,欣赏着他。 “我要做。”

“Okay, you horny little bastard.” Rick reached over to his coat, rummaged in a pocket, and pulled out a bottle. “We’re gonna need this.”
“好吧,你这个好色的小混蛋。”里克把手伸进外套,在口袋里翻找,拿出一个瓶子。 “我们需要这个。”

“Seriously?” Morty asked as he opened it. “You didn’t bring an antidote for aphrodisiacs but… but you brought lube?”
“严重地?”莫蒂打开门问道。 “你没有带春药的解药,但是……但是你带了润滑油?”

“Never hurts to be prepared, Morty. Speaking of which, I’ve got condoms too, want me to wear one? I’m clean but-”

“No, you don’t need to wear a condom, stop stalling and do me!”

“Okay, fuck, I’m going.” Rick coated his fingers with the lube, wrenched one of Morty’s thighs up, and started loosening him.

The sensation of those warm fingers inside him made him tremble, whining quietly. He watched through half-lidded eyes, following the motions of Rick’s hand, seeing his arousal leak and twitch.

“You ever messed around down here?” Rick asked him.

“Not really,” Morty admitted.

“Whew, you’re missing out. So that means you’ve never felt this?” Rick stroked across a spot that sent pleasure up his cock, and he moaned in response. “Yeah, there it is. You like that?” He rubbed it, and Morty bucked.
“呼,你错过了。那么这意味着你从未有过这种感觉?”瑞克抚摸着让他的阴茎充满快感的部位,他呻吟着作为回应。 “是的,就在那里。你喜欢?”他擦了擦,莫蒂猛地一缩。

“Aah, so good…”

“That’s your prostate, Morty. Little sweet spot we’ve got in there. Incredible, isn’t it?”

Morty’s thighs clenched against Rick’s hand, and he groaned, turning his face aside to bury it in the grass. His stomach muscles grew tense as Rick teased him. “Fuck, I’m gonna…”
莫蒂的大腿紧紧地握着瑞克的手,他呻吟着,把脸转到一边,把脸埋进了草丛中。当瑞克取笑他时,他的腹部肌肉变得紧张。 “妈的,我要……”

“Not gonna come yet, are you?” Rick spread his fingers apart, and slowly withdrew them. Morty nearly cried. “At least hold on for the main event.”
“你还不打算来,是吗?”瑞克张开手指,又慢慢收回。莫蒂差点哭了。 “至少要坚持到主要赛事。”

“Please, I can’t take it… just fuck me, hard, I want you to wreck me!”

“Sure, Morty. Whatever you want.” Rick slicked himself up, and took a moment to face the fact that he was about to fuck his grandson. For a moment, he almost wanted to just make an excuse and back off. But he could see the desperation in how Morty’s hands clutched the grass, how red his face was, the heaving of his chest and shaking of his legs… he needed this. And if he was willing to beg Rick for it, he must be suffering.

Rick decided to just go gentle, and if at any point Morty snapped out of it and wanted him to stop, he would be off him in a heartbeat.

With no excuses left, Rick guided himself to his entrance, pressing against it to test the resistance. There was some, but with the lube he was able to slide in, and Morty relaxed for him too, sighing and letting his legs spread.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” Rick groaned.

“U-um, sorry?” Morty replied, his voice strained.

“Nah, don’t apologize, you feel great.” Rick adjusted slightly, hand slipping under Morty’s back to lift him, and he slid further inside.

Morty closed his eyes, moaning with pleasure. The easy glide sent bolts of sensation up his spine, and he wrapped a hand around his cock, pumping it as it ached for attention. The blissful feeling clouded out all other thoughts, and he could acutely feel Rick’s every movement. His free arm wrapped around Rick’s neck, pulling him down closer, and Rick shuddered as he buried inside him.

“So hot… gah, Morty, you feel like you’re running a fever.”

“Maybe I am,” Morty whispered back. “Maybe I’m hot for you.”
“也许我是,”莫蒂低声回答道。 “也许我对你很热情。”

“Ugh, quit trying to talk sexy before you embarrass yourself.”

Morty opened an eye, giving him a reproachful look, but his response faltered at the sight of the other over him, watching him intently as he pressed inside him. Morty swallowed and blushed, instead just winding his fingers into Rick’s hair and pulling him in for a kiss.
莫蒂睁开一只眼睛,责备地看了他一眼,但当他看到对方在他上方,专注地看着他压入他体内时,他的反应犹豫了。 Morty咽了一口口水,脸红了,只是将手指伸进Rick的头发里,把他拉过来亲吻。

Rick went for it, and Morty whimpered as he took over, eagerly leading the kiss. Morty has made out with people before but this was incredible. Rick was clearly experienced, and it showed in every motion of his lips, the barest teasing of his tongue against Morty’s, the way he suckled at his lower lip every so often.

Morty tried to press forward, get some kind of control, but Rick didn’t let him. He flattened him to the ground, grabbing Morty’s hair with both hands as he tilted his head the way he wanted, kissing him harshly. His hips trembled as he reached the hilt, and it wasn’t long before he was moving, thrusting in and out.

“A-ah, Rick!” Morty cried out, before his mouth was covered once more.

Rick had to lean back for breath soon enough though, and he nipped under Morty’s chin, murmuring, “You’re so loud. I like that.” He soon abandoned his plan to be gentle, knowing that Morty wanted more than that, and fully willing to give it to him.

“Nn, fuck…” Morty was overwhelmed with the sensations as Rick thrust into him, body rocking from the force of it, and each strike against his sweet spot sent intense pleasure through him, far more than he ever expected possible, and he vigorously jerked himself off, trying to get higher and higher.

“Such a mess, Morty,” Rick groaned. One hand slid down Morty’s arm, then went to his hip, before finally pushing his hand away and stroking him himself. “You’re such a slutty little mess. Yeah, you like that? You like what I’m doing to you?”
“真是一团糟,莫蒂,”瑞克抱怨道。一只手滑下莫蒂的手臂,然后滑向他的臀部,最后推开他的手,亲自抚摸他。 “你真是个放荡的小混蛋。是啊,你喜欢这样吗?你喜欢我对你做的事吗?”

“Y-yes, Rick… aah!”

Rick leaned into him, thrusting more firmly, filling Morty up with his entire length and savoring his gasps and desperate bucking. “Of course you do. You’ve never gotten a good cock in your ass, have you? Well, how do you like mine?”
瑞克靠在他身上,更用力地抽插,让莫蒂的整个长度充满了他,享受着他的喘息和绝望的猛冲。 “你当然知道。你从来没有在你的屁股里得到过一根好鸡巴,是吗?嗯,你觉得我的怎么样?”

“It’s aah good, you feel good!”

“Good, because I can do this all day, baby!”

Morty tensed up as the feeling got to be too much, ecstasy flooding his every nerve and the heat consuming him. It only took a few more pumps perfectly timed with Rick’s thrusts before he was swept over the edge, and he cried out.

“Damn,” Rick commented as Morty came in thick spurts, trying to catch it with his hand, but some still got on their shirts and dripped down.

Then Morty dragged him in for another kiss, groping at Rick’s backside, and all it took was a hard squeeze to his ass to get him off.

Rick sheathed himself as far in as he could go as he finished, groaning against Morty’s lips.

For a few moments they just lazily made out, before Rick got a hold of himself and pushed back up. Morty blinked at him as his arms fell to the ground, and Rick withdrew from him and sat back on his knees.

“Well, um…” Rick rubbed the back of his head. He felt good, but there was definitely an unsettling feeling in his gut at what he just did.

Morty rubbed his forehead, sighing as the heat faded. “I’m feeling a lot better now.”
莫蒂揉了揉额头,随着热量消退而叹了口气。 “我现在感觉好多了。”

“I’m glad. Doing that probably flushed the aphrodisiac out of your system.” Rick fished in his coat for a rag and took it out, cleaning off his hand and shirt. “Here, clean yourself up.” But Morty looked pretty out of it, so he just did it for him, mopping at his shirt and down along his thighs.
“我很高兴。这样做可能会将春药从你的系统中排出。”瑞克在外套里摸出一块抹布,拿出来,擦掉他的手和衬衫。 “来,把你自己清理干净。”但莫蒂看上去很不自在,所以他就帮他做了,拖着他的衬衫,一直拖到大腿上。

Finally Morty shook himself, and put his leg back into his underwear and pants, drawing them up.

Rick adjusted his clothes too, sliding his coat back on. He made sure he still had the bag of flowers. “Well, we have ten of these to sell online. Now let this be a lesson, don’t eat weird plants on other worlds.”
瑞克也整理了一下衣服,把外套重新穿上。他确定他还拿着那袋花。 “嗯,我们有十个可以在网上销售。现在就让这成为一个教训吧,不要吃其他世界的奇怪植物。”

“Y-yeah. Lesson learned, I guess.” Morty’s face was still lightly flushed. He kept sitting where he was, dazed. “Did we actually…”
“是、是啊。我想,吸取了教训。”莫蒂的脸仍然微微泛红。他继续坐在原地,茫然无措。 “我们真的……”

“Yes, we had sex.” Rick stood, getting his portal gun out. “Can you walk?”
“是的,我们发生过性关系。”瑞克站起来,拿出他的传送枪。 “你可以行走吗?”

Morty got up. His legs were unsteady, and he put a hand on Rick’s shoulder for support. “Y-yeah. I can walk.”
莫蒂站了起来。他的腿站不稳,他把手搭在里克的肩膀上寻求支撑。 “是、是啊。我可以走。”

“Good.” Rick wrapped his arm around him, and Morty swallowed. “I’ll help you through.” He opened a portal in front of them, and they walked through. Once back in Rick’s garage, the portal closed and Morty immediately sank into a chair, clutching his head again.
“好的。”瑞克用手臂搂住了他,莫蒂咽了口口水。 “我会帮你渡过难关。”他在他们面前打开了一个传送门,他们走了进去。回到瑞克的车库后,大门关闭了,莫蒂立即坐进椅子里,再次捂住了头。

Concerned, Rick pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. “You’re hot. You might actually have a fever.” He turned to one of the many drawers in his desk, opening it. “I’ll just check your temperature and-”
瑞克担心地用手背按着额头。 “你很热。你可能真的发烧了。”他转向办公桌上的众多抽屉之一,打开它。 “我只是检查一下你的体温,然后——”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m okay,” Morty said quietly.

Rick got down on a knee in front of him, holding his shoulders. “You sure? I know that got… intense.”
瑞克在他面前单膝跪下,扶住他的肩膀。 “你确定?我知道事情变得……激烈。”

Morty shrugged a shoulder.

“I mean, you really wanted to have sex with me, you were desperate, but I should have said no. So if I hurt you, I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t hurt me. I… I was crazy horny, yeah, but I did really want to do it. I knew who you were and wanted to anyway. I guess the thought of how wrong it was made it even more exciting. Sorry I didn’t control myself…”

“It’s alright. It’s in the past. If things are cool, we can… we can just move on.”

“Yeah. Yeah, we can move on.” Morty gazed at him, remembering how good he had looked over him, how he had felt… he really didn’t regret the experience. “You know, you didn’t eat any of the flowers. I’m surprised you actually did that, I doubt I’m, you know attractive to you in any way.”
“是的。是的,我们可以继续前进。” Morty凝视着他,想起他对他的注视是多么美好,他的感受……他真的不后悔这次经历。 “你知道,你没有吃任何花。我很惊讶你真的这么做了,我怀疑我,你知道在任何方面对你有吸引力。”

“I mean, don’t sell yourself short, Morty. You were pretty hot.”

Morty blushed. “Really?”
莫蒂脸红了。 “真的吗?”

“Yeah, I-I mean shit, you were all gasping and begging for me, I could see the lust in your eyes, you looked amazing. I wanted you. I know, that’s gross, ew incest, but hey. We both wanted it and everything worked out, right?”

“I guess so.”

“Okay. Great. Now I need to take pictures of these and prepare them for shipment, you can go do whatever.”

“Okay. I’m gonna go shower.” Morty stood and walked over to the door leading back into the house. But he paused in the doorway, glancing back. “Um… th-think we could do that again some time? Maybe?”
“好的。我要去洗澡了。”莫蒂站起来,走到通往屋子的门前。但他在门口停了下来,回头看了一眼。 “嗯……我想我们可以找个时间再做一次吗?或许?”

Rick stared back at him, holding his gaze for a few moments. Then he cleared his throat and looked at his desk, taking out his flask. “Whatever, if you want, I guess. You really want to be one of those Mortys I won’t stop you.”
里克回望着他,凝视了一会儿。然后他清了清嗓子,看着办公桌,拿出了烧瓶。 “无论如何,如果你愿意的话,我想。你真的想成为莫蒂家族中的一员,我不会阻止你。”

“One of… one of what Mortys?”

“The grandpa fuckers, Morty. You th-think this is the first time a Morty has fucked their Rick? Happens all the time, Morty. There’s dimensions out there where we’re a couple, Morty!”

“Oh geeze-”

“The multiverse is a big, fucked up place, Morty! You got the hots for Grandpa? Don’t worry, at least a dozen other versions of you do too!”

Morty pointed at the doorway. “I’m just gonna go shower-”
莫蒂指着门口。 “我要去洗澡了——”

Rick gestured at him, still holding his flask. “You wanna be one of those grandpa fuckers, go ahead, Morty! And I’ll be another one of those Ricks! I-I can fuck you whenever and wherever you want, Morty! And I'll enjoy it and I know you will too! If you want that, Morty!”
瑞克对他做了个手势,手里还拿着他的酒瓶。 “你想成为那些混蛋爷爷中的一员,来吧,莫蒂!我将成为其中的另一位里克!我-我可以随时随地操你,莫蒂!我会喜欢它,我知道你也会喜欢它!如果你想要的话,莫蒂!”

Morty babbled something that sounded like an apology and ran out.

Rick downed the rest of the flask and returned his attention to the flowers. “Little turd.” He sighed, idly touching his lips as he remembered kissing Morty. Then he shook his head and got back to business. He wasn’t going to let himself dwell on this. Though he was definitely saving the coordinates to that flower bush. Just in case.
瑞克喝掉了瓶子里剩下的东西,把注意力重新集中到了花朵上。 “小粪。”他叹了口气,懒洋洋地碰触嘴唇,想起自己亲吻了莫蒂。然后他摇摇头,回到正事上。他不会让自己沉迷于这件事。虽然他肯定是保存了那个花丛的坐标。万一。