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Seoul on a Saturday Night (SKZ)
周六之夜的首尔 (SKZ)

Chapter 10: 10. Crossing lines and borders
第 10 章:10. 跨越界限和边界


We're at chapter 10 already, wow!
我们已经进入第 10 章了,哇!

I appreciate you all so much. I love reading your sweet and supportive comments. Thank you! ♡

Have fun reading this chapter ♡

Chapter Text  章节正文

Chapter 10  第十章
Crossing lines and borders


‘You did what?!’  “你做了什么?!”

‘Wow, don’t yell. Calm your tits, Changbin,’ Felix says as he rubs over his chest. ‘You’re giving us a heart attack.’

‘Calm your tits?’ Jisung laughs incredulously.
“让你的奶子平静下来?”Jisung 难以置信地笑了起来。

‘Hey, I heard a few interns say that to each other. It’s a phrase many cool kids use,’ Felix replies, crossing his arms in front of his chest defensively.

‘The fact you’re calling them cool kids makes this so much weirder,’ Jisung snorts.
“你叫他们酷孩子的事实让这变得更奇怪了,”Jisung 哼了一声。

‘That’s not the point here,’ Changbin interrupts his boyfriend’s banter with Felix. He puts his hand over Jisung’s mouth to make him stop talking. 

‘You mean that I got Hyunjin on the company’s list of employees?’ Chan asks. ‘He was already working at our events but through an employment agency. So what’s the problem?’
“你的意思是我把 Hyunjin 列入了公司的员工名单?”Chan 问道。“他已经在我们的活动中工作了,但通过一家职业介绍所。那么问题出在哪里呢?

‘Not that.’  “不是那个。”

‘That he increased Hyunjin’s hourly wage?’ Jisung suggests.
“他提高了贤珍的时薪?”Jisung 建议道。

‘No, the thing he said after that.’

Chan sighs and he slumps down on the couch. They are currently hanging out at Felix’s place and they just finished eating so much takeout food that Chan feels like his stomach is about to burst. He hoped Jisung wouldn’t mention what he did, and for a good hour, he thought he would get out of this evening without getting incredulous gazes and dropped jaws thrown at him. But he is wrong. He was too hopeful. Of course Jisung would tell. If not tonight, he would tell his boyfriend tomorrow.
Chan 叹了口气,瘫倒在沙发上。他们目前正在 Felix 家闲逛,他们刚刚吃完这么多外卖,以至于 Chan 觉得他的胃都快爆裂了。他希望智星不要提及他做了什么,在整整一个小时里,他认为他会离开这个夜晚,而不会受到难以置信的目光和掉牙的攻击。但他错了。他太抱有希望了。Jisung 当然会说出来。如果不是今晚,他明天会告诉他的男朋友。

‘You heard what I said,’ Chan grumbles. ‘I was shocked to hear how little the employees were paid, so I scheduled a meeting to discuss the possibilities of changing some terms for valued employees.’
“你听到我说的话了,”Chan 抱怨道。“听到员工的工资如此之低,我感到很震惊,所以我安排了一次会议,讨论为有价值的员工更改一些条款的可能性。”

‘So you gave everyone a raise?’ Felix asks curiously as he lets himself fall against the sofa’s backrest next to Chan. ‘That’s actually very nice.’

‘Not everyone. Of course I can’t randomly increase everyone’s salary, especially not after the financially rough time the company had. We’re coming up with some terms, like how long they work for us, what their tasks are, etcetera. If employees meet them, they’ll get a raise or other benefits. Nothing is definitive yet. We’re still working on it.’

He doesn’t mention that Hyunjin was so touched by the gesture that he got teary-eyed when Chan told him last night. 
他没有提到 Hyunjin 被这个举动感动了,以至于昨晚 Chan 告诉他时,他泪流满面。

When Chan found out how little Hyunjin was making from all his side jobs, he used his connections to get Hyunjin a couple of interviews at companies that would pay him more and treat him better than the jobs Hyunjin described. He still believes Hyunjin downplays how badly some of his jobs treat him, but if Hyunjin doesn’t want to tell, Chan can’t make him.
当 Chan 发现 Hyunjin 从他所有的副业中赚到的钱有多少时,他利用自己的关系让 Hyunjin 获得了几次面试机会,这些公司会给他更高的薪水,并且比 Hyunjin 描述的工作对他更好。他仍然认为 Hyunjin 低估了他的一些工作对他有多么恶劣,但如果 Hyunjin 不想说出来,Chan 就不能让他成为他。

Hyunjin doesn’t want Chan’s money, but he does agree to Chan’s offer for a contract at D’Cypher Books and is willing to attend job interviews that Chan finds for him.
Hyunjin 不想要 Chan 的钱,但他确实同意了 Chan 的提议,在 D'Cypher Books 签订了一份合同,并愿意参加 Chan 为他找到的工作面试。

‘You are so in love with that boy,’ Changbin laughs. ‘Dear god, Chan.’

‘I’m not.’  “我不是。”

‘You are. You’re so smitten.’

Chan narrows his eyes at Changbin. ‘I am definitely not. I’m just doing something kind for someone. Shoot me for it.’
Chan 眯起眼睛看着长彬。“我绝对不是。我只是在为某人做点好事。为此向我开枪。

'Give him a break,’ Jisung mumbles, placing a hand on Changbin’s forearm. They share a meaningful look, which makes Chan roll his eyes. 
“让他休息一下,”Jisung 喃喃自语,将一只手放在长彬的前臂上。他们都露出意味深长的眼神,这让 Chan 翻了个白眼。

‘Listen, he is having a hard time financially and I have the money, so I don’t see the big deal. Just because I’m rich doesn’t mean I’m an asshole and don’t care about others anymore. I’m not selfish and cold-hearted, you know?’

‘Of course you’re not,’ Felix says. ‘I think it’s lovely of you.’

‘I would give him my own money if he would accept it, but he doesn’t want it, so this is all I can do to help someone out. Let me do a good deed in peace, please.’

‘You wanted to-’ Changbin starts, but he stops talking when Jisung sends him a warning glare. ‘Sorry. You’re right. It’s a kind gesture. It’s very sweet of you, but I can’t help but wonder if you have feelings for him.’

‘I don’t.’  “我不知道。”

‘But you want to give him your own money?’

‘It’s okay you know. We would be happy for you,’ Jisung adds. ‘Right, Changbin?’
“没关系,你知道的。我们会为你感到高兴,“Jisung 补充道。“对吧,长斌?”

‘What? Yes, of course we would,’ Changbin exclaims. ‘Why wouldn’t we? Sorry if I am too straightforward. I would a hundred percent support you, Chan. It would be nice if you get into a relationship.’

‘I’m not in love with him,’ Chan says, pushing himself off the couch and straightening up. ‘Why is that so hard to believe, God damnit.’ 
“我不爱他,”Chan 说,把自己从沙发上推开,直起身来。“为什么这这么难以置信,该死的。”

‘It’s not. We’ll stop talking about it now,’ Jisung says, trying to calm Chan down. ‘Sorry if we’re pushing too much.’
“不是。我们现在不要再谈这件事了,“Jisung 说,试图让 Chan 冷静下来。“抱歉,如果我们逼得太多了。”

‘You better stop or I’ll leave,’ Chan bites out. He grabs the empty cups and boxes from the coffee table, be it a bit too violently. ‘I mean it. Not a single word when I come back from throwing this in the trash or I’ll leave immediately. Hanging out with friends is supposed to be fun, not feel like an interrogation.’
“你最好停下来,否则我就走,”Chan 咬牙切齿。他从咖啡桌上抓起空杯子和盒子,虽然有点太猛烈了。“我是认真的。当我把这个扔进垃圾桶回来时,一个字都不要说,否则我会立即离开。和朋友出去玩应该是有趣的,而不是像审讯一样。

He walks to the kitchen without waiting for a response. He cleans everything up, throws it in the trash and then leans against the wall. Why are they getting on his nerves so much? The only thing he tries to do is be good for someone who needs it. Wanting to help Hyunjin doesn’t equal being in love with him. 
他不等他回答就走向厨房。他把所有东西都清理干净,扔进垃圾桶,然后靠在墙上。为什么他们这么让他紧张呢?他唯一想做的就是为需要它的人做好事。想帮助 Hyunjin 并不等于爱上他。

Yes, he likes Hyunjin. Yes, he cares for him, but they are not in love, not now, not ever. They agreed they wouldn’t go there, so they won’t. It’s as easy as that. 
是的,他喜欢 Hyunjin。是的,他关心他,但他们没有相爱,现在没有,永远没有。他们同意不会去那里,所以他们不会去。就这么简单。

‘Chan?’ Felix’s soft voice sounds from the doorway, where the man waits hesitantly. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes, I am,’ he grumbles.

‘I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to make you feel under fire. I think it’s cool what you’re doing for Hyunjin. Changbin and Jisung feel the same way. They were just teasing.’
“对不起。我们并不是要让您感到受到抨击。我觉得你为 Hyunjin 所做的很酷。Changbin 和 Jisung 也有同样的感觉。他们只是在开玩笑。

‘They were not. They are serious.’

‘About that they want you in a relationship? Who cares if they do? Wouldn’t you love it for me too?’

Chan’s eyebrows furrow together. ‘What are you talking about?’
Chan 的眉头紧皱。“你在说什么?”

Felix breathes in and walks into the kitchen, apparently deciding it’s safe for him to enter the room. ‘That’s if I were to find someone I fall in love with, someone who makes me happy, you would be happy for me too. You want the best for me too, right?’

‘Yes, of course. You deserve the best, Felix. But what does this have to do with me? I’m not in love with Hyunjin.’
“是的,当然。你值得最好的,Felix。但这与我有什么关系呢?我不爱 Hyunjin。

‘Neither am I, but you want me happy, just as much as we want you happy. Changbin said it with his best intentions. He wants you to be happy, Chan,’ Felix explains. ‘He pushed you too much, I agree, but we all have our flaws. He meant well.’ 
“我也不是,但你希望我快乐,就像我们希望你快乐一样。长斌说这话是出于他的善意。他希望你快乐,Chan,“Felix 解释道。“他把你逼得太紧了,我同意,但我们都有自己的缺点。他的用心是好的。

Chan pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he looks away. Then he sighs and deflates. ‘You’re right. I don’t know why I reacted so badly to this. I think I’m overreacting.’
Chan 将舌头抵在脸颊内侧,移开了视线。然后他叹了口气,泄气了。“你说得对。我不知道为什么我对此反应如此糟糕。我觉得我反应过度了。

‘You have a lot going on lately. It’s understandable. Come back and let Changbin apologize to you. He feels shit. If you say you’re not in love with Hyunjin, then we will stop talking about it, but there is one thing I would like to say.’
“你最近有很多事情要做。这是可以理解的。回来让长斌向你道歉。他感觉很糟糕。如果你说你不爱 Hyunjin,那我们就不再谈论它,但有一件事我想说。

‘Oh, god… what is it?’ Chan groans.
“哦,上帝......这是什么?Chan 呻吟着。

‘Nothing bad. I want to offer looking for open positions at the company I work for. It’s a good work environment, you know. If you can ask Hyunjin to send me his resume, I can ask if there’s a spot open for him.’
“没什么坏事。我想在我工作的公司寻找空缺职位。你知道的,这是一个很好的工作环境。如果你能让 Hyunjin 把他的简历发给我,我可以问他有没有空位。

Chan looks back at Felix, feeling surprised. ‘That’s actually really kind, Felix.’
Chan 回头看着 Felix,感到很惊讶。“这真的很好,Felix。”

‘Of course. You’re not the only hero here,’ he says with a wink. ‘Now come and listen to Changbin’s apology. We rarely get one, so maybe we can let him sweat a little longer by saying you don’t accept it. Jisung says he can beg really nicely. Let’s see if he will.’
“当然。你不是这里唯一的英雄,“他眨眨眼说。“现在来听长斌的道歉。”我们很少得到一个,所以也许我们可以说你不接受它,让他多流一会儿汗。Jisung 说他可以很好地乞讨。让我们看看他会不会。

Chan snorts and slaps Felix against the back of his head. ‘You’re the worst.’

‘And you love me.’  “你爱我。”

Chan laughs. ‘Definitely.’ 
Chan 笑着说。“当然。”





‘No.’  “嗯。”

‘Hyunjin-’  “贤辰——”

‘No,’ Hyunjin repeats, his arms crossed in front of his chest and a stern look on his face. His hair is still wet from the shower and it drips on his bare chest.
“不,”Hyunjin 重复道,双臂交叉在胸前,脸上露出严厉的表情。他的头发还被淋浴弄湿了,滴在他裸露的胸膛上。

It’s a few weeks after Hyunjin’s vulnerable moment, something Chan still finds hard to think about. Not because he doesn’t want the man to be vulnerable, but because he finds it difficult that Hyunjin doesn’t let him do much to help him. If the man would only take his money. Even if it would just be a one-time thing. When he suggested that to Hyunjin the day after, he laughed and asked if that would be the same one-time deal they made with sleeping together. Chan had to admit he made a good point. 
这是 Hyunjin 脆弱时刻的几周后,Chan 仍然觉得很难思考。不是因为他不想让这个男人脆弱,而是因为他觉得 Hyunjin 不让他做太多帮助他很困难。如果那个人只拿他的钱就好了。即使这只是一次性的事情。当他第二天向 Hyunjin 提出这个建议时,他笑着问这是否是他们一起睡觉的一次易。Chan 不得不承认他的观点很好。

Right now, Chan tries to convince Hyunjin that he has a good point this time. He just offered to take Hyunjin with him on his next business trip, but as expected, Hyunjin declined. It’s not surprising at all, yet Chan isn’t going to let him get away with a simple no. 
现在,Chan 试图说服 Hyunjin,他这次说得有道理。他只是提出下次出差时带玄珍一起去,但正如预期的那样,玄珍拒绝了。这一点也不奇怪,但 Chan 不会让他简单地说不。

‘You know it’s kind of distracting that you say no to my request when you’re naked,’ Chan says with an amused smile on his face. 
“你知道,当你赤身裸体时拒绝我的请求会让人分心,”Chan 说,脸上带着有趣的笑容。

‘I’m not naked. I’m wearing a towel,’ Hyunjin scowls.
“我没有赤身裸体。我戴着毛巾,“Hyunjin 皱起眉头。

Chan reaches forward, wraps his fingers around the towel and pulls on it, letting it fall to the floor. 
Chan 向前伸出手,用手指缠住毛巾并拉扯它,让它掉到地板上。

‘See, naked.’  “看,赤身裸体。”

Hyunjin rolls his eyes. ‘You just made me naked. That doesn’t count.’
Hyunjin 翻了个白眼。“你刚才让我赤身裸体。那不算。

‘My favorite thing to do,’ Chan grins, wrapping his hand around Hyunjin’s wrist and pulling him toward the bed. ‘And I also liked waking up to you next to me. Do you know that you make the cutest sounds when you’re asleep?’ 

Hyunjin lets himself fall on the bed on top of Chan. ‘I’m not cute. Besides, you can’t say those things when I’m naked.’
Hyunjin 让自己倒在 Chan 身上的床上。“我不可爱。再说了,我赤身裸体的时候你不能说那些话。

‘You’re using my words against me. Bratty,’ he smirks, letting his hands go over the man’s back, waist and then ass. ‘Then let’s not talk.’

‘You were the one talking to me,’ Hyunjin counters, but his body is already reacting to Chan’s touches. 

‘I know. And you’re going to agree with me,’ Chan mumbles as he leans in and kisses Hyunjin’s neck.
“我知道。你会同意我的看法的,“Chan 喃喃自语,俯身亲吻了 Hyunjin 的脖子。

‘I won’t agree to you taking me on a vacation next week. That’s absurd. I need to work.’

‘I know you need to, but if you get the job that you have an interview for today, you’ll make enough money. Plus, I’m paying for everything on the vacation and also providing enough to make up for the money you would’ve made if you stayed in South Korea.’

‘But still… we’re not dating. You can’t randomly take me on a vacation.’

‘Okay, then let’s not call it a vacation. Let’s call it you accompanying me on my business trip,’ he mumbles, kneading the gorgeous man’s ass. ‘You know how lonely I was there last time.’

‘I need to work.’  “我需要工作。”

‘As I said, I’ll pay you so you won’t lose money.’

‘That makes me a hooker.’

Chan groans and lets his head fall back on the pillow as he takes in the tattooed man above him. 

‘Baby,’ Chan pouts. ‘I’ll be very lonely without you there.’
“宝贝,”Chan 撅着嘴。“没有你在,我会很孤独的。”

Hyunjin laughs and throws himself off Chan before he starts to pull Chan’s pajama pants off his body. ‘I need to work my ass off and you tell me to take a vacation. I don’t have the money to go on a vacation and I can’t miss the payments either. You tell me you will pay me, but how can I agree to that? Will your company allow you to pay a random guy to accompany you? They probably think you’re nuts.’
Hyunjin 大笑着从 Chan 身上跳下来,然后他开始从 Chan 身上扯下他的睡裤。“我得好好工作,你叫我去度假。我没有钱去度假,我也不能错过付款。你告诉我你会付钱给我,但我怎么能同意呢?您的公司会允许您支付随机的人陪同您吗?他们可能认为你疯了。

‘Well, guess what. Since I’m the boss, I don't have to be accountable, plus you’re technically working for my company, so I can in fact pay you for coming with me,’ Chan says, raising his hips when his boxer shorts are being pulled off.

Hyunjin sits back on his heels, places his hands on Chan’s hips and looks at him. ‘That bring us back to my hooker comment.’
Hyunjin 坐回他的脚跟上,把手放在 Chan 的臀部上,看着他。“这让我们回到了我的评论。”

He doesn’t tell the whole truth. Mainly because he will be paying for Hyunjin’s trip with his own money. He knows that if Hyunjin knows about that, he will disagree, saying that Chan shouldn’t do that for him. But that’s the whole point. Hyunjin is so sweet and kindhearted, and never depends on someone’s money and status. It is refreshing that a guy is not going after him for his money. The more Chan gets to know Hyunjin, the more he appreciates him, but also the more he feels sad for him. Hyunjin doesn’t have an easy life and Chan thinks he deserves a break and a trip to Japan. Hyunjin is just too sweet to accept something and probably feels guilty, which Chan wishes Hyunjin wouldn’t. Sometimes, it’s okay to accept something nice.
他没有说出全部的真相。主要是因为他会用自己的钱支付 Hyunjin 的旅行费用。他知道,如果 Hyunjin 知道这件事,他会不同意,说 Chan 不应该为他那样做。但这就是重点。Hyunjin 是如此甜美和善良,从不依赖别人的金钱和地位。令人耳目一新的是,一个男人不会为了他的钱而追求他。Chan 越了解贤珍,就越欣赏他,但也就越为他感到难过。Hyunjin 的生活并不轻松,Chan 认为他应该休息一下,去日本旅行。Hyunjin 实在是太甜美了,无法接受某件事,并且可能会感到内疚,Chan 希望 Hyunjin 不要这样做。有时候,接受美好的东西是可以的。

Chan sighs and takes the man’s wrist in his. ‘Hyunjin, please. I know you don’t like help, but you don’t have to see it that way. This is actually a very selfish offer. I’m going there without an assistant or employee this time and I would love to come home to someone at night. I’ll even have a day off in between so we can visit fun places. Again, selfish offer because I don’t like going alone. You happen to be fun company and I think you deserve a vacation. Everything will be paid for. You don’t have to worry about it. I just want you there with me.’
Chan 叹了口气,握住了男人的手腕。“玄辰,拜托了。我知道你不喜欢帮助,但你不必那样看。这其实是一个非常自私的提议。这次我去那里没有助手或员工,我很想在晚上回家找人。我什至会在中间休息一天,这样我们就可以参观有趣的地方。再说一次,自私的提议,因为我不喜欢一个人去。你碰巧是个有趣的伙伴,我觉得你应该好好放个假。一切都会付钱。您不必担心。我只是想让你陪着我。

Hyunjin swallows, his hands still on Chan’s half-naked body. ‘This doesn’t mean we’re together or something, right?’
Hyunjin 咽了口口水,他的手仍然放在 Chan 半裸的身体上。“这并不意味着我们在一起什么的,对吧?”

Chan shakes his head. ‘No, of course not. We’re just… friends. Right?’
Chan 摇摇头。“不,当然不是。我们只是......朋友。对吧?

‘Are we?’  “是吗?”

‘I think we’re more than just sex. Correct me if I’m wrong, but just sex is a phase we passed a long time ago. And since we’re not dating, friends is the best I can come up with,’ Chan shrugs. 
“我认为我们不仅仅是性。如果我错了,请纠正我,但只是性是我们很久以前经历的一个阶段。既然我们不约会,朋友是我能想到的最好的,“Chan 耸耸肩。

Hyunjin starts to laugh. ‘Friends usually don’t pay for other friend’s vacations either.’
Hyunjin 开始大笑。“朋友通常也不会为其他朋友的假期付费。”

‘I do. I took Felix to Thailand once.’
“我愿意。我带 Felix 去过泰国一次。

‘You did? You paid for that as well?’

Chan nods in agreement and Hyunjin’s facial expression softens. ‘Ah, okay. That changes things. But wait, you haven’t slept with or dated Felix, right?
Chan 点头表示同意,Hyunjin 的面部表情变得柔和。“啊,好吧。这改变了一切。但是等等,你还没有和 Felix 上床或约会过,对吧?

‘No, I haven’t. Hyunjin, will you please go with me?’ Chan pouts. ‘I need company and I need to get laid. Your ass is too good to miss. Pretty please?’
“不,我没有。Hyunjin,请你跟我一起去吗?Chan 撅起嘴。“我需要陪伴,我需要上床。你的屁股太好了,不容错过。漂亮吗?

‘Oh god,’ Hyunjin groans. ‘You’re not going to beg and pout. That’s pathetic.’
“哦,上帝,”Hyunjin 呻吟道。“你不会乞求和噘嘴的。这太可悲了。

‘You know what’s pathetic?’

‘What?’  “什么?”

‘That I want to fuck you so bad right now that I can’t think straight anymore. So please say yes so I can stop being hard while discussing a serious topic.’

Hyunjin’s laugh enforces. ‘I’ll think about it. First, I need to go to that job interview in a few hours and depending on how that goes, I’ll say yes or no. If they want me to start next week, I won’t accept your offer.’
Hyunjin 的笑声越来越大。“我会考虑的。首先,我需要在几个小时后去参加工作面试,根据情况,我会说是或否。如果他们想让我下周开始,我不会接受你的提议。

Chan nods. ‘That’s fair.’
Chan 点点头。“这很公平。”

‘I have another request, though,’ he says, eyes twinkling mischievously. 

‘Anything you want. What is it?’

‘Will you bottom for me if I’ll go with you?’ Hyunjin asks, smirking at him very seductively.
“如果我愿意和你一起去,你愿意替我垫底吗?”Hyunjin 问道,非常诱人地对他傻笑。

Chan blinks a few times, surprised by the sudden straightforward question. Then he flips them over, making the tattooed man squeal as he pins him to the bed underneath him. ‘Fuck you, Hyunjin.’

‘Hey, don’t blame me. I notice how horny you get when I’m touching your rim. Besides, you didn’t mind my fingers up your ass last week either. Or did you?’

‘No, of course not. That felt really good.’

‘I know,’ Hyunjin smirks. ‘You came fucking hard. That first night, you told me you only top, but after last week, I have a feeling you lied.’

Chan smirks, leans down and brings his lips to Hyunjin’s ear. 
Chan 得意地笑着,俯下身子,把嘴唇凑到 Hyunjin 的耳边。

‘You’re right, I lied,’ he whispers, rolling his hips down over Hyunjin’s crotch. ‘I do bottom sometimes.’

‘Fuck, I knew it,’ Hyunjin gasps. His hips bucking up involuntarily.
“操,我知道,”Hyunjin 喘着粗气。他的臀部不由自主地翘起。

Chan takes Hyunjin’s earlobe between his teeth, biting it softly before releasing it. ‘I usually only bottom when I’m in a relationship.’ 
Chan 用牙齿咬住 Hyunjin 的耳垂,轻轻地咬了一口,然后松开了它。“我通常只在谈恋爱时才会触底。”

‘Why?’  “为什么?”

He rolls his hips down again and kisses a trail down Hyunjin’s neck. ‘Don’t know. Trust issues, maybe?’
他再次向下滚动臀部,亲吻了 Hyunjin 的脖子上的一条痕迹。“不知道。也许是信任问题?

‘If you want to take me to Japan, that must mean you trust me. So tell me, if I can make it, will you let me fuck you?’ Hyunjin’s question sounds hopeful and excited. Even better, this indicates that he might want to accept Chan’s offer and join him.
“如果你想带我去日本,那一定意味着你信任我。所以告诉我,如果我能做到,你会让我操你吗?Hyunjin 的问题听起来充满希望和兴奋。更好的是,这表明他可能想接受 Chan 的提议并加入他。

‘Yeah, okay. I will bottom for you,’ he answers after a silent minute. ‘But don’t let that influence your decision. Then I feel like a prostitute too.’

Hyunjin laughs, but then he holds Chan’s face in his hands and looks at him with a serious look in his gorgeous eyes. ‘You have been more than helpful to me these past weeks, Chan. I let you help me more than I always say I do, but I only do that because you respect my boundaries. I appreciate that a lot.’
Hyunjin 笑了起来,但随后他用手捧着 Chan 的脸,用他华丽的眼睛里带着严肃的眼神看着他。“过去几周你对我的帮助非常大,Chan。我让你帮我的比我总是说的要多,但我这样做只是因为你尊重我的界限。我非常感激。

‘Of course. Boundaries deserve to be respected.’

Hyunjin smiles at that. Then, he bites his bottom lip as a thinking line forms on his forehead. ‘Your trip is planned for next week, so there’s a possibility that the new job won’t start until we’re back.’ 
Hyunjin 对此微笑。然后,他咬住下唇,额头上形成了一条思考线。“你的旅行计划在下周进行,所以新工作有可能在我们回来之前不会开始。”

Chan nods. ‘I figured. That’s why I asked.’
Chan 点点头。“我想到了。这就是我问的原因。

‘So, to thank you for helping me and for accepting my boundaries, I think I might want to go. But again, only if it’s possible. You know my situation. If they need me to start next week, I’ll start. Declining the job or coming up with counter offers is not something I can afford.’

‘I understand.’  “我明白。”

‘And if they don’t hire me today, I can’t go with you either because I have other job interviews next week.’

‘I know.’  “我知道。”

‘So I’m saying yes, but only on my terms and if it is possible with my new job.’

‘That’s more than I can ask for,’ Chan smiles. ‘Now please let me fuck you. I’m so fucking hard that I’m dripping on your stomach.’
“这超出了我所能要求的,”Chan 笑着说。“现在,请让我操你。我他妈的太难了,我都滴在你的肚子上了。

‘You’re disgusting,’ Hyunjin laughs. ‘Who stays hard during a conversation like this?’
“你真恶心,”Hyunjin 笑着说。“在这样的对话中,谁会保持强硬?”

‘Anyone on top of a gorgeous creature like you,’ Chan says before Hyunjin crashes their lips together.
“任何人在像你这样一个华丽的生物身上,”Chan 说,然后 Hyunjin 把他们的嘴唇撞在一起。

A few hours later, Chan drops Hyunjin off at his job interview at the company where Felix is working. Felix isn’t involved in the hiring process and isn’t in a position to make those calls, but he notified Chan that a position was available at their company that pays better than Hyunjin’s previous jobs and has a lot of benefits. Hyunjin jumped out of his skin from excitement when he heard about it because if he gets the job, it means that he can quit some of his other shitty jobs and still pay for his apartment.
几个小时后,Chan 送 Hyunjin 去 Felix 工作的公司参加他的工作面试。Felix 没有参与招聘过程,也无法拨打这些电话,但他告诉 Chan,他们公司有一个职位,薪水比 Hyunjin 以前的工作更高,而且福利很多。当 Hyunjin 听到这个消息时,他兴奋得跳了起来,因为如果他得到这份工作,这意味着他可以辞掉其他一些糟糕的工作,仍然可以支付他的公寓费用。

‘Chan, if I can get a few more clients at my tattoo shop, I’m even able to keep my tattoo studio,’ Hyunjin had squealed, warming Chan’s heart.
“Chan,如果我能在我的纹身店多找到几个客户,我什至可以保留我的纹身工作室,”Hyunjin 尖叫着,温暖了 Chan 的心。

Chan has to admit that seeing Hyunjin enter the building makes him nervous too. He knows they said they won’t date each other. He knows they are not going to either, but he can’t help but have a weak heart when it comes to the man. He wants Hyunjin to be happy. Even when they won’t be together and hanging out with Hyunjin will be only temporary, he wants to make the most of it. 
Chan 不得不承认,看到 Hyunjin 进入大楼也让他感到紧张。他知道他们说过不会和对方约会。他知道他们也不会这样做,但当谈到这个男人时,他不禁心里很脆弱。他希望 Hyunjin 快乐。即使他们不会在一起,和 Hyunjin 一起出去玩只是暂时的,他也想充分利用它。

That thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. It will be temporary. Hyunjin won’t stay in his life, and that thought makes him sadder than it should…
这个念头在他的嘴里留下了苦涩的味道。这将是暂时的。Hyunjin 不会留在他的生活中,这个想法让他比应该的更难过......

Chan can’t focus on his job for the next few hours. Jisung comes to him after the meeting and looks worried. 
在接下来的几个小时里,Chan 无法专注于他的工作。会议结束后,Jisung 来找他,看起来很担心。

‘Are you okay? What’s wrong?’ He asks as he enters the office when Chan allows him to come in.
“你还好吗?”怎么了?他进办公室时问道,这时 Chan 允许他进来。

‘Nothing’s wrong,’ he says absentmindedly as he finishes writing an email and presses send.

‘Then why do you look like you’re on edge?’

Chan bites on his lips and watches how Jisung sits down in the chair across his desk, looking at him with a puzzled look on his face. 
Chan 咬着嘴唇,看着 Jisung 如何在他桌子对面的椅子上坐下,脸上带着困惑的表情看着他。

Chan sighs and shrugs. ‘Ah damn. You’re my friend. I can tell. Hyunjin has that interview at Felix’s company now. Honestly, it probably finished a few hours ago. I haven’t heard anything since then and that stresses me out.’
Chan 叹了口气,耸了耸肩。“啊,该死的。你是我的朋友。我能看出来。Hyunjin 现在在 Felix 的公司接受了那次采访。老实说,它可能在几个小时前就结束了。从那以后我就没有听到任何消息,这让我感到很紧张。

Jisung’s eyes widen slightly when he hears Hyunjin’s name, but he decides to ignore commenting on it and nods.

‘Have you tried texting him? You know you can text people first, Chan. I know you rarely do and you keep telling me you’re not dating him nor are you interested in that, but-‘

‘I did,’ Chan interrupts him.

‘You did what?’  “你做了什么?”

‘Text him. Isn’t that what we’re talking about?’

Jisung looks surprised but then collects himself. ‘Oh, you did? Well, that’s good. I think he’ll reply whenever he has the chance.’
Jisung 看起来很惊讶,但随后又镇定下来。“哦,你这样做了?嗯,这很好。我想他一有机会就会回复。

‘The interview was hours ago.’

‘He must be busy with something else,’ Jisung shrugs. ‘Really, I think he’ll be fine. I don’t know him, but from what I hear from you, I conclude that he is not the kind of person to cross the street without looking and getting hit by a bus.’
“他一定在忙别的事情,”Jisung 耸耸肩。“真的,我认为他会没事的。我不认识他,但从我从你那里听到的消息来看,我得出结论,他不是那种过马路时不看就被公共汽车撞到的人。

Chan snorts. ‘No, I think he’s definitely the person who crosses a busy road without looking, but he won’t get hit.’

Jisung’s eyebrows knit together in confusion.
Jisung 的眉毛困惑地交织在一起。

‘Sorry, that probably doesn’t make any sense. That’s just how I see him. You would probably only understand if you know him. So scratch what I said,’ he says, making a dismissive gesture.

Jisung cocks his head. ‘You claim to know him oddly well for a guy you just have sex with.’
Jisung 歪着头。“你声称自己对他很了解,但对你刚刚发生性关系的男人来说却很奇怪。”

‘I claim? You make that sound as if I don’t.’

‘Well do you?’  “嗯?”

He shrugs. ‘I don’t know. I think a little. Especially lately, I feel that I get to know him a lot better.’

‘But it’s still just sex.’

‘We upgraded it to strangers with benefits before and I think now to something close to friends,’ he says, averting his gaze when Jisung’s expression changes. ‘Don’t laugh,’ Chan scolds him, glaring at the man before him, who presses his lips together to prevent himself from laughing. 
“我们以前把它升级为有好处的陌生人,现在我想是贴近朋友的东西,”他说,当Jisung的表情发生变化时,他移开了视线。“别笑,”Chan 斥责他,瞪着面前的男人,后者紧紧抿着嘴唇,不让自己笑出来。

Jisung raises his hands defensively. ‘I won’t. Anyway, please don’t worry about it too much. Since you’re not dating, he’s not obliged to text or call you immediately. Don’t worry. I’m sure it worked out.’ 
Jisung 防御性地举起双手。“我不会的。无论如何,请不要太担心。既然你没有约会,他就没有义务立即给你发短信或打电话。不用担心。我确信它成功了。

Chan nods. He grabs his water bottle from his desk and takes a sip. That’s when he feels his phone vibrating. He unlocks his phone as he swallows down his water and can’t help but smile as he reads the messages.
Chan 点点头。他从桌子上拿起水瓶,喝了一口。就在这时,他感觉到自己的手机在震动。他大口大口地喝下水,解锁手机,阅读消息时忍不住微笑。


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

You’re going to bottom for me!

Fuck, I can’t wait!   妈的,我等不及了!


Chan:  禅:

So you got the job and will start after our trip?

Or you didn’t get the job and that’s why you can join?


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

I got it!   知道了!

PLUS it pays even better than I expected


Chan:  禅:

Told you!   告诉你了!

I’m so proud of you

Congrats Hyun! You deserve it
恭喜 Hyun!您应得的


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

Can’t wait to fuck you!


Chan:  禅:

That’s your reply?   这就是你的回答?

Not a polite “thank you?”


Hyunjin:  玄珍:


I’m too excited to top you


Chan:  禅:

You’re mean  你很刻薄


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

And you like it ;)


Chan:  禅:

Of course I do  我当然愿意


‘Why are you smiling like that?’ Jisung asks.
“你为什么那样笑?”Jisung 问道。

Chan looks up, seeing a curious glistening in his friend’s eyes. ‘You are right. He got the job.’
Chan 抬起头,看到他朋友的眼睛里闪烁着好奇的光芒。“你说得对。他得到了这份工作。

Jisung cocks his head and squints his eyes. ‘You laugh a little too much for only being happy he got the job. Why are you smirking like that? What is going on?’
Jisung 歪着头,眯起眼睛。“你笑得有点过头了,只是因为他很高兴他得到了这份工作。你为什么那样傻笑?这是怎么回事?

Before Chan can answer, he gets interrupted by another incoming message.
Chan 还没来得及回答,他就被另一条传入的消息打断了。


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

Do you like it hard and fast or slow and deep?


Chan:  禅:

That’s for you to find out ;) 


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

DAMN!   该死!

You’re mean too  你也很刻薄

I can’t wait  我等不及了

For the trip of course. I’m grateful! 


Chan:  禅:

I know  我知道

I can’t wait either   我也等不及了


Chan puts his phone away, scared that his wide smile is indeed giving away too much. ‘Hyunjin will accompany me on my trip to Japan. He just told me.’
Chan 把手机收起来,害怕他灿烂的笑容确实暴露了太多。“Hyunjin 会陪我去日本。他只是告诉我的。

‘That means you owe Felix dinner tonight.’

Chan turns his chair and opens a tab on his computer. ‘I’ll order Felix’s favorite meal right away. The guy gets even more than he wished for.’
Chan 转动椅子,打开电脑上的一个标签页。“我马上点 Felix 最喜欢的饭菜。这家伙得到的比他希望的还要多。

Jisung laughs, shakes his head in disbelief and leaves Chan’s office with a wide dimpled smile.
Jisung 笑了起来,难以置信地摇了摇头,带着灿烂的酒窝笑容离开了 Chan 的办公室。





‘Wow.’  “哇。”

‘I know, right?’  “我知道,对吧?”

‘Wow!’  “哇!”

‘You just said that.’  “你刚才说的。”

‘Wow-’  “哇——”

‘Okay, okay, Hyunjin. I get it,’ Chan laughs, pressing his palm against Hyunjin’s mouth. ‘Tokyo is nice.’
“好的,好的,贤珍。我明白了,“Chan 笑着,用手掌贴在 Hyunjin 的嘴上。“东京很好。”

Hyunjin playfully bites his hand. Chan yelps and pulls it away. 
Hyunjin 顽皮地咬了咬他的手。Chan 大喊大叫,把它拉开。

‘Hey, don’t bite me, idiot.’

‘Nice? Tokyo is just nice?’ Hyunjin replies incredulously, ignoring his comment. ‘Are you nuts, Chan? Tokyo isn’t just nice. It’s amazing and beautiful and incredible and…’ He sighs deeply, and Chan swears the man has hearts in his eyes while doing it. ‘I heard about it, saw it on TV and the internet, but in real life, it’s so much better.’
“好吗?东京就是好吗?Hyunjin 难以置信地回答,无视了他的评论。“你疯了吗,Chan?东京不仅仅是好。这太神奇了,很美,太不可思议了,而且......'他深深地叹了口气,Chan 发誓这个男人在做这件事时眼里有心。“我听说过它,在电视和互联网上看到它,但在现实生活中,它要好得多。”

‘I know,’ Chan smiles fondly. ‘A screen can never beat full view vision with your own eyes.’
“我知道,”Chan 深情地笑着。“屏幕永远无法击败你自己的眼睛的全视野。”

The moment the two left the airport and made their way to their hotel, Hyunjin hadn’t stopped gushing over literally everything. Chan finds it adorable.
当两人离开机场前往酒店的那一刻,Hyunjin 并没有停止对几乎所有事情的滔滔不绝。Chan 觉得它很可爱。

‘I agree,’ Hyunjin nods as they wait in the lobby of their ultra-modern hotel to check in, a few people are in line before them. ‘The city is stunning. I especially love the architecture, the beautiful mix of modern right next to the traditional Japanese buildings. I find the fusion of these styles fascinating.’ 

Chan smirks. ‘You know that it’s super hot and sexy when you’re a walking Wikipedia page?’
Chan 得意地笑着。“你知道当你是一个行走的维基百科页面时,它超级火辣和性感吗?”

‘Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source. Anyone can post on there whatever they want.’

‘And you are reliable?’  “你可靠吗?”

Hyunjin looks at him and his lips curl into a smirk. ‘Depends on what you’re talking about. You know I’m very unpredictable in bed, but also very reliable to make you have a good time.’
Hyunjin 看着他,嘴唇弯成一抹得意的笑容。“取决于你在说什么。你知道我在床上很不可预测,但也非常可靠,可以让你玩得开心。

‘You are not predictable in anything you do besides in bed. I find you very reliable and predictable there.’

Hyunjin cocks his head and sends him a daring look. ‘Is that so? Why?’
Hyunjin 歪着头,大胆地看了他一眼。“是这样吗?”为什么?

‘Reliable because I know it’s going to be fucking good and you make me come like no one else. Predictable because you always come while screaming my name.’

Hyunjin slaps him against his arm, eliciting a burst of laughter from Chan. 
Hyunjin 拍打他的手臂,引起了 Chan 的一阵大笑。

‘What? Tell me it’s not true,’ Chan chuckles.
“什么?告诉我这不是真的,“Chan 笑着说。

‘It is very true, but we are currently in a lobby filled with people.’

‘People? Damn, are you sure, Hyunjin? I thought these were all aliens,’ Chan gasps with his hands on his chest.
“人?该死的,你确定吗,Hyunjin?我以为这些都是外星人,“Chan 双手放在胸前喘着粗气。

Hyunjin snorts and shakes his head. ‘Unbelievable. Just when I thought I would see you all hot, bossy and authoritative on your business trip…’
Hyunjin 哼了一声,摇了摇头。“难以置信。就在我以为我会在你们的商务旅行中见到你们这些性感、专横和权威的时候......”

‘I’m still hot as fuck right now. And if you think I’m not, I’ll prove you wrong when we’re upstairs,’ Chan winks as he walks toward the reception desk, where someone is waiting to check them in.
“我现在还是他妈的热。如果你觉得我不是,当我们上楼时,我会证明你错了,“Chan 眨了眨眼,走向接待台,有人正在那里等着为他们办理入住。

The hotel room is stunning. They are high up in a building and after Hyunjin gushes about the gorgeous view—which Chan wholly agrees with— Chan goes for a quick shower in the bathroom. When he comes back with a towel around his waist, he finds Hyunjin sprawled on the bed. 
酒店房间令人惊叹。他们在一栋建筑的高处,在 Hyunjin 滔滔不绝地谈论着美丽的景色后——Chan 完全同意——Chan 去浴室快速洗了个澡。当他腰间缠着一条毛巾回来时,他发现 Hyunjin 躺在床上。

‘Hi, my hot little starfish, what are you up to?’

‘I’m just enjoying the softness of this bed. I’m in heaven,’ Hyunjin smiles with his eyes closed. ‘This is the softest bed I ever slept in.’
“我只是喜欢这张床的柔软。我在天堂,“Hyunjin 闭着眼睛微笑着。“这是我睡过的最柔软的床。”

‘You haven’t slept in it yet.’

Hyunjin groans. ‘Shut up. I will in a moment after I find the energy to change into my pajamas.’
Hyunjin 呻吟着。“闭嘴。等我找到精力换上睡衣后,我就会这样做。

Chan walks over to his suitcase and takes out some comfortable clothes to wear. ‘Oh, really? Do you think we’re going to sleep soon?’
Chan 走到他的行李箱前,拿出一些舒适的衣服穿。“哦,真的吗?你觉得我们很快就会睡着吗?

Hyunjin opens his eyes and lifts his head to look at Chan. ‘We have other plans?’
Hyunjin 睁开眼睛,抬起头看着 Chan。“我们还有其他计划吗?”

Chan throws his clothes on the table close to him. ‘We have. I have the hottest man alive in my hotel room. You think I’ll let him sleep?’
Chan 把衣服扔在他旁边的桌子上。“我们有。我的酒店房间里有个最炙手可热的男人。你觉得我会让他睡觉吗?

Hyunjin laughs and throws his head back. ‘Oh my god, you’re always so horny.’
Hyunjin 笑了起来,把头往后仰。“哦,天哪,你总是那么饥渴。”

Chan raises an eyebrow. ‘And you’re not?’ The man on the bed smirks at him but doesn’t reply. Instead he looks Chan up and down. ‘Also, you’re taking up the whole bed. Choose a side, left or right?’
Chan 扬起眉毛。“你不是?”床上的男人对他傻笑,但没有回答。相反,他上下打量着 Chan。“而且,你占用了整张床。选择一边,左边还是右边?

‘What side do you plan to sleep on?’ Hyunjin asks, his eyes still trained on Chan’s naked body.
“你打算睡在哪一边?”Hyunjin 问道,他的眼睛仍然盯着 Chan 赤裸的身体。

‘Left.’  “离开。”

‘Good, me too then,’ he replies. He starts laughing when he sees Chan’s confused expression. ‘Darling, I’ll be all over you for the next couple of days. On top of you or underneath you, it doesn’t matter.'
“很好,我也是,”他回答。当他看到 Chan 困惑的表情时,他开始大笑。“亲爱的,接下来的几天我会一直照顾你。在你上面还是在你下面,都没关系。

Chan snorts. ‘Who’s the horny one now?’

Hyunjin scrambles on the bed until he is sitting at the foot end. He pulls Chan in by his wrist until he is standing between his legs. His hands hold Chan’s waist.
Hyunjin 在床上手忙脚乱地爬着,直到他坐在床脚的尽头。他抓住 Chan 的手腕,直到他站在他的两腿之间。他的手搂着陈的腰。

'You got me, smarty pants. I am very horny every time I see you,’ Hyunjin reveals before he leans in and plants a few kisses on Chan’s stomach. ‘You’re gorgeous, Chan. You’re beautiful and sexy. How can I not?’
“你抓住我了,时髦的裤子。每次看到你我都非常饥渴,“Hyunjin 透露道,然后他俯身在 Chan 的肚子上亲了几下。“你真漂亮,Chan。你又漂亮又性感。我怎么能不呢?

Hearing those words and compliments does something to Chan. He is not sure why, but they make something in his chest somersault.
听到这些话和赞美对 Chan 有好处。他不知道为什么,但他们在他的胸口翻了个筋斗。

Hyunjin kisses his way down and when he reaches the towel, still wrapped around his hips, he looks up at Chan. His dark eyes sparkle underneath his dark lashes. ‘I can’t get enough of you.’
Hyunjin 亲吻着他,当他到达仍然缠在臀部的毛巾时,他抬头看着 Chan。他漆黑的眼睛在深色的睫毛下闪闪发光。“我对你爱不释手。”

Chan lifts his hand and holds Hyunjin’s chin. He brings his thumb to the man’s lips and waits until he parts his lips. It is mesmerizing to see how his finger runs over Hyunjin’s bottom lip. He softly pushes in, letting Hyunjin’s lips wrap around it. He watches, completely enchanted, how the man softly sucks on it while his eyes are trained on him. There’s something so captivating about Hyunjin, Chan can’t wrap his head around it. 
Chan 抬起手,握住了 Hyunjin 的下巴。他把拇指放在男人的嘴唇上,等他分开嘴唇。看到他的手指如何滑过 Hyunjin 的下唇,真是令人着迷。他轻轻地推了进去,让 Hyunjin 的嘴唇包裹住它。他完全被迷住了,看着这个男人如何轻轻地吮吸它,而他的眼睛则一直盯着他。Hyunjin 身上有一种如此迷人的东西,Chan 无法理解它。

He suddenly feels the possessive need to protect him. It awakens something inside him, an urge to keep him safe, to keep him to himself, not letting anyone else touch him. 

Hyunjin lets Chan’s thumb slip out of his mouth and starts to kiss his stomach again. He grabs the towel with his teeth and pulls on it. The towel falls onto the floor, revealing Chan’s bare body and Chan sees his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he takes him in.
Hyunjin 让 Chan 的拇指从他的嘴里滑出,然后再次开始亲吻他的肚子。他用牙齿抓住毛巾,拉扯它。毛巾掉在地板上,露出 Chan 裸露的身体,Chan 看到他的喉结在他带进去时上下摆动。

‘Let’s mark this room as ours. Let me make you mine,’ Hyunjin says before he dives in and makes Chan moan until the early morning.
“让我们把这个房间划为我们的。让我把你变成我的,“Hyunjin 说,然后他潜入水中,让 Chan 呻吟到凌晨。





The first day in Tokyo is nothing very interesting, at least not for Chan. He attends meeting after meeting and he finds his mind drifting off often. He knows he should’ve gone to sleep earlier, but he and Hyunjin had way too much fun last night. How can he resist someone as captivating as Hyunjin who wants to be pleasured in every way possible? 
在东京的第一天没什么有趣的事情,至少对 Chan 来说不是。他参加一次又一次的会议,他发现自己经常走神。他知道他应该早点睡觉,但他和Hyunjin昨晚玩得太开心了。他怎么能抗拒像 Hyunjin 这样想要以各种可能的方式获得快乐的人呢?

During the entire day, he gets messages from Hyunjin, who promised to show him everything he did today.
一整天,他都收到了 Hyunjin 的信息,Hyunjin 答应向他展示他今天所做的一切。


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

Look at this gorgeous building! 

[attached image]  [附图]

The history of the country is so fascinating! I love it


Chan:  禅:

Looks beautiful  看起来很漂亮

Did you go on the tour we talked about this morning?


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

Yes! It was amazing  是的!这太神奇了

Thank you so much for the trip and the ticket

Wait, let me show you more photos I took


Chan’s phone starts buzzing like crazy after that, so much that he has to put his phone on silent mode to not disturb his employees. He smiles when he opens his phone and sees photo after photo. Hyunjin is in a few of them too, mostly when he takes a selfie. There is also one that shows him posing, which is obviously taken by someone else. Hyunjin smiles and poses comfortably in the photo. He knows it’s none of his business, but before he can argue with himself, he has already asked if he found someone to take a picture for him. He immediately sends a compliment after that, saying how beautiful he looks.
在那之后,Chan 的手机开始疯狂地嗡嗡作响,以至于他不得不将手机调成静音模式,以免打扰他的员工。当他打开手机,看到一张又一张的照片时,他面带微笑。Hyunjin 也参加了其中的一些活动,主要是在他自拍时。还有一个是他摆姿势的,显然是别人拍的。Hyunjin 在照片中微笑着摆姿势。他知道这不关他的事,但还没来得及和自己争论,他就已经问过有没有找人给他拍照。之后他立即发来赞美,说他看起来有多漂亮。


Hyunjin:  玄珍:

Yeah. There’s this Korean girl that took this tour by herself too, so we helped each other by taking photos.

Isn’t it cool that you can be in another country and still find people who live in the same area as you?


Chan feels a slight bang in his heart, but he dismisses it quickly. He has no reason to feel that way, whatever that way may be. 
Chan 感到心中轻微的砰砰直跳,但他很快就不理会了。他没有理由有这种感觉,无论那种方式是什么。

Close to four PM, Chan follows assistant Yoon Jeonghan through the hallways of the modern office in Tokyo. He thought the office in South Korea was modern, but Japan knows how to transcend that with its floor-to-ceiling walls, glass windows and smooth surfaces straight from a movie scene. Everything looks modern and spotless in black and white colors.
接近下午 4 点,Chan 跟着助理 Yoon Jeonghan 穿过东京现代办公室的走廊。他认为韩国的办公室很现代,但日本知道如何超越这一点,因为它的落地墙、玻璃窗和直接来自电影场景的光滑表面。黑白配色的一切看起来都很现代,一尘不染。

‘So, your temporary office will be here,’ Yoon Jeonghan says as he pushes open a glass door and makes a welcoming gesture with his arms. ‘It’s still very bland and lacks personality, but when you, or someone else, comes here to run the business in Tokyo permanently, you can change and decorate it to your liking of course. Just let me know and I’ll buy everything you need.’

‘Thank you, Jeonghan,’ Chan nods as he lets his eyes go over the desk in the middle of the room with two chairs in front of it. There is an entire wall filled with white marbled shelves, but they are all still empty apart from a tiny vase, a sad attempt to make it more lively. 

‘Can I ask you something, sir?’ 

Chan turns around to look at the man in the doorway, a handsome guy who is only a few years younger than him. ‘Of course you can.’
Chan 转身看向门口的男人,一个只比他小几岁的帅哥。“你当然可以。”

‘Is there already a decision made regarding who will take the job?’

Chan shakes his head. ‘No, as I said in the meeting, we’re still figuring out who will fit the role best.’ 
Chan 摇摇头。“不,正如我在会议上所说,我们仍在弄清楚谁最适合这个角色。”

‘I don’t know if my opinion matters, but I would love to be your assistant. It’s always nice to work with a fellow Korean. It makes it feel a bit more like home when I can speak Korean. And I heard from many coworkers that I’m not the only one who hopes you take the job. Everyone finds your opinions refreshing. You have a modern take on the industry and how you want to lead a company. We all think that suits well here.’

Chan feels slightly taken aback by the compliments. ‘Really? I… well, I’m pleased to hear that, Jeonghan. I’ll take it into account. Thank you.’
Chan 对这些赞美感到有点吃惊。“真的吗?我。。。嗯,我很高兴听到这个消息,Jeonghan。我会考虑的。谢谢你。

‘You're welcome,’ Jeonghan smiles. ‘If there is anything you need, let me know. I’ll come and get you ten minutes before the next meeting so we’ll be on time. In the meantime, I’ll take care of the files you told me about.’ 
“不客气,”Jeonghan 微笑着。“如果你需要什么,请告诉我。我会在下次会议前十分钟来接你,这样我们就会准时到达。在此期间,我会处理你告诉我的文件。

‘I appreciate that. Thank you.’ 

He turns around and walks over to the window. The view is amazing. Tokyo is a beautiful city, magical in some way. He can imagine himself sitting in this office, making it his own place and coming here to work day in and day out.

Jeonghan would be his assistant, who seems to be a kind and loyal worker. Most of the coworkers he meets here seem very kind and professional. Everyone so far is friendly and very polite. Hearing Jeonghan say that many find his decisions fresh and modern makes his heart race. They paid attention to his actions with D’Cypher Books in South Korea and, most of all, agreed with them. It makes him excited to take the position. 
Jeonghan 将成为他的助手,他似乎是一个善良而忠诚的工人。他在这里遇到的大多数同事看起来都非常善良和专业。到目前为止,每个人都很友好,非常有礼貌。听到 Jeonghan 说许多人觉得他的决定新鲜和现代,他的心跳加速。他们关注了他在韩国 D'Cypher Books 的行为,最重要的是,他们同意他们的观点。这让他对担任这个职位感到兴奋。

And the best thing about moving here would be not having to deal with his father anymore. Of course he still has to since his father owns the company, but if he is going to be here, he has way more freedom to make decisions he thinks are right. His father has some old-fashioned opinions which he often doesn’t agree with. Being in charge in Tokyo would mean he doesn’t have to deal with that anymore. That would be great. 

And who knows, maybe that will strengthen his bond with his parents again. His father was always strict while raising him, but there was mainly love too. Lately, due to all the stress and clashing opinions at work, their personal relationship has died down along with it. Who knows, maybe going to Tokyo will fix that. Perhaps they can go back to being family above colleagues. 

It would be sad to leave everyone behind. He would miss his friends and their evenings together, them grabbing dinner together or relaxing on the couch late at night. 

He would also miss his mother, even though he often complains about their weekly dinners. He would miss those evenings too, complaining that he has too much work left to make it on time and Jisung pushing him to go and stop early, then his mother hugging him and saying he works too hard. Yes, he will miss that.
他也会想念他的母亲,尽管他经常抱怨他们每周的晚餐。他也会想念那些夜晚,抱怨他还有太多工作要做,无法按时完成,Jisung 催促他早点出发,然后他的妈妈拥抱他,说他工作太辛苦了。是的,他会想念那个。

When he returns to the hotel close to seven and opens the door, he realizes there is also something else he will miss. Hyunjin. If he leaves Seoul behind, he leaves Hyunjin behind as well.
当他回到酒店接近七点时,他打开门,他意识到他还会错过其他东西。玄真。如果他离开首尔,他也会留下 Hyunjin。

The man is sitting on the bed, cross-legged and surrounded by snacks. He is holding a Nintendo Switch in his hands. 
这个男人坐在床上,盘腿而坐,周围是零食。他手里拿着一台 Nintendo Switch。

Hyunjin looks up at him and his eyes start to twinkle. ‘Hi, Chan. Didn’t know you were already on your way here.’ 
Hyunjin 抬头看着他,他的眼睛开始闪烁。“嗨,Chan,不知道你已经在来这里的路上了。”

'Surprise,’ Chan smirks. He puts his bag on the floor, removes his suit-jacket and walks over to the man. ‘What are you playing?’

‘Animal Crossing,’ Hyunjin replies, showing him the screen.
“动物森友会,”Hyunjin 回答,向他展示屏幕。

Chan pushes a few of the wrappers aside and sits down next to him. Then he starts to laugh. There is a cute, cartoonish game seen on the screen, which is held by Hyunjin and his tattooed hands. The contrast can’t be any more significant.
Chan 把一些包装纸推到一边,在他旁边坐下。然后他开始大笑。屏幕上看到了一个可爱的卡通游戏,由贤辰和他纹身的手拿着。这种对比再显著不过了。

‘Heard about it, but no clue what it is,’ he says, peering over Hyunjin’s shoulder. 

Hyunjin leans into him. ‘Well, in short, you have to make your own island. But you’re building it from scratch and you have to gather the materials to make the buildings or furniture. You can fish, dive or catch bugs and butterflies and sell them, so you have money to buy clothes or fund a bridge. And the most fun part, you get to choose your own villagers.’

‘Villagers?’ Chan asks, wrapping his arm around Hyunjin’s waist and pulling him even closer to him. He lets his chin rest on Hyunjin’s shoulder as he listens to the man explaining.
“村民?”Chan 问道,用手臂搂住 Hyunjin 的腰,将他拉得更近。他把下巴靠在贤辰的肩膀上,听着男人解释。

‘Yeah, characters that you invite to live on your island. There are so many and you can try to collect the ones you want. Look, here is one. His name is Roald.’ 

Chan looks at a blue penguin with big eyes and he smiles. Hyunjin talks about it enthusiastically and it’s endearing. It makes Chan’s heart melt. 
Chan 看着一只大眼睛的蓝色企鹅,他微笑着。Hyunjin 热情地谈论它,这很可爱。这让 Chan 的心融化了。

‘It’s cute,’ Chan smiles. ‘You’ve collected a lot of cute villagers. Didn’t expect that from a bad guy like you.’
“这很可爱,”Chan 笑着说。“你收集了很多可爱的村民。没想到像你这样的坏人会这样。

Hyunjin snorts. ‘I think you know by now that I’m not a bad guy.’
Hyunjin 哼了一声。“我想你现在知道我不是一个坏人。”

‘I know. You look like one, but you have the biggest heart I’ve ever seen,’ he says before he presses a kiss against Hyunjin’s temple.
“我知道。你看起来像一个,但你有我见过的最大的心,“他说,然后亲吻了 Hyunjin 的太阳穴。

Hyunjin smiles at that and if Chan isn’t mistaken, he even blushes. But again, he might be wrong. 
Hyunjin 对此微笑,如果 Chan 没记错的话,他甚至会脸红。但同样,他可能错了。

‘So which one is your favorite?’ he asks. 

‘I don’t have my favorite on my island yet. His name is Stitches. I’m trying to get him, but so far, I can’t find him on the islands I visited. It’s hard to get your favorite ones. You can buy his Amiibo card and get him in your game, but they are expensive.’
“我的岛上还没有我最喜欢的。他的名字叫 Stitches。我正在努力找到他,但到目前为止,我在我访问的岛屿上找不到他。很难得到你最喜欢的。你可以买他的 Amiibo 卡,让他参加你的游戏,但它们很贵。

Chan frowns. ‘What’s an Amiibo?’
Chan 皱起眉头。“什么是 Amiibo?”

Hyunjin explains the Amiibo cards to him and throws more fun facts about his favorite game in their conversation. He makes Chan look up his favorite character on his phone, a teddy bear with stitches as eyes. In his search, he stumbles across the card Hyunjin mentioned and while they close the game and get ready to go out for dinner, Chan places the card in his shopping cart and gets it delivered to Hyunjin’s apartment—a little surprise gift for when they go back home. 
Hyunjin 向他解释了 Amiibo 卡牌,并在他们的谈话中抛出了更多关于他最喜欢的游戏的有趣事实。他让 Chan 在手机上查找他最喜欢的角色,一只眼睛上有针脚的泰迪熊。在搜索过程中,他偶然发现了 Hyunjin 提到的卡片,当他们关闭游戏并准备出去吃晚饭时,Chan 将卡片放入购物车并送到 Hyunjin 的公寓——这是他们回家时送给他的小惊喜礼物。





Chan takes Hyunjin to his favorite restaurant in Tokyo. He got here twice during his last business trip with Jeongin and multiple times before that, on other business trips or vacations. The atmosphere in the restaurant is good, the service is even better and the food is beyond anything you can ever imagine. He is excited to let Hyunjin taste the typical Japanese food with a modern twist.
Chan 带 Hyunjin 去了他在东京最喜欢的餐厅。他上次与 Jeongin 出差时来过这里两次,在此之前,他又来过几次,都是在其他商务旅行或度假时。餐厅的气氛很好,服务甚至更好,食物超乎你的想象。他很高兴让 Hyunjin 品尝具有现代风味的典型日本料理。

Hyunjin is currently diving into a bowl of Champon, which can be mistaken for ramen at first glance but is more complex and, according to Chan, more delicious. He has only eaten it in this restaurant before, so he isn’t sure if it tastes similar everywhere in Japan. He can’t wait to find out if he moves here. 
Hyunjin 目前正在享用一碗 Champon,乍一看可能会误以为是拉面,但据 Chan 说,它更复杂,也更美味。他以前只在这家店吃过,所以他不确定日本各地的味道是否相似。他迫不及待地想知道自己是否搬到这里。

The company in Tokyo is amazing and after merging, he thinks he will do great in managing the Japan location. It’s a great opportunity to show his father he is capable of running a company. Not only that, he also thinks he can learn a lot from the job, making him grow as an employee and future CEO.

After Jeonghan showed him the office today, he decided he will tell his father that he wants the job. There are a few candidates, but he thinks that he will get the job the moment he tells his father he wants it. It is their family company after all. 
Jeonghan 今天带他参观了办公室后,他决定告诉爸爸他想要这份工作。候选人很少,但他认为当他告诉父亲他想要这份工作的那一刻,他就会得到这份工作。毕竟,这是他们的家族企业。

But something starts to ache in his body when he looks at Hyunjin, who is basically radiating on the other side of the table. He isn’t sure what it is, but migrating suddenly feels like a bigger step.
但是当他看着 Hyunjin 时,他的身体开始感到疼痛,Hyunjin 基本上是在桌子的另一边散发着光芒。他不确定这是什么,但突然之间,迁移感觉像是迈出了更大的一步。

‘Tastes so good,’ Hyunjin groans after he swallows. ‘I want to eat this forever.’
“味道真好,”Hyunjin 咽下后呻吟道。“我想永远吃这个。”

‘I’ll bring you here more often then.’

‘More often? This is just one trip. Don’t plan to take me on more, please. I agreed to one trip. What is it with you and taking my entire hand when I only allow you to take one finger.’

Chan snorts. ‘You do something to me. I can’t help it.’

Hyunjin looks at him, smiling with a bratty twinkle in his eyes. ‘I can’t wait to do something to you. Shall we do it tonight? Or maybe tomorrow when we have more time?’
Hyunjin 看着他,微笑着,眼睛里闪烁着顽皮的光芒。“我迫不及待地想对你做点什么。我们今晚要这样做吗?或者明天我们有更多的时间?

‘Hwang Hyunjin,’ Chan exclaims, but then starts whispering. ‘We’re in a restaurant. You can’t talk about sex in here. Behave.’
“黄贤珍,”Chan 喊道,但随后开始低声说。“我们在一家餐馆里。你不能在这里谈论性。乖乖听话。

Hyunjin laughs in that adorable way that Chan starts to really love, his nose scrunching. Watching Hyunjin smile, laugh and be happy comforts Chan. It makes him at ease. It makes him forget every worry he has in his mind. It should scare him that he is getting so used to seeing Hyunjin when they are not supposed to take it further than sex. But they have crossed lines before. Truth be told, crossing lines seems to be their thing. It’s all they have done since they met that first night. But they both know where they stand. No matter how much Chan enjoys the tattooed man’s company, they are friends with benefits and nothing more. It can’t be anything more, not with him probably migrating to Japan. Although the thought of asking Hyunjin to come over for a weekend when he lives here entertains his mind.
Hyunjin 以那种可爱的方式笑着,Chan 开始真正喜欢他,他的鼻子皱了起来。看着 Hyunjin 微笑、大笑和快乐,Chan 感到安慰。这让他很自在。这让他忘记了心中的每一个担忧。这应该让他感到害怕,因为他已经习惯了看到 Hyunjin,而他们不应该比性更进一步。但他们以前也曾越界过。说实话,越界似乎是他们的事。这就是他们自从第一次见面以来所做的一切。但他们都知道自己的立场。无论 Chan 多么喜欢纹身男人的陪伴,他们都是有好处的朋友,仅此而已。不能再多了,因为他可能要移民到日本了。虽然一想到让 Hyunjin 住在这里过来过周末,他就觉得很开心。

Chan continues eating and they start talking about Hyunjin’s day. He excitedly tells about everything he has seen and done and Chan enjoys listening to him.
Chan 继续吃东西,他们开始谈论 Hyunjin 的一天。他兴奋地讲述他所看到和所做的一切,Chan 喜欢听他说话。

He gets interrupted by a notification on his phone. He wants to ignore it and enjoy his time with Hyunjin, but a quick glance makes him groan.

He reads Jisung’s message and rolls his eyes. 
他读了 Jisung 的信息,翻了个白眼。

‘What’s wrong?’ Hyunjin asks.
“怎么了?”Hyunjin 问道。

Chan sighs and locks his phone again. ‘Nothing alarming. It’s actually good news, but the way it’s delivered is… well, let’s say my father’s silence speaks volumes.’
Chan 叹了口气,再次锁上了手机。“没什么可怕的。这实际上是个好消息,但它的传递方式是......好吧,可以说我父亲的沉默说明了一切。

‘What do you mean?’   “你什么意思?”

Chan takes a sip of his drink and twirls the glass in his hand, looking at how the fluid slouches against the glass. ‘Don’t take this personally, but my father was very much against your tattoos on the cover. I stood up for you… for the cover. Sorry, I hope you’re not hurt by his opinion. I can-‘
Chan 啜了一口饮料,转动手中的玻璃杯,看着液体如何懒洋洋地撞在玻璃杯上。“不要把这当回事,但我爸爸非常反对你在封面上纹身。我为你挺身而出...封面。对不起,我希望你没有被他的观点所伤害。我可以——'

Hyunjin shakes his head and snorts. ‘Don’t worry about it, Chan. I don’t care. I’m not surprised he is. He’s not the only person. I don’t mind it, trust me. Is your father texting you that now?’
Hyunjin 摇摇头,哼了一声。“别担心,Chan。我不在乎。我并不惊讶他。他不是唯一一个。我不介意,相信我。你爸爸现在给你发短信了吗?

‘No, Jisung just texted me an update. My father has decided not to take the book back from production. So basically, I win. Your photo, with the tattoos visible, will stay on the cover.’
“没有,Jisung 刚刚给我发了一条更新短信。我父亲决定不把这本书从生产中收回来。所以基本上,我赢了。你的照片,有明显的纹身,会留在封面上。

‘That’s good, right?’  “那很好,对吧?”

'Well, yes, but my father isn’t even bothered to send me his decision himself, which means he is still pissed as fuck. He let Jisung deliver me the news. He told Jisung that I’m not worth his time.’

Hyunjin looks at him in silence, his lips parted. ‘Damn…’
Hyunjin 沉默地看着他,嘴唇张开。“该死的......”

‘Yeah, I know,’ Chan scoffs. ‘He even makes sure that a win like this tastes bitter.’
“是的,我知道,”Chan 嘲笑道。“他甚至确保这样的胜利尝起来很苦。”

‘It’s really cool you fought for this cover. I appreciate that, Chan. Don’t let it affect you too much. We can’t choose our family, unfortunately. We can only try our best to deal with them and let them mess with our heads as little as possible.’ Hyunjin’s smile disappears, and if Chan isn’t mistaken, he can even see a sadness washed over his face. The man fumbles with his chopsticks as he looks out of the window.
“你为这个封面而战真的很酷。我很感激,Chan。不要让它对你产生太大影响。不幸的是,我们不能选择我们的家庭。我们只能尽最大努力对付他们,尽可能少让他们扰乱我们的头脑。Hyunjin 的笑容消失了,如果 Chan 没记错的话,他甚至可以看到脸上冲刷着悲伤。男人一边摸索着筷子,一边望向窗外。

Chan reaches over, takes the chopsticks out of his hands and holds Hyunjin’s hand. ‘Hey, listen. My father is just really pathetic about the tattoo situation. Don’t take it personally. He is just an ass and I don’t agree with him. He knows that. Please, don’t feel too bad about it.’
Chan 伸手从他手中拿走筷子,握住了 Hyunjin 的手。“嘿,听着。我爸爸对纹身的情况真的很可怜。不要把它当成是个人的。他只是个屁股,我不同意他的观点。他知道这一点。拜托,不要为此感到太难过。

Hyunjin cocks his head and frowns his eyebrows. ‘Huh?’
Hyunjin 歪着头,皱起眉毛。“嗯?”

‘I shouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t want to make you feel bad. I think you are perfect and the tattoos and piercings suit you. Please don’t change.’

‘Thanks, that’s sweet. But I’m not hurt by that. Don’t worry about it. I know some people judge me for it. I don’t care,’ he shrugs as he looks at their connected hands.

‘Oh, then what were you…’ but Chan stops talking. He is not sure if he is in the right position to snoop around in Hyunjin’s feelings.
“哦,那你是什么......”但 Chan 停止说话。他不确定自己是否处于合适的位置来窥探 Hyunjin 的感受。

‘My family isn’t great either. That’s what I was thinking about if that’s what you wanted to ask. I don’t see them anymore.’ 

‘You don’t?’ he asks, surprised. ‘What happened? If you want to tell me, of course, don’t feel pressured. It’s none of my business.’

Hyunjin smiles. ‘That’s sweet of you to say. I-’
Hyunjin 微笑着。“你说得真好。I-’

They get interrupted by the waitress, asking if they want to order anything else.

Chan looks at Hyunjin. ‘What do you want? We can order dessert here, or I’ll take you to that ice cream shop I told you about this morning. It’s on our way to the hotel.’
Chan 看着 Hyunjin。“你想干什么?我们可以在这里点甜点,或者我带你去我今天早上告诉你的那家冰淇淋店。它正在我们去酒店的路上。

‘Ice cream sounds great,’ Hyunjin nods with a sparkle in his eyes.
“冰淇淋听起来不错,”Hyunjin 点点头,眼中闪过一丝光芒。

Chan tells the waitress that he would like the check, and a few minutes later, they step outside the restaurant. 
Chan 告诉女服务员他想要这张支票,几分钟后,他们走出了餐厅。

It is already dark outside. Tokyo turned black and blue, adorned by colorful lights.

‘You know how hot it is when you talk in Japanese,’ Hyunjin says as he pulls his coat tighter around his slim body.

Chan snorts. ‘There was nothing sexy about that. I just asked for the check and thanked them for their great food and service.’

‘See, hot.’   “瞧,热。”

Chan laughs as he puts his hand on the small of Hyunjin’s back, guiding him in the right direction. ‘Come, let’s get that ice cream.’
Chan 笑着把手放在 Hyunjin 的小背上,引导他朝着正确的方向前进。“来,我们去买那个冰淇淋。”

They decide to walk back to the hotel so they can eat while enjoying the city. Walking around at night, side by side, is calming.

‘So, about my parents… I couldn’t tell you much earlier because we were interrupted, but I can tell you now if you want to know,’ Hyunjin says hesitantly. 
“那么,关于我的父母......因为我们被打断了,我不能早点告诉你,但如果你想知道,我现在可以告诉你,“Hyunjin 犹豫地说。

Chan swallows down his melon-flavored ice cream and nods. ‘Of course you can tell me. Why wouldn’t I want to know?’
Chan 吞下了他的甜瓜味冰淇淋,点了点头。“你当然可以告诉我。我为什么不想知道呢?

Hyunjin shrugs. ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure where we stand with the whole “just sex” thing. What I can or can’t share with you.’
Hyunjin 耸耸肩。“我不知道。我不确定我们对整个 “just” 这件事的立场。我可以或不能与你分享什么。

‘You can share whatever you want. Let’s promote ourselves from strangers with benefits to friends with benefits.’

‘Didn’t we already do that?’ Hyunjin snorts.
“我们不是已经这样做了吗?”Hyunjin 哼了一声。

‘I don’t know. I forget where our lines are sometimes.’

Hyunjin smiles at that, then decides to eat a bit more of his ice cream. ‘Friends want to know more about their friend’s personal lives, so yeah, I can tell. Anyway, as I said, I don’t see my parents. It’s complicated. My father was already out of the picture when I was young. I don’t have any memories of him. I can barely remember him. He left my mom when I was two and I never saw him after. Apparently, he got a new family and as a kid, I thought that equaled not being a good son to him.’
Hyunjin 听到这话笑了笑,然后决定多吃一点他的冰淇淋。“朋友们想更多地了解他们朋友的个人生活,所以,是的,我可以看得出来。无论如何,正如我所说,我没有看到我的父母。这很复杂。我爸爸在我小时候就已经不在了。我对他没有任何记忆。我几乎记不清他了。他在我两岁时离开了我妈妈,之后我就再也没有见过他。显然,他有了新的家庭,小时候,我认为这等于不是一个好儿子。

‘I’m sorry, Hyunjin.’  “对不起,贤辰。”

‘Thanks,’ he smiles sadly. ‘He never said I wasn’t good enough to my face. But having a family somewhere else and abandoning your own kid gives off the same message.’

They turn around the corner and walk away from the main street. The silence of the smaller street is a welcome atmosphere during a personal conversation. 

‘Sometimes the bond between a child and a parent strengthens when something like this happens. You only have each other to rely on, but in my case, it wasn’t. I always had the feeling she blamed me for my father leaving us. I don’t know why, but somehow she did. And the older I got, the more she got mad at me for looking like him. She said I had the same habits as him, then scolded me for it or how my eyes are a copy of his. She hated me for it.’

‘That’s horrible.’  “太可怕了。”

‘I know she was heartbroken by him abandoning her, but that doesn’t justify her behavior towards me. We got into a major fight when I just turned nineteen. I was so done with her talking shit about my father, and about me, for looking like him. I was very rude to her. I know I was and I won’t justify the words I’ve said to her, but the years of pent-up anger came out in that moment. I told her I should leave if she thought I was a burden to her. I hoped she would beg me not to leave, but she didn’t. Instead, she said I wouldn’t be able to support myself. That there was no way on earth I could take care of myself. I said I could. I left the house and never returned. ’ 
“我知道她因为他抛弃她而伤心欲绝,但这并不能证明她对我的行为是合理的。”在我刚满 19 岁的时候,我们发生了一场大吵架。我受够了她说我爸爸的狗屎话,还有我,因为我长得像他。我对她很粗鲁。我知道我是,我不会为我对她说的话辩解,但多年来被压抑的愤怒在那一刻爆发出来。我告诉她,如果她认为我是她的负担,我就应该离开。我希望她会求我不要离开,但她没有。相反,她说我无法养活自己。我根本无法照顾自己。我说我可以。我离开了房子,再也没有回来。’

Suddenly, Hyunjin’s hardship of allowing others to help him makes so much sense. Because of his past, he must feel the constant pressure to be independent and show everyone he is doing well in taking care of himself.
突然间,Hyunjin 允许别人帮助他的困难变得如此有意义。由于他的过去,他必须感受到持续的压力,要独立并向所有人展示他在照顾自己方面做得很好。

It breaks Chan’s heart to see how words can root themselves so deeply into a person and still cause so much pain and struggle many years later.
看到文字如何如此深深地扎根于一个人,并在多年后仍然造成如此多的痛苦和挣扎,这让 Chan 心碎。

‘I’m sorry, Hyunjin. That is horrible. You don’t deserve any of that.’

Hyunjin shrugs. ‘I don’t know. There are people with way worse stories. Mine isn’t too bad.’
Hyunjin 耸耸肩。“我不知道。有些人的故事要糟糕得多。我的还不错。

Chan places his hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder. ‘Just because someone else has it worse doesn’t mean you can’t allow yourself to feel bad about your situation. There’s always going to be someone who has it worse, that doesn’t diminish what you went through.’
Chan 把手放在 Hyunjin 的肩膀上。“仅仅因为别人的情况更糟并不意味着你不能允许自己对自己的情况感到难过。总会有人经历得更糟,但这并不会减少你所经历的。

‘Yeah, maybe you’re right,’ he sighs. ‘You know what is funny? I found my dad a few years ago.’

‘You did?’   “你有?”

‘Yeah, but it wasn’t the fairytale reunion I had dreamed of. I had too much hope that he hadn’t left voluntarily. And if he did, I hoped my mother told him to stay away from me. I think I watched too many dramas and movies, but I secretly hoped he had always wanted to be in touch with me, but my mother denied him that.’

‘But that wasn’t the case?’ Chan asks hesitantly, scared to hear the answer, as he puts another spoon of ice cream in his mouth.
“但事实并非如此?”Chan 犹豫地问道,害怕听到答案,同时他又把一勺冰淇淋放进嘴里。

Hyunjin shakes his head as they walk into the lobby of their hotel. ‘Nope, not at all. I’ll spare you the details, but I don’t feel the desire to see him anymore and neither does he. So here you have it, I’m weird and twisted.’
Hyunjin 摇了摇头,他们走进了酒店的大堂。“不,一点也不。我就不告诉你细节了,但我不想再见他了,他也不想再见他了。所以你有它,我很奇怪,很扭曲。

‘You’re not weird and twisted at all. What are you talking about?’ Chan says. He bows friendly to the security guards and Hyunjin follows his example. 
“你一点也不奇怪和扭曲。你在说什么?“Chan 说。他友好地向保安鞠躬,Hyunjin 也效仿他。

It is quiet in the hotel lobby tonight, something Chan doesn’t mind. 
今晚酒店大堂很安静,Chan 并不介意这一点。

‘I don’t know. I don’t really have a normal past and childhood.’

‘Does anyone?’ Chan retorts. ‘Trust me when I say that what happens to you says nothing about who you are as a person. The only thing I think about it, is that it makes you an even stronger person than I already thought you were.’
“有人吗?”Chan 反驳道。“相信我,当你说发生在你身上的事情并不能说明你作为一个人是谁时。我唯一想的是,它让你成为一个比我想象的更强大的人。

Hyunjin sends him a grateful smile as they step into the elevator. ‘That’s actually really sweet of you to say.’
当他们踏入电梯时,Hyunjin 向他露出一个感激的微笑。“你这么说其实真是太好了。”

‘Why do you sound surprised?’

Hyunjin shrugs. ‘Well, let’s not forget that all we did was fight each other on any sentence the other said when we first met.’
Hyunjin 耸耸肩。“嗯,别忘了,我们所做的只是因为对方第一次见面时说的任何一句话而互相争吵。”

‘I wouldn’t call it fighting.’

‘Bickering?’  “争吵?”

‘Let’s call it friendly banter,’ Chan states. 
“我们称之为友好的玩笑吧,”Chan 说。

Hyunjin bursts into laughter. ‘Sure, let’s call it that. And take that shit-eating grin off your face.’
Hyunjin 大笑起来。“当然,我们还是这么说吧。把你脸上那种吃屎的笑容拿掉。

‘It’s not shit-eating. I smile very cutely.’

‘That’s not cute. That’s smug,’ Hyunjin laughs, pushing against Chan’s shoulder.
“那可不可爱。真是自鸣得意,“Hyunjin 笑着推着 Chan 的肩膀。

‘You’re annoying,’ Chan fake glares at him.

‘Aaaa, there’s the Chan I got to know in the club again.’
“啊啊,我在俱乐部又认识了那个 Chan。”

Chan groans as he follows a very smug-looking Hyunjin out of the elevator. ‘Look who has a shit-eating grin on his face now, huh?’
Chan 呻吟着跟着看起来非常自鸣得意的 Hyunjin 走出电梯。“看看现在谁的脸上露出吃屎的笑容,是吧?”

When they return to their hotel room, Hyunjin takes a shower while Chan has some work emails he needs to answer before they go to sleep. They switch places after Hyunjin is finished and when Chan steps back into the hotel room, while drying his hair with a towel, he finds Hyunjin wrapped in blankets on the bed. He looks soft and ethereal, ready to be hugged and protected from the dark outside world. Chan wonders when it changed. When did this sassy bad guy change in to someone he finds cute, adorable, but still attractive and smoking hot? He has no idea when the shift happened, but he doesn’t mind that it did. There are more layers to Hyunjin than he knew when they met that night in the club. Of course there were. Hyunjin isn’t a shallow person. Only looking pretty and riling people up isn’t all there is to him. Chan thinks the man gets more interesting and beautiful the more he gets to know him. 
当他们回到酒店房间时,Hyunjin 洗了个澡,而 Chan 有一些工作邮件需要在他们睡觉前回复。玄辰完成后,他们交换了位置,当 Chan 回到酒店房间时,他一边用毛巾擦干头发,一边发现 Hyunjin 裹着毯子躺在床上。他看起来柔软而空灵,随时准备被拥抱并受到保护,免受外面黑暗世界的伤害。Chan 想知道它是什么时候改变的。这个时髦的坏人什么时候变成了一个他觉得可爱、可爱但仍然有吸引力且火辣辣的人?他不知道这种转变是什么时候发生的,但他并不介意它发生了。Hyunjin 的层次比他那天晚上在俱乐部见面时所知道的要多。当然有。Hyunjin 不是一个肤浅的人。他只擅长外表漂亮和激怒人们。Chan 认为这个男人越了解他就越有趣、越美丽。

He doesn’t realize that he is smiling until Hyunjin cuts off his thoughts.
他没有意识到自己在微笑,直到 Hyunjin 打断了他的思绪。

‘Hey hot stuff, why are you smiling like an idiot over there?’


[forever right now - Conor Matthews]


Chan shakes his head and walks to the bed. ‘Nothing. Just thinking that I feel honored that you talk to me about yourself, your life and your past. I like that we can do that now.’

A soft smile tugs on the corners of Hyunjin’s mouth. ‘I like that too. A lot.’ He untangles himself from the blankets, reaches over to Chan’s arm and wraps his fingers around Chan’s wrist. ‘Come here.’

Chan lets himself get pulled on the bed and within no time, their bodies are pressed together, legs intertwined and hands on each other’s bodies while they make out. 

They made out many times before. They kissed and touched each other enough for Chan to know exactly what Hyunjin feels like, where his curves start, where his firm muscles end and where his skin is the softest. Doing that would imply that it feels the same every time you do it, yet tonight it doesn’t. 
他们之前亲热过很多次。他们亲吻和抚摸,足以让 Chan 确切地知道 Hyunjin 是什么感觉,他的曲线从哪里开始,他结实的肌肉在哪里结束,他的皮肤在哪里最柔软。这样做意味着你每次做的时候感觉都是一样的,但今晚却不是。

Tonight feels different. No matter the times they made out, no matter how often they had sex, tonight is different. 

Chan knows what is different when he kisses Hyunjin slowly and deeply. He knows what is different when his hand sneaks between their bodies and wraps around Hyunjin’s length. 
Chan 知道当他缓慢而深深地亲吻 Hyunjin 时有什么不同。当他的手偷偷溜进他们的身体并缠绕在 Hyunjin 的长度上时,他知道有什么不同。

He knows exactly what they are doing when he brings Hyunjin to a climax with just his hand, holding him tight and making him tremble in his arms. 
当他只用一只手将 Hyunjin 带到高潮时,他清楚地知道他们在做什么,紧紧地抱着他,让他在怀里颤抖。

By the time he is fucking Hyunjin, he is sure the other knows too. They are both in it. They are both doing it. Neither of them mentions it. Neither of them wants to put into words what just changed. They only revel in being close, in the feeling of having sex, slow, soft and sweet. The orgasm it ends with is more intense than Chan experienced in years. 
当他操 Hyunjin 时,他确信对方也知道。他们都在其中。他们都在这样做。他们都没有提到这件事。他们都不想用语言来描述刚刚发生的变化。他们只陶醉于亲密,陶醉于做爱的感觉,缓慢、柔软和甜蜜。它结束的性高潮比 Chan 多年来所经历的还要强烈。

And after, he isn’t ready to let Hyunjin go yet. They end up cuddling and talking to each other while he softly scratches Hyunjin’s scalp and holds him close. Chan realizes he will miss this a lot if he leaves Seoul behind, and he doesn’t want to say out loud what he thinks it means. Not tonight. 
之后,他还没有准备好让 Hyunjin 走。他们最终互相拥抱和交谈,而他轻轻地挠着 Hyunjin 的头皮并紧紧地抱着他。Chan 意识到,如果他离开首尔,他会非常想念这一点,他不想大声说出他认为这意味着什么。今晚不行。

He wants tonight to last forever. 