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第8章 怀疑 Chapter 8: The Last Day8

Everyone turned their heads, and the snowfields and forests on both sides disappeared, turning into steep mountain walls and cliffs. The train was completely traveling on a narrow mountain track, and there was no way to go either way. It was extremely dangerous.

"Forget about the outside." Professor Han looked at the two corpses in the carriage with a solemn expression.

Chen Yi placed it against the wall. He broke off the toothbrush with blood on it and pressed it under his feet. Other than the knife wound on his chest and the blood on his face, there were no other wounds.

However, the woman with the oval face was different. Her neck was broken, her head was tilted to one side, and her bloodshot eyes popped out. She looked ferocious.

There were three bites on her shoulder and arm, uneven in size, missing flesh and bleeding all over.

"Why are there still people who have fallen?" The female student hid behind Professor Han and cried non-stop.

评论用户AI读书居然自动改字?? AI reading actually automatically changed words?

Professor Han sighed. He already had an answer in his heart. In order not to violate the taboo of the game, the reserve players should make as few moves as possible, but there were still some people who had fallen. It was obvious that his words during the day were not useless, but an inevitable result.

"The food on the train may not be useful to posthumans who have already eaten people. They will still be hungry at night."

Xu Huo wiped away the blood that had already coagulated on the back of his hand and slowly lit a cigarette. His gaze swept across the square-faced man, Li Fei, and the middle-aged woman.

Professor Han was right. Evolvers who had eaten people would have a gluttonous appetite at night, which was in line with the invisible rules of trains. As long as they had eaten people, whether before or after they got on the train, they would be classified as a class.

The food on the train could not completely relieve hunger. All the bloody players on the train should know this. In this case, they had to kill the normal players.

"There must be some bloody players among us." The woman with heavy makeup looked at the square-faced man suspiciously.

" I'm injured. The people in our carriage are all clean. I heard someone running out. It might not be the players in our carriage." The square-faced man pointed at the blood stains on his arm. There were some blood stains on his hands, which were left behind when he examined the corpse yesterday.

However, just as he finished speaking, Xu Huo, who was standing a few meters away, threw his cigarette butt at his face!

" What are you doing…" The square-faced man was shocked and furious, but when he looked up, he saw the person standing a few meters away rushing in front of him. Before he could react, his throat was grabbed and pressed against the wall, stabbing him through the heart!

  车厢里的人惊骇变色,纷纷惊呼:“你干什么!”  The people in the carriage were shocked and exclaimed," What are you doing!"2

The square-faced man glared at Xu Huo, completely unable to understand why Xu Huo would suddenly attack. He opened his mouth to say something, but Xu Huo didn't give him the chance. He directly kicked him into a corner to be with the woman with the oval face.

Xu Huo, what are you doing?" Li Fei stepped forward and grabbed Xu Huo's shoulder. This square-faced man could be considered his ally. Could Xu Huo's murder be aimed at him?

" He's a bloody player." Xu Huo pushed his hand away and walked over to pull out the knife. He wiped the other party's clothes and shoulders again. His expression was calm and did not look like he had just killed someone.

Because of his actions, the carriage was silent for a few seconds. Then, the woman with heavy makeup asked," What evidence is there?"

" The players in the third-class car can't open the rear door." Xu Huo said,"Didn't you notice that there's a doorbell outside the back door? Unless the second-class players take the initiative to open it, the third-class players won't be able to enter."

"So that's how it is." Professor Han was the first to understand." We can't open the back door of the first-class seat either."

When he went to the bathroom yesterday, he noticed the difference between the two doors. When the third-class seat changed, he was only on guard against the person opposite him rushing in. He didn't care about the doorbell outside the door at all.

"So you say yes?" Li Fei snorted coldly." A third-class person can't testify!"

  “你去一等座试试。”徐获瞥他一眼。  "Try first class." Xu Huo glanced at him.

  李飞一噎,谁要出去,被袭击了怎么办?  Li Fei choked. Who wanted to go out? What if they were attacked?1

" But that doesn't mean he's a bloody player." The woman with heavy makeup said,"There are still two gatekeepers. What if he was cheated too?"

"Only he said someone came in and heard footsteps." "He's the most suspicious," Xu Huo said.

Evolvers 'hearing was far better than ordinary people's. It was impossible for others in the carriage to approach the door silently. The three people guarding the door were the most suspicious. The square-faced man who shouted that someone was coming from outside first, and then added the unnecessary step of saying that he heard footsteps going out, confessed without hesitation.

Of course, this was because he hadn't noticed the use of the doorbell, otherwise he wouldn't have died from such an obvious mistake.

  不过,另外两个人也不是没有嫌疑。  However, the other two were not without suspicion.

"He's already dead. Of course you can say anything!" Li Fei said,"You killed someone without even asking. You're not a good person either!"

" The dimensional crack is a game after all. There will definitely be rewards at the end of the game. After you get in and out of the car, it seems that you know a lot of inside information. Is it because killing other players will help you clear the level that you can't wait to kill?"

As he spoke, he stood in the middle of the players and said passionately," Everyone, listen to me. He killed without evidence. If the two people who died in his hands were not Bloody Players, then we were deceived by him. If he still wants to kill at night, we might all die in his hands! We can't wait to die, everyone!"

评论用户暴民还是铁狼,小伙子发言有点自爆的意思 The mob is still an iron wolf. The young man's speech is a bit self-destructive.

"You don't have any evidence to prove that they are ordinary players either." Professor Han's expression was complicated. Xu Huo's words made sense, but he would kill someone just because he suspected something. As an Evolver, his coldness was terrifying.

  不过他也明白,这是最快免除后患的办法。  However, he also understood that this was the quickest way to avoid future troubles.

The female student stepped forward." I believe Xu Huo. He saved me yesterday. Otherwise, Chen Yi would have killed me too."

"Female benefactor is right. Mr. Xu is a good person." Yan Jiayu, who had been silent, also spoke up for Xu Huo." He's willing to give food to the weak. He must be kind."

Such a simple logic makes Li Fei angry."That's because he doesn't lack money! The news was bought through loopholes! I don't care if I have that much money."

" There are three wounds on that woman's body," He Yang said at this time." Evolvers only need a little meat. There's no need to bite three times. Who's the rest? Although Chen Yi is dead, his body is intact. Instead, it was you…I remember that you were at the door when I counted."

Li Fei's face immediately darkened." I heard that someone broke in, so I was kind enough to help. If you don't believe me, forget it. Don't throw dirty water on me!"

"Besides, her wounds were all bitten. I'm not stained with blood!"

That was the strange part. The oval faced woman only had three bites on her body, while the square-faced man's mouth was clean even though he was injured.

  没有他们互相攻击的证据。  There is no evidence that they attacked each other.

" Maybe the game helped…" The female student whispered." Maybe the bloody players of the game gang are targeting us ordinary players."

Several eyes in the carriage fell on her at the same time. Even the middle-aged woman who had been hiding in the corner raised her head, scaring the little girl into hiding behind Professor Han.

"Whatever you say." Li Fei was a little angry, but he didn't intend to fall out with the others. Therefore, he said," Don't forget, there's still someone guarding the door!"

"Old man, did you hear anything?" Yan Jiayu asked the old man sitting by the door.

The old man shook his head." I didn't hear footsteps, but someone bit me."

He pointed to the teeth mark on his shoulder and opened his coat collar. The star on his uniform's epaulette had been bitten out of shape, but thanks to the epaulette, he was only slightly injured.

  “原来您是军人。”韩教授肃然起敬,忙去扶他。  "So you're a soldier." Professor Han was awed and hurried to help him up.3

  老人连忙摆摆手,“我只是一个普通老头而已。”  The old man waved his hand hurriedly." I'm just an ordinary old man."10

Old hunter, secular prophet, protagonist Iron Blood Demon Hunter killed one at night killed one during the day, there is a god, gkd jumped out good people kidnapped open rushed

Xu Huo went over and took a look." Xing 'er almost bit through it. I'm afraid his teeth will break."

海晏山 · 作家说 Haiyanshan·Writer said
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第9章 违规 Chapter 9: The Last Day10

  严嘉鱼小声嘀咕,“恶有恶报。”  Yan Jiayu muttered softly," Evil is rewarded."

The woman with heavy makeup examined the two men's mouths on the ground." The teeth are intact."

  作势还要检查其他人的牙齿。  And I'm supposed to check other people's teeth.

"Alright, I'm just saying. It's not true." He Yang pouted at the middle-aged woman who had already stood up and was about to show her teeth. He then glared at Li Fei." Are you satisfied?"

Li Fei snorted coldly and turned to search for something on the dead body. He did not find anything useful before he sat in the corner and cursed.

This was very normal. Most players were sent to the train without knowing it, and they carried very few or no items with them.

  “逝者已矣,我们抓紧时间休息吧。”韩教授道。  " The dead are dead. Let's hurry up and rest." Professor Han said.

There was no point in arguing whether the players who had died were Bloody players, because they could not kill Xu Huo or Li Fei. Firstly, whether they could succeed or not, and secondly, no one could guarantee that there were no Bloody players among the remaining players. The fewer the players, the higher the risk.

Xu Huo took Li Fei's place and sat down beside the light switch. The woman with heavy makeup sat down opposite him." I believe you. What else do you know? Tell me we can work together."

  徐获看着她,“消息换消息。”  Xu Huo looked at her." Message for message."

The woman with heavy makeup used her hand to block the phone screen and typed a line of words before placing it in front of him.

  “血腥玩家通过吃增强体能,吃越多胃口越大。”  " Bloody players increase their stamina by eating. The more they eat, the greater their appetite."2

This was consistent with Xu Huo's guess. Bloody players would maintain their devouring instinct. He thought for a moment and turned on his phone. To save battery, he had turned it off before the lights went out yesterday.

  “血腥玩家特性增长有限。”  " Blood player's characteristic growth is limited."

  这也是他的猜测。  This was also his guess.1

When he fought Chen Yi, he realized that his speed had greatly increased. It was much faster than before he got on the car. This was probably related to his characteristic," legs that don't fatigue ". Bloody players could quickly gain physical strength, so there must be some deficiencies in other aspects. Otherwise, the " dimensional crack " should have been changed to " degenerate game ".

Professor Han was very insightful. The mainstream of games played by others must conform to people's ethics and three views.

  至于是不是特性受限,他不确定。  As for whether or not the characteristics were limited, he wasn't sure.

The woman with heavy makeup looked a little unsightly, but she quickly asked him who he suspected was a bloody player.

  李飞、中年妇女嫌疑很大,老人也是。  Li Fei, middle-aged women are very suspicious, and so are the elderly.1

Among the remaining people, although they were in chaos last night, Xu Huo did not find any trace of Yan Jiayu. Just now, he noticed that her breathing and footsteps were very light.

  也许是特性,也许是进化。不排除她是血腥玩家。  Maybe it's a trait, maybe it's evolution. She could not be ruled out as a bloody player.

  奇怪的是给他作证的马尾女学生。  Weird is the ponytail schoolgirl who testified against him.3

Chen Yi had actually been standing beside him the whole time yesterday. Instead, she was standing on the other side of the door, but she did not hesitate to help him speak.

Moreover, she shouted before Chen Yi attacked, but she remained intact afterwards, which seemed a little abrupt.

评论用户咬老人,牙疼,所以叫了一声? Bite the old man, toothache, so you scream?

On the other side, the female student was trembling as she showed her phone to Professor Han and He Yang. After they finished reading, both of them looked solemn.

Xu Huo didn't make much progress in communicating with the woman with heavy makeup. He was sure that she didn't know much about the train, so he lost interest in talking.

  很快到了午餐时间。  Soon it was lunchtime.

The attendant, who turned a blind eye to the corpses and blood stains in the carriage, handed the menu to the person sitting in the first row.

The situation was similar to yesterday. The players had to consume at least one glass of water. Professor Han gave the old man a glass of water, and the old man still called Yan Jiayu. The two of them mixed water with cookies to eat.

As the richest person in the second-class carriage, Xu Huo ordered a meat dish and a bowl of rice for 800 white bills. He then took out 1,200 cents and 1,000 cents and handed them to the attendant." Mr. Chef, your cooking skills are excellent. This is a small token of my appreciation. Please help me make a trip."

评论用户我明白了,合理消费 I see. Reasonable consumption.

The attendant's expression immediately changed. He quickly accepted the two hundred white notes." Sir, I will definitely convey your thoughts."

The stewards who rejected Li Fei and the others yesterday were now helping the chef to receive benefits. It really worked. I wonder what benefits they would get next. It made people jealous.

For a moment, Li Fei even wanted to detain the flight attendant and force him to interrogate her.

However, he quickly dismissed this idea because there was a commotion from the third-class seat. A player was thrown out of the train and thrown off the cliff. Before the wailing could disappear, the train announcement sounded.

" Third-class player,'I'm the best in the world', has been expelled for assaulting a flight attendant."

The announcement rang three times, and the steward walked back to the second-class carriage intact, looking unfriendly.

Li Fei didn't even dare to look at him. The middle-aged woman also looked scared. Fortunately, the flight attendant didn't come back after leaving.

  “真的会被赶下车啊……”严嘉鱼喃喃道。  " I'll really be chased out of the car…" Yan Jiayu muttered.

  其他人望着车窗外完全看不到底的风景沉默。  The others looked out of the car window at the completely bottomless scenery in silence.

After becoming an Evolver, the extraordinary strength brought about by the increase in physical strength inevitably made people's mentality expand. Yesterday, most people might still have a playful attitude towards the game. Even if they killed each other at night, everyone was mentally prepared. After all, Evolvers did not attack each other after getting on the bus.

But the crew's intervention tells them that even when they become stronger, they still have no power to fight back against the game characters.

  这意味着游戏规则不容违反,也代表了游戏的危险。  This means that the rules of the game cannot be violated, but also represents the danger of the game.1

"Someone's money has gone down the drain." Li Fei pricked out of an unknown mentality.

  徐获看着前门当没听到。  Xu Huo looked at the front door as if he didn't hear anything.

  韩教授跟何洋几人搭手,打算把尸体抬到角落里。  Professor Han joined hands with He Yang and the others, intending to carry the corpse to a corner.

  “分开摆吧。”徐获道:“后门两具前门一具。”  "Separate them." Xu Huo said,"Two at the back door and one at the front door."4

  韩教授立刻会意,叹了口气,还是按照他说的做了。  Professor Han immediately understood. He sighed and did as he was told.

  吃过饭后,所有人都很疲倦,坐在位置上闭目养神。  After eating, everyone was very tired and sat down with their eyes closed.

  “叩叩。”有人敲门,是前面车厢的玩家。  "Knock, knock." Someone knocked on the door. It was the player in the carriage in front.1

  李飞几人如临大敌,徐获平静地开了门,“有事?”  Li Fei and the others looked as if they were facing a great enemy. Xu Huo calmly opened the door." What's the matter?"

  神色疲惫的聂玄冲他扬扬下巴,“出来聊聊?”  Nie Xuan, who looked exhausted, raised his chin at him." Come out for a chat?"

  徐获主动走出去,反手关了门,拨了根烟给他。  Xu Huo took the initiative to walk out, closed the door behind him, and gave him a cigarette.

  聂玄没接。  Nie Xuan didn't answer.

"Six first-class seats died." " There should be one Bloody Player to one Normal Player," he said directly.

Xu Huo nodded slightly and was not surprised." Three players died on my side, two bloody players." In addition, the appetite of bloody players will gradually increase."

He took the cigarette in his mouth, lit it up, and took a puff." Blood players 'physical strength increases quickly, and their self-healing abilities are strong. Their characteristics may be limited."

  聂玄摇头,“我运气不好,死了四个普通玩家。”  Nie Xuan shook his head." I was unlucky. Four normal players died."16

Pausing for a moment, he took out a golden name card." If you're interested, contact me when you get out of the car."

"Is your salary high?" Xu Huo suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

  聂玄比了个手势,“万。”  Nie Xuan gestured." Ten thousand."20

评论用户几根手指就是几万。这么简单 A few fingers is tens of thousands. that simple

"No wonder he used a gold name card." Xu Huo casually inserted it into his pocket and casually said,"Why don't you come to the second-class seat?"

Nie Xuan raised his eyelids and sized him up." Every player only has one chance to board the preliminary examination train, but not every player who gets off the train can get a ticket to the next stop."


  徐获眼神变了。  Xu Huo's gaze changed.

  聂玄点到即止,转而回了自己的车厢。  Nie Xuan stopped and turned back to his carriage.

  徐获靠在门边,直到把烟抽完才回去。  Xu Huo leaned against the door until he finished smoking.

  刚踏进车厢,后门的门铃响了。  As soon as he stepped into the carriage, the doorbell at the back door rang.

  后门站着个眼神凶戾的阴鸷男人。  At the back door stood a sinister man with fierce eyes.

"As long as we don't open the door, he won't be able to enter." The middle-aged woman who was close was frightened.

Professor Han walked over to take a look and said in surprise," There's a disabled player."

  “开门问问。”徐获也往那边走。  "Open the door and ask." Xu Huo also walked over.

"No!" Li Fei grabbed the doorknob first." Yesterday, the third-class seat was beaten like that. How did a disabled person survive? Maybe she's even more powerful than us. What if they call in when we open the door?"






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