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Living End primer and sideboard guide
Living End 底漆和餐边柜指南

Picture of Sodek

Sodek  索德克

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This is an update of the Living End primer and sideboard guide that was first posted in August 2024. You’ll find more than just updated list for the deck after the Grief ban – I added a few sideboard options, three more matchups and updated matchup notes, so this article could be up-to-date. If you have any questions, I’m available on the Discord. 
这是对 2024 年 8 月首次发布的 Living End 底漆和餐具牌指南的更新。在悲伤禁令之后,你会发现不只是更新的套牌列表——我添加了一些备牌选项、另外三个对局和更新的对局说明,所以这篇文章可能是最新的。如果你有任何问题,我可以在 Discord 上联系。

Introduction 介绍

What is Living End? 什么是 Living End?

Living End is a combo deck that abuses the Cascade mechanic. The main game plan is to cast the namesake card with the help of three mana enablers in Shardless Agent or Ardent Plea. We break the symmetry of Living End by filling our graveyard with expensive creatures, usually by cycling them. Evoke elementals like Subtlety or Endurance also work well. On top of that, executing our gameplan usually disrupts the opponent, because they lose their board in the process. As a result, a resolved Living End creates both card and tempo advantage that’s usually enough to win the game shortly after.
Living End 是一副滥用 Cascade 机制的组合套牌。主要的游戏计划是在 Shardless Agent 或 Ardent Plea 中的三个法术力推动器的帮助下施放同名卡。我们打破了 Living End 的对称性,用昂贵的生物填满我们的坟墓场,通常是通过循环它们。Evoke 元素,如 Subtlety 或 Endurance 也效果很好。最重要的是,执行我们的游戏计划通常会打乱对手,因为他们在这个过程中失去了自己的棋盘。因此,已结算的 Living End 会同时产生卡牌和节奏优势,这通常足以在不久之后赢得游戏。

This is my current decklist:

You can download the decklist in the text form here.

if you can’t see decklists and links, it’s probably becasue you didn’t accept cookies. Doing so is mandatory for the website to work correctly.
如果您看不到 Decklists 和链接,可能是因为您不接受 Cookie。这样做是网站正常运行的必要条件。

What are its biggest strengths?

There are a lot of reasons why you should play Living End. Because it’s a one-card combo with a lot of cantrips and versatile reactive spells to either protect your plan or disrupt the opponent’s, you’ll nearly always be able to execute your own gameplan. It’s a great deck in the creature-centric metagames, when what you normally do – putting a few big creatures onto the battlefield while killing your opponent’s board – is usually enough to end the game on the spot. Because the combo only requires one card, Living End can play a lot of interactive spells, so it’s possible to significantly slow down the opponent to earn enough time to execute your gameplan even if they have some means of interaction. It’s also good against spell-based combo decks, because of how good Force of Negation, and pitch cards in general, can be in those matchups.
您应该玩 Living End 的原因有很多。因为它是一个单牌组合,有很多 cantrips 和多功能的反应法术来保护你的计划或破坏对手的计划,所以你几乎总是能够执行你自己的游戏计划。在以生物为中心的赛场主流中,这是一副很棒的套牌,而你通常会做的事情——在杀掉对手的盘面的同时将一些大型生物放进战场——通常就足以当场结束游戏。因为组合只需要一张牌,Living End 可以打出很多互动法术,所以即使对手有一些互动方式,也可以显着减慢对手的速度以赢得足够的时间来执行你的游戏计划。它对基于法术的组合套牌也很不错,因为在这些对决中,否定之力和一般的投球卡牌可以有多好。

What are its weaknesses? 它的弱点是什么?

There are a few things I fear when playing Living End. The first one is the dedicated hate. Because the deck is centred around the graveyard, it can be stopped by a plethora of things: Relic of Progenitus, Nihil Spellbomb, Endurance, Dauthi Voidwalker, Leyline of the Void, etc. We have tools to neutralise each of them, but you need to sideboard correctly and draw the answer at the right time. The deck is also affected by Cascade and Storm hate cards. The most iconic one is Chalice of the Void, but any effect that doesn’t allow casting more than one spell per turn (like High Noon) will be problematic. Same goes for hatebears, like Drannith Magistrate, Soulless Jailer, etc. And of course countermagic – Counterspell, Force of Negation, Spell Pierce, Consign to Memory etc. It’s possible to beat one or two counters, all thanks to casting a cascade spell turn after turn or dedicated answers like Mystical Dispute, Teferi, Time Raveler, Commandeer or Flare of Denial. But once there are more of them involved, especially when some form of pressure backs them up, it’s often hard to emerge victorious.
在玩 Living End 时,我担心一些事情。第一个是专注的仇恨。因为这副套牌以坟墓场为中心,所以它可以被很多东西阻止:先祖遗物、虚无法术炸弹、耐力、Dauthi 虚空行者、虚空地脉等。我们有工具可以消除它们中的每一个,但您需要正确地进行 sideboard 并在正确的时间得出答案。这副牌也受到 Cascade 和 Storm 仇恨卡的影响。最具标志性的是虚空圣杯,但任何不允许每回合施放多个咒语的效应(像是正午)都会有问题。仇恨熊也是如此,像是卓尼斯治安官、无魂狱卒等。当然还有反魔法 – Counterspell, Force of Negation, Spell Pierce, Consign to Memory 等。你可以击败一两个指示物,这一切都归功于一回合又一回合地施放倾泻法术或专用答案,如神秘争议、泰菲力、时间破坏者、指挥官或否认耀斑。但是,一旦有更多的人参与其中,尤其是当某种形式的压力支持他们时,通常很难取得胜利。

Another problem is when the opponent can present a better board after Living End resolves. Sometimes, their Atraxa, Grand Unifier, a bunch of Solitudes, Archon of Cruelty or Yawgmoth can overpower our cyclers. While there are ways to answer them or prevent them from happening, like Endurance, it can be an issue sometimes.
另一个问题是,在 Living End 结算后,对手何时可以提出更好的棋盘。有时,他们的 Atraxa、Grand Unifier、一堆 Solitudes、Archon of Cruelty 或 Yawgmoth 可以压倒我们的循环者。虽然有一些方法可以回答或防止它们发生,例如 Endurance,但有时这可能是一个问题。

The last weakness I want to mention is that sometimes you’ll run out of Living Ends to cast when you draw all of them while cycling. It’s a fail rate we have to accept, but luckily, the math is on our side and it doesn’t happen that often.
我想提到的最后一个弱点是,有时当你在骑行时抽到所有 Living Ends 时,你会用完 Living Ends 可以施放。这是我们必须接受的不及格率,但幸运的是,数学是站在我们这边的,它不会经常发生。

The main gameplan 主要游戏计划

On the surface, it’s quite simple – cycle creatures and cast Living End, while interacting via free spells to slow down the opponent’s development or protect your gameplan. It’s easy to play the deck at 70% of its power, and in most situations it will be enough to close out the game. The difference between solid and great Living End players comes from how good they are at finding tiny edges using cycling at the right time, casting interaction spells when they have the biggest impact and mulliganing/sideboarding properly in various matchups.
从表面上看,这很简单——循环生物并施放 Living End,同时通过免费法术互动以减慢对手的发展或保护你的游戏计划。以 70% 的强度玩这副牌很容易,在大多数情况下,这足以结束游戏。坚实和伟大的 Living End 玩家之间的区别在于他们在正确的时间使用循环找到微小的优势,在他们产生最大影响时施放互动法术,以及在各种对决中正确地再调度/边牌。

Cyclers – what they are and how to use them efficiently
Cyclers – 它们是什么以及如何有效地使用它们

Between eighteen to twenty cards in the deck are cyclers – they are here to fill the graveyard and to help you draw what you need at the right time. The most played cyclers are:
套牌中有 18 到 20 张牌是循环者——他们在这里填满坟墓场并帮助你在正确的时间抽到你需要的东西。玩得最多的 Cyclers 是:

  • Curator of Mysteries. It’s our only cycler with evasion. A flying 4/4 for one mana with a relevant ability is no joke. It’s also the most often hardcastable cycler, so keep that in mind.
    神秘策展人。这是我们唯一具有闪避功能的 cycler。一个具有相关异能的法术力飞行 4/4 可不是开玩笑的。它也是最常见的可硬铸造 Cycler,因此请记住这一点。
  • Street Wraith. The only cycler that doesn’t require mana to be used. Paying two life is usually free, but when combined with the lifeloss from the manabase, it can be risky to use sometimes. Because it can be used at any time, it’s also the most skill-intensive cycler to use. I tend to wait until the last possible moment or when I want to maximise the odds or get more info about how I should use my fetchlands. When it’s on the battlefield, it’s not the biggest threat, although Swampwalk can be surprisingly good against black decks.
    街头幽灵。唯一不需要魔力的循环器。支付两点生命通常是免费的,但当与法术力基础的生命损失结合时,有时使用起来会很冒险。因为它可以随时使用,所以它也是使用技术最密集的 cycler。我倾向于等到最后一刻,或者当我想最大限度地提高赔率或获得更多关于我应该如何使用我的 fetchlands 的信息时。当它在战场上时,它并不是最大的威胁,尽管 Swampwalk 在对抗黑色套牌时可能出奇地好。
  • Waker of Waves. Huge creature, huge ‘cycling’ cost, and a twice as big reward for the effort. Instead of just drawing from the top, you get a small card manipulation effect, so finding exact cards for pitch spells is a bit easier. In an ideal world Waker of Waves should help you find a missing piece for your game plan like a third land, cascade spell, interaction, or a card to pitch and put another creature in the graveyard. By itself, it’s a body that can’t be ignored – 7/7 usually board stalls the ground, so our fliers can finish the job. Also, don’t underestimate its static ability! You’ll be surprised how often it impacts the game.
    海浪的醒来者。巨大的生物,巨大的“循环”费用,以及双倍的努力奖励。你不仅可以从顶部绘制,还可以获得一个小的卡片操作效果,因此找到精确的音高咒语卡片会更容易一些。在理想的世界里,Waker of Waves 应该能帮你找到游戏计划中缺失的部分,像是第三张地、倾曳咒语、互动,或是一张牌来投球并将另一个生物放进坟墓场。就其本身而言,它是一个不容忽视的身体——7/7 通常会在地面上停机,这样我们的飞行员就可以完成这项工作。另外,不要低估它的静态能力!您会惊讶于它对游戏的影响频率。
  • Generous Ent. Having a land attached to a huge creature fits the deck perfectly. Ent does it all – it fixes the mana and smooths your draws (with the help of Surveil lands) and it’s a huge creature, as a 5/7 body for one mana is no joke. The abilities are also relevant: Reach allows it to block some of the most important creatures in Modern, and the Food token helps you avoid dying from an otherwise lethal burn spell.
    慷慨的 Ent.将地附加到一个巨大的生物上非常适合这副套牌。Ent 可以做到这一切 – 它会固定法术力并平滑你的抓牌(在 Surveil 地的帮助下),而且它是一个巨大的生物,因为 5/7 的身体换取一点法术力可不是开玩笑的。这些异能也很重要:延势让它能阻挡近代赛中一些最重要的生物,而食品衍生物则能帮你避免死于致命的燃烧咒语。
  • Striped Riverwinder. Usually it doesn’t make the cut since other creatures are more impactful. I tend to pack one or two copies against decks that have a lot of removal. It particularly shines against Solitude + Ephemerate decks and the more I expect to play against a lot of them, the more copies I play.
    条纹 Riverwinder。通常它不会被切入,因为其他生物的影响力更大。我倾向于在那些有很多删减的套牌上打包一两张。它在对抗孤独 + 幻纹套牌时特别闪耀,而我越期待与很多套牌对战,我玩的复制品就越多。
  • Titanoth Rex. It’s a good addition if you want to play Endurance in the maindeck, so there’s enough green cards to pitch it if needed. The stats are also impressive – 11/11 trampler is no joke. Keep in mind that granting your creature trample by cycling Titanoth can meaningfully change combat from time to time, so be on the lookout for those spots.
    泰坦斯雷克斯。如果你想在主套牌中使用耐力,这是一个很好的补充,所以如果需要的话,有足够的绿卡来推销它。统计数据也令人印象深刻——11/11 践踏者可不是开玩笑的。要记住的是,通过循环泰坦斯来赋予你的生物践踏异能会不时地改变战斗,所以要留意这些地方。
  • Wincaller Aven. If you want to play more flyers, it’s your best bet. It’s not widely played because of how poorly it matches up against Lightning Bolt and Galvanic Discharge. 
    Wincaller 艾文。如果您想玩更多的传单,这是您最好的选择。它没有被广泛使用,因为它与 Lightning Bolt 和 Galvanic Discharge 的匹配度很差。
  • Architects of Will. It’s the weakest cycler, because 3/3 without evasion rarely impacts the board. Some would say that the ability is relevant, but for me it’s never as good as it should be in theory. In my opinion, it’s not worth playing without Grief in the format. 
    意志的建筑师。它是最弱的循环器,因为没有闪避的 3/3 很少影响盘面。有些人会说这种能力是相关的,但对我来说,它永远不会像理论上应该的那样好。在我看来,这个赛制中没有 Grief 是不值得玩的。

It’s close to impossible to give you one, golden rule about how to cycle. Instead, I wrote down a few pieces of advice. The most important lesson for you from this section is that you should always ask yourself before any action (by this I mean cycling, making a land drop, cracking a fetchland, cascading, etc.) what you want to achieve. What are your goals? What outcome do you want to maximise? This should dictate what line you should take in a given situation. I strongly recommend not rushing actions, but thinking first before you take any. Living End does not need a lot of time to finish its matches. Like Paulo Victor Damo Da Rosa once said: ‘think, think, think then do, do, do’.
给你一条关于如何骑自行车的黄金法则几乎是不可能的。相反,我写下了一些建议。从这部分学到的最重要的一课是,在采取任何行动之前(我指的是循环、掉落地、破解 fetchland、级联等)之前,你应该总是问自己想要达到什么目标。您的目标是什么?您希望实现什么结果最大化?这应该决定了在特定情况下您应该采取什么路线。我强烈建议不要急于行动,而是在采取任何行动之前先考虑一下。Living End 不需要很多时间来完成它的比赛。就像保罗·维克托·达莫·达罗萨 (Paulo Victor Damo Da Rosa) 曾经说过的那样:“思考、思考、思考,然后去做,做,做”。

The default mode is to use cycle abilities on the opponent’s end step. The reasoning behind this is not giving free information to the opponent. If you cycle during your turn, you clearly show the opponent that you are in trouble (for instance you don’t have land drops) and you are forced to let your guard down and increase the potential damage the opponent’s hate could do. The longer you expose your cyclers, the more vulnerable they are to grave hate actions – this can matter a lot in post-sideboard games against sorcery speed grave hate, like Bojuka Bog, or any one-shot grave hate like Relic of Progenitus if we have an option to deal with it on our turn, for example with the help of Foundation Breaker – the more you cycle before opponent’s end step, the more stuff will be exiled to the hate’s activation. Cycling on the opponent’s end step is also useful vs. discard spells. Discarding a creature we meant to put into the graveyard anyway isn’t the worst, but choosing a cascade spell we drew from the top instead can be a game-winning play.
默认模式是在对手的结束步骤上使用循环技能。这背后的原因是没有向对手提供免费信息。如果你在你的回合中循环,你清楚地向对手展示了你有麻烦了(例如你没有掉落地),你被迫放松警惕并增加对手的仇恨可能造成的潜在伤害。你暴露你的循环者的时间越长,他们就越容易受到严重仇恨行为的影响——这在针对巫术速度严重仇恨的后备牌游戏中非常重要,比如 Bojuka Bog,或者任何一次性的严重仇恨,比如 Relic of Progenitus,如果我们可以选择在我们的回合中处理它,例如在 Foundation Breaker 的帮助下——你在对手结束步骤之前的循环就越多, 被放逐到 Hate 激活的东西就越多。在对手的结束步骤上循环也比弃掉咒语有用。无论如何都要弃掉我们打算放进坟墓场的生物并不是最糟糕的,但选择我们从顶端抽到的倾曳咒语可以成为赢局的玩法。

Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule.

  1. When you have mana problems (more on that later).
  2. When you want to dig for Force of Negation after the opponent placed the hate card on the stack.
  3. When you are searching for a response to something that’s on the board. For instance Foundation Breaker vs. opponent’s Urza’s Saga on two counters.
    当您搜索对板上的内容的回应时。举例来说,Foundation Breaker vs. 对手的 Urza's Saga 在两个指示物上。

But generally speaking, cycling at the end step is the default play. You’ll learn how to recognize corner cases in practice.

Think about the order of the creatures you are cycling. The general rule in goldfish: the bigger creatures are being cycled, the better. Waker of Waves gives you the highest upside here. It’s guaranteed seven power with a decent chance to put even more with a self mill action attached to it. Outside that, Generous Ent and Striped Riverwinder are also welcome.
想想你正在骑行的生物的顺序。金鱼的一般规则是:循环的生物越大越好。Waker of Waves 在这里为您提供了最高的优势。它保证了七次力量,并有相当大的机会通过附加的自磨机动作投入更多。除此之外,Generous Ent 和 Striped Riverwinder 也受到欢迎。

Sometimes instead of just the highest power on board, you’ll need evasion the most. In the current build, Curator of Mysteries is the only creature with flying. Other than that, Street Wraith and Titanoth Rex have relevant abilities in terms of avoiding blockers, so you should value them more highly in these scenarios.
有时,您最需要闪避的不仅仅是船上的最高力量。在当前版本中,神秘策展人是唯一具有飞行能力的生物。除此之外,Street Wraith 和 Titanoth Rex 在避开障碍物方面具有相关能力,因此在这些情况下您应该更加重视它们。

Street Wraith is a unique cycler, because it doesn’t cost mana to use. This means that you can either cycle it as soon as possible to get the info or wait for more information because you can afford to do so. My rule of thumb is that if I have my land drops secured and I have cyclers (or a surveil land) ready to use, I don’t use it. Who knows, maybe the game will turn into a tight damage race and spending two life on an irrelevant 3/4 won’t be worth it? Or the opponent will play a one-shot graveyard hate and a Street Wraith kept in hand will turn into a creature that will be put into the graveyard out of nowhere before Living End resolves? You’ll almost always have the time to cycle it, so don’t rush it.
Street Wraith 是一个独特的循环器,因为它不需要法力来使用。这意味着您可以尽快循环它以获取信息,也可以等待更多信息,因为您有能力这样做。我的经验法则是,如果我有我的土地空投,并且我有自行车手(或监视土地)可供使用,我就不会使用它。谁知道呢,也许游戏会变成一场伤害紧张的比赛,把两条命花在一个无关紧要的 3/4 上是不值得的吗?或者对手会打出一发坟墓场仇恨,而手上的街头幽灵会变成一个生物,在 Living End 结算之前会突然被放入坟墓场?您几乎总是有时间循环它,所以不要急于求成。

Sometimes, it’s worth it to not cycle though. For example, if you are playing against one-shot graveyard hate and you already have a decently stacked graveyard – it’s better to cycle once the Living End is on the stack and the opponent decides to use their hate card, so you’ll get at least something from it. In that scenario, Street Wraith is the best one because it’s not limited by the open mana you have after you cast the cascade spell. 
不过,有时不骑自行车是值得的。例如,如果你正在对战一次性的坟墓场仇恨,并且你已经有一个相当堆叠的坟墓场——那么最好在活着的尽头在堆栈上并且对手决定使用他们的仇恨卡时循环,这样你至少会从中得到一些东西。在那种情况下,Street Wraith 是最好的,因为它不受你施放 cascade 咒语后开放法术力的限制。

Cycling also has a huge impact on avoiding the screw and flood. Again, all can be narrowed down to one question: what do I want to achieve? If you are searching for lands from the top, crack your fetchlands at the last possible moment. Not fetching means also more lands in the deck waiting to be topdecked. Appropriately, if you want to increase your chances for a cycle chain, crack fetchlands before the cycle to lower the number of dead topdecks. If you have only one fetch and land that produces only blue mana (basic Island, or Otawara, Soaring City), it’s better to cycle before cracking – there’s a chance you’ll draw a land that produces either one or two colours, so you’ll know what third colour you’ll be missing. If you don’t have the luxury of getting extra information before using the fetchland (for instance, you’ve kept a one lander and have to grab something in the very first turn of the game), go for the Hallowed Fountain. You’ll have more green sources to topdeck, thanks to Generous Ent, Hedge Mazes, basic Forest, and Boseiju.
骑自行车对避免螺丝和洪水也有很大影响。同样,所有问题都可以归结为一个问题:我想实现什么目标?如果你要从顶部寻找地,请在最后一刻破解你的 fetchlands。不取得也意味着套牌中有更多地等待被顶层。如果你想要增加循环链的几率,就在循环开始前破解 fetchlands 以减少死掉的顶套牌数量。如果你只有一个找地和只产生蓝色法术力的地(基本岛,或大田原、翱翔之城),那么最好在破解之前循环——你很有可能抽到一个能产生一种或两种颜色的地,这样你就会知道你会缺少哪第三种颜色。如果你在使用取地之前没有获得额外信息的机会(例如,你只有一个着陆器,并且必须在游戏的第一回合抓住一些东西),那就去神圣喷泉吧。您将有更多的绿色资源可以顶甲板,这要归功于 Generous Ent、Hedge Mazes、basic Forest 和 Boseiju。

Interactive spells 互动法术

Living End is not the fastest combo deck ever created – turn four kills can happen from time to time, but it requires having a really good draw and an opponent that doesn’t interact with us. That’s why Living End needs some ways to slow down the opposition, as it can’t race some decks that care only about goldfishing as fast as possible.
Living End 并不是有史以来最快的组合套牌——第四回合的杀戮可能会不时发生,但它需要有一个非常好的抽牌和一个不与我们互动的对手。这就是为什么 Living End 需要一些方法来减慢对手的速度,因为它无法与一些只关心尽可能快地钓鱼的套牌比赛。

That’s why the deck is filled with pitch spells. Subtlety, Force of Negation, and Endurance are the mainstays in Living End ever since they were printed. There are a few reasons why:
这就是为什么这副牌上充满了 pitch spells。Subtlety、Force of Negation 和 Endurance 自印刷以来一直是 Living End 的支柱。原因有以下几个:

  • Because of the deckbuilding restrictions Living End has, we can’t play many quality cards. Pitch spells are the strongest interactive spells we have access to.
    由于 Living End 的套牌构组限制,我们不能打出很多高质量的卡牌。音高法术是我们可以接触到的最强的互动法术。
  • Living End creates card advantage in a weird way – you spend mana on cycling, so the amount of cards in hand stays the same. Then, a resolved Living End reanimates multiple creatures. So thanks to one card, you got multiple creatures on the board, ready to dominate. This card advantage engine lets us go down on cards while interacting with the opponent, because if we execute our gameplan, we’ll get back the resources later on.
    Living End 以一种奇怪的方式创造卡牌优势 – 你在循环上花费法术力,所以手上的卡牌数量保持不变。然后,结算的 Living End 会复活多个生物。所以多亏了一张牌,你才在盘面上有好几个生物,准备好主宰了。这个卡牌优势引擎让我们在与对手互动时对牌进行攻击,因为如果我们执行我们的游戏计划,我们稍后就会拿回资源。
  • Subtlety and Endurance are creatures, which matters with Living End, but I’m pretty sure they will be played to some extent even if they weren’t creatures.
    Subtlety 和 Endurance 都是生物,这对 Living End 来说很重要,但我很确定它们会在某种程度上被使用,即使它们不是生物。

Let’s talk about each one:

Force of Negation was once the perfect card for the deck because of how well it interacted with Violent Outburst. Nowadays, when Living End is a sorcery-speed combo, Force loses a lot of its power. It’s more of an interaction spell we use to disrupt our opponent’s plans, not to protect ours. In my opinion, it’s debatable if it’s needed as a four-of in the maindeck and I can imagine metagames when I wouldn’t play them in my starting sixty. On the other hand, given the fact that cards like The One Ring, Blood Moon, Teferi, Time Ralever, Karn, the Great Creator or other noncreature hate exist, I recommend playing a free counterspell to stop them. It’s even more important without Grief as a catch-all answer. Playing four main is never a terrible idea, but if you feel FoN is not well-positioned or other interactive cards could do the job better, you can trim them and go for 3/1 or even 2/2 split. I can even see not playing four in my seventy five, but it’s not something I would do on a regular basis.
否定之力曾经是这副套牌的完美卡牌,因为它和暴力爆发的互动非常好。如今,当 Living End 是一个法术速度的组合时,Force 会失去很多力量。它更像是我们用来破坏对手计划的互动咒语,而不是保护我们的计划。在我看来,它是否需要在主套牌中作为四人组是值得商榷的,我可以想象当我在首发 60 人中不会使用它们时,赛场主流会是什么样子。另一方面,鉴于存在像至尊魔戒、血月、泰菲力、时间狂暴、卡恩、伟大创造者或其他非生物仇恨的卡牌,我建议施放一个免费的反击咒语来阻止它们。如果没有 Grief 这个包罗万象的答案,这一点就更加重要了。使用四张主牌从来都不是一个坏主意,但如果你觉得 FoN 的位置不合适,或者其他互动牌可以做得更好,你可以修剪它们并进行 3/1 甚至 2/2 分牌。我什至可以看到在我的 75 场比赛中没有打 4 场比赛,但这不是我会经常做的事情。

Subtlety is our tempo play of choice that sometimes can act as a hard answer to certain problems. In my opinion, the very existence of Endurance is enough to make Subtlety a necessity in the 75. It also more and more often acts as a great tempo tool, to buy time against creature decks so we won’t get run over or let Phlage or Ajani end up in the graveyard. It covers a lot of key cards in the current format, since most of them are creatures nowadays. Other problematic permanents that can be delayed by Subtlety are: Teferi, Time Raveler, Karn, the Great Creator or hate bears like Drannith Magistrate or Boggart Trawler. In some matchups, Subtlety is also an important piece of the flash game plan.
微妙是我们选择的节奏游戏,有时可以作为某些问题的硬性答案。在我看来,Endurance 的存在足以使 Subtlety 成为 75 的必需品。它也越来越经常成为个很棒的节奏工具,用来对抗生物套牌这样我们就不会被碾压或让 Phlage 或 Ajani 最后进入坟墓场。它涵盖了当前赛制中很多关键牌,因为现在大部分都是生物。其他可以被微妙延迟的有问题的永久物包括:泰菲力、时间破坏者、伟大创造者卡恩,或是像卓尼斯裁判官或博格特拖网渔船这样的仇恨熊。在某些对决中,Subtlety 也是 Flash 游戏计划的重要组成部分。

The most important thing you should note: Subtlety is not a hard answer to anything. The opponent can always decide to put the spell we target with the trigger back to the top of the deck. That’s why Subtlety should be considered as a tempo card that works nicely with Living End’s gameplan, not a solution to any problem. For instance, it’s a good answer to a turn three Teferi when we are on a draw, assuming that we have a cascade spell as a follow-up. If we don’t, it will only delay the inevitable. It’s particularly important when you evaluate the card in play-draw scenarios. For example – Subtlety alone can be good enough against Drannith Magistrate when we are on the play. On the draw, you’ll need another answer. 
您应该注意的最重要的一点是:微妙并不是任何事情的硬性答案。对手总是可以决定将我们用触发所设定的咒语放回套牌顶端。这就是为什么 Subtlety 应该被视为一张与 Living End 的游戏计划完美配合的节奏卡,而不是任何问题的解决方案。例如,当我们处于平局状态时,这是对第三回合泰菲力的一个很好的回答,假设我们有一个倾泻咒语作为后续。如果我们不这样做,它只会推迟不可避免的事情。当您在 play-draw 场景中评估卡牌时,这一点尤其重要。例如——当我们在场时,光是微妙就足以对抗卓尼斯裁判官。在抽奖时,您将需要另一个答案。

Endurance. One of the options for the interactive flex slot. It’s among the cards that aren’t an auto-include and you should use it only against the graveyard centric meta. If more and more decks are using graveyard in one way or another, having some graveyard hate in the maindeck can be a good idea. Outside obvious uses (in the mirror, against Goryo’s Vengeance, Underworld Breach, Storm decks or other fringe graveyard strategies) it’s a very effective way to stop Phlage, Titan of Fire’s Fury decks (Energy and Jeskai) from looping the Elder Giant over and over again, dealing us a ton of damage in the process. ILastly, it can act as a flash threat against blue tempo decks – it either grants some value or forces the opponent to tap out, so we’ll be able to go for our combo. It’s not the best play ever, but we now lack any other better ways to spend mana and potentially force the opponent to tap out on their turn. Similarly, Endurance is a solid way to neutralise the opponent’s graveyard filled with creatures that got there ahead of schedule somehow.
耐力。交互式 flex 插槽的选项之一。它是不是自动包含的牌之一,而你只能用它来对付以坟墓场为中心的环境。如果越来越多的套牌以某种方式使用坟墓场,那么在主套牌中加入一些坟墓场的仇恨是个好主意。除了明显的用途(在镜子中,对抗 Goryan 的 Vengeance、Underworld Breach、Storm 套牌或其他边缘的坟墓场策略)是阻止 Phlage、Titan of Fire 的 Fury 套牌(能量和洁斯凯)一遍又一遍地循环上古巨人,在此过程中对我们造成大量伤害的非常有效的方法。当然,它可以对蓝色节奏套牌构成闪光威胁——它要么提供一些价值,要么迫使对手横置出局,所以我们就可以使用我们的组合技。这并不是有史以来最好的玩法,但我们现在没有其他更好的方法来支付法术力,并有可能迫使对手在他们的回合横置出局。同样地,坚忍是消灭对手的坟墓场的可靠方法,因为这个坟墓场里满是以某种方式提前到达那里的生物。

Sometimes, it’s okay to target yourself with the trigger. It happens mostly against Mill, and sometimes in the mirror or against control decks, when Endurance returns from the graveyard thanks to Living End and you can shuffle your Living End(s) back to the deck.
有时,用触发器瞄准自己是可以的。它主要发生在对阵磨坊时,有时发生在镜子或控制套牌中,当耐力多亏了 Living End 从坟墓场返回时,你可以将你的 Living End 洗回套牌。

Commandeer. Another contender for slots previously occupied by Grief. It’s among the cards that aren’t an auto-include and you should use it only in the metagame infested by The One Ring – it’s easily the best target for it. There are some other good targets, like key combo spells, planeswalkers like Teferi or Karn and some hate cards. However, the cost of playing it is very harsh – exiling two cards is no joke and with other pitch spells, having enough resources will prove difficult sometimes. I can see it being played as a 2-3 of in the maindeck or as a sideboard tech against the Ring.
征用。 另一个之前由 Grief 占据的位置竞争者。它是不是自动包含的卡牌之一,你应该只在 The One Ring 出没的赛场主流中使用它——它很容易成为它的最佳目标。还有一些其他不错的目标,像是关键组合咒语、像是泰菲力或卡恩这样的鹏洛客,还有一些仇恨牌。然而,玩它的成本非常苛刻——放逐两张牌可不是开玩笑的,而且对于其他投球咒语,拥有足够的资源有时会证明是困难的。我可以看到它在主套牌中被作为 2-3 或作为对阵擂台的备牌技术使用。

Flare of Denial. The card looks similar to Force of Negation, but it’s used in Living End for different reasons. Unlike Force, it will be bad at protecting us from hate cards that are played before Living End resolves. But on the other hand, it’s often better after Living End resolves – if our goal is to counter anything the opponent plays, it’s often easier to sacrifice one of our creatures than to have an extra blue card in hand. Flare can also counter creatures, so it’s a real answer to cards like Primeval Titan or Yawgmoth. It can also be used to protect the Living End. The most common line is a turn three Shardless Agent + Living End that gets countered into another cascade spell on turn four with Flare sacrificing Agent as backup. Pitching Subtlety and casting Flare with the Evoke trigger on the stack works as well, but it takes more resources to execute. Overall, the card is interesting and I can see playing one or two copies.
否认的耀斑。 这张牌看起来和否定之力很像,但它被用在 Living End 中的原因不同。与原力不同,它在保护我们免受 Living End 结算前使用的仇恨卡牌方面会很糟糕。但另一方面,在生涯结算后通常会更好—如果我们的目标是对抗对手使用的任何东西,那么牺牲我们的生物之一通常比手上多一张蓝色牌要容易得多。耀斑也可以对抗生物,所以它是像 Primeval Titan 或 Yawgmoth 这样的卡牌的真正答案。它也可以用来保护 Living End。最常见的路线是第三回合无碎片特工 + 生命端,在第四回合被反制为另一个级联法术,由 Flare 牺牲代理作为备用。在堆栈上使用 Evoke 触发器投球 Subtlety 和施放 Flare 也可以,但需要更多资源来执行。总的来说,这张牌很有趣,我可以看到玩一两张。

Press the Enemy. It’s sometimes being played as a way to play Living End on the opponent’s turn. It’s useful against blue decks because it enables Force of Negation as a free protection spell. It can bounce a hate piece and cast Living End at the same time, which sounds reasonably powerful. So the potential is there, but the card has one huge weakness – it’s a two card combo. You need to have Living End in hand to make it work and that’s why I’m not the biggest fan of this card. If you don’t have it, Press the Enemy becomes an overcosted bounce spell, even for Living End standards. Personally, I wouldn’t play it unless you expect to face a heavy blue meta, but at this point you shouldn’t play Living End in the first place.
按 Enemy。 它有时被作为在对手的回合使用 Living End 的一种方式。它对蓝色套牌很有用,因为它可以将 Force of Negation 作为免费的保护咒语。它可以弹跳一个仇恨棋子并同时施放 Living End,这听起来相当强大。所以潜力是存在的,但这张牌有一个巨大的弱点 – 它是两张牌的组合。你需要手头有 Living End 才能让它运作,这就是为什么我不是这张牌的最大粉丝。如果你没有它,压制敌人就会变成一个费用过高的反弹法术,即使对于 Living End 标准也是如此。就个人而言,除非你预计会面对一个沉重的蓝色元数据,否则我不会玩它,但在这一点上,你一开始就不应该玩 Living End。

Teferi, Time Raveler. It’s the best answer to Consign to Memory Living End can run. This alone makes Teferi a playable option for any cascade deck. But it can do much more – it allows us to play a tempo game, stop other counters, some combo decks (mirror or Necrodominance come to mind), can bounce hate cards, etc. It’s so versatile that it can be considered a maindeckable card as a one-of. In practice though, it’s usually seen in the sideboard against blue decks since it’s our best card against them.  
泰菲力,时间破坏者。这是 Consign to Memory Living End 可以运行的最佳答案。仅此一项就使泰菲力成为任何级联套牌的可玩选项。但它可以做的更多——它允许我们玩节奏游戏、阻止其他计数器、一些组合套牌(我想到镜子或 Necrodominance)、可以反弹仇恨卡牌等。它的用途如此之大,以至于它可以被视为一张独一无二的主卡牌。不过在实际操作中,它通常会出现在备牌中对抗蓝色套牌,因为这是我们对付蓝色套牌时最好的牌。

Sink into Stupor is a hybrid card between land and an overcosted interaction. While it looks underpowered, usually it acts like an expensive Remand or a bounce spell after the Living End, and sometimes stopping the opponent for this one extra turn is all you need to win the game. You can also use it to bounce opponent’s hate cards, like Drannith Magistrate, Chalice of the Void, etc., so you can untap and cascade. It’s also a blue card for your pitch spells. The cost of three life when it gets played as a land is low enough that playing one or two copies is worth it. Remember that you can target only opposing stuff, so don’t try to bounce your Shardless Agent or a removal spell – it won’t work. 
Sink into Stupor 是一张介于地牌和高费互动之间的混合牌。虽然它看起来力量不足,但通常它的作用就像一个昂贵的 Remand 或 Living End 之后的反弹咒语,有时在这一个额外的回合中阻止对手就是赢得比赛所需要的。你也可以用它来反弹对手的仇恨卡牌,像是 Drannith Magistrate、Chalice of the Void 等,这样你就可以重置和倾泻。这也是一张蓝色的卡片,用于你的投球咒语。当它被当作地时,三条生命的费用足够低,所以使用一两张是值得的。请记住,您只能针对对方的东西,因此不要尝试弹跳您的 Shardless Agent 或移除法术 - 它不会奏效。

Faerie Macabre had its moments in the past and I can imagine it being great in the future. It may look unappealing, but the flexibility it provides makes it so good. The most obvious use is to exile something threatening that’s in the opponent’s graveyard, for example Atraxa or Primeval Titan. It’s also an answer to Dauthi Voidwalker – once you put Living End on the stack and Dauthi Voidwalker hits the graveyard (usually they sacrifice it in response to the LE), you’ll have a window to exile it. As a result, Voidwalker won’t come back, won’t exile Living End and won’t be able to cast it and reset the board. It also ‘counters’ Snapcaster Mage’s flashback target or a Surgical Extraction targeting Living End – once you exile it in response, Surgical loses all legal targets and fizzles.
Faerie Macabre 过去有过它的时刻,我可以想象它在未来会很棒。它可能看起来没有吸引力,但它提供的灵活性使它如此出色。最明显的用途是放逐对手坟墓场中具有威胁性的东西,例如Atraxa或原始泰坦。这也是对 Dauthi Voidwalker 的回应 – 一旦你将 Living End 放进堆叠,而 Dauthi Voidwalker 击中了坟墓场(通常会牺牲它来回应 LE),你就会有个窗口来放逐它。因此,虚空行者不会回来,不会放逐 Living End,也无法施放它并重置盘面。它还会“反击”Snapcaster Mage 的闪回目标或针对 Living End 的 Surgical Extraction——一旦你将其放逐作为回应,Surgical 就会失去所有合法目标并失败。

Faerie Macabre also works well with the deck. It’s a 2/2 flyer that can be discarded for free and will return after Living End resolves, so it’s yet another way to create some form of board presence when facing one-shot graveyard hate. The combination of being not terrible in vacuum and a gamechanger from time to time makes me want to play one or twocopies in the 75. Even maindecking it can make sense in some metagames.
Faerie Macabre 也与套牌配合得很好。这是一张可以免费弃掉的 2/2 传单,并在 Living End 结算后会返回,因此这是在面对一击坟墓场仇恨时创造某种形式的盘面存在感的另一种方式。在真空中并不可怕并且不时改变游戏规则,这让我想在 75 中玩一两个副本。甚至将它作为主赛场在某些赛场主流中也是合理的。

Brazen Borrower and Colossal Skyturtle. From time to time, it can be correct to play one or two copies of bounce spells. When choosing between these two, think about their pros and cons:
厚颜无耻的借款人和巨大的天空龟。有时,使用一两个 bounce spell 副本可能是正确的。在这两者之间进行选择时,请考虑它们的优缺点:

  • Colossal Skyturtle can bounce only creatures, but it works well with the Living End plan, can rebuy an important spell, and it’s a green card for Force of Vigor and Endurance.
    Colossal Skyturtle 只能反弹生物,但它与 Living End 计划配合得很好,可以重新购买重要的咒语,并且它是 Force of Vigor 和 Endurance 的绿卡。
  • Brazen Borrower doesn’t work with the Living End’s gameplan that well, but can bounce anything (so for example it’s a reasonable answer to Leyline of the Void) and can be hardcasted as a reasonable threat.
    Brazen Borrower 与 Living End 的游戏计划配合得并不好,但可以反弹任何东西(例如它是对 Leyline of the Void 的合理回答),并且可以作为合理的威胁被硬施放。

In practice, I rarely find a slot for them in the maindeck. Maybe with a lot of Prowess around, I would think of one Skyturtle. I like having one Borrower in the sideboard though, as a way to deal with permanent-based hate cards that can have other uses when needed.
在实践中,我很少在主套牌中找到它们的位置。也许周围有很多 Prowess,我会想到一只 Skyturtle。不过我喜欢在备牌里放一个借用者,作为对付永久物上的仇恨牌的方式,这些牌在需要的时候可以有其他用途。

Important plays and tricks you must know

  • Cascade spells have text on them too. Sometimes a 2/2 body or Exalted trigger is enough to win close games.
    Cascade 法术上也有文字。有时候,2/2 身体或尊贵的触发就足以赢得势均力敌的对局。
  • Shardless Agent makes cards like Deafening Silence or Ethersworn Canonist not relevant because it’s an artifact creature, so it plays around them perfectly.
  • Scry triggers from Curator of Mystery most often go to the stack when you cycle creatures, but it’s not the only way to achieve that. They work on several other occasions too! Discard spells cast by the opponent, using our Channel lands, discarding to hand size, and many other situations – they all can matter!
    来自Curator of Mystery的占卜触发通常会在你循环生物时进堆叠,但这并不是唯一的方法。他们在其他几个场合也工作!弃掉对手施放的咒语、使用我们的魂力地、弃牌至手牌大小,以及许多其他情况 - 它们都很重要!
  • Street Wraith’s Swampwalk will work with Leyline of the Guildpact, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove or Urborg in play.
    Street Wraith's Swampwalk 将与十会盟的地脉、Ilysian Grove 的 Dryad 或 Urborg 合作。
  • Waker of Waves doesn’t technically draw a card, so it won’t trigger Bowmasters.
    技术上来说,Waker of Waves 不会抓牌,所以它不会触发 Bowmasters。
  • You can Evoke Subtlety or Endurance for no value, just to get an extra monster after Living End resolves.
    你可以毫无价值地唤起微妙或耐力,只是为了在 Living End 结算后获得一个额外的怪物。
  • You can refuse to use Subtlety and Endurance triggers.
    您可以拒绝使用 Subtlety 和 Endurance 触发器。
  • Hold priority! If you go for cascade effect and you want to cycle creatures just to get more power to the graveyard, don’t use them before you Cascade. It’s better to cast a cascade spell first, find Living End, and announce that you want to hold priority (use ctrl on MTGO). With Living End on the stack, you’ll be able to cycle your creatures at this moment. With Living End already found and being on the stack, the chances to draw into the Living Ends are lower. It’s important when you need to resolve more than one End during the game or you have drawn one or two of them before the Cascade happened.
    按住优先权!如果你使用倾曳效应,并且想要循环生物只是为了给坟墓场带来更多的力量,那么在你倾曳之前不要使用它们。最好先施放一个级联法术,找到 Living End,然后宣布你想保持优先权(在 MTGO 上使用 ctrl)。有了 Living End 在堆栈上,你此时就可以循环你的生物了。由于已经找到了 Living End 并在筹码堆上,因此抽到 Living End 的机会较低。当你需要在游戏中解决多个结局,或者你在倾曳发生之前已经抽到其中的一两个时,这一点很重要。
  • Active vs nonactive player: In essence – since Living End is a sorcery-speed combo now, 99% of the time the opponent’s triggers will resolve first, then you’ll resolve yours. When you cast a Living End and multiple creatures on both sides have ETB triggers, the order of triggers going to the stack depends on who is the active player. For example, if you return Endurance and the opponent returns Phlage, you’ll both choose targets and the opponent’s triggers will resolve first, Phlage will go to the graveyard, and then Endurance will take care of it and the rest of their cards.
    主动与非主动牌手:本质上 – 由于 Living End 现在是法术速度的组合,因此 99% 的时间对手的触发会先结算,然后你才会结算你的触发。当你施放生命终结,且双方的多个生物都有ETB触发时,触发进入堆叠的顺序取决于谁是活跃的牌手。举例来说,如果你回去坚忍,而对手回去 Phlage,你们都会选择目标,而对手的触发会先结算,Phlage 会进入坟墓场,然后 Endurance 会处理它和他们的其余牌。
  • It’s even possible to win without resolving Living End – sometimes the opponent is so focused on dealing with our main gameplan that they left themselves unable to answer a 4/4 flyer for four mana. Flash gameplan can also steal games.
    甚至有可能在不结算生涯的情况下获胜 – 有时候对手太专注于对付我们的主要对局计划,以至于他们无法回答四点法术力的 4/4 飞人。Flash gameplan 也可以窃取游戏。
  • Don’t forget about the Wrath of God side of Living End! Returning your cycled creatures is an easy thing to find out. But players tend to underestimate how powerful the Wrath of God effect for three mana is. I’ve had games when I had zero cyclers in the graveyard and was still going for turn three cascade, just to buy myself more time. When you wipe out the opponent’s board, you’ll gain time to draw into more cyclers and prepare the next, game-winning Living End cast. 
    不要忘记 Living End 的上帝之怒的一面!归还你的循环生物是一件很容易发现的事情。但玩家往往会低估神之怒对三点法术力的效应有多强大。我玩过一些游戏,当我的墓地里没有 Cyclers 时,我仍然在进行第三回合的级联,只是为了给自己争取更多的时间。当你消灭对手的棋盘时,你将赢得时间来吸引更多的循环者,并准备下一个赢得游戏的 Living End 投掷。

Sideboarding 侧板

Sideboard options 边board 选项

Because of both the cascade restrictions and the need to spend our mana early on to cycle, we often won’t have the luxury of casting our reactive spells early in the game. Because of that, the best sideboard options for the deck are cards that can be utilised for as little mana as possible (ideally zero), while still costing three or more for the cascade purposes. Below, I listed playable ones:

Mystical Dispute 神秘之争

Cheap way to protect our key spell from countermagic. Unsurprisingly, it’s mainly used against blue decks – if you expect to fight on the stack, siding it in is never a bad idea. It’s also a solid answer to Teferi, Time Raveler, Psychic Frog, and some fringe hate bears, like Meddling Mage or Lavinia, Azorius Renegade. It can also be brought in as the ‘bad Mana Leak‘ when all you need in the matchup is to set up a pressure and counter anything they’ll play later on.

Note that Mystical Dispute loses its power as the game goes longer – every land drop on the other side of the table decreases its impact on the game, and this issue if even more exacerbated withRagavan, Nimble Pilferer creating a Treasure each turn. We also need to delay our combo for one turn if we want to have it up for the potential counter war. The window for Mystical Dispute to show its power is not as wide as many players would think, which is why drawing too many of them can be problematic. On the other hand, we don’t have anything better than it, so we are forced to use it until a superior option is printed.
请注意,随着游戏时间的延长,Mystical Dispute 会失去其力量——桌子另一侧的每一张土地掉落都会减少它对游戏的影响,而这个问题在Ragavan 中变得更加严重,Nimble Pilferer 每回合都会创造一个宝藏。如果我们想为潜在的反战做好准备,我们还需要将我们的连击延迟一回合。Mystical Dispute 展示其力量的窗口并不像许多玩家想象的那么宽,这就是为什么吸引太多他们可能会有问题。另一方面,我们没有比它更好的东西,所以我们被迫使用它,直到打印出更好的选项。

Foundation Breaker 地基破碎者

It’s hard to argue against Breaker clunkiness – a two mana, sorcery speed Naturalize is far from being a Modern powerhouse. It’s played mostly because of how well it works with Living End – if uncontested, Breaker will be able to deal with two targets: the first one before and the second one after we bring our creatures back. Its main purpose is to deal with Urza’s Saga, but it also has some other important uses. For example, it’s a good, clean answer to Leyline of the Void, Chalice of the Void, and Blood Moon (assuming you’ve fetched Forest earlier). Sometimes, siding in one or two copies when a midrange player has access to two Relic of Progenitus or Unlicensed Hearses is a perfectly fine play. Sure, you might end up with a dead card in hand, but there will be games when having Breaker will be a critical.
很难反驳 Breaker 的笨拙——两点法术力、法术速度的归化远非近代赛强队。玩它主要是因为它与 Living End 配合得非常好——如果没有竞争,Breaker 将能够对付两个目标:第一个在我们带回生物之前和第二个在我们带回生物之后。它的主要目的是对付 Urza's Saga,但它也有一些其他重要的用途。举例来说,这是对虚空地脉、虚空圣杯和血月的一个很好的、干净的答案(假设你之前已经拿到了森林)。有时,当中档玩家可以使用两个 Relic of ProgenitusUnlicensed Hearses 时,支持一两个副本是一个非常好的游戏。当然,您最终可能会得到一张死牌,但有些游戏会让 Breaker 变得至关重要。

Pro tip #1: Remember about stacking triggers correctly. You usually want the Naturalize effect to resolve first, so your Foundation Breaker ends up in the graveyard rather than on exile against things like Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace.
专业提示 #1:记住正确堆叠触发器。你通常希望归化效应先结算,这样你的破坏基础就会落在坟墓场里,而不是被放逐,对抗像是虚空地脉或安息之类的东西。

Pro tip #2: Foundation Breaker has a ‘may’ ability, so you won’t be forced to destroy anything if there are no beneficial targets.
专业提示 #2:Foundation Breaker 具有“可能”能力,因此如果没有有益的目标,您不会被迫摧毁任何东西。

Force of Vigor 活力之力

In terms of raw power, Force of Vigor is in another league than Foundation Breaker. It’s an instant free spell that trades even on cards. In theory, it’s easy to assume that we should play as many copies of it as possible. In practice, it’s not that easy to cast without Violent Outburst, because of the lack of green cards in the deck. It’s not impossible to do so, but in my opinion you should have a good reason to play it over Foundation Breaker. For example, if the metagame will be focused heavily around Urza’s Saga decks, then going harder on FoVs can be relevant and I run as many as three or even four copies, so you could bring in a lot of green cards to make pitching it more consistent. But if your goal is to focus on a single target, for example Urza’s Saga in Amulet, or any single piece of hate that opponent could have (Leyline of the Void, Chalice, one-shot grave hate cards, Unlicensed Hearse, Soulless Jalier, etc.), you should play Foundation Breaker instead. Force of Vigor also matches up poorly against some of the hate cards, notably Trinisphere and Vexing Bauble, so if these cards are popular, I would look for a different Dischentant.
就原始力量而言,Force of Vigor 与 Foundation Breaker 处于另一个联盟。这是一个即时的免费咒语,甚至可以在卡片上进行交易。从理论上讲,很容易假设我们应该尽可能多地播放它的副本。在实践中,没有 Violent Outburst 施放并不是那么容易,因为套牌中没有绿卡。这样做并非不可能,但在我看来,您应该有充分的理由来玩它而不是 Foundation Breaker。举例来说,如果赛场主流主要围绕着克撒的传纪套牌,那么在 FoV 上更努力就很有意义,而我则推出了多达三张甚至四张,这样你就可以加入很多绿牌来让推销更加一致。但如果你的目标是专注于一个目标,例如护身符中的克撒传,或者对手可能拥有的任何单一仇恨(虚空地脉、圣杯、一发绝世仇恨卡、无牌灵车、无魂贾利尔等),你应该改用 Foundation Breaker。Force of Vigor 与一些 Hate 卡牌的搭配也很差,尤其是 Trinisphere 和 Vexing Bauble,所以如果这些卡牌很受欢迎,我会寻找不同的 Dischentant。

Dismember 肢解

Probably the only reasonable creature removal we have access to that can kill nearly all creatures that can enter the battlefield in the early turns of the game. The only real miss is Psychic Frog since the opponent can outgrow it – but our strategy against Frog is to not let it resolve in the first place anyway. Dismember has other disadvantages as well: losing four life is a real cost and because of it, it shouldn’t be considered as a way to survive an early game against tempo decks. But it’s at least a solid tool to combat hate bears.
可能是我们唯一能使用的合理的生物去除,它能杀掉几乎所有可以在游戏前期进战场的生物。唯一真正错过的是 Psychic Frog,因为对手可以超越它——但我们对付 Frog 的策略是无论如何都不要让它结算。肢解还有其他缺点:失去四条生命是真正的代价,正因为如此,它不应该被视为在对抗节奏套牌的早期游戏中生存下来的一种方式。但它至少是打击仇恨熊的可靠工具。

Living End 生活端

In the Living End community it’s an endless debate – if you should play four Living Ends in the maindeck, or if playing three could be enough? My answer to this question changes over time – if I expect to play against blue decks with countermagic, I tend to play four copies maindeck, just to not lose game one because I run out of Living Ends to cast. But in metagames without Counterspells, I can see going with three maindeck copies and the fourth one in the sideboard, just as an extra help against blue decks if I happen to get paired with one of them. 
在 Living End 社区里,这是一场无休止的争论——你是否应该在主套牌中使用四个 Living Endes,还是应该玩三个就足够了?我对这个问题的回答会随着时间而变化—如果我想对战有反击魔法的蓝色套牌,我倾向于使用四张主套牌,以免因为我用完了可施放的活命终点而输掉第一盘游戏。但在没有反击咒语的赛场主流中,我可以看到使用三个主套牌副本和第四个在备牌中,就像如果我碰巧与其中一个配对的话,对蓝色套牌有额外的帮助。

Inevitable Betrayal 不可避免的背叛

Sometimes, Living End players are trying a pivot strategy and they fully rely on the opposing threats to finish the game. The card can be solid against some Trom variants – turn three Ulamog or Emrakul is hard for them to beat. You can also steal Griselbrand or Atraxa against Goryo and hope to draw enough interaction that they’ll never be able to come back to the game. Betrayal is also a mirror breaker – if you can cascade into Betrayal that tutors for Endurance, it’s as close to winning the game as possible because your graveyard will be filled with cyclers, so the opponent won’t be able to rebuild, deal with your graveyard and find a cascade spell before you finish them off with a 3/4 attacker.
有时,Living End 玩家会尝试支点策略,他们完全依赖对方的威胁来完成游戏。这张牌对某些 Trom 变体来说可能很可靠——第三回合的 Ulamog 或 Emrakul 对他们来说很难击败。你也可以偷 Griselbrand 或 Atraxa 来对抗 Goryo,并希望吸引足够的互动,以至于他们永远无法回到游戏中。背叛也是一个破镜者 – 如果你能级联到背叛中,并辅导耐力,那么它就尽可能地接近赢得这盘游戏,因为你的坟墓场会充满循环者,所以对手将无法重建、处理你的坟墓场并找到一个倾曳咒语,然后你用一个 3/4 攻击者干掉他们。

Crashing Footfalls 崩溃的脚步声

Similarly to Inevitable Betrayal, Footfalls is another way to dodge the graveyard hate the opponent usually brings in. The problem is that two 4/4s won’t guarantee victory, since the Modern’s power level is higher and higher and vanilla creatures don’t impact the game as much as they did in the past. If the metagame plans to attack you exclusively with graveyard hate, it can be a solid strategy. Otherwise, I would avoid it. 
与 Inevitable Betrayal 类似,Footfalls 是另一种躲避对手通常会带来的坟墓场仇恨的方法。问题是两个 4/4 并不能保证胜利,因为现代的强度越来越高,而原版生物对游戏的影响不如过去。如果赛场主流打算只用坟墓场仇恨来攻击你,那可能是个不错的策略。否则,我会避免它。

Harbinger of the Seas 海洋先驱

Although the card can also be annoying for us and will lock our Ardent Plea out of the game, for some opponents it will be an instant game over. It’s even possible to play it on turn three against an unprepared opponent and win ten turns later after attacking for two a turn. It’s a good addition to the Inevitable Betrayal plan against Eldrazi. You can also sometimes cheese out some multicolor decks on the play if they don’t expect it (they should board out their point removal, so it shouldn’t be contested once it resolves). 
虽然这张牌对我们来说也很烦人,并且会将我们的 Ardent Plea 锁定在游戏之外,但对于一些对手来说,这将是一场瞬间的游戏结束。甚至可以在第三回合对阵毫无准备的对手,并在一回合攻击 2 回合后赢得 10 回合。这是对付奥札奇的不可避免的背叛计划的一个很好的补充。如果他们意想不到的话,你有时也可以在对局中挑选出一些多色套牌(他们应该把他们的分数移除放在板上,这样一旦结算就不应该被争论了)。

Temporary Lockdown 临时锁定

In theory it’s one of the best cards against Energy we have access to. While I believe the card is powerful and it can sometimes be played as a wide answer to both threats and hate cards, I can also see the risk of playing it. It’s a double white card, which will force you to make your manabase a bit more painful. It’s even worse if we realise that some Energy flavours will play Blood Moon, so Lockdown won’t be castable because of it + our need for double white will disincentivise us from fetching basics. That’s why I would recommend it mostly against three colour Energy builds. 
理论上,它是我们可以使用的对抗能量的最佳卡牌之一。虽然我相信这张牌很强大,而且它有时可以作为对威胁和仇恨牌的广泛回应,但我也能看到使用它的风险。这是一张双白牌,会强迫你让你的法术力基础更痛苦一些。如果我们意识到某些能量风味会玩血月,那就更糟糕了,所以锁定不会因此而施放 + 我们对双白的需求会阻止我们获取基本的东西。这就是为什么我主要推荐它来对抗三种颜色的能量构建。

Mindbreak Trap 心碎陷阱

A narrow, but powerful answer to Storm. It’s just another zero mana counter to their payoffs. The best targets are Past in Flames and Wish. You can also try to catch Grapeshots, but it’s a bit risky because once Storm goes off, they can win with another win condition from the sideboard, either Thassa’s Oracle or Empty the Warrens + Alchemist’s Gambit.
对 Storm 的狭隘但有力的回答。这只是另一个零法术力指示物来对抗他们的回报。最好的目标是 Past in Flames 和 Wish。你也可以尝试捕捉 Grapeshots,但这有点冒险,因为一旦 Storm 响起,他们就可以用备牌中的另一个获胜条件获胜,要么是 Tassa 的 Oracle 或 Empty the Warrens + Alchemist's Gambit。

Drannith Magistrate 卓尼斯治安官

Another narrow answer to Storm. If you really want to win this matchup and don’t have a problem with sparing two sideboard slots, just swap Living Ends for Magistrates. You’ll have ten copies of them total (eight cascade spells + two Magistrates) and multiple ways to protect them. Once they can’t execute their gameplan, finish the game with Endurance, Curator of Mysteries, and Subtlety. This plan is the best against green build because it lacks good answers to it. White builds can have Static Prison though. 
另一个狭隘的回答 Storm。如果你真的想赢得这场比赛,并且对保留两个备牌位置没有问题,就把 Living Ends 换成 Magistrates 就行了。你总共会有十个副本(八个级联法术 + 两个 Magistrates)和多种保护它们的方法。一旦他们无法执行他们的游戏计划,就用 Endurance、Curator of Mysteries 和 Subtlety 完成游戏。这个计划是最好的反对绿色建筑,因为它缺乏好的答案。不过,白色构建可以有 Static Prison。

Leyline of the Void 虚空地脉

An ultimate weapon against graveyard strategies. You need to have it in the opening to make it work, so the cost of having them in the deck is rather high. But when this type of effect is needed, it’s great. Use it if you expect to play against a lot of decks that heavily rely on the graveyard – for example the mirror, Underworld Breach decks, etc. It can also be sideboarded against some DRC decks, but I’m not the biggest fan of it, since you can still lose to their countermagic and, unlike Endurance, Leyline won’t threat the opponent to win the game by any means.
对抗墓地策略的终极武器。你需要把它放在开局才能运作,所以把它们放在套牌里的成本相当高。但是当需要这种类型的效果时,它很棒。如果你希望与许多严重依赖坟墓场的套牌对战——例如镜子、Underworld Breach 套牌等,请使用它。它也可以放在一些 DRC 套牌的备牌上,但我不是它的最大粉丝,因为你仍然可以输给他们的反魔法,而且与耐力不同,地脉不会以任何方式威胁对手赢得比赛。

Leyline of Sanctity 圣洁地脉

In the past, Leyline of Sanctity was played to stop Endurance, discard spells, Burn, and fringe combo decks like Belcher or Calibrated Blast. Due to cards like Boseiju, Leyline Binding, Teferi, Haywire Mite, etc. it lost some of its power and it’s not as heavily played as it was before – it’s just too easy to answer, and there are better tools to stop all of the cards that were mentioned above. But it’s good to keep in mind the card exists and use it when the metagame isn’t ready for it (for example, your local metagame is infested by Mono Black Necrodominance or Burn decks).
过去,Leyline of Sanctity 被用来阻止 Endurance、丢弃法术、Burn 以及 Belcher 或 Calibrated Blast 等边缘组合牌。由于像 Boseiju、Leyline Binding、Teferi、Haywire Mite 等卡牌的出现,它失去了一些力量,而且它不像以前那样被大量使用——这太容易回答了,而且有更好的工具可以阻止上面提到的所有卡牌。但最好记住这张牌的存在,并在赛场主流还没有准备好的时候使用它(举例来说,你的本地赛场主流被 Mono Black Necrodominance 或 Burn 套牌所侵扰)。

Ashiok, Dream Render Ashiok,Dream Render

A narrow card that’s very effective against one strategy – Amulet. It attacks basically every important card in their deck: it affects Urza’s Saga tutoring for Amulet, makes Summoner’s Pact and Tolaria West blanks, Primeval Titan becomes a 6/6 Trampler with no additional text, makes the Analyst combo worse, etc. At the same time it solves the big problem Living End had in the matchup – Amulet players discarding Primeval Titan or Cultivator Colossus to hand size. Just mill yourself and exile your opponent’s graveyard.
一张对一种策略非常有效的窄牌 – Amulet。它基本上会攻击他们套牌里的所有重要牌:它会影响克撒传对护符的辅导,让召唤师契约和陶拉利亚西空,太古泰坦变成没有额外叙述的 6/6 践踏者,让分析家的组合更糟,等等。同时,它解决了 Living End 在对决中遇到的大问题——Amulet 玩家将 Primeval Titan 或 Cultivator Colossus 丢弃到手牌大小。只需磨磨自己并放逐对手的坟墓场。

Ashiok isn’t that useful against any other strategy. I can see it being okay against Scapeshift decks and maybe acceptable in the mirror.
Ashiok 对任何其他策略都没有用。我看得出来它对 Scapeshift 套牌还可以,也许在镜子里还可以接受。

Damping Matrix 阻尼矩阵

If you expect a lot of one-shot artifact graveyard hate like Relic of Progenitus/Nihil Spellbomb or creature combos with activated abilities, you can consider playing one or two copies of this card. Personally. I’m not a fan of it since the majority of games postboard are about getting through the opponent’s hate, not setting up ours. 
如果你期待很多一次性的神器坟墓场仇恨,像是先祖遗物/虚无咒炸弹,或是具有起动式异能的生物组合技,你可以考虑使用这张牌的一两张。个人。我不喜欢它,因为大多数游戏 postboard 都是关于克服对手的仇恨,而不是设置我们的仇恨。

Solitude  孤独

Solitude doesn’t fit well with what Living End is trying to achieve. If we plan to wrath the opponent’s board, what’s the point of playing point removal in the first place? The body is also quite small: 3/2 without evasion is not where we want to be. But the worst part of playing it is that you’re forced to add more white cards to the deck and they are even worse. Eagles of the North is garbage, Glassdust Hulk may have its moments, but it’s a 3/4 most of the time when the alternatives are clearly better. 
孤独与 Living End 试图实现的目标并不十分契合。如果我们打算激怒对手的棋盘,那么首先玩点移除有什么意义呢?主体也相当小:没有闪避的 3/2 不是我们想要的。但玩它最糟糕的是你被迫在牌组中添加更多的白牌,而且它们更糟糕。北方之鹰是垃圾,Glassdust Hulk 可能有它的时刻,但大多数时候是 3/4,而替代品显然更好。

General Notes 一般说明

Sideboarding with Living End is relatively easy. You have the core of the deck and some moving pieces. Also, the sideboard is straightforward and it’s separated into sections: anti-countermagic, anti-artifact, graveyard hate, removal, and narrow answers for one or two dominating archetypes. So the sideboarding usually comes down to picking one or two sections and finding how to pack them in. Tips:
Living End 的侧板相对容易。你有甲板的核心和一些移动的棋子。此外,备牌也很简单,并且被分成了几个部分:反反魔法、反神器、坟墓场仇恨、移除,以及一两个主要原型的狭隘答案。所以边board 通常归结为选择一两个部分并找到如何将它们打包进去。技巧:

  • Having a critical mass of them is essential for the deck. However, you can cut a few during sideboarding and the deck will still function. Generous Ents are uncuttable because they are more lands than cyclers. Try to not go below sixteen cyclers.
    拥有临界质量对于套牌来说是必不可少的。但是,您可以在边牌期间减少一些,并且甲板仍然可以使用。Generous Ents 是不可切割的,因为它们比 Cycler 更像是 Lands。尽量不要低于 16 个 cyclers。
  • If you ever wonder which cycler should be cut, think about which one will be the worst. In terms of landcyclers, try to analyse what you need in a matchup. Street Wraith is an easy out against aggressive decks. You can cut one or two Wakers/Rex if you add a lot of cards for two mana from the sideboard since you want to spend the mana as efficiently as possible and bottleneck on two mana plays isn’t what you want. I can even see situations when you can cut Curator of Mysteries (for example you need as much power as possible, but also black cards for Grief) or Striped Riverwinder (versus for example Wurmcoil Engine decks). Ask the right questions and adapt.
    如果您想知道应该切割哪种循环仪,请考虑一下哪一个会是最糟糕的。就陆地骑行者而言,尝试分析您在比赛中需要什么。Street Wraith 是对抗激进套牌的轻松出局。如果你从备牌中加入了很多两张法术力的牌,你可以删掉一两张 Wakers/Rex,因为你想要尽可能有效率地消耗法术力,而两点法术力的瓶颈并不是你想要的。我甚至能看到你可以削减 Curator of Mysteries(例如你需要尽可能多的力量,但也需要黑牌来应对 Grief)或 Striped Riverwinder(相对于例如亚龙线圈引擎的套牌)的情况。提出正确的问题并进行调整。
  • If your plan is to rely more on Endurance, try to not cut green cards, even if they aren’t lining up particularly well against what the opponent is trying to achieve.
  • A note about interactive spells. They are usually added or removed as a whole section. For example, don’t be afraid to cut all copies of Force of Negation if the opponent doesn’t have any meaningful targets for it. Or Subtlety/Endurance/Commandeer/anything else when they match up poorly versus the opponent’s interaction/threats. Remember – there are no sacred cows in terms of sideboarding. Every card that’s not essential for the engine can be cut. And, of course, trimming one or two copies against decks that have some relevant targets, but not too many can be a fine choice.
    关于互动法术的说明。它们通常作为一个部分添加或删除。例如,如果对手没有任何有意义的目标,请不要害怕剪掉所有 Force of Negation 的副本。或者 Subtlety/Endurance/Commandeer/任何其他当它们与对手的互动/威胁匹配不佳时。请记住 - 就餐具柜而言,没有神圣的奶牛。每张对引擎来说不是必需的牌都可以剪掉。当然,在有一些相关目标的套牌中删减一两张,但不要太多,也是个不错的选择。
  • Play/draw patterns matter a lot when evaluating your interactive spells. For instance, Subtlety can be counted as an answer to Drannith Magistrate when you’re on the play because after their turn two you’ll get your window to cast a turn three cascade. However if you’re on the draw, they’ll be able to recast it before you cascade.
  • If you play four Living Ends, cutting one versus decks without a lot of counterspells is reasonable. Going down to two Living Ends in the deck is a huge risk because you’ll increase the chances to draw the remaining copies and fizzle. In my opinion, it’s reasonable only when you know you’ll resolve exactly one LE and versus decks without creatures and without ways to counter our LE. Generally speaking, avoid cutting Living Ends unless you really need extra slots.
    如果你使用四个 Living Ends,那么在没有很多反击咒语的情况下削减一个 vs 套牌是合理的。在套牌中减少到两个 Living End 是一个巨大的风险,因为你会增加抽到剩余副本和失败的机会。在我看来,只有当你知道你会解决一个 LE 和 versus 套牌,没有生物,也没有办法对抗我们的 LE 时,这才是合理的。一般来说,除非你真的需要额外的插槽,否则避免剪掉 Living Endes。
  • If you have Inevitable Betrayal, you should board out all Living Ends and more cyclers than usual and switch to playing a strange deck that steals the opponent’s best creature and is filled with any form of meaningful interaction. Having a mix of Betrayals and Living Ends is a recipe for disaster when you want to flip one and hit another. 
    如果你有 Inevitable Betrayal,你应该把所有 Living Ends 和比平时更多的 Cyclers 登出去,然后改用一副奇怪的套牌,偷走对手最好的生物,并充满任何形式的有意义的互动。当你想翻转一个并打击另一个时,混合使用 Betrayals 和 Living Ends 是灾难的根源。
  • If you think that the opponent might have one or two dedicated hate cards (like Chalice of the Void) as the only target for your disenchant effects, I would side in one less answer than the number of Chalices I expect. For example, versus 4c Omnath with two Chalices, I’ll try to add one Foundation Breaker. Force of Negation, Flare of Denial, and channel lands covers the threat of hate to some extent already, so there’s no need to oversideboard for an unlikely scenario of them drawing their two outer in the early game.
    如果你认为对手可能有一两张专用的仇恨卡牌(像是虚空圣杯)作为你祛魅效应的唯一目标,我会比我预期的圣杯数量少一个答案。举个例子,相对于 4c Omnath 有两个圣杯,我会尝试加入一个 Foundation Breaker。否定之力、否认耀斑和魂力地已经在一定程度上涵盖了仇恨的威胁,所以没有必要在游戏前期为他们抽到两个外侧的不太可能的情况而过度讨论。

Sideboard guide cheat sheet

As we’re trying to further evolve our content to be more convenient and useful for you, we’re going to implement some changes to how our sideboard guides are presented. You can still find the Cheat Sheet with the exact numbers I settled on for today above, and below you can find more evergreen guidelines as to which cards work and which don’t in each matchup. This way, you can take more from these plans even if your list isn’t exactly the same as mine.

Update alert! 更新提醒!

This cheat sheet was updated on 27th September. I slightly changed the plans compared to the one I posted on 12th. Very slight changes to the list and some new ideas about sideboarding (mostly about cutting Street Wraith in matchups when life loss is important (for example Energy) and long games when we try to execute the fair plan (UB Murktide).
此备忘单已于 9 月 27 日更新。与我在 12 日发布的计划相比,我略微更改了计划。对列表进行了非常细微的更改,并对侧板提出了一些新的想法(主要是关于在失去生命很重要时(例如能量)和当我们尝试执行公平计划时进行长时间的比赛(UB Murktide)时削减街头幽灵)。

Sideboard guide 备牌指南

Amulet 护身符

Cards that are bad: 4th Living End
坏牌:4th Living End

Cards that aren’t great: —
不是很好的卡牌: —

S-Tier sideboard cards: Harbinger of the Seas
S 级备牌:Harbinger of the Seas

Good sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker, Force of Vigor
好的备牌:Foundation Breaker、Force of Vigor

Marginal sideboard cards: Leyline of Sanctity

Trap cards: Inevitable Betrayal

Game one is either very straightforward or very tricky. The easy games include a turn three Cascade to set up a fast clock with FoN/Subtlety/Flare/Sink into Stupor/Commandeer to slow them down. Some problems can arise if they’re on the play and start with either Urza’s Saga with The Mycosynth Gardens to threaten kills out of nowhere, or The One Ring to slow down the game and win later with their top end or the Aftermath Analyst combo kill. There are two routes you can take – attack the ramp and counter Amulets, Spelunkings and The One Rings, or the payoff and focus on their creatures. It’s quite tricky and there aren’t any golden rules to that, so just practise the matchup and learn play patterns. I tend to let Amulet resolve if they have Saga already ticking and counter it otherwise. Endurance is also surprisingly good against them because it stops the Analyst combo, Shifting Woodlands, and returning Titans from Living End.
第一场比赛要么非常简单,要么非常棘手。简单的游戏包括第三回合 Cascade,以设置 FoN/Subtlety/Flare/Sink 到 Stupor/Commandeer 的快速时钟以减慢它们的速度。如果他们在游戏中,一开始就是 Urza's Saga 和 The Mycosynth Gardens 来威胁突然的杀戮,或者 The One Ring 来减慢游戏速度并在以后用他们的高端或 Aftermath Analyst 组合击杀来获胜,那么可能会出现一些问题。你可以采取两条路线 - 攻击斜坡并反击护身符、洞穴探险和至尊戒指,或者获得回报并专注于他们的生物。这很棘手,而且没有任何黄金法则,所以只需练习对决并学习比赛模式即可。如果他们已经有 Saga 在滴答作响,我倾向于让 Amulet 解决,否则就反驳它。耐力对他们来说也出奇地好,因为它阻止了分析师组合、移动林地和从 Living End 返回的泰坦。

Sometimes Amulet players discard Primeval Titan/Cultivator Colossus to hand size (it’s possible when they keep seven on the draw and play a land into bounce land), so it could return from our Living End. If that happens, don’t panic and keep cycling. If they discard like this, it means that they don’t develop their board as fast as they could, so you should have more time to cycle and overwhelm them with Cascade later on. Endurance or Faerie Macabre are elegant solutions to this unusual strategy. It’s also possible to beat them without resolving Living End – if they lose too many resources on filling their graveyard with Titans, you can simply race them. Just cast flyers, counter Rings and delay their Primeval Titans with Subtlety – it happens more often than you would think. 
有时候护身符牌手会把太古泰坦/修炼巨像弃牌到手牌大小(当他们在抓牌时保留七,并将一张地放进回手地时,这是可能的),这样它就可以从我们的生命尽头回归。如果发生这种情况,请不要惊慌并继续骑行。如果他们像这样弃牌,那就意味着他们没有尽可能快地发展他们的棋盘,所以你应该有更多的时间来循环,稍后用 Cascade 压倒他们。Endurance 或 Faerie Macabre 是这种不寻常策略的优雅解决方案。也可以在不解决 Living End 的情况下击败他们——如果他们在用泰坦填满他们的墓地时损失了太多资源,你可以简单地与他们比赛。只需施放传单、反击戒指并用 Subtlety 延迟他们的 Primeval Titans——这种情况发生的频率比你想象的要多。

Games postboard are heavily influenced by what exactly they have prepared for the matchup. They can have many different hate cards: Bojuka Bog, Endurance, Turn the Earth, tutorable hate from Urza’s Saga (Relic or Vexing Bauble) or even Surgical Extraction. Another common approach is Trinisphere + The Stone Brain. There’s not that much we can do about it – we already have Subtlety, Force and Disenchants to cover it as well as we can. Another curveball they can throw your way is their own Generous Ents – they slow down our goldfish time significantly.
Games postboard 在很大程度上受到他们为比赛准备的内容的影响。它们可以有许多不同的仇恨卡牌:Bojuka Bog、Endurance、Turn the Earth、Urza's Saga 中可教的仇恨(Relic 或 Vexing Bauble)甚至 Surgical Extraction。另一种常见的方法是 Trinisphere + The Stone Brain。我们对此无能为力——我们已经有 Subtlety、Force 和 Disenchants 来尽可能地覆盖它。他们可以向你投掷的另一个曲线球是他们自己的 Generous Ents——他们显着减慢了我们的金鱼时间。

Eldrazi Ramp 奥札奇加速

Cards that are bad: Endurance, 4th Living End
坏牌:耐力、第 4 个活着的终点

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety

S-Tier sideboard cards: Inevitable Betrayal*
S 级备牌:不可避免的背叛*

Good sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker, Force of Vigor, Harbinger of the Seas
好的备牌:Foundation Breaker、Force of Vigor、Harbinger of the Seas

Marginal sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute, Teferi, Time Raveler (both if they splash blue only)
边际备牌:Mystical Dispute、Teferi、Time Raveler(如果它们只喷蓝色时)

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

From Living End’s perspective, Eldrazi Ramp is a control deck with a strong land destruction component in the form of Sowing Mycospawn and World Breaker with Emrakul, the Promised End as finisher and The One Ring to glue the deck. In game one, we usually should be fast enough to set up the clock before they execute their gameplan and it comes down to the battle of their threats against our permission. The only real way for them to interact is Kozilek’s Command, and even that can be too slow. But if you stumble a bit and let them have upwards of six mana, they’ll exile your key creatures and start attacking your lands. Another annoying card is Malevolent Rumble – it can sometimes flip a lot of creatures, which will strongly affect our tempo. Luckily for us, Endurance can cover it. Generally speaking, it’s hard to lose game one, so just focus on goldfishing and it should be enough. Generous Ent and Waker of Waves are the most important creatures to have because they survive Kozilek’s Return from the graveyard. 
从Living End的角度来看,奥札奇加速是一副控制套牌,有着很强的地毁灭要素,以播种Mycospawn和World Breaker的形式出现,以伊莫库、应许终结者作为终结者,以及将套牌粘在一起的至尊魔戒。在第一场比赛中,我们通常应该足够快,在他们执行比赛计划之前设置好时钟,这归结为他们违背我们许可的威胁之战。他们唯一真正的互动方式是 Kozilek 的命令,即使这样也可能太慢了。但如果你稍微绊倒一下,让他们拥有六点以上的法术力,他们就会放逐你的关键生物并开始攻击你的地。另一张烦人的牌是 Malevolent Rumble – 它有时可以翻转很多生物,这会强烈影响我们的节奏。幸运的是,Endurance 可以覆盖它。一般来说,输掉第一场比赛很难,所以只专注于淘金就足够了。Generous Ent 和 Waker of Waves 是最重要的生物,因为它们在 Kozilek 从墓地归来后幸存下来。

Games postboard tend to be harder since they usually pack a lot of hate. Usually it’s a mix of artifacts: Trinisphere, The Stone Brain, Soulless Jailer, etc. Some ramp players splash blue for Consign to Memory and sometimes Mystical Dispute. I like switching the gameplan into Inevitable Betrayal since they can’t do much against a stolen Emrakul. Not using Living End also helps to negate the impact of Rumble and Kozilek’s Command. Board out Living Ends, some cyclers and bring everything that can slow down the opponent. There’s a chance that the opponent after game two will figure out what’s going on and they will board out all the Emrakuls. In that case, the stealing plan becomes weaker and you can consider going back to the Living End.
游戏 postboard 往往更难,因为它们通常包含很多仇恨。通常是神器的混合:Trinisphere、The Stone Brain、Soulless Jailer 等。一些加速玩家会为 Consign to Memory 泼蓝色,有时也会为 Mystical Dispute 泼蓝色。我喜欢把游戏计划改成 Inevitable Betrayal,因为他们对付被偷来的 Emrakul 无能为力。不使用 Living End 也有助于抵消 Rumble 和 Kozilek 的命令的影响。登上 Living Ends,一些骑自行车的人,并带上所有可以减慢对手速度的东西。对手有机会在第二场比赛后弄清楚发生了什么,然后他们就会把所有的伊莫库牌都牌出去。在这种情况下,偷窃计划会变得更弱,您可以考虑回到 Living End。

Eldrazi – Through the Breach
奥札奇 – 穿越裂隙

Cards that are bad: Endurance, 4th Living End
坏牌:耐力、第 4 个活着的终点

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety

S-Tier sideboard cards: Inevitable Betrayal*, Harbinger of the Seas
S 级备牌:Inevitable Betrayal*、Harbinger of the Seas

Good sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker, Force of Vigor
好的备牌:Foundation Breaker、Force of Vigor

Marginal sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute (if you side in Betrayal, you can cut some cyclers to play a bad Mana Leak)

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

Through the Breach Eldrazi is a combo twist on the Eldrazi Ramp. The majority of the deck, so Eldrazi Temple + Ugin’s Labyrinth, All is Dust, Kozilek’s Command, etc. stays the same. But instead of World Breaker and more ramp, it plays Breach + Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and sometimes Ulamog, the Defiler as ways to win the game on the spot. From Living End’s perspective it means two things: you should not go below fifteen life if possible and think about the goldfish more than anything else.
穿越裂隙 Eldrazi 是 Eldrazi 加速的连击。这副套牌的大部分,所以奥札奇神殿 + 乌金的迷宫、一切都是尘埃、寇兹莱克的指令等等都保持不变。但它不是 World Breaker 和更多的斜坡,而是玩 Breach + Emrakul、Aeons Torn,有时还有 Ulamog,Defiler 作为当场赢得游戏的方法。从 Living End 的角度来看,这意味着两件事:如果可能的话,你不应该低于 15 岁,并且应该更多地考虑金鱼。

Games postboard are very similar to a typical Eldrazi Ramp – expect some copies of artifact hate. It won’t be as present as in the classic ramp build, but you can run into it. Endurance is extremely bad, so if you have it, side it out – even Mystical Dispute as bad Mana Leak will be better. Subtlety isn’t the best, but it at least can keep in check Thought-Knot Seer that can come in after G1. I like switching the plan to Inevitable Betrayal – stealing Emrakul ends the game when we are on the play and their only way to prevent this is to have their combo, but our counters should be ready to stop it. Bring in anything that can interact with them. Harbinger of the Seas and Disenchants are the best.
游戏的明信板与典型的 Eldrazi Ramp 非常相似——期待一些 Artifact Hate 的副本。它不会像经典的 ramp 构建那样存在,但你可以遇到它。耐力非常糟糕,所以如果你有它,就把它放在一边——即使是 Mystical Dispute 作为糟糕的 Mana Leak 也会更好。微妙不是最好的,但它至少可以控制 G1 之后出现的 Thought-Knot Seer。我喜欢把计划改成无可避免的背叛 – 当我们在场时偷走伊莫库就结束了游戏,而他们唯一能防止这种情况的方法就是使用他们的组合技,但我们的指示者应该准备好阻止它。引入任何可以与它们互动的东西。Harbinger of the Seas 和 Disenchants 是最好的。

Energy – Boros 能源 – 波洛斯

Cards that are bad: 4th Living End,
坏牌:4th Living End,

Cards that aren’t great: Flare of Denial, Commandeer
不太好的卡牌:Flare of Denial、Commandeer

S-Tier sideboard cards: Brazen Borrower (because it can bounce anything)
S 级备牌:Brazen Borrower(因为它可以反弹任何东西)

Good sideboard cards: Endurance, Foundation Breaker, Dismember (depends to what they play as hate)

Marginal sideboard cards: Faerie Macabre
边注备牌:Faerie Macabre

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

Energy is a midrange deck centred around the energy mechanic and the best creatures in colours from MH3. These types of strategies are usually good matchups for Living End. In game one, they don’t have any tools to stop us from executing our gameplan, so usually it’s a pure race. When we’re on the play, it’s hard to imagine any scenario that could be hard for us to beat. But when we’re on the draw, sometimes they’ll force us to cascade when we’re not yet prepared to do so, and if our cyclers line up poorly, they’ll have a chance to rebuild. The most annoying line is probably double Ajani – once it resolves, one of them flips, so it won’t die to Living End and the second one goes to the graveyard, meaning that it will return later. Constant token production from Ajani and Ocelot can gum up the ground very quickly, and that’s why having flyers is important. Subtlety and to some extent Endurance covers that line perfectly. They also keep Phlage in check, which otherwise keeps coming back and can burn us out in the midgame. Force of Negation may look bad against a creature deck, but they have some high impact cards like The One Ring, Blood Moon, or Goblin Bombardment, so try to keep the counter for them instead of using it on their removal spells. Because of the Moon and preserving life total, you should fetch basics if possible.
能量是一副中速套牌,以能量机制和 MH3 中最好的颜色生物为中心。这些类型的策略通常是 Living End 的好对决。在第一场比赛中,他们没有任何工具可以阻止我们执行我们的比赛计划,所以通常是一场纯粹的比赛。当我们在比赛中时,很难想象任何我们很难击败的情况。但是当我们在抽签时,有时他们会在我们还没有准备好的时候强迫我们进行级联,如果我们的自行车手排兵布阵不佳,他们将有机会重建。最烦人的可能是双倍阿耶尼 – 一旦结算,其中一个就会翻转,这样它就不会死在活着的尽头,而第二个会进入坟墓场,这意味着它稍后会回来。Ajani 和 Ocelot 的持续代币生产可以很快地变得糟糕,这就是为什么拥有传单很重要的原因。Subtlety 和在某种程度上 Endurance 完美地覆盖了这条线。他们还可以控制 Phlage,否则它会不断卷土重来,并可能在游戏中期耗尽我们。否定之力在对付生物套牌时可能看起来很糟糕,但它们有一些高影响力的卡牌,比如至尊戒指、血月或哥布林轰炸,所以尽量为他们保留指示物,而不是用它来去除咒语。由于月亮和保持生命总量,如果可能的话,你应该拿一些基本的东西。

After you resolve your first Living End, it’s possible to slow down the game instead of racing. Force them to spend resources to beat your board and finish the game either with one unchecked flyer or with the second Living End – after you let your creatures die, cycle more and reset their graveyard with Endurance. Choosing which route would be better requires practice, so test the matchup properly.
解决第一个 Living End 后,可以放慢游戏速度而不是赛车。强迫他们花费资源来击败你的棋盘,并通过一个未检查的飞行器或第二个 Living End 完成游戏 - 在你让你的生物死亡后,更多地循环并使用耐力重置他们的墓地。选择哪条路线会更好需要练习,因此请正确测试匹配。

Postboard games are a bit harder, but we are still advantaged. Since they are good at grinding, their sideboard is filled with hate cards, usually to stop spell-based combo decks, like us. It’s usually a guessing game about which archetypes the energy player wants to win against. Some cards like Magebane Lizard or Damping Sphere are close to useless, Surgical Extraction is more annoying than useful, etc. But some would cause us a lot of trouble – Unlicensed Hearse, Soul-Guide Lantern, Flute, Drannith Magistrate, Thraben Charm, or even Reprieve are good examples of that. My plan is to pack disenchants and creature removal – at worst, it will keep Blood Moon, Guide of Souls, and Ocelot Pride in check. Force of Negation may look out of place, but they’re good at dealing with hate cards that cost two or three mana and – more importantly – we don’t have anything better to work with. So it’s better to have situational but powerful answers than nothing. Flare of Denial is probably the worst card because in this matchup you usually want to counter stuff before you cascade.
Postboard 游戏有点难,但我们仍然占优势。由于他们擅长磨练,他们的备牌上装满了仇恨卡,通常是为了阻止基于法术的组合套牌,就像我们一样。这通常是一个关于能量玩家想要战胜哪些原型的猜谜游戏。一些卡牌,如 Magebane Lizard 或 Damping Sphere 几乎没用,Surgical Extraction 比有用更烦人,等等。但有些会给我们带来很多麻烦——无牌灵车、魂导灯、长笛、卓尼斯治安官、瑟班护身符,甚至缓刑都是很好的例子。我的计划是打包祛魅和生物去除——在最坏的情况下,它会控制血月、灵魂指南和豹猫骄傲。否定之力可能看起来格格不入,但他们很擅长对付那些需要两到三点法术力的仇恨卡牌,而且——更重要的是——我们没有更好的办法了。因此,有情境但有力的答案总比没有好。Flare of Denial 可能是最糟糕的牌,因为在这场对决中,你通常想在级联之前反击东西。

After game two, you can adapt a bit better to what you saw. For example, if they’re not running hatebears, Dismember may not look that impactful, assuming that their creatures will die to Living End eventually.
在第二场比赛之后,你可以更好地适应你所看到的。例如,如果他们没有经营仇恨熊,那么 Dismember 可能看起来没有那么大的影响力,假设他们的生物最终会死到 Living End。

Energy – Mardu 能源 – Mardu

Cards that are bad: 4th Living End,
坏牌:4th Living End,

Cards that aren’t great: Flare of Denial, Commandeer
不太好的卡牌:Flare of Denial、Commandeer

S-Tier sideboard cards: Brazen Borrower (because it can bounce anything)
S 级备牌:Brazen Borrower(因为它可以反弹任何东西)

Good sideboard cards: Endurance, Foundation Breaker, Dismember (depends to what they play as hate)

Marginal sideboard cards: Faerie Macabre
边注备牌:Faerie Macabre

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

This matchup is very similar to Boros Energy, but there are enough differences that I decided to write about it separately. The biggest one is the lack of Blood Moon – since they’re a three colour deck themselves, they can’t play it. Instead, they opt for Thoughtseize, which can also be annoying, but usually we can overpower it with cyclers and Surveil lands. There’s also Orcish Bowmasters as a way to punish us when we cycle and can’t find either a cascade spell or a third land. Chthonian Nightmare will help them rebuild after the Living End, but Force of Negation and Endurance should be able to keep it in check.
这场比赛和波洛斯能源很像,但差异太大了,所以我决定单独写它。最大的一个是缺少血月 – 因为他们本身就是三色套牌,所以他们不能玩。相反,他们选择了 Thoughtseize,这也可能很烦人,但通常我们可以用 Cyclers 和 Surveil 地来压倒它。还有兽人弓箭手,当我们骑自行车并且找不到级联法术或第三块土地时,可以惩罚我们。Chthonian Nightmare 将帮助他们在 Living End 之后重建,但 Force of Negation 和 Endurance 应该能够控制住它。

Games postboard are very similar to Boros Energy – they tend to pack some hate cards and we are trying to answer them. Disenchants are a bit less impactful since they don’t have Blood Moons, but Unlicensed Hearse and random stuff like Nihil Spellbomb are fairly common.
游戏的 postboard 与 Boros Energy 非常相似 – 它们往往会包含一些仇恨卡,而我们正试图解答这些问题。Disenchants 的影响要小一些,因为它们没有血月,但 Unlicensed Hearse 和像 Nihil Spellbomb 这样的随机东西相当常见。

Goryo 高丽

Cards that are bad: —
坏牌: —

Cards that aren’t great: Force of Negation, Subtlety (but both are still playable with the Betrayal plan)

S-Tier sideboard cards: Faerie Macabre, Endurance, Inevitable Betrayal
S 级备牌:Faerie Macabre、Endurance、Inevitable Betrayal

Good sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute, Leyline of the Void
好的备牌:Mystical Dispute、Leyline of the Void

Marginal sideboard cards: Dismember, Brazen Borrower (depending if you expect Drannith Magistrate and other hate cards)

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

This is one of the hardest matchups to navigate well. Goryo’s Vengeance’s gameplans (both reanimating Atraxa/Griselbrand and Solitude with Ephemerate) matches up well against ours. On top of that, they have a lot of interactive spells – discard, Force of Negation, and a bunch of hate postboard. In game one, there are two gameplans you can try to execute. The easier one is to go under and go for the turn three cascade while using Subtlety and Force to not let them discard Atraxa/Griselbrand/Solitude. Faerie Macabre does wonders in the matchup, since they don’t have any good way to answer it outside of discard – if you play against a lot of Goryo, add them to the maindeck. Endurance is also great, although it’s hard to play it for zero mana and, unlike Macabre, it can be stopped with the help of Subtlety. The other strategy is to go extremely long and not let them win. This is much harder to accomplish, and it requires them not doing much in the midgame, but it can happen from time to time. The idea is that with multiple Generous Ents and Curators, you’ll be able to block their payoffs (note that they can have one Atraxa and one Griselbrand in play at the same time, so it’s not a lot of power) and with the lifegain from Food tokens and their Solitudes, you’ll lock them out of any attacks. Then you wait until they deck themselves, or you finish the game with an unblockable Street Wraith. It’s an ambitious plan and can fold to one Ulamog, but it can work preboard.
这是最难驾驭的对决之一。Goryo's Vengeance 的游戏计划(都让 Atraxa/Griselbrand 和 Solitude 与 Ephemerate 一起复活)与我们的游戏计划非常匹配。最重要的是,他们有很多互动法术——弃牌、否定之力和一堆仇恨邮局。在第一场比赛中,您可以尝试执行两个游戏计划。更容易的是进入并进行第三回合级联,同时使用 Subtlety 和 Force 不让他们丢弃 Atraxa/Griselbrand/Solitude。Faerie Macabre 在对决中创造了奇迹,因为他们除了弃牌之外没有任何好的方法来回答它——如果你对战很多 Gory,就把他们加到主套牌里。耐力也很棒,虽然很难用零法力来玩它,而且与 Macabre 不同,它可以在 Subtlety 的帮助下停止。另一种策略是走得非常远,不让他们赢。这要难得多,而且需要他们在游戏中期不要做太多事情,但这种情况有时会发生。这个想法是,拥有多个 Generous Ents 和 Curators,您将能够阻止他们的回报(请注意,他们可以同时有一个 Atraxa 和一个 Griselbrand 在游戏中,所以这不是很多力量),并且使用食物代币和他们的 Solitudes 获得的生命,您将锁定他们免受任何攻击。然后你等到他们装扮自己,或者你用不可阻挡的街头幽灵完成游戏。这是一个雄心勃勃的计划,可以折叠成一个 Ulamog,但它可以在登机前工作。

After sideboarding, things become extremely hard for us. They still threaten us with Goryo, but usually, they win by locking us out of the game. Cards like Teferi, Supreme Verdict, more Forces and graveyard hate are attacking from so many different angles that it’s hard to find a good solution to all of these lines. In my opinion, the best way to approach this is to attack them with their own threats – Inevitable Betrayal stealing their Griselbrand or Atraxa and hoping we’ll draw enough answers to stop them from executing their plan is a wild, but surprisingly successful strategy. This line can still lose to Teferi or a random Solitude + Ephemerate, but it’s easier to assemble than Living End. If you are not a Betrayal believer, you can still win by forcing through your main plan – keep their graveyard in check with Faerie Macabre and Endurance and hope that Grief, Mystical Dispute, and Subtlety will trade well. Eventually, you should be able to resolve a Living End and (assuming they won’t have a stacked graveyard) steal the win before they rebuild.
在备牌之后,事情对我们来说变得非常困难。他们仍然用 Goryo 威胁我们,但通常,他们通过将我们锁定在游戏之外来获胜。像是泰菲力、至尊判决、更多力量和坟墓场仇恨这样的牌,会从许多不同的角度发动攻击,以至于很难找到一个好的解决方案来解决所有这些问题。在我看来,解决这个问题的最好方法是用他们自己的威胁来攻击他们——不可避免的背叛偷走他们的 Griselbrand 或 Atraxa,并希望我们能得出足够的答案来阻止他们执行他们的计划,这是一个疯狂但出乎意料的成功策略。这条线仍然可以输给泰菲力或随机的孤独 + 幻历,但它比 Living End 更容易组装。如果你不是背叛的信徒,你仍然可以通过强行完成你的主要计划来获胜——用 Faerie Macabre 和 Endurance 控制他们的墓地,并希望 Grief、Mystical Dispute 和 Subtlety 能顺利交易。最终,你应该能够解决一个生还结局并(假设他们不会有堆叠的坟墓场)在他们重建之前偷走胜利。

Temporarily, I opt to play 1-2 Dismember just to have more outs to a possible Drannith Magistrate. It’s far from being great, but we don’t have anything better than that. 
暂时地,我选择玩 1-2 Dismember,只是为了给可能的 Drannith Magistr 有更多的补牌。这远非很好,但我们没有比这更好的了。

Jeskai Ring 洁斯凯戒指

Cards that are bad: —
坏牌: —

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety, Endurance

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute, Teferi, Time Raveler, Commandeer
好的备牌:Mystical Dispute、Teferi、Time Raveler、Commandeer

Marginal sideboard cards: Brazen Borrower, Dismember
边注备牌:Brazen Borrower、Dismember

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

It’s the new take on UWx Control. The usual control suspects that are good against us are still there – Counterspell, Teferi, The One Ring, etc. Most of the time you’ll also see Force of Negations. And, of course, Subtlety and in some builds Solitude. MH3 gave access to Phlage and the energy subtheme with Wrath of the Skies as a new mass removal of choice. From our perspective it’s a good thing they are choosing it over Supreme Verdict – it can be countered and requires a ton of energy to answer our more expensive threats. Matchup in game one is a typical fight against control – it’s an uphill battle and it usually comes down to which half of the deck the control player draws, the more counters they find, the worse it gets. Don’t wait for too long with cascade spells, so they won’t have time to find more counters. The goal is to keep pushing Living Ends – Flare of Denial sacrificing Shardless Agent that was cast earlier is a good way to push the key spell through. Countering The One Ring is also extremely important.
这是对 UWx Control 的新诠释。通常对我们有利的控制嫌疑人仍然存在 – Counterspell、Teferi、The One Ring 等。大多数时候,您还会看到 Force of Negations。当然,还有 Subtlety,在某些方面构建了 Solitude。MH3 可以访问 Phlage 和能量子主题,其中 Wrath of the Skies 作为新的大规模移除选择。从我们的角度来看,他们选择它而不是 Supreme Verdict 是一件好事——它可以被反击并且需要大量能量来应对我们更昂贵的威胁。第一场比赛中的对决是一场典型的对抗控制的战斗——这是一场艰苦的战斗,通常归结为控制玩家抽到哪一半的牌组,他们找到的反击越多,情况就越糟糕。不要用倾曳咒语等待太久,这样他们就没有时间找到更多的指示物。目标是继续推动 Living Ends – Flare of Denial 牺牲之前施放的 Shardless Agent 是推动关键法术的好方法。Countering 至尊魔戒 也是极其重要的。

The problems come after sideboarding. Nowadays no one is packing cards directly to hate out Living End, but we still get hit by collateral damage that Jeskai runs to be prepared for other strategies. That’s why they are playing graveyard hate cards like Soul-Guide Lantern, which is good versus numerous decks, but also somewhat incidentally against us. Consign to Memory should be for Eldrazi, but it also counters the cascade trigger. Drannith Magistrate is against Storm, but works versus Living End as well. And there are also more counters, just against the field. Because of that, Jeskai players tend to pack a lot of cards against us – that’s why this matchup is so difficult. Another problem is our lack of tools to fight back – there’s Mystical Dispute, but it’s weak compared to their hate. Endurance may look good against Phlage, but we are losing on the stack, so adding a three power creature to the board won’t make a huge difference – I can see it being good if they happen to draw a wall of Forces and Consigns. It’s still better than nothing. Teferi, Time Raveler is probably the best card to bring in because if you can manoeuvre the early turns properly and resolve it, it can blank a lot of their cards. If you expect to play against Magistrates, add Dismembers and/or Brazen Borrower. Abandoning Living End and just focusing on hardcasting monsters might seem appealing, but this plan folds to Phlage, so it can work, but I wouldn’t rely on it. Another way to win is to steal their Ring with Commandeer – it can look a bit random, but from my experience Jeskai players tend to play it aggressively when they have a Force of Negation in hand.
问题出现在 sideboard 之后。如今没有人会直接打包卡牌来讨厌 Living End,但我们仍然会受到 Jeskai 为其他策略做准备而运行的附带伤害的打击。这就是为什么他们使用像 Soul-Guide Lantern 这样的坟墓场仇恨卡牌,这相对于众多套牌来说很好,但也有点偶然地对我们不利。寄托给记忆应该是给奥札奇的,但它也会抵消倾曳的触发。卓尼斯裁判官反对风暴,但也反对 Living End。而且还有更多的反击,只是针对球场。正因为如此,洁斯开的玩家往往会带很多牌来对抗我们——这就是这场比赛如此困难的原因。另一个问题是我们缺乏反击的工具——有 Mystical Dispute,但与他们的仇恨相比,它很弱。耐力对付 Phlage 可能看起来不错,但我们在堆叠上输了,所以在盘面上加入一个三力量的生物不会有太大的区别——我看得出来,如果他们碰巧抽到一堵由力量和寄根组成的墙,那就太好了。总比没有好。泰菲力,Time Raveler 可能是最好的牌,因为如果你能正确地操控前期的回合并结算它,它就能让他们的很多牌都空。如果您希望与 Magistrates 对战,请添加 Dismember 和/或 Brazen Borrower。放弃 Living End 并只专注于硬施放怪物似乎很有吸引力,但这个计划对 Phlage 折叠,所以它可以奏效,但我不会依赖它。另一种获胜的方式是用 Commandeer 偷走他们的戒指——这看起来有点随机,但根据我的经验,洁斯开玩家在手上有否定之力时往往会激进地使用它。

I can see adding Press the Enemy to the sideboard as a way to answer Magistrate while casting Living End on the opponent’s turn, so Force of Negation would matter, just like it was in the Violent Outburst era, but it looks a bit too ambitious to be a serious, long-term plan.
我可以看到在备牌上加入 Press the Enemy 作为在对手回合施放 Living End 时回答 Magistrate 的一种方式,所以否定之力会很重要,就像在 Violent Outburst 时代一样,但它看起来有点太雄心勃勃了,不是一个严肃的长期计划。

Subtlety is out because it’s only good against Teferi, and we’re bringing in Disputes that fill that role well. Force of Negation isn’t ideal either, but we need it to keep The One Ring in check.
微妙之所以被淘汰,是因为它只对泰菲力有好处,而我们引入了能很好地填补这个角色的纷争。Force of Negation 也不是理想的,但我们需要它来控制 The One Ring。

Living End 生活端

Cards that are bad: 4th Living End
坏牌:4th Living End

Cards that aren’t great: Force of Negation, Grief

S-Tier sideboard cards: Leyline of the Void, Inevitable Betrayal, Endurance
S 级备牌:虚空地脉、不可避免的背叛、坚忍

Good sideboard cards: Faerie Macabre
好的备牌:Faerie Macabre

Marginal sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute, Ashiok, Dream Render
边注备牌:Mystical Dispute、Ashiok、Dream Render

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

This mirror is miserable to play. In game one, you both have multiple Wrath effects and FoNs. Try to establish one of the possible advantages: in the number of cycled creatures overall, a number of flyers, Ents, Wakers, or cascade effects. The ideal scenario is to have more power in the graveyard than the opponent and have something to pressure their life total, so they will be forced to act first.
这面镜子玩起来很惨。在第一场比赛中,你们都有多个 Wrath 效果和 FoN。尝试建立其中一个可能的优势:在循环生物的整体数量上,一些飞行者、Ent、Wakers 或级联效应。理想的情况是在坟墓场中拥有比对手更多的力量,并且有东西可以压迫他们的总生命,这样他们就会被迫先行动。

In the early game, the best strategy is to do nothing, make land drops, and pass the turn. If you go cycle into double cycle into Cascade, the opponent will have a decision if they want to counter it, cycle in response to your Living End, or play their own cascade to reset the board. If you pass you make their attempt to Living End miserable because you’ll be able to cycle in response and have a bigger board after the LE. So in early turns just pass and cycle. The advantage goes to the one with more cyclers available. The best ones to hit are Waker of Waves and landcyclers. Curator of Mysteries is weaker now because of Generous Ent.
在游戏早期,最好的策略是什么都不做,掉落地,然后通过回合。如果你进入双循环进入 Cascade,对手将决定是要反击它,还是循环以响应你的 Living End,还是使用他们自己的 Cascade 来重置棋盘。如果你通过,你会让他们尝试 Living End 变得很痛苦,因为你将能够作为回应循环并在 LE 之后拥有更大的棋盘。所以在早期回合,只需传球和循环。优势在于具有更多可用 Cycler 的 Cycler。最好的是 Waker of Waves 和 landcyclers。Curator of Mysteries 现在因为 Generous Ent 而变得更弱。

Level two of this puzzle is to sandbag cyclers if needed. If the opponent has a much bigger cycler advantage, they’ll most likely Cascade first, so you’ll have a window to cycle after LE resolves and create a cycler advantage for the next wave. 
这个拼图的第二级是在需要时对自行车手进行沙袋攻击。如果对手的循环优势要大得多,他们很可能会先倾潦,这样你就可以在 LE 结算后循环,并为下一波创造循环优势。

There’s one more way to create an advantage – tempo. In the midgame, you can set up the pressure by casting a creature (Brazen Borrower, Curator of Mysteries, or Subtlety) and deal damage while keeping mana up for Force. Since you have a clock, the opponent will be forced to act first with their cascade. 
还有一种创造优势的方法 – 节奏。在游戏中期,你可以通过施放生物(Brazen Borrower、Curator of Mysteries 或 Subtlety)来施加压力,并在保持 Force 法力值的同时造成伤害。由于您有时钟,对手将被迫首先使用他们的级联行动。

In the late game, after you both used all Living Ends, hardcasting dudes is a way to go. The one who has more flying creatures should have an advantage, although Generous Ent can stabilise the board. Also, the number of Whales can matter. Don’t forget to check how many cards they are revealing from the cascade trigger – there’s a chance you’ll get extra info about if they drew Living End or not. One less board reset available can dictate the whole game around it.
在游戏后期,在你们俩都使用了所有 Living Ends 之后,hardcasting 家伙是一种选择。拥有更多飞行生物的一方应该有优势,尽管 Generous Ent 可以稳定棋盘。此外,鲸鱼的数量也很重要。不要忘记检查他们从级联触发器中展示了多少张牌——您有机会获得有关他们是否抽到 Living End 的额外信息。少一个可用的棋盘重置可以决定整个游戏围绕它。

It’s the matchup where maindeck Endurance shines – if you happen to play it, you can keep even questionable hands and build the whole gameplan centred around Endurance resolving. I like playing it aggressively for three mana on the opponent’s turn three – even if they Subtlety, you can simply put it on top, untap and repeat the process. Once they put their cyclers to the bottom and you set up the pressure, it’s trivial to push both advantages.
这是主套牌 Endurance 大放异彩的对决——如果你碰巧玩了它,你甚至可以保留有问题的牌,并围绕 Endurance 结算构建整个游戏计划。我喜欢在对手的第三回合用三点法术力激进地使用它 – 即使他们是微妙的,你也可以简单地将它放在上面,重置并重复这个过程。一旦他们将 Cycler 置于底部,并且您设置了压力,那么要同时利用这两个优势就变得微不足道了。

To truly break the mirror, you can choose two routes. The first one is Leyline of the Void. If you have it in the opening hand, it will nearly always single-handedly win the game on the spot. The endless fight on the Endurance/Subtlety/Dispute level lacks any form of defence to Leyline. The only played solutions in most sideplan configurations are channel lands and Sink into Stupor, but both options are quite slow. The second, more spicy one is Inevitable Betrayal and switching from being a Living End deck into sort of a ‘tempo’ deck with Endurances. Most people tend to board out Force of Negation, so it’s trivial to cascade into Betrayal and steal the opponent’s Endurance. And again, by doing so you’ll push the cycler and tempo advantage and eventually win the game.
要真正打破镜像,您可以选择两条路线。第一个是虚空地脉。如果你在起手牌中有它,它几乎总是会单枪匹马地当场赢得比赛。耐力/微妙/争议级别的无休止的战斗对地脉缺乏任何形式的防御。在大多数支线计划配置中,唯一可用的解决方案是通道地和沉入昏迷,但这两个选项都相当缓慢。第二个,更辣的是 Inevitable Betrayal 和从 Living End 套牌转变为某种带有 Endurances 的“节奏”套牌。大多数人倾向于登上 Force of Negation,所以级联到 Betrayal 并偷走对手的 Endurance 是微不足道的。再一次,通过这样做,您将推动 cycler 和 tempo 优势并最终赢得比赛。

The last notable option is Mystical Dispute – it’s good at stopping a tempo approach. Countering Curator of Mysteries or Subtlety is quite powerful, although it’s far from matchup-defining. Side it in only if you have free slots.
最后一个值得注意的选项是 Mystical Dispute – 它擅长停止节奏方法。Countering Curator of Mysteries or Subtlety 相当强大,尽管它远非定义对战。只有在您有空闲插槽时才将其侧入。

The last word about the mirror postboard: the strategy must be adapted to what the opponent is trying to do. So these ins and outs are just a start. Be open-minded and for postboard games, adapt to what you have seen.

Necrodominance 死灵支配

Cards that are bad: 4th Living End, Endurance
坏牌:4th Living End、Endurance

Cards that aren’t great: —
不是很好的卡牌: —

S-Tier sideboard cards: Leyline of Sanctity
S 级备牌:神圣地脉

Good sideboard cards: Brazen Borrower, Force of Vigor, Commandeer
好的备牌:Brazen Borrower、Force of Vigor、Commandeer

Marginal sideboard cards: Faerie Macabre (only if they have 3-4 Voidwalker), Dismember (against Soulless Jailer and other hate bears)
边际备牌:Faerie Macabre(仅当他们有 3-4 个虚空行者时)、Dismember(对抗 Soulless Jailer 和其他仇恨熊)

Trap cards: Foundation Breaker
陷阱卡牌:Foundation Breaker

Necro is a black midrange deck with a combo element of Necrodominance with various sources of lifegain that let it draw a ton of cards. From our perspective, it’s a deck with a lot of discard and enough removal to neutralise a small Living End. On top of that, Boggart Trawler, which they play alongside other MDFCs to bolster their black card count, is extremely annoying for us. The more of them the opponent has, the harder it is to execute our gameplan, especially when we’re on the draw. Game one usually comes down to if you can cast Living End and not let them resolve Necro or The One Ring (assuming they play it), so they’ll never draw enough cards to fuel Soul Spike, March of Wretched Sorrow and not gain life to be able to survive our attacks. You can also destroy Necro with Boseiju, so think twice before playing it as a land. Once the battle for Necro is lost, the only thing you can do is to deal as much damage as possible, so they won’t be able to draw too many cards, but from my experience, it’s quite hard to do so.
Necro 是一副黑色的中速套牌,具有 Necrodominance 的组合元素和各种生命获取来源,可以抽到大量牌。从我们的角度来看,这是一副有很多弃牌和足够移除的套牌,可以抵消一个小的 Living End。最重要的是,他们与其他 MDFC 一起玩以增加黑卡数量的 Boggart Trawler 对我们来说非常烦人。对手的控球越多,执行我们的比赛计划就越困难,尤其是当我们处于平局时。第一盘游戏通常归结为你是否可以施放 Living End 并且不让他们结算 Necro 或 The One Ring(假设他们使用),这样他们就永远不会抽到足够的牌来为 Soul Spike、March of Wretched Sorrow 加油,并且不会获得生命来在我们的攻击中存活下来。你也可以用 Boseiju 摧毁 Necro,所以在把它当作地之前要三思而后行。一旦死灵之战失败,你唯一能做的就是造成尽可能多的伤害,这样他们就不会抽到太多牌,但根据我的经验,这样做是相当困难的。

Games postboard come down to what hate cards Necro players decide to pack to their decks. For example: Surgical Extraction and Damping Sphere aren’t the most impactful hate cards, but on the other hand cards like Dauthi Voidwalker or Leyline of the Void can win the matchup by themselves. Right now, most lists don’t pack any serious hate, which is why I opt for light sideboarding and adapt for game three to what I see in game two. Subtlety looks bad on the surface, but it’s a necessary evil against Boggart Trawler and Dauthi Voidwalker.
游戏明信板归结为 Necro 玩家决定将哪些仇恨卡牌打包到他们的套牌中。例如:Surgical Extraction 和 Damping Sphere 并不是最有影响力的仇恨卡牌,但另一方面,像 Dauthi Voidwalker 或 Leyline of the Void 这样的卡可以自己赢得对决。现在,大多数列表都没有包含任何严重的仇恨,这就是为什么我选择轻量级的边牌,并在第三场比赛中适应我在第二场比赛中看到的。微妙表面上看起来很糟糕,但对 Boggart Trawler 和 Dauthi Voidwalker 来说,这是必要的邪恶。

Even if Necrodominance is a key card for them and it happens to be an enchantment, do not bring in Foundation Breaker – once you let them resolve Necro and draw a bunch of cards, they’ll run away with the game. Our plan is to prevent them from resolving it. Side it in only if you expect stuff like Soulless Jalier. Force of Vigor is an acceptable answer because it can destroy Necro before their end step. 
即使 Necrodominance 对他们来说是一张关键牌,而且恰好是一个结界,也不要带上 Foundation Breaker——一旦你让他们结算 Necro 并抓一堆牌,他们就会带着游戏逃跑。我们的计划是阻止他们解决这个问题。只有当你期待像 Soulless Jarier 这样的东西时,才把它放在一边。Force of Vigor 是一个可以接受的答案,因为它可以在 Necro 的结束步骤之前摧毁他们。

If you want to make the matchup better, you can add Leyline of Sanctity to counteract their discard spells and Boggart Trawler.
如果你想让对战变得更好,你可以添加 Leyline of Sanctity 来抵消他们的弃牌法术和 Boggart Trawler。

Prowess 勇气

Cards that are bad: Street Wraith
坏牌:Street Wraith

Cards that aren’t great: Endurance, Force of Negation (but gets better post side)

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Brazen Borrower, Dismember
好的备牌:Brazen Borrower、Dismember

Marginal sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker
边注牌:Foundation Breaker

Trap cards: Leyline of Sanctity

Nowadays, the most played Prowess deck is a mono red build with an energy theme and a slight green splash for sideboard cards like Pick Your Poison. But don’t be surprised if you get paired against more combo-oriented build with Assault Strobe and Scale Up or UR Prowess with Spell Pierces in the sideboard – sideboarding remains similar, but the gameplan can change slightly. 
如今,使用最多的 Prowess 套牌是具有能量主题的纯红色版本,以及 Pick Your Poison 等备牌的轻微绿色飞溅。但是,如果您在备牌中与带有 Assault Strobe 和 Scale Up 的更面向组合的构建配对,或者在备牌中使用 Spell Pierces 的 UR Prowess 配对,请不要感到惊讶——侧牌仍然相似,但游戏计划可能会略有变化。

Game one is a race. You’ll often be forced to cascade on turn three, even if they’ll have creatures in the graveyard ready to finish the job – thanks to Surveil triggers from DRC. It’s a play/draw matchup with a slight advantage to Prowess since they are able to punish you really hard if something goes wrong. Slickshot Show-Off is very dangerous, it often can kill you out of nowhere if you don’t keep Generous Ent or Curator of Mysteries to block. Use Subtlety to buy time or hope that they draw too many Unstable Amulets (it’s close to irrelevant against us since they’re looking for T3 kills).
第一场比赛是一场比赛。你通常会被迫在第三回合倾泻,即使它们在坟墓场里有生物准备完成任务——多亏了 DRC 的 Surveil 触发器。这是一场对 Prowess 略有优势的玩/平对决,因为如果出现问题,他们能够非常严厉地惩罚你。Slickshot Show-Off 非常危险,如果你不阻止 Generous Ent 或 Curator of Mysteries,它通常会突然杀死你。使用 Subtlety 来争取时间或希望他们抽到太多不稳定的护身符(这对我们来说几乎无关紧要,因为他们正在寻找 T3 杀手)。

Postboard, the Gruul build doesn’t have much to change the matchup. The only notable hate cards are Tormod’s Crypts and sometimes Blood Moons. Force of Negation covers them nicely. You can add more Disenchants if you want, but it can be too slow, especially against Tormod’s Crypt. Dismember can also be a fine addition against Slickshot draws or if they rely heavily on cards like Assault Strobe or Scale Up, but they suck against regular openings with double Prowess creatures and a bunch of burn spells, so don’t count on them too hard – you can only cast one during most games. The rest should look like in game one.
Postboard,Gruul 构建并没有太多改变对决。唯一值得注意的仇恨卡是 Tormod 的 Crypts,有时还有 Blood Moons。否定的力量很好地涵盖了它们。如果你愿意,你可以添加更多的 Disenchants,但它可能太慢了,尤其是对付 Tormod 的 Crypt。肢解也可以很好地对抗 Slickshot 抽牌,或者如果它们严重依赖 Assault Strobe 或 Scale Up 等卡牌,但它们对具有双倍灵技生物和一堆燃烧法术的常规开局很糟糕,所以不要指望它们太难——在大多数游戏中你只能施放一个。其余的应该看起来像第一场比赛一样。

If they are playing blue, they should have access to up to four Spell Pierces, so it’s harder to resolve a Living End. But on the other hand, if they force themselves to keep the mana open on your turn, their clock is also slower. My plan versus their counters is to play enough land drops to make them irrelevant. To do so, you have to survive. Endurance, especially on the play, can buy you a lot of time (bonus points for eating DRC in combat). Subtlety can be used in a similar role – it’s a tempo card that helps us make more land drops. Mystical Dispute looks fine, but in reality, it’s not as good because it lacks good targets that cost more than one mana. I would consider having a few copies when I’m on the play, so you can protect your turn four combo from their countermagic.
如果他们使用蓝色,他们应该可以使用最多四个法术穿透,因此更难解决生死结局。但另一方面,如果他们强迫自己在你的回合保持法术力开放,他们的时钟也会变慢。我对付他们的指示物的计划是施放足够多的地掉落让它们变得无关紧要。要做到这一点,你必须生存下来。耐力,尤其是在比赛中,可以为你赢得很多时间(在战斗中吃 DRC 的奖励积分)。微妙可以用来做类似的角色—它是一张能帮助我们制作更多地牌的节奏牌。Mystical Dispute 看起来不错,但实际上它没有那么好,因为它缺乏花费超过 1 点法术力的好目标。我会考虑在我上场时有一些副本,这样你就可以保护你的第四回合组合技免受他们的反魔法伤害。

Force of Negation matches up poorly against their regular plan, but it’s quite good against their postboard hate cards like Tormod’s Crypt, Unlicensed Hearse, Soul-Guide Lantern or Blood Moons.
否定之力与他们的常规计划不匹配,但与他们的邮局仇恨卡(如 Tormod's Crypt、Unlicensed Hearse、Soul-Guide Lantern 或 Blood Moons)相当不错。

Storm 风暴

Cards that are bad: —
坏牌: —

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety, Sink into Stupor
不太好的牌:Subtlety、Sink into Stupor

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Leyline of the Void, Endurance, Mindbreak Trap, Dismember

Marginal sideboard cards: Force of Vigor
边注备牌:Force of Vigor

Trap cards: Faerie Macabre, Leyline of Sanctity
陷阱卡:Faerie Macabre、Leyline of Sanctity

In theory it looks like a great matchup for Living End, but when I was testing it, I wasn’t feeling as comfortable as I would like to be. If we draw nuts with Street Wraiths and Wakers, Living End can finish the game on turn four and when combined with any form of interaction it should be enough to win. Otherwise it’s turn five, so Storm players will have a lot of time to rebuild. Storm is also quite good at playing off the top thanks to their draw spells generating card advantage, so counters alone won’t stop them. Subtlety isn’t the best – it slows down Ral, but outside that it’s pretty much useless. Sink into Stupor is close to irrelevant either because once the combo is going, it’s often trivial for them to recast their spells. The only really good card is Force of Negation – counter Ruby Medallion on their early turns, Rituals if they are short on mana and Past in Flames or Wish if their engine is online. Flare of Denial is also good, but it’s quite narrow in terms of when you can cast it. Endurance can also steal games, but it’s possible for them to combo out without using graveyard and relying on Ral’s ultimate instead, so don’t keep hands only based on the fact you can Endurance in response to Past in Flames.
从理论上讲,这看起来是 Living End 的一场精彩对决,但是当我测试它时,我感觉并不像我想要的那样舒服。如果我们用 Street Wraiths 和 Wakers 抽到坚果,Living End 可以在第四回合完成游戏,当结合任何形式的互动时,它应该足以获胜。否则现在是第五回合,所以 Storm 玩家将有很多时间来重建。Storm 也很擅长利用顶端,因为他们的抓牌咒语能产生卡牌优势,所以单靠反击并不能阻止他们。微妙并不是最好的——它会减慢 Ral 的速度,但除此之外它几乎毫无用处。沉入昏迷几乎无关紧要,因为一旦组合开始,他们重新施放法术通常都是微不足道的。唯一真正好的牌是 Force of Negation – 在他们的早期回合中对抗 Ruby Medallion,如果他们缺乏法力,则对抗 Rituals,如果他们引擎在线,则对抗 Past,或者 Wish 如果他们的引擎在线。Flare of Denial 也不错,但就何时可以施放而言,它相当狭窄。耐力也可以偷取游戏,但它们有可能在不使用坟墓场并依赖拉尔的大招的情况下组合出来,所以不要仅仅因为你可以用耐力来回应火焰中的过去而保留手牌。

Games postboard are quite similar to game one – they are trying to combo off, you want to set up the pressure and hope that one or two interactive spells will buy you enough time to kill them. Depending on the splash colour, the opponent will most likely have either Silence if they are on white and Veil of Summer if they are on green. I also like Force of Vigor – it’s a solid answer to Ruby Medallion, but also another green card to pitch for Endurance if they happen to combo without using Ral. It can also save you from a random Blood Moon. I can also see siding in 1-2 copies of Dismember, just to have more answers to Ral. Mindbreak Trap can also help you stop their combo turns. Faerie Macabre may look like a good addition as well, but it’s too low impact in my opinion.
游戏 postboard 与游戏一非常相似——他们试图连击,你想施加压力,并希望一两个互动法术能为你赢得足够的时间来杀死它们。根据标牌颜色的不同,对手很可能会有 Silence(如果他们是白色)和 Veil of Summer(如果他们是绿色)。我也喜欢 Force of Vigor – 这是对 Ruby Medallion 的可靠回答,但如果他们碰巧在没有使用 Ral 的情况下进行组合,这也是另一张可以投向 Endurance 的绿卡。它还可以将您从随机的血月中拯救出来。我也可以在 1-2 份 Dismember中看到侧板,只是为了对 Ral 有更多答案。Mindbreak Trap 还可以帮助您阻止他们的连击回合。Faerie Macabre 看起来也是一个很好的补充,但在我看来它的影响太小了。

Tron 波场

Cards that are bad: Endurance, 4th Living End
坏牌:耐力、第 4 个活着的终点

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Inevitable Betrayal, Foundation Breaker, Brazen Borrower
好的备牌:Inevitable Betrayal、Foundation Breaker、Brazen Borrower

Marginal sideboard cards: Force of Vigor, Commandeer
边牌备牌:Force of Vigor、Commandeer

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

Nowadays, Tron relies less on regular Tron top end and more on Eldrazi. So instead of Sylvan Scrying and a bunch of eggs as a way to set up Tron on turn three more often, it plays Devourer of Destiny, Eldrazi Temple + Ugin’s Labyrinth, and more cheap interactive spells to be able to play the longer game without the access to Tron. It’s good information for us because we usually can handle ‘fair’ Tron openings quite well. The played interaction is very different from each other. All lists play four Kozilek’s Command but that’s the end of this consensus. Other cards that see play are: Trinisphere, The Stone Brain, Disruptor Flute, Relic, etc. Some also play Emrakul, the World Anew and The Underworld Cookbook. Generally speaking, our plan is to answer their early hate pieces and cascade fast, so they won’t be able to deploy their top end or answer our board with All is Dust. Once they assemble Tron and you don’t have a strong board, it’s hard to come back, mostly because Kozilek’s Command acts like an instant-speed Tormod’s Crypt. Force of Negation and Flare of Denial are key here – if you know you’re playing against Tron, prioritise them if possible.
如今,Tron 较少依赖常规的 Tron 高端,而更多地依赖 Eldrazi。因此,它不是用 Sylvan Scrying 和一堆蛋来更频繁地设置创,而是玩命运吞噬者、奥札奇神殿 + 乌金的迷宫,以及更便宜的互动法术,以便能够在没有 Tron 的情况下玩更长的游戏。这对我们来说是很好的信息,因为我们通常可以很好地处理“公平”的 Tron 开局。播放的交互彼此非常不同。所有列表都播放四个 Kozilek 的命令,但这就是这个共识的结束。其他可以使用的卡牌有:Trinisphere、The Stone Brain、Disruptor Flute、Relic 等。有些人还玩 Emrakul、The World Anew 和 The Underworld Cookbook。一般来说,我们的计划是回答他们早期的仇恨棋子并快速级联,这样他们就无法部署他们的高端或用 All is Dust 来回答我们的棋盘。一旦他们组装了 Tron,而你没有一个强大的棋盘,就很难回来了,主要是因为 Kozilek 的命令就像一个瞬间速度的 Tormod's Crypt。否定之力和否认之光是这里的关键——如果你知道你正在与 Tron 对战,请尽可能优先考虑它们。

Postboard, the plan stays the same, but both sides can have a few more tools to use. Beware Chalice of the Void, as well as cheap graveyard hate. Disenchants are quite good, but they won’t win games alone – it’s rather a nice addiction to our main gameplan, not a plan by itself. Subtlety is great against Karn, The Great Creator but it doesn’t do much against anything else and something has to be cut, so it usually is the one to go from our interactive triangle. Brazen Borrower is good against Chalice and Trinisphere, but it’s much worse against one-shot graveyard hate.
Postboard 中,计划保持不变,但双方都可以有更多的工具可以使用。当心虚空圣杯,以及廉价的墓地仇恨。Disenchants 相当不错,但它们不会单独赢得比赛——这是对我们主要游戏计划的一个很好的沉迷,而不是计划本身。微妙对付伟大的创造者卡恩很不错,但它对其他任何东西都没太大作用,而且必须删减一些东西,所以它通常是从我们的互动三角形中删掉的那个。Brazen Borrower 对 Chalice 和 Trinisphere 很不错,但对一击 Graveyard Hate 来说就差得多了。

Inevitable Betrayal opens an interesting line of attack for Living End. Instead of fighting with graveyard hate and their plan, you can steal their most powerful creature and finish the game with it. Usually, it will be Ulamog, Ceaseless Hunger (and you plan to mill the opponent) or one of the Emrakuls. Since they’re colourless, their usual way to interact – All is Dust and Devourer of Destiny – won’t help them. If you opt to go for this route, side out Living Ends as well as some cyclers and pack every interaction that will do something. For game three, you can assume the opponent will take out their heavy beaters, so you can come back to the Living End plan and beat them in the regular way.
Inevitable Betrayal 为 Living End 开启了一条有趣的攻击线。与其与坟墓场的仇恨和他们的计划战斗,不如偷取他们最强大的生物并用它来完成游戏。通常来说,它会是乌拉莫、无尽的饥饿(而你打算磨对手)或伊莫库之一。由于他们是无色的,他们通常的互动方式——All is Dust 和 Devourer of Destiny——对他们没有帮助。如果您选择这条路线,请站在 Living Ends 以及一些骑自行车的人一边,并打包所有可以起到作用的互动。对于第三场比赛,您可以假设对手会干掉他们的重击手,这样您就可以回到 Living End 计划并以常规方式击败他们。

UB Murktide

Cards that are bad: Force of Negation

Cards that aren’t great: Subtlety

S-Tier sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute
S 级备牌:Mystical Dispute

Good sideboard cards: Endurance

Marginal sideboard cards: Dismember, Brazen Borrower
边注备牌:Dismember、Brazen Borrower

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

It’s a blue control deck with black elements – Psychic Frog and Orcish Bowmasters as threats and Fatal Push as removal. It’s a bad matchup for Living End, mostly because they pack a lot of countermagic – outside regular four Counterspells, there are also a couple of Force of Negations and other more exotic counters. Psychic Frog is quite annoying to play against when we are on the draw – it comes into play before we can punish them with cascade, and it keeps drawing cards while giving the opponent an ability to discard creatures in response to Living End. Without Grief, the only reasonable plan is to play a flash game – Endurance is the best at doing so, especially if they don’t play a turn two Frog – it’s far from being great, but we don’t have anything better. When combined with Subtlety, it’s possible to create a tempo advantage and to force them to tap out to answer our threats. Force of Negation is quite bad since it’s hard to protect our combo with it.
这是一副带有黑色元素的蓝色控制套牌——Psychic Frog 和 Orcish Bowmasters 作为威胁,而 Fatal Push 作为移除。这对 Living End 来说是一场糟糕的对决,主要是因为它们包含了很多反魔法——除了常规的四个反击法术外,还有一些否定之力和其他更奇特的指示物。当我们在抽牌时,Psychic Frog 对战起来很烦人——它在我们用级联惩罚它们之前就开始发挥作用了,它不断抽牌,同时让对手有弃掉生物的能力来回应 Living End。没有 Grief,唯一合理的计划就是玩 Flash 游戏——Endurance 最擅长这样做,特别是如果他们不玩第二回合的 Frog——这远非很好,但我们没有更好的了。当与 Subtlety 结合使用时,可以创造速度优势并迫使他们敲击以回应我们的威胁。否定之力相当糟糕,因为很难用它保护我们的组合。

Postboard it gets even harder – a few more counterspells, including three Consign to Memory, as well as Nihil Spellbombs. Bring in Mystical Dispute and Endurance – they both aren’t the best, but we don’t have anything better to fight with. Teferi can help as well, but it’s often quite hard to resolve. However, if it does, it both stops their countermagic and temporarily answers Frog, so try to navigate the game so that you can resolve it. The flash gameplan is even better now because they tend to side out some creature removal.
Postboard 它变得更难了——更多的反击法术,包括三个 Consign to Memory,以及 Nihil Spellbombs。引入 Mystical Dispute 和 Endurance – 它们都不是最好的,但我们没有更好的战斗了。泰菲力也可以帮忙,但这通常很难解决。但是,如果是这样,它既会停止他们的反魔法并暂时回答 Frog,那么请尝试在游戏中导航以便解决它。Flash 游戏计划现在更好,因为他们倾向于排除一些生物移除。

Yawgmoth 约格莫夫

Cards that are bad: —
坏牌: —

Cards that aren’t great: Force of Negation, Endurance, Flare of Denial

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Dismember, Brazen Borrower
好的备牌:Dismember、Brazen Borrower

Marginal sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker
边注牌:Foundation Breaker

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

This matchup is very play/draw dependent. Their game plan is to use early turns to set up mana creatures and later try to go for threats with Undying and Yawgmoth. Once they have their namesake card on the battlefield, they’ll be able to sacrifice the board before Living End resolves. Remember – Yawgmoth can’t sacrifice himself, so casting Living End should at least deal with him. Cast your cascade spell as soon as possible. Try to cut them off mana and not let them have their key creatures on the battlefield. You are a beatdown in this matchup! Curator of Mysteries, Subtlety, and Street Wraith are excellent because of evasion – it leads to more damage early and, as a consequence, lower life total and fewer cards they can draw with Yawgmoth once they stabilise. Faerie Macabre/Endurance will help you keep milled cards and Young Wolves in check.
这场比赛非常依赖于比赛/平局。他们的游戏计划是利用前期的回合来设置法术力生物,然后尝试用不朽和约格莫夫来制造威胁。一旦他们在战场上拥有同名牌,他们就能在 Living End 结算之前牺牲盘面。记住 - Yawgmoth 不能牺牲自己,所以施放 Living End 至少应该对付他。尽快施放你的倾泻咒语。试着切断他们失去法术力,并且不要让他们的关键生物出现在战场上。你在这场比赛中被击败了!Curator of Mysteries、Subtlety 和 Street Wraith 因为闪避而非常出色——它会导致早期伤害更多,因此,一旦稳定下来,总生命值会降低,他们能用 Yawgmoth 抽到的牌也会更少。Faerie Macabre/Endurance 将帮助您控制磨牌和 Young Wolves。

Their best card in game one, outside executing their regular plan, is Agatha’s Soul Cauldron. It can decrease our goldfish potential significantly. Orcish Bowmasters can also be annoying, since it can punish us for slower draws when we don’t have a cascade spell on turn three. Luckily for us, Endurance isn’t widely played in the maindeck anymore, so them representing Chord of Calling for X=3 isn’t as threatening as it used to be. But you can expect them to have at least the first copy after sideboarding. On the other hand, Malevolent Rumble can break the Living End’s imbalance, but at least it’s a solid target for Force. Another annoying card is Grist. It’s a creature on the stack, so you can’t counter it with Force. And once it’s in the play, it can randomly mill creatures and threaten lethal with the ultimate. 
他们在第一场比赛中最好的卡牌,除了执行他们的常规计划之外,是 Agatha's Soul Cauldron。它会大大降低我们的金鱼潜力。兽人弓箭手也可能很烦人,因为当我们在第三回合没有级联法术时,它会惩罚我们较慢的抽牌速度。幸运的是,耐力不再在主套牌中广泛使用,所以它们代表 X=3 的呼唤和弦已经不像以前那么具有威胁性了。但你可以预期他们至少在备牌后会有第一个副本。另一方面,Malevolent Rumble 可以打破 Living End 的不平衡,但至少它是 Force 的可靠目标。另一张烦人的牌是 Grist。它是堆叠上的生物,所以你不能用力量来对抗它。一旦它进入游戏,它就可以随机研磨生物并用终极威胁致命。

Games postboard are tricky to navigate since Yawgmoth has a lot of ways to interact with us. Their threats from the maindeck – fast Yawgmoth and Cauldron – are still problematic, and they can also add a few others too. Endurance is the most obvious one, then there are some hate bears, such as Drannith Magistrate and Soulless Jalier. When you are on the draw, they might try to cut you off the mana with Fulminator Mage – it’s extremely dangerous when paired with Cauldron. This mix of options makes it quite hard for us to adapt. The awkward part of it is how poorly our key interaction matches up against their threats. We also don’t have any hard counters to what they are doing. Faerie Macabre can have its moments, but it’s far from locking them out of the game. The best tools for the matchup are already in the maindeck. You can bring in a few copies of Foundation Breaker to combat Cauldrons and random Jailers.
游戏明信板很难导航,因为 Yawgmoth 有很多方法可以与我们互动。他们来自主套牌的威胁——快速的 Yawgmoth 和 Cauldron——仍然存在问题,他们也可以添加一些其他的。耐力是最明显的一个,然后还有一些讨厌的熊,比如 Drannith Magistrate 和 Soulless Jalier。当你在抽牌时,他们可能会试图用 Fulminator Mage 切断你的法力——与 Cauldron 配对时非常危险。这种选择的组合使我们很难适应。尴尬的部分是,我们的关键互动与他们的威胁不匹配得多么糟糕。我们也没有任何硬性反击来对抗他们正在做的事情。Faerie Macabre 可以有它的时刻,但远非将它们锁定在游戏之外。最好的对决工具已经在主套牌里了。您可以带一些 Foundation Breaker 副本来对抗 Cauldrons 和随机的 Jailers。

I strongly advise against having Endurances in this matchup. Trying to catch their Undying creature while comboing isn’t as good as people think. The scenario when we catch them off-guard when they sacrifice their board with the help of Yawgmoth to return it is cute but it’s not where we want to be in a matchup. We don’t want to let them go off with Yawgmoth in the first place. 
我强烈建议不要在这场比赛中使用 Endurances。试图在连击的同时捕捉他们的不朽生物并不像人们想象的那么好。当我们在 Yawgmoth 的帮助下牺牲他们的棋盘返回时,我们让他们措手不及,这种情况很可爱,但这不是我们想要的对决。我们一开始就不想让他们和 Yawgmoth 一起离开。

Zoo 动物园

Cards that are bad: Endurance

Cards that aren’t great: Force of Negation, Flare of Denial

S-Tier sideboard cards: —
S 级备牌: —

Good sideboard cards: Mystical Dispute, Dismember, Brazen Borrower
好的备牌:Mystical Dispute、Dismember、Brazen Borrower

Marginal sideboard cards: Foundation Breaker
边注牌:Foundation Breaker

Trap cards: — 陷阱卡牌: —

They are surprisingly good at setting up the pressure just from one or two creatures and keep the mana open for Stubborn Denial. On top of that, Territorial Kavu can decrease your Living End potential, either by keeping your graveyard in check or filling theirs. Luckily, Living End doesn’t care that much about Scion of Draco and Leyline of the Guildpact – we just force them to sacrifice their 4/4 anyway and even if they bring some of them back, Generous Ent is quite good at keeping them in check. If possible, try to not lose life from Street Wraiths and your manabase to avoid dying to topdecked Tribal Flames. Game one usually comes down to numbers of drawn Stubborn Denials – you should beat one when you’re on the play or have Subtlety to slow them down. Once they have the second copy, it’s hard to win.
他们出奇地擅长从一两个生物中施加压力,并为顽固否认保持法术力开放。最重要的是,Territorial Kavu 可以降低你的 Living End 潜力,要么控制你的坟墓场,要么填满他们的坟墓场。幸运的是,Living End 并不太在乎 Draco 的后裔和 Modulpact 的 Leyline——我们只是强迫他们无论如何都牺牲他们的 4/4,即使他们带回了一些,Generous Ent 也很擅长控制他们。如果可能的话,尽量不要因街头幽灵和你的法力基础而失去生命,以避免死于上层的部落火焰。第一场比赛通常归结为平局的顽固否认数量——你应该在比赛中击败一个,或者用 Subtlety 来减慢它们的速度。一旦他们有了第二个副本,就很难获胜。

Postboard, things get really messy. Since they’re 5c, you can encounter anything. They can run anything from the following list, and much more: Consign to Memory and Surgical Extraction are more common ones. Permanent hate cards of any kind can also happen though. Stay open-minded and for game three, adapt to what you saw in game two. In the dark, Mystical Dispute isn’t the worst as an answer to Stubborn Denial. Foundation Breaker is fine as well because it can deal both with their hate, Scion of Draco, and Leylines. Force of Negation comes out because it’s good only against RiP.
Postboard,事情变得非常混乱。由于它们是 5c,你可以遇到任何东西。他们可以运行以下列表中的任何内容,以及更多:Consign to Memory 和 Surgical Extraction 是更常见的。不过,任何类型的永久仇恨卡也可能发生。保持开放的心态,在第三场比赛中,适应你在第二场比赛中看到的情况。在黑暗中,Mystical Dispute 并不是对 Stubborn Denial 的回答最糟糕的。Foundation Breaker 也很好,因为它可以处理他们的仇恨、天龙后裔和地脉。Force of Negation 出现是因为它只对 RiP 有好处。