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Beyond the field (and into your heart)


After the U-20 match, Itoshi Sae wanted to talk to the new star striker Isagi Yoichi to give him his phone number. Why? He believes wholeheartedly that he's the one to change Japanese football. But there might be more to his feelings than just admiration and the desire to have an amazing striker he can pass to.
U-20 比赛结束后,Itoshi Sae 想要与新晋明星前锋 Isagi Yoichi 交谈,给他自己的电话号码。为何如此?他深信不疑,此人将改变日本足球的未来。然而,他对这位前锋的感情,或许不仅仅是欣赏与渴望拥有一位出色的传球对象那么简单。


This fic is for Azura, who became my first online friend, and most importantly, introduced me to Seis. I studied their dynamic, read fanfiction, literally did research and read over this several times just so I could give you the best fic possible that comes from the bottom of my heart and my appreciation for you. With all that said, happy birthday. I hope you enjoy this little fic I made for you as a gift :)
这篇文是献给 Azura 的,她成了我的第一位网友,更重要的是,她让我认识了 Seis。我研究了他们的互动,阅读了同人小说,实际上做了调研,并多次审阅这篇文,只为能从心底里,以我对你的感激之情,送上最棒的礼物。话虽如此,生日快乐。希望你喜欢我为你制作的这份小礼物 :)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The final whistle blew, and the match was over. Blue Lock beat the U-20 team 4-3. Sae watched from the middle of the field as Blue Lock celebrated their victory. He watched without much emotion on his face, lost in thoughts on how he could have played better. But secretly, he was grieving the loss, like pretty much everyone on the U-20 team.
终场哨声响起,比赛结束。蓝色监狱以 4-3 战胜了 U-20 队。Sae站在球场中央,看着蓝色监狱庆祝胜利。他面无表情地看着,沉浸在思考如何能踢得更好。但私下里,他和 U-20 队的其他人一样,为失利感到痛心。

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Shidou Ryusei approaching him. "Hey genius," he said and went on about asking why he didn't pass to him. Sae turned around to face the other, and explained to him that there wasn't much time left, and in order to have an actual chance at scoring a goal he would have had to pass directly to him, but Rin got in his way.
眼角余光中,他看到 Shidou Ryusei 朝他走来。“嘿,天才,”他开口问道,为什么没有传球给他。Sae转过身面对他,解释说时间所剩无几,为了真正有机会进球,他本该直接传给他,但Rin挡在了中间。

Shidou snickered. "Ha! It's your fault that you got caught up with your little brother then, so I'm going to count that as a goal for me! Which means I scored three! Like we promised, you're gonna have to tell me your number now~"

Sae wanted to roll his eyes. This guy could be a pain in the ass. "Hmpf. At least let me shower first."
Sae 想翻个白眼。这家伙真是个麻烦。“哼。至少让我先洗个澡吧。”

But before Sae could do that, he wanted to talk to someone. He walked across the field all the way to his little brother, Itoshi Rin, who was sitting on the ground, sulking, even though he had just won. "I was wrong," Sae said, a few steps away. "I thought Japan could never produce a proper striker." He looked at Rin, a familiar face looking back at him. It was the face he knew so long ago, the face of his little brother, the face that brought him right back to their childhood. This memory didn't give him any sympathy, though. What he was about to say was for the both of them, Rin couldn't stay in the dark forever.
但在那之前,他想和某人谈谈。他穿过球场,走到坐在地上、尽管刚赢了比赛却还在生闷气的小弟弟 Itoshi Rin 身边。“我错了,”Sae 在几步之外说道,“我以为日本永远培养不出一个像样的前锋。”他看着 Rin,一张熟悉的面孔回望着他。那是他很久以前就认识的脸,他小弟弟的脸,那张脸让他瞬间回到了童年。然而,这段记忆并没有给他带来任何同情。他接下来要说的话是为了他们俩,Rin 不能永远蒙在鼓里。

"...Nii-chan," Rin said, looking at his older brother, who was looking off into the distance, something else having caught his eyes.
"...哥哥," Rin 说道,目光投向远方凝视的兄长,似乎有别的事物吸引了他的注意。

Rin sounded so hopeful, as if Sae was going to complement him for his half assed play just now. But no, Sae had other plans, plans that might just tear his little brother apart.
Rin 的语气充满期待,仿佛 Sae 会因为他刚才那半吊子的表现而夸奖他。然而,不,Sae 另有打算,这些计划可能会让他的弟弟心碎。

"The one who drew out your instincts, and who will change Japanese football," he started, looking over at Isagi, who was currently being celebrated by his team. That last play really captured him, the way he saw through everything, that direct shot... it wasn't something your average soccer player could pull off. No, you had to be someone special, that's for sure. And with the lingering look of his brother still on him, who was eagerly waiting for him to continue, he finally finished his sentence. "...Is Isagi Yoichi. He might be the best egoist to do it, Japan can still change."
"激发你本能,并将改变日本足球的人," 他开口道,目光转向正被队友欢呼的 Isagi。那最后一球确实令人印象深刻,他洞察一切,那直截了当的射门...这不是普通足球运动员能做到的。不,你必须是个特别的人,这一点毋庸置疑。而带着兄长那期待继续的眼神,他终于完成了这句话。"...是 Isagi Yoichi。他或许是做到这一点的最佳自我主义者,日本仍能改变。"

Sae could feel his brothers face drop immediately. But he couldn't care less. It was his fault for getting his hopes up after all. It's not like he himself was particularly interested in making up with this pest of a little brother. He stared across the field, to where said striker was, to Isagi. He was currently giving an interview. "I will lead Japan to victory in the U-20 world Cup!" he could make out from across the field. He let those words ring in his eardrums, the cold wind carrying said words across the entire field and out into the world.
Sae 能感觉到他兄弟的脸色立刻沉了下来。但他并不在意。毕竟,是对方自己抱有希望的错。他本人对与这个烦人的小弟弟和好并不特别感兴趣。他凝视着球场对面,那里正是那位前锋所在,Isagi。他正在接受采访。“我将带领日本在 U-20 世界杯上取得胜利!”他隔着球场能听到这句话。他让这些话在耳膜中回响,寒风将这些话语带过整个球场,传向世界。

Yes, he was definitely the one, Sae knew it, he felt it.
是的,他绝对是那个人,Sae 知道,他感受到了。

'Where is it? How much longer am I going to have to look for it? It has to be here somewhere...'

Sae was rummaging through the eerie halls of Blue Lock. Now that he was actually exploring this part of the building, the place seemed even more like a prison than he initially thought, every other corner having the same feeling to it with a bland grey and dark blue colour palette.
Sae 正在蓝锁那阴森的走廊中翻找。如今他真正探索起这栋建筑的这一部分,这里比他最初想象的更像一座监狱,每个角落都弥漫着同样的氛围,灰暗的蓝灰色调一成不变。

Right now he was looking for the changing room of the Blue Lock 11, where Isagi and his team were. He had changed quickly and left the others for this exact reason. He just had to find Isagi. He really wanted to talk to him, to the mastermind behind that last goal. He turned around another corner and saw yet another door down a pretty long corridor. Going through these halls alone without permission was risky, but he was Itoshi Sae, what's the worst that could happen? This was more important to him at the moment than some stupid guide lines, if there even were any. At least he wasn't specifically told not to go snooping around the Blue Lock building, so he should be fine. He approached the door, which was wide open. Did they leave already? He still decided to continue walking. When he came close to it, he faintly heard voices, making him stop and listen.
此刻,他正寻找着蓝锁 11 号的更衣室,那里是Isagi和他的队伍所在之处。他迅速换好衣服,为了这个目的离开了其他人。他必须找到Isagi。他真的很想和他谈谈,向那个策划了最后一球的天才请教。他转过又一个拐角,在相当长的走廊尽头又看到一扇门。未经许可独自在这些走廊里穿梭是冒险的,但他可是Itoshi Sae,最坏又能怎样?眼下这比那些愚蠢的规定更重要,如果有的话。至少没人明确告诉他不能在蓝锁大楼里四处探查,所以他应该没事。他走近那扇敞开的大门。他们已经离开了吗?他还是决定继续前行。当他靠近时,隐约听到声音,让他停下脚步,侧耳倾听。

"That goal was yours just as much as it was mine," someone said. Was this Isagi?Good, he was still there. Sae inched closer to the changing room.

"Shut up," another voice answered. Sae wanted to turn around and leave immediately after he heard that. Of course his little brother would be there! He just loved to get in his way whenever he had something important to do. "Go die Isagi, I'll never fucking forgive you. From this moment onwards, you are my rival."

"Eh?" a confused Isagi let out.
“啊?”Isagi 困惑地发出声音。

"Don't you forget. This means I'll definitely kill you."

Sae rolled his eyes. How dramatic. He decided to risk it and go in, hiding behind one of the wardrobes that was by the entrance and carefully peaked around it. He saw Isagi standing infront of Rin, who was sitting on a bench, an unsettling aura coming off of him, while the other had such a captivating look on him. Now he really wanted to talk to him, but he didn't want his brother to know he was there.
Sae 翻了个白眼,真是戏剧化。他决定冒险一试,躲在入口处的一个衣柜后,小心翼翼地探头张望。他看到 Isagi 站在 Rin 面前,后者坐在长椅上,散发出一种令人不安的气息,而前者则流露出一种令人着迷的神情。现在他真的很想和 Rin 交谈,但又不想让哥哥知道自己在这里。

"Alright, you can try," Isagi responded and turned around, wiping his still sweaty face off with a towel that was around his shoulders.

Sae quickly hid behind the wardrobe just in time before Isagi could spot him, and then slipped out of the doorframe. He waited near the door so he could talk to Isagi the second he came out. Hopefully his brother wouldn't come out soon after him and catch him.
Sae 迅速躲到衣柜后面,刚好赶在Isagi发现他之前,随后悄悄溜出了门框。他在门口附近等待,以便Isagi一出来就能与他交谈。希望他哥哥不会紧随其后出来,逮个正着。

"Haa, finally some food!" Isagi said as he exited the changing room. As soon as he was in reach Sae stepped forward, immediately catching the others attention.
“哈,终于有吃的了!”Isagi 走出更衣室时说道。他一进入视线,Sae 便立刻上前,立刻吸引了其他人的注意。

Isagi stared at him for a second, then he registered who was standing infront of him and his eyes widened with surprise. "Ito- hm!" He couldn't finish what he wanted to say due to Sae holding a hand over his mouth, blocking every sound trying to escape.
Isagi 盯着他看了一会儿,随即认出了站在面前的人,眼中闪过一丝惊讶。“伊藤——唔!”由于Sae用手捂住了他的嘴,他想要说的话被堵在了喉咙里,发不出任何声音。

"Come with me. I don't want Rin to know I'm here." The sentence came out a bit more threatening than Sae anticipated, confirmed by the mixture of shock and fear now in Isagi's eyes. He walked a few steps along the hallway, dragging Isagi next to him, all while still having his hand over Isagi's mouth until he was sure that he wasn't going to say anything and could take his hand off, now tugging the other along by his arm. When they were out of Rin's hearing range in a foreign corridor, Sae let go of Isagi's arm.

"Hey, Itoshi-" 嘿,Itoshi-

"Sae is fine." "Sae 没问题。"

"...uhm, Sae... what do you want from me?"

Sae ignored those words as he looked at the guy opposite to him. He was actually standing in front of Isagi Yoichi right now. The guy was a lot less intimidating off the field, his eyes which were infused with ego back then now only being a pair of curious blue eyes. Other than that, his features seemed... softer? And combined with being smaller than him it was... unexpected? cute? Adorable? Sae was confusing himself in the moment so he shook his head violently (earning a questioning look from the boy), and instead got out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over.
Sae 对那些话置若罔闻,只是盯着对面的人。他此刻正站在 Isagi Yoichi 的面前。这位球场上的猛将,如今在场下显得不那么令人畏惧,那双曾经充满傲气的眼睛,现在只剩下好奇的蓝色眸子。除此之外,他的五官似乎...柔和了许多?再加上比自己矮小的身形,这感觉...出乎意料?可爱?讨人喜欢?Sae 一时之间思绪纷乱,猛地摇了摇头(引得男孩投来疑惑的目光),随后从口袋里掏出一张皱巴巴的纸递了过去。

Isagi's eyes widened once more, but Sae could only cringe while looking back on how he got it.

"So are you going to give me that number you promised?" Shidou asked, a cheeky grin spread across his smug face. "Ah," Sae answered and dug around in his bag for a piece of paper and a pen. When he got the two items out he quickly and elegantly wrote down his number, Shidou's smile becoming bigger and bigger the more time past. When Sae finished, Shidou already made a move to grab the paper, saying, "Thank you very mu-" before Sae crumpled it up and stuffed it into his pocket, leaving without another word. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?? You forgot to give me your number!!" Shidou called after him, but he was already gone to look for Isagi Yoichi.
"所以,你打算把答应给我的号码给我了吗?" 士道问道,脸上挂着得意的坏笑。"啊," Sae 应了一声,开始在包里翻找纸和笔。当他拿出这两样东西后,迅速而优雅地写下了自己的号码,士道的笑容随着时间的流逝变得越来越灿烂。当 Sae 写完时,士道已经迫不及待地伸手去拿那张纸,说道:"非常感谢——" 然而 Sae 却将纸揉成一团塞进了口袋,一言不发地离开了。"嘿!你以为你要去哪儿??你忘了给我你的号码了!!" 士道在他身后喊道,但他已经去找 Isagi Yoichi 了。

Sae got himself out of his flashbacks and focused on the boy in front of him instead. It felt a bit strange to give his number to someone, but he truly believed that Isagi was the one to change Japanese soccer, and become the best striker in the world.
Sae 从闪回中抽身而出,转而专注于眼前的男孩。将自己的号码交给某人感觉有些奇怪,但他真心相信 Isagi 就是那个能改变日本足球,成为世界最佳前锋的人。

Isagi took the piece of paper with curiosity and looked up to Sae. After an approving nod he uncrumpled it and looked at its content. His eyebrows turned into a frown. "Is this... your number?" he asked, visibly confused.
Isagi 带着好奇接过纸条,抬头看向 Sae。得到对方点头认可后,他展开纸条,目光落在内容上。眉头随即皱起。“这是……你的号码?”他问道,明显感到困惑。

"Yes, it's my number," Sae replied.
“是的,这是我的号码。”Sae 回答道。

Isagi's eyes widend. "What? I mean... why? Why would you, Itoshi Sae, the best midfielder out there, give me his phone number?" There were so many emotions on Isagi's face in the moment, it was hard for Sae to pinpoint what exactly he was feeling.
Isagi的眼睛睁大了。“什么?我是说...为什么?为什么你会,Itoshi Sae,那个最棒的中场球员,把他的电话号码给我?”那一刻,Isagi的脸上充满了太多情绪,Sae很难准确判断他到底在感受什么。

He took a breath. "I believe that you, Isagi Yoichi, can change Japanese soccer for the better. It's because I believe in you that I want to keep in touch, so I can guide you through the process of becoming the best striker." Sae paused, examining the reaction of the other closely. "I want you to become my striker. I want to give you passes and watch you make goals out of them. In order for that, I want to examine your whole process of becoming better and possibly give you advice. And giving you my phone number seemed like the most logical first step." There might have been another reason as to why he was doing this, but at this point in time Sae wasn't aware of that.
他深吸了一口气。“我相信你,Isagi Yoichi,能将日本足球带向更好的未来。正因为我相信你,才希望能保持联系,以便引导你成为最顶尖的前锋。”Sae停顿了一下,仔细观察对方的反应。“我希望你能成为我的前锋。我想给你传球,看你将它们转化为进球。为此,我想要审视你进步的全过程,并可能给予你建议。而给你我的电话号码,似乎是最合乎逻辑的第一步。”或许他这么做还有其他原因,但在此时此刻,Sae并未意识到这一点。

He watched Isagi just stare at him for a moment, before he noticed that his ears had turned slightly pink. "I uhm..." Isagi mumbled.
他看着Isagi只是盯着他片刻,随后注意到自己的耳朵微微泛红。“我呃...” Isagi含糊地咕哝道。

"Did I say something wierd?" Sae decided to ask, scared that he was rude or creepy in some way. He wasn't exactly the best at communicating his feelings after all, so misinterpretations were common.
"我说了什么奇怪的话吗?" Sae决定问出口,担心自己无意中显得粗鲁或令人不适。毕竟,他向来不擅长表达情感,误解时常发生。

"What? No! It's just that..."

'It's just that your words can be taken as a confession!' is what Isagi actually wanted to say, but he felt to embarrassed to actually tell that to the midfielder. "It's not important, actually, just forget about it!" he opted to say instead.
"只是你的话听起来像是在表白!" Isagi 其实想这么说,但又觉得太尴尬,不敢直接告诉中场球员。"其实不重要,忘了这事吧!" 他选择这样回应。

Sae's eyes turned into slits. Isagi was obviously hiding something, but he was unaware of what. But he could look over it for now. Besides, he should leave soon if he didn't want to get caught. He still had his bag in the U-20 changing room anyways so he should fetch that before the changing rooms get locked. "Well, if that's all the questions you have then I will be leaving now. Just text me the next time you get the chance." He gave the younger one a nod, and made a move to head back.
Sae的眼睛眯成了细缝。Isagi显然隐瞒了什么,但他并不清楚具体是什么。不过眼下可以先放一放。而且,如果不想被抓到的话,他应该尽快离开。毕竟他的包还在 U-20 更衣室里,得赶在更衣室上锁前取回来。“好吧,既然你没其他问题了,那我就先走了。下次有机会再给我发消息。”他对年轻人点了点头,随即准备返回。

"Wait-!" Isagi said after Sae had gone a few steps, making him pause and turn his head. Sae gave a questioning look, nonverbally telling the other to continue. "I... thank you, Sae. I appreciate that you believe in me. I'll definitely text you when I get the chance. I wont disappoint you, that's a promise!" Isagi bowed down, his fist clenched with Sae's number in its core.
"等等——" Isagi 在 Sae 走了几步后喊道,让他停下脚步回头。Sae 投来询问的目光,无声地示意对方继续。"我... 谢谢你,Sae。我很感激你相信我。一有机会我一定会给你发消息。我不会让你失望的,这是我的承诺!" Isagi 深深鞠了一躬,拳头紧握,掌心是 Sae 的号码。

A small smile appeared on Sae's face while the other wasn't looking. 'This guy is cute,' he thought and turned back, leaving to get his bag from the U-20 changing room before the other could notice anything.
Sae的脸上掠过一丝微笑,而对方并未察觉。“这家伙真可爱,”他心想,随即转身离去,赶在对方发现之前从 U-20 更衣室取回了自己的包。


After the U-20 match, everyone from Blue Lock got two weeks off. During this break, they received their phones, which was a huge relief for Isagi as he needed it to message Sae.
U-20 比赛结束后,蓝锁的所有成员获得了两周的假期。在这段休息期间,他们拿回了自己的手机,这对Isagi来说是个巨大的解脱,因为他需要用它来联系Sae。

At the current moment he was lying on his bed back at home, surrounded by his trophies and posters along with all the other miscellaneous stuff scattered around his room, while glaring up at the lamp that was hung up on the ceiling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper Sae had given him and unscrambled it, holding it high into the light and examined each digit separately. Sae had a curious handwriting, simple, but still very elegant. He hadn't even told anyone about this, not even his best friend Bachira, with whom he discussed pretty much everything with. But this time he just had the strange feeling that he should keep this to himself. It's not every day that a prodigy gives you their phone number after all.

He still couldn't believe it; Itoshi Sae had given him his number, and he wanted him to become his striker! A light dusk of pink hushed over his cheeks as he thought about it. This was like a dream he never even knew he had coming true.
他仍然难以置信;Itoshi Sae 给了他号码,还希望他成为自己的前锋!想到这里,他双颊泛起了一抹淡淡的粉红暮色。这就像一个他从未知晓的梦想成真了。

He got up from his lying position and crossed his legs. He grabbed his phone next to him and unlocked it, fingers rushing over the display to get to the screen where one can enter a phone number. With uncontrollably shaky hands he entered the number. In the back of his mind he was slightly scared that this was all some mean prank from Sae, to give him hope only to tell him he would never become a high level player, but all that worry was washed away immediately as he saw that the number did exist. He saved in the number as 'Itoshi Sae' and started typing his message.
他从躺卧的姿势中坐起身,盘起双腿。他抓起身边的手机,解锁屏幕,手指急切地在显示器上滑动,直到找到输入电话号码的界面。他颤抖的手指无法控制地输入了那个号码。在他心底,隐隐担心这不过是Sae的一个恶作剧,给予他希望后再告诉他永远无法成为高级玩家,但这一切担忧在他看到号码确实存在时立刻烟消云散。他将号码保存为“Itoshi Sae”,并开始编辑他的信息。

[Hello Sae! It's me, Isagi Yoichi. You gave me your number back in Blue Lock and I'm here to text you!]
[你好 Sae! 是我,Isagi Yoichi。在蓝色监狱时你给了我你的号码,现在我来给你发消息了!]

Isagi read the message at least ten times, wondering if he should be casual or more formal, but ended just giving up because he couldn't come up with anything better. He closed his eyes and hit 'send' before opening them again and holding his breath.
Isagi 至少把那条消息读了十遍,琢磨着该随意些还是更正式点,但最终还是放弃了,因为他想不出更好的表达。他闭上眼,按下了“发送”键,再睁开时屏住了呼吸。

No response.  没有回应。

He breathed out. What else did he expect? This was Itoshi Sae he was texting. He was probably busy training or so, not even near his phone. How stupid of him to think he was going to respond to something as unimportant like a text message.
他叹了口气。他还能期待什么呢?这是他在给Itoshi Sae发短信。他大概正忙着训练或其他事情,连手机都不在身边。他竟然还以为对方会回复一条像短信这样无关紧要的消息,真是太傻了。

Isagi was about to switch his phone off and lay it back next to him when - ping! - a notification popped up. Holding his breath again he looked at the notification. His eyes lit up in disbelief as he saw who answered. Sae! He opened the messaging app to read the message.

[Hello Isagi. I'm glad you texted me.]
[你好 Isagi,很高兴你给我发消息。]

Isagi could have squealed like a high school girl in that moment at the simple text. Sae responded, and that in such a short amount of time! While he was busy being overjoyed that he even texted back, he got another message.
Isagi 本可以在那一刻像高中女生一样尖叫,就因为那条简单的短信。Sae 回复了,而且是在这么短的时间内!正当他沉浸在对方竟然回复了的狂喜中时,又一条消息来了。

[I know that Blue Lock got a break, so I was wondering if we could see each other some time, just to discuss your future plans and how you can improve.]

Isagi's breath was gone. Did Itoshi Sae just ask him... to meet up?? He was taken aback at this pitch, but still scrambled to quickly text back and not to let the midfielder wait too long for a response.
Isagi的呼吸停滞了。难道Itoshi Sae刚刚是约他...见面?他对此邀约感到意外,但还是急忙回复消息,不让这位中场球员久等。

[I'd love to!!!] Isagi quickly deleted that message. Too much energy, he had to play it cool in front of Sae or he might think he's too childish to become the best striker in the world.
[我太愿意了!!!] Isagi 迅速删除了那条消息。情绪太激动了,他得在Sae面前保持冷静,否则对方可能会认为他太幼稚,无法成为世界顶级前锋。

He tried again. [I'd be happy to do so. Do you have a place and time in mind?] This message was a lot better. He could send this one off without worry.
他又试了一次。[我很乐意。你有想到的地点和时间吗?] 这条消息好多了。他可以放心地发送出去。

[The second week would be more convenient for me, as I'm in Shibuya for the first.]

[Shibuya? That would actually fit perfectly for me, since I'll be meeting some people from Blue Lock there!]

[Oh really? When will you be going?]

[Tomorrow at around 12] [明天大约 12 点]

[Sounds good, just let me know when you are finished with your friends and can meet up with me. You can text me your location when the time comes.]

[Will do!] [马上办!]

After sending off the last message, Isagi couldn't help but have a big smile on his face. He was going to meet up with Sae! He still couldn't believe it was actually happening, he must have been blessed by the gods.

That night he had a hard time falling asleep, due to constantly thinking about Sae. He kept rolling around in the hopes of eventually dozing off but remained unsuccessful. He sighed into his pillow. 'Calm down Isagi,' he told himself. 'You're just going to talk for a bit before he gets bored and calls it a day. Yeah, this is just a one time thing, it's not like he really has any interest in you...'

An awful feeling formed in his stomach, the negative thoughts getting to him. 'Calm down,' he told himself once more and took a deep breath. 'Thinking like this won't make things better, just go there and see what happens. You can be sad about it later.'

And with that he fell into an uneasy sleep, overthinking the next day and scared of what might come.


Isagi was tying his shoes as his mother came from the kitchen. "Oh, Yocchan. Going out already? You just came back."

"Yeah, for a bit. Going to have some fun with some friends." A light blush formed underneath his eyes at the thought of seeing Sae today. His mother didn't know a lot about soccer, but by now even she knew the prodigy Itoshi Sae, and if he were to mention meeting up with him...
“嗯,出去一会儿。和朋友们玩玩。”想到今天能见到Sae,他的眼底泛起一丝淡淡的红晕。母亲对足球了解不多,但如今连她也知道那位天才Itoshi Sae,如果他提到要和他见面……

He finished tying his shoes and stood up. Him and Sae weren't even close, yet alone friends. He was getting ahead of himself. But it's not like he was lying to his mother. He was going to meet some friends, but he was also going to see Sae. He wanted to do both, so he said goodbye to his mother and set off to catch his train to Shibuya.


Isagi arrived at Shibuya, and met up with the people he knew from Blue Lock like originally planned. They went to an arcade, played some darts and billiard, as well as go to karaoke where they even met the U-20 players. They decided to have a face off with them at a bowling alley, where they found out that Nagi had a gift for accidental strikes.
Isagi 按照原计划抵达涩谷,与来自蓝色监狱的熟人们会合。他们前往一家游戏中心,玩了飞镖和台球,还去了卡拉 OK,在那里偶遇了 U-20 的球员们。他们决定在保龄球馆与他们一决高下,结果发现凪诚士郎意外地擅长打出全中。

"Hey, we're not even done here yet! We gotta go for round two," Oliver Aiku said as the score board read a tie.
"嘿,我们还没结束呢!得再来一轮," 奥利弗·爱空说道,此时计分板上显示双方平局。

Isagi looked up at that mention, this was his queue to leave. "Sorry Aiku, but I've already made plans with another friend." OK, this wasn't exactly true, but he couldn't just say 'Hey guys, I gotta go because I'm going to meet Itoshi Sae!' The others would go berserk and ask so many questions! Instead he just received an "aw," and "You're leaving already?" followed with an "I'm leaving too," from Nagi.
Isagi 一听到提到了自己,便知道是该离开的时候了。“抱歉,Aiku,但我已经和另一个朋友有约了。”好吧,这并不完全是真的,但他总不能直接说“嘿,伙计们,我得走了,因为我要去见Itoshi和Sae!”其他人会发疯似的问个不停!相反,他只得到了一声“啊”,以及“你这就走了吗?”紧接着 Nagi 也说了一句“我也该走了。”

Isagi smiled at them. "See you guys later! Have fun!"
Isagi 向他们微笑道别:“回头见,伙计们!玩得开心!”

There were times throughout the day where he felt kind of guilty. He was going to get special treatment and advice from Sae after all, giving him an unfair advantage over the others. But becoming the best striker was his dream, and sometimes you have to be a bit egotistical in order to crush everyone that gets in your way and stay on top.

With a confident stride he made his way out of the bowling alley, and into the streets of Shibuya, which by now were painted in a soft orange by the setting sun. This day was already amazing, meeting up with the people from Blue Lock and seeing them outside of the facility. But now it was time to meet up with the greatest midfielder he knew.

Isagi got out his phone and wrote a quick message to Sae. [Hello Sae, I'm ready to meet up with you. I'm at the convince store near the bowling alley.]
Isagi 拿出手机,迅速给 Sae 发了一条消息。[你好 Sae,我已经准备好和你见面了。我现在在保龄球馆附近的便利店。]

A few seconds later he received an [OK, I'm on my way] from him. It was almost scary how fast he responded, a bit like he was waiting for him to text... Isagi got that thought out of his head immediately. He was fantasising things now, he should get a grip on himself!

About 20 minutes after Sae had sent his last message, he was already standing in front of the striker.
大约在Sae发出最后一条消息 20 分钟后,他已经站在了前锋面前。

"Hello," Sae said and went up to the other.

"Hi," Isagi replied.  “嗨,”Isagi 回复道。

"I know a great Yakiniku place that we can go to. It has private rooms so we can talk without anyone bothering us. Would you like to go there?"

"Sure! I haven't had Yakiniku in a long time." Isagi was still full from all the snacks he had at the bowling alley, but if he was already invited to a restaurant by Itoshi Sae, he couldn't say no.
当然!我已经很久没吃烤肉了。Isagi 虽然刚在保龄球馆吃了不少零食,肚子还饱着,但既然Itoshi Sae 已经邀请他去餐厅,他也不好拒绝。

"Alright then, it's this way." Sae pointed to his left, and the two set off.

Most of the way there they didn't say anything. The tension between them was a bit awkward, even though Isagi would have loved to say something in order to get rid of it. The problem was that he didn't know what to say. He also felt the stares of passer-bys, who must have recognised Sae. He was a big name in soccer after all, he probably got recognised a hundred times on his was here. Although, did people also recognise him now? The U-20 match was streamed pretty much everywhere, so surely someone, somewhere in Shibuya knew about him, right?
一路上他们大多沉默不语。两人间的紧张气氛有些尴尬,尽管Isagi很想找点话说以打破僵局,但问题是他不知道该说什么。他还感觉到路人投来的目光,他们肯定认出了Sae。毕竟,Sae在足球界是个大人物,来这里的路上可能已经被认出上百次了。不过,现在人们也会认出他吗?U-20 比赛几乎在全球范围内直播,所以涩谷的某个角落肯定有人知道他,对吧?

It was then that Isagi fully realised the difference in social status the two of them had. Sae was a successful midfielder who played internationally, and he was just a random high-school student who only had a dream and just so happened to be getting closer to his goal.

His thoughts were interrupted as Sae made a turn and accidentally bumped into Isagi, their hands brushing briefly against each other upon impact.

"Oh, sorry," Sae apologised immediately. "We have to turn right."

"Ah, no, it's completely my fault for not paying attention!" Isagi's cheeks burned red, the touch of the others hand sinking into his skin and making him lose all sense of orientation. During the short period that he felt the others hand, he could already tell that it was warm and firm, yet still soft, along side with being slightly larger than his own. His palms were starting to become sweaty, so he hid them in the pockets of his jacket and turned into a more narrow alleyway with Sae.

Soon they arrived at the Yakiniku place. It was on the first floor of a big building, and you could tell from the outside that it was very fancy, and probably very expensive too. The two entered through one of the large double doors. "Doesn't one need a reservation for a fancy place like this?" Isagi asked and looked around. It was pretty spacious, some open tables in the main area where some nicely dressed people were enjoying some Yakiniku, and further back some individual rooms.

"Wait here," Sae said and went up to the registration. After a few minutes of arguing with one of the servants in a fancy suite, he came back. "Our room is at the end to the left," he said and started walking over to it. Isagi followed him close by, wondering how he managed to get the room for the two, but decided to just take it and not question it furthermore.
"在这里等着," Sae 说道,随即走向登记处。与一位身着华丽制服的仆人争论了几分钟后,他回来了。"我们的房间在最左边尽头," 他说着,开始朝那边走去。Isagi 紧随其后,好奇他是如何为两人争取到房间的,但决定接受现实,不再深究。

After they reached the end of the restaurant, Sae opened a sliding door and went in.
在他们到达餐厅尽头后,Sae 打开了一扇滑动门并走了进去。

The second Isagi stepped foot into the private room after the midfielder he was mesmerised. It was a spacious room with the finest wine red couches as seating, which had a beautiful floral pattern embroidered into the fabric. In the middle was the table with a grill built into it. It was a bit larger than most places, but otherwise nothing too out of the ordinary. Mounted on the ceiling was an impressive chandelier with many crystals that gave the room the feeling of being straight out of a movie. The lighting of the room was more dimmed than bright, but it fit the atmosphere of the restaurant perfectly. Isagi immediately felt out of place in his casual clothes, not having expected to visit this type of restaurant today, but it's not like Sae was any different, and since they were alone anyways he didn't complain.

Sae gestured Isagi to take a seat, and after ordering some drinks on the phone that was given with the room, Sae took a seat himself opposite to Isagi.

"I'm glad you came," Sae said to open up a conversation.
"很高兴你来了。" Sae 开口打开了话题。

"Oh no, I'm the one who should be glad that I'm getting this opportunity!" Isagi humbled himself. "I still can't believe you even asked me to do this. Heck, you even gave me your number! It's just all so unreal to me that the prodigy Itoshi Sae would want to meet up with me." His cheeks flashed pink. Saying all of this to him directly was a bit embarrassing. "But I still don't understand... why me? There are so many strikers out there who are so much better than me, doesn't matter in what way you flip and turn it, that's just the truth. I'm nothing special. That goal back then was just luck."
"哎呀,我才该庆幸能得到这个机会呢!" Isagi 谦逊地说道,"我还是不敢相信你竟然邀请我做这件事。天哪,你甚至还给了我你的号码!对我来说,天才 Itoshi Sae 居然想和我见面,这一切都太不真实了。" 他的脸颊泛起了红晕。直接对他说出这些话,有点让人难为情。"但我还是不明白……为什么是我?有很多前锋比我强得多,无论从哪个角度看,这都是事实。我没什么特别的。那次进球只是运气好罢了。"

Sae stared at Isagi as if he had just told him he encountered aliens at the age of five. But just when Isagi thought he wouldn't answer, he felt the midfielders gaze directly on him, piercing right into his eyes, not planning on looking away. A bit intimidating, Isagi thought.
Sae 盯着 Isagi,仿佛他刚告诉自己五岁时遇到了外星人。但就在 Isagi 以为他不会回答时,他感觉到中场球员的目光直射过来,穿透了他的双眼,丝毫没有移开的意思。有点吓人,Isagi 心想。

"Don't say that," Sae finally answered.

Isagi was confused by this. "Why not?"

"Because you are so much more than your goals."

"I'm sorry, I still don't understa-"

"Do you question my choices?"

"Huh? No! Not at all!" Isagi frantically waved his hand in the air.
“啊?不!一点也不!”Isagi 慌忙在空中挥舞着手。

"Then there isn't anything more to discuss about this matter. I chose you because I know you are the right one, even if you think otherwise."

Silence fell over the two.

When the tension between them was getting too much for Isagi, he decided to say something, anything, to break it. "If I may ask... what makes you say that I'm 'much more than my goals?' I mean... you make it sound like the actual person has an influence, like the personality of the player plays a role or something..."

"That's because it does."

"Eh? In what way?" Isagi's curiosity was peaked. Could the personality of a player influence a match? "I guess I never really considered this since a skilled player is a skilled player, doesn't matter if they are a nice person or not. Or at least that's what I thought. Is there something I missed? Something Ego hasn't taught us yet?" He genuinely wanted to know. Finally he could learn something from the prodigy Itoshi Sae!
“嗯?怎么说?”Isagi的好奇心被勾了起来。难道玩家的性格会影响比赛吗?“我之前从未深思过这个问题,毕竟技术好的玩家就是技术好,无论他们人品如何。至少我是这么认为的。是不是我遗漏了什么?还是 Ego 还没教给我们?”他真心想了解。终于能从天才Itoshi Sae那里学到点什么了!

But he just let out a sigh, making Isagi flinch at the suddenness of it. Did he say something dumb? Was this something he was already supposed to know? Or was the opposite the case and he was totally wrong and the personality didn't influence a match at all?

"You just don't get it, do you?" Sae said and swung one leg over the other.

"Uh, I-I'm sorry... I have no idea what you're talking about..." Isagi was starting to get a bit frustrated with himself. He just had to mess everything up, didn't he!
“呃,对、对不起...我完全不知道你在说什么...” Isagi 开始对自己感到有些沮丧。他总是把事情搞砸,不是吗!

That's when Sae made direct eye contact. He looked into the others' eyes like they were a portal to another dimension. A dimension filled with so much passion and happiness, one where he could get lost forever because the scenery was the most beautiful he had ever seen. He wanted this dimension to capture him and tell him to stay with him, that it couldn't exist without him. He closed his eyes and let the moment sink in, the ocean blue eyes of Isagi ingrained into his mind. He opened them again, the younger one still looking at him curiously. Shit, how was it legal to be this cute? He thought he had made it obvious, he even thought he had said too much, but boy oh boy, did he overestimate this young striker. Cute, charming, intelligent, polite, and so much more, yet he failed to grasp the simplest things. If Sae was honest, it just made him ten times cuter. At this point he could just let out a chuckle. This boy was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
就在那时,Sae 与对方直接对视了。他凝视着那双眼睛,仿佛它们是通往另一个维度的门户。那个充满无尽热情与幸福的维度,他愿意永远迷失其中,因为那里的风景是他所见过的最美妙的。他渴望这个维度将他俘获,告诉他留下来,没有他它无法存在。他闭上眼睛,让这一刻深深烙印在心,Isagi 那双湛蓝如海的眼睛刻入他的记忆。再次睁开眼时,年轻的对方仍带着好奇注视着他。天哪,这么可爱居然合法吗?他以为自己已经表现得很明显,甚至觉得可能说得太多了,但天啊,他真是高估了这个年轻的前锋。可爱、迷人、聪明、有礼,还有更多优点,却连最简单的事情都未能领会。如果 Sae 坦白说,这只会让他显得更加可爱十倍。此时此刻,他忍不住轻笑出声。这个男孩,是他生命中最美好的奇迹。

"Will you go out with me?"




Isagi's eyes widened with surprise. He took in the words and processed them, wondering if it was all just a dream, if his entire existence was even real. He stared at the other for who knows how long, all time having stopped for him in that moment.

"Can you... repeat that... please?" He was still in shock, unable to move.

"I was asking if you wanted to go out with me," Sae repeated calmly.

"What? This... this has to be a joke... right?"

"Why would I joke about this?"

"I don't know... to make a fool out of me for... for believing you... for a moment..."

"Well, I'm not joking, so you're allowed to believe me."

Isagi's eyes lit up. This was real, Itoshi Sae was asking him out. His brain was working overtime to process the information given to him. "Why... why me?" he mumbled.
Isagi的眼睛亮了起来。这是真的,Itoshi Sae在约他出去。他的大脑正超负荷处理着这些信息。“为什么……为什么是我?”他喃喃自语。

"Because you are so much more than a striker who is just there to score goals. You are an entire person, and one of the best ones out there, if I may add. I despise pretty much everyone, but for some reason I don't hate you. In fact, I fell in love, even though I swore myself not to, as it would interfere with my career. But in general, I just couldn't imagine myself in a romantic relationship, so I never really thought about it." He paused, forming his next sentence carefully. "But if it's with you, then I don't mind. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, Isagi. Please go out with me."

Isagi continued to stare, before his entire face lit up. He was overjoyed, his leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably. All the shock and confusion he previously felt was washed over with fuzzy and warm feelings from the compliments instead. He wanted to jump up and kiss Sae out of excitement, it taking all the self-control in the world for him to stay seated. And not being able to hold it in any longer, he said, "Yes! I'd love to!" and displayed the biggest smile on his face possible. He was actually going to date Itoshi Sae, the prodigy, one of the best midfielders out there. This was a one in a million chance that he would never get again.
Isagi继续凝视着,随后整张脸都亮了起来。他欣喜若狂,腿不由自主地上下弹跳。之前所有的震惊和困惑都被这些赞美带来的温暖模糊感所取代。他激动得想跳起来亲吻Sae,竭尽全力才克制住自己坐在原地。终于忍不住了,他说道:“是的!我愿意!”脸上绽放出尽可能大的笑容。他真的要和Itoshi Sae,那位天才,顶尖中场之一,开始约会了。这是一生仅有一次的机会,不会再有第二次。

And for the first time ever, Isagi saw Sae smile.
而这是第一次,Isagi 看到了 Sae 的微笑。

"I guess this means we're dating now."

Isagi's mouth fell open as he saw how beautiful Sae was when he smiled, not being able to take his eyes off him. He felt like the luckiest man on earth to be able to witness such a moment, and he felt even luckier to be going out with such a beautiful and handsome man like Sae. Life just couldn't be more perfect.
Isagi 的嘴巴张大了,当他看到Sae 微笑时是多么美丽,无法将目光从他身上移开。他觉得自己是世界上最幸运的人,能够见证这样的时刻,而且更幸运的是能与像Sae这样既美丽又英俊的人约会。生活简直不能再完美了。

Isagi had to stop staring, though, as there was a knock on the door, their drinks and food having arrived. Sae got up to get the door for them.

They used the rest of their time to properly eat Yakiniku, both of them taking turns to put various different kinds of high quality meats and vegetables on the grill, all while talking about soccer and random stuff they'd like the other to know now that they were dating.

It was very relaxing for the both of them, and they enjoyed each others company. They instantly clicked, and Isagi was happy to know Sae's soft side.

Time was flying by, both of them soon losing track of it and hours having passed since they arrived at the restaurant. Isagi looked on his phone to check the time and let out a shocked sound. "It's that late already??" His face froze. Then he quickly got up from his seat. "I'm sorry Sae, I had a great time but I'm afraid I have to go now or I'll miss my train home," he said and started to put on his coat.
时间飞逝,两人很快便忘记了时间的流逝,自他们抵达餐厅已过去数小时。Isagi 看了看手机确认时间,发出一声惊呼:“已经这么晚了??”他的表情凝固了。随即他迅速从座位上起身,“抱歉,Sae,我过得很愉快,但恐怕我现在得走了,否则会赶不上回家的火车。”他说着开始穿上外套。

"It's alright," Sae answered as he watched the other check his pockets to see if he had everything. "I also had a great time."
"没事的," Sae 回答道,同时看着对方检查口袋,确认是否带齐了所有东西。"我也玩得很开心。"

Isagi smiled at Sae's words and headed to the exit of the room.
Isagi 对 Sae 的话报以微笑,然后朝房间的出口走去。

The older one stared as the other slid open the sliding door and was about to head out. But to his own surprise, a "stay" had left his mouth and he got up, seemingly automatic, and walked over to the younger boy.

"Sae?" Isagi paused and turned around, confused but secretly happy that the other had said that.
"Sae?" Isagi 停下脚步,转过身来,虽然困惑但内心暗自高兴对方说了那句话。

Sae didn't say anything and just reached next to the other to close the door he had just opened, giving them more privacy for what he wanted to do. He took the others hand and intertwined their fingers together.
Sae 什么也没说,只是靠近对方,关上了刚打开的门,为他想做的事情增添了更多私密性。他握住对方的手,十指相扣。

"I... I'd love to stay, but I really have to go..." Isagi started to blush, the closeness of the other making the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.
"我...我很想留下,但我真的得走了..." Isagi 开始脸红,对方的靠近让他的心跳如鼓。

After another moment of silence, Sae grabbed Isagi's chin with his other hand to point his face to his own, getting a close look at the breathtakingly beautiful blue eyes he had. And before Isagi could muster up another question, Sae had placed his lips on Isagi's, leaving behind a soft and gentle kiss.

Isagi's heart fluttered, and his eyes widened. He saw the other in front of him, but his brain refused to comprehend that their lips were connected, the suddenness of it making everything around them irrelevant.

A few long seconds later, Sae released Isagi and gave him one last soft smile. "Stay safe," he told him and slowly let go of his chin.

Isagi blinked a few times. He looked away, face red, then back again. "Yeah, y-you too...!" He then decided to take all his confidence together and lunged forward and hugged Sae, who was surprised at first, but soon reciprocated it. "I will become the best striker in the world, Sae," Isagi whispered.
Isagi 眨了几下眼睛,他转过头去,脸颊泛红,随即又转回来。“嗯,你也是...!”他鼓起所有勇气,猛地向前一扑,紧紧抱住了Sae,后者起初有些惊讶,但很快也回抱了他。“我会成为世界上最棒的前锋,Sae,”Isagi低声说道。

"I know you will," Sae whispered back.
“我知道你会的。”Sae 轻声回应。

They let go, looked into each others eyes, and unwillingly said goodbye.

Isagi opened the sliding door, only reluctantly stepping out. He shot the other guy one last smile before closing the door behind him. He took a deap breath, then quickly made his way through the restaurant, hoping that he'd still get his train on time.
Isagi 推开滑动门,不情不愿地迈出脚步。在关上门前,他向对方投去最后一抹微笑。他深吸一口气,随即快步穿过餐厅,希望还能准时赶上火车。

While he was running down the illuminated streets of Shibuya to the train station, he couldn't help but think about his time with Sae. It warmed up his heart to know that Sae liked him. It was still so bizarre to think about. Out of all people he chose him, Isagi Yoichi...
当他在涉谷灯火通明的街道上奔跑向车站时,他不禁回想起与Sae共度的时光。得知Sae喜欢他,这让他的心感到温暖。这想法依旧如此不可思议。在众多人中,他选择了他,Isagi Yoichi...

He ran around the last corner and into the train station, seeing that his train had already arrived and looked like it was about to leave. He made one last sprint and just barely managed to squeeze past the already closing doors.

Plopping down on an empty seat, he caught his breath and looked around. The train was pretty empty, plenty of seats still available. He made himself comfortable and leaned his head against the window, looking out at the dark city bathed in neon lights. He closed his eyes, envisioning Sae in front of him, that smile, the kindness he showed him that night and everything in general... a miracle. And before Isagi knew it, he fell asleep, dreaming about himself and Sae during the entire ride, scoring the most amazing goals and getting cheered on by the biggest crowd in history.

This was the best day ever.


Seis is a difficult ship to write, since their dynamic hasn't really been explored yet in Canon. And especially if you're going for an as in character fic as possible, which I tried to do here, there just isn't much to go off of. This, however, doesn't change the fact that I loved writing this fic and looking closely at the chapters where most of these scenes played, and then to reimagine them with a Seis twist. I also realised that Sae gives off a-spec vibes, but that might just be me seeing things that aren't true hehe.
Seis 这对组合写起来颇具挑战,因为他们在正典中的互动尚未深入挖掘。尤其是如果你追求尽可能贴合原作的角色性格,就像我在这里尝试做的那样,可供参考的素材实在有限。然而,这并不影响我热爱创作这篇同人文,细细回味那些场景发生的主要章节,再以 Seis 的视角重新构想它们。我还发现Sae散发着无性恋的气息,不过这可能只是我个人的臆测,哈哈。

Thanks again to Azura for introducing me to the world of seis, genuinely, I'm so glad i met you. Thank you for being there for me, and again, happy birthday, I hope you enjoyed this fic till the very last word :)
再次感谢 Azura 带我进入 Seis 的世界,真的,很高兴遇见你。感谢你的陪伴,再次祝你生日快乐,希望你从始至终都享受这篇同人文:)