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Title: Texas shooting: Where does US gun control go from here?

By BBC NEWS staff
BBC 新聞工作人員

The school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has led to renewed calls for action on gun control. But familiar obstacles - and some new ones - will make any reform difficult.

Nearly a decade after a young man shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, a similar tragedy unfolded at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
康乃狄克州紐敦的桑迪胡克小學一名年輕人槍殺了包括 20 名兒童在內的 26 人,近十年後,德州尤瓦爾迪的一所小學也發生了類似的悲劇。

The Sandy Hook shooting prompted calls for national gun reform and led to an emotional plea for action from US President Barack Obama. But efforts to advance gun-control legislation in Congress stalled.

Now, following the deaths of 19 children and two adults in Uvalde, there are similar calls for action from national politicians. President Joe Biden has echoed Mr Obama in pleading for change.
現在,在尤瓦爾迪 19 名兒童和兩名成人死亡後,國家政界人士也呼籲採取類似行動。喬·拜登總統呼應歐巴馬呼籲改變。

"Why are we willing to live with this carnage?" he said. "Why do we keep letting this happen? Where in God's name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it and stand up to the lobbies?"
“為什麼我們願意忍受這場大屠殺?”他說。 「為什麼我們總是讓這種事情發生?看在上帝的份上,我們的勇氣在哪裡,有勇氣應對它並勇敢地面對遊說者?”

Even though Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the presidency this time around, efforts to pass new gun-control regulations are facing similar challenges - and new ones that may be even more formidable.

Here's a look at some potential courses of action and the obstacles they will have to surmount.

Old roadblocks in Congress

In the weeks after Sandy Hook, a majority of US senators supported passing legislation requiring expanded background checks for gun purchases. Because of the filibuster - a parliamentary procedure that requires at least 60 votes in the 100-seat Senate to pass most legislation - a simple majority was not enough, however.
在桑迪胡克事件發生後的幾週內,大多數美國參議員支持通過立法,要求擴大槍支購買的背景調查。然而,由於阻撓議事——一種議會程序,需要在 100 個席位的參議院中至少獲得 60 票才能通過大多數立法——簡單多數是不夠的。

Today, only a handful of the 50 Republican senators today appear open to new gun legislation, suggesting any new efforts will meet a similar fate.
如今,50 名共和黨參議員中只有少數人似乎對新的槍支立法持開放態度,這表明任何新的努力都將遭遇類似的命運。

That hasn't stopped Democrats from considering new proposals and offering to work with Republicans to find any common ground.

"I think it's a slim prospect, very slim, all too slim," Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said of changes of success on Thursday. "We've been burnt so many times before."
民主黨參議院多數黨領袖查克·舒默週四在談到成功的變化時表示:“我認為前景渺茫,非常渺茫,太渺茫了。” “我們以前被燒傷過很多次了。”

Conversations about doing more have begun, however, and a handful of Republicans have been participating. Proposals with the greatest support include a "red flag" law that would prevent individuals with mental illness or a criminal history from purchasing firearms and expanded background checks on gun purchasers that would include private gun sales.

Although polls indicate majorities of Americans support such efforts, many Republican senators represent states with large pro-gun communities. And the Republican voters whose support they need to win primary elections (the selection process within each party) are even more opposed to reform. So unless sentiment shifts among that constituency, the Republicans are unlikely to change course.

And even if this proposed legislation passes, it may be an imperfect solution. There are mass shootings that red-flag laws and background checks haven't prevented - and they wouldn't do anything to reduce the 393 million firearms currently in the US
即使這項擬議的立法獲得通過,它也可能是一個不完美的解決方案。危險信號法律和背景調查未能阻止大規模槍擊事件,而且他們也不會採取任何措施來減少美國目前 3.93 億支槍支

States pressing ahead

Although congressional efforts were stymied in 2015, gun-control activists made substantive progress in passing new laws at the state level.
儘管國會的努力在 2015 年受到阻礙,但槍支管制活動人士在州一級通過新法律方面取得了實質進展。

In Connecticut, for instance, there was overwhelming support for reform from the communities still reeling from the brutality of the Sandy Hook attack. Other Democratic-controlled states - like New York, Maryland and California - passed their own legislation, closing gun-show loopholes, limiting magazine sizes and prohibiting the sale of certain types of firearms.

In Vermont in 2018, after a school-shooting plot was narrowly averted, Republican Governor Phil Scott reversed his position and worked with Democrats to pass new legislation in the traditionally gun-friendly state. The law, which included raising the age to buy a firearm to 21, limiting magazine sizes and requiring new background checks, angered many of his previous supporters on the right. He easily won re-election in 2018, however.
2018 年,在佛蒙特州,學校槍擊陰謀險些被阻止後,共和黨州長菲爾·斯科特 (Phil Scott) 改變了立場,與民主黨合作,在這個傳統上持槍友好的州通過了新立法。這項法律包括將購買槍支的年齡提高到 21 歲、限制彈匣尺寸以及要求進行新的背景調查,這激怒了他以前的許多右翼支持者。然而,他在 2018 年輕鬆贏得連任。

But the states that have the political majorities to pass gun-control regulations have already done so. And in many Republican controlled states, the momentum on the gun issue is towards less regulation, not more. In April, Georgia became the 25th state - all Republican - to allow its residents to carry a concealed handgun without a government license.
但擁有政治多數通過槍枝管制法規的州已經這麼做了。在許多共和黨控制的州,槍枝問題的趨勢是減少監管,而不是加強監管。 4 月,喬治亞州成為第 25 個允許居民在沒有政府許可的情況下攜帶隱藏手槍的州(全是共和黨)。

Democratic politicians in those states, frustrated by the lack of action, may cite the Uvalde massacre as reason to act. Former congressman Beto O'Rourke, the Democrat running for Texas governor in November, voiced the anger many on the left feel in conservative states as he confronted Republican Governor Greg Abbott at a press conference in Uvalde on Wednesday.
這些州的民主黨政客因缺乏行動而感到沮喪,可能會以尤瓦爾迪大屠殺為理由採取行動。 11 月競選德克薩斯州州長的民主黨前國會議員貝托·奧羅克 ( Beto O’Rourke) 週三在尤瓦爾迪(Uvalde) 舉行的新聞發布會上與共和黨州長格雷格·阿博特( Greg Abbott) 對峙時,表達了許多左翼人士對保守州的憤怒。

"The time to stop the next shooting is now, and you are doing nothing," he shouted, before being berated by the Republicans on the stage and removed from the building.

Mr O'Rourke spoke to reporters after the event and listed banning assault weapon sales, universal background checks, red-flag laws and safe gun-storage laws as steps his state could take in the wake of the attack.

While many of those provisions have popular support, all will be difficult to pass in Texas. The more likely response there will be increased funding for law enforcement and school security measures, such as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's call for giving more guns to teachers.

Courts are another battleground

Even if the political calculus changes in Congress or among the states like Texas that have been reluctant or outright hostile to enacting gun-control legislation, there is a significant and growing obstacle to any attempts at reform - the courts.

In 2008, a narrow 5-to-4 majority in the US Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", guarantees a personal right to possess a handgun. That interpretation, although subject to furious debate, has embedded gun ownership rights in the text of the Constitution itself. And since that decision, the courts have only become more supportive.

One of President Donald Trump's lasting legacies was to appoint hundreds of conservative judges to the federal courts, including naming three new Supreme Court justices. Two weeks ago, two Trump-appointed appellate-court judges in California struck down a state law prohibiting the sale of assault rifles to those under the age of 21.
唐納德·川普總統的持久遺產之一是任命數百名保守派法官進入聯邦法院,包括任命三名新的最高法院法官。兩週前,川普任命的兩名加州上訴法院法官推翻了一項禁止向 21 歲以下人士出售突擊步槍的州法律。

That opinion, if upheld by the Supreme Court, could be of particular relevance given that the perpetrators in Uvalde, Sandy Hook and the recent shooting in Buffalo all fall into that category.

"America would not exist without the heroism of the young adults who fought and died in our revolutionary army," one of the judges wrote. "Today we reaffirm that our constitution still protects the right that enabled their sacrifice - the right of young adults to keep and bear arms."
一位評委寫道:“如果沒有在我們革命軍隊中戰鬥和犧牲的年輕人的英雄主義,美國就不會存在。” 「今天,我們重申,我們的憲法仍然保護使他們能夠做出犧牲的權利——年輕人持有和攜帶武器的權利。”

The Supreme Court appears poised to strike down a New York law that restricts who may obtain concealed handgun licences in the next month, perhaps endangering similar laws in other states.

With gun laws already on the books being ruled unconstitutional, it appears likely that any new laws will face legal challenges as well - and may not survive long.

Thoughts: I think it’s very important to have more restrictions in guns, though I understand there are people who love guns, enjoy hunting or think it’s necessary to keep them safe, yet there are people out in the world who take others life lightly. And there shouldn’t be blood split for things to change. I do hope “red flag” law would pass.