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Median XL - Version Log

Median XL - Σ 2.10.0

Game 游戏

General 一般情况

Engine 发动机

  • Loot Filter: located in a new tab in the game settings menu
    • Supports multiple different filtering lists, with one active at a time
    • Switching between different filters is easy and you can also set a favourite that you can load with a hotkey
    • You can export or import filters from the clipboard with a single click
    • Display loot notifications on the screen and in the chat history, and/or on the minimap
    • Create custom rules tailored to your needs based on: Quality, Item Level, Item Type, Item Base, and more
  • Loot Display: overhauled loot label display algorithm to be more efficient
    • Many more items can be seen on the screen at once
    • Will now show items that dropped at the edge of the screen without requiring you to backtrack
    • You are now able to show or hide drops based on your filter settings
    • You can now use a hotkey to toggle display on or off, instead of holding down a key
    • Loot labels no longer interfere with other unit interactions (attacking monsters, opening doors etc.)
  • Almost all minions now inherit the owner's Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Poison pierce
    • Excludes: Iron Golem, Jinn, Annihilation, Spirit of Vengeance, Assassin Traps, Vine Companion
  • Implemented "keep attacking after monster dies" in-game
    在游戏中启用 "怪物死亡后继续攻击 "功能
  • Re-added difficulty keyboard shortcuts from vanilla (R/N/H)
  • Disabled repair hotkey 禁用修复热键

Monsters 怪物

  • Reduced the damage that minions and mercenaries receive from most bosses by 13%
    将小兵和雇佣兵从大多数 BOSS 处受到的伤害降低 13
  • The following monsters now cause a "dangerous monster" alert to appear above your health globe when nearby:
    以下怪物现在会在您的健康球上方显示 "危险怪物 "提示:
    • Ominous Spirit, Unstable Anomaly, Abyssal Shrine
  • Sszark the Burning: duration of flaming leap circles halved

Endgame Quests 终局任务

Trophy Rework 奖杯重做

  • Trophy fragments no longer drop from any boss
    奖杯碎片不再从任何 BOSS 处掉落
  • All Trophies are now gained through new Trophy Challenges. Each boss that had a trophy drop before now has a specific challenge instead, outside of Athulua
    现在所有奖杯都可以通过新的奖杯挑战获得。以前有奖杯掉落的每个 BOSS 现在都有了特定的挑战,除了阿图鲁阿之外
  • These challenges will be listed in the corresponding boss section of the patch notes, and can be viewed in game by right clicking any charm with a trophy
  • Trophy challenges that have a time limit will require you to kill the boss and cube the charm within the limit. Ones that do not will simply require you to cube within 10 seconds of killing the boss. Exceptions will be noted
    有时间限制的奖杯挑战将要求您在限制时间内杀死老板并将护身符立方体化。没有时间限制的挑战则只要求您在击杀 BOSS 后 10 秒内将其立方体化。例外情况会注明
  • Dying or entering another zone with a trophy challenge will void the one you've already started, so be careful
  • Completing a trophy challenge will allow you to upgrade the charm, giving the same bonuses as before, with the new addition of locking the charm to the class used to complete the challenge
  • The class lock will prevent the market from being flooded by a few accounts using specific characters that excel at certain trophies. There will be value in farming difficult trophies on difficult classes
  • Only one of each charm can be upgraded per character per game
  • Full trophies can still drop from pillar bosses in the Dimensional Labyrinth. These versions, along with non ladder versions, do not stack with trophy challenges but also do not lock the charm to any class, giving them niche value

Nephalem Rifts 奈法林大裂谷

Secret Cow Level 神秘奶牛关卡

  • Wirt's leg is no longer consumed when opening a portal to the rift
    打开通往裂缝的传送门时不再消耗 Wirt 的腿部能量
  • The cube recipe to open a portal can only be executed once per game

Kurast 3000 BA 库拉斯特 3000 BA

  • Increased density on hell mode by 10%
    将地狱模式的密度提高 10
  • Totem protection aura now reduces damage taken by allies by 67%, up from 50%
    图腾保护光环现在可减少盟友所受伤害的 67%,原为 50%。

High Heavens/Library of Fate

  • Heroic Variant:  英雄变体
    • Drop rate of Heavenly Souls from Ethereal and Avatars has been halved
      从 "缥缈者 "和 "阿凡达 "处获得的 "天魂 "掉落率减半
    • Ethereal can now be resurrected with the Paladin ultimate skill

Tran Athulua

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Skovos and Lycander within 10 seconds of each other. Cube while both buffs are on your character
    奖杯挑战:在 10 秒内杀死 Skovos 和 Lycander。在角色同时获得这两个 BUFF 的情况下,获得方块

Triune 三位一体

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Lucien without being struck by Malic's burn missiles

Duncraig 邓克莱格

  • Trophy Challenge: Enter from the waypoint, and kill Assur without being hit by his Flamefront


  • Trophy Challenge: Enter from the waypoint, and kill the Master Control System and cube the charm within 25 seconds
    奖杯挑战:从航点进入,在 25 秒内杀死主控制系统和方块符咒
    • Stat rolls on the charm are now 16-30, up from 11-30
      符咒上的统计卷从 11-30 增加到 16-30

Scosglen 斯科斯格伦

  • Tenet of Restraint: now requires any emblem, instead of 4 trophy fragments
    克制之网:现在需要任何徽记,而不是 4 个奖杯碎片

Dimensional Labyrinth 立体迷宫

  • Archbishop Lazarus now has fixed hp independent of lab tier. It will take 3 times as many purifies to kill him in Lab as it does normally
    拉扎罗斯大主教现在的固定生命值与实验室等级无关。在实验室中杀死他所需的净化次数是正常情况下的 3 倍
    • He now always drops his trophy on kill, and has a 10% chance to drop the star chart fragment
      他现在总是在击杀时掉落奖杯,并有 10% 的几率掉落星图碎片
    • Groupies spawned by Lazarus now deal 50% less damage, and no longer have elemental pierce at any tier
      拉扎罗斯产生的群星现在造成的伤害降低 50%,并且在任何层级都不再具有元素穿刺效果

Endgame Dungeons 终局地下城

Nightmare at the Rogue Camp

  • A new game mode, exclusive to the Sin War realm
  • The Rogue Camp has been overrun by a vicious undead horde, are you up to the challenge?
  • Can be accessed by any character at level 125, regardless of progress
    任何 125 级的角色均可访问,与进度无关
  • To start playing create a game on Hell difficulty with password: halloween
  • Killing monsters rewards you with Harvest Points which can be exchanged for keys to the Spooky Chest
  • Harvest points are shared between players in the event
  • Trick or Treat:  不给糖就捣蛋
    • The chest can be opened repeatedly, drops improve with each successful unlock
    • Rarely unlocks will fail and your hard earned key will poof, better luck next time
      偶尔会出现解锁失败的情况,您辛苦赚来的钥匙会 "噗 "的一声掉在地上,下次运气会更好。
    • Rewards include Sets, Sacred Uniques, Enhanced Runes, Unique Jewels, Relics, and jump scares (no, really)
    • As well as Scrolls of Enchantment - unique modifiers and stat boosts that can be applied once to each of your items
    • The chest can be looted in the camp or in a safe area accessible after interacting with the Deus Ex machina
      箱子可在营地内或与 Deus Ex machina 互动后可进入的安全区域内抢夺
  • Survive long enough to face the evil controlling the nightmare

Mirror Temple 镜寺

  • Sets for season 38 are:
    第 38 季的布景是
    • Zerae's Divinity 泽雷的神性
    • The Snake Pit 蛇坑
    • Big Game Hunter 大型猎物猎人
    • Kale Monath 凯莱-莫纳特
    • The Towerlord 塔主
    • Cinadide's Craft Cinadide 的工艺
    • Elemental Children 元素之子

Binding of Baal 巴力的约束

  • Level lockdown now happens after 60 seconds, up from 20
    等级锁定现在会在 60 秒后发生,而原来是 20 秒

Legacy of Blood 血的遗产

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Bartuc and cube the charm within 15 seconds of entering
    奖杯挑战:进入后 15 秒内杀死 Bartuc 并将护身符立方体化

The Veiled Prophet 蒙面先知

  • Trophy Challenge:  奖杯挑战赛:
    • Kill Oris or Gamuel before destroying the Veil Piercer
    • Kill The Veiled Prophet 杀死蒙面先知

Heart of Sin 罪恶之心

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Azmodan without being hit by a Molten Boulder from a Flameblood

Invasion II 入侵 II

  • Once the charm has been upgraded with essence, the cube recipe will no longer appear to "execute"
    用精华升级护身符后,魔方配方将不再 "执行"。
  • Improved the wording in the instructions to the bonus quests

Judgement Day 审判日

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill both Imperius and Malthael within 60 seconds of the hooded figure disappearing. Cube with both buffs on your character
    奖杯挑战:在蒙面人消失后 60 秒内杀死英派瑞斯和马尔赛尔。魔方中的角色同时拥有这两个 BUFF

Quov Tsin

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Quov Tsin without being struck by a bone spear
    奖杯挑战:在不被骨矛击中的情况下杀死 Quov Tsin

Kingdom of Shadow 阴影王国

  • Trophy Challenge: Purify the Ominous Statue by the entrance, then kill Juris Khan while debuffed
    奖杯挑战净化入口处的不祥雕像,然后在眩晕状态下杀死尤里斯-可汗(Juris Khan
  • The Ominous Statue grants a debuff which causes all teleport skills to have +50 seconds to cooldown

Banisher of Light 光明驱逐者

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Kabraxis without being struck by his Pillar of Poison
    奖杯挑战:在不被卡布拉西斯的 "毒药柱 "击中的情况下杀死他
  • Max resistance rolls on the charm are now 2-3%, up from 1-3%
    护身符的最大抗性从 1-3%提高到 2-3%。

Legion of the Damned 被诅咒者军团

  • Bone Chimes: Magic Find scaling has been doubled

Eve of Destruction 毁灭前夕

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Baal without being hit by his Black Carpet Bomb spell

Lord of Lies 谎言之王

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill the real Belial after killing all of his clones

Ghosts of Old Bremmtown 老布雷姆镇的幽灵

  • Trophy Challenge: Identical to old trophy upgrade requirement
  • Regular charm upgrade no longer requires you to kill the Dark Star Dragon within 90 seconds, can now be done at any time
    常规魅力升级不再需要在 90 秒内杀死黑暗星龙,现在可以随时升级

Yshari Sanctum 伊莎莉圣殿

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Valthek and cube the charm within 5 minutes of killing his Altar
    奖杯挑战:在杀死瓦尔泰克的祭坛后 5 分钟内杀死他并获得方块符咒
  • Charm resistances rolls raised to 10-20, from 5-20
    魅力抵抗卷从 5-20 卷提高到 10-20 卷


  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Xazax without being struck by a penitent
    奖杯挑战:在不被忏悔者击中的情况下杀死 Xazax
  • Trophy now grants 75-125 tri-elemental damage instead of 4% slow target
    奖杯现在可对目标造成 75-125 三元素伤害,而不是 4% 的减速效果


  • Spider Totems now empower nearby enemies in a small radius, granting them 20% increased damage
    蜘蛛图腾现在可增强小范围内附近敌人的能力,使其受到的伤害提高 20
  • Fixed a bug where totems could drop double loot sometimes
  • Trophy Challenge: Kill the real Astrogha while he is empowered by a Spider Totem

Nymyr's Light 涅密尔之光

  • The Sleep charm is now upgraded by cubing it in place of a charm after completing a trophy challenge. Bonuses are identical to before
  • Full trophies from Lab or Non Ladder cannot be used to upgrade the sleep

Invasion III 入侵 III

  • Once the charm has been upgraded with essence, the cube recipe will no longer appear to "execute"
    用精华升级护身符后,魔方配方将不再 "执行"。
  • Improved the wording in the instructions to the bonus quests

The Void 虚空

  • Inarius: Removed excessive poison resistance
  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Inarius without allowing Lilith to take any damage
  • Trophy now grants +2 to all skills, up from +1
    奖杯现在可为所有技能带来 +2(原为 +1)的效果

Nephalem's Sacrifice 尼法莱姆的牺牲

  • Trophy Challenge:  奖杯挑战赛:
    • Kill Uldyssian and cube the charm within 4 minutes of killing Moreina the Corrupted
      在杀死腐化者莫瑞娜后的 4 分钟内杀死 Uldyssian 并获得方块符咒
    • Do not fail Azmodan's or Baal's trophy conditions on the path
  • Trophy now grants 4% Deadly Strike and 8% Innate Elemental Damage instead of 100-150 tri-elemental damage
    奖杯现在可获得 4% 的致命一击和 8% 的先天元素伤害,而不是 100-150 的三元素伤害
  • Korlic: no longer leaps, fixing a longstanding bug where he would desync and become difficult to kill

Archbishop Lazarus 拉撒路大主教

  • Trophy Challenge: Kill Archbishop Lazarus without allowing any Black Hand Totem to cast Tremor

Herald of the End 末日先驱

  • Standing in the Pentagram will now display a buff icon
    站在五芒星上现在会显示一个 BUFF 图标

Characters 人物

Animation Rework 动画重新制作

  • Glossary:  术语表
    • 1H Swing = 1H Swords, 1H Axes (including Throwing Axes), Maces, War Hammer, Sceptres
      1H 摆动 = 1H 剑、1H 斧(包括投掷斧)、锤、战斧、权杖
    • 1H Thrust = Javelins, Daggers, Throwing Knives
      1H Thrust = 标枪、匕首、投掷刀
    • 2H Other = 2H Hammers, 2H Axes, Staves, Scythes, Naginata
      2H 其他 = 2H 锤、2H 斧、长棍、镰刀、长刀
    • FPA = frames per animation. Lower numbers are better as they mean more attacks per second
      FPA = 每动画帧数。数字越小越好,因为这意味着每秒攻击次数越多
  • Note: animations not mentioned below are unchanged

Main 主页

  • Reduced damage multiplier of unarmed attacks from 100% to 50%
    将徒手攻击的伤害倍率从 100% 降低到 50%

Amazon 亚马逊

Animations 动画

  • 1H Thrust casting speed improved to 7 FPA, down from 9
    1H 推力投掷速度从 9 FPA 提高到 7 FPA
  • 2H Swords attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 10
    2H 剑的攻击力从 10 提升至 8 FPA
  • 2H Swords casting speed improved to 8 FPA, down from 9
    2H 剑的施法速度从 9 提升至 8 FPA
  • Crossbow attacks improved to 7 FPA, down from 8
    弩的攻击力从 8 提升至 7 FPA
  • 1H Thrust blocking speed improved to 2 FPA, down from 3
    1H 推力阻挡速度从 3 提升至 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, down from 434
      最快动画所需的块速度从 434 降至 292


  • Great Hunt: maximum range of the spirits reduced by 50%
    大狩猎:亡灵的最大射程减少 50

Assassin 刺客

Animations 动画

  • 1H Swing & 1H Thrust attacks now improved to 6 FPA, down from 8
    1H 摆动和 1H 刺击的攻击力从 8 提升至 6 FPA
  • 2H Swords & Spears attacks now improved to 8 FPA, down from 11
    2H 剑与矛的攻击力从 11 提升至 8 FPA
  • 2H Other attacks slowed down slightly, but still unchanged at 7 FPA
    2H 其他攻击略有减慢,但仍保持在 7 FPA 不变
  • Bow attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 9
    弓箭攻击从 9 级提高到 8 级 FPA
  • Crossbow attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 11. High Attack Speed required
    弩的攻击力从 11 提升至 8 FPA。需要高攻击速度
  • 2H Other casting now improved to 7 FPA, down from 8
    2H 其他铸造现在改进为 7 FPA,低于 8
  • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 3
    所有拦截速度从 3 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, down from 600
      最快动画所需的块速从 600 降至 292

Psionic 幻术

  • Psionic Storm:
    • % Mana drain moved to Energize
      %法力消耗移至 "能量 "状态
    • Mana cost reduced 降低法力消耗
    • Now gains +0.4% total damage per cognition if you have at least 75 cognition, this boost is reflected in the tooltip
      现在,如果拥有至少 75 个认知,每个认知可获得 +0.4% 的总伤害,这一提升反映在工具提示中
    • Matched real damage to the damage listed in the tooltip, resulting in around a 20-30% damage boost at high skill levels
      将实际伤害与工具提示中列出的伤害相匹配,从而在高技能水平下提升约 20-30% 的伤害
  • Energize:
    • Now only activates under 90% life
      现在只能在 90% 的寿命下激活
    • Drains 5% maximum mana per cast of Psionic Storm to heal 1% maximum life per base level
      每次施放幻象风暴可消耗 5%的最大法力值,治疗每基础等级 1%的最大生命值
    • Requires at least 10% of your maximum mana pool to trigger
      需要至少 10%的最大法力池才能触发
    • Maximum skill level reduced to 5
      最高技能等级降至 5

Claw 爪子

  • Anathema:
    • No longer restricts to melee skills
    • Can now be toggled on/off
    • Innate Elemental Damage at Base Level 1 now +11%, up from +6%
      基础等级 1 的先天元素伤害现在 +11%,原为 +6%。
    • Max Base Level is now 20, down from 25
      最高基础等级从 25 降至 20
    • Fixed a bug where you could sometimes grant this buff to a party member
      修正了一个 Bug,在该 Bug 中,有时可将此 Buff 赋予一名成员

Throwing 投掷

  • Maelstrom MkIV: weapon damage now 100%, down from 105%
    大漩涡 MkIV:武器伤害从 105% 下降到现在的 100%
  • Wychwind:
    • Reduced number of hits per cast by ~40%
      每次施放的命中次数减少 ~40
    • The skill hit count has not been changed significantly since Ultimative when the game state was highly different
    • Currently with stationary bosses, curses like Banish, and much more accessible "on striking" healing effects the number of hits is very excessive
      目前,有了固定的 Boss、诅咒(如放逐)和更容易获得的 "攻击时 "治疗效果,命中次数就显得非常多了。
    • The skill remains the best "stacked damage" ability in the game
      该技能仍然是游戏中最好的 "叠加伤害 "能力

Barbarian 野蛮人

Animations 动画

  • Crossbow attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 11
    弩的攻击力从 11 提升至 8 FPA
  • 2H Other casting speed improved to 8 FPA, down from 9
    2H 其他铸造速度从 9 FPA 提高到 8 FPA
  • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 4
    所有拦截速度从 4 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, up from 232
      最快动画所需的块速从 232 提升到 292

Earthshaker 撼地者

  • Earthquake: Aftershock damage now 180%, down from 200%
    地震余震伤害现在为 180%,低于 200

Elementalist 元素师

  • Conflux: fixed tooltip error with skill classification

Druid 德鲁伊

Animations 动画

  • Bow & Crossbow casting speed improved to 7 FPA, down from 8
    弓和弩的投掷速度从 8 FPA 提高到 7 FPA
  • All blocking speeds improved to 3 FPA, down from 7
    所有拦截速度从 7 FPA 提高到 3 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, down from 600
      最快动画所需的块速从 600 降至 292


  • Wereowl Form:
    Wereowl Form
    • All blocking speeds improved to 3 FPA, down from 4
      所有拦截速度从 4 FPA 提高到 3 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 200, down from 566
      最快动画所需的块速度从 566 降至 200
  • Progeny's Blessing: fixed a bug with the synergy description, the numbers were the wrong way around
    Progeny's Blessing:修复了协同作用描述中的一个错误,数字的方向是错误的

Werewolf 狼人

  • Werewolf Form:
    • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 3
      所有拦截速度从 3 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, up from 200
      最快动画所需的块速从 200 提升到 292
  • Twisted Claw: reworked, now causes a spiral of damaging tornados to erupt from the target

Necromancer 亡灵巫师

Animations 动画

  • Bow attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 10
    弓箭攻击从 10 提升到 8 FPA
  • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 3
    所有拦截速度从 3 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, up from 280
      最快动画所需的块速从 280 提升到 292

Deathspeaker 死亡发言者

  • Sacrifice: removed annoying "Help us" audio. This applies to the monster version as well
    牺牲:移除了恼人的 "帮助我们 "音频。这也适用于怪物版本

Malice 恶意

  • Dream Eater: damage reduced by 10%
    噬梦者:伤害降低 10

Melee 近战

  • Deathlord: Hit Recovery speed required for fastest animations is now 292, down from 600
    死神:最快动画所需的命中恢复速度现在为 292,低于 600


  • Deathly Effigy:
    Deathly Effigy
    • Reduced weapon damage multiplier of Bolt Rush from 90% to 50%
      将 "霹雳冲击 "的武器伤害倍率从 90% 降低到 50%
    • Bolt Rush range reduced by 37%
      弩箭攻击范围减少 37
    • No longer blocks pathing 不再阻碍路径

Summon 召唤

  • Night Hawks:
    • Damage gain from levels smoothed out, damage will be lower until slvl 50, and slightly higher above
      平滑了等级带来的伤害增益,50 级之前伤害会降低,50 级以上伤害会略微提高
    • Death proc %wdm raised from 17% to 50% (will deal about their tooltip damage per proc)
      死亡触发 %wdm 从 17% 提升至 50%(每次触发将造成与其工具提示相当的伤害)

Paladin 圣骑士

Animations 动画

  • Spear attacks improved to 6 FPA, down from 7. High Attack Speed required
    长矛攻击力从 7 提升至 6 FPA。
  • Bow & Crossbow attacks improved to 7 FPA, down from 10
    弓和弩的攻击力从 10 提升至 7 FPA
  • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 3
    所有拦截速度从 3 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, down from 600
      最快动画所需的块速从 600 降至 292

Aspects 方面

  • Rapture: fixed a bug with the tooltip displaying wrong base duration

Incarnation 化身

  • Annihilation: fixed a bug where the hydra could sometimes be killed by enemies

Reward 奖励

  • Superbeast:
    • Hit Recovery (and hence blocking) speed improved to 3 FPA, down from 4
      命中恢复(以及格挡)速度从 4 提升至 3 FPA
    • Hit recovery speed required for fastest animations is now 292, down from 535
      最快动画所需的命中恢复速度从 535 降至 292

Sorceress 女巫

Animations 动画

  • 1H Thrust attacks improved to 7 FPA, down from 8
    1H 推力攻击从 8 提升至 7 FPA
  • 2H Swords attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 11
    2H 剑的攻击力从 11 提升至 8 FPA
  • 2H Spears attacks improved to 8 FPA, down from 11
    2H 长矛的攻击力从 11 提升至 8 FPA
  • All blocking speeds improved to 2 FPA, down from 4
    所有拦截速度从 4 FPA 提高到 2 FPA
    • Block speed required for fastest animation is now 292, up from 280
      最快动画所需的块速从 280 提升到 292

Fire 消防

  • Havoc: damage reduced by 10%
    浩劫:伤害降低 10

Item Only Skills 仅项目技能

  • Arcane Swarm: damage reduced by 14%
    Arcane Swarm:伤害降低 14
  • Orb of Annihilation:
    • Doubled damage at level 1, damage per Skill Level increased by 25% (~34% damage boost at endgame values)
      1 级伤害翻倍,每级技能伤害提高 25%(游戏结束时伤害提高约 34)
    • Tooltip now shows damage numbers instead of memes
    • Reduced visual intensity 降低视觉强度
  • ATMG:
    • The skill has received a major improvement to make it competitive without relying on the old placement mechanics
    • Base radius is now 10 yards, down from 13.3
      基础半径从 13.3 码变为 10 码
    • Radius now increases with base Dexterity: +33% at 200, 500, and 900 (Max radius of 20 yards)
      半径现在随基础灵巧度增加:200、500 和 900 时 +33%(最大半径为 20 码)
    • Weapon damage now 60%, up from 55%
      武器伤害从 55% 提高到 60
    • The weapon damage modifier of this skill will now increase with your Deadly/Critical Strike or Innate Elemental Damage (whichever is higher)
    • Deals 75% weapon damage if you have at least 55% Deadly/Critical Strike or 55% Innate Elemental Damage
      如果你拥有至少 55% 的致命/关键一击或 55% 的先天元素伤害,则可造成 75% 的武器伤害
    • Deals 95% weapon damage if you have at least 85% Deadly/Critical Strike or 110% Innate Elemental Damage
      如果拥有至少 85% 的致命/关键一击或 110% 的先天元素伤害,则可造成 95% 的武器伤害
    • Mana cost now increases by 3 per Skill Level, up from 2
      每级技能的法力消耗现在增加 3,原为 2
  • Flash:
    • Reduced damage variance 减少伤害差异
    • Damage gain from skills after level 28 reduced by 14%
      28 级后技能的伤害增益降低 14
  • Summon Glowing Fungus, Summon Sinner and Summon Frostwalker:
    Summon Glowing FungusSummon SinnerSummon Frostwalker
    • Removed elemental pierce gain from Minion Attack Rating
    • Will now gain elemental pierce from your own
  • Clear Mind: damage reduced by 11%
    Clear Mind:伤害降低 11
  • Guided Chain:
    • Weapon Damage increased to 120%
      武器伤害提高至 120
    • Seek range and Lifetime of first arrow chain increased to better acquire targets
  • Banish: enemy flat magic damage reduction reduced by 28%
    禁言:敌人的平魔法伤害减免降低 28
  • Mana Tide Totem:
    • Can now be summoned without a targeted corpse
    • Health increased by 300% to make it more durable at baseline (Totemancer health is unchanged)
      生命值增加 300%,使其在基线上更加持久(图腾巫师的生命值不变)
    • Mana recovery is now 10 + 2% per Skill level
      每级技能的法力恢复现在为 10 + 2
    • The old value was way too high because essentially provided infinite mana
  • Elemental Totem:
    • Can now be summoned without a targeted corpse
    • Health increased by 300% to make it more durable at baseline (Totemancer health is unchanged)
      生命值增加 300%,使其在基线上更加持久(图腾巫师的生命值不变)
    • Now also grants a bonus to Innate Elemental Damage: 9% + 1% per Skill Level
      现在还能获得先天元素伤害加成:9% + 1% 每技能等级
    • Clarified tooltip wording
  • Cherubim:
    • Added bonus magic damage display to the tooltip (if you have any)
    • Fixed a bug where the bonus magic damage from Consecration was never applied
      修正了一个错误,该错误导致从未应用 "献祭 "的额外魔法伤害
  • Time Wave: rare affix skill levels increased to (8-12), up from 1
    时间波:稀有附加技能等级从 1 提升至 (8-12)。

Items 项目

General Changes 总体变化

  • Soulbinder Gloves:
    Soulbinder 手套
    • New Mastercrafted gloves 新的 Mastercrafted 手套
    • Can spawn nearly all oSkills from the rare affix pool
    • This includes those which can be found on any rare base, regardless of slot or class requirement
    • Will still respect affix generation rules
    • Base item requires 350 Strength, 350 Dexterity, and Level 100
      基础物品需要 350 力量、350 灵巧和 100 级
    • Is a very rare drop from regular enemies in Kurast 3000BA on Hell difficulty, and a 3% drop from Manoruk, the commander of the Legion of the Damned
      在地狱难度的库拉斯特 3000BA 中,从普通敌人身上极少掉落,而从诅咒军团指挥官曼诺鲁克身上则有 3% 的掉落率。
    • The requirements and drop rate take into account that oSkill builds are mainly used by veteran players and that these are similar to an extra Relic for many builds
      要求和掉率考虑到了 oSkill 构建主要由资深玩家使用,而且对于许多构建来说,这些要求和掉率与额外的遗迹类似
  • Flying Kinzhal:
    Flying Kinzhal
    • New Mastercrafted elemental base throwing knife
    • Adds 40% of Dexterity as cold damage to weapon
      为武器增加 40% 的灵巧冷伤害
    • Gain +1 Life on Striking per 100 base Vitality
      每 100 基本生命值在攻击时获得 +1 生命值
    • Base item has the same requirements as the Sacred Throwing Knife
    • Only drops in Bremmtown on Hell difficulty
    • Introduces an elemental base for knife users with powerful sustain as a trade off for damage
  • Invictus:
    • Removed the weapon physical damage scaling from Strength
      移除了 "力量 "中的武器物理伤害缩放比例
    • It gave no meaningful bonus to early game characters (11% WPD at 500 strength), and was too high at endgame
      它对游戏初期的角色没有任何意义(500 力量时为 11% WPD),而在游戏结束时却过高了
    • Replaced with extra +40% WPD at tier 4, scaled down at lower tiers
      在第 4 层改为额外 +40% WPD,在较低层则按比例降低
  • Shrines:
    • Improved the tooltips of all shrines by explaining how you can bless items in game
    • Now also explains an item can only be blessed once and that blessings do not work on Ethereal items
  • Due to inflation, the I am Rich gem now requires an Archbishop Lazarus trophy, a Vial of Elder Blood, and an Essence of Time to create
  • Arrow and Bolt Quivers have had their affixes modified:
    • No longer roll resistances, gold find, or life regeneration
    • Can now roll modest amounts of flat elemental damage, innate elemental damage, and fire/cold/lightning pierce
    • Chance to Cast Cryo Beam on Striking has been replaced by Chance to Cast Cascade on Kill
    • Chance to Cast Sun Strike on Striking has been replaced by Chance to Cast Arrow on Striking
      攻击时施放 "太阳打击 "的几率已被攻击时施放 "箭矢 "的几率所取代
  • Angelic Crossbows: now have a strength damage bonus value of 14%, up from 11%
    天使弩:现在的力量伤害加成值从 11% 提高到 14
  • Fixed a bug where magic/rare/crafted class items could sometimes spawn +Skill bonuses to other classes
    修正了一个 Bug,在该 Bug 中,魔法/稀有/手工类物品有时会为其他类别带来 +Skill 加成
  • Angelic Shields: will now be able to spawn +Druid Skills due to a technical limitation
  • Fixed a bug where Miasma on Attack was spawning on Angelic ranged weapons

Occult Effigies 神秘祭品

  • Elemental Dominion: Reworked, now applies to Melee elemental weapons, granting them 4% chance to cast level 10 life spark on melee attack and +5 level required. Can be applied 2 times
    元素主宰:重做,现在适用于近战元素武器,使其有 4% 的几率在近战攻击时施放 10 级生命火花,并需要 +5 等级。可应用 2 次
  • Elemental Ire: Reworked, now applies to ranged elemental weapons, granting them 1% chance to cast level 4 life spark on striking and +5 level required. Can be applied 2 times
    元素之怒:重做,现在适用于远程元素武器,使其在攻击时有 1%的几率施放 4 级生命火花,并需要 +5 级。可使用 2 次

Sacred Uniques 神圣的独一无二

  • Items that have the restitution mechanic (Wintry Majesty, Arrogance, and Endless Pride) now require Heavenly Souls to restore instead of trophy fragments
  • Khazra Pouch:
    Khazra 袋
    • Physical resist is now +5%, up from +(1-5)%
      物理抗性从 +(1-5)% 提高到 +5
    • Mana on attack is now +(25-50), up from +(10-50)
      攻击时的法力值现在为 +(25-50),高于 +(10-50)。
    • Bonus to Defense is now +(25-50)%, up from +(20-50)%
      防御奖励从 +(20-50)% 提高到 +(25-50)%
    • Flat physical damage added is now 15-25, up from 10-20
      平摊物理伤害从 10-20 提升到 15-25
    • Added +(2-3)% to Maximum Fire and Lightning resistances
      最大火抗和雷抗增加 +(2-3)%
    • Increased bonus Magic Damage from strength to 60%, up from 50%
      魔法伤害从 50%提高到 60%。
    • Clarified it only works if you have a source of AoE attack
      澄清了只有在有 AoE 攻击源的情况下才有效
  • Lacuni Cowl:
    Lacuni Cowl
    • Maximum Elemental Resists bonus is now always +1%, up from +(0-1)%
      最大元素抗性奖励从 +(0-1)% 变为 +1%。
    • Fire/Lightning elemental pierce is now +(15-25)%, up from +(5-20)%
      火元素/闪电元素穿刺现在为 +(15-25)%,高于 +(5-20)%
    • Fire/Lightning damage is now 200-300, up from 150-200
      火焰/闪电伤害从 150-200 提高到 200-300
  • Shiverhood:
    • Replaced Minion Life bonus with +3% to Maximum Cold resist
      用最大寒冷抗性 +3% 取代小兵生命值奖励
    • Cold Spell Damage increased to +(30-40)%, up from +(20-30)%
  • Aidan's Lament:
    • Replaced +2% Maximum Lightning Resist with +1% to all Maximum Resistances
      将 +2% 最大闪电抗性改为 +1% 所有最大抗性
    • Undead/Demons damage bonuses are now +(90-120)%, up from +(60-120)%
      亡灵/恶魔的伤害加成现在为 +(90-120)%,高于 +(60-120)%
    • Added +(4-8)% to Physical Resist
      物理抗性增加 +(4-8)%
  • Metalhead:
    • Removed Ignore Target's Defense bonus (doesn't work against bosses), reanimate chance, bonus to defense
      移除了 "无视目标防御 "奖励(对 BOSS 无效)、复活几率、防御奖励
    • Increased Lightning damage to +(250-500), up from +(1-50)
    • Added +(1-2)% to Maximum Elemental Resistances
      最大元素抗性增加 +(1-2)%
  • Veil of Steel:
    • Required level is now 100, down from 130
      所需等级从 130 降至 100
    • Weapon Physical Damage bonus is now +200%, up from +150%
      武器物理伤害奖励从 +150% 提高到 +200
  • Leah's Vision: now also gives +1 Death Ripple Enhancement
    莉亚的视野:现在还提供 +1 死亡波纹强化
  • The Point of No Return: reworked completely
    • This item is now all about harnessing the power of corruption
    • It can be used for an oSkill build and/or for traditional casters depending on corruptions
      它可用于 oSkill 构建和/或传统投石机,具体取决于损坏情况
    • Adds 101% Movement Speed, 202% Mana Regeneration, +25 to Orb of Annihilation
      增加 101% 移动速度,202% 法力再生,湮灭之球 +25
    • Also adds the following corruption related properties:
    • Can be corrupted 10 times
      可损坏 10 次
    • Empowered corruption Outcomes (see below)
    • Failed corruptions do not increase required level (and failure probability is reduced)
    • Successful corruptions increase required level by 10
      腐败成功后,所需等级提高 10
    • Orb of Annihilation: +10% Total Damage per corrupted item worn
    • Possible corruption outcomes:
    • +4 to All Skills 所有技能+4
    • +2% to Maximum Elemental Resistances
      最大元素抗性 +2
    • +25% Spell Damage +25% 法术伤害
    • +10% Maximum Life +10% 最长寿命
    • +25% Maximum Mana 最大法力值 +25
    • +20% Elemental Pierce +20%元素穿刺
    • +10% Physical Resist +10% 物理抗性
    • +20% to All Attributes 所有属性 +20
    • +150 Life regenerated per second
      每秒恢复 +150 生命值
    • Required level is now 50
      所需等级现在为 50
  • Cold Blood:
    • Removed Banish 删除了驱逐
    • Cold Pierce is now +(20-30)%, up from 10%
      寒冷穿刺现在是 +(20-30)%,高于 10%
    • Blizzard proc level now 63, up from 50
      暴风雪攻击等级从 50 提升到 63
    • Flat cold damage given specifically by Cold Blood doubled, now adds +150% to Cold Spell Damage
      冷血造成的平冷伤害翻倍,现在对冷系法术伤害的加成为 +150%。
  • Strength Beyond Strength:
    • Removed Pyroblast proc 移除 "火焰爆破 "效果
    • Added physical damage is now 25-40
      增加的物理伤害现在为 25-40
  • Panthera's Bite: clarified that the Superbeast proc has a short duration
    潘瑟拉之咬(Panthera's Bite):澄清了超兽的持续时间较短的问题
  • Segnitia: reworked completely
    Segnitia: 完全重做
    • This item is now competitive with other endgame physical damage chest pieces while bringing unique flavor
    • Base stats: 基本数据
    • 5% CtC Thunder Hammer on Striking (old proc was causing single target damage loss due to high frequency ND application)
      5% CtC 雷霆之锤(由于高频率使用 ND,旧操作会造成单目标伤害损失)。
    • Elemental Resists +50% 元素抗性 +50
    • Weapon Physical Damage +(200-250)%
      武器物理伤害 +(200-250)%
    • Physical Resist +(15-20)%
      物理抗性 +(15-20)%
    • Guard Tower: +1 Arrow 守卫塔+1 箭
    • Cherubim: +(50-75) Magic damage per Skill Level
      Cherubim:每级技能+(50-75) 魔法伤害
    • In addition, if you have any of the following skills at level 30 or higher:
      此外,如果您拥有以下任何一种 30 级或以上的技能:
    • ATMG, Charged Strike, Cherubim, Guard Tower, Lex Talionis, Rock Shock, Time Wave
    • +20% Slow Target +20% 慢速目标
    • +100 Life after each kill
    • +20% chance of Crushing Blow
    • Physical Damage reduced by 150
      物理伤害降低 150
    • The armor provides straightforward benefits to any builds which use the above skills
    • Even if your build doesn't main the above skills, the conditional bonuses can be unlocked through strategic gear choices. For example:
    • Charged Strike affix on rare amulets
      稀有护身符上的 "充能一击 "词缀
    • The Last Crusader, Hellmouth sacred uniques
    • Relics 文物
    • etc. 等等
  • Hellmouth:
    • Bonus to defense is now always 50%
      防御奖励现在始终为 50
    • Max Fire Resist is now always +2%
      最大火抗现在总是 +2%
    • Bonus to strength is now +(15 to 25)%, up from +(11 to 15)%
      力量加成从 +(11-15)% 提高到 +(15-25)%
    • Now also adds +2% to Max Poison Resist
      现在还能增加 +2% 的最大毒抗

Sets 设置

  • Witchhunter's Hood:
    • reduced Maximum Elemental Resistance bonus to +1, down from +2
      最大元素抗性奖励从 +2 降至 +1
    • added maximum resistance bonuses to multiple level 105 Sacred Uniques to compensate and provide more gearing options
      为多个 105 级 "圣物 "增加了最大抗性奖励,以补偿并提供更多装备选择
  • Celestia's Myth: Maximum resistances on full set bonus reduced to 1%
    塞勒斯提亚的神话:全套奖励的最大抗性降低至 1


  • Farseer: new helm runeword
    Farseer: 新舵手符文
    • Requires Zod-El-Cham 需要 Zod-El-Cham
    • Adds +1 to Max Elemental Resistances and +(100-200)% Enhanced Defense
    • Adds 8% to Max Mana and 5% to Max Life
      最大法力值增加 8%,最大生命值增加 5
    • Adds +1 to All skills and 75 Life regenerated per second
      所有技能+1,每秒恢复 75 生命值
  • Myth:
    • New 2H Barbarian Axe Runeword
      新 2H 野蛮人斧头符文
    • Requires Jah-Ko-Gul-Jah 要求 Jah-Ko-Gul-Jah
    • Adds +200% Enhanced damage and +(35-50) to (95-125) flat Physical damage
    • Also has +30% Attack Speed, 20% Strength, 10% Physical Resist, and +(1-5)% Life leech
      还有 +30% 攻击速度、20% 力量、10% 物理抗性和 +(1-5)% 生命值消耗
  • Atlacamani: fixed a description bug with the innate elemental damage amount
  • Comaetho: fixed a description bug, haunt duration is increased by 4 seconds, not 2
    Comaetho: 修复了一个描述错误,困扰持续时间增加了 4 秒,而不是 2 秒

Relics 文物

  • Titan's Fortitude: now has 2 min duration like to match innate
    泰坦的坚毅:现在有 2 分钟持续时间,与先天相匹配。
  • Hurricane: regeneration now works
  • Balefire: now actually gives Balefire instead of Wrath
  • Banish: removed
    Banish: 已删除

Previous Patches 以前的补丁
