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Introduction to Zhu Yunlong, an applicant of vocational tutor projects outside the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (Shenzhen) Economics and Management School

Zhu Yunlong, male, Han nationality, is currently the head of the International Affairs Department of the Communication Law Firm of the Hewaman (Futian) Commissioner & Executive Committee

Contact information:

电话(+86)13335786666 邮箱
Phone (+86) 13335786666 mailbox

(+852)9290 8159
(+852) 9290 8159

Educational background :

Mr. Zhu Yunlong graduated from the University of Washington and has a bachelor's degree in law, a bachelor's degree in business administration, a master's degree in law, and a master's degree in business management.

Mr. Zhu Yunlong also owns the Gao Weishen Law Firm Global Anti -Monopoly Practice Project Certificate, World Intellectual Property Organization Intellectual Property Comprehensive Course Certificate Certificate, Stanford University School of Medicine's identification of youth and young people in the young people and the youthful signs of mental illness . Ethics and regulations for social and behavioral research at the School of Medical and Medical College, Certificate of Psychological Introduction Curriculum of Yale University, Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training Institute Certificate of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training, International Olympic Committee Motion Certificate Certification Certificate Certificate of Global Management College, Huawei Developer alliance Hongmeng operating system application developer advanced certification certificate, etc.

Social position:

深圳市福田区海归协会 副会长
Vice President

香港国际调解中心(北京)中心 副秘书长/特邀顾问
Deputy Secretary -General of the Hong Kong International Mediation Center (Beijing) Center/Invited Consultant

北京律师法学研究会 助理研究员
Assistant researcher at the Beijing Lawyers Law Research Association

中国法学会 会员
Member of Chinese Law Society

China Zhiwang Review Expert Library expert

China Zhiwang Xianyun Expert Library expert

中国中小企业协会 副会长秘书
Vice President Secretary of the China SME Association

中国政法大学 兼职教授助理
Part -time professor of China University of Political Science and Law

北京丝路规划研究中心(全国政协办公厅主管)首批“丝路新星学者” 澳门中华文化促进会 会员
Beijing Silk Road Planning and Research Center (head of the General Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) The first batch of "Silk Road Star Scholars" Member of the Macau Chinese Culture Promotion Association

香港金融发展协会 会员
Member of the Hong Kong Financial Development Association

美国心理学协会 会员
American Psychology Association member

多家仲裁中心、调解中心 国际商事调解员
A number of arbitration centers and mediation centers internationally commercial mediation officer

Academic achievements (part):

中国首批涉外法律服务能力标准《涉外法律服务能力模型》团体标准 起草人(中国国际贸易促进委员会 归口管理)与国家市场监督管理总局发展研究中心、商务部中国国际电子商务中心、中国司法大数据研究院、美的集团法务部、北京君合律师事务所、美国司莱博律师事务所、乐普医疗法务部等紧密合作,共同推动我国涉外法律服务行业的高质量规范化发展
China ’s first batch of foreign -related legal service capabilities“ Foreign -related Legal Services Models ”group standards (the China International Trade Promotion Commission's Dutury Management) and the Development Research Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Management, the China International E -commerce Center of the Ministry of Commerce, and China Judicial Big Data Research Institute, Midea Group's Legal Affairs Department, Beijing Junhe Law Firm, the United States Slabbo Law Firm, and Lepu Medical Law Affairs and other close cooperation to jointly promote the high -quality standardized development of my country's foreign legal service industry

《中国律师发展蓝皮书》汇编人(2024.12.1于中国政法大学海淀校区 京沪律师论坛发布)
"Chinese Lawyer Development Blue Book" compilation person (2024.12.1 Released at the Beijing -Shanghai Lawyer Forum at the Haidian Campus of China University of Political Science and Law)

《“人道主义干涉”的国际法理论及其新发展研究》 独立作者。收录《法学》 (ISSN:2329-7360)
"Humanitarian Interference" International Law Theory and its new development research "independent authors. Includes "Law" (ISSN: 2329-7360)

收录数据库:维普、万方 、
Including databases: Weipu, Wanfang,

《数字赋能社会救助权的法律问题与思考》独立作者。收录《Economics,Law and Policy(经济,法律和政策)》((ISSN:2576-2060)print (ISSN:2576-2052)online)Vol.7,No.1,In June 2024.
The independent author of "Legal Issues and Thinking of Digital Empowering Social Rescue Power". Includes "Economics, Law and Policy (Economy, Law and Policies)" (ISSN: 2576-2060) Print (ISSN: 2576-2052) online), No.1, in june 2024.

Including database: China (Foreign Language Database)

《我国与“一带一路”发达经济体国家贸易的竞争性与互补性思考》 通讯作者。收录《Journal of Political Science Research(政治科学研究杂志)》(ISSN:2616-230X)
The author of the "Competitive and Comfortable Thinking of National Trade in the Belt and Road" developed economies in my country. Including "Journal of PolicAl Science Research (ISSN: 2616-230X)

Including database: China (Foreign Language Database)

《“一带一路”背景下民商事争议解决的机制创新研究》第一作者。收录《International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology(国际社会学前沿)》(ISSN:2706-6827)
The first author of the Innovation Research on Civil and Commercial Disputes in the Belt and Road Innovation. "Internal Journal of Frontiers in Sociology" (ISSN: 2706-6827)

Including database: China (Foreign Language Database)

跨境电子商务中的知识产权风险和对策通讯作者,收录《World Journal of Social Science Research(世界社会科学研究杂志)》
The author of " Intellectual Property Risk and Countermeasures in Cross -border E -commerce " , the author of "World Journal of Social Science Research (World Social Science Research Journal)"

(ISSN: 2375-9747)

Including database: China (Foreign Language Database)

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