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Customer perception towards tesla electric car's innovative features

Assistant professor, Saveetha School of Management, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,
Saveetha University, Chennai-77
MBA Student, Saveetha School of Management, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha
薩韋塔醫學與技術科學學院薩韋塔管理學院 MBA 學生
University, Chennai-77 欽奈大學-77Email ID: gigigs.ssm@saveetha.com, luckyrj15@gmail.com
電子郵件 ID: gigigs.ssm@saveetha.com, luckyrj15@gmail.com

Abstract 摘要

This paper is titled as the customer perception towards Tesla electric cars innovative features. The objective of this particular research was to study the minds and thoughts that the customers had towards electric cars. Electric cars are the future living cars that will be established soon for the customers experiences. The study involves descriptive methodology with the help of primary and secondary data and the survey was taken from 76 respondents, the target audience, the customers for the analyzing purposes. Further the finishing were calculated with the help of statistical tools.
本文的標題是《客戶對特斯拉電動車創新功能的看法》。這項特殊研究的目的是研究客戶對電動車的看法和想法。電動車是未來的生活用車,很快就會為客戶帶來體驗。本研究採用了描述性方法,借助了一手和二手數據,並對 76 名受訪者(目標受眾,即客戶)進行了調查,以達到分析目的。此外,還借助統計工具對整理結果進行了計算。

Keywords: Customers perception, electric cars, Tesla, environment friendly, innovation


Tesla Motor is an American automobile brand named after Nikola Tesla, who was a prominent electrical engineer and inventor. Probably, he was the one who created the alternating current. In collaboration with Thomas Edison, he introduced the most effective way of transmitting power over long distances. AC motors are found in Tesla Roadsters, by the way. This engine emerged from the version introduced by Tesla in 1882. A modern creative brand was born by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, which is currently being sold in its original form. Tesla says that Autopilot gives you more confidence behind the wheel, boosts your road safety, and makes travelling on the highway more fun. Although fully driverless cars are still a few years away, when conditions are clear, Tesla Autopilot operates a lot like the systems that aeroplane pilots use. The driver is also accountable for, and finally in charge of, the vehicle. In addition, Tesla provides the driver with intuitive access to the data it uses to monitor its behaviour. The autopilot technology that drives the Tesla Model S and Model X electric vehicles, along with the normal mix of crash avoidance technology such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which performs emergency steering and braking, helps cars to steer autonomously, change directions, navigate vehicles and curves, and park automatically in the garage. The essence of these cars in the mass market is boldly distinct from any of the other production vehicles out there. Tesla has released version 7.0 of its Model S app, which is a software upgrade for Tesla's autopilot hardware for Model S and Model X production vehicles, allowing vehicles to use data from nearby cameras, radar and ultrasonic sensors to automatically guide the highway, shift lanes and alter speed in response to traffic conditions. Model S or Model X searches for a parking spot and parallel parks on the driver's order until the driver arrives at the destination. In the latest Autopilot, the new driver-focused architecture of the instrument cluster reveals the real-time knowledge used by the car to intelligently determine the behaviour of the vehicle according to its environment at that time. The driving behaviour of each Tesla vehicle, when travelling through various road conditions, is shared with its central server alongside the autopilot feature. A new feature upgrade is being created and released for every other Tesla car in the world based on machine learning and Tesla concept engineer advice. The Instrument panel offers a path visualisation as defined by the sensors of the vehicle, supplying drivers with the details their car uses with features such as lane departure, blind spot detection, speed assist, crash warning, adaptive cruise, and auto steering. Based on previous studies conducted on self-driving vehicles (not yet marketed) and hardware resources available to the consumer industry, which activates Tesla's autopilot capabilities, we propose our views and assumptions on the operation and operation of individual autopilot hardware modules.
特斯拉汽車是以尼古拉-特斯拉命名的美國汽車品牌,尼古拉-特斯拉是一位傑出的電氣工程師和發明家。他可能是交流電的發明者。他與湯瑪斯-愛迪生合作,推出了最有效的長距離電力傳輸方式。順便說一句,特斯拉跑車中就有交流馬達。這種引擎源自於特斯拉在 1882 年推出的版本。馬丁-埃伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)和馬克-塔彭寧(Marc Tarpenning)創立了一個現代創意品牌,目前正以其原始形式銷售。特斯拉表示,自動駕駛汽車能讓你在駕駛時更有信心,提高道路安全性,並讓高速公路的旅行更有趣。雖然距離完全無人駕駛汽車還有幾年時間,但在條件允許的情況下,特斯拉自動駕駛汽車的運作方式與飛機飛行員使用的系統非常相似。駕駛員也要對車輛負責,最後掌控車輛。此外,特斯拉還為駕駛員提供了直覺的數​​據存取權限,用於監控車輛的行為。驅動特斯拉Model S 和Model X 電動車的自動駕駛技術,與執行緊急轉向和煞車的高級駕駛員輔助系統(ADAS)等常規避撞技術組合在一起,幫助汽車自主轉向、改變方向、導航車輛和彎道,以及在車庫中自動停車。這些汽車在大眾市場上的精髓大膽地區別於其他任何量產車。特斯拉已經發布了第 7 版。該軟體是特斯拉為 Model S 和 Model X 量產車提供的自動駕駛硬體的軟體升級,允許車輛利用附近攝影機、雷達和超音波感測器的數據自動引導高速公路、變換車道並根據交通狀況改變車速。 Model S 或 Model X 會根據駕駛者的指示搜尋停車位並平行停車,直到駕駛到達目的地。在最新的自動駕駛系統中,全新的以駕駛員為中心的儀錶板架構顯示了汽車所使用的即時知識,可根據當時的環境智慧地確定車輛的行為。每輛特斯拉汽車在通過各種路況時的駕駛行為都會與自動駕駛功能一起與中央伺服器共享。根據機器學習和特斯拉概念工程師的建議,特斯拉正在為世界上其他每輛特斯拉汽車創建和發布新的功能升級。儀表板提供了由車輛感測器定義的路徑視覺化,為駕駛員提供了汽車在使用車道偏離、盲點偵測、速度輔助、碰撞預警、自適應巡航和自動轉向等功能時的詳細資訊。基於先前對自動駕駛汽車(尚未上市)進行的研究和消費產業可用的硬體資源(特斯拉的自動駕駛功能),我們提出了對單一自動駕駛硬體模組的運作和操作的看法和假設。
Tesla in India 特斯拉在印度
Tesla, the electric car-making company of Elon Musk, is scheduled to begin selling its base model in India soon. It is the first step for Musk's company to enter the electric vehicle (EV) market in India before further expanding. Though the news of Tesla's entrance into India has left many of its fans in the country jumping for joy, capturing the market will become the company's biggest challenge to date. Recently, the company registered to open an office in Bengaluru City. A Bloomberg report suggests that Elon Musk is opening showrooms and probably a factory in negotiations with other Indian states. According to the Bloomberg report, less than of vehicles sold
馬斯克(Elon Musk)的電動車製造公司特斯拉(Tesla)計劃很快在印度開始銷售其基本車型。這是馬斯克的公司進軍印度電動車(EV)市場的第一步,然後再進一步擴張。儘管特斯拉進軍印度的消息讓該國的許多粉絲歡欣鼓舞,但佔領市場將成為該公司迄今面臨的最大挑戰。最近,該公司在班加羅爾市註冊開設了一家辦事處。彭博社的一份報告顯示,伊隆-馬斯克正在與印度其他各邦談判開設展廳,並可能開設一家工廠。根據彭博社的報道,在印度銷售的汽車中,不到

in India are electric vehicles. The real challenge for Tesla would therefore be to build a niche for itself in India's fuel-dominated auto industry.


(Eberhard and Tarpenning, 2006) This article deals whether these cars produce pollution and how much these electric cars produce pollution per mile. Comparatively these electric cars are significantly more efficient and pollute less than all alternatives. This paper investigates the Tesla Roadster as well which uses commodity lithiumion batteries instead of lead-acid batteries or nickel metal-hydride batteries. These cars have astonishing performance and superior convenience. Lithium ion batteries are a lot more difficult to use than previous technologies. Tesla cars are making more and more efforts for making safe, light, and durable lithium ion battery systems. The energy and power density of lithium ion batteries make this effort very worthwhile. These energy contents are of the source of fuel such as coal, crude oil or natural gas as it comes from the ground. The energy content of this fuel is converted to its final fuel product as gasoline or electricity subtracting the energy needed to transport the fuel to the car. Finally, the fuel efficiency of the car itself is used to complete the equation. (Wakabayashi and Ramsey, 2015) Tesla company positions itself as a software company. Tesla provides its sales and marketing by sending the software directly to its cars over its wireless connection. These software analyze the driver's route and even their road condition and even alerts the driver whether they are going out of the location. The new software also feature blind - spot detection, emergency automatic braking, which helps the driver in preventing them to drive at high speed and these software also uses the personal information of the user. But, these features are been applied only on private property not on public roads. These models have more types of autonomous driving, except more possibly in complex environments. Tesla has an ability in updating its vehicle, these updates are being growing significant now-a-days. The latest update will allow the car to communicate with the company's system of fast charging location called as super chargers.
(Eberhard and Tarpenning, 2006)這篇文章論述了這些汽車是否會產生污染,以及這些電動車每英里產生多少污染。相對而言,這些電動車的效率要高得多,污染程度也低於所有替代品。本文也對特斯拉跑車進行了調查,該車使用的是商品鋰離子電池,而不是鉛酸電池或鎳金屬氫化物電池。這些汽車具有驚人的性能和卓越的便利性。與以前的技術相比,鋰離子電池的使用要困難得多。特斯拉汽車正在為製造安全、輕巧、耐用的鋰離子電池系統做出越來越多的努力。鋰離子電池的能量和功率密度使得這種努力非常值得。這些能量來自燃料,如煤炭、原油或天然氣,因為它們來自地下。這些燃料的能量含量被轉換成汽油或電力等最終燃料產品,然後減去將燃料運送到汽車所需的能量。最後,利用汽車本身的燃料效率來完成等式。 (Wakabayashi 和 Ramsey,2015 年)特斯拉公司將自己定位為一家軟體公司。特斯拉透過無線連接將軟體直接發送到汽車上,從而實現銷售和行銷。這些軟體會分析駕駛者的行駛路線,甚至路況,甚至提醒駕駛是否偏離了行駛路線。新軟體還具有盲點偵測、緊急自動煞車等功能,可以幫助駕駛員防止高速行駛,這些軟體還使用了使用者的個人資訊。不過,這些功能只應用於私人領地,而非公共道路。 這些車型具有更多類型的自動駕駛功能,除了在複雜環境中可能會有更多自動駕駛功能。特斯拉有能力更新其汽車,這些更新如今正變得越來越重要。最新的更新將允許汽車與該公司的快速充電系統(稱為超級充電器)進行通訊。
(Wilberforce et al., 2017)This research paper says that electric cars are now the most leading cars with a lot of customers welcoming it. It states that electric cars can create a better environment and use the renewable resources well and fine. It stated that the journey of electric cars weren't so easy at the beginning due to the cost of the cars. As the time passes, they came up with a better battery technology and automotive technology advancement in the cars for high performance. These cars are becoming worlds welcoming car due to the reduction of emission and a forward economic development. Electric cars are also the Green vehicles that use renewable resources as the main source of fuel. These cars added up with more and more features development for it's better performance and as well as eco-friendly. The author also states that electric cars are the future. (Silva et al., 2018) India is starting work on the country's journey of introducing electric vehicles with the goal of flashing all electric vehicles by 2030.In the overall electric vehicle implementation cycle, buyers are among the important people. The order to create consumer demand for electric vehicles, there will be electric cars. As also noted, a need for consumer incentive system, motivation and promotion benefits, the lot of nations active in the global production of electric vehicles have given different forms of incentives for different parties to support Application of electric vehicles. E-mobility going to plan's best solution standards. In fact, all these will have to be done in a time-bound and organized way. This article presents an overview of the country's electric vehicle changed economic, international electric vehicle activities, electric mobility issues, and its policy constraints. (Ferreira, 2019) This business case is inspired by the strategic choices taken by Tesla though Constructing and developing an empire in the global market for electric vehicles. In the early step of the space technology process, the small electric vehicle sector of the global automotive industry is already placed. Overall, the case of Tesla perfectly shows the collection of competitive steps taken by businesses in markets with network externalities, in terms of supplement management, requirements and the consumer base built to fight the battle for critical mass. We believe that Tesla has built a platform that exceeds traditional vehicles.Organisation to allow the vehicles to travel along the growth path of innovation.
(Wilberforce et al., 2017)這篇研究論文指出,電動車是目前最主要的汽車,受到許多消費者的歡迎。它指出,電動車可以創造更好的環境,並且可以很好地利用再生資源。論文指出,由於成本問題,電動車的發展之初並不順利。隨著時間的推移,他們開發了更好的電池技術,汽車技術也在不斷進步,以提高汽車的性能。由於減少了排放並促進了經濟發展,這些汽車正成為世界上受歡迎的汽車。電動車也是使用再生資源作為主要燃料來源的綠色汽車。這些汽車的功能越來越多,性能越來越好,也越來越環保。作者也指出,電動車是未來的趨勢。 (席爾瓦等人,2018 年)印度正在啟動該國引進電動車的工作,目標是到 2030 年閃爍所有電動車。為了創造消費者對電動車的需求,就要有電動車。正如所指出的那樣,需要建立消費者激勵體系,激勵和促進利益,全球許多積極生產電動車的國家都對不同方面給予了不同形式的激勵,以支持電動車的應用。電動車發展計畫的最佳解決方案標準。事實上,所有這些都必須以有時限、有組織的方式進行。本文概述了該國電動車的經濟變化、國際電動車活動、電動交通問題及其政策限制。 (費雷拉,2019 年)這個商業案例的靈感來自特斯拉的戰略選擇,即在全球電動車市場建立和發展一個帝國。在太空技術進程的早期階段,全球汽車產業的小型電動車領域就已佈局。總之,特斯拉的案例完美地展示了企業在具有網路外部性的市場中,在補充管理、要求和消費者基礎建設方面所採取的一系列競爭措施,以打好臨界質量之戰。我們相信,特斯拉已經建立了一個超越傳統汽車的平台,讓汽車沿著創新的成長之路前進。
(Thomas and Maine, 2019) ) The Environmental issues is well viewed as a crucial and growing review culture. The Major Contributor Climate change is emissions from automation vehicles. In the automotive industry Tesla Motors' entry and growth has produced enormous changes. What is when considering entry into an established sector, can alternative energy start-ups learn lessons. To review the literature on innovation management, the commercialization strategy of Tesla is explained by the lens of Architectural Innovation and The Advantage of an Attacker. Implications for fresh entrants are given. (Motwani and Patil, 2019) The government to get all electric cars on the road by 2030. The world's third-largest energy consumer after the United states and Republic of China. As this is taking place, transformative, along with barriers, creates. The electric vehicle continues to be associated with traditional purchase and use models. The overall impact of electric vehicle ultimately benefits the people. Electric mobility is widely seen today as a way to improve air quality and meet climate goals. The developed model is good and can be used for further prediction related to buying of electric car. (Navalagund et al., 2020) ) The world of electric cars is also a good method, as it has had a direct impact on customer buying behavior .India 's automobile sector is known as the world's fastest growing sector and contributes to GDP by an average of 15 percent. Compared to the new power sector in India energy is in a nascent period. The US, China and other economies in Europe. Decision to buy is affected by buyer purchasing decisions based on different options to
(托馬斯和緬因,2019 年)環境問題被視為一種至關重要且不斷發展的審查文化。造成氣候變遷的主要原因是自動化汽車的排放。在汽車產業,特斯拉汽車公司的進入和發展產生了巨大的變化。在考慮進入一個成熟產業時,替代能源新創企業能否從中學到教訓?透過回顧有關創新管理的文獻,從 "建築創新 "和 "進攻者的優勢 "的角度解釋了特斯拉的商業化戰略。並給予了對新進入者的啟示。 (莫特瓦尼和帕蒂爾,2019 年)政府將在 2030 年之前讓所有電動車上路。僅次於美國和中華民國的世界第三大能源消費國。在這過程中,變革與障礙並存。電動車仍然與傳統的購買和使用模式相關聯。電動車的整體影響最終惠及人民。如今,電動車被廣泛視為改善空氣品質和實現氣候目標的一種方式。開發的模型很好,可用於與購買電動車相關的進一步預測(Navalagund 等人,2020 年)。電動車的世界也是一個很好的方法,因為它對顧客的購買行為產生了直接影響。印度的汽車產業被稱為世界上成長最快的產業,對 GDP 的平均貢獻率為 15%。相較之下,印度的新能源產業仍處於起步階段。美國、中國和歐洲的其他經濟體。購買決策受買方基於不同選項的購買決策影響,以

Dr. Gigi G S et al / Customer perception towards tesla electric car's innovative features
Gigi G S 博士等人 / 消費者對特斯拉電動車創新功能的看法

improve values within a set number of risks and benefits. In order to overcome the pollution to the environment, there is growing concern about the air and the acceptance of responsible actions by users. In educating youth, these makers have a large role to play. Advertising and outreach systems to limit automotive waste will make important contributions to the application of EV innovation. Our research idea is based on the rich knowledge acquired by our peer teams across the university.(A.C.Gomathi, S.R.Xavier Rajarathinam, A.Mohammed Sadiqc, Rajeshkumar, 2020; Danda et al., 2009; Danda and Ravi, 2011; Dua et al., 2019; Ezhilarasan et al., 2019; Krishnan and Chary, 2015; Manivannan, I., Ranganathan, S., Gopalakannan, S. et al., 2018; Narayanan et al., 2012, 2009; Neelakantan et al., 2013, 2011; Neelakantan and Sharma, 2015; Panchal et al., 2019; Prasanna et al., 2011; Priya S et al., 2009; Rajeshkumar et al., 2019; Ramadurai et al., 2019; Ramakrishnan et al., 2019; Ramesh et al., 2016; Venugopalan et al., 2014)
在一定的風險和收益範圍內提高價值。為了克服對環境的污染,人們越來越關注空氣和使用者接受負責任的行動。在教育年輕人方面,這些製造商可以發揮很大的作用。限制汽車廢棄物的廣告和宣傳系統將為電動車創新應用做出重要貢獻。我們的研究理念是基於全校同儕團隊所獲得的豐富知識。 (A.C.Gomathi、S.R.Xavier Rajarathinam、A.Mohammed Sadiqc、Rajeshkumar,2020;Danda 等人,2009;Danda 和Ravi,2011;Dua 等人,2019;Ezhilarasan 等人,2019;Krishnan 和Charyvanani,ImnanIani .,Ranganathan,S、Gopalakannan, S. 等人,2018;Narayanan 等人,2012,2009;Neelakantan 等人,2013,2011;Neelakantan 和Sharma,2015;Panchal 等人,2019;Prasannaanna al、2011; S 等人,2009;Rajeshkumar 等人,2019;Ramadurai 等人,2019;Ramakrishnan 等人,2019;Ramesh 等人,2016;Venugopalan 等人,2014)。


The research methodology which was widely used in this research is descriptive methods. Customers as well as potential customers of Tesla cars, were chosen as respondents for this research. 100 such respondents have given their responses to the statements. A structured questionnaire was circulated to the customers to find out their opinion towards electric cars. The data collected through google forms and were then exported as excel (.cave file) and interpreted in the systematic manner through statistical package for the social science (SPSS 23.0) for the statistical analysis. Tools used were descriptive statistics, mean analysis and Anova analysis.
本研究廣泛採用的研究方法為描述性方法。本研究選擇了特斯拉汽車的客戶和潛在客戶作為調查對象。 100 名受訪者對陳述做出了回答。我們向客戶分發了一份結構化問卷,以了解他們對電動車的看法。透過Google表格收集的資料匯出為 excel(.cave 檔案),並透過社會科學統計軟體(SPSS 23.0)進行系統性的統計分析。使用的工具包括描述性統計、平均值分析和 Anova 分析。
Demographic profile of the respondents
Fig.1: The pie chart depicts the percentage of gender in the sample. of the sample were Male and were Female customers.
圖 1:餅狀圖顯示了樣本中的性別比例。 的樣本為男性顧客, 為女性顧客。
Fig.3: The pie chart describes the annual income of sample respondents. 35,000 and above ( ), followed by
圖 3:餅狀圖描述了樣本受訪者的年收入。 35,000 以上 ( ),其次是
( ), followed by 15,000 and below (22.4%) and ( .
( ),其次是 15 000 及以下(22.4%)和 (
Fig.2: The pie chart describes the age of sample respondents.below 25 and above ( ), followed by ( ), followed by 45 above and below ( ) and (7.9%).
圖 2:餅狀圖描述了樣本受訪者的年齡。 25 歲以下以上( ) ,其次是 ( ) ,其次是45 歲以上及以下( )和 (7.9%)。
Fig.4: The pie chart shows the type of the designation that respondents have. of the respondents were professional and were business/self employed.
圖 4:餅狀圖顯示了受訪者的職稱類型。 受訪者為專業人員, 為企業/自僱人員。
Fig.5: The pie chart shows that the respondents are from America ( ), followed by Canada ( ),Singapore (14.5%)and India (5.3%).
圖 5:餅狀圖顯示,受訪者來自美國( ),其次是加拿大( )、 新加坡(14.5%)和印度(5.3%)。
Fig.7: The pie chart shows the marital status respondents. of the respondents are married and are unmarried.
圖 7:餅狀圖顯示了受訪者的婚姻狀況。 是已婚, 是未婚。
Fig.9: The pie chart shows the respondents have opted for hybrid cars of percentage ( ) and followed by the percentage for electric cars is ( ).
圖 9:餅狀圖顯示,受訪者選擇混合動力車的比例為 ( ),其次是電動車的比例為 ( )。
Fig.6: The pie chart shows the type of the family size from the respondents. of the respondents were nuclear family and were joint family
圖 6:餅狀圖顯示了受訪者的家庭規模類型。 受訪者為核心家庭, 為聯合家庭。
Fig.8: The pie chart shows the type of the respondents owning a car. It states the percentage has a car ( ) and followed by the respondents that don't own a car is (40.8%).
圖 8:餅狀圖顯示了受訪者擁有汽車的類型。它顯示擁有汽車的受訪者比例為( ),其次是沒有汽車的受訪者(40.8%)。
Fig.10: The pie chart shows the respondents had opted for petrol cars ( ) followed by the next is electric cars of and then finally the diesel cars is ( ).
圖10:餅狀圖顯示受訪者選擇了汽油車( ),其次是電動車( ),最後是柴油車( )。
Fig.11: The pie chart shows the respondents have opted for SUV ( ) followed by sedan is ( , then hatchback is of and then MPV is (2.6%).
圖11:餅狀圖顯示,受訪者選擇了SUV( ),其次是轎車( ),然後是掀背車( )和MPV(2.6%)。
Fig.13: The pie chart shows the respondents have chosen neutral that is ( ) followed by in favour is ( ) then ( ) respondents have voted for against it and (13.2%) have opted stating that this will not affect the cars sold.
圖13:餅狀圖顯示,受訪者選擇了中立,即( ),其次是贊成( ),然後是( )受訪者投了反對票,(13.2%)受訪者選擇表示這不會影響汽車的銷售。
Fig.12: The pie chart shows the respondents have opted for car.com that is ( )
圖 12:餅狀圖顯示受訪者選擇了 car.com,即 ( )
followed by car wala is ( ) then car guru is ( ) and then car Delhi is ( ).
其次是 car wala 是 ( ) ,然後 car guru 是 ( ) ,然後 car Delhi 是 ( )。
Fig.14: The pie chart shows the respondents have chosen instagram that is ( )
圖 14:圓餅圖顯示受訪者選擇了 instagram,即 ( )
followed by company website is ) then YouTube is (14.5%) followed by magazines is followed by news paper is ( ) and finally face book is ( ).
其次是公司網站( ),然後是YouTube(14.5%),接著是雜誌( ),然後是新聞報紙( ),最後是face book( )。
Table 1: Mean analysis on impact of factors
表 1:各因素影響的平均值分析
Features of Tesla 特斯拉的特點 3.4671 2
Environmental Friendly 環保 3.6447 1
Specification of Tesla 特斯拉的規格 3.4145 3
Efficiency of Tesla 特斯拉的效率 3.4057 4
The mean score and rank are displayed in the above table. The Tesla mean score is (3.51%), followed by Tesla features (3.18%), owning a car (2.06%), car features (1.13%). All the mean scores are lies between 2 and 3 . It reveals that people like Tesla cars as it is environmentally friendly, and followed by it's innovative features.
平均得分和排名請見上表。特斯拉的平均得分為(3.51%),其次是特斯拉功能(3.18%)、擁有汽車(2.06%)、汽車功能(1.13%)。所有平均得分都在 2 和 3 之間。這表明,人們喜歡特斯拉汽車是因為它環保,其次是它的創新功能。
Table 2: Perception of customers towards Tesla and the factors in ANOVA analysis
表 2:顧客對特斯拉的看法和變異數分析中的因素
Perception of Customers towards Tesla
F value F 值 Significance 重要意義
Features of Tesla 特斯拉的特點 8.263
Environmental Friendly 環保 8.830
Specification of Tesla 特斯拉的規格 10.412
Efficiency of Tesla 特斯拉的效率 8.434
Perception of Customers towards Tesla
F value F 值 Significance 重要意義
Features of Tesla 特斯拉的特點 .548 .651
Environmental Friendly 環保 1.206 .314
Specification of Tesla 特斯拉的規格 1.732 .168
Efficiency of Tesla 特斯拉的效率 .234 .872

Dr. Gigi G S et al / Customer perception towards tesla electric car's innovative features
Gigi G S 博士等人 / 消費者對特斯拉電動車創新功能的看法

Anova analysis was conducted by comparing income level and perception of customers towards Tesla. Majority of variables are less than 0.05 , hence an alternate hypothesis was accepted. There is a significant difference among Income level with respect to perception of customers towards Tesla. Anova analysis was conducted by comparing the origin of countries with respect to Perception of Customers towards Tesla. In this case all variables are less than 0.05 , hence null hypothesis is accepted, and there is no significant difference among countries with respect to Perception of Customers towards Tesla.
透過比較收入水準和顧客對特斯拉的看法,進行了 Anova 分析。大部分變數小於 0.05,因此接受了另一個假設。收入水準與顧客對特斯拉的認知有明顯差異。透過比較客戶對特斯拉看法的國家來源,進行了 Anova 分析。在這種情況下,所有變數都小於 0.05,因此接受了零假設,即各國客戶對特斯拉的認知沒有顯著差異。


From this research it is clearly evident that future prospects of Tesla cars is great and dynamic. Tesla takes pride in naming itself as one of the most innovative and problem solving organizational culture that it promotes within its company. This will certainly motivate employees to a more competitive level that will be able to develop profitable solutions with the current and emerging problems within the target market. Tesla has been extremely successful with introducing their advanced electric vehicles which certainly benefit the larger corporate culture within the market. Tesla should invest heavily in the marketing of their brand and all their product portfolio through all the social media platforms. They should also engage in developing the message of the brand as to how Tesla will create an eco-friendly revolution by their electric vehicles introduction and reducing the dependability of combustion engine cars that have been harming the global environment and have been one of the major causes for creating global warming.


A brand like Tesla will lead the race of electric vehicle cars in the future. Fossil fuels and petroleum are bound to perish from earth in the next 5 decades. The answer to the future dependency of electric vehicles and cars will certainly have one brand that is Tesla. New facilities and sales operations in high potential developing countries will enhance and provide the growth that will aim to satisfy the mission and vision of Tesla and propel the brand towards the success in the near future. In conclusion, the certain key factors that will drive the demand of electric vehicles is the cost of gasoline, the infrastructure of the availability of battery charging stations at various points and the appeal of the "green" movement which will help a brand like Tesla to penetrate to captivate segments of the market and make the brand mainstream to capture generation consumers at a price point where they get value for money and get connected with the brand.
特斯拉這樣的品牌將引領未來電動車的發展。化石燃料和石油必將在未來 50 年內從地球上消失。解決未來電動車和汽車依賴問題的答案必然是一個品牌,那就是特斯拉。在潛力巨大的發展中國家新建設施和開展銷售業務將促進成長,從而實現特斯拉的使命和願景,推動該品牌在不久的將來走向成功。總而言之,推動電動車需求的一些關鍵因素是汽油的成本、在不同地點提供電池充電站的基礎設施以及"綠色"運動的吸引力,這將幫助特斯拉這樣的品牌打入細分市場,並使其成為主流品牌,從而以物有所值的價格抓住 這一代消費者,並與該品牌建立聯繫。


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