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Just Fine  無恙


Kindaichi needs a break, because he thinks his first name is now Kunimi's choice of weapon.
Kindaichi 需要休息,因為他覺得他的名字現在是 Kunimi 的武器選擇。


this was gonna be for kindaichi's b'day (6/6) but I'm impatient so have it now

happy early bday turnip/raddish/shallot boy

Work Text: 作品內容:

This is how Kindaichi dies.

Now. He's not just being dramatic. There have been many occasions in his life that he's thought this to be the case, but this time, truly, there can be no other foreseeable outcome.

See, there's this thing he really likes called familiarity. Kindaichi can do familiarity, and is comfortable with it. That's why he still hasn't changed his hairstyle despite the continuous stream of shallot comments, and why he still plays volleyball despite having the height and build to play a range of other sports, if he so wishes.

That's why, even in his head, he's gotten into the habit of calling himself by surname, and this - this unfamiliarity:

"Yuutarou?" Kunimi blinks slowly, long lashes fanning soft as he tips his head to the side. His eyes are imploring, searching, and then a sigh escapes him, along with the tiniest of smiles. "You're spacing out again."
「Yuutarou?」Kunimi 緩緩眨眼,長長的睫毛輕輕地扇動,當他側頭時,眼神中充滿了乞求和尋找,然後他嘆了口氣,微微一笑。「又在發呆了。」

... this, indeed, is how Kindaichi Yuutarou dies.
……這,確實,就是Kindaichi Yuutarou 的死法。


He doesn't have a crush on his best friend, and he doesn't like Kunimi in that way.

Two of the biggest lies he could ever tell anyone, honestly, because Kunimi is going to be the death of him and Kindaichi knows it. Knew it long ago. Knew it the moment Kunimi fell asleep on him during a bus ride in their Kitagawa Daiichi days, and poor little Kindaichi had still deluded himself into thinking he only thought Kunimi was pretty as a friend.

It's almost funny to look back at moments like those, because now not a day goes by without Kindaichi thinking Kunimi is pretty in some way, shape or form, and that's how he knows he's utterly screwed. And then there's this issue again:

"Yuutarou," Kunimi had said one day, out of the blue. His face had been passive, as always, and his tone casual. "I'm calling you Yuutarou from now on."

Kindaichi had nodded, unable to speak because he had food in his mouth, and glad for it, too. He wouldn't know how to respond to that. Or how to respond to Kunimi stealing his uniform blazer with the excuse that he had left his own indoors, and couldn't be bothered to go get it.

The problem is, now that he is finally gaining his bearings at their new high school, Kunimi had thrown the first-name curveball at him, and Kindaichi is going to die. He knows he's mentioned death at least four times already, but he can't help it. Cut him some slack! This is a perfectly acceptable cause of death, and he won't listen to reason. Not now, not ever. Not until Kunimi decides to stop being torturously adorable (help) and stabbing him in the heart daily (help) with platonic affection (help) that could easily be mistaken for otherwise.

There's no way Kunimi is doing this on purpose - but the way he says Yuutarou is enough to make Kindaichi weak in the knees, and send his heartbeat into overdrive; chest pounding, face flushing, the lot. It's enough to persuade Kindaichi to do absolutely anything in the world for Kunimi - not that he wouldn't already - and that's a fact that scares him. Kunimi has too much power. And the guy doesn't even know it.
沒有辦法Kunimi是故意這樣做的 - 但他說Yuutarou的方式足以讓Kindaichi腿軟,心跳加速;胸口砰砰作響,臉紅如火,這一切都足以說服Kindaichi為Kunimi做任何事情 - 雖然他本來也會 - 這個事實讓他感到害怕。Kunimi擁有太多的力量。而這個傢伙甚至不知道這一點。

Belatedly, Kindaichi realises that he has been staring at the blank page in his notebook for far longer than he should have. There's no way he can get any work done, if all his traitorous mind ever thinks about is his stupid crush. He contemplates smacking some sense into himself, but is made aware of his door being opened and someone stepping in, saving him from the embarrassment of being caught in the act.

"Yuutarou," there's a tap at his shoulder and so he turns, and oh God, Kunimi just got out of the shower. He's radiating warmth, his skin is tinged pink, shirt slipping off his shoulder and his hair is still wet - a great image, really, but Kindaichi is a teenage boy with a crush and cannot deal with this right now. Oblivious, Kunimi tugs at his sleeve, and says with a roll of his eyes, "Either go take a bath or get changed already. You got all sweaty at practice. It's gross."
"Yuutarou,他的肩膀被拍了一下,於是他轉過身去,天啊,Kunimi剛剛洗完澡。他散發著溫暖,皮膚泛著粉紅色,襯衫從肩膀滑落,頭髮還濕漉漉的 - 真是一幅美好的畫面,但Kindaichi是一個暗戀的少年,現在無法應對這種情況。毫不在意,Kunimi拉了拉他的袖子,眼睛一翻地說:“要麼去洗個澡,要麼換衣服。你在練習時全身都滿是汗,很噁心。”"

"Yes," Kindaichi replies dumbly.

"Yes, what?" “是的,什麼?”

"Er, I'm gonna," he stammers. "Bathroom."

Kunimi raises an elegant eyebrow and shrugs. It rustles the towel around his neck. "Okay?" He gestures towards the door, as if it were his own house. Judging by the amount of time they spent together, it might as well have been. "Go ahead."
Kunimi 高雅地挑起一根眉毛,聳聳肩膀。毛巾在他脖子上輕輕搖曳。「好的?」他手勢指向門,彷彿這裡是他自己的家一般。根據他們在一起的時間,這裡幾乎就是他的家了。「請便。」

So Kindaichi does go ahead, not without an accidental glance at his friend's exposed collarbone, and swallows nervously. His movements are mechanical and awkward, as he wonders not for the first time how his life had gotten to this point. Beyond a strange look or two, Kunimi doesn't comment on his behaviour, and instead settles down with a book and lets him go about his business in peace.
於是 Kindaichi 確實走了,不過在偶然瞥見朋友露出的鎖骨時,他緊張地咽了口口水。他的動作機械又笨拙,心裡不止一次想著自己的生活是怎麼走到這一步的。除了一兩次奇怪的眼神,Kunimi 沒有對他的行為做出評論,反而拿起一本書安靜地坐下,讓他安心地處理自己的事情。

He showers in record time, not really in the mood for sinking into hot water to drown his worries away - not today - and curses fate once more when he returns to his room to find Kunimi curled up, fast asleep on his bed. His friend has his towel pillowed under his head, and Kindaichi has half a mind to wake him up and scold him for going to sleep with wet hair, but one look at that sleeping face, and Kindaichi already feels himself letting the issue go.
他以最快的速度淋浴,今天並不想浸泡在熱水中排解煩惱 - 尤其是今天 - 當他回到房間時,卻再次咒罵命運,因為他發現Kunimi蜷曲著身子,安然入睡在他的床上。他的朋友將毛巾墊在頭下,Kindaichi 心裡打算叫醒他,責備他濕頭睡覺,但一看到那張睡臉,Kindaichi 就已經覺得自己放下這個問題。

Kunimi really can't be doing this on purpose. He's not that evil. He isn't.
Kunimi 真的不可能故意這樣做。他不是那麼邪惡的人。他不是。

Kindaichi groans, quiet as to not disturb his companion, and throws a blanket over the other's sleeping form. He resists the urge to do anything else, especially something incredibly dumb like kiss the boy on the forehead or thread his fingers through that silky looking hair, and sits at his desk with his head in his hands. His notebook remains untouched.
Kindaichi 嗚咽了一聲,聲音輕柔以免打擾他的伴侶,然後在另一人的睡姿上蓋上一條毯子。他抑制住做其他事情的衝動,尤其是像親吻男孩的額頭或是用手指穿過那看起來如絲般柔軟的頭髮這樣極端愚蠢的事情,然後坐在書桌前,雙手托著頭。他的筆記本保持不動。

He is in need of desperate help, he decides, but doesn't know the first person he'd go to get help from. Maybe he can ask Oikawa. The captain always has a solution for everything.


Oikawa laughs at him. Oikawa對他笑了。

He full-out laughs, guffawing even as Iwaizumi steps in and throws his bag at the captain's face, and just keeps laughing while Kindaichi can feel himself blushing red to the tips of his ears. This was a mistake.

"I'm sorry, what?" Oikawa heaves, cunning smile returning to his lips. "Say that again?"
「對不起,什麼?」Oikawa 喘息著,狡猾的微笑重新浮現在他的嘴角上。「再說一遍?」

"Stop bullying the first years," grumbles Iwaizumi, but he goes ignored.
「停止欺負新生,」Iwaizumi 嘟囔著,但他被無視了。

"Kindaichi. My honey, my child," Oikawa pats the middle blocker on the shoulders, eyes lit bright with knowing glee. "You are in way over your head."
「Kindaichi。我的寶貝,我的孩子,」Oikawa 輕拍這位中間攔網手的肩膀,眼中閃爍著明亮的喜悅。「你已經遠遠超出你的能力範圍了。」

"I know," Kindaichi squeaks. He fidgets nervously, still regretting telling his senior about his crush.
「我知道,」Kindaichi 小聲說。他緊張地坐立不安,仍然後悔告訴他的前輩他喜歡的人。

"You've fallen in love with a minx," the captain continues, and Kindaichi freezes.
「你愛上了一個狡猾的人,」隊長繼續說道,Kindaichi 呆住了。

"W-what?" 「什麼?」

"Kunimi doesn't do it on purpose, you say?" The brunet laughs again. "Oh no, he does everything on purpose. Have you ever seen Kunimi unnecessarily expending energy? He's not that type of person! Every action has to benefit him, or benefit an idea he has; otherwise, why would he bother?"
「Kunimi 不是故意的,你說?」那位黑髮男子再次笑了。「哦不,他每件事都是有意的。你有看過 Kunimi 不必要地浪費能量嗎?他不是那種人!每個行動都必須對他有利,或者對他構想有利;否則,他為什麼要麻煩呢?」

"It's not like saying a name is that much effort..." Kindaichi reasons, "And we've been friends for long enough."
「說個名字又不是什麼大不了的事...」Kindaichi 辯解道,「而且我們已經是朋友很久了。」

Oikawa shrugs. "Iwa-chan doesn't call me Tooru. And for that matter, you don't call Kunimi, Akira, do you?"
Oikawa 聳了聳肩。「岩chan 不叫我 Tooru。至於你,也不叫 Kunimi、Akira 對吧?」

"I guess not..." 「我猜不會吧…」

"You should try it!" Oikawa suddenly perks up. "Call him Akira. Make him sweat."
「你應該試試看!」Oikawa 突然振作起來。「叫他 Akira。讓他擔心一下。」

"He's not gonna -" 「他不會的 -」

"Him calling you by first name already has you in a mess like this," the captain leers, "So you really think it won't have any effect?"

"Well, in the first place, nobody but my parents call me by my first name..."

"Ooh, so can I call you Yuu-chan?" The topic change is rather abrupt, but Kindaichi has learnt not to question Oikawa too much. It's just better for everyone's sake.
「哦,那我可以叫你優-chan 嗎?」話題的轉變相當突然,但Kindaichi 已經學會不要太多問Oikawa。這對每個人來說都更好。

He rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. "If you want to..."

"Yuu-chan!" Oikawa chirps, just in time for Kunimi to step foot through the door and stop in his tracks.
“Yuu-chan!” Oikawa 喳喳叫,正好在Kunimi踏進門檻時停下腳步。

His resting expression steels ever so slightly, as he makes his way over to his locker. There's a glint in Oikawa's eyes that Kindaichi doesn't like, but he knows he is helpless to stop him, so he does what he does best instead - ignore it, and hopes it goes away. He turns to fuss over Kunimi, on instinct holding onto the boy's bag while he opens his locker.

"Good morning," Kindaichi says, a wide smile playing across his lips before he can stop it. He must seem so painfully eager, he laments internally, and he hopes Kunimi is still too sleepy to notice.

"Morning, Yuutarou," Kunimi replies through a yawn. He takes back his bag, nods in acknowledgement, and shoves it into his locker non-ceremoniously. "Why did you come to practice earlier today?"

"Assignment," Kindaichi lies, at the same time knowing that it isn't even an excuse that makes sense, and knows that Kunimi knows it too. Kunimi purses his lips slightly, as if contemplating whether or not to call him out on it. Kindaichi wants to pinch himself.

"Yuu-chan came early to get some extra tips from me!" Oikawa says cheerfully from a fair distance away now, and the two first years look over at him - one jittery, one calm. "He really is dedicated, isn't he?"
「Yuu-chan 早早就來找我多學點竅門!」Oikawa 從遠處開心地說道,兩位一年級的學生望向他 - 一個緊張,一個鎮定。「他真的很有毅力,不是嗎?」

Kindaichi feels his cheeks burn up again, and nods wordlessly, hoping, at the very least, Oikawa won't dig him into a hole he can't get out of. He, of all people, should know how much Kindaichi hates hiding things from Kunimi.
Kindaichi 再次感到臉頰發熱,無言地點頭,希望至少 Oikawa 不會把他牽扯進一個無法擺脫的困境。他作為其中一員,應該知道 Kindaichi 有多討厭對 Kunimi 隱瞞事情。

"Too much effort," Kunimi complains, thankfully not prying any further, and Kindaichi shakes his head fondly.
「太費力了,」Kunimi 抱怨道,幸好沒有再深入探問,Kindaichi 喜愛地搖搖頭。

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks, while Kunimi has his shirt half-off his head.

"Fine. You?" 「好。你呢?」

"Yeah, good!" Kindaichi can feel Oikawa's gaze still, and suppresses a shudder. It's only when Oikawa skips off, Iwaizumi in tow, the telltale yelling echoing through the gym nearby, does he let himself relax. Too bad it is short-lived.

"Yuu-chan?" Kunimi asks, flopping down on the bench. Kindaichi jolts.
「Yuu-chan?」Kunimi 問道,一屁股坐在長椅上。Kindaichi 震驚地打了個寒顫。

"Um, uh, yeah?" He flusters, "You know Oikawa-san. Always with the nicknames..."

"He didn't call you Yuu-chan, before."
「以前他沒有叫過你 Yuu-chan。」

Kindaichi stops to consider. One, the longer this conversation goes, the more Kunimi will keep saying that dreaded nickname and Kindaichi really will die an early death. Two, why does Kunimi even care?

"I guess not," Kindaichi shrugs. "Maybe he never thought about it until recently."

"What happened recently?"

The middle blocker winces. He decides that the truth is as good as it is going to get. At least he doesn't stutter. "You started calling me Yuutarou?"

Kunimi looks up at him, face blank. He doesn't even look a hint ashamed or confused, and Kindaichi - having known him for all these years - thinks he can see a speck of amusement in the other's gaze.
Kunimi 抬頭看著他,面無表情。他甚至看起來一點也不羞愧或困惑,而Kindaichi - 這麼多年來一直認識他 - 覺得他能在對方的目光中看到一絲幽默。

"I see," Kunimi says quietly. He doesn't elaborate.
「我明白了,」Kunimi 平靜地說道。他沒有多加解釋。

Kindaichi opens his mouth, wanting to finally be able to ask why Kunimi even started calling him by first name in the first place - when the doors slam open, and Yahaba walks in.
Kindaichi 張開嘴,終於想問問為什麼Kunimi 一開始就開始叫他名字 - 當門猛然打開,Yahaba 走了進來。

"Oh, you guys are still in here?" The second year asks, and Kindaichi stiffens. Kunimi sighs, and gets up, heading towards the gym. "Hey, listen when I'm talking to you! Kunimi!" Yahaba sighs. "Alright, whatever, just - just go in. You're already changed, so there's no point in staying here."
「喔,你們還在這裡嗎?」二年級生問道,Kindaichi 緊張起來。Kunimi 嘆了口氣,站起來,朝著健身房走去。「喂,我跟你說話時要聽著啊!Kunimi!」Yahaba 嘆了口氣。「好吧,隨便你,進去吧。你已經換好衣服了,留在這裡也沒意義。」

Kindaichi nods rapidly and scurries after Kunimi, not wanting to get in his senior's way.
Kindaichi 迅速點頭,匆匆跟在Kunimi後面,不想妨礙學長。

"Yuu-chan," Kunimi says when he reaches him, and Kindaichi almost wants to clap a hand over his mouth. "Help me stretch."

Kindaichi obliges, of course, cursing Oikawa with as much of his mind as he can - and forbids the rest of his mind to wander when he's got his firm hands on Kunimi's shoulders, feeling the straining muscle underneath the fabric of his t-shirt.
Kindaichi 當然遵從,用盡他的心靈詛咒 Oikawa,當他用堅定的雙手抓住 Kunimi 的肩膀時,不允許他的其他心靈漫遊,感受著 T 卹下面繃緊的肌肉。

"Don't hurt me," he hears Kunimi say, and leaps back like he's been burned. "Honestly, Yuu-chan, pay attention."
「不要傷害我,」他聽到 Kunimi 說,像是被燒傷一樣往後跳。「真的,悠-chan,專心點。」

Kindaichi tries to ignore the team's questioning looks, most probably at the use of nickname, as he hurries to correct his form.
Kindaichi 試著無視隊友疑惑的眼神,很可能是對暱稱的使用,匆忙修正他的姿勢。


In the end, despite everything, he still takes Oikawa's one and only piece of advice. Just to make it fair.

"A-akira," he calls, as Kunimi is pulling his jacket on. He sees the other boy still.

"Yuu-chan?" Kunimi asks, eyes half-lidded but curious.

"Can I call you Akira?"

"You just did," he points out, but there's a certain unease in Kunimi's posture that wasn't there before.

"I mean, forever," Kindaichi cringes at his own wording. "I mean, not forever. But. You know. Just in general."

"Okay," Kunimi assents, turning away. "Yuu-chan."
"好的," Kunimi 同意道,轉身離開。"Yuu-chan。"

"Akira." Kindaichi says, with finality.
"Akira。" Kindaichi 斷然地說道。

He doesn't miss the way Kunimi flushes, just before a palm makes contact with the back of his head. "Shut up," he murmurs.
他沒有錯過 Kunimi 臉紅的樣子,就在一只手掌接觸到他腦袋後。"閉嘴," 他輕聲說道。

Kindaichi thinks he's finally starting to piece the bigger picture together.
Kindaichi 覺得他終於開始將整個大局拼湊在一起了。


"You like me," Kindaichi says one day, out of the blue. Kunimi rolls his eyes, the only sign of his embarrassment being the way he sank deeper into Kindaichi's jacket he had stolen again, almost pulling it over his head.
「你喜歡我,」Kindaichi 有一天突然說。Kunimi 翻了翻白眼,唯一讓人看出他尷尬的跡象是他再次偷走Kindaichi的外套,幾乎把它拉到頭上。

"Took you long enough." 「花了你足夠長的時間。」

Kindaichi blushes. "How was I supposed to know?! It's not like you were being obvious about it!"
Kindaichi 臉紅了。「我怎麼知道?!你又沒有表現得很明顯!」

"You think I enjoyed calling you Yuu-chan in front of everyone?" Kunimi hisses quietly, voice dropping lower with each word. "Talk about mortifying."
「你以為我喜歡在大家面前叫你 Yuu-chan 嗎?」Kunimi 輕聲咆哮,聲音每個字都降低了一點。「多尷尬啊。」

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Because you wouldn't get the fucking hint," Kunimi groans.
「因為你根本不懂得暗示,」Kunimi 嘆氣道。

"Can't you confess to me like a normal human being?"

Kunimi presses his lips into a line, and repeats in complete deadpan, "Talk about mortifying."
Kunimi 壓緊嘴唇,面無表情地重複道:「談論尷尬的事情。」

"Akira, you have been torturing me for weeks -"
"Akira,你折磨了我好幾個星期了 -"

"You think it hasn't been torture for me, either? I stole like five of your shirts and I pretended to fall asleep in your bed!"

"You what?!" "你做了什麼?!"

Kunimi buries his face in his arms. "Nothing. Forget it."
Kunimi 將臉埋在雙臂中。「沒事。算了。」

Kindaichi inches closer towards him, nerves significantly calmed after just being reminded that the guy he had a crush on was just as hopeless as he was. "Akira, hey, I'm not mad..."
Kindaichi 靠近他一些,經過提醒後,他的緊張情緒明顯平靜下來,因為他意識到他暗戀的那個人和他一樣無助。「Akira,嘿,我不生氣...」

"I know, idiot." 「我知道,白癡。」

"You can keep the shirts if you like...?"

Kunimi twitches, but doesn't reply. Kindaichi is suddenly reminded of one very important thing he overlooked.
Kunimi 緊繃了一下,但沒有回答。Kindaichi 突然想起了一件他忽略的非常重要的事情。

"Oh my god, did I ever tell you I like you, too?"

Kunimi peeks up at him, glaring. So, no, then.
Kunimi 抬頭瞪著他。所以,不行,對吧。

Kindaichi really does slap himself. "Oh my god, I didn't! Did you think I was going to reject you?! Shit, I'm so sorry, you are literally the only thing I ever think about, I have failed you, I'll pack up and move countries, I'll do anything -"
Kindaichi 真的拍了拍自己。"我的天,我沒有!你以為我會拒絕你嗎?!該死,對不起,你是我唯一想著的事情,我辜負了你,我會收拾行李搬到別的國家,我什麼都願意做 -"

"Stay." Kunimi mumbles. "Stay with me."
「留下來。」Kunimi 喃喃自語。「和我在一起。」

He stops, staring at Kunimi, and Kunimi stares back. Slowly, the other unfolds himself and rises, clambering into Kindaichi's lap. He's clearly flustered by his own actions, but there's a determined set in Kunimi's jaw - as if he knows exactly what he's doing to Kindaichi and is making the most out of it. He's just that brand of evil, Kindaichi realises.
他停下來,凝視著Kunimi,而Kunimi也凝視著他。慢慢地,另一個人展開身體,站了起來,爬到Kindaichi的膝上。他顯然對自己的行為感到困惑,但Kunimi的下巴上卻帶著堅定的表情 - 好像他清楚自己對Kindaichi做了什麼,並且正在充分利用。Kindaichi意識到,他就是那種邪惡的人。

His chin rests on Kindaichi's stiff shoulder, and he tilts his head, smiling against Kindaichi's neck. "You'll stay with me, won't you, Yuu-chan?"

Kindaichi takes it all back. This. This is how he dies.