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One Weapon China Is Reluctant to Deploy Against Tariffs: A Weaker Currency

The last time Trump hit China with tariffs, Beijing devalued the yuan, blunting the impact. This time, Xi Jinping has signaled the country should defend its currency.

Updated ET
更新于 2025 年 1 月 18 日凌晨 12:01(东部时间)

China’s currency—called the renminbi, or people’s currency—is crucial to how Chinese leaders portray strength.
China’s currency—called the renminbi, or people’s currency—is crucial to how Chinese leaders portray strength. Photo: Cfoto/DDP/Zuma Press
中国的货币——称为人民币——对中国领导人展示实力至关重要。照片:Cfoto/DDP/Zuma Press

In the fall of 2023, Xi Jinping made a rare visit to the nation’s mint following a trip to the central bank, according to people close to China’s decision-making. The visit laid bare Xi’s desire to keep China’s currency strong.
2023 年秋季,习近平在访问中央银行后,罕见地造访了国家造币厂,接近中国决策层的人士透露。这次访问暴露了习近平希望保持中国货币强势的愿望。

Now, as a new trade fight with Washington approaches, Beijing is divided on whether it will be necessary to let the currency weaken in response to new tariffs from the incoming Trump administration—a medicine the leadership doesn’t want but might have to swallow.

In a Friday phone call with President-elect Donald Trump, Xi signaled his desire to engage in negotiations with the next White House, saying both sides should “find appropriate solutions to problems.”

Dubbed the people’s currency within China, the yuan, or renminbi, is an important political symbol and crucial to how Chinese leaders project strength. Day to day, the People’s Bank of China manages its move in a tight trading band, but the broad decisions on its direction are political ones and come from above the bank.

In the previous trade war with the U.S., which started in early 2018 during Trump’s first presidential term, China devalued the yuan by about 13% to hit back at Trump tariffs: A weaker yuan made China’s exports cheaper. The strategy at times further enraged Trump—whose administration in 2019 labeled China a currency manipulator—but it helped buttress the Chinese economy.
在与美国的前一场贸易战中,该贸易战始于 2018 年初特朗普的第一次总统任期,中国将人民币贬值约 13%以反击特朗普的关税:人民币贬值使中国的出口变得更便宜。这一策略在某些时候进一步激怒了特朗普——他的政府在 2019 年将中国列为货币操纵国——但这有助于支撑中国经济。

This time, it is more complicated. The yuan isn’t immune to market pressure and the central bank has already had to let it weaken, partly a result of economic malaise and partly because markets expect more U.S.-China friction. That has limited Beijing’s use of the yuan as a tool to fight tariffs.  

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1Currency BattleInvestors have been trading the yuan at the weakest possible level inside the band for daysSource: WindNote: Scale reversed so a lower point shows a weaker yuan
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1Nov. 2024'256.856.906.957. yuan per dollarStrongestWeakestClosing dayStrongest Nov. 4, 2024 6.978 yuan per dollar

In Beijing, according to people close to decision-making, an internal debate is now focused on how far to let the yuan weaken.

One camp, primarily encompassing market-oriented officials and government economists, believes the PBOC should adopt a more hands-off approach, which would mean letting markets push the yuan lower. That way, they argue, the central bank can free itself from defending the yuan and focus on spurring growth via monetary policies such as interest-rate cuts.

“A more flexible exchange-rate policy will lead to a more flexible interest-rate policy,” a government adviser involved in the discussions said.

The other camp, encompassing those tasked with maintaining financial stability, sees that approach as way too risky. They worry that currency depreciation, however gradual and orderly authorities intend it to be, would drive capital out of China when its banking system already is seeking greater liquidity support. 

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1How many onshore yuan $1 buysSource: Tullett PrebonNote: Scale reversed so a lower point shows a weaker yuanAs of Jan. 17
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1Trade War 1.02018'20'

In their view, the yuan must be defended against markets they say will keep pummeling it on expectations it will depreciate. 

“The signal now is stability,” said Brad Setser, a former U.S. Treasury official and now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. But if President-elect Trump follows through on his tariff threats, Setser said, “controlled depreciation would be hard for China to avoid even though it’s not necessarily something they want.”

For now, the political decree from the Xi leadership is to prevent the currency from weakening too much.

In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, the PBOC listed factors supporting the yuan’s value, such as the country’s trade surplus and foreign-exchange reserves. It said regulators are “confident, well-positioned and capable of maintaining the basic stability of renminbi’s exchange rate at a reasonable and equilibrium level.” 

The order to keep the yuan stable complicates the central bank’s other decisions. If it lowers interest rates, for example, that means more money sloshing around in the system, which inevitably pushes the yuan lower.   


But Xi has made it clear that sometimes the yuan needs to take precedence.

His priority was on display on his visit to the central bank in October 2023, when he skipped what many would argue is the PBOC’s most important component, the monetary-policy department that is in charge of interest rates. He instead focused on the agency overseeing the country’s foreign-exchange reserves, a $3 trillion-or-so reservoir that can be deployed to defend the yuan.
他在 2023 年 10 月访问中央银行时,优先考虑的事项显而易见,他跳过了许多人认为是中国人民银行最重要的部门——负责利率的货币政策部门。他转而关注负责国家外汇储备的机构,这是一笔约 3 万亿美元的储备,可以用来捍卫人民币。

Even more unusual for a Chinese leader, the people said: Xi followed the stop at the central bank with a visit to the state-owned China Banknote Printing and Minting Corp., which physically produces the yuan coins and banknotes for the PBOC.

His visit came as the yuan was trading at around 16-year lows against the dollar, a reflection of China’s faltering economic recovery after the pandemic as well as U.S. economic strength.
他的访问是在人民币对美元交易接近 16 年低点之际进行的,这反映了中国在疫情后经济复苏乏力以及美国经济强劲的情况。

Immediately after Xi’s visit, China’s state banks stepped up efforts to support the yuan by selling their dollar holdings. 

In the past year, the leader has called for a powerful currency as a way to build China into a financial superpower. A high-level meeting in December, which mapped out the leadership’s economic agenda for 2025, repeated the official mantra of keeping the exchange rate relatively stable while also pledging greater policy support for the economy.
在过去一年中,领导人呼吁建立一种强势货币,以将中国建设成为金融超级大国。12 月的一次高层会议制定了领导层 2025 年的经济议程,重申了保持汇率相对稳定的官方口号,同时承诺为经济提供更大的政策支持。

The People’s Bank of China maintains the ‘fix’—the daily guidepost for the yuan.
The People’s Bank of China maintains the ‘fix’—the daily guidepost for the yuan. Photo: Bloomberg News

More recently, as Trump’s inauguration approaches, currency traders have kept pushing the yuan to the weakest possible daily levels tolerated by the central bank, in anticipation that Beijing eventually will have to let the currency fall further to bolster the economy in another trade war with Washington.

Trump has pledged to place tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada and China immediately after taking office. On the campaign trail, he vowed to impose tariffs of up to 60% on imports from China. 
特朗普承诺在上任后立即对来自墨西哥、加拿大和中国的进口商品征收关税。在竞选期间,他发誓对来自中国的进口商品征收高达 60%的关税。

Another reason Beijing wants to avoid a big fall in the yuan’s value is the desire to avoid antagonizing Trump and keep open channels of negotiations with his team, according to the people close to decision-making.

Memories are still fresh in Beijing’s power corridors of the events following its decision to allow the yuan to slip past the level of 7 to the dollar on Aug. 4, 2019, for the first time in more than a decade. Then-president Trump immediately raised tariffs in response.
记忆仍然鲜活在北京权力走廊中,回忆起 2019 年 8 月 4 日其决定让人民币首次在十多年内跌破 7 对美元的水平后的事件。时任总统特朗普立即提高了关税作为回应。

For weeks, the central bank has been trying to keep the yuan stable at the current level of about 7.33 per dollar, a roughly 11% decline against the greenback since early 2018. 
数周以来,中央银行一直试图将人民币稳定在当前约 7.33 美元的水平,自 2018 年初以来,相对于美元大约下降了 11%。

To that end, the PBOC has largely kept its daily guidepost for the yuan, known as the “fix,” in a narrow range around 7.2 to the dollar, despite a surging greenback. Authorities have also made it harder for traders to bet against the yuan, in some cases calling in for questioning those seen as “maliciously shorting” the currency.
为此,中国人民银行在美元大幅上涨的情况下,基本上将人民币的每日指导价(称为“中间价”)维持在 7.2 左右的狭窄区间内。有关部门还加大了对交易员做空人民币的打击力度,在某些情况下,召集被视为“恶意做空”该货币的交易员进行问询。

Setser at the CFR and other analysts believe that China has a war chest of dollar reserves it can tap into if it wants to defend the yuan at a certain level. The central bank spent about $1 trillion propping up the currency a decade ago, when a move to loosen currency controls led to persistent selloffs. Authorities can also make it harder for both businesses and individuals to move money out of China.
CFR 的 Setser 和其他分析师认为,中国拥有一笔美元储备,可以在想要将人民币维持在某一水平时动用。十年前,中央银行花费了约 1 万亿美元来支撑货币,当时放松货币管制导致持续的抛售。有关当局还可以使企业和个人更难将资金转出中国。


What steps should China take if it faces a trade fight with Washington? Join the conversation below.

But one disadvantage Beijing has today is the widening gap between China’s plunging sovereignty yields and the soaring yields in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. That has led Chinese exporters to hoard cash overseas instead of repatriating the funds back to China, a trend that has contributed to a weaker yuan.

A yuan free of government intervention would be trading around 8 per dollar these days, some analysts say, acknowledging the difficulty in estimating its market value as the yuan has never been driven by market forces. Goldman Sachs expects the yuan to depreciate to 7.5 against the dollar by the middle of this year, the weakest in nearly two decades.
一些分析师表示,若没有政府干预,人民币如今的交易价格大约在每美元 8 元左右,并承认由于人民币从未受到市场力量的驱动,估算其市场价值的难度。高盛预计,到今年年中,人民币对美元将贬值至 7.5,创下近二十年来的最低水平。

“The market is uniformly bearish on yuan but not much can be done at the moment,” said Alvin Tan, head of Asia foreign-exchange strategy at RBC Capital Markets. “The PBOC is still supporting it, but eventually they’ll have to let it go, particularly once the U.S. raises tariffs on China imports.” 
“市场对人民币的看法普遍看跌,但目前也无能为力,”RBC 资本市场亚洲外汇策略负责人阿尔文·谭表示。“中国人民银行仍在支持人民币,但最终他们将不得不放手,特别是在美国提高对中国进口的关税之后。”

Write to Lingling Wei at Lingling.Wei@wsj.com and Rebecca Feng at rebecca.feng@wsj.com
请联系 Lingling Wei,邮箱是 Lingling.Wei@wsj.com,以及 Rebecca Feng,邮箱是 rebecca.feng@wsj.com。

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Appeared in the January 18, 2025, print edition as 'China Split on Weakening Yuan to Fight Trump Tariffs'.
出现在 2025 年 1 月 18 日的印刷版中,标题为“为了对抗特朗普关税,中国在贬值人民币问题上出现分歧”。

