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English Picture Book Lesson Plan "The Hungry Caterpillar"

English Picture Book Lesson Plan: The Hungry Caterpillar

Preset Goals:


Understand the content of the story and understand the growth and change process of the caterpillar.

Skills literacy

Able to use the sentence "week X, caterpillar ate X XX" to express it, and try to use body movements and musical instruments to act out the story.

Personal qualities

Feel the wonder of nature and experience the fun of stories in the process of observation and performance.

Course Schedule:


Step by step

Corresponding material

Import the activity

Observe the picture and import it as a story.

1. A small egg lying on a leaf in the moonlight, what is the sound of this? Who lives in this egg? (The teacher clicks on the PPT, and a caterpillar appears) It turned out to be a caterpillar!

2. Guide children to observe the appearance characteristics of Maomao:

1) What does a caterpillar look like? How does it walk?

2) Let's learn to crawl with a caterpillar, and the caterpillar crawls with its fingers bent and bent. (Teachers and children use their index fingers to do caterpillar crawling movements on their arms)


Picture books to read together

Look closely at the picture and understand the story.

1. On Sunday morning, the warm sun rises and the caterpillar gets up, listen carefully, what does the caterpillar say? (The caterpillar's stomach is so hungry)

2. The caterpillar's stomach is hungry, it has no strength at all, and it is very unhappy, what should I do? (Children discuss freely and think about it)

3. This caterpillar is so hungry that it has to find something to eat. What does it eat? How many did you eat? Let's count them together. (Guide the toddler to say the phrase: On Monday, the caterpillar ate an apple) How did it eat it? (Teachers and children imitate the action of a caterpillar eating an apple, ah, woo, take a bite)

4. After eating an apple, the caterpillar is still so hungry. On Tuesday, it went out again to find food, what did it eat? How many did you eat? (Guide the children to say the sentence pattern: Tuesday, the caterpillar ate two pears, and the teacher and child imitated the caterpillar's action of eating pears, ahhhh

5. Ouch, after eating two pears, the caterpillar is still so hungry. What did it eat on Wednesday? How many did you eat? (Guide the children to say the sentence: Wednesday, the caterpillar ate three plums, and the teacher and child imitated the caterpillar's action of eating plums, ahhhh

6. The caterpillar ate three plums and was still hungry. And what did it eat on Thursday? How many did you eat? (Guide the children to say the sentence: On Thursday, the caterpillar ate four strawberries, and the teacher and child imitated the action of the caterpillar eating strawberries, ahh

7. The caterpillar still feels hungry, and when it comes to Friday, what does the caterpillar eat? How many did you eat? (Guide the children to say the sentence: Thursday, the caterpillar ate five oranges, and the teacher and child imitated the caterpillar's action of eating oranges, ahh

8. Oops, the caterpillar's stomach is still so hungry, and on Saturday it goes looking for something to eat, let's see what it eats?

9. After eating so many delicacies, the caterpillar returned home satisfied, but at night, what happened to the caterpillar? (Click on the PPT to play the caterpillar's words: the caterpillar's stomach hurts) What should I do? (You can't eat so much indiscriminately, you will have a stomachache, you must eat a healthy diet, you can't overeat)

10. The caterpillar doesn't dare to eat indiscriminately anymore, and on Sunday, what does the caterpillar go to eat? The caterpillar that eats the leaf feels much more comfortable.

11. Wow, what's wrong with the caterpillar? What happened to it? (From a small caterpillar to a big, fat caterpillar)

12. The well-fed caterpillar has built itself a small house called a cocoon. The caterpillar fell asleep in the house, and when it woke up, it bit a hole in the cocoon, and something miraculous happened, what did the caterpillar become? (The caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly)

13. Interact with the game and recall the growth and change process of the caterpillar:

Children, remember how caterpillars turn into butterflies?

1) When I was born, I was just a small egg;

2) When I grew up, I became a cute caterpillar;

3) After a few more days, when I have eaten enough, I begin to dissolve into cocoons;

4) When I came out of the cocoon, I became a dancing butterfly.


Rhythm game

3. The picture book rhythm game "Hungry Caterpillar".

1. Show a rhythm video and act out the story with body movements based on the words. (Refer to the demonstration video for specific actions)

Now, let's listen to the music and learn about caterpillars! (Play rhythm video)

A hungry caterpillar (right index finger arched four times over left arm)

Ate an apple on Monday (three laps on the leg and one palm opening and closing)

Ate two pears on Tuesday (pat the leg twice, palm open and close twice)

Ate three plums on Wednesday (one lap on the leg and three times with the palm)

A hungry caterpillar (right index finger arched four times over left arm)

Ate four strawberries on Thursday (one lap on the leg and three palms open)

Ate five oranges on Friday (one lap on the leg and three palms open)

I ate a lot of food on Saturday (one lap on the leg, three palms open/close)

The caterpillar's stomach hurts so much (arch the right index finger twice on the left arm and pat the stomach twice)

Ate a leaf on Sunday (pat your legs three times, open and close your palms once)

Built a small house (put the tips of your fingers together four times to make a house)

Change into a beautiful butterfly (turn your hands into fists four times in front of your chest, open your hands to learn to fly a butterfly)