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"We're just two slow dancers, last ones out"


“Thank you for being my friend.”

Wifies and Parrot have one final conversation.



I had a itch over this scene and I needed to rewrite it. SO ENJOY ME REWRITING THE FINAL SCENE OF WIFES AND PARROT

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:  作品文本:

Parrot lets out a sharp exhale, seeing his breath within the light snowfall. He looks out at the distant setting sun watching it slowly move closer behind the mountains. It’s such a peaceful sight, and yet his mind is clouded with thoughts.
Parrot 猛地呼出一口气,在小雪中看到了自己的呼吸。他望着远处的夕阳,看着它慢慢地向群山后面靠近。这是如此宁静的景象,但他的头脑却被思绪所笼罩。

He turns his gaze towards his companion, analyzing his face, never realizing how tired he looked. Did he always look this tired, and was he too unobservant to notice?

“Wifies, I have a question,” Parrot says. He watches his best friend slowly turn his head, clearly holding something back from being said with the small exhale before their eyes both meet.
“Wifies,我有一个问题,”Parrot 说。他看着他最好的朋友慢慢地转过头来,显然在他们两人的眼睛相遇之前,他轻轻地呼出一口气,不让自己说出什么。

Wifies lets out a chuckled sigh. “What is it?” He says in an inevitably tired tone.

“Why are you still by my side? Despite everything. I told you so many times to leave me alone, and yet you found a way to get back into my life and were able to gain my trust again.” He says, watching the soft gaze within his ally's eyes change into a seemingly hurt one.

How is Wifies hurt by him? He’s done nothing wrong; he was the one to betray him; it never was the other way around. His ally was the one who burned the compass and hid the fact that another one of their friends, Dean, was the traitor. How is he at fault? It’s all Wifies fault.?
维兹是怎么被他伤害的?他没有做错任何事情;是他背叛了他;它从来都不是相反的。他的盟友是烧毁指南针并隐瞒他们的另一个朋友 Dean 是叛徒的事实的人。他有什么错?这都是 Wifies 的错。?

He watches as his friend opens his mouth for a moment, and yet no words come out before he closes it once again.

Why isn’t he replying? All he asked was a simple question; he never got why Wifies was always by his side, always wanting to protect him. It seemed so overbearing.

He watches as the man beside him runs a hand through his hair, clearly losing himself within his thoughts, before taking a deep breath and looking back into his eyes. Is Wifies tearing up?
他看着身边的男人用一只手抚摸着他的头发,显然让自己沉浸在自己的思绪中,然后深吸一口气,回头看着他的眼睛。Wifies 在流泪吗?

“Why do you think Parrot?” he hears his friend say in an exhausted tone, clearly not wanting to deal with this conversation. He watches as his ally takes out the spyglass.

“I’ve given you my all; I have followed you through every single plan of yours without question.” He continued before Parrot gave him a confused expression and cut him off.

“What do you mean every single plan? You betrayed me back at that village, remember?” Parrot says in an annoyed tone, looking down at the spyglass within the man's hands before back up to his eyes.
“你每个计划是什么意思?你在那个村子里背叛了我,记得吗?Parrot 用恼怒的语气说,低头看了看男人手中的望远镜,然后又回到了他的眼睛上。

Wifies seems hesitant to speak up, he takes another deep breath. “That’s one event and we figured out how to get past it” he says in a tired tone.

“Barely! Bro, you betrayed me but I still needed a team still so I let you back in. Why are you taking that as a way of forgiveness? You still betrayed me, I won’t get past that till you prove to me that you won’t do it again or explain why you did that” Parrot snaps back at him

He sees as the man in front of him seemingly tensed up. “I was showing you that I cared about you back then. Why couldn’t you see that?!” Wifies shouts the question towards him, making his face change into a more shocked expression.

What is Wifies going on about? He didn’t show any sort of care? His best friend, or he should say ally, regardless, he did a selfish action by burning the compass; he wanted to give up; he wanted to run away; he's the problem.
Wifies 是怎么回事?他没有表现出任何关心?他最好的朋友,或者他应该说是盟友,无论如何,他烧了罗盘,做了一个自私的行为;他想放弃;他想逃跑;他就是问题所在。

“No, you didn't; you overreacted and abandoned me in the woods alone!” Parrot shouts back, hearing the scoff that the man in front of him let out.
“不,你没有;你反应过度,把我一个人丢在树林里!Parrot 大喊大叫,听到了他面前的男人发出的嘲笑。

“I can agree that maybe I stepped a bit out of line for burning the compass, but I did not abandon you in those woods. You left me; you let me sit in that village alone till I caved and found my way to civilization just to try and see you again.” Wifies says in a hurt tone, taking a deep breath before continuing.

“Then all you did was shout at me. I let it happen. I believed that I deserved it. I always let you use me without any sort of question, all I wanted to do was keep you safe.” His friend says, looking down at the spyglass with a sad gaze.

Parrot's fists clench. “I never asked or wanted you to do any of that!” he shouts, and as the words slip out, he feels the washing waves of guilt in him.
Parrot 的拳头紧握。“我从来没有要求或希望你做任何那些事!”他喊道,随着话语的滑落,他感到一阵阵的罪恶感在他心中涌动。

What is he doing? He does care about Wifies, and yet all he's ever done is hurt him. Was he really the one at fault? That's not possible, right? He's not the one at fault, right? How is he just realizing this now? Why has his ally never spoken up about this before?
他在做什么?他确实关心 Wifi,但他所做的一切都是为了伤害他。他真的是错的吗?这是不可能的,对吧?他不是错的那个人,对吧?他现在是怎么意识到这一点的呢?为什么他的盟友以前从未谈论过这件事?

“I’m sorry—I didn't mean that. I just got too heated”, Parrot says, looking down at the snow below him; he feels like a shamed dog, refusing to make eye contact with the man who clearly cares about him more than anything in this lifetime.
“对不起——我不是那个意思。我只是太热了“,Parrot 说,低头看着他下面的雪;他觉得自己像一条羞愧的狗,拒绝与这个显然在乎他胜过今生任何事情的男人进行眼神交流。

“I know,” the man in front of him says in a shaky tone.

This whole time, it's always been him and Wifies, and yet he always felt so alone; he never processed all the things his best friend has done for him. He tested; he hurt him over and over again.
这整个时间,都是他和 Wifies,但他总是感到如此孤独;他从来没有处理过他最好的朋友为他做的所有事情。他测试了一下;他一遍又一遍地伤害他。

And yet through all that he still stayed. Through it all, it's always been them against everyone else, side by side. How did he let himself get lost in the cause? In this idea that he has to save everyone but in reality it was just to feel better about himself.

How did he let himself hurt his best friend this much to the point where he wouldn’t even fight back against him just because he wanted to be by his side?

Parrot takes a deep, shaky breath, feeling as his breath starts to shorten and become more rapid. He feels his mind spiral downwards with realization of his actions, he feels sick to his stomach.
Parrot 深吸一口气,颤抖着,感觉自己的呼吸开始变得急促。他感觉到自己的思想随着自己的行为而螺旋式下降,他感到胃部不适。

A couple moments pass, the silent is deafening and yet his mind is so loud, shaming him for his actions.

The next thing he felt that broke him out of his tortuous mind was arms wrapped around him.

After all he's done to Wifies, he still cares? How can he be hugging him? He is a terrible person. How can he still be by his side?
在他对 Wifies 做了这么多之后,他还在乎吗?他怎么能拥抱他呢?他是一个可怕的人。他怎么还在身边呢?

He takes a deep breath before hugging him back as tears fall from his eyes as he puts his face against Wifies chest.

“Thank you for being my friend.” He mutters into his chest, squeezing his arms around his companion.

“I am so sorry for everything I put you through” , he says into his best friend's chest.

His friend doesn’t respond, just his grip around Parrot tightens. He feels safe, maybe he can prove himself to his ally that he would work harder to change, to listen to him.

He moves his head to then look up at Wifies, wanting to see his expression along his face as well as say more towards him. He opens his mouth for a moment then shuts it when he tries to make eye contact with him.
他转头看向 Wifies,想看看他的脸上的表情,同时也想对他说更多的话。他张开嘴一会儿,然后在试图与他进行眼神交流时闭上了嘴。

Why does his face look so fuzzy? Why can’t he recognize his own closest friend? The snow isn’t even affecting his visibility; what’s going on? Is he dying? Is this even reality? Is this somehow Ash’s doing?
为什么他的脸看起来这么模糊?为什么他认不出自己最亲密的朋友呢?雪甚至没有影响他的能见度;这是怎么回事?他快死了吗?这甚至是现实吗?这是 Ash 在做什么吗?

He tries to blink to try and see Wifies's face, but it was no use. He feels everything around him start to turn into a void, watching as he is now alone.
他试图眨眼试图看到 Wifies 的脸,但没用。他感觉到周围的一切都开始变得虚无,看着他现在孤身一人。

Nothing around him, it's just darkness. It was so quiet and yet his ears were ringing.

“Parrot?”  “鹦鹉?”

“Parrot!”  “鹦鹉!”

He feels himself being shaken awake; he opens his eyes seeing Spoke on top of him. He doesn’t reply and looks around. He is lying on snow?
他觉得自己被摇醒了;他睁开眼睛,看到 Spoke 在他身上。他没有回答,而是环顾四周。他躺在雪地上?

He looks to his right side to see the mountains. Not hearing nor caring about the man who shaken him awake

Was it all a dream?

Wifies died, and he couldn't even apologize or even thank him.

It was all his fault.

Notes:  笔记:

I hope you all enjoyed :]
我希望你们都喜欢 :]

(Writing requests are open)