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× is a series of large scale portraits of pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars, depicted in pairs, mounted on public buildings throughout the city of Brno, Czechia. The work was commissioned for the 2022 BAO Biennial, entitled gGeEnn - Mendel Is… an Artist!.
×是一系列豌豆(Pisum sativum)品种的大型肖像画,成对描绘,安装在捷克布尔诺市的公共建筑上。该作品受委托参加 2022 年 BAO 双年展,题为 gGeEnn - Mendel Is...艺术家!。

The exhibition's theme was centered around the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel, whose legacy is based on his experiments with cross breeding different pea varieties, which led him to discover the laws of heredity. Schematics of these experiments usually depict the peas as stylized green or yellow spheres with either smooth or wrinkled skin. Breaking down the workings of genes into a few simple properties and rules helps us to understand their fundamentals. But this simplification also entices us to believe that we could easily master and control the working of genes. Genes are infinitely complex, and the genome of the pea in particular is 1.4 times larger than that of a human.
展览的主题是以奥古斯丁修道士格雷戈尔·孟德尔(Gregor Mendel)为中心,他的遗产是基于他对不同豌豆品种的杂交育种的实验,这使他发现了遗传定律。这些实验的示意图通常将豌豆描绘成程式化的绿色或黄色球体,皮肤光滑或起皱。将基因的运作分解为一些简单的属性和规则有助于我们理解它们的基本原理。但这种简化也诱使我们相信,我们可以很容易地掌握和控制基因的工作。基因是无限复杂的,特别是豌豆的基因组是人类的1.4倍。

The pea varieties shown throughout Brno during BAO give a glimpse into the diversity of this plant. The chosen pea varieties are historic, non-proprietary, open pollinated cultivars, some of them going back to before Mendel's time. Peas are one of the oldest crop plants, and like all domesticated plants, they have formed a symbiotic relationship with humans. Thousands of years of cultivation and crossbreeding have changed the pea. It has become an anthropocenic species, in that it combines the needs and desires of the original plant with those of its human caretaker. This is also evident in how these cultivars are named, often after the people who grew them, their hometowns or their culinary traditions. Each cultivar is unique, and has properties or combinations of properties that none of the others have. By showing two distinct cultivars next to each other these differences become especially apparent. The photographic process and magnification turns the humble, mundane, almost boring pea into something strange, beautiful and spectacular. It is no longer just an utilitarian crop, but can be recognized as a complex life form. The depiction in pairs leads to an additional anthropomorphization. In a strange way one can relate to the peas by drawing comparisons to human couples, relationships, or dating ads. Mendel was well aware of the sexual connotations of his work. He turned to breeding peas in a steamy greenhouse after his Bishop prohibited him from continuing his experiments with breeding mice, as these were deemed too obscene for a monk to observe.

The peas shown here were obtained from farmers around Berlin and from Germany's crop seed bank IPK in Gatersleben. I used microscope lenses together with focus stacking and stitching techniques to photograph the peas in small increments, resulting in images that are so detailed that individual cells become visible. Each pea is composed of several hundred individual photographs.
这里展示的豌豆来自柏林周围的农民和位于盖特斯莱本的德国作物种子库 IPK。我使用显微镜镜头以及焦点堆叠和拼接技术以小增量拍摄豌豆,从而产生如此详细的图像,以至于单个细胞变得清晰可见。每颗豌豆都由数百张单独的照片组成。

Ambrosia × Den Beg

Assas × Brenzlauer 阿萨斯×布伦茨劳

Bisilia Atar × Perdro 比西利亚·阿塔尔 × 佩德罗

Carouby de Maussane × PIS 1398

Dwarf Grey Sugar × Serge
侏儒灰糖 × Serge

Enders Eifeler Zuckererbse × Nola
恩德斯·艾菲勒·扎克勒布斯 × 诺拉

Familie Kemen × Weltacker

Frühe Heinrich × Hoedinger Futtererbse

Goldkönigin × Grüne Perle

Graue Buntblühende Zucker × Telephone × Olho preto
Graue Buntblühende Zucker × 电话 × Olho preto

Hadmerslebener Grüne × Zeiners Gold

Kapuziner 42 × Progress de Laxton
Kapuziner 42 × Progress de Laxton(拉克斯顿进步酒店)

Klatovská Ozimá × Schweizer Marmorerbse

Monster × Svalöfs Belloart

Mutant Orange Pods × Omega
Mutant Orange Pods × 欧米茄

Münchener Weißblühende Winter × Sugar Ann

Ostfriesische Grüne × Atar

Pacemaker × Shiraz 设拉子起搏器×

Palma × Lincoln 帕尔马×林肯

PIS 2716 × Sugar Bon

Pis 7274 × Sugar Magnolia
Pis 7274 × 糖玉兰

PIS 7476 × Blauwschokkers

Rannij Mozgovoj × Golden Sweet

Red Fox × Ruga 红狐狸×鲁加

Roveja Di Castelluccio × Opal Creek

Schweizer Riesen Goldgelb × Milión Zeleny

Serpette Express × Nordost
Serpette Express × Nordost(诺多斯特塞尔佩特快捷酒店)

Spring Blush × Small Black Pea

Strengs Weihenstephaner Felderbse × Weibulls Kloster
严格的魏恩斯蒂芬·费尔德布斯(Weihenstephaner Felderbse)×魏布尔修道院

Sugar Snap × Ostpreußische Peluschke St
Sugar Snap × Ostpreußische Peluschke 街

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃

FOTO: Michaela Dvořáková 摄影:米凯拉·德沃夏科娃


gGeEnn - Mendel Is… an Artist!
gGeEnn - 孟德尔是...艺术家!

Brno, Czechia 布尔诺, 捷克
Works by Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny (SK/NL), Anna Hulačová (CZ), Kuai Shen (EC/D), Saša Spačal (SI), Jiří Y. Suchánek (CZ), Uli Westphal (D)

Curated by Milan Mikuláštík, Milan Kreuzzieger
策展人:Milan Mikuláštík, Milan Kreuzzieger

Hosted by House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic
房东:House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic
