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How Hot Is Cold Storage? A First Look At Lineage
冷藏市場有多熱?初探 Lineage

Sep. 01, 2024 7:00 AM ETLineage, Inc. (LINE) Stock17 Comments
(10min) (10 分鐘)

Summary 摘要

  • Lineage Inc., the world's largest cold storage REIT, has a mission-critical role in the supply chain with significant industry advantages and impressive growth.
    Lineage Inc.,全球最大的冷藏倉儲房地產投資信託公司,在供應鏈中扮演著關鍵角色,擁有顯著的行業優勢和令人印象深刻的增長。
  • Despite its compelling business model, Lineage's current valuation is high, leaving limited room for upside, making it wise to wait for a better entry price.
    儘管其商業模式引人注目,Lineage 目前的估值仍然偏高,留給上漲的空間有限,因此等待更好的進場價格是明智的選擇。
  • The company boasts a diversified customer base, automation investments, and potential future dividends, enhancing its attractiveness for long-term investors.
  • Investing in new public companies like Lineage can be challenging due to limited data and often lofty valuations, so monitoring for a more attractive price is recommended.
    投資於像 Lineage 這樣的新上市公司可能會面臨挑戰,因為數據有限且估值通常較高,因此建議監控更具吸引力的價格。
  • Looking for a helping hand in the market? Members of iREIT®+HOYA Capital get exclusive ideas and guidance to navigate any climate. Learn More »
    在市場中尋找幫助嗎?iREIT®+HOYA Capital 的成員可獲得獨家想法和指導,以應對任何環境。了解更多 »
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IPOs can be tricky.

Buying a company that just went public comes with risks, as available data tends to be limited – at least compared to companies that have been public for many years.

Nonetheless, sometimes an IPO is so important
儘管如此,有時候首次公開募股(IPO)是如此重要,以至於值得關注。其中之一是 Lineage, Inc.(NASDAQ: LINE)的首次公開募股,這是全球最大的冷藏倉儲不動產投資信託基金(REIT)。

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今天就加入 iREIT® 在 Alpha,獲取最深入的研究,包括 REITs、mREIT、優先股、BDC、MLP、ETF、建築商和資產管理公司。我們的 iREIT® 追蹤器提供超過 250 個股票代碼的數據,並附有我們的質量評分、買入目標和減持目標。

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我們最近新增了一個全新的評分追蹤器,名為 iREIT 買入區,幫助會員篩選價值。使用我們的免費兩週試用,您沒有任何損失。

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This article was written by

Brad Thomas profile picture
117.55K Followers 117.55K 追隨者

Brad Thomas has over 30 years of real estate investing experience and has acquired, developed, or brokered over $1B in commercial real estate transactions. He has been featured in Barron's, Bloomberg, Fox Business, and many other media outlets. He's the author of four books, including the latest, REITs For Dummies.
布拉德·托馬斯擁有超過 30 年的房地產投資經驗,並已經收購、開發或經紀超過 10 億美元的商業房地產交易。他曾在《巴倫周刊》、《彭博社》、《福克斯商業新聞》等多家媒體上亮相。他是四本書的作者,其中包括最新的《REITs 入門》。

Brad, along with HOYA Capital, lead the investing group iREIT®+HOYA Capital. The service covers REITs, BDCs, MLPs, Preferreds, and other income-oriented alternatives. The team of analysts has a combined 100+ years of experience and includes a former hedge fund manager, due diligence officer, portfolio manager, PhD, military veteran, and advisor to a former U.S. President.

Learn more

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, but may initiate a beneficial Long position through a purchase of the stock, or the purchase of call options or similar derivatives in LINE over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
分析師聲明:我/我們在文中提及的任何公司均未持有股票、期權或類似衍生品,但可能在接下來的 72 小時內通過購買股票或購買 LINE 的看漲期權或類似衍生品來建立有利的多頭頭寸。我是自己撰寫這篇文章,並表達了我自己的觀點。我並未因此獲得任何報酬(除了來自 Seeking Alpha 的報酬)。我與本文中提及的任何公司的股票均無商業關係。

I own COLD and IRET.
我擁有 COLD 和 IRET。

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.
Seeking Alpha 的聲明:過去的表現並不保證未來的結果。並未對任何投資是否適合特定投資者提供建議或推薦。上述表達的任何觀點或意見可能不代表 Seeking Alpha 的整體立場。Seeking Alpha 並不是持牌的證券經紀商、經紀人或美國投資顧問或投資銀行。我們的分析師是第三方作者,包括專業投資者和可能未經任何機構或監管機構認證的個人投資者。

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Comments (17)

Hi Brad, any updated thoughts now that they have declared a dividend?
I'm interested in this stock and haven't seen much writteb about it yet. I bought a small position to incwntive monitoring. Based on your compelling comments on valuation I'll hold off for conditons to change before adding. Thanks for the article!
Veritas1010 profile picture
Excellent Brad nice focus!

Own some $COLD but will be watching this one.

Have a good Labor Day!
pigeonguy profile picture
Excellent article, thank you for sharing with us.
Yld Seeker profile picture
Keen to follow this one as well. And agreed valuation is full. Roll up strategy and standardizing operations should provide improving operating margins for years but probably very slowly.
NickFX profile picture
Great read, thanks brad
Downeast profile picture
Ah very good…been waiting for this from the hardest working man in the Reit biz !
I am also waiting and wanting so I appreciate the help in figuring out at what price.
To me this industry touches many important aspects in the economy to be aware of.
You didnt say, but from the mention of management, automation, and tech they may be a better choice than COLD…my take
All the best
Brad Thomas profile picture
@Downeast Thanks for reading and sharing. I appreciate the kind words. As things move forward I’ll continue to update my opinion on the better pick between the two.
All the best.
Cold storage is critical but who are the other players beside COLD and LINE? Energy costs in the US will be approaching European levels in the next 10 years. What happens then?
The Dividend Collectuh profile picture
Great write up and look into LINE. Thanks Brad
Brad Thomas profile picture
@The Dividend Collectuh Thanks for reading, have a great Labor Day.
The article reminds me of the one you wrote on TPL last year. While both are great business, I just don’t understand the valuation multiple.
In case of time, I would highly appreciate an update on TPL.
Brad Thomas profile picture
@AlphaSierra Thanks for reminding me.

Have a great Labor Day weekend and all the best
Sounds like the issues related to operating costs at COLD are largely sidestepped at Lineage.
Brad Thomas profile picture
@Spanishmoss Yes, excited to add this one to our watch list.... and we are also adding to the iREIT 100 (selection basket for IRET). All the best

Long COLD and IRET
Pacman13 profile picture
Thank you Brad. Very interesting. Putting this one on the watchlist. So if they are obligated to pay a div, why aren't they?
Brad Thomas profile picture
@Pacman13 The primary law to remember is that REITs must payout at least 90% of their taxable income annually... and most payout 100% (of taxable income). Also remember that LINE (like COLD and IRM) have operating businesses (trucks, etc) that contribute to expenses. I'm glad that we're adding LINE to our REIT coverage at iREIT + HOYA.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!
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