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超级奔跑者的崛起 Ajo Urney到EdgeFhuman Endurance


I give myself almost six months to get in shape totackle the South Devon ultra,which takes place in February,but by Christmas I'm still struggling to build up my training.I haven't yet managed to get out for a run longer than two hours.I need to embrace the early mornings-I see from the increasing number of ultra runners Ifollow on social media that this is when they train in order to fit it in around the rest of their lives.But it is easy to say.In reality,in the middle of winter,when the alarm goes off at 6 a.m.,and you canfeel theicy chill outside the duvet,the tiredness rushing back in waves,flooding your whole body,sucking you back down into the bed.….then it's easy to think:I'll go later.That will be fine.I need to rest,sleep is importanttoo.Sleep is nice.
自己六个mo nths,达到2月份举行南德文郡Ultra身材但是到了圣诞节,我仍在努力建立训练还没有设法出去跑步更长时间两个小时需要拥抱早晨-越来越超级跑步看到这样媒体他们训练适应其余时候但是容易现实中 id = 73 >冬季中旬,当警报在凌晨6点发出时,您可以羽绒被外冷却,疲倦涌向海浪,淹没了您的整个身体,将您的身体回到床上很容易想到稍后再去需要休息,睡眠重要睡得很好

But once the day is up and running,the time gets taken.My three children,Lila,Uma and Ossian,need drivingto school,my office expects me to turn up for work,I need to eat,wash up, then I get tired again.I'll go for twice as long the next morning,Itell myself.I'll get up early and go for a big run at 5a.m.Ican do three hours before anyone wakes up.

ButIdon't.And itrepeats.
但是, iTrepeats。

Of course,I run sometimes.I total around forty miles in a good week.But it's not enough to start feeling anything like an ultrarunner.

This is where I am when my brother,who lives in Edinburgh,challenges me and our other brother to a 25-mile trail race in Scotland.It seems a good chance to test my fitness,to practise running a longish race over rough terrain.It's a good stepping stone to my first ultra.But this is no friendly,'let's do something together and see if we can get around'type challenge.This is more of a race-to-the-death type challenge.

I'm the eldest of three brothers,all close in age.It was always a tough place to be,forever trying to keep one step ahead.I remember clearly the day in the learner pool,when I was five years old, and my middle brother,Jiva,who was only three,began to swim.In a blur of confused emotions, within five minutes,I too had learned to swim.
三个兄弟长子Ag E. It一直一个艰难地方永远试图保持一步​我的中间兄弟吉瓦(Jiva)只有三岁,开始游泳。分钟之内学会游泳

The most humiliating moment in my sporting life was the day the swimming club promoted my two brothers to the next-level group ahead of me.I quit swimming that day.And took up running.

I was better at running.Luckily for me,over the years,our sibling rivalry has tended to focus mostly around running.We've completed countless fiercely contested races together.Even our training runs almost always turn into battles by the end.We always agree,before we start,that there will be no racing.But at some point,youjust know,someone is going to make a move.I'm not talking about picking up the pace because he feels good,but making a move,trying to'win'.Jiva is especially known for his'moves',sometimes made right at the start of the run in an effort to catch us on the hop.
擅长跑步。对我来说,多年来我们的兄弟姐妹竞争倾向于主要集中跑步上。我们已经完成了ED无数激烈竞争比赛。即使我们的训练几乎总是结束变成战斗开始之前我们总是同意任何赛车举动,尝试' win'.jivaHis'mo闻名 id = 72 > ves '有时跑步开始制作抓住我们跳跃

My two brothers,Jiva and the youngest,Govinda,are both competent runners.Jiva ran at county level as a schoolboyand Govinda has a marathon best of 3hrs 12mins.But I've always had the edge over them.Well,almost.The occasions they'vebeaten me have gone down in sibling folk- lore.There was that time in 1997 in Northampton.First Jiva passed me.Then Govinda passed us both.Sure,it was only a friendly Sunday run,but it was the first time I'd ever been beaten by either of them.Over twenty years later,it still comes up regularly at family gatherings.
我的两个兄弟吉瓦 Jiva 年轻 Govinda 都是能干跑步吉瓦 Jiva他们让失望兄弟姐妹的民间载体 1997年的那个时候在北安普敦(Northampton)。首先,吉瓦(Jiva 通过然后 Govinda 'd曾经两个殴打十年,这家庭聚会定期出现

So when Govinda throws down the latest gauntlet-a race called the Great Wilderness Chal- lenge in the Scottish Highlands-Iknow it's going to be no picnic.He has recently taken uprunning through the mountains for fun at the weekends,so Iknow hefancies his chances.All my previous race victories havecome onthe hard,sure smoothness of the roads.This race-hilly trail running -is still not my territory.But Ihave to start somewhere ifI'm going to become an ultra runner,and a race against my brothers is the perfect impetus to get me moving.
因此,Govinda击中最新的Gaun Tlet - A种族称为大荒野” Challenge苏格兰高地- ikn Ow不是野餐他的机会以前比赛胜利艰难肯定道路这场比赛-赛车-仍然不是领土我的兄弟们对抗搬家完美动力

Suddenly I'm off training in the hills of the nearby Dartmoor national park.My first attempts don't go well.I end up struggling after about 10 miles,barely ableto move beyond walking pace. My watch tells me I've been running at a speed I would normally consider a slow jog,but it feels a lot tougher out on the moor.It's not just the hills,but the bumpy,soggy terrain,which jolts you out of any rhythm at every step.I find myself getting annoyed.Occasionally I kick a rock,or one of my legs knocks against the other and I almost stumble,and Ifind myself cursing.Whose stupid idea was this?As soon as Ifind a bit of road,it feels like coming home,back to what I know.Back to running.
突然,附近的达特穆尔Dartmoor n national Park)山丘进行训练。我的第一次尝试不好我最终在大约10英里后挣扎,几乎没有阿布莱托(Ableto)超越步行步伐。我的手表告诉一直在跑步通常会考虑缓慢慢跑但是沼地上感觉更加艰难。不仅山丘而且y潮湿地形使震惊每一个步骤任何节奏。我发现自己生气。从而在我身上踢了一块岩石,或者一只 id = 72 >另一个跌倒如果自己诅咒什么愚蠢主意 ​。

I may be struggling,but Jiva is faring even worse.He lives in London and his job,and moving house,are taking up all his time.And the more we read about the race,the less it seems to be one you can muddle through.Jiva once completed the Edinburgh Marathon with barely any training. But hitting the wall along the seafront in Edinburgh is one thing;it is another to falter out in the Highlands.The race requires runners to carry waterproofs,a map and a compass in case of emer- gency.This is not a fun run.
可能正在挣扎但是JIV A情况甚至更糟吉瓦(Jiva)曾经几乎没有任何训练完成了Ed Inburgh马拉松比赛。但是爱丁堡海滨撞墙一回事高地摇摇欲坠另一回事种族要求跑步携带防水地图指南针以防万一 id = 73> emer -gencence。这不是一个有趣运行。

In the end he realises he istoo unprepared and he pulls out,leaving it as a straight fight,mano amano,between me and mountain man Govinda.
最后意识到自己没有做好准备撤出了,将作为一场直率的战斗,我和我和阿恩·曼·戈文达之间的马诺·阿曼诺(Mano Amano )。

30minsleftin chapter 11%

Theultrarunner的崛起 Ajourneyhumanendurance边缘

We drive upto the Highlands from Edinburgh the night before the race,arriving in Poolewe,north- west of Inverness,in squalls of driving rain,the mountains hulking silent in the darkness on both sides.The closer we get,the more the wind howls.We both look out the window nervously,not sayinganything.
我们比赛一天晚上爱丁堡开车到高地,到达因弗内斯西北部的普尔威,在驾驶雨水大战双方黑暗 hulkin g serial silent silent 我们越近我们就越靠近 wind叫。我们俩都紧张看着窗外,没有说什么。

The next morning,the rain is still falling,and when we arrive at the start there is bad news. The weather is so bad that the organisers are changing the route to avoid the most treacherous sections.It turns out that one organiser,while out checking the course the day before,got swept away by a river and is now in hospital.A few weeks later we hear that he has died.The mountains are not to be fooled with,and I for one am not complaining when we are told that instead of a 25- mile run across a section ofthe Highland's most rugged wilderness,the race has now been cut to a 19-mile out-and-back section,along a route that race veterans are glumly calling the most boring sectionof thecourse

Nobody is happy about the change,and I play along and look disappointed,but I'm secretly thrilled.Aflattish 19 miles is much better for me.Not only am I less likely to end upwalking,but Govinda'sstrength is themountains.He gives me a rueful look-he knows what I'm thinking.
没有人这种变化感到高兴,并且看起来失望但是秘密地感到兴奋。aflattish 19英里来说好得多不仅可能最终走动,但Govinda'sstrength Rengtth他们Tains。给了一个令人毛骨悚然的外观,他知道我的想法

The Great Wilderness Challenge is a small,local race,and sowe line up with only around sev- enty other runners.I'm feeling sprightly as we stand at the start,and looking around I even begin to fancy my chancesof winning the overall race.The field doesn't look particularly intimidating.
伟大的荒野挑战一场小型当地比赛 Sowe其他跑步者排队我们站在开始感到非常兴奋看上去很兴奋甚至开始欣赏我的总体比赛机会

Govinda is trying to find a quiet moment,taking deep breaths.'He's stressing too much,'I think,my confidence rising.I havethe feeling this is already in the bag.

The beginning of the race is along a narrow trail where,we are told,it is hard to overtake,so we both get out fast.The first mile or so feels frantic,too quick,but Govinda is ahead of me,so I decide tokeep up.I can't let him get away.The path is soggy and rocky,twisty and up and down.It is im- possible to get any rhythm.
比赛开始沿着一条狭窄小径我们告知很难超越e 所以我们决定求职不能逃脱条路潮湿岩石曲折上下不可能

After about two miles,Govinda makes a mistake and runs wide,following the wrong path.I pounce,racing by him.He is soon back on my heels.I don't need to look behind,I can hear him splash,splashing along.His presence,so close behind,forces me on.I feel good,so I push hard up the hills,through the woods.His splashes begin to drop further and further behind.And each time Idare to glance back-I don't want to give him too much encouragement-he isfurther back.
大约英里 Govinda 造成薄雾ake沿着错误道路奔跑pre靠近地方迫使继续前进飞溅开始越来越 ID = 74>后退。

By about five miles Iam flying.Racing through the brooding landscape.'Boring',it turns out,is a relative term.The scenery iswild and beautiful.Though it is hard to look at it.Most of the time it isimperative to keep my eyes on the ground as the path is relentlessly boggyand uneven.One mis- placed step could be disastrous.

I begin to relax.In some ways,it is a shame Govinda hasn't put up more of a fight.I'm glad he hasn't,of course,but it is almost too easy.We're reaching the halfway point already.This is a breeze.
开始放松某些方面 Govinda没有进行更多战斗高兴当然没有已经轻松了。

Down the steep section to the turning around point,a few people catch me.Watching the ground I'm not aware who they are,but I can tell they are itching to get past.Rather than hold them up,Irun up on the grass beside the path to let them by.One,two,three,they goby.
沿着陡峭部分绕过有几个抓住看着知道他们地面可以告诉他们他们渴望超越他们 p ath他们经过

'Go on,Dhar,'saysthe last one. Huh?It's Govinda.
“继续达尔 嗯?是戈文达。

They make the turn and start coming back,and he runs past without looking at me.As I turn and begin to clamber back up the way we came,my legs feel suddenly heavy.I can't findthe strength to even try to stay with him.I can only watch as he startsto pull away,looking strong,like aman making his move.I am done.Ihave nothing.

I struggle on gamely.I have vague thoughts that he might blow up and come back to me, although Iknow it's unlikely.And also,in my charitable moments,I thinkit would be a shame if he did.I resign myselfto running my own race,but it is a longninemilesback to the finish.
游戏挣扎模糊想法可能炸毁回到身边尽管知道不太可能 ​,但这终点漫长返还

By the time I get there,Govinda is already changed,cheering me over the line.He says after- wards that he kept thinkingIwas going to come back past him,so he kept pushing hard.In the end he beat me by over 15 minutes.It was an annihilation.
到达那里的时候 Govinda已经改变,为加油助威不断想到回到身边,所以一直在努力最后击败了15分钟以上一个ac灭

Later,on the way home,he phones his wife.'How did it go?'I hear her ask.'T won,'he says.'You won the race?'she asks.No,he didn't win the actual race.But he won the race that mattered.He beathis big brother.
后来在回家路上妻子打电话 '听到声音实际比赛赢得重要比赛

So,well done to Govinda,but it isn't a great start for me.I realise that I need to get out on the trails more often,to learn to run up and down wet,muddy hills.To run with a pack on my back. Even though this race was only 19 miles,it was a long way from a road marathon.

Luckily,living in south Devon,I have the moor and 100-odd miles of coast path to train on.I justhave to get outthere.Embrace the early mornings.

By the time my ultra race rolls around a few weeks later,I'm feeling a little fitter,a little sharper,but I have still never run more than a marathon in one go.Even in Oman,no single stage was longer than 26.2 miles,so this is,in some ways,my first bona fide ultra marathon.Will my body hold out?There is only one way tofindout.
几周Ultra Race滚滚感到有点一个尖锐仍然从未参加一场马拉松比赛迈尔斯某些方面我的第一个真正超级马拉松。身体会伸出来吗?只有一种方法

24mins leftin chapter 12%


The day before the coastal ultra,there's a knock at my door.I open it on a striking-looking man: 5ft 10in tall,a big,rust-orange beard,long hair plaited at the front across his forehead,and a huge grin.

It's Tom Payn,a good friend of mine
是汤姆·佩恩(Tom Payn),我的好朋友

He has travelled downfrom Essextojoin me for the race. He'salso planning to runthe UTMB and is in the hunt for points.We can bea team.
他已经race而往下走了他计划运行UTMB正在寻找我们可以Bea Team。

Tom is a serious runner and Ialready know that he's likely to win the race tomorrow.In fact he tells methat he has never lost anultra racein the UK.
汤姆 Tom 是一位认真跑步者,伊尔 Ialdread 知道可能明天赢得比赛

I first met Tom in Kenya when he was the fourth-fastest marathon runner inthe UK.It was 2011 and he had given up a desk job at a water fltration company in Portsmouth to pursue his dream of qualifying for the London Olympics.He spent six months living in a Kenyan training camp in the small town of Iten,coping with cold showers,a hole in the ground for a loo,a tiny shared room,and beans and rice for lunch every day.He didn't quite cut the striking figure he does today,but he had afriendly face and a chirpy,generous nature,always willing to see the bright side of situations.Which was just as well because when hereturned from his six monthsin the Rift Val- ley,he ran a full ten minutes slower thanhis best time andmissed out onthe Olympics.
在肯尼亚首次肯尼亚遇到了汤姆当时英国第四名马拉松赛跑那是2011年朴茨茅斯一家水上公司放弃办公桌工作追求伦敦奥运会获得资格梦想几个月伊滕小镇肯尼亚训练生活,应对冷水淋浴,地面上的一个一个很小共用房间,豆类米饭每天都有午餐并没有完全削减引人注目 id = 75 >今天所做但是宽松慷慨天性总是愿意看到情况明亮一面一样整整十分钟的最佳时光参加了奥运会

Tactually ran my slowest ever marathon right after Kenya,he says.Obviously disappointed,it lefthim feeling lost with his running.'I wasn't really sure what to do next!'

But a pagehad been turned in his life and there was no way he was going to give up and return to his nine-to-five officejob.Using his Kenyan contacts,he got a job with an athlete management company,taking elite Kenyans to races around the world,looking after them,training with them, pacing them in the big races.He even lived in a flat in London that acted as a lodging house for the Kenyan athletes when they came to Europe to race.Butit still didn't quite work out for him on the roads,and by the time he comes to stay with me in Devon,his best marathon time is stillthe 2hrs 17minshe ran back in his days as an office worker in Portsmouth.
但是一生扭转一页没有办法放弃返回五个办公室参加世界各地照顾他们他们一起训练参加大型比赛 T道路没有锻炼在一起 ID = 70>德文郡,他最好的马拉松时间仍然2小时17米斯朴茨茅斯担任上班族时代

Yet here is a man brimmingwith vitality.A lot has happened since those post-Kenya days.In particular,he has taken up ultra running,and has met Rachel,his fiancée.Both things have had a huge impactonhim.
然而,一个覆盖vi titality的自从那些肯尼亚之后的时代以来发生了很多事情尤其是,他已经进行了超级奔跑,并遇到Rachel ,他的未婚夫一切都产生了巨大影响。

'Ultimately,the life I was living,where running and training had become something I had to do rather than somethingIwanted to do,led to an early,and short-lived,retirement,'he tells me as I cook up a pasta surprise in our small cottage kitchen.'So when I started running again,and took up ultra running,I vowed I would only run because I loved it,and that love of running has been there eversince.'
“最终,生活过着跑步训练成为必须事情而不是做些事情要做,导致早期短暂的退休,”他告诉我,我们小型面食煮熟小屋厨房。 '因此我开始跑步进行超级跑步,我发誓只会因为爱德(Lov)奔跑,而跑步的热爱一直那里

The switch to ultra running began almost by accident.'Not long after my "retirement",'he says,'T had theidea of tryingto run from where Ilived in London back to my mum and dad's house in Tiptree,in Essex.I had no idea how far it was but I knew it was longer than a marathon.For the
转向Ultra Running几乎偶然地开始 '我的“退休”很久,他 'T theidea试图伦敦il骨回到妈妈爸爸房子,位于埃塞克斯Tiptree。

first time since Ijoined my local athletics clubas a nine-year-old,I wasn't following atraining plan, and so I realised I could run as far,and as fast-or slow-as I wanted.'

So he woke up one morning,put on his shoes and a backpack containinga few energy bars and a bottle of water,and set off.'Tfelt free,no pressure,took it easy when I wantedand pushed a little ifIfelt good.I soon hit marathon distance,then 30 miles.Feeling good but with slightly sore feet, I arrived at Chelmsford,where the sightof the train was too tempting,so I hopped on for the final 15miles.'
因此,他有一天早晨醒来,穿上鞋子一个装有几个能量棒一瓶水的背包然后出发 tfelt自由没有压力想要推动一点很快开始马拉松距离最后15英里

As soon as he did this,however,he regretted it,so the next week he packed his bag again and ran the full 56 miles to Tiptree in around seven hours.It was such a great feeling to travel that sort of distance by foot,and it wasn't long before I signed up for my first ultra,the Ring O'Fire,a135- mile race around the island of Anglesey.'He won the race by over three hours.
但是一旦做到一点后悔所以下周再次收拾行装大约七个小时跑到整整56英里Tiptree 不久之后安格尔西岛( Anglesey 岛上签署我的第一个Ultra,戒指O'Fire,A135英里比赛。

Tom was still mainly focused on road marathons,however,when he turned up at a trendy Adidas-sponsored event in south London ayear later.

Before the run,Tom says he saw a woman he recognised from the track where he trained.'We had a quick chat,and I thought"T'd better run fast tonight".'Keen to impress,Tom made sure he won.'I went up to her after and said:“I won!"But shedidn't seem veryimpressed.'
在跑步之前,汤姆看到了他训练的赛道一个女人我们进行快速聊天 t今晚最好快速跑步”。

Things went better the next time he saw Rachel at an elimination-style race called Wings for Life.In this the runners set off and are followed thirty minutes later by a car moving at 15km/h andslowly getting faster.Once runners get overtaken by the car,they are pulledout and taken back to the start,where everyone watches the restof the race on abig screen.Tom,of course,won.
下次一场名为Wing for LifeElimin ation风格的比赛看到Rachel,情况进展得更好。在这次跑步三十分钟一辆汽车15公里/小时速度行驶跑步速度更快。汽车,他们拉动带回起点每个人Abig Screen观看比赛

'Because I was the last one running,everyonewas watching me,'he explains.He was the hero of the day.Rachel sat looking on with growing admiration.'She put something up on Facebook saying"Cheering Tom Payn"and tagged me.After therace she came over and gave me a big hug.So I asked her out.'
解释 因为最后一个奔跑所以每个看着​在Therace之后,她c ame又拥抱我,所以我问了她

Rachel and Tom have since inspired each other to give up their jobs,buy a yellow VW Beetle, move to France and take upultra running fulltime.Oh,and they're now both vegan.And engaged. It's been quite a few years.I've seen it play out largely on social media,watching on as Tom's hair grew longer,his grin wider and the backdrops to his life bigger,more colourful and more epic.Tom and Rachel have even boughta flat in Chamonix,the ultra running capital of Europe,the base for the UTMB,where they live during the summer when the running is good,and rent the flat out dur- ing the ski season-when they head off to Kenya and Moroccoto run.
此后,雷切尔 Rachel)和汤姆(Tom)互相启发放弃工作,购买黄色大众甲壳虫搬到法国乘坐Upultra运行fullt ime.oh,他们现在素食已经有几年已经社交媒体发挥了很大的作用看着汤姆的头发长寿,他的笑容越来越大,以及他生活的更大,加科罗拉的背景甚至欧洲超级运行Ch AmonixCh Amonix UTMB基地购买公寓 ID = 68>滑雪赛季期间扁平- 当他们前往肯尼亚摩洛西托奔跑

'Why Morocco?'Iask him.

'We're quite impulsive,'he says.'We just tend to go with our heart.We wanted somewhere warm to go in February and March and thought,where would be good?When we got there it was freezing.

19mins leftinchapter 13%
19分钟左chapter 13%


Despite the unexpected coldness,the following-the-heartbusiness has worked out pretty well. A few months before he turns up at my house,Tom was selected to run for Great Britain in the World Trail Championships.Pulling on a British vest was something he had been striving for since he was a child,and finally,when perhapshe thought his moment had passed,he had achieved it. His mum and Rachel travelled out to Portugal to watch him race.
尽管出乎意料的寒冷,但随着以下的心态效果很好。几个月出现汤姆选为世界越野赛锦标赛大不列颠 Pshe认为自己的时刻过去了,他已经实现了。他的妈妈和雷切尔(Rachel)前往葡萄牙参加比赛。

'It was thehappiest day of my life,'he says,hisvoice quivering a little.'T cried at the finish.'

The next morning we leave the house at 6 a.m.,driving through the narrow lanes to the start of the race.I'm supposed to be navigating,but I keep getting us lost as I'm more preoccupied with select- ing the right pre-race music.
第二天早上,我们凌晨6离开家,开车穿过狭窄的车道比赛开始 -RA CE音乐。

The official parkingis a large residential area on the edge of a village a few miles from the coast. It's like a silentdawn invasion as the usually undisturbed streets fillup with cars,doors opening, one after the other,men and women intights and running jackets stepping out.Any uninformed resident peeking through the curtains must be wondering what on Earth is happening.Atthe end of the road a queueof people wait for the buses to ferry us to the start.

A few people try to start conversations.'Did you see the rain yesterday?'But no one has the stomach formuch chatting.The task ahead of us looms.Tom is munching on a fruit bar.Six days earlier he ranthe Marrakech Marathon,pacing the elite women to 30km before jogging in'to fin- ish in 2hrs 35mins.He says he's quite tired and doesn't have a plan for the race.

'Sometimes Igo off really hard for the first few miles and then relax,'he says. 'Toscare everyone?'
说: “有时候,伊戈(Igo)在头几英里处真的很努力,然后放松。” '大家吗?”

He laughs.T guess so.'

All around you can see people clocking him.He just looks fast,even at a casual glance.He is skinny,of course,and wiry,but it is more than that.He almost seems to befrom a different world. The grey drabness that can settle over busy,working lives,that can make our skin pasty,our eyes tired,doesn't seem to touch him.He looks like a cartoon superhero,with his flaming hair and gen- eralbrightness.
周围可以看到人们锁住看起来很快即使随意一眼灰色的单调可能在B USY上定居,工作生活可以使我们皮肤糊状眼睛疲倦似乎不会碰到

Inside the registration tent a person witha clipboard asks Tom hissurname.'Payn,'he says.He even has a superhero name-though admittedly it does sound a little sinister.
注册帐篷一个带有剪贴板汤姆·希斯 Tom Hissurame

'That's a good name for anultra runner,'says the manwith theclipboard.
“这是Anultra Runner的名字 Manwith Theclipboard

With all the wrongturns driving to the race,we don't have any time for a warm-up,andbefore we know it we're being called to the start.I follow Tom right to the front and stand next to him

in the middle under the starting arch.I'm enjoying piggy-backing on his aura for a fewmoments, aware of the nervous glances coming our way.I slap him fondly on the shoulder.

'Let's do this!'

Thecountdown is already on.Three,two,one...and like that the ball is set rolling.Thejourney to Chamonix and the UTMB has begun.

Tom races off across the field like he leftthe gas on at home.Everyone lets him go,watching him dart through the gap in the hedge at the top of the field,never to be seenagain.

Itake my time,making sure I'm not pushing myself already,jogging slowlyup the first hill.

We come out along a cliff top,the sea big and bristling,the waves rolling in and crashing on the rocks somewhere below us.It's a fairly still day but the ground is soggy and slippery.All week the wind and rain has been pounding the coast,soaking the trails.Afew days earlier,the forecast had been for heavy rain and dangerously high winds.Luckily the storm has blown itself out,but its ravages are marked underfoot.
我们沿着悬崖顶出来大海牛bristli ng 海浪滚动撞到我们下方的某个地方的岩石。这是相当静止一天,但地面湿润湿滑。整个星期雨水一直沿海岸爆炸浸泡小径几天前预测大雨危险大风

My trail shoes,unfortunately,are designed for dry,hard-packed trails,not mud.I use them be- cause most of my training runs include some roads too,and on hard surfaces the heavy-duty trail shoes clack along uncomfortably like football boots.So I thought these would be a good halfway measure,but I'm slipping and sliding all over the place.Already I decide that my primary goal is to make it through the race without gashing my knees on some jagged rock along the way.

Running at a relatively slow pace means that for much of the first 10 miles,when I'm not watching the ground to make sure I stay on my feet,I can enjoythe scenery,the sharp cliffs and sandy coves,the churning sea that fills your nosewith its smell,the spray from the waves almost likea mist at times drifting across the trail.
相对较慢速度跑步意味着在前10英里大部分时间,当没有看着地面确保保持脚步,我可以享受风景,锋利的悬崖Sa ndy Coves,这是充满活力大海您的鼻子有气味有时会从小径上移开ACR OSSwa ves almos tluea mist喷雾

At around 10 miles the first serious pang of tiredness hits me.I grab a protein ball from my bag and take a few bites.One of the most common things I've heard in my nascent investigation intoultra running is that it is basically'an eating competition with some running thrown in'.In an ultra marathon you are goingto run out of energyand you are going to have to replace it with food. It is possible togetthrough some of the shorter ultras on energy gels,but too many gels can make you feel sick aftera while.It's better toeat some real food.Of course,this is not as simple as itmay sound.Not only is running and eating atthe same time a test of dexterity,it can also upset your stomach.So you need to practise,and find out which foods work for you.Then,as I find out later in some of my longer races,it can become difficult,after ten,twenty or thirty hours of running,to even move your jaw tochew,or to generate enough salivato actually swallow food.
大约10英里 ​“一场饮食竞争有些奔跑可以通过能量凝胶上的一些较短超级超越但是很多凝胶会让感到不适 ID = 68 >不像Itmay Sound那样简单不仅同一时间跑步进食可能会使胃部不适 ​,正如稍后我的一些较长比赛发现的那样经过十二三十个小时跑步甚至可以移动下巴tochew,或者产生足够的唾液实际上吞下食物可能变得困难

13mins leftin chapter 14%

Theultra跑步:Ajou Rneyto Theedge of Humanenturance

For now,however,eating is no problem.My biggest worry as I chug along is thatone of my recent niggles will flare up at some point.I rarely go for a run without feeling some little twinge, and I have visions of ending up sitting by the side of the trail,much like in Oman,as yet another person runs by saying:'Come on,you cando it.'

But the legs are fine so far,and I find myself starting to overtake people.Maybe I've been running too slowly?I work outthat I'm in about eighth position and decide for some reason that my goal is to finish in the top ten.It just pops into my head unsolicited,but once it's there it be- comes chiselled in stone.Race goal:top ten.

And so I start racing.When I stop to relieve myselfin the bushes at onepoint,and two runners pass me,I quickly get running again and pass them back.At a water station,while other runners stop to refill their bottles,or graba few biscuits,I keep moving,making ground.

After about 14 miles,the course headsinland,crossing muddy farm fields,ancient unused cart tracks and some regular paved roads.At times I find myself running with someone and we get chatting.It's strange to be in a race but still have the energyto chat.The tiredness is in the legs, the body,from the cumulativegrind ofthe hills,the mud,the time on your feet.But there isn't the gasping breathlessness of shorter races

And so we talk,untilsomeone takes a downhill quicker,or stopsfor a drink,and then I'm alone again,withjust the grass,the trees and the cows.At one point Irunby a hunt,the riders in their red jackets looking down disdainfully as I struggle by,the dogs milling around excitedly.I hope they don't mistake me for a wounded animal.

I reach 24 miles in just over four hours and for somereason decide that my goal is no longer to finish in the top ten,but to beat six hours.I'm beginning to suffer now,my legs taking shorter and shorter strides,as though some invisible band is tightening around them,and I don't want to be worryingabout peoplepassing me,as I'm surethey will.But Ineed something to focus me.

A few weeks before,I noticed that the women's course record was 6hrs 6mins,and someone on Twitter saw me posting about the race and told meI should try to beat that.I didn't even know the person,but his tweet pops into my head.So I push out the top ten target and replace it with a new goal to finish in under sixhours.It'sa nice round number.All I have to do is cover the last 10 miles in two hours.Surely I can do that.People can pass me if they want.
几周前,我注意到女子课程记录是6小时6分钟, Twitter某人看到发布比赛并告诉Mei应该击败那个十名目标推出目标6小时以下完成​做到这一点。如果他们愿意的话,可以通过我

Why do I need a goal at all?Why not just keep running?Isn't just finishing enough?I don't quite know,but just to finish,well,I could do that by walking.But somethingin me knows I'll be disappointed in myself ifIjust amble in.I need to push myself,that's why I'm here.I need to force myself to fight,to compete.Otherwise it is just a long walk,a day out.And that wouldn't feel right. This is arace and Ineed to race it.

The next few miles are completely flat,along an exposed stretch of beach.Thevillage at the end doesn't seem to get any closer as Igrind on.My legs are aching,my form hunched,shuffling.I must look terrible.It is now becoming as much a mental challenge as a physical one.I have to keep chasing away negative thoughts,like some scullery keeper with his broom,chasing away pesky mice.

'Maybe I'm just not cutout for this sort of thing'.…'T'm just not atoughguy,why pretend?'.. 'Thinkhow great it would be to stop.'
“也许只是没有这种事情切割' ' '.. '思考很棒的停下。”

Go!Go!Shoo!Shoo!The fact thatmy body is holding together gives me strength.Nothing has broken or snapped.And so does the fact that,after four and a half hours,I'm still actually running and not walking.
走吧!shoo!shoo!我的B ody固定在一起事实使有力量。没有打破折断的事实,事实,在四个hou rs之后,我实际上仍然在奔跑走路。

After the long beach itisback up on the cliffs,up and down.The ups are really taking their toll on me now,most of them forcing me into a walk/runtango.

The race cruelly passes the finish point at around 27 miles before heading out for another seven-mile loop.A wave of emotion hits me as I run through the small seaside village of Beesands by the finish.I want to see Marietta,who said she was coming to watchthe end of the race.I sud- denly want a hug,to be told that Ican do it.But Ican't see her.I almost get tearful when I see our car parked up,but no sign of Marietta.To make matters worse,noone else offers any encouragement. People are gathering for the finish of the race,parking their cars,buying fish and chips,fixing leads on their dogs.I seemto be invisible.I feel I could cry.
这场比赛残酷地通过了大约27英里终点然后前往又有7英里的环路。一波情绪使陷入困境,因为跑到小的海边蜜蜂想见玛丽埃塔,他说她说她说她说她她说她即将观看比赛尽头更糟糕的,没有其他人会提供任何鼓励人人们正在聚集比赛,竞赛,开车买鱼薯条,修理狗的线索。我看来是看不见的。 感觉可能会哭泣。

'It's too early for that,'I tell myself,pulling myself together.As we head out on the final loop, one runner overtakes me,and then another.I really don't want swarms of people to pass me now, not after all this.So I grit my teeth and run on.A few desperately slow miles up big humping cliffs start putting my six-hour target in jeopardy.But on I grind.God,will this never end?Somehow no one else passes me.Where are they?I begin to fear the sight of a figure in the distancebehind me. I'm like a convict on the run,hoping noone is closing in.But each time I look back,thankfully the path isempty.
“现在还为时过早 ”我告诉自己,将自己在一起我们走上F inal循环一个跑步者超越了我,然后真的不想成群现在通过而不是毕竟这一切。所以我咬牙切齿并继续奔跑急切慢慢地向上放慢了巨大的悬崖,开始将我的六个小时的目标放在危险中。grind.god上,这将永远不会结束吗?没有其他通过我在哪里?我开始害怕远距离面前看到一个小事就像奔跑罪犯希望没有关闭

My feet are soaked to a pulp,I've run out of water to drink,my legs are no longer legs but two iron stilts attached to my hips,with a useless moving mechanism that has got itself stuck.My arms pump the levers but theybarely move.

And then,at the top of yet another muddy track,I see a beautiful sign.It reads:'Onemile to go.'Ilook back.Still no one.I have sweet visionsof collapsing across the line and lying in the grass. On I go.It's all downhill from here.As I enter the final field where it all startedhours before, I find myself surrounded by runners finishing the marathon and half-marathon,which have all been taking place at the same time.I want a clear run at the finish,so I start sprinting down the hill,chasing agapin the crowd.Make way for the ultra runner!Ido it,flying across the line,collaps-
然后,在另一个泥泞的曲目顶部看到一个是自动标志读:“ onemile要去GO。这一切都这里下降。进入最后一场之前开始比赛发现自己跑步者包围完成马拉松比赛半程马拉松比赛,它们同一时间进行结束时,因此开始跑到山上追逐Agapin人群

7mins leftinchapter 15%
7分钟左chapter 15%

Ultra跑步者的崛起 Ajourney到humanendurance的边缘

ing in the soft grass.Marietta is there.'Well done,well done'She's taking pictures and smiling.It's over.'Tom is about to get his prize,'she says.

Iglance over at the man with the flame-red hair and bright yellow jacket.
那个带有fla me红头发和明亮的黄色外套的男人的人。

'And our winner'says the voice on the PA system,'by a huge distance,23 minutes ahead of second place,is Tom Payn.'
汤姆·佩恩(Tom Payn)是PA系统的胜利者PA系统上的声音 第二第二。”

A polite ripple of applause.I sit up.We did it.We bloody well did it.

And so,with that,I become,officially,an ultra runner.In the endIachieved both arbitrary goals:I finish in tenth place in 5hrs 51mins.Itis a great start.My body,though aching,is still in one piece. We hobble down to the seafront and get some chips,before clambering into thecar to drive home. As we're pulling out of the car park,I spot an ultra runner coming through.I remember passing here,withnoone cheering,and seven miles still to go.
因此,因此,我正式成为了一个超级鲁纳特(Ultra ru nner) EndioChion Chard Chist Chist Chore Inturare目标5hrs 51分钟排名第十。在爬上thecar开车回家之前我们前往海滨并得到一些筹码我们停车场退出发现一个超级跑步

'Go on,'I shoutfromthecar window.'You cando it.'

The man glances up,and perhaps guesses,from the tired look on my face,the medal around my neck,the bag of chips,that I'vefinished andI'm going home.He smiles.

'Bastard'he says.

See Runningwith the Kenyans andThe Way of the Runner

1minute leftin chapter 16%