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“Third Things” Can Make Communication Easier
"第三件事 "让沟通更轻松

I ran across an interesting term/concept in Miranda July’s All Fours: third things. A character in the book attributes it to “the Quakers” and describes it like so:
我在米兰达-七月(Miranda July)的All Fours一书中看到了一个有趣的术语/概念:"第三事物"(third things)。书中的一个人物将其归因于 "贵格会",并作了如下描述:

It’s a topic of conversation that doesn’t belong to either party. The soul, usually so shy, can speak more easily through this Third Thing, at a slant.
这是一个不属于任何一方的话题。通常羞于启齿的灵魂,可以通过这 "第三件事 "更轻松地斜着身子说话。

It’s unclear if Quaker author Parker J. Palmer coined this term, but his 2004 book A Hidden Wholeness popularized the concept of third things. From The joy of third things:
目前还不清楚贵格会作者Parker J. Palmer是否创造了这个词,但他在 2004 年出版的A Hidden Wholeness一书中普及了第三事物的概念。摘自第三事物的快乐

In his book A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life, Quaker writer Parker J. Palmer talks about “third things,” how people can make emotional connections while talking about something they’re experiencing together. This can happen when people attend a concert or play, view a painting or even watch a baseball game.
贵格会作家帕克-J.-帕尔默在他的著作《隐秘的整体性》(A Hidden Wholeness:贵格会作家帕克-J-帕尔默(Parker J. Palmer)在他的《隐秘的完整:迈向完整生活的旅程》(A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life)一书中谈到了 "第三件事",即人们如何在谈论共同经历的事情时建立情感联系。当人们参加音乐会或戏剧演出,欣赏一幅画,甚至观看一场棒球比赛时,都可能发生这种情况。

Palmer believes that the soul is shy and that asking another person to immediately share something very vulnerable can scare them off. Connecting while engaged in third things is a gentler way to communicate.

Many people have fond memories of special conversations that transpired while they were doing the dishes with a parent or going fishing with a friend. This third thing they do together makes it easy and comfortable for them to converse more deeply, often without even making eye contact.

Many of the best conversations I have with my kids are facilitated by third things: watching a movie, playing video games, kicking a soccer ball around, playing mini golf, or running errands in the car. Conversation is no different that any other activity (like, say, shooting free throws or dancing): it’s much easier and open when you’re not actually thinking too hard about it.

Discussion  2 comments
讨论 2 条评论

Philip Graham 菲利普-格雷厄姆

Emily Dickinson wrote: “Tell all the truth, but tell it slant.”

Tell all the truth but tell it slant —

Success in Circuit lies 巡回赛的成功在于
Too bright for our infirm Delight

The Truth's superb surprise

As Lightning to the Children eased
随着 "闪电 "对儿童的影响减弱

With explanation kind 附带说明
The Truth must dazzle gradually

Or every man be blind —

Tra H

This feels like a private version of the public third place. Where the local park builds the feeling of community, fishing with my brother at the local park helps build our connection to each other.

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