Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a release from 2dust/v2rayN. Thank you for the feedback!
Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community.
This will remove {{ repoNameWithOwner }} from the {{ listsWithCount }} that it's been added to.
Payload is the open-source, fullstack Next.js framework, giving you instant backend superpowers. Get a full TypeScript backend and admin panel instantly. Use Payload as a headless CMS or for buildi…
This will remove {{ repoNameWithOwner }} from the {{ listsWithCount }} that it's been added to.
Dismissed a repository from payloadcms/payload. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a repository from twentyhq/twenty. Thank you for the feedback!
微信开发sdk,微信二次开发SDK,微信开发API接口协议。非微信ipad协议、非mac协议,非安卓协议,api可实现微信99%功能; 无需扫码登录、可收发朋友圈、查看朋友圈、朋友圈互动点赞、评论、 好友列表、微信消息收发、发文本消息、图片消息、名片消息、动图表情、发文件、删好友 添加好友、微信转账、微信红包接收、分享小程序、分享名片、加通讯录好友、微信收藏、微信标签等! 清理僵尸粉、消息群…
This will remove {{ repoNameWithOwner }} from the {{ listsWithCount }} that it's been added to.
Dismissed a recommendation from wuliaokankan/WeChat.CRM.SDK. Thank you for the feedback!
- 添加: 取消替换翻译功能
- 添加: 静默TTS功能, 感谢 @ccddos
- 添加: 主界面可选显示仅显示输出界面图标
- 优化: 回译使用新动画
- 优化: 回译添加动画展开效果
- 优化: 更新取词失败日志描述
- 优化: 切换输入部分显示隐藏
- 修复: 快捷进入服务配置后侧边栏选中失效的问题
- 修复: 修复光标无法恢复的问题
- 修复: 输入时粘贴文本整体被剪贴板内容覆盖的问题
- 修复: 针对
Adobe A…
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Dismissed a release from ZGGSONG/STranslate. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a release from 2dust/v2rayN. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a release from 2dust/v2rayN. Thank you for the feedback!
的流量统计使用 Metrics
移除 quic
从 SplitHTTP
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Dismissed a release from 2dust/v2rayN. Thank you for the feedback!
心悦搜索-夸克网盘资源管理系统 资源一键转存并分享
This will remove {{ repoNameWithOwner }} from the {{ listsWithCount }} that it's been added to.
Dismissed a recommendation from 675061370/xinyue-search. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a release from ZGGSONG/STranslate. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a release from ZGGSONG/STranslate. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
Dismissed a discussion from krahets/hello-algo. Thank you for the feedback!
- 添加: 添加粘贴文本自动翻译
- 添加: 添加内置金山词霸、必应词典
- 添加: 添加启动时不显示通知的开关 @Greyh4t
- 添加: 添加内置EdgeTTS
- 添加: 添加软件内语音播报结果(设置-热键设置-软件热键列表查看)
- 添加: 添加生词本-欧陆词典(需配置主界面显示)
- 添加: 快捷添加到生词本软件热键(Ctrl+Shift+S)
- 添加: OpenAI OCR添加模型
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Dismissed a release from ZGGSONG/STranslate. Thank you for the feedback!
Update every day since Oct 21, 2022.
Please ignore the source .zip
and .tar.gz
file below.
- Rotate ID3D11Texture2D (#9772)
- Ensure cursor visible when software keyboard poped out (…
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Dismissed a release from rustdesk/rustdesk. Thank you for the feedback!
This will remove {{ repoNameWithOwner }} from the {{ listsWithCount }} that it's been added to.
Dismissed a recommendation from yangxuanxc/wechat_friends. Thank you for the feedback!