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Reading 1: Employee vs Independent Contractor
阅读 1:雇员 vs 独立承包商

Why is it important to be classified as an employee or independent contractor?

While both are independent contractors, and employees are agents of the principal. This distinction is important for determining a principal's liability for the agent's actions. Generally, absent specific instructions to do a task leading to liability, an employer is not liable for the actions of an independent contractor taken on behalf of the principal.
Note: There are exceptions where an independent contractor may subject an employer to liability for her actions. This is the case when the work performed is inherently dangerous in nature; the tasks performed for the employer are illegal; the work is non-delegable; or the employer ratifies the contractor's actions. A separate cause of action may exist if the employer was negligent in selecting a contractor to perform the duties. That is, she failed to exercise reasonable care in selecting a particular contractor. This may be the case where past performance demonstrated the contractor was unsuitable for the task.

What is an employee?

An employer hires an employee to work on behalf of the employer as part of or in support of the business's core functions. The employee generally works exclusively for the business in the functions for which she is hired. The employer exercises extensive control over the nature, time, and manner of work carried out by the employee. As such, the employee is a general agent of the business to the extent of her authority in the position.
Note: An individual working on behalf of an employer does not have to be paid to be considered an employee. An unpaid person may be a gratuitous employee. This may be the case when individuals are volunteering for non-profit ventures or working as part of an internship.
注意:代表雇主工作的个人不必被支付才被视为雇员。 未付款的人可能是一名无偿雇员。 当个人为非营利性企业志愿工作或作为实习的一部分工作时,可能会出现这种情况。
Example: ABC Corp hires me as an internal accountant. I report to ABC Corp from 8:00 - 6:00 on 5 days per week. I work on any and all accounting functions assigned to me by my supervisor.
示例:ABC 公司聘请我担任内部会计。我每周 5 天从 8:00 到 18:00 向 ABC 公司报告。我负责完成主管分配给我的所有会计职能。

What is an employee?

An employer hires an employee to work on behalf of the employer as part of or in support of the business's core functions. The employee generally works exclusively for the business in the functions for which she is hired. The employer exercises extensive control over the nature, time, and manner of work carried out by the employee. As such, the employee is a general agent of the business to the extent of her authority in the position.
Note: An individual working on behalf of an employer does not have to be paid to be considered an employee. An unpaid person may be a gratuitous employee. This may be the case when individuals are volunteering for non-profit ventures or working as part of an internship.
注意:代表雇主工作的个人不必被支付才被视为雇员。 未付款的人可能是一名无偿雇员。 当个人为非营利性企业志愿工作或作为实习的一部分工作时,可能会出现这种情况。
Example: ABC Corp hires me as an internal accountant. I report to ABC Corp from 8:00 - 6:00 on 5 days per week. I work on any and all accounting functions assigned to me by my supervisor.
示例:ABC 公司聘请我担任内部会计。我每周 5 天从 8:00 到 18:00 向 ABC 公司报告。我负责完成主管分配给我的所有会计职能。
https://thebusinessprofessor.com/en US/agency-law/employer-vs-independent-contractor

Reading 2: Which should I hire - Employee or contract worker?
阅读 2:我应该雇佣员工还是合同工?

Which Should I Hire-Employee or Contract Worker?

When you start a new business, you will invariably decide that you need help. Most small business owners start out by hiring outside contractors to do work for them, but at some point, you may decide to hire an employee or two. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of hiring employees vs. independent contractors.

Hiring Employees 雇佣员工

An employee is a person who works in the service of another person under an express or implied contract of hire, under which the employer has the right to control the details of work performance (Black's Law Dictionary).
When you hire an employee, you get the advantage of being able to completely control and direct that person's work during work time, to train the person in the way you want the job done, and to require that person to work only for you.
You have few restrictions or limitations on what you can assign to the employee or about your ability to terminate the employee without paying out a contract.
On the other hand, employees come with a boat-load of laws and regulations attached to them. Both the federal government and your state regulate the payment of wages or salaries, overtime, and other work rules.
You must also comply with payroll tax requirements, including paying half of the FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare) for each employee and collecting the other half from the employee. Other responsibilities include payment of unemployment insurance and worker's compensation insurance.
您还必须遵守工资税要求,包括为每名员工支付 FICA 税(社会保障和医疗保险)的一半,并从员工那里收取另一半。其他责任包括支付失业保险和工伤保险。

Hiring Independent Contractors

The advantages and disadvantages of independent contractors are the opposite of those for employees.
You can assign duties to an independent contractor and impose a deadline and work product, but you cannot tell that person how to get the job done. An independent contractor can work for others, can often set his or her hours of work, and often provides his/her own tools.
On the other hand, you have few reporting or tax responsibilities for independent contractors. You must report his/her the amount you have paid each year for that person on a Form 1099-MISC, but you don't have to withhold or pay FICA taxes on these payments. The payroll responsibilities for an independent worker are significantly less than for an employee.
另一方面,对于独立承包商,您几乎没有报告或税务责任。您必须在每年的 1099-MISC 表格上报告您为该人支付的金额,但您不必在这些付款上扣除或支付 FICA 税。独立工作者的工资单责任明显少于雇员。

When to Consider Hiring an Employee

In conclusion, you should consider hiring an employee if:
  • The work needs to be done under your supervision
  • You want to control the hours of work and the tools and equipment used by the worker
  • If this is a long-term need (such as preparing products for shipping), and
  • If this work is essential to your business and not a peripheral job. For example, a marketing person is essential, while a cleaning crew may not be.

When to Consider Hiring an Independent Contractor

  • The work is not central to your business; for example, cleaning the offices or running your computer system is outside the scope of your business mission.
  • The work can be done by a professional who doesn't need much supervision
  • The work is a short-term project that will be completed in a defined period of time
  • The worker has professional expertise or is someone who needs little supervision.
The decision to hire a worker as an employee or independent contractor is done on a case-by-case basis, but you should be aware that the IRS considers a worker to be an employee unless you can prove otherwise.
雇佣工人作为雇员或独立承包商的决定是根据具体情况而定的,但您应该意识到,除非您能证明否则,IRS 认为工人是雇员。

Reading 3: Agent 阅读 3:代理

What is an agency relationship?

An agency relationship is one in which a party acts on behalf of and with the authority of another party. The principal appoints or authorizes the agent to act on her behalf.

Responsibility in the Principal for Agent Actions?

The agent will interact with third parties on behalf of the principal. A principal is responsible for the actions of the agent taken in furtherance of her duties or per the instructions of the principal. The agency relationship requires an understanding of the relationship between principal and agent, agent and third parties, and the principal and third parties roles, responsibilities, and rights.
代理人将代表委托人与第三方进行互动。 委托人对代理人根据其职责或委托人的指示所采取的行动负责。 代理关系需要理解委托人和代理人之间、代理人和第三方之间,以及委托人和第三方之间的关系、责任和权利。
Example: I hire Betty to negotiate a business deal on my behalf. I am the principal and Betty is my agent for this purpose. Betty will act as my representative in dealing with the third parties to this business deal.
https://thebusinessprofessor.com/en US/agency-law/what-is-an-agency-relationship

Reading 4: Respondeat Superior (Vicarious Liability)
阅读 4:Respondeat Superior(代理责任)

When Is An Employee On The Job?

[Latin, Let the master answer.] A common-law doctrine that makes an employer liable for the actions of an employee when the actions take place within the scope of employment.
The common-law doctrine of respondeat superior was established in seventeenth-century England to define the legal liability of an employer for the actions of an employee. The doctrine was adopted in the United States and has been a fixture of agency law. It provides a better chance for an injured party to actually recover damages, because under respondeat superior the employer is liable for the injuries caused by an employee who is working within the scope of his employment relationship.
普通法上级责任原则是在 17 世纪英格兰确立的,旨在界定雇主对雇员行为的法律责任。这一原则在美国得到采纳,并成为代理法的一个重要组成部分。它为受伤一方提供了更好的机会来实际获得赔偿,因为根据上级责任原则,雇主对雇员在其雇佣关系范围内工作造成的伤害负有责任。
The legal relationship between an employer and an employee is called agency. The employer is called the principal when engaging someone to act for him. The person who does the work for the employer is called the agent. The theory behind respondeat superior is that the principal controls the agent's behavior and must then assume some responsibility for the agent's actions.
An employee is an agent for her employer to the extent that the employee is authorized to act for the employer and is partially entrusted with the employer's business. The employer controls, or has a right to control, the time, place, and method of doing work. When the facts show that an employer-employee (principal-agent) relationship exists, the employer can be held responsible for the injuries caused by the employee in the course of employment.
In general, employee conduct that bears some relationship to the work will usually be considered within the scope of employment. The question whether an employee was acting within the scope of employment at the time of the event depends on the particular facts of the case. A court may consider the employee's job description or assigned duties, the time, place, and purpose of the employee's act, the extent to which the employee's actions conformed to what she was hired to do, and whether such an occurrence could reasonably have been expected.
An employee is not necessarily acting outside the scope of employment merely because she does something that she should not do. An employer cannot disclaim liability simply by showing that the employee had been directed not to do what she did. A forbidden act is within the scope of employment for purposes of respondeat superior if it is necessary to accomplish an assigned task or if it might reasonably be expected that an employee would perform it.
Relatively minor deviations from the acts necessary to do assigned work usually will not be outside the scope of employment. Personal acts such as visiting the bathroom, smoking, or getting a cup of coffee are ordinarily within the scope of employment, even though they do not directly entail work. When an employee substantially departs from the work routine by engaging in a frolic-an activity solely for the employee's benefit-the employee is not acting within the scope of her employment.
An employer is liable for harm done by the employee within the scope of employment, whether the act was accidental or reckless. The employer is even responsible for intentional wrongs if they are committed, at least in part, on the employer's behalf. For example, a bill collector who commits ASSAULT AND BATTERY to extract an overdue payment subjects the employer to legal liability.
Where the employer is someone who legally owes a duty of special care and protection, such as a common carrier (airplane, bus, passenger train), motel owner, or a hospital, the employer is usually liable to the customer or patient even if the employee acts for purely personal reasons.
The theory underlying such liability is that employers should not hire dangerous people and expose the public to a risk while the employee is under the employer's supervision.
The employer may also be liable for her own actions, such as in hiring a diagnosed psychopath to be an armed guard. An employer, therefore, can be liable for her own carelessness and as a principal whose employee is an agent.
These rules do not allow the employee to evade responsibility for harm she has caused. Injured parties generally sue both the employee and employer, but because the employee usually is unable to afford to pay the amount of damages awarded in a lawsuit, the employer is the party who is more likely to pay.

Reading 5: Employee Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)
阅读 5:员工保密和保密协议(NDA)

What is a confidentiality agreement and why do employers use them?

In the context of employment, a confidentiality agreement is a contract between an employee and an employer, in which the employee agrees not to disclose or profit from any proprietary information related to company operations.

What You Need to Know About Confidentiality Agreements

Confidentiality agreements are legally binding contracts in which one party promises to keep trade secrets and not to disclose secrets without authorization from a superior. These agreements are usually binding until the private information is commonplace or the receiving party is released from the contract, whichever occurs first.
While these contracts were once more common among executives and celebrities, they've now trickled down to ordinary workers-the kinds without golden parachutes, fat bank accounts or massive stock options. If you're applying for a job in an industry where ideas are employers' bread and butter, you're likely to be asked to sign one.
Note 注意
Before you commit, it's essential to understand what these agreements are and how they can affect your current and future employment.
While it's obviously reasonable for your future employer to protect their intellectual property, you also have rights and requirements-namely, the need to make a living should you change jobs, get laid off, or otherwise move on from the company.

Non-Disclosure Agreement Provisions

A confidentiality agreement is also known as a non-disclosure agreement or an "NDA." Confidentiality agreements protect private company information like financial details, business strategies, customer lists, or products and services underway or in development, and prevent employees from communicating or profiting from sensitive information.
保密协议也被称为保密协议或“NDA”。 保密协议保护私人公司信息,如财务细节,商业策略,客户名单,或正在进行或开发中的产品和服务,并防止员工传播或从敏感信息中获利。
In addition to protecting sensitive information, these agreements protect patent rights and avoid issues. If a confidentiality agreement is broken, the injured party can seek monetary damages or compensation for breach of contract. Most confidentiality agreements also contain a provision that states that all technology or access to this sensitive information should be returned before the end of the agreement or employment, whichever comes first.
Confidentiality agreements must determine two time periods: The period of time in which the disclosed information is determined and agreed upon and the period in which the information must be kept secret. If a time period is not specified, there is a greater chance of litigation and judicial review to determine fair and equitable ruling.
Note 注意
Some states have placed restrictions on the use of NDAs in employment. Contact your state department of labor for more information.

What to Look For in a Confidentiality Agreement

Some confidentiality agreements are harmless and are completed as a formality, though you should carefully evaluate before you sign a non-disclosure agreement specifying:
  • That you can't work for a competitor for one to two years
  • That anything you conceived of while employed is the property of the company, even if you did it on your own time
  • That you give up your right for a trial if there is an issue with the contract
It's important to make sure that you aren't agreeing to anything that would hinder your ability to find another position should your job not work out with one company.
In all cases, be sure to read the confidentiality agreement thoroughly before signing and don't be afraid to ask for specifics about what the agreement would mean for you. As uncomfortable as it may be to question the interviewer, it's important to get the facts about the contract before you sign it. Don't assume that the company will give you a pass if they lay you off, for example.

When Agreements Are Signed

In most cases, confidentiality agreements are signed when an individual is first hired and are valid through the termination of their employment or, in some cases, a period of time after employment ends.
However, in some cases, you may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to an interview. Companies do this for a few reasons. First, they might not want you to share their interview questions or their recruiting practices. Or, they might be planning to discuss company issues or problems that they want your opinion on, but don't want to become public. In other cases, the interview might include the disclosure of trade secrets.
A confidential agreement is legally binding, so consider getting legal advice before signing a document that can impact your future employment. An employment attorney can tell you how the agreement might affect your ability to get a job at a competing firm, as well as how it might constrain any contract work or freelancing you might plan to do on the side.