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Styling 样式

How to approach styling with Radix Themes.
如何处理 Radix Themes 的样式。

Introduction 介绍

Radix Themes does not come with a built-in styling system. There’s no css or sx prop, and it does not use any styling libraries internally. Under the hood, it’s built with vanilla CSS.
Radix Themes 没有内置的样式系统。它没有 csssx 属性,内部也不使用任何样式库。在底层,它是用原生 CSS 构建的。

There’s no overhead when it comes to picking a styling technology for your app.

What you get 您获得的内容

The components in Radix Themes are relatively closed—they come with a set of styles that aren’t always easily overridden. They are customizable within what’s allowed by their props and the theme configuration.
Radix Themes 中的组件相对封闭——它们带有一组不易被覆盖的样式。它们可以在属性和主题配置允许的范围内进行自定义。

However, you also get access to the same CSS variables that power the Radix Themes components. You can use these tokens to create custom components that naturally feel at home in the original theme. Changes to the token system are treated as breaking.
然而,您也可以访问驱动 Radix Themes 组件的相同 CSS 变量。您可以使用这些令牌创建自定义组件,使其自然地融入原始主题。对令牌系统的更改被视为破坏性的。

For more information on specific tokens, refer to the corresponding guides in the Theme section.

Color system 颜色系统






A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath

Ambiguous voice of a heart which prefers kiwi bowls to a zephyr.

Typography examples 排版示例
Shadow and radius examples

Overriding styles 覆盖样式

Beyond simple style overrides, we recommend using the components as-is, or create your own versions using the same building blocks.

Most components do have className and style props, but if you find yourself needing to override a lot of styles, it’s a good sign that you should either:
大多数组件确实有 classNamestyle 属性,但如果你发现自己需要覆盖大量样式,这是一个很好的信号,表明你应该:

  • Try to achieve what you need with the existing props and theme configuration.
  • See whether you can achieve your design by tweaking the underlying token system.
  • Create your own component using lower-level building blocks, such Primitives and Colors.
  • Reconsider whether Radix Themes is the right fit for your project.
    重新考虑 Radix Themes 是否适合你的项目。


Tailwind is great. Yet, if you plan to use Radix Themes with Tailwind, keep in mind how its ergonomics may encourage you to create complex styles on the fly, sometimes reaching into the component internals without friction.
Tailwind 很棒。但是,如果你计划将 Radix Themes 与 Tailwind 一起使用,请记住它的人体工程学可能会鼓励你即时创建复杂的样式,有时会毫无阻碍地深入组件内部。

Tailwind is a different styling paradigm, which may not mix well with the idea of a closed component system where customization is achieved through props, tokens, and creating new components on top of a shared set of building blocks.
Tailwind 是一种不同的样式范例,可能不太适合封闭组件系统的理念,在这种系统中,定制是通过属性、令牌和在共享的构建块集上创建新组件来实现的。

Custom components 自定义组件

If you need to create a custom component, use the same building blocks that Radix Themes uses:
如果你需要创建自定义组件,请使用 Radix Themes 使用的相同构建块:

  • Theme tokens that power the components
  • Radix Primitives, a library of accessible, unstyled components
    Radix Primitives,一个可访问的、无样式的组件库
  • Radix Colors, a color system for building beautiful websites and apps
    Radix Colors,一个用于构建美丽网站和应用的颜色系统

Feel free to explore the source code of Radix Themes to see how it is built.
请随意探索 Radix Themes 的源代码,看看它是如何构建的。

Common issues 常见问题

z-index conflicts z-index 冲突

Out of the box, portalled Radix Themes components can be nested and stacked in any order without conflicts. For example, you can open a popover that opens a dialog, which in turn opens another popover. They all stack on top of each other in the order they were opened:
开箱即用,Radix Themes 的门户组件可以以任何顺序嵌套和堆叠,而不会产生冲突。例如,你可以打开一个弹出窗口,该窗口打开一个对话框,而对话框又打开另一个弹出窗口。它们都按照打开的顺序堆叠在一起:

When building your own components, use the following rules to avoid z-index conflicts:
在构建自己的组件时,请遵循以下规则以避免 z-index 冲突:

  • Don’t use z-index values other than auto, 0, or -1 in rare cases.
    除了 auto0 或在极少数情况下使用 -1 之外,不要使用其他 z-index 值。
  • Render the elements that should stack on top of each other in portals.

Your main content and portalled content are separated by the stacking context that the styles of the root <Theme> component create. This allows you to stack portalled content on top of the main content without worrying about z-indices.
您的主要内容和门户内容由根 <Theme> 组件的样式创建的堆叠上下文分隔开。这使您能够将门户内容堆叠在主要内容之上,而无需担心 z-index 问题。

Next.js import order Next.js 导入顺序

As of Next.js 13.0 to 14.1, the import order of CSS files in app/**/layout.tsx is not guaranteed, so Radix Themes may overwrite your own styles even when written correctly:
在 Next.js 13.0 到 14.1 版本中, app/**/layout.tsx 中 CSS 文件的导入顺序是不确定的,因此即使正确编写,Radix Themes 也可能会覆盖你自己的样式。

import '@radix-ui/themes/styles.css';
import './my-styles.css';

This Next.js issue may come and go sporadically, or happen only in development or production.
这个 Next.js 问题可能会断断续续地出现和消失,或者只在开发或生产环境中发生。

As a workaround, you can merge all the CSS into a single file first via postcss-import and import just that into your layout. Alternatively, importing the styles directly in page.tsx files also works.
作为一种解决方法,你可以先通过 postcss-import 将所有 CSS 合并到一个文件中,然后只在布局中导入该文件。另外,直接在 page.tsx 文件中导入样式也是可行的。

Tailwind base styles Tailwind 基础样式

As of Tailwind v3, styles produced by the @tailwind directive are usually appended after any imported CSS, no matter the original import order. In particular, Tailwind’s button reset style may interfere with Radix Themes buttons, rendering certain buttons without a background color.
从 Tailwind v3 开始,由 @tailwind 指令生成的样式通常会附加在任何导入的 CSS 之后,无论原始导入顺序如何。特别是,Tailwind 的按钮重置样式可能会干扰 Radix Themes 按钮,导致某些按钮没有背景颜色。

Workarounds: 解决方法:

  • Don’t use @tailwind base 不要使用 @tailwind base
  • Set up separate CSS layers for Tailwind and Radix Themes
    为 Tailwind 和 Radix Themes 设置单独的 CSS 层
  • Set up postcss-import and manually import Tailwind base styles via @import tailwindcss/base before Radix Themes styles. Example setup
    设置 postcss-import 并在 Radix Themes 样式之前通过 @import tailwindcss/base 手动导入 Tailwind 基础样式。示例设置

Missing styles in portals 门户中缺失的样式

When you render a custom portal in a Radix Themes project, it will naturally appear outside of the root <Theme> component, which means it won’t have access to most of the theme tokens and styles. To fix that, wrap the portal content with another <Theme>:
当你在 Radix Themes 项目中渲染自定义 portal 时,它自然会出现在根 <Theme> 组件之外,这意味着它无法访问大多数主题令牌和样式。要解决这个问题,请用另一个 <Theme> 包裹 portal 内容:

// Implementation example of a custom dialog using the low-level Dialog primitive
// Refer to https://www.radix-ui.com/primitives/docs/components/dialog
import * as Dialog from '@radix-ui/react-dialog';
import { Theme } from '@radix-ui/themes';
function MyCustomDialog() {
return (
<Dialog.Overlay />
<Dialog.Title />
<Dialog.Description />
<Dialog.Close />

Components like Dialog and Popover in Radix Themes already handle this for you, so this is only necessary when creating your own portalled components.
Radix Themes 中的 Dialog 和 Popover 等组件已经为你处理了这个问题,所以只有在创建自己的传送门组件时才需要这样做。

Complex CSS precedence 复杂的 CSS 优先级

Usually, you’d want your custom CSS to override Radix Themes styles. However, there are cases when it is natural to expect the opposite.
通常,您希望自定义 CSS 能够覆盖 Radix Themes 的样式。然而,在某些情况下,期望相反的情况也是很自然的。

Consider a simple paragraph style that just resets the browser’s default margin:

.my-paragraph {
margin: 0;

You might apply the margin prop from a Box onto your custom paragraph via asChild:
您可能会通过 asChildBox 的边距属性应用到您的自定义段落上:

import '@radix-ui/themes/styles.css';
import './my-styles.css';
function MyApp() {
return (
<Box asChild m="5">
<p className="my-paragraph">My custom paragraph</p>

Yet, this won’t work intuitively. The custom styles are imported after Radix Themes styles, so they will override the margin prop. As a workaround, Radix Themes provides separate tokens.css, components.css, and utilities.css files that the original styles.css is built upon:
然而,这种方式并不能直观地工作。自定义样式是在 Radix Themes 样式之后导入的,所以它们会覆盖 margin 属性。作为一种解决方法,Radix Themes 提供了单独的 tokens.csscomponents.cssutilities.css 文件,原始的 styles.css 就是基于这些文件构建的:

import '@radix-ui/themes/tokens.css';
import '@radix-ui/themes/components.css';
import '@radix-ui/themes/utilities.css';

You can import utilities.css after your custom styles to ensure that the layout props work as expected with your custom styles. However, if you use Next.js, keep in mind the import order issue that’s mentioned above.
您可以在自定义样式之后导入 utilities.css ,以确保布局属性能够按预期与您的自定义样式一起工作。但是,如果您使用 Next.js,请记住上面提到的导入顺序问题。

If you use standalone layout components, split CSS files are also available for them:
如果您使用独立的布局组件,也可以使用为它们提供的拆分 CSS 文件:

import '@radix-ui/themes/layout/tokens.css';
import '@radix-ui/themes/layout/components.css';
import '@radix-ui/themes/layout/utilities.css';
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