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Introduction: Setting Up a Dev Environment

See what you’ll be learning in the Setting Up a Dev Environment Unit.

The goal of this unit is to learn how to set up your own development environment on your computer. Doing so will set you up to successfully start writing your own programs and sharing them with the world.

After this unit, you will be able to:

  • Set up and navigate the command line
  • Install and use Visual Studio Code (commonly called VSCode)
    安裝並使用 Visual Studio Code(通常稱為 VSCode)

You will put all of this knowledge into practice with an upcoming Portfolio Project. You can complete the Portfolio Project either in parallel with or after taking the prerequisite content—it’s up to you!
你將把所有這些知識應用於即將到來的作品集項目中。您可以在修完先修內容之後或與之同時完成作品集項目 - 由您決定!

Learning is social. Whatever you’re working on, be sure to connect with the Codecademy community in the forums. Remember to check in with the community regularly, including for things like asking for code reviews on your project work and providing code reviews to others in the projects category, which can help to reinforce what you’ve learned.
學習是社交的。無論您在做什麼,請務必在論壇中與 Codecademy 社區聯繫。請記得定期與社區互動,包括請求對您的項目工作進行代碼審查以及為其他人在項目類別中提供代碼審查,這有助於強化您所學到的知識。