这是用户在 2025-2-2 24:03 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/ab3302bf-6510-4953-bba9-61ad1927d429 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
年级安排 2024/2025 学年
Age  年龄
Year Group  年级 Date of Birth  出生日期
From   To  
Early Years  幼儿园 Nursery  苗圃 1/9/2020 31/8/2021 3 to 4  3 到 4
Reception  接待 1/9/2019 31 / 8 / 2020 31 / 8 / 2020 31//8//202031 / 8 / 2020 4 to 5  4 至 5
Primary School  小学 Year 1  一年级 1/9/2018 31 / 8 / 2019 31 / 8 / 2019 31//8//201931 / 8 / 2019 5 to 6  5 到 6
Year 2  2 年级 1/9/2017 31 / 8 / 2018 31 / 8 / 2018 31//8//201831 / 8 / 2018 6 to 7  6 到 7
Year 3  3 年级 1/9/2016 31 / 8 / 2017 31 / 8 / 2017 31//8//201731 / 8 / 2017 7 to 8  7 到 8
Year 4  4 年级 1/9/2015 31 / 8 / 2016 31 / 8 / 2016 31//8//201631 / 8 / 2016 8 to 9  8 至 9
Year 5  5 年级 1/9/2014 31 / 8 / 2015 31 / 8 / 2015 31//8//201531 / 8 / 2015 9 to 10  9 至 10
Year 6  6 年级 1/9/2013 31 / 8 / 2014 31 / 8 / 2014 31//8//201431 / 8 / 2014 10 to 11  10 至 11
Secondary School  中学 Year 7  7 年级 1/9/2012 31 / 8 / 2013 31 / 8 / 2013 31//8//201331 / 8 / 2013 11 to 12  11 至 12
Year 8  8 年级 1/9/2011 31 / 8 / 2012 31 / 8 / 2012 31//8//201231 / 8 / 2012 12 to 13  12 至 13
Year 9  9 年级 1/9/2010 31 / 8 / 2011 31 / 8 / 2011 31//8//201131 / 8 / 2011 13 to 14  13 至 14 岁
Year 10  10 年级 1/9/2009 31 / 8 / 2010 31 / 8 / 2010 31//8//201031 / 8 / 2010 14 to 15  14 至 15
Year 11  11 年级 1/9/2008 31 / 8 / 2009 31 / 8 / 2009 31//8//200931 / 8 / 2009 15 to 16  15 至 16
Sixth Form  学院 Year 12  12 年级 1/9/2007 31 / 8 / 2008 31 / 8 / 2008 31//8//200831 / 8 / 2008 16 to 17  16 至 17 岁
Year 13  13 年级 1/9/2006 31 / 8 / 2007 31 / 8 / 2007 31//8//200731 / 8 / 2007 17 to 18  17 至 18 岁
School YEAR GROUP PLACEMENT ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 Age Year Group Date of Birth From To Early Years Nursery 1/9/2020 31/8/2021 3 to 4 Reception 1/9/2019 31//8//2020 4 to 5 Primary School Year 1 1/9/2018 31//8//2019 5 to 6 Year 2 1/9/2017 31//8//2018 6 to 7 Year 3 1/9/2016 31//8//2017 7 to 8 Year 4 1/9/2015 31//8//2016 8 to 9 Year 5 1/9/2014 31//8//2015 9 to 10 Year 6 1/9/2013 31//8//2014 10 to 11 Secondary School Year 7 1/9/2012 31//8//2013 11 to 12 Year 8 1/9/2011 31//8//2012 12 to 13 Year 9 1/9/2010 31//8//2011 13 to 14 Year 10 1/9/2009 31//8//2010 14 to 15 Year 11 1/9/2008 31//8//2009 15 to 16 Sixth Form Year 12 1/9/2007 31//8//2008 16 to 17 Year 13 1/9/2006 31//8//2007 17 to 18| School | YEAR GROUP PLACEMENT ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 | | | Age | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | Year Group | Date of Birth | | | | | | From | To | | | Early Years | Nursery | 1/9/2020 | 31/8/2021 | 3 to 4 | | | Reception | 1/9/2019 | $31 / 8 / 2020$ | 4 to 5 | | Primary School | Year 1 | 1/9/2018 | $31 / 8 / 2019$ | 5 to 6 | | | Year 2 | 1/9/2017 | $31 / 8 / 2018$ | 6 to 7 | | | Year 3 | 1/9/2016 | $31 / 8 / 2017$ | 7 to 8 | | | Year 4 | 1/9/2015 | $31 / 8 / 2016$ | 8 to 9 | | | Year 5 | 1/9/2014 | $31 / 8 / 2015$ | 9 to 10 | | | Year 6 | 1/9/2013 | $31 / 8 / 2014$ | 10 to 11 | | Secondary School | Year 7 | 1/9/2012 | $31 / 8 / 2013$ | 11 to 12 | | | Year 8 | 1/9/2011 | $31 / 8 / 2012$ | 12 to 13 | | | Year 9 | 1/9/2010 | $31 / 8 / 2011$ | 13 to 14 | | | Year 10 | 1/9/2009 | $31 / 8 / 2010$ | 14 to 15 | | | Year 11 | 1/9/2008 | $31 / 8 / 2009$ | 15 to 16 | | Sixth Form | Year 12 | 1/9/2007 | $31 / 8 / 2008$ | 16 to 17 | | | Year 13 | 1/9/2006 | $31 / 8 / 2007$ | 17 to 18 |
Term Schedule  学期时间表 Term 1  第 1 学期 Term 2  第 2 学期 Term 3  第 3 学期
Start of Term  学期开始 21 st August 2024 21  st   August  2024 {:[21" st "],[" August "2024]:}\begin{gathered} 21 \text { st } \\ \text { August } 2024 \end{gathered} 7th January 2025  7th   January  2025 {:[" 7th "],[" January "2025]:}\begin{gathered} \text { 7th } \\ \text { January } 2025 \end{gathered} 21 st April 2025 21 st  April  2025 {:[21st],[" April "2025]:}\begin{gathered} 21 \mathrm{st} \\ \text { April } 2025 \end{gathered}
Mid-Term Break  期中休假 14 th 18 th October 2024 14  th  18  th   October  2024 {:[14" th "-18" th "],[" October "2024]:}\begin{aligned} & 14 \text { th }-18 \text { th } \\ & \text { October } 2024 \end{aligned} 24th - 28th February 2025
2025 年 2 月 24 日至 28 日
3 r d 5 t h June 2025 3 r d 5 t h  June  2025 {:[3rd-5th],[" June "2025]:}\begin{aligned} & 3 r d-5 t h \\ & \text { June } 2025 \end{aligned}
End of Term  任期结束 13th December 2024  13th   December  2024 {:[" 13th "],[" December "2024]:}\begin{gathered} \text { 13th } \\ \text { December } 2024 \end{gathered} 11 th April 2025 11  th   April  2025 {:[11" th "],[" April "2025]:}\begin{gathered} 11 \text { th } \\ \text { April } 2025 \end{gathered} 11th July 2025  11th   July  2025 {:[" 11th "],[" July "2025]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 11th } \\ & \text { July } 2025 \end{aligned}
Term Schedule Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Start of Term "21 st August 2024" " 7th January 2025" "21st April 2025" Mid-Term Break "14 th -18 th October 2024" 24th - 28th February 2025 "3rd-5th June 2025" End of Term " 13th December 2024" "11 th April 2025" " 11th July 2025"| Term Schedule | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Start of Term | $\begin{gathered} 21 \text { st } \\ \text { August } 2024 \end{gathered}$ | $\begin{gathered} \text { 7th } \\ \text { January } 2025 \end{gathered}$ | $\begin{gathered} 21 \mathrm{st} \\ \text { April } 2025 \end{gathered}$ | | Mid-Term Break | $\begin{aligned} & 14 \text { th }-18 \text { th } \\ & \text { October } 2024 \end{aligned}$ | 24th - 28th February 2025 | $\begin{aligned} & 3 r d-5 t h \\ & \text { June } 2025 \end{aligned}$ | | End of Term | $\begin{gathered} \text { 13th } \\ \text { December } 2024 \end{gathered}$ | $\begin{gathered} 11 \text { th } \\ \text { April } 2025 \end{gathered}$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 11th } \\ & \text { July } 2025 \end{aligned}$ |
Internationa  国际
Schools  学校
Partnership  合作关系

Typical Day at TIS  在 TIS 的典型一天

School Hours  上课时间 Early Years  幼儿园 KS1 ( Year 1 2 )  KS1  (  Year  1 2 ) {:[" KS1 "],[(" Year "1-2)]:}\begin{gathered} \text { KS1 } \\ (\text { Year } 1-2) \end{gathered}

KS2 (3-6 年级)
(Year 3-6)
KS2 (Year 3-6)| KS2 | | :--- | | (Year 3-6) |
KS 3 , 4 , 5 ( Year 7 13 )  KS  3 , 4 , 5 (  Year  7 13 ) {:[" KS "3","4","5],[(" Year "7-13)]:}\begin{gathered} \text { KS } 3,4,5 \\ (\text { Year } 7-13) \end{gathered}
Start of School  开学 0800 0750 0750 0740
Morning Break  上午休息 0900 0930 (Nursery) 0930 1000 (Reception) 0900 0930  (Nursery)  0930 1000  (Reception)  {:[0900-0930],[" (Nursery) "],[0930-1000],[" (Reception) "]:}\begin{aligned} & 0900-0930 \\ & \text { (Nursery) } \\ & 0930-1000 \\ & \text { (Reception) } \end{aligned} 0915-0935 0955-1020 1035-1055
Lunch  午餐 1100 1130 (Nursery) 1145 1215 1100 1130  (Nursery)  1145 1215 {:[1100-1130],[" (Nursery) "],[1145-1215]:}\begin{aligned} & 1100-1130 \\ & \text { (Nursery) } \\ & 1145-1215 \end{aligned} (Reception)  (接待处) 1115-1200 1215-1300 1215-1310
School Ends  学校结束 1330 with 6 pm service 1330  with  6 pm  service  {:[1330],[" with "6pm" service "]:}\begin{gathered} 1330 \\ \text { with } 6 \mathrm{pm} \text { service } \end{gathered} 1430 1430 1430
CCA 1430-1530 1440-1540 1440-1540 1440 1540 ( Session 1) 1550 1650 ( Session 2 ) 1440 1540 (  Session 1)  1550 1650 (  Session  2 ) {:[1440-1540],[(" Session 1) "],[1550-1650],[(" Session "2)]:}\begin{gathered} 1440-1540 \\ (\text { Session 1) } \\ 1550-1650 \\ (\text { Session } 2) \end{gathered}
School Hours Early Years " KS1 ( Year 1-2)" "KS2 (Year 3-6)" " KS 3,4,5 ( Year 7-13)" Start of School 0800 0750 0750 0740 Morning Break "0900-0930 (Nursery) 0930-1000 (Reception) " 0915-0935 0955-1020 1035-1055 Lunch "1100-1130 (Nursery) 1145-1215" (Reception) 1115-1200 1215-1300 1215-1310 School Ends "1330 with 6pm service " 1430 1430 1430 CCA 1430-1530 1440-1540 1440-1540 "1440-1540 ( Session 1) 1550-1650 ( Session 2)"| School Hours | Early Years | $\begin{gathered} \text { KS1 } \\ (\text { Year } 1-2) \end{gathered}$ | KS2 <br> (Year 3-6) | $\begin{gathered} \text { KS } 3,4,5 \\ (\text { Year } 7-13) \end{gathered}$ | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Start of School | 0800 | 0750 | 0750 | 0740 | | Morning Break | $\begin{aligned} & 0900-0930 \\ & \text { (Nursery) } \\ & 0930-1000 \\ & \text { (Reception) } \end{aligned}$ | 0915-0935 | 0955-1020 | 1035-1055 | | Lunch | $\begin{aligned} & 1100-1130 \\ & \text { (Nursery) } \\ & 1145-1215 \end{aligned}$ (Reception) | 1115-1200 | 1215-1300 | 1215-1310 | | School Ends | $\begin{gathered} 1330 \\ \text { with } 6 \mathrm{pm} \text { service } \end{gathered}$ | 1430 | 1430 | 1430 | | CCA | 1430-1530 | 1440-1540 | 1440-1540 | $\begin{gathered} 1440-1540 \\ (\text { Session 1) } \\ 1550-1650 \\ (\text { Session } 2) \end{gathered}$ |

Early Years Schedule  幼儿园时间表

Start of School  开学 8.00am  上午 8:00
Morning Break  上午休息 9.00am-9.30am  上午 9:00 至上午 9:30
Lunch  午餐 11.30am-12.10pm  上午 11:30 至中午 12:10
End of Class  课程结束 1.30pm  下午 1:30
Snack  小吃 1.30pm - 2.00 pm  下午 1:30 至下午 2:00
Storytime  故事时间 2.00pm-3.00pm  下午 2:00 至下午 3:00

小睡和焕然一新 (如果孩子不午睡,午睡可以用国语、艺术、数字或阅读活动代替)
Nap & Freshen Up
(Nap may replaced with Bahasa, Art, Numbers or Reading activities if Child does not take nap)
Nap & Freshen Up (Nap may replaced with Bahasa, Art, Numbers or Reading activities if Child does not take nap)| Nap & Freshen Up | | :--- | | (Nap may replaced with Bahasa, Art, Numbers or Reading activities if Child does not take nap) |
2.40pm-4.00pm  下午 2:40 至下午 4:00
Tea Snack  茶点心 4.00pm - 4.30pm  下午 4:00 至下午 4:30

富 集 -科学 -瑜伽 -健身房 -茎 -跳舞 - 精细运动活动
- Science - Yoga
- Gym - STEM
- Dance - Fine Motor Activity
Enrichment - Science - Yoga - Gym - STEM - Dance - Fine Motor Activity| Enrichment | | | :--- | :--- | | - Science | - Yoga | | - Gym | - STEM | | - Dance | - Fine Motor Activity |
4.30pm - 5.45pm  下午 4:30 至下午 5:45
Dismissal  解雇 5.45pm-6.00pm  下午 5:45 至下午 6:00
Start of School 8.00am Morning Break 9.00am-9.30am Lunch 11.30am-12.10pm End of Class 1.30pm Snack 1.30pm - 2.00 pm Storytime 2.00pm-3.00pm "Nap & Freshen Up (Nap may replaced with Bahasa, Art, Numbers or Reading activities if Child does not take nap)" 2.40pm-4.00pm Tea Snack 4.00pm - 4.30pm "Enrichment - Science - Yoga - Gym - STEM - Dance - Fine Motor Activity" 4.30pm - 5.45pm Dismissal 5.45pm-6.00pm| Start of School | 8.00am | | :---: | :---: | | Morning Break | 9.00am-9.30am | | Lunch | 11.30am-12.10pm | | End of Class | 1.30pm | | Snack | 1.30pm - 2.00 pm | | Storytime | 2.00pm-3.00pm | | Nap & Freshen Up <br> (Nap may replaced with Bahasa, Art, Numbers or Reading activities if Child does not take nap) | 2.40pm-4.00pm | | Tea Snack | 4.00pm - 4.30pm | | Enrichment <br> - Science - Yoga <br> - Gym - STEM <br> - Dance - Fine Motor Activity | 4.30pm - 5.45pm | | Dismissal | 5.45pm-6.00pm |

Co-cupricular Activities  共同活动

Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park, Primary
Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park, 小学

Fees are required for certain CCAs (Approximately RM300-RM450 per term)
某些 CCA 需要付费(每学期约 RM300-RM450)

Notes:  笔记:
  1. It is compulsory that all students take part in at least ONE CCA per term.
    所有学生每学期至少参加一次 CCA 是强制性的。
  2. All CCA allocation based on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis.
    所有 CCA 分配均基于先到先得的原则。
  3. Parents are required to sign up through SchoolsBuddy App.
    家长需要通过 SchoolsBuddy 应用程序注册。
  4. Proof of payment must be emailed to cca.sep@tenby.edu.my
    付款证明必须通过电子邮件发送给 cca.sep@tenby.edu.my
  5. Students are not allowed to change their confirmed CCAs, and refunds will not be permitted.
    学生不允许更改已确认的 CCA,也不允许退款。
For more information on CCA Policy & CCA descriptions please refer to http://www.tenby.edu.my/setia-eco-park/cca-info
有关CCA政策和CCA描述的更多信息,请参阅 http://www.tenby.edu.my/setia-eco-park/cca-info

Follow CCA twitter at https //twitter.com/TenbyCCAEAGLES
关注 CCA twitter https twitter.com/TenbyCCAEAGLES