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2022 Mar; 24(3): 213–223.
J Clin Hypertens(格林威治)。2022年3月;24(3): 213–223.
Published online 2022 Feb 16. doi: 10.1111/jch.14440
2022 年 2 月 16 日在线发布。doi: 10.1111/jch.14440
PMCID: PMC8925006 PMCID:PMC8925006
PMID: 35172037 PMID:35172037

Seven‐action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia – The HOPE Asia network
亚洲高血压管理的七种行动方法 – HOPE Asia 网络

Kazuomi Kario, MD, PhD,corresponding author 1 Yook‐Chin Chia, MBBS, FRCP, 2 , 3 Saulat Siddique, MBBS, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Lon), 4 Yuda Turana, MD, PhD, 5 Yan Li, MD, PhD, 6 Chen‐Huan Chen, MD, 7 Jennifer Nailes, MD, MSPH, 8 Minh Van Huynh, MD, PhD, 9 Peera Buranakitjaroen, MD, MSc, DPhil, 10 Hao‐Min Cheng, MD, PhD, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 Takeshi Fujiwara, MD, PhD, 1 Satoshi Hoshide, MD, PhD, 1 Michiaki Nagai, MD, PhD, 15 Sungha Park, MD, PhD, 16 Jinho Shin, MD, 17 Jorge Sison, MD, 18 Arieska Ann Soenarta, MD, 19 Guru Prasad Sogunuru, MD, DM, 20 , 21 Apichard Sukonthasarn, MD, 22 Jam Chin Tay, MBBS, FAMS, 23 Boon Wee Teo, MB, BCh, 24 Kelvin Tsoi, BSc, PhD, 25 Narsingh Verma, MD, 26 Tzung‐Dau Wang, MD, PhD, 27 , 28 Yuqing Zhang, MD, 29 and Ji‐Guang Wang, MD, PhD 30
Kazuomi Coreo,医学博士,PN, corresponding author 1 英国-Chin Chia,MBBS,FRCP,Saulat 2 , 3 Siddique,MBBS,MRCP(英国),FRCP(贷款), 4 JUDA TURANA,医学博士,PN,Yan 5 Lee,医学博士,PN, 6 陈嬛嬛,医学博士, 7 Jennifer Nails,医学博士,MSP,Min 8 van Huynh,医学博士,PN,Per 9 Buranakitzaroen,医学博士,理学硕士,DFIIL,Hao-Min 10 Cheng,医学博士,PN,Takeshi 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 Fujiwara,医学博士,PN,Satoshi 1 Hoshide,医学博士,PN, 1 Michiaki Nagai,医学博士,PN,Sungha 15 Park,医学博士,PN,Jinho 16 Shin,医学博士, 17 George Sison,医学博士, 18 Aryeska Ann Soeenerta,医学博士, 19 Guru Prasad Sogunuru,医学博士,DM,Appichard 20 , 21 Sukanthasrn,医学博士, 22 Jam Chin Tay,MBBS,Fams,Boon 23 V Teo,MB,Bichi,Kelvin 24 TSOI,BSc,PN,Narasimha 25 Varma,医学博士, 26 Tjung‐Dau Wang,医学博士,PN,Yuqing 27 , 28 Zhang,医学博士, 29 &G‐Guang Wang,医学博士,PN 30

Abstract 抽象

Asia is a large continent and there is significant diversity between countries and regions. Over the last 30 years, absolute blood pressure (BP) levels in Asia have increased to a greater extent than those in other regions. In diverse Asia‐Pacific populations, for choosing an Asia‐specific approach to hypertension management is important to prevent target organ damage and cardiovascular diseases. In this consensus document of HOPE Asia Network, we introduce seven action approaches for management of hypertension in Asia.

1. 为什么需要针对亚洲的方法?

Asia is a large continent and, along with Asia‐specific features of hypertension, there is also significant diversity between countries and regions within the continent., Over the last 30 years, absolute blood pressure (BP) levels in Asia have increased to a greater extent than those in other regions, such that these are amongst the highest in the world. In addition, the proportion of individuals with hypertension who achieve BP control is relatively low in Asian countries/regions compared with the US, Canada and Europe., Again, statistics for Asia are notable for their heterogeneity, with large variations in rates of hypertension awareness, treatment and control throughout the continent., , Potential explanation for this may be differences in genetic background, diet, lifestyle, and sociodemographic factors in the region, where there are various factors that contribute to the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
亚洲是一个幅员辽阔的大陆,除了亚洲特有的高血压特征外,非洲大陆内的国家和地区之间也存在显着差异。 , 在过去的30年里,亚洲的绝对血压(BP)水平比其他地区的绝对血压(BP)水平上升幅度更大,因此这些地区是世界上最高的。 此外,与美国、加拿大和欧洲相比,亚洲国家/地区的高血压患者达到血压控制的比例相对较低。 , 同样,亚洲的统计数据以其异质性而著称,整个非洲大陆的高血压意识、治疗和控制率差异很大。 , , 对此的潜在解释可能是该地区遗传背景、饮食、生活方式和社会人口因素的差异, 其中有多种因素会导致高血压和心血管疾病的发展。

In most Asian countries, common risk factors for hypertension include obesity, sedentary lifestyles, alcohol intake, higher socioeconomic status, high salt intake, diabetes mellitus, and smoking. Lower social class is also a risk factor for hypertension in Japan (and the Asia‐Pacific countries of Australia, and New Zealand), while continued high smoking rates are an issue in China and several other Asian countries.

Another important reason for choosing an Asia‐specific approach to hypertension management is the differential impact of hypertension on target organ damage in diverse Asia‐Pacific populations. The association between BP and cardiovascular disease has been shown to be stronger in East Asian individuals compared with those from Australia or New Zealand. There was also higher prevalence of hypertension in stroke patients from South Asia compared with China in a population‐based analysis.
选择针对亚洲的高血压管理方法的另一个重要原因是高血压对亚太地区不同人群靶器官损伤的不同影响。与澳大利亚或新西兰人相比,东亚人血压与心血管疾病之间的关联已被证明更强。 在一项基于人群的分析中,与中国相比,南亚中风患者的高血压患病率也更高。

2. 目前BP在亚洲的控制状况

The Hypertension Cardiovascular Outcome Prevention and Evidence in Asia (HOPE Asia) Network's Asia BP@Home study investigated BP control status in eleven Asian countries/regions. It was the first study of home BP control status to utilize the same home BP monitoring (HBPM) device and measurement protocol for all patients and study centers. Overall, 53.6% of medicated patients with hypertension were well controlled for morning home systolic BP (SBP; < 130 mmHg – the 2017 AHA/ACC threshold). However, there were marked differences in home BP control status between countries/regions; these were highest in the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Thailand, and Taiwan, and lowest in China and Indonesia.
亚洲高血压心血管结局预防和证据 (HOPE Asia) 网络的亚洲BP@Home研究调查了 11 个亚洲国家/地区的血压控制状况。 这是第一项对所有患者和研究中心使用相同的家庭血压监测 (HBPM) 设备和测量方案的家庭血压控制状态研究。 总体而言,53.6%的高血压药物治疗患者的早晨家庭收缩压(SBP;<130 mmHg(2017年AHA/ACC阈值 )得到良好控制。然而,各国/地区之间的家庭血压控制状况存在显著差异;菲律宾、韩国、日本、巴基斯坦、泰国和台湾的发病率最高,中国和印度尼西亚的发病率最低。

In a subanalysis of the Asia BP@Home study, both office and home heart rates in patients from South Asia were higher than those in other Asian countries (by ≥5 beats/min), even after controlling for demographics and beta‐blocker use. Given what is known about the impact of heart rate on heart disease, our findings suggest a possible benefit of regionally tailored clinical strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention, such as the use of beta‐blockers.
在对亚BP@Home研究的子分析中,南亚患者的办公室和家庭心率都高于其他亚洲国家(≥5 次/分钟),即使在控制了人口统计学和 β 受体阻滞剂的使用之后也是如此。 鉴于对心率对心脏病影响的已知信息,我们的研究结果表明,针对心血管疾病预防的区域定制临床策略(例如使用β受体阻滞剂)可能有益。

Comparing the ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) data from Japan and Thailand also shows significant between country differences in the BP profile. Even when office BP was comparable, a non‐dipper/riser pattern of nighttime BP was more common in patients from Thailand, while morning BP surge was higher in those from Japan. Furthermore, even within the same county, there were rural and urban disparities in BP control status in Asia, partly due to the differences in the uptake of a western diet and lifestyle.
比较日本和泰国的动态血压监测 (ABPM) 数据也显示,各国之间的血压曲线存在显着差异。 即使办公室血压相当,夜间血压的非北斗/上升模式在泰国患者中更常见,而日本患者的早晨血压飙升更高。此外,即使在同一个县内,亚洲的血压控制状况也存在农村和城市差异,部分原因是西方饮食和生活方式的接受程度不同。


The HOPE Asia Network was set up to improve the management of hypertension in Asia with the goal of achieving “zero” cardiovascular events in the region. Asian evidence and guidelines have been discussed by Network members to reach consensus on key topics such as target BP level, practical application of HBPM and ABPM, salt intake and preferred antihypertensive medications, among others, resulting in the publication of a number of consensus documents and Asia‐specific recommendations that cover nearly all major topics relating to the management of hypertension., , , , , These documents should contribute to optimizing individual and population‐based hypertension management strategies in Asian countries/regions.
HOPE亚洲网络的成立是为了改善亚洲的高血压管理,目标是在该地区实现“零”心血管事件。 该网络成员讨论了亚洲的证据和指南,以就目标血压水平、HBPM 和 ABPM 的实际应用、盐摄入量和首选的抗高血压药物等关键主题达成共识,从而发表了许多共识文件和针对亚洲的建议,这些建议几乎涵盖了与高血压管理相关的所有主要主题。 , , , , , 这些文件应有助于优化亚洲国家/地区的个体和人群高血压管理策略。

The HOPE Asia Network model is an excellent example of how interpretation, modification, and dissemination of international best practices at a regional level, in collaboration with local hypertension societies, can be used to benefit specific populations. The HOPE Asia Network was officially established in June 2018 and includes experts from twelve countries/regions across Asia. It is endorsed by the World Hypertension League, and is an affiliated organization of the International Society of Hypertension.

Hypertension management, and mitigation of the negative cardiovascular effects of hypertension, is being addressed by local hypertension societies in Asia. There are several strategies likely to be effective in managing hypertension in Asia based on the local characteristics of the disease. Widespread salt restriction and population‐level implementation of HBPM are key approaches. These, and an additional five strategies focusing on the Asia‐specific management of hypertension, are detailed below (Table 1 and Figure 1).

TABLE 1 表1

HOPE Asia Network: Seven action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia

1 Strict reduction of sodium intake
2 Strict BP control 严格的血压控制
3 Home BP‐guided management
首页 BP指导管理
4 Reducing morning home BP as the first target and nighttime BP as the second target for high‐risk patients
5 Choice of preferred antihypertensive agents
6 Widespread screening to improve awareness
7 Use of telemedicine strategies

Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is JCH-24-213-g001.jpg

Seven action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia – The HOPE Asia Network
亚洲高血压管理的七种行动方法 – HOPE亚洲网络

4. 希望亚洲网络:亚洲高血压管理的七种行动方法

4.1. Strict reduction of sodium intake
4.1. 严格减少钠摄入量

High salt intake compared with other populations and a genetic predisposition to salt sensitivity are likely to be key factors that drive hypertension and the BP profile in the Asian region. Salt intake in Asia exceeds that recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO; < 5 g/day). For example, the average salt intake for adults is 15.3 g/day in Vietnam, 12–14 g/day in China, 11.6 g/day in Korea, 10.4 g/day in Japan, 10.8 g/day in Thailand, and 7.2 g/day in Malaysia.,
与其他人群 相比,高盐摄入量和对盐敏感 的遗传易感性可能是导致亚洲地区高血压和血压升高的关键因素。亚洲的盐摄入量超过世界卫生组织(WHO;<5克/天)的建议。 例如,越南成年人的平均盐摄入量为15.3克/天,中国为12-14克/天,韩国为11.6克/天,日本为10.4克/天,泰国为10.8克/天,马来西亚为7.2克/天。 ,

Data from studies involving 49 countries demonstrated that there is a U‐shape relationship between salt consumption and cardiovascular events. In patients with hypertension, sodium intake of > 6 g/day is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease and death. In addition, a nationwide study conducted in Japan showed that higher household salt intake was associated with long‐term all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality.
涉及49个国家的研究数据表明,盐摄入量与心血管事件之间存在U型关系。 在高血压患者中,> 6 克/天的钠摄入量与心血管疾病和死亡的风险增加有关。 此外,在日本进行的一项全国性研究表明,较高的家庭盐摄入量与长期全因死亡率和心血管死亡率有关。

In 2017, WHO designated “sodium intake reduction” as a “best buy” to avoid premature deaths and reduce the economic impact of noncommunicable diseases in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Most successful programs include multi‐component strategies.
2017年,世卫组织将“减少钠摄入量”指定为“最佳选择”,以避免过早死亡并减少非传染性疾病对低收入和中等收入国家的经济影响。 大多数成功的计划都包括多组件策略。

One simple and effective way to reduce salt intake is the complete or partial substitution of sodium chloride with potassium chloride. There is a good body of evidence, including that from the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study (SSaSS) study conducted in China and a study in rural India, showing the beneficial effects of reducing salt intake on BP and cardiovascular disease event rates., Furthermore, a digital therapeutic strategy designed to facilitate lifestyle modifications, including salt restriction and body weight reduction, successfully reduced home and ambulatory BP in patients with hypertension.
减少盐摄入量的一种简单有效的方法是用氯化钾完全或部分替代氯化钠。有大量证据,包括在中国进行的盐替代品和中风研究(SSaSS)研究和在印度农村进行的一项研究,表明减少盐摄入量对血压和心血管疾病事件发生率的有益影响。 , 此外,旨在促进生活方式改变的数字治疗策略,包括限制盐分和减轻体重,成功地降低了高血压患者的家庭和门诊血压。

There are also many national‐level programs in Asia designed to reduce population salt intake. These include the Chinese government's “Healthy Lifestyle for All” program (as part of China's health development agenda), and a series of effective salt reduction programs that were created and implemented nationwide by Action on Salt China (ASC), a unit funded by National Institute of Health Research. In addition, significant reduction in sodium intake in both children and adults was achieved through the School‐based Education Program to Reduce Salt Intake in Children and Their Families (School‐EduSalt). In 2005, the Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH) set up a Salt Reduction Committee to promote the reduction of population salt consumption, and in 2019 JSH announced the “Tokyo Declaration in Promotion of Salt Reduction,” which included six strategies to achieve a target salt intake of < 6 g/day. This was followed by The Okinawa Declaration on the unity of hypertension societies in Asian countries and regions to overcome hypertension and hypertension‐related diseases, which was announced in 2021.
亚洲也有许多国家级计划旨在减少人口盐摄入量。其中包括中国政府的“人人享有健康生活方式”计划(作为中国健康发展议程的一部分), 以及由美国国立卫生研究院资助的“中国食盐行动”(ASC)在全国范围内制定和实施的一系列有效的减盐计划。 此外,通过减少儿童及其家庭盐摄入量的校本教育计划(School-EduSalt),儿童和成人的钠摄入量均显著减少。 2005年,日本高血压学会(JSH)成立了减盐委员会,以促进减少人口食盐消费,并于2019年宣布了“促进减盐的东京宣言”,其中包括实现<6克/天目标盐摄入量的六项策略。 随后,2021年宣布了《冲绳宣言》,该宣言是关于亚洲国家和地区高血压社会团结一致战胜高血压和高血压相关疾病的宣言。

The National Health and Nutrition Survey of Japan provides an indication of the impact of these programs. The data showed that sodium intake gradually decreased between 2005 and 2018, from 12.4  to 11.0 g/day in men and from 10.7  to 9.3 g/day in women. In addition, the number of men with hypertension being treated with antihypertensives increased from 53.5% in 2000 to 66.9% in 2016, and the average SBP in these patients decreased from 147.1  to 140.2 mmHg. In parallel with the improvement in BP control, there was a 17.5% decrease in stroke deaths (from 132 529 in 2000 to 109 320 in 2016).
日本的国民健康与营养调查表明了这些计划的影响。数据显示,2005年至2018年间,钠摄入量逐渐下降,男性从12.4克/天下降到11.0克/天,女性从10.7克/天下降到9.3克/天。此外,接受抗高血压药物治疗的高血压男性人数从 2000 年的 53.5% 增加到 2016 年的 66.9%,这些患者的平均 SBP 从 147.1 mmHg 下降到 140.2 mmHg。 在改善血压控制的同时,中风死亡人数下降了17.5%(从2000年的132 529人下降到2016年的109 320人)。

A higher urinary sodium‐to‐potassium (Na/K) ratio has been reported to be associated with high BP and subsequent cardiovascular events. A urinary Na/K molar ratio of < 1 may be a useful indicator for adherence to the WHO‐recommended levels of sodium.
据报道,较高的尿钠钾 (Na/K) 比值与高血压和随后的心血管事件有关。 尿 Na/K 摩尔比为 < 1 可能是依从 WHO 推荐的钠水平的有用指标。

Another important determinant of salt sensitivity is obesity, and Asian individuals can develop hypertension even when there is only a small increase in the body mass index (BMI). In addition, the risk of prehypertension and hypertension develops at a lower BMI threshold than in Westerners (25  vs 30 kg/m2). Thus, body weight control, especially in younger and middle‐aged adults, is important for Asians.
盐敏感性的另一个重要决定因素是肥胖,即使体重指数(BMI)仅略有增加,亚洲人也会患上高血压。 此外,与西方人相比,高血压前期和高血压的风险在BMI阈值较低时发展(25 vs 30 kg/m 2 )。 因此,控制体重,尤其是年轻人和中年人,对亚洲人来说很重要。

4.2. Strict BP control 4.2. 严格的血压控制

Previous studies have shown that the slope of the association between BP and cardiovascular events is steeper in Asians than Westerners. Data from the recent STEP (Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients) trial, conducted in China, showed that strict BP control (SBP 110–130 mmHg) was superior to standard BP control (SBP 130–150 mmHg) for preventing cardiovascular events. The findings of this study are relevant for hypertension management in Asia,, , and suggest that elderly Asians would benefit from strict BP control to reduce cardiovascular risk.
先前的研究表明,亚洲人血压与心血管事件之间的关联斜率比西方人更陡峭。 最近在中国进行的STEP(老年高血压患者血压干预策略)试验的数据显示,在预防心血管事件方面,严格的血压控制(SBP 110-130 mmHg)优于标准血压控制(SBP 130-150 mmHg)。 这项研究的结果与亚洲的高血压管理有关, , , 并表明亚洲老年人将受益于严格的血压控制以降低心血管风险。

A recent Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration (BPLTTC) meta‐analysis, which includes data from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT), has been released. The results showed that a 5‐mmHg reduction in office SBP reduced the risk of total cardiovascular disease by 10%, the risk of stroke and heart failure by 13%, and the risk of coronary artery disease by 8%. In addition, these benefits of BP lowering were seen in individuals aged up to 85 years. In the STEP study, a 5‐mmHg reduction in office SBP was associated with an 18% reduction in total cardiovascular disease risk, a 23% reduction in the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease, and a 58% reduction in heart failure risk. These findings showing greater reductions in cardiovascular risk in the STEP study than in SPRINT and the BPLTTC (Table 2), suggest that strict BP control is probably more effective for cardiovascular disease prevention in Asians than in Westerners.
最近的一项降血压治疗试验者合作 (BPLTTC) 荟萃分析已经发布,其中包括来自收缩压干预试验 (SPRINT) 的数据。 结果显示,办公室 SBP 降低 5 mmHg 可使总心血管疾病风险降低 10%,卒中和心力衰竭风险降低 13%,冠状动脉疾病风险降低 8%。 此外,在85岁以下的人群中也看到了降低血压的这些好处。 在 STEP 研究中,办公室 SBP 降低 5 mmHg 与总心血管疾病风险降低 18%、卒中和冠状动脉疾病风险降低 23% 以及心力衰竭风险降低 58% 相关。这些发现显示,与SPRINT和BPLTTC相比,STEP研究的心血管风险降低幅度更大(表2),这表明严格控制血压对亚洲人的心血管疾病预防可能比西方人更有效。

TABLE 2 表2

Estimated cardiovascular risk reduction in the STEP and SPRINT studies, and the BPLTTC meta‐analysis
STEP 和 SPRINT 研究以及 BPLTTC 荟萃分析中估计的心血管风险降低

Percentage reduction associated with a 5‐mmHg reduction in office SBP
与办公室 SBP 降低 5 mmHg 相关的降低百分比
Total Age 65–74 years 年龄 65–74 岁Age 75–84 years 年龄 75–84 岁
Outcomes 结果
Stroke 中风−23−4−13−10−8
CVD a  心血管疾病 a −18−11−10−9−9

Abbreviations: BPLTTC, Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration; CAD, coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction/acute coronary syndrome); CVD, cardiovascular disease; HF, heart failure; SPRINT, Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial; STEP, Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients.

a Definition of CVD are as follows: STEP: a composite of stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic), acute coronary syndrome (acute myocardial infarction and hospitalization for unstable angina), acute decompensated heart failure, coronary revascularization, atrial fibrillation, or death from cardiovascular causes. SPRINT: a composite of myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome not resulting in myocardial infarction, stroke, acute decompensated heart failure, or death from cardiovascular causes. BPLTTC: a composite of fatal or non‐fatal stroke, fatal or non‐fatal myocardial infarction or ischemic heart disease, or heart failure causing death or requiring admission to hospital.
a CVD的定义如下:STEP:中风(缺血性或出血性)、急性冠脉综合征(急性心肌梗死和不稳定型心绞痛住院)、急性失代偿性心力衰竭、冠状动脉血运重建、心房颤动或心血管原因死亡的复合症状。SPRINT:心肌梗塞、未导致心肌梗死的急性冠脉综合征、中风、急性失代偿性心力衰竭或心血管原因死亡的复合体。BPLTTC:致死性或非致死性中风、致死性或非致死性心肌梗死或缺血性心脏病,或导致死亡或需要住院的心力衰竭的复合。

4.3. Home BP‐guided hypertension management
4.3. 家庭血压引导的高血压管理

Individuals with masked hypertension or poorly controlled hypertension are at increased risk of target organ damage and cardiovascular disease., , Masked hypertension is more prevalent in Asia than in Western countries due to higher rates of abnormal patterns of BP variability, including exaggerated early morning BP surge and non‐dipper/riser phenotypes of nocturnal BP.
隐匿性高血压或高血压控制不佳的个体患靶器官损伤和心血管疾病的风险增加。 , , 由于血压变异的异常模式发生率较高,包括清晨血压升高和夜间血压的非北斗/上升表型,隐蔽性高血压在亚洲比西方国家更为普遍。

Three prospective observational studies conducted in Asia (Ohasama, J‐HOP [Japan Morning Surge Home Blood Pressure], and HONEST [Home blood pressure measurement with Olmesartan Naive patients to Establish Standard Target blood pressure]) showed that morning hypertension detected using HBPM is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of office BP. In addition to the average home BP, day‐to‐day variability in home BP is associated with cardiovascular disease risk, especially in those with increased arterial stiffness., , , A recent analysis of data from the J‐HOP study demonstrated that greater morning‐evening difference in home SBP (especially ≥20 mmHg), and peak home SBP over 14 days were associated with cardiovascular disease.
在亚洲进行的三项前瞻性观察性研究(Ohasama、J-HOP [日本早晨激增家庭血压]和 HONEST [对奥美沙坦未成年患者进行家庭血压测量以建立标准目标血压])表明,无论办公室血压如何,使用 HBPM 检测到的早晨高血压与更高的心血管疾病风险相关。 除了平均家庭血压外,家庭血压的日常变化也与心血管疾病风险相关,尤其是在动脉硬度增加的患者中。 , , , 最近对 J-HOP 研究数据的分析表明,14 天内家庭 SBP(尤其是 ≥20 mmHg) 和家庭 SBP 峰值的早晚差异更大与心血管疾病有关。

Thus, identifying and treating masked hypertension phenotypes seems particularly important for cardiovascular risk reduction in Asian populations. This can be facilitated by the use of HBPM. However, current usage of this important tool varies across Asia. Although HBPM devices are practical to use and affordable, but in the real world they are usually ignored even many patients got one of their own. Therefore, strategies are needed to improve HBPM usage, and there are local guidelines to increase utilization and support the correct usage of HBPM in Asia., Region‐wide differences in hypertension prevalence, control, and management practices in Asia highlight the importance of information sharing to facilitate best practices while taking relevant regional aspects into account.
因此,识别和治疗隐蔽性高血压表型对于降低亚洲人群的心血管风险似乎尤为重要。这可以通过使用HBPM来促进。然而,目前这一重要工具的使用情况在亚洲各地各不相同。 尽管HBPM设备使用实用且价格实惠,但在现实世界中,它们通常被忽略,甚至许多患者也拥有自己的设备。因此,需要制定策略来改善HBPM的使用,并且有当地的指导方针来提高利用率并支持亚洲HBPM的正确使用。 , 亚洲地区在高血压患病率、控制和管理实践方面的区域差异凸显了信息共享的重要性,以促进最佳实践,同时考虑相关的区域因素。

Development of HBPM devices capable of measuring nocturnal BP along with other information and communication technology‐based strategies are key developments in the widespread implementation of anticipation medicine strategies to detect and prevent cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension.
能够测量夜间血压的 HBPM 设备以及其他基于信息和通信技术的策略的开发是广泛实施预测医学策略以检测和预防高血压患者心血管事件的关键发展。

4.4. Reducing morning home BP as the first target and nighttime BP as the second target for high‐risk patients
4.4. 降低高危患者的早晨家庭血压作为第一目标,降低夜间血压作为第二目标

Reducing morning home BP and nighttime BP are actionable targets that could help to improve BP control in the Asian region. Morning BP just before antihypertensive dosing is important because this is when the BP‐lowering effects of the previous morning's dose are at their lowest. Morning BP surge is greater in Japanese versus Western patients with hypertension.

Based on data obtained using wearable BP monitoring devices, morning SBP measured in accordance with guideline recommendations was most closely associated with left ventricular mass measured using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in medicated patients with hypertension. In addition, in the J‐HOP Study, high morning SBP measured by using HBPM (especially SBP ≥135 mmHg) was stronger predictor of stroke than evening BP measured just before going to bed. For high‐risk patients with a history of stroke or diabetes, the pathological SBP threshold is lower, at about 125 mmHg.,
根据使用可穿戴血压监测设备获得的数据,根据指南建议测量的早晨 SBP 与使用心脏磁共振成像测量的高血压药物患者的左心室质量最密切相关。 此外,在 J-HOP 研究中,使用 HBPM 测量的清晨高 SBP(尤其是 SBP ≥135 mmHg)比睡前测量的晚间血压更能预测卒中。 对于有卒中或糖尿病病史的高危患者,病理 SBP 阈值较低,约为 125 mmHg。 ,

Another important feature of hypertension in Asian populations is high nighttime BP, which is commonly associated with high salt sensitivity and salt intake. Nocturnal hypertension, including isolated nocturnal hypertension with well‐controlled office and/or morning BP, is a risk factor for organ damage and cardiovascular disease even., , , Nocturnal hypertension is often found in high‐risk patients with comorbidities such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease and sleep apnea., Furthermore, high nighttime BP, especially the riser pattern of nocturnal BP, is a risk factor for the development of heart failure,, and partly explains the higher B‐type natriuretic peptide seen in hypertensive patients. Another important consideration is sleep duration, which should be ≥6 hours, with control of nighttime BP, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
亚洲人群高血压的另一个重要特征是夜间血压高,这通常与高盐敏感性和盐摄入量有关。夜间高血压,包括单纯性夜间高血压,办公室和/或晨血压控制良好,是器官损伤和心血管疾病的危险因素。 , , , 夜间高血压常见于患有糖尿病、慢性肾病和睡眠呼吸暂停等合并症的高危患者。 , 此外,夜间血压高,尤其是夜间血压的上升模式,是心力衰竭发生的危险因素, , 部分解释了高血压患者中较高的 B 型利钠肽。 另一个重要的考虑因素是睡眠时间,应≥6小时,并控制夜间血压,以降低患心血管疾病的风险。

In cases where the patient's BP is uncertain or labile, or where there is nonadherence to HBPM, 24‐hour ABPM is recommended for confirming the level of BP control. Nocturnal HBPM devices are also clinically available., In addition, wrist‐type nocturnal HBPM devices that cause less sleep disturbance have now been validated and are available for use in clinical practice., Thus, both ABPM and nocturnal HBPM are useful to detect nocturnal hypertension, especially in high‐risk patients., ,
如果患者的血压不确定或不稳定,或者不依从 HBPM,建议使用 24 小时 ABPM 来确认血压控制水平。 夜间 HBPM 设备在临床上也可用。 , 此外,引起较少睡眠障碍的手腕式夜间 HBPM 设备现已得到验证,可用于临床实践。 , 因此,ABPM 和夜间 HBPM 都有助于检测夜间高血压,尤其是在高危患者中。 , ,

Seasonal changes in BP and vascular properties, especially home BP control status in relation to room temperature also need to be considered., , , , , , , , Morning BP increases to a greater extent in the winter (colder temperatures) and is associated with organ damage, while nighttime BP is increased in the summer (warmer temperatures). Compared with evening home BP, morning home BP might be a better predictor of winter‐onset cardiovascular events, and the winter morning BP surge partly explains the increased risk of cardiovascular events in the winter. Therefore, BP surges during winter should be an important target of a home BP‐guided approach to hypertension management.
还需要考虑血压和血管特性的季节性变化,尤其是与室温相关的家庭血压控制状态。 , , , , , , , , 早晨血压在冬季(较低温度)增加的程度更大,并且与器官损伤有关,而夜间血压在夏季(较高温度)增加。 与傍晚在家血压相比,早晨在家血压可能是冬季发病心血管事件的更好预测指标, 冬季早晨血压飙升部分解释了冬季心血管事件风险增加的原因。 因此,冬季血压飙升应成为家庭血压指导的高血压管理方法的重要目标。

4.5. Choice of preferred antihypertensive agents
4.5. 首选降压药的选择

Preferred antihypertensive agents for Asian patients with hypertension are calcium channel blockers (CCBs, which have a sodium‐independent BP‐lowering effect), renin‐angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors, and sodium‐excreting agents (eg, diuretics). For strict BP control without decreasing drug adherence, single‐pill combinations are preferred, where feasible.
亚洲高血压患者的首选降压药是钙通道阻滞剂(CCB,具有钠非依赖性降压作用)、 肾素血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensin system, RAS)抑制剂和钠排泄剂(如利尿剂)。为了在不降低药物依从性的情况下严格控制血压,在可行的情况下,首选单药组合。

CCBs are the most popular antihypertensive drugs in Asia. They have powerful dose‐dependent and salt intake‐independent BP‐lowering effects and reduce BP variability, making them ideally suited as first‐line therapy in Asian populations. In addition, sodium‐excreting drugs such as diuretics should be effective in Asians, who have high salt intake and salt sensitivity. Lower serum potassium levels are also seen in patients from some of Asian countries, meaning that thiazide‐like diuretics excrete potassium. Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) blockers reduce potassium excrete and hence increase serum potassium, and the recently developed selective MR blocker, esaxerenone, has been shown to reduce nighttime and morning BP, and decrease levels of N‐terminal pro B‐type natriuretic peptide (NT‐proBNP)., , , Other sodium‐excerting drugs such as angiotensin receptor‐neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI) and sodium‐glucose co‐transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, both of which are proven therapies for heart failure, are also effective in lowering BP., , , , , , , SGLT2 inhibitors also decrease 24‐hour BP in patients who have both diabetes and hypertension., , , ARNI have recently been launched for the treatment of hypertension in Japan and China. The BP‐lowering effects of ARNI are greater in Asians than in Westerners,, highlighting the potential of these agents in Asian populations. However, availability and cost of these drugs are main obstacles for general use.
CCB是亚洲最受欢迎的降压药。它们具有强大的剂量依赖性和盐摄入依赖性降血压作用,并降低血压变异性,使其成为亚洲人群的一线治疗的理想选择。 此外,钠排泄药物(如利尿剂)应该对盐摄入量高和盐敏感性的亚洲人有效。在一些亚洲国家的患者中也可以看到血清钾水平降低,这意味着噻嗪类利尿剂会排泄钾。盐皮质激素受体 (MR) 阻滞剂可减少钾排泄,从而增加血清钾,最近开发的选择性 MR 阻滞剂艾沙烯酮已被证明可降低夜间和早晨血压,并降低 N 末端 B 型利钠肽 (NT-proBNP) 的水平。 , , , 其他钠释放药物,如血管紧张素受体脑啡肽酶抑制剂 (ARNI) 和钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白 2 (SGLT2) 抑制剂,这两种药物都是经证实的心力衰竭疗法,也可有效降低血压。 , , , , , , , SGLT2 抑制剂还可以降低糖尿病和高血压患者的 24 小时血压。 , , , ARNI最近在日本和中国推出,用于治疗高血压。ARNI在亚洲人的降血压作用比西方人更大, , 这凸显了这些药物在亚洲人群中的潜力。 然而,这些药物的供应和成本是普遍使用的主要障碍。

4.6. Widespread screening to improve awareness
4.6. 广泛筛查以提高认识

Rates of hypertension awareness in some Asian countries/regions are low, meaning that strategies such as screening for hypertension in public places (eg, the workplace or COVID‐19 vaccination centers), and self‐measurement of BP using HBPM at home and/or at work might be useful., , As part of the May Measurement Month initiative, BP was measured in millions of people in several Asian countries/regions. The prevalence of hypertension in screened populations was found to be 30.6% in East Asia and 47.8% in South‐East Asia and Australasia; corresponding hypertension awareness rates were 59.0% and 66.5%. Of patients with hypertension in Asia Pacific, only 16.8% to 28.6% were being treated with antihypertensive medication. Of those treated, more than one‐third (33.4% in East Asia and 36.8% in South‐East Asia and Australasia) had uncontrolled BP. This reinforces the need for effective strategies to both diagnose and treat hypertension in the region.
在一些亚洲国家/地区,高血压意识的发生率较低,这意味着在公共场所(如工作场所或COVID-19疫苗接种中心)筛查高血压以及在家中和/或工作中使用HBPM自我测量血压等策略可能有用。 , , 作为 5 月测量月计划的一部分,在几个亚洲国家/地区对数百万人进行了血压测量。 在筛查人群中,东亚的高血压患病率为30.6%,东南亚和大洋洲为47.8%;相应的高血压意识率分别为59.0%和66.5%。 在亚太地区的高血压患者中,只有16.8%至28.6%的患者正在接受抗高血压药物治疗。在接受治疗的患者中,超过三分之一(东亚为33.4%,东南亚和大洋洲为36.8%)血压不受控制。 这加强了在该地区诊断和治疗高血压的有效策略的必要性。

4.7. Use of telemedicine strategies
4.7. 远程医疗策略的使用

The COVID‐19 pandemic has increased the use of telemedicine strategies and means that telemedicine has become an increasingly popular and important option in Asia to ensure patient and physician safety and facilitate infection control., , A wearable BP monitoring device has been developed and validated, and there is also an ABPM technology platform to facilitate diagnostic and treatment decisions without the need for an office visit. In addition, telemedicine represents a useful approach to help deliver effective care to patients with hypertension, regardless of their location, in terms of monitoring BP, improving uptake of lifestyle recommendations and increasing medication adherence, all of which help to optimize disease management.
COVID-19 大流行增加了远程医疗策略的使用,这意味着远程医疗已成为亚洲越来越受欢迎和重要的选择,以确保患者和医生的安全并促进感染控制。 , , 一种可穿戴的血压监测设备已经开发和验证, 还有一个ABPM技术平台,无需就诊即可促进诊断和治疗决策。 此外,远程医疗代表了一种有用的方法,可以帮助为高血压患者提供有效的护理,无论他们身在何处,在监测血压、改善生活方式建议的接受和提高药物依从性方面,所有这些都有助于优化疾病管理。

In the STEP trial, the study participants and physicians used the smartphone‐based Hypertension Doctor App platform. This app is designed to help patients adhere to antihypertensive medication and monitor BP using several modules, including a link with medication records and the antihypertensive treatment plan, graphic data of home BP during follow‐up, interactive communications between patients and physicians, and cardiovascular health education. Digital hypertension management appears to contribute to sustained reductions in office and home BP, and has the potential to provide additional insights into disease pathophysiology and therapeutic targets, and contribute to personalized medicine strategies in hypertension. Digital therapeutics is another area showing promise for the management of patients with hypertension. The recent randomized controlled HERB Digital Hypertension 1 (HERB DH1) pivotal study investigated the use of the HERB system, which facilitates individual lifestyle modifications on six guideline‐recommended components (decrease salt intake, body weight control, regular exercise, better sleep, stress management, and moderating alcohol intake). The results showed significant reductions in both 24‐hour ambulatory BP and morning home SBP in patients managed using the HERB system.
在STEP试验中,研究参与者和医生使用基于智能手机的高血压医生应用程序平台。 该应用程序旨在帮助患者坚持抗高血压药物并使用多个模块监测血压,包括与药物记录和抗高血压治疗计划的链接、随访期间家庭血压的图形数据、患者与医生之间的互动交流以及心血管健康教育。数字高血压管理似乎有助于持续降低办公室和家庭血压,并有可能为疾病病理生理学和治疗靶点提供更多见解,并有助于高血压的个性化医疗策略。 数字疗法是另一个有望管理高血压患者的领域。最近的随机对照 HERB 数字高血压 1 (HERB DH1) 关键研究调查了 HERB 系统的使用,该系统有助于改变个人生活方式的六个指南推荐的组成部分(减少盐摄入量、控制体重、定期锻炼、改善睡眠、压力管理和适度饮酒)。结果显示,使用 HERB 系统管理的患者的 24 小时动态血压和早晨家庭 SBP 均显着降低。

Compared with specialist physicians, non‐specialists are less likely to provide adequate guidance on lifestyle modifications, possibly due to their uncertainty in understanding treatment guideline recommendations. In addition, there are significant gaps between physician and patient perspectives on hypertension management. Compared with physicians, patients had a lower perception of the amount of education provided on hypertension management by their physicians. In addition to effective regular follow‐up regarding lifestyle modifications, patient motivation by physicians is an important factor in improving implementation of lifestyle modifications and achieving effective hypertension management. Digital therapeutics provides a practical solution to bridge gaps in hypertension management.
与专科医生相比,非专科医生不太可能就生活方式的改变提供足够的指导, 这可能是由于他们对治疗指南建议的理解不确定。此外,医生和患者对高血压管理的看法存在显着差距。 与医生相比,患者对医生提供的高血压管理教育程度的感知较低。除了对生活方式的改变进行有效的定期随访外,医生对患者的积极性是改善生活方式改变实施和实现有效高血压管理的重要因素。数字疗法为弥合高血压管理方面的差距提供了一种实用的解决方案。


5.1. Renal denervation 5.1. 去肾神经支配

Resistant hypertension, defined based on HBPM or ABPM, is a significant risk for cardiovascular disease, including heart failure., Renal denervation (RDN) is an alternative approach to treatment for patients with resistant hypertension that has potential in Asian populations., , , , One of the benefits of RDN is a sustained reduction in BP, and this can be used as an adjunct or alternative to antihypertensive drug therapy and/or digital therapeutics‐guided lifestyle modifications. The optimal approach for each patient will best be determined based on a shared decision‐making process based on patient preference and evidence‐based recommendations from their physician.
根据 HBPM 或 ABPM 定义的顽固性高血压是心血管疾病(包括心力衰竭)的重要风险。 , 肾去神经支配术 (RDN) 是治疗难治性高血压患者的另一种方法,在亚洲人群中具有潜力。 , , , , RDN 的好处之一是血压持续降低,这可以用作抗高血压药物治疗和/或数字疗法指导的生活方式改变的辅助或替代方法。根据患者偏好和医生的循证建议,最好根据共同决策过程确定每位患者的最佳方法。

There is a growing body of clinical evidence to support decisions about whether to use RDN. In terms of evidence from Asia, the REnal denervation on Quality of 24‐hour BP control by Ultrasound In REsistant hypertension (REQUIRE) trial did not find any difference between the RDN and sham control group in the primary endpoint of 24‐hour SBP at 3‐month follow‐up after ultrasound RDN. However, there were a number of potential reasons that contributed to these findings. For example, increased awareness of high BP may change adherence to medication or lifestyle modifications after randomization, especially in the control group. In the REQUIRE trial, the difference in home SBP was greater in the RDN versus control group at 1‐month follow‐up but this difference disappeared at 3 months due to a progressive reduction in BP in the sham group.
越来越多的临床证据支持是否使用 RDN 的决定。就来自亚洲的证据而言,超声治疗高血压 (REsistant hypertension, REQUIRE) 试验对 24 小时血压控制质量的去神经支配在超声 RDN 后 3 个月随访时未发现 RDN 和假对照组在 24 小时 SBP 的主要终点上有任何差异。 然而,有许多潜在原因促成了这些发现。例如,对高血压的认识提高可能会改变随机分组后对药物的依从性或生活方式的改变,尤其是在对照组中。在 REQUIRE 试验中,RDN 组在 1 个月随访时与对照组相比,家庭 SBP 的差异更大,但由于假手术组的血压逐渐降低,这种差异在 3 个月时消失。

Data from a recent meta‐analysis including data from nine sham‐controlled trials, including the REQUIRE study, found that RDN significantly reduced 24‐hour SBP by 3.3 mmHg, daytime SBP by 3.5 mmHg, nighttime SBP by 3.2 mmHg, and office SBP by 5.3 mmHg compared with control. There were no significant differences in the 24‐hour BP‐lowering effects of RDN between patients who were versus were not receiving antihypertensive medication, or between radiofrequency and ultrasound RDN devices. However, in certain cases whose BP could not be controlled in spite of receiving a huge amount of antihypertensive drugs, RDN can be considered.
最近的一项荟萃分析数据(包括来自九项假对照试验(包括 REQUIRE 研究)的数据发现,与对照组相比,RDN 显著降低了 24 小时 SBP 3.3 mmHg、白天 SBP 和 3.5 mmHg、夜间 SBP 和 5.3 mmHg。 在接受抗高血压药物治疗的患者与未接受降压药物的患者之间,或射频和超声RDN设备之间,RDN的24小时降血压效果无显著差异。 然而,在某些情况下,尽管接受了大量的抗高血压药物,但血压仍无法控制,可以考虑RDN。

5.2. Perfect 24‐hour BP control
5.2. 完美的 24 小时血压控制

Early achievement and maintenance of 24‐hour BP control includes three components: strict lowering of 24‐hour BP; maintaining the dipper pattern of nocturnal BP; and maintenance of optimal BP variability. These are essential to reduce and prevent hypertension‐related target organ damage and associated diseases throughout the lifespan. To facilitate the achievement of this goal, research and development of wearable BP monitoring devices is needed. In the first study to compare BP values measured using a recently developed wrist‐worn watch‐type oscillometric BP monitoring (WBPM) device with those obtained using traditional ABPM, between‐device differences in both office and out‐of‐office BP were acceptable. In addition, BP measured using a wearable device has been shown to correlate with left ventricular mass. The larger number of BP measurements provided by a wearable device could detect individual peak BP, and might add to the clinical value of these measurements, thus complementing guideline‐recommended HBPM. “Cuff‐less” approaches to BP monitoring are ideal, but this technology needs further evaluation for measurement of absolute BP before it can be used in clinical practice.
24 小时血压控制的早期实现和维持包括三个组成部分:严格降低 24 小时血压;维持夜间血压的北斗星模式;并维持最佳的血压变异性。这些对于在整个生命周期中减少和预防高血压相关的靶器官损伤和相关疾病至关重要。 为了促进这一目标的实现,需要研究和开发可穿戴血压监测设备。 在第一项研究中,将使用最近开发的腕戴式手表式示波式血压监测 (WBPM) 设备测量的血压值与使用传统 ABPM 获得的血压值进行比较,办公室和办公室外的设备间血压差异是可以接受的。 此外,使用可穿戴设备测量的血压已被证明与左心室质量相关。 可穿戴设备提供的更多血压测量值可以检测到单个血压峰值,并可能增加这些测量值的临床价值,从而补充指南推荐的 HBPM。“无袖带”血压监测方法是理想的方法,但该技术需要进一步评估绝对血压测量,然后才能用于临床实践。


The benefits of effective BP lowering are greater in Asians than in Westerners. Therefore, antihypertensive strategies and action plans that take into account Asian characteristics should be shared and developed within and across the different and heterogeneous countries/regions in Asia. We hope that these seven action approaches from the HOPE Asia Network contribute to achieving the goal of “zero” cardiovascular events in Asia.


K. Kario reports research grant from A&D, Omron Healthcare, Fukuda Denshi, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Holdings, CureApp, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho, Daiichi Sankyo, Taisho Pharmaceutical, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Teijin Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim Japan, Pfizer Japan, Fukuda Lifetec, Bristol‐Myers Squibb, Mochida Pharmaceutical, Roche Diagnostics; and Consulting fees from A&D, JIMRO, Omron Healthcare, CureApp, Kyowa Kirin, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho, Terumo, Fukuda Denshi, Mochida Pharmaceutical; and Honoraria from Idorsia, Omron Healthcare, Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis Pharma, Mylan EPD; and Participation in Advisory Board of Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis Pharma, Fukuda Denshi outside the submitted work. Y.C. Chia has received sponsorships and speakers honorarium from Astra‐Zeneca, Omron, Medtronic and research grants from Pfizer, Omron and Viatris. S Siddique has received honoraria from Getz Pharma, Novartis, Pfizer, ICI, and Servier; and travel, accommodation, and conference registration support from Hilton Pharma, Atco Pharmaceutical, Highnoon Laboratories, Horizon Pharma and ICI. C.H. Chen reports Consulting fees from Novartis, and Honoraria from Pfizer, Daiichi Sankyo and SERVIER outside the submitted work. HM Cheng received speakers honorarium and sponsorship to attend conferences and CME seminars from Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca; Pfizer Inc; Bayer AG; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Daiichi Sankyo, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc; SERVIER; Co., Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Sanofi; TAKEDA Pharmaceuticals International and served as an advisor or consultant for ApoDx Technology, Inc. S. Park received honoraria from Pfizer, Boryoung, Hanmi, Daewoong, Donga, Celltrion, Servier, Daiichi Sankyo, and Daewon. Sungha Park also received research grant from Daiichi Sankyo. All other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
K. Kario 报告了 A&D、Omron Healthcare、Fukuda Denshi、Otsuka Pharmaceutical、Otsuka Holdings、CureApp、Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho、Daiichi Sankyo、Taisho Pharmaceutical、Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma、Takeda Pharmaceutical、Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma、Teijin Pharma、Boehringer Ingelheim Japan、Pfizer Japan、Fukuda Lifetec、Bristol-Myers Squibb、Mochida Pharmaceutical、Roche Diagnostics 的研究资助;以及A&D、JIMRO、Omron Healthcare、CureApp、Kyowa Kirin、Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho、Terumo、Fukuda Denshi、Mochida Pharmaceutical的咨询费;以及来自Idorsia、Omron Healthcare、Daiichi Sankyo、Novartis Pharma、Mylan EPD的酬金;并参与第一三共、诺华制药、福田电机的顾问委员会。Y.C. Chia已获得阿斯利康(Astra-Zeneca)、欧姆龙(Omron)、美敦力(Medtronic)的赞助和演讲者酬金,以及辉瑞(Pfizer)、欧姆龙(Omron)和维亚特里斯(Viatris)的研究资助。S Siddique 已获得 Getz Pharma、诺华、辉瑞、ICI 和施维雅的酬金;以及希尔顿制药、Atco Pharmaceutical、Highnoon Laboratories、Horizon Pharma 和 ICI 的差旅、住宿和会议注册支持。C.H. Chen报告了诺华的咨询费,以及辉瑞、第一三共和施维雅的酬金。郑国皇获得演讲者酬金和赞助,参加礼来和阿斯利康的会议和芝商所研讨会;辉瑞公司;拜耳股份公司;勃林格殷格翰制药公司;第一三共,诺华制药公司;施维雅;制药公司;赛诺菲;武田制药国际公司,并担任ApoDx Technology, Inc.的顾问或顾问。 S. Park获得了辉瑞、Boryoung、Hanmi、Daewoong、Donga、Celltrion、施维雅、第一三共和Daewon的酬金。 Sungha Park还获得了第一三共的研究资助。所有其他作者均无利益冲突需要声明。


The authors thank Viatris for the grant to support the HOPE Asia Network activities.

Notes 笔记

Kario K, Chia Y‐C, Siddique S, et al. Seven‐action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia – The HOPE Asia network. J Clin Hypertens. 2022;24:213–223. 10.1111/jch.14440 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] []
Kario K、Chia Y-C、Siddique S 等人。亚洲高血压管理的七种行动方法 – HOPE Asia 网络。J 临床高发症。2022;24:213–223.10.1111/jch.14440 [ PMC 免费文章] [ PubMed] [ CrossRef] [ Google 学术搜索]


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